
RT @SOLA_metsoc: #SOLA paper "Observed Concentric Eyewalls of Supertyphoon Hinnamnor (2022)" by Kanada & Nishii https://t.co/PokAAuxUF0…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: New Online Release of JMSJ Vol. 101, No.2 (April 2023): Ishioka K., 2023: What is the equivalent depth of the Pekeris mode…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: 2022年気象集誌論文賞受賞者が決定しましたのでお知らせ致します。 https://t.co/OtjizSBdeA Ishioka, K., N. Yamamoto, and M. Fujita, 2022: A formulation of…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: New Graphical Abstract now available online. Ishioka K., 2023: What is the equivalent depth of the Pekeris mode? J. Meteor…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: New Graphical Abstract now available online. Ishida, J., K. Aranami, K. Kawano, K. Matsubayashi, Y. Kitamura, C. Muroi, 20…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: New Graphical Abstract now available online! https://t.co/52YIu3g3ko Ishioka, K., N. Yamamoto, and M. Fujita, 2022: A for…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Yamazaki, K., Image Sharpening Method Suitable for Himawari-8 Images, SOLA, 2021, Vol.17, 224-227, doi:10.…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: New Graphical Abstract now available online! https://t.co/VDQHRyhbSU Nakanishi, M., H. Niino, and T. Anzai, 2022: Stabili…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: New Online Release now available online! Hioki, T., and K. Tsuboki, 2021: The mechanisms of warm core development and pres…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: New Graphical Abstract of JMSJ now available online! https://t.co/sjg4irOuYk Roh, W., M. Satoh, and C. Hohenegger, 2021:…
@ShoMinobe @bomb_akyura 異常気象分析検討会がそういう戦略のようですね (例えば, https://t.co/WXgJIrjVfS).
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: New Graphical Abstract of JMSJ now available online! https://t.co/0dt5i1ZxfR Yamada et al., 2021: The Double warm-core st…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: New Graphical Abstract of JMSJ now available online! https://t.co/BJhH7to5kP Hioki, T., and K. Tsuboki, 2021: Trajectory…
RT @uya_takane: 下記プレス発表の論文が公開されていました。誰でも読めます! https://t.co/F5tkLSULYm 髙根雄也( @uya_takane )、伊藤享洋( @takahiroi1114 ) 「なぜ #浜松 で歴代最高気温41.1℃が観測され…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Nakashita and Enomoto, Factors for an Abrupt Increase in Track Forecast Error of Typhoon Hagibis (2019), S…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Katsuyama and Inatsu, Advantage of volume scanning video disdrometer in solid-precipitation obs…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Wada and Chan, Increasing TCHP in the western North Pacific and its influence on the intensity…
@bomb_akyura 2010 年代前半に活発に行われていたみたいですね. JMA-NHM でも(台風経路だけではなく包括的に)報告されてます. https://t.co/kRR6hLfLec
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Ito and Ichikawa, Warm Ocean Accelerating Tropical Cyclone Hagibis (2019) through Interaction with a Mid-L…
ふむふむ... 領域大気モデルでのアンサンブルメンバーの作り方: J-STAGE Articles - Impact of Dense and Frequent Surface Observations on 1-Minute-Update Severe Rainstorm Prediction: A Simulation Study https://t.co/9JvaN2uNi6
RT @tmiyama: 私も共著者に加わった論文が出ました。昨年の台風19号の東北の大雨には親潮域の暖水渦が関わっていました。 Iizuka et al: Influence of Warm SST in the Oyashio Region on Rainfall Dist…
RT @asahi_shu: ありそうでなかった論文。台風の強度予報(発表予報)の相互比較(気象庁、中国気象局、JTWC)。1年あたり1-2 %(進路予報と比べると半分程度)で予報精度が改善していますね。https://t.co/u8OwlgsXQW
今回のオンライン発表で(他発表者のコメント欄から)教えてもらった文献 2: 台風ー寒冷渦相互作用による日本海での低気圧発達(潜熱解放による渦度移流の促進) https://t.co/wFPuOXm0mh
