Edward W. (@edwardW2)


RT @NDLJP_en: It is not unusual for Japanese companies to make and distribute original calendars. This one is of a silk manufacturing compa…
RT @NDLJP_en: Drop curtains of kabuki theaters functioned as advertisements for companies in the Meiji era https://t.co/hnF5sKLbyh #ndldigi…
RT @NDLJP_en: The Minister of War’s diary is part of NDL's collection of historical materials: https://t.co/EkEAt6U5vD https://t.co/DfxDnZg…
RT @SangyopLee: My 印仏研 paper on my new hypothesis about the year of Dao'an's relocation to Chang'an based on an analysis of the Jovian year…

18 0 0 0 OA ウラシマ

RT @NDLJP_en: #Urashima rescued a turtle, which in return took him to the sea-god's palace, where he spent three dreamy years. After retur…

64 0 0 0 OA 金魚養玩草

RT @NDLJP_en: This is the first manual for keeping goldfish written in Japanese, published in the Edo era. It explains the features of gold…
RT @NDLJP_en: This humorous book from the Edo period shows you how to write a letter to the Thunder God! https://t.co/44L2qppoLl https://t.…
RT @NDLJP_en: Step inside the Nakamura-za, one of the largest kabuki theaters of the 19th century: https://t.co/bDuhaBM1gD #ndldigital http…
RT @NDLJP_en: Dig into the world of WATANABE Seitei (1851–1918), a master of kachoga (flower and bird paintings), through this article. You…
RT @NDLJP_en: Take a look at the book "Imo hyakuchin", which contains 123 recipes for sweet potatoes in four categories: Unusual, ordinary,…
RT @ndlbot: 大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經7卷 https://t.co/eMo3qaGBPu https://t.co/uQwF7rlzTp

4 0 0 0 OA 新修本草

RT @JeffreyKotyk: Typeset editions are good, but going back to the handwritten manuscripts, from which we produce the typeset and digitized…

18 0 0 0 OA 教草

RT @NDLJP_en: A series of woodblock prints illustrating the manufacturing process of products from various parts of Japan, compiled on the…
RT @ndlbot: 大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經7卷 https://t.co/eMo3qaGBPu https://t.co/uQwF7rlzTp
RT @managraphy: Nyohitsu 女筆 in the wild! A letter written by Hosokawa Gracia in late 16th century. This highly cursivized writing style is…
@Hindumachiavel @XianyangCB @MichaelMjfm @FajiaCareBear There is this Japanese edition of the 居家必用事類全集- (the text is from the yuan dynasty) which contains food recipes- iter alia, one for youtiao https://t.co/E8G8v0mIXx https://t.co/3X5Hq1oLp8 image below is the table of contents https://t.co/KP9NwOdq2C
RT @goushuouji: @JUMANJIKYO 全く知らないけど、検索すると「黄天道」という中国の民間宗教の文献らしいので https://t.co/KLcMcYxctK もしかしたら『明清秘密社會史料擷珍 : 黄天道卷』にはいってるかも?(収録書は検索してもわから…
RT @sarasvati635: @JUMANJIKYO ぶら下げときますね 支那文化の解剖 - 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション https://t.co/AfUarZixbV https://t.co/6aHNb3AShR

8 0 0 0 OA 星圖歩天歌

RT @Kino_see: 土御門家家塾 斉政舘 蔵版『星圖歩天歌』 https://t.co/KnLgBOwLBF

64 0 0 0 OA 金魚養玩草

RT @NDLJP_en: This is the first manual for keeping goldfish written in Japanese, published in the Edo era. It explains the features of gold…
RT @JeffreyKotyk: Itō Gikyō claimed there is Zoroastrian vocabulary in the Man’yōshū 万葉集 of ancient Japan. He wrote his article in English.…
RT @schrift_sprache: Looks like I've found the legendary kanbun kundoggu 漢文訓ドッグ (or kundoge?) ...
Verses about the absence of women in the Pure Land (regardless of their gender on earth, everyone there will get an adamantine body) are found in the Sanskrit https://t.co/41vMsf87tH and Tibetan https://t.co/FI0wU97OfM versions of the Lotus sutra but are absent in the Chinese https://t.co/x7ejr6KHyX

