@RajaRajendraTi1 I think risk pref is discussed in relation more to trust and Mifune-sensei, for instance, has a paper on this;
B. F. スキナーを追悼し、日本行動分析学会の機関誌『行動分析学研究』に所収された「罰なき社会」。1979年9月、スキナーが慶應義塾大学より名誉博士号を授与された際の記念公演の原稿を掲載したものです。スキナーは生前にこの原稿を論文にしていません。以下より無料DL可能。https://t.co/ALvOFV44Ol https://t.co/AkjaAobfZn
Our paper is out. We failed to find any interaction between culture and DRD4 polymorphism in social orientation, which is inconsistent with Kitayama et al. (2014). https://t.co/W1iotqa06U
The one year embargo of my paper "The value of preregistration for psychological science: A conceptual analysis" is lifted, and from now on it is available Open Access from Japanese Psychological Review: https://t.co/21k6F1tKA7 #openaccess
Hirofumi Hashimoto
Interdependence in a Japanese Cultural Context: Distinguishing between Preference and Expectation