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Orikasa et al., In Situ Measurements of Cloud and Aerosol Microphysical Properties in Summertime Convectiv…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Fujita et al., Experimental observations of precipitable water vapor over the open ocean collec…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: A new graphical abstract! https://t.co/RgQZRjZA5l Yamaguchi, M., and S. Maeda, 2020: Slowdown of Typhoon Translation Spee…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: Just published! Wang, C.-C. et al., 2020: A modeling study on the impacts of Typhoon Morakot’s (2009) vortex structure on…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: Just published! Takamura, N., and A. Wada, 2020: Unusual characteristics of extratropical transition of typhoons in Augus…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: A new graphical abstract! https://t.co/1umuMDnlfz Ohno, T., A. T. Noda, and M. Satoh, 2020: Impacts of sub-grid ice cloud…
RT @masakisatoh2015: Tomoki Ohno's RCE study shows the importance of turbulence scheme on future high cloud changes: Ohno, Noda, and Satoh…
この実験面白い. よくある竜巻実験よりも, 実際の発生環境場をうまくモデル化できていると思う. (JpGU 高校生セッション) [O04-P63] アナログ実験によるつむじ風の発生・消滅条件の探求 https://t.co/d6UNSywOHP
「ため池」の水は全部ぜんぶ抜いた方がよい (JpGU 高校生セッション) [O04-P09] ため池の「池干し」がリン循環に与える影響 https://t.co/hz71Jx43g4
土の温度変化から比熱を逆算する. (JpGU 高校生セッション) [O04-P24] 放射温度計による様々な土質の比熱放射温度計による様々な土質の比熱と熱容量 https://t.co/csWRDp1PnJ
気象台の人員が削減されている中で, 頼もしい研究 (JpGU 高校生セッション) [O04-P64] 視程観測の自動化 https://t.co/4712RbmUeD
面白い自作の流体実験 (JpGU 高校生セッション) [O04-P15] 物体の形状変化に伴う流体による抵抗の大小比較と抵抗係数の算出実験 ~抵抗係数を算出するための数式の推定~ https://t.co/YT0AkH9A2k
柱状節理は六角形だけではない. [O04-P49] ドローンによる高精度3Dモデルと片栗粉実験による柱状節理形態の統計的観測とその成因に関する研究 https://t.co/Dr0jancL9N
JpGU 高校生セッション [O04-P61] 城ヶ島のポットホールは何年間でできたのか? https://t.co/TQoFISUaIf
RT @tmiyama: 静岡県の高校生による研究 #JpGU2020 JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020/マイクロプラスチックによる海洋汚染 https://t.co/pbdT9LppNp
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: A new graphical abstract! https://t.co/lLPB9Jvst8 Miyamoto, Y., Y. Sato, S. Nishizawa, H. Yashiro, T. Seiki, and A. T. No…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Katsumata et al., An Attempt to Retrieve Continuous Water Vapor Profiles in Marine Lower Troposphere Using…
[メモ] 最小値探索のための粒子群最適化 https://t.co/CVbOg22hHB
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Sugi et al., Future Changes in the Global Frequency of Tropical Cyclone Seeds, SOLA, 2020, VOL.16, 70-74,…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: Just published! Miyamoto, Y., S. Nishizawa, and H. Tomita, 2020: Impacts of number of cloud condensation nuclei on two-di…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: Just published! Geng, B., M. Katsumata, and K. Taniguchi, 2020: Modulation of the diurnal cycle of precipitation near the…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: New Graphical Abstract! https://t.co/AidMHr9vS5 Wang et al., 2020: A modeling study on the impacts of Typhoon Morakot (20…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: Just published! Fudeyasu et al., 2020: Development conditions for tropical storms over the western North Pacific stratifi…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: Just published! Ito, K., C.-C. Wu, K. T. F. Chan, R. Toumi, and C. Davis, 2020: Recent progress in the fundamental unders…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: Just published! Miao, J.-E., and M.-J. Yang, 2020: A modeling study of the severe afternoon thunderstorm event at Taipei…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: SOLA Early Online Release: Hashimoto et al., Process-tracking scheme based on bulk microphysics to diagnose the features o…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: New Graphical Abstract! https://t.co/50keL4wChe Geng, B., M. Katsumata, and K. Taniguchi, 2020: Modulation of the diurnal…