10 0 0 0 OA Korean Vowels

RT @utsakr: The Linguistic Society of Japan is translating several classic papers written in Japanese into English. Hiroyuki Umeda’s paper…
@anthropologyjpg https://t.co/74CQjVkV1B 【六字萬人頌】 六字名號一遍法。十界依正一遍體。 萬行離念一遍證。人中上上妙好華。 https://t.co/sIfW8qIR3h
RT @mujo_kun: 【☆NEW論文☆】 魯迅は無常鬼マニアだった!というわけで、新世代無常鬼マニアの私が元祖無常くんこと魯迅先生に勝負を挑んだのが、新作「無常鬼表象の変遷─『玉歴鈔伝』の各種版本を手がかりとして」。魯迅が残した諸問題に回答しつつ、無常鬼研究の更新を試みる…
RT @porges: lovely little picture of a game of playing cards from a Japanese card-game manual for “Western” games published in 1886 https:/…
RT @schrift_sprache: A somewhat disfigured "hip hip hooray!" upon arriving in the UK in 1862: P[>h]eppeppehorē ペツペツペホレー ... The note says:…
RT @NDLJP_en: The life of Shibukawa Shunkai: first official astronomer of the Tokugawa Shogunate: https://t.co/XR9ka9JgeJ #ndldigital https…
RT @schrift_sprache: How many Meiji period books in Japanese but with a parallel title in Latin are you aware of? "Res c[=g]estae Japonien…
RT @schrift_sprache: The title page of a trustworthy, reliable resource.
@Dong_Muda @seanjschen Here is the link: https://t.co/3X5Hq1oLp8 https://t.co/CuzLcnptEc

57 0 0 0 OA 海獸圖

RT @NDLJP_en: A sketch of an earless seal which strayed into paddy fields along the Japanese coast in 1833. A number of people gathered to…

17 0 0 0 OA 家庭染色法

RT @NDLJP_en: Look at various techniques of Japanese dyeing. DIY book published in 1940. #ndldigital https://t.co/sgpMs2DJqz https://t.co/d…

9 0 0 0 OA 遊子方言

RT @schrift_sprache: @JPRidgeway There's also this nice thingy here which might be included as well. ;-) (AFAIK it's not in Unicode yet, so…
RT @NDLJP_en: Ito Jakuchu was an Edo-period artist whose works remain popular today. Many of his works are available in the NDL Collections…

3 0 0 0 OA 消息文典

RT @okjma: 『消息文典』明治26年3月4日出版の奥付を見ると、丁の裏側にも刊記が見えたので、反転してみたら、日付が10日ほど前で、印刷所(東京築地活版製造所)の記載が無いようだ。 国会デジコレのものは、日付は3月4日だが、印刷所がない。 https://t.co/Ty…

26 0 0 0 OA 本草綱目圖3卷

RT @JeffreyKotyk: Dragon bones. https://t.co/tjWXLVSxTq https://t.co/6NRsfvGW0F

38 0 0 0 OA 西洋時計便覧

RT @NDLJP_en: This manual was published in the late 19th century, explaining to Japanese people how to read a Western clock. #ndldigital ht…
This article "Zen and the “Hero’s March Spell” of the Shoulengyanjing" is excellent. https://t.co/26edHbyRSs Thank you very much for introducing it to me :) https://t.co/R1KYOzkWfI https://t.co/9nCHUkK9iI
RT @mujo_kun: 【NEW論文】「馬巷城隍廟の保長公(白無常)信仰 ―無常鬼像の変遷を探るための一事例として―」 厦門を意味もなくずんずん歩いていた時に発見した無常鬼の祠(しかも3箇所!!)についての論文。僕の論はともかくこういう場所があるという事を知っていただきたい…
RT @StanfordReligSt: Congratulations to PhD candidate @sangyoplee (Buddhist Studies) for his latest publication: “The Bodhisattva Prātimokṣ…
RT @phdguild: 金 博男(2019)清末における「日曜日」の受容 https://t.co/HScNX7PlKh

2 0 0 0 OA 古易断時言

古易斷時言 A Japanese treatise on I Ching. Thanks to @sforrest for pointing this out! 1,2 https://t.co/XPR6B6ZeRD 3, 4 https://t.co/CwHmRKJy5C https://t.co/2GC83UBc8U

2 0 0 0 OA 古易断時言

古易斷時言 A Japanese treatise on I Ching. Thanks to @sforrest for pointing this out! 1,2 https://t.co/XPR6B6ZeRD 3, 4 https://t.co/CwHmRKJy5C https://t.co/2GC83UBc8U
RT @SangyopLee: My paper on the hitherto unknown Chinese translation of the bodhisattva precepts of the Bodhisattvabhūmi is out. https://t.…
back to ancient chinese obstetric diagrams, the most learned @schrift_sprache has pointed out that a japanese article seems to have been written on it, and contains a retyped version of the diagram: https://t.co/uxGDq79O2G https://t.co/hVKf4K0eBO

81 0 0 0 OA 東莠南畝讖 3巻

RT @NDLJP_en: Enjoy beautiful illustrations of over 460 kinds of fauna and flora in this 3-volume illustrated reference book from the mid-1…
解説梵文観音経: The Sanskrit Avalokitesvara sutra explained: A Quadriscriptual, trilingual edition, with extensive Japanese commentary of the celebrated "Universal Gate Chapter" of the Lotus sutra. https://t.co/41vMseQwC9 Thanks to @schrift_sprache for pointing this out! https://t.co/o38bqH7AkH
RT @NDLJP_en: This book shows 28 kinds of mechanical dolls made during the Edo period. Find out more: https://t.co/s3ERrOzCpj #ndldigital h…


It is not unusual for Japanese companies to make and distribute original calendars. This one is of a silk manufacturing company in Fukushima from the Meiji period: #ndldigital https://t.co/cbo3UqtUFR https://t.co/u0tbH1ODSs
A Japanese diplomatic mission in the late 19c. visited a beer brewery in the UK: https://t.co/vxTQ2RwoNd #ndldigital https://t.co/3ua7Eb1P22
The Minister of War’s diary is part of NDL's collection of historical materials: https://t.co/EkEAt6U5vD https://t.co/DfxDnZgo79
My 印仏研 paper on my new hypothesis about the year of Dao'an's relocation to Chang'an based on an analysis of the Jovian year system used in the Dao'an team's documents is out https://t.co/1yIbmVYJVs This was a fun side-project that involved learning @StellariumDev and LaTeX. https://t.co/OgWd1AyaYw

18 0 0 0 OA ウラシマ

#Urashima rescued a turtle, which in return took him to the sea-god's palace, where he spent three dreamy years. After returning home, he opened a box he had been given but told not to open. See what happened. #JapaneseFolktale #ndldigital https://t.co/e6mdvzn4iU https://t.co/zbeewYyXTi
This humorous book from the Edo period shows you how to write a letter to the Thunder God! https://t.co/44L2qppoLl https://t.co/vaMuKgETLf

63 0 0 0 OA 内外野菜圖

Looks delicious! A variety of #vegetables from a picture book published by a Japanese government-operated nursery company in the late 19th century. Find more at #ndldigital https://t.co/wnOIsNbwAp https://t.co/tSlPJH7xY9

35 0 0 0 OA アイヌ物語

"Ainu Monogatari" by TAKEKUMA Tokusaburo (1896-1951), the first book on Ainu written by a native Ainu. John Batchelor, an Anglican missionary, wrote the preface. #Ainu https://t.co/yfKvjBpBR9 https://t.co/3TisspoB6A

2391 0 0 0 OA 雪華図説

Sketches of snowflakes observed by Doi Toshitsura, a feudal lord of the Edo period, using a microscope. This book led to the popularity of textile patterns of snowflakes among the people of Edo. #ndldigital https://t.co/EZUVGD2Jf8 https://t.co/bYwuozE4CO