RT @masuomso: J-STAGE Articles - Influence of the Track Forecast of Typhoon Prapiroon on the Heavy Rainfall in Western Japan in July 2018 h…
RT @itokosk: 台風の進路に関する主に2014年以降の基礎研究をレビューした論文の速報版がJMSJから出ました。第19号に関連しそうな話題はないですが、興味のある方はどうぞ。台風の進路の基本を知りたい人にはこの中で挙げているChan(2010)がおすすめ。 https…
多重壁雲が形成されるときに見られる中心点のトロコイダル運動が見えているようです. 台風の眼が反時計回りにぐるぐる回る. https://t.co/S6ZQLUc5xK https://t.co/op10vTovfb
@micchi1205 @rivhiro いわゆるトロコイダル運動ってやつですかね. https://t.co/S6ZQLUc5xK
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: JMSJ New paper published: Oda, M., and H. Kanehisa, 2019: A simple model of the resonant interaction between vortex Rossby…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: JMSJ New paper published:Ito, T., S. Nishimoto, and H. Kanehisa, 2018: Growing vortex Rossby waves with azimuthal wavenumb…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: JMSJ New paper published: Yamashita et al 2018: Response of the Southern Hemisphere atmosphere to the stratospheric equat…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: JMSJ New paper published: Kadoya, T., and H. Masunaga, 2018: New observational metrics of convective self -aggregation: Me…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: SOLA New paper: Yamaguchi et al., Tropical Cyclone Intensity Prediction in the Western North Pacific Basin Using SHIPS and…
RT @itokosk: NHKのニュースで流していただきました。 台風の「目」に入って観測 “効果確かめられた” | NHKニュース https://t.co/K50tR5M0us プレスリリース全文→https://t.co/GagFLadUO4 基礎となる論文→…


#SOLA new paper "Development of a New Particle Imaging Radiosonde with Particle Fall Velocity Measurements in Clouds" by K. Suzuki et al. https://t.co/1g4L5ugf9p
日本風工学会誌に台風強度の解説記事を書きました。 台風強度に関する近年の研究の進展について https://t.co/YF2es33Uqo
「マイクロ波放射計の観測データとその利用」https://t.co/l3ApTj9I3Q サウンダとイメージャについて勉強になる_φ(・_・
#SOLA early online release Internal Precipitation and Kinematic Structure of the South Pacific Convergence Zone https://t.co/0wXbWIVqvC
#SOLA early online release Simultaneous Observations of Atmosphere and Ocean Directly under Typhoons Using Autonomous Surface Vehicles https://t.co/dHgjmyXUUM
#SOLA early online release Tropical Cyclone Track Modified by a Front Located to the Northeast https://t.co/Q94zd6vfyO
#SOLA paper "Observed Concentric Eyewalls of Supertyphoon Hinnamnor (2022)" by Kanada & Nishii https://t.co/PokAAuxUF0 https://t.co/ar2GHmMgMI
New Online Release of JMSJ Vol. 101, No.2 (April 2023): Ishioka K., 2023: What is the equivalent depth of the Pekeris mode? J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 101, 139-148. https://t.co/GDe74GIO22 https://t.co/Qf564OdJw9 https://t.co/V9F9LXEpRz
#SOLA new paper Horinouchi, T., and T. Mitsuyuki "Gross assessment of the dynamical impact of numerous powergenerating sailing ships on the atmosphere and evaluation of the impact on tropical cyclones" https://t.co/Q5AgtqoZZq https://t.co/otRlKRay5u
日本物理学会誌は宝の山。積ん読はほんともったいない。https://t.co/IgSPfeJBbj 熱力学第2法則は量子力学から導かれる!すこし前に話題になった理論の解説をもう一度読む。「純粋状態はユニタリー的な時間発展により熱的に緩和する」など、呆然とするようなことが書いてある。物理学は進歩している。
I used #ncl in Enomoto (2008). https://t.co/0vUtgAvJqa
2022年気象集誌論文賞受賞者が決定しましたのでお知らせ致します。 https://t.co/OtjizSBdeA Ishioka, K., N. Yamamoto, and M. Fujita, 2022: A formulation of a three-dimensional spectral model for the primitive equations. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 100, 445-469. https://t.co/jDQ3H9cO7H https://t.co/blvhPvQ3wR
Sola new paper: Shengning Zhang and Yaokun Li, A Fractional Recharge-Discharge Model for ENSO, SOLA, 2022, Vol. 18, 254-258, doi:10.2151/sola.2022-041, https://t.co/FbBELEA6JN , #SOLA https://t.co/RbYiOxRSjv
New Graphical Abstract now available online. Ishioka K., 2023: What is the equivalent depth of the Pekeris mode? J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 101. https://t.co/GDe74GIO22 https://t.co/Qf564OdJw9 https://t.co/2A2pYPA9xZ
朝倉書店さんから、新刊をお送り頂きました。大気の川の論文 https://t.co/Y5yhPLAr1s も引用して頂いて感激です。線状降水帯について詳しく知りたい人は、まず最初にこれを読んでみると良さそうですね! https://t.co/xNP07kan2q
#統計 お勧めの文献はこれ https://t.co/qz3fJWO7DE 連載 第3回 医学データの統計解析の基本 2つの割合の比較 朝倉こう子・濱﨑俊光 Cochran規準の俗説の権威に従わずにコンピュータで確認してから、どうするべきあるかを解説している。 科学的であるためにはこうでなければいけない。 https://t.co/ZVfAbynq6u
New Graphical Abstract now available online. Yamada, S. and H. Kusaka, 2022: Spatial structure and formation mechanism of local winds “Suzuka-oroshi” at the foothills of Suzuka Mountains, Japan J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 100. https://t.co/bSoqJV9aXe https://t.co/8bZMqdG4hR
New Graphical Abstract now available online. Ishida, J., K. Aranami, K. Kawano, K. Matsubayashi, Y. Kitamura, C. Muroi, 2022: ASUCA: the JMA operational non-hydrostatic model. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 100. https://t.co/tPqxuFzcaj https://t.co/iAj3FE2Wkw
これまでの6月の歴代最高気温は2011年熊谷の39.8℃で、この事例では特殊なフェーンが関係していたが、今回は事例はどうか... 以下、宣伝 「日本における地域スケールの猛暑」 日本の猛暑に関する解説(日本語) https://t.co/pNabABIK6k 2011年39.8℃@熊谷 論文(英語) https://t.co/9thc7vMygX https://t.co/jN6vhjDbPZ
Sola new paper : Ryuho Kataoka, Stephen D. Winn, Emile Touber,Meteotsunamis in Japan Associated with the Tonga Eruption in January 2022,SOLA,2022,Vol.18,116-121,doi:10.2151/sola.2022-019,https://t.co/G2oi6ZXF0Q https://t.co/6Mq8J5HlUA
ごく簡単な内容ですが、研究の解説が地球環境研究センターニュースに掲載されています! https://t.co/0qNt1BJ0Mc 気候変動への影響評価・適応研究のために必要なデータセットの解釈に役立つ情報をまとめました。必要に応じて参照していただければと思います。 論文リンク: https://t.co/y56cmzD35h https://t.co/Kp0qGHa886
Sola new paper: Li and Kang, Energy Dispersion of Westward Propagating Rossby Waves in Tropical Easterlies, SOLA, 2022, Vol.18, 76-80, doi:10.2151/sola.2022-013, https://t.co/Z71Z2nfybB https://t.co/bkSRNc8l4O
論文でました!まだ早期公開資料ですが無料で見れます。 日本での気候変動影響評価・適応政策の研究に今後使われるデータセットの元となる5つの気候モデルの特性を調べました。 Assessment of CMIP6-based future climate projections selected for impact studies in Japan https://t.co/BVVsrxhZZp
New Online Release has been published online! https://t.co/cqR1Y3JjtP Steppeler, J. Li, F. Fang, and J. Zhu, 2021: The o2o3 local Galerkin method using a differentiable flux representation. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 100, 9-27. https://t.co/h3mhc9Agix
New Graphical Abstract now available online! https://t.co/52YIu3g3ko Ishioka, K., N. Yamamoto, and M. Fujita, 2022: A formulation of a three-dimensional spectral model for the primitive equations. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 100, https://t.co/jDQ3H9cO7H. https://t.co/LdUbjdeGwY
Sola new paper: Maejima et al., Observing System Simulation Experiments of a Rich Phased Array Weather Radar Network Covering Kyushu for the July 2020 Heavy Rainfall Event, SOLA, Vol.18, 25-32, doi:10.2151/sola.2022-005, https://t.co/z6uonoqNQY https://t.co/cr3wsNbibh
Sola early online release: Terasaki and Miyoshi, A 1024-Member NICAM-LETKF Experiment for the July 2020 Heavy Rainfall Event, SOLA, 2022, Vol.18A, doi:10.2151/sola.18A-002, https://t.co/ewLdRcGDtm
Sola early online release: Tochimoto et al., Influence of an Upper-level Trough on the Formation of a Baiu Frontal Depression that Caused a Torrential Rainfall Event in Southern Kyushu, Japan, on July 4, 2020, SOLA, 2022, Vol.18A, doi:10.2151/sola.18A-001, https://t.co/YsyrDpbElD
JPCZと北海道西方海上を南下する低気圧との間に「逆くの字状」の高気圧循環が形成されています。この東北〜北陸の日本海沿岸にかかる逆くの字状の高気圧性循環の形成メカニズムについては、新潟大学の本田明治教授が提唱されています。https://t.co/N2V6n1ik3q https://t.co/JYteokycME
Identification of snowing conditions for unstable measurements of ultrasonic anemometer https://t.co/D3pPSusk16 超音波風向風速計で検索すると、異常値を出す理由としてまずは雪氷付着が挙げられるらしく、他にもあるのかもしれないが、これだけとっても中々苦労しそう。