4 0 0 0 OA 新修本草

Typeset editions are good, but going back to the handwritten manuscripts, from which we produce the typeset and digitized texts, feels different. The Japanese Diet Library has a lot of manuscripts online. https://t.co/ALJC72y7yK https://t.co/TPYfEJVlXa

2 0 0 0 OA

@MichaelMjfm @fieldomoss It is not really my topic of study, but I do have to search out bits and pieces now and again when it relates to weapons etc. I reccomened looking through the National Diet Library which has some 現代訳 https://t.co/RlbNeSgsHZ
Nyohitsu 女筆 in the wild! A letter written by Hosokawa Gracia in late 16th century. This highly cursivized writing style is particularly difficult to read because of its scattered layout. It's all over the place! But there is a logic behind it. https://t.co/EQ7dlKIcfc https://t.co/8U75vIFCfJ
@JUMANJIKYO ぶら下げときますね 支那文化の解剖 - 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション https://t.co/AfUarZixbV https://t.co/6aHNb3AShR
@JUMANJIKYO 全く知らないけど、検索すると「黄天道」という中国の民間宗教の文献らしいので https://t.co/KLcMcYxctK もしかしたら『明清秘密社會史料擷珍 : 黄天道卷』にはいってるかも?(収録書は検索してもわからなかった) https://t.co/LT302Y0A5O

8 0 0 0 OA 星圖歩天歌

土御門家家塾 斉政舘 蔵版『星圖歩天歌』 https://t.co/KnLgBOwLBF

20 0 0 0 OA 源氏物語絵巻

Wikipedia fail of the week: "The Genji Monogatari Emaki is almost impossible to decipher. Even amongst today's most educated Japanese people, only a few can successfully decipher it."
Scans of some other copies to enjoy your daily dosis of Nipponda: https://t.co/npZqyfYMjd https://t.co/TmQU3RNpFd (Also note that the title page clearly says "Nippondaemon". The NDL gets it right.) 2/

64 0 0 0 OA 金魚養玩草

This is the first manual for keeping goldfish written in Japanese, published in the Edo era. It explains the features of goldfish, their history, how to take care of them, and how to treat their diseases. #ndldigital https://t.co/xQny3dCGmM https://t.co/b0pippAx6M
Itō Gikyō claimed there is Zoroastrian vocabulary in the Man’yōshū 万葉集 of ancient Japan. He wrote his article in English. https://t.co/FRDuTVVqBU
Since when and for what reasons have carved seals been used in place of signatures in Japanese documentation? Find out by reading this article: https://t.co/Er4SuAUmjU https://t.co/Bm62vCeK58

5 0 0 0 OA 幕府衰亡論

@SarahR_Schmid Found a scan of the 1892 original -- here's e.g. the passage seen in the lower left of your photo and it indeed has ○◎● en masse: https://t.co/jiPnPcsyoY ^^ https://t.co/GGNPfqR4YJ

3 0 0 0 OA 撰法華経

@edwardW2 Don't really know anything, but Go-kitō-kyō is 御祈祷経, aka Sen Hokekyō 撰法華経. The passage in the pic is found e.g. here https://t.co/Ru4nQWFKYn (on the left).
@bgbdz789 不思議ですね。 星田妙見宮のHP見たら江戸時代から縄鏢みたいなマークあるんですね。 妙見菩薩の宝剣なのか、それとも妙見曼荼羅の法輪(武器)が残ったのか。直感ですけど。 図は以下からです。 https://t.co/7Ms8Il9cF2 https://t.co/5QtzUumspP https://t.co/I6qthrl3QG

64 0 0 0 OA 朧月猫草紙

Oborozuki Nekono Soshi is a tale of a cat from the Edo period. Depicted is a reunion scene of a feline mother and daughter. An abalone shell is used as a feed dish, and a cat toilet is shown. People in those days also took good care of their cats. https://t.co/yytYWaWKcb https://t.co/aFldqrB8DC
【☆NEW論文☆】 魯迅は無常鬼マニアだった!というわけで、新世代無常鬼マニアの私が元祖無常くんこと魯迅先生に勝負を挑んだのが、新作「無常鬼表象の変遷─『玉歴鈔伝』の各種版本を手がかりとして」。魯迅が残した諸問題に回答しつつ、無常鬼研究の更新を試みる!请下载→https://t.co/uNaHsVx5ad https://t.co/eFny8gzaGH
lovely little picture of a game of playing cards from a Japanese card-game manual for “Western” games published in 1886 https://t.co/s0Ax6SF3zr https://t.co/0l5vL9C5jr