Sola new paper: Ota et al., Spatial-Scale Characteristics of a Three-Dimensional Cloud-Resolving Solar Radiation Budget Based on Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Simulations, SOLA, Vol.17, 228-233, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-040, https://t.co/WXBa23ik62 https://t.co/mL1p6WlJRs
Sola new paper: Yamazaki, K., Image Sharpening Method Suitable for Himawari-8 Images, SOLA, 2021, Vol.17, 224-227, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-039, https://t.co/Olhfh9dNLd https://t.co/8ME4su5NBL
>RT これを生データから高解像度描画してみた(手法:https://t.co/sDlbuAuuCl) https://t.co/Phc3IFmX1n
来週の講演用に真鍋さんの学生時代の論文を読んでみる。気圧パターンへの凝結熱の影響とか、日本海での気団変質とか、私の興味と結構被る。同世代でなくてよかった? https://t.co/Q4docTOOwH https://t.co/DoIXbP2lrr https://t.co/9xh4NatXqp
来週の講演用に真鍋さんの学生時代の論文を読んでみる。気圧パターンへの凝結熱の影響とか、日本海での気団変質とか、私の興味と結構被る。同世代でなくてよかった? https://t.co/Q4docTOOwH https://t.co/DoIXbP2lrr https://t.co/9xh4NatXqp
来週の講演用に真鍋さんの学生時代の論文を読んでみる。気圧パターンへの凝結熱の影響とか、日本海での気団変質とか、私の興味と結構被る。同世代でなくてよかった? https://t.co/Q4docTOOwH https://t.co/DoIXbP2lrr https://t.co/9xh4NatXqp
(Correction) New Graphical Abstract now available online! https://t.co/i4Tz7pNit2 Huang, H.-P., and G. N. Raghunathan, 2022: Predictability associated with high-latitude retrograde waves in the 1979-80 winter season. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 100, https://t.co/kPE3hUuLyf https://t.co/1b8Gsn1qEC
Sola new paper: Umehara et al., Analysis of the Tornadic Debris Signatures of the Ichihara Tornado in a Typhoon Environment Using Two Operational C-band Dual-Polarization Weather Radars, SOLA, Vol.17, 196-201, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-034, https://t.co/2iRsO7eKuZ https://t.co/witJy47kSQ
Stability Functions in the Stable Surface Layer Derived from the Mellor–Yamada–Nakanishi–Niino (MYNN) Scheme https://t.co/FeHEQvrRNA
New Graphical Abstract now available online! https://t.co/VDQHRyhbSU Nakanishi, M., H. Niino, and T. Anzai, 2022: Stability functions in the stable surface layer derived from the Mellor–Yamada–Nakanishi–Niino (MYNN) scheme. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 100, https://t.co/olwMWfamBm https://t.co/HwuAS4zKDH
数値予報課工藤さんのJMSJ論文。深層畳み込みニューラルネットワークによる面的気温ガイダンスは、現行の(地点別カルマンフィルタに基づく)よりも沿岸前線の位置ずれや極端気温の表現を通じて平均成績を大幅に改善する由 https://t.co/r42xCCEZom
New Online Release now available online! Hioki, T., and K. Tsuboki, 2021: The mechanisms of warm core development and pressure falls of a developing typhoon as simulated by a cloud-resolving model. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 99, 1329-1350. https://t.co/FYIEUqWMVR https://t.co/334hWF6Pu3
New Online Release now available online! Yamada et al., 2021: The double warm-core structure of Typhoon Lan (2017) as observed through the first Japanese eyewall-penetrating aircraft reconnaissance. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 99, 1297-1327. https://t.co/lefRywt8ld https://t.co/lFLxgDOFm0
New Graphical Abstract now available online! https://t.co/SXBMohTI7r Tochimoto, E. et al., 2022: Ensemble experiments for a maritime meso-β-scale vortex that spawned tornado-like vortices causing shipwrecks. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 100, https://t.co/JWPkYUlwRV. https://t.co/OXp41oId6W
夜中に台風が発達しやすいことについては、 福田ら(2020) https://t.co/YJ0bBjh1YH とか Tangら(2019) https://t.co/ZF2xSglhKX とか、最近結構たくさん論文が出てる。
New Graphical Abstract of JMSJ now available online! https://t.co/sjg4irOuYk Roh, W., M. Satoh, and C. Hohenegger, 2021: Intercomparison of cloud properties in DYAMOND simulations over the Atlantic Ocean. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 99, https://t.co/u9pZFuHVxk. https://t.co/Py55yzkiC5
New JMSJ Online Publication at J-Stage Released! https://t.co/4kfvOxxunz Shibuya, R. et al., 2021: Prediction skill of the boreal summer intra-seasonal oscillation in global non-hydrostatic atmospheric model simulations with explicit cloud microphysics. JMSJ, 99, 973-992. https://t.co/YqfW8Ahm9l
New JMSJ Online Publication at J-Stage Released! https://t.co/2AYmNMeTSr Chien, F.-C., Y.-C. Chiu, and C.-H. Tsou, 2021: A Climatological study of southwesterly flows and heavy precipitation in Taiwan during Mei-yu seasons from 1979 to 2018. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 99, 913-931. https://t.co/iprDuiL4aU
New JMSJ Online Publication at J-Stage Released! https://t.co/QPK40uuu48 Mapes, B., 2021: Toward form-function relationships for mesoscale structure in convection. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 99, 847-878. https://t.co/tlPEL5pho0
New JMSJ Online Publication at J-Stage Released! https://t.co/S2gTZWGECH Haynes, P., P. Hitchcock, M. Hitchman, S. Yoden, H. Hendon, G. Kiladis, K. Kodera, and I. Simpson, 2021: The influence of the stratosphere on the tropical troposphere. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 99, 803-845. https://t.co/YHuN0dgeXA
Sola early online release: Takemura and Mukougawa, Tropical Cyclogenesis Triggered by Rossby Wave Breaking over the Western North Pacific, SOLA, 2021, Vol.17, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-029, https://t.co/HrlIwYhRlv
Sola new paper: Wu and Takemi, The Impact of Topography on the Initial Error Growth Associated with Moist Convection, SOLA, 2021, Vol.17, 134-139, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-024, https://t.co/mOfq6mPXXg https://t.co/kvVxkoZ4pD
Sola new paper: Kanada et al., Projection of Future Enhancement of Heavy Rainfalls Associated with Typhoon Hagibis (2019) Using a Regional 1-km-mesh Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Model, SOLA, 2021, Vol.17A, doi:10.2151/sola.17A-007, 38-44, https://t.co/6dscmP7FoD https://t.co/aprM7EeTmf
The Double Warm-Core Structure of Typhoon Lan (2017) as Observed through the First Japanese Eyewall-Penetrating Aircraft Reconnaissance https://t.co/qwiw05w9FY
@yuyabbjp 2002年8月に夏に予測しにくい切離低気圧が中欧に洪水をもたらしました。切離低気圧の予測可能性にフロリダ沖の熱低が影響。手前味噌ですが Enomoto et al. 2007; 2015 https://t.co/RUiHhN8Z8x https://t.co/1pQu5z95cg
New Graphical Abstract of JMSJ now available online! https://t.co/BJhH7to5kP Hioki, T., and K. Tsuboki, 2021: Trajectory Analyses on the warm core development and pressure falls of a developing typhoon as simulated by a cloud-resolving model. JMSJ, 99, https://t.co/FYIEUqWMVR. https://t.co/DqPUPXvkWb
Sola early online release: Wu and Takemi, The Impact of Topography on the Initial Error Growth Associated with Moist Convection, SOLA, VOL.17, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-024, https://t.co/lIBhbJYc7u
Sola early online release: Kanada et al., Projection of Future Enhancement of Heavy Rainfalls Associated with Typhoon Hagibis (2019) using a Regional 1-km-mesh Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Model, SOLA, VOL.17, doi:10.2151/sola.17A-007, https://t.co/TBBEzlHe55
Wu and Takemi "The Impact of Topography on the Initial Error Growth Associated with Moist Convection" https://t.co/Hz5kKjDKsV A paper by one of my PhD students. Congratulations, Wu-san! https://t.co/2FuGxTf94L
Just published online! Moroda, Y., K. Tsuboki, S. Satoh, K. Nakagawa, T. Ushio, and S. Shimizu, 2021: Structure and evolution of precipitation cores in an isolated convective storm observed by phased array weather radar. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 99, 765-784. https://t.co/WLXJj2mhTt https://t.co/gOLjRvQh2B
下記プレス発表の論文が公開されていました。誰でも読めます! https://t.co/F5tkLSULYm 髙根雄也( @uya_takane )、伊藤享洋( @takahiroi1114 ) 「なぜ #浜松 で歴代最高気温41.1℃が観測されたか? —実況と過去の高温事例との比較による考察—」 天気( @TENKI_metsoc )、68、149-163 https://t.co/sUKb014NCI