2 0 0 0 OA 天変地異

GoogleBooks translates the title as "The sky changes, the earth is different" but the 4-character title is a phrase meaning "natural disasters" -- good readings for our times. The NDL viewer page is here: https://t.co/xeNkmyZmvI
@Natlyt @trude_dijkstra The route to Nieuhof's plate is probably like this: 1) Haipian xinjing 1596 (or another work of similar content, cf. https://t.co/VCXpvpcjor, p. 97 with n. 36): https://t.co/5Dc28fwJfv 2) Kircher 1654: https://t.co/bfrWgW6izG 3) Spitzel 1661: https://t.co/1tBDMQp0o7 https://t.co/epfnbebCKZ
The article "Christmas in Deshima" tells you how Christmas was celebrated secretly in Deshima in old times https://t.co/4vcPypcEJR https://t.co/wessFwJfRu

3 0 0 0 OA 英学教授

Great script style, ideal for beginning learners of English! (The preceding page shows "Italic Capter Lotters" btw ... much like this work mentioned earlier: https://t.co/8qkrqNqmB8) < 1872 英学教授: https://t.co/IQIxZMo831 https://t.co/iFPtioqucF
A somewhat disfigured "hip hip hooray!" upon arriving in the UK in 1862: P[>h]eppeppehorē ペツペツペホレー ... The note says: "Meaning unclear, likely a congratulatory expression." < 尾蠅歐行漫錄: https://t.co/qt25DJGdKv https://t.co/aVfBwr5qee
@StephBalkwill Michihata Ryoshu wrote about this issue as it relates to renunciation in Chinese Buddhism. https://t.co/Q8GS4VkcxC
"Shibukawa Shunkai’s letters: A life dedicated to the Jokyo calendar", a newsletter article on the work of Shibukawa Shunkai (b. 1639) - first official astronomer of the Tokugawa Shogunate, Japan @NDLJP_en https://t.co/uFhFr4kUHw https://t.co/205mgVdq1Y
The title page of a trustworthy, reliable resource.

21 0 0 0 OA 役の行者

The book having been identified as Tsubouchi Shōyō's 坪内逍遥 En-no gyōja 役の行者 (cf. https://t.co/J3YIdpLnAP), here's also a link to the scan seen in the pic: https://t.co/TSKbxksOwS Many thanks

57 0 0 0 OA 海獸圖

A sketch of an earless seal which strayed into paddy fields along the Japanese coast in 1833. A number of people gathered to see this curious animal. #ndldigital https://t.co/VGzZ9AOOh0 https://t.co/7KtxYhuanA

17 0 0 0 OA 家庭染色法

Look at various techniques of Japanese dyeing. DIY book published in 1940. #ndldigital https://t.co/sgpMs2DJqz https://t.co/dscIYZWf4S
Looks like I've found the legendary kanbun kundoggu 漢文訓ドッグ (or kundoge?) ...
@SarahR_Schmid @nosword @managraphy Interesting case indeed.
@SarahR_Schmid @nosword @managraphy Interesting case indeed.

7 0 0 0 OA 大塔物語

To hop on the recent hype train of "triplograms", here are some of them as seen in the wild!