Sola new paper: Kondo et al., Evaluation of Cloud Microphysical Schemes for Winter Snowfall Events in Hokkaido: A Case Study of Snowfall by Winter Monsoon, SOLA, 2021, VOL.17, 74-80, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-012, https://t.co/1IYrhGYZTD https://t.co/tnPqTa4Mft
New Graphical Abstract now available online! https://t.co/yPxRviMoQG Wu, Y.-J. et al., 2021: Precipitation processes of a thunderstorm occurred on 19 August 2014 in northern Taiwan documented by using a high resolution 4DVar data assimilation system. https://t.co/XWydiVyURE. https://t.co/Jrz94vs7Dm
Sola new paper: Nakashita and Enomoto, Factors for an Abrupt Increase in Track Forecast Error of Typhoon Hagibis (2019), SOLA, 2021, VOL.17A, 33-37, doi:10.2151/sola.17A-006, https://t.co/xyjko9vDg0 https://t.co/9jlge6SH86
中心気圧が905hPaまで発達した台風第2号、急速発達(Rapid Intensification:RI)の定義を1日当たり15.4m/s強まる台風とすると、ちゃんとRIを経験していますね。https://t.co/4YPVKEOb4p https://t.co/8D47MLM6SX
New JMSJ Graphical Abstract available online! https://t.co/kgMA2dMp8a Moroda, Y. et al., 2021: Structure and evolution of precipitation cores in an isolated convective storm observed by phased array weather radar. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 99, https://t.co/WLXJj2mhTt https://t.co/utjnXYwk1T
New Graphical Abstract of JMSJ now available online! https://t.co/YBiLStdJZh Haynes, P. et al., 2021: The influence of the stratosphere on the tropical troposphere. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 99, https://t.co/S2gTZWGECH. https://t.co/SaxJXmOHIe
Sola early online release: Nakashita and Enomoto, Factors for an Abrupt Increase in Track Forecast Error of Typhoon Hagibis (2019), SOLA, VOL.17A, 10.2151/sola.17A-006, https://t.co/047RfjWr2L
Congratulations for Soari's first paper. Factors for an Abrupt Increase in Track Forecast Error of Typhoon Hagibis (2019) https://t.co/sI22EECOIK
Sola early online release: Geng and Shirooka, Fine Structure of an Active Monsoon Trough Observed in the Western North Pacific, SOLA, VOL.17, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-013, https://t.co/4Cvx2zSLrq
Sola new paper: Wada and Chan, Increasing TCHP in the Western North Pacific and Its Influence on the Intensity of FAXAI and HAGIBIS in 2019, SOLA, VOL.17A, 29-32, doi:10.2151/sola.17A-005, https://t.co/1DuBcYVXyl https://t.co/NPAD0nyL7M
Sola early online release: Kondo et al., Evaluation of cloud microphysical schemes for winter snowfall events in Hokkaido: A case study of snowfall by winter monsoon, SOLA, VOL.17, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-012, https://t.co/GL1og3mnzn
飽和水蒸気圧の計算誤差 https://t.co/VdjaSdoFk2
Sola new paper: Duc et al., Forecasts of the July 2020 Kyushu Heavy Rain Using a 1000-Member Ensemble Kalman Filter, SOLA, VOL.17, 41-47, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-007, https://t.co/oNr37ReRc1 https://t.co/9GnV99ApvW
Sola new paper: Katsuyama and Inatsu, Advantage of Volume Scanning Video Disdrometer in Solid-Precipitation Observation, SOLA, VOL.17, 35-40, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-006, https://t.co/xFYP6nOYh0 https://t.co/1NpSk2r0c0
New JMSJ Publication (Vol. 99, No. 1) now available online! Unuma, T., and T. Takemi, 2021: Rainfall characteristics and their environmental conditions during the heavy rainfall events over Japan in July of 2017 and 2018. JMSJ, 99, 165-180. https://t.co/UrxzugN7Wr
2017年と2018年に生じた大雨の特徴と、それらがどんな環境条件と関わっているのかについて調べた論文が出版されました。https://t.co/wXFktU9U3L 期間内の雨量に対し大雨の降った場所では、総じて組織化した降水系による寄与が大きいことを Unuma and Takemi (2016, QJ) を改良し明らかにしました。
鍵アカウントの方から教えてもらいましたが、この話は HUSCAP に論文あるみたいです。 Fujii and Kojima, 1974, 踏み固められた雪の消雪の遅れ https://t.co/f2ZrNYZXHb
昔、山田さんが華南の水田がMeiyuの降水に及ぼす影響を調べた研究を思い出した。広葉樹林の頃は雨も弱かったんだろうか? https://t.co/Foey1IcYgS https://t.co/7eOHkD2tth