9 0 0 0 OA 新編浮雲

Double-sized printing type for mairase-sōrō (lower right & upper left corner). Bad luck for horizontal text though. < 1887 浮雲: https://t.co/XcqiteArpZ https://t.co/AqaC0W0ni9

3 0 0 0 OA 落葉の錦 : 2巻

Another, slightly different instance of 大平 -- following a poem characterized by a choice of kana that is clearly inspired by the Kojiki. An antiquarian at his best.
Concering tweet 2 (https://t.co/NWhCvdrXoG): For comparison, here's what some other such dictionaries around 1900 (still) looked like. Note the often cursive script in the headwords. https://t.co/oupBGHEzEK (1911) https://t.co/JcBQ2F1gg4 (1883) https://t.co/lMRQ9GtPTr (1882) 10/ https://t.co/4KRSoR6L1h
Concering tweet 2 (https://t.co/NWhCvdrXoG): For comparison, here's what some other such dictionaries around 1900 (still) looked like. Note the often cursive script in the headwords. https://t.co/oupBGHEzEK (1911) https://t.co/JcBQ2F1gg4 (1883) https://t.co/lMRQ9GtPTr (1882) 10/ https://t.co/4KRSoR6L1h
Concering tweet 2 (https://t.co/NWhCvdrXoG): For comparison, here's what some other such dictionaries around 1900 (still) looked like. Note the often cursive script in the headwords. https://t.co/oupBGHEzEK (1911) https://t.co/JcBQ2F1gg4 (1883) https://t.co/lMRQ9GtPTr (1882) 10/ https://t.co/4KRSoR6L1h

10 0 0 0 OA 世界節用無尽蔵

Sekai setsuyō mujinzō 世界節用無尽蔵 This 1873 setsuyōshū-type dictionary is pretty interesting, not merely because of it's 'global' approach content-wise, which is visible on many pages. (Pics here and in the following from this copy at the NDL: https://t.co/7CqNU136cH) 1/ https://t.co/akL0Q53qUp https://t.co/2HOUZjodbd

2 0 0 0 OA 平の建舞

Establishing peace 平? < 平の建舞 (I sense a pun ...?): https://t.co/F1RGQB3hiU https://t.co/5xKOi8P60O

9 0 0 0 OA 遊子方言

@JPRidgeway There's also this nice thingy here which might be included as well. ;-) (AFAIK it's not in Unicode yet, so see the pics. Left = 18th c. xylograph, right = 20th c. NKBT edition.) < Yūshi hōgen 遊子方言 (1770) @ https://t.co/zghn1X9oTi https://t.co/b0aoh1jh1j

57 0 0 0 OA 朝顔三十六花撰

Have you heard that there are many varieties of #morningglories? This is an illustrated book of morning glories, which depicts many variegated morning glories with strangely shaped flowers and leaves. https://t.co/e7anFiEnr9 https://t.co/9NjLAUozNk
Ito Jakuchu was an Edo-period artist whose works remain popular today. Many of his works are available in the NDL Collections. #ndldigital https://t.co/C2VsBuGg5q https://t.co/hmdjYIgVj3

3 0 0 0 OA 消息文典

『消息文典』明治26年3月4日出版の奥付を見ると、丁の裏側にも刊記が見えたので、反転してみたら、日付が10日ほど前で、印刷所(東京築地活版製造所)の記載が無いようだ。 国会デジコレのものは、日付は3月4日だが、印刷所がない。 https://t.co/TyjmWM0s3p https://t.co/I5auBCTe7f

26 0 0 0 OA 本草綱目圖3卷

Eagle, diāo 鵰. https://t.co/blqhwHgrZj https://t.co/yRiA8ORpfR

26 0 0 0 OA 本草綱目圖3卷

Dragon bones. https://t.co/tjWXLVSxTq https://t.co/6NRsfvGW0F

26 0 0 0 OA 本草綱目圖3卷

Spiders. https://t.co/jtrA69vOj0 https://t.co/vgHaeS7vR9

3 0 0 0 OA 本草綱目圖3卷

Why do the Japanese editions have better pictures? Here, fir, cedar, osmanthus, and pine from an Edo edition of the Bencao gangmu tu 本草綱目圖 https://t.co/hCc7w5eN3v. HT: @JeffreyKotyk https://t.co/YgJqZHNDI6

3 0 0 0 OA 本草綱目圖3卷

Ginseng, rén shēn 人參. I want to write a study on the historical background and applications of ginseng. I consume it regularly myself