Sola new paper: Kanada et al., Future Changes of a Slow-Moving Intense Typhoon with Global Warming: A Case Study Using a Regional 1-km-mesh Atmosphere–Ocean Coupled Model, SOLA, 2021, VOL.17A, 14-20, doi: 10.2151/sola.17A-003, https://t.co/267lX0mcQH https://t.co/PPJNPUdPy6
Sola new paper: Kawase et al., Enhancement of Extremely Heavy Precipitation Induced by Typhoon Hagibis (2019) due to Historical Warming, SOLA, 2021, VOL.17A, 7-13, doi:10.2151/sola.17A-002, https://t.co/df3KeXExiV https://t.co/CzS5rDei6z
Sola new paper: Araki et al., Characteristics of Atmospheric Environments of Quasi-Stationary Convective Bands in Kyushu, Japan during the July 2020 Heavy Rainfall Event, SOLA, 2021,VOL.17, 8-15, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-002, https://t.co/42h4ZiWYBx https://t.co/QTyHPVeXrt
令和2年7月豪雨で九州に記録的大雨をもたらした線状降水帯の要因についての論文が本公開になりました. Araki et al. 2021: Characteristics of Atmospheric Environments of Quasi-Stationary Convective Bands in Kyushu, Japan during the July 2020 Heavy Rainfall Event. https://t.co/KsZG0v1g8P https://t.co/OZW0fYsWOe
Sola early online release: Katsuyama and Inatsu, Advantage of volume scanning video disdrometer in solid-precipitation observation, SOLA, 2021, VOL.17, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-006, https://t.co/fKVwjXbD1h
New Graphical Abstract is now available online! https://t.co/sAnoJ42KPw Li, T.-H., and Y. Wang, 2021: The role of boundary layer dynamics in tropical cyclone intensification. Part II: Sensitivity to initial vortex structure. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 99, https://t.co/eCO5eNPJkC https://t.co/1EdUJ4v4tv
Sola early online release: Wada and Chan, Increasing TCHP in the western North Pacific and its influence on the intensity of FAXAI and HAGIBIS in 2019, SOLA, 2021, VOL.17A, doi:10.2151/sola.17A-005, https://t.co/UhOnn854Vq
@ShoMinobe すみません。進路です(強度も良くなる)。下記のFig. 4-5にまとめています。基本的には、少し先の予報なら進路に効く現象が見えるまで、もう少し先の予報なら、進路に効く現象に効く現象が見えるまでとなります。(続く) https://t.co/nJ3tflNkEB
Sola new paper: Ito and Ichikawa, Warm Ocean Accelerating Tropical Cyclone Hagibis (2019) through Interaction with a Mid-Latitude Westerly Jet, SOLA, 2021, VOL.17A, 1-6, doi:10.2151/sola.17A-001, https://t.co/pO39WxyK2D https://t.co/qgIfKRmlPf
令和2年7月豪雨の論文を書きました.豪雨時に発生した線状降水帯9事例の多くで梅雨前線上のメソ低気圧が大気下層の水蒸気流入を強化し,短時間の大雨を多発させていたことがわかりました.線状降水帯の高精度予測にメソ低気圧の監視・予測が有効である可能性を示唆しています.https://t.co/KsZG0v1g8P https://t.co/458TQHC8VE
Sola early online release: Kanada et al., Future Changes of a Slow-moving Intense Typhoon with Global Warming: A Case Study using a regional 1-km-mesh atmosphere–ocean coupled model, SOLA, 2021, VOL.17A, doi:10.2151/sola.17A-003, https://t.co/2MqAbVhYfV
New Graphical Abstract has just come out. https://t.co/53HakYP3jJ Min, K.-S. et al., 2021: Formation mechanism of a stationary line-shaped precipitation system in the Kinki District, Japan -Case study on 1 September 2015 event- https://t.co/mdSP5xNV7U https://t.co/zfvYN6liTI
New Graphical Abstract now available online! https://t.co/FLewSVrUnM Yamashita, Y. et al., 2021: Effect of model resolution on black Carbon transport from Siberia to the Arctic associated with the well-developed low-pressure systems in September. https://t.co/x5r1Iz2haO. https://t.co/e0FP8E9nZ9
Graphical Abstractが公開されました。Takemi and Unuma (2019, SOLA) https://t.co/5WotL6FcFH にて2018年豪雨について調べた時には十分に分からなかった、「どんな降水系が大雨に寄与しているのか?」という疑問について少しだけ理解が進みました。 https://t.co/HYLDeopyIF
New Graphical Abstract now available online! https://t.co/HybJcZ4VHO Unuma, T., and T. Takemi, 2021: Rainfall characteristics and their environmental conditions during the heavy rainfall events over Japan in July of 2017 and 2018. https://t.co/UrxzugN7Wr https://t.co/Q8Pcp10Zmf
元研究室の先輩が書かれたサブメソ渦に関するレビュー記事を読んだ。同分野のレビューで有名なMcWilliams (2016) よりも実際的で、観測寄りに書かれているのが有難い。南極海での今後の展開に妄想が膨らみます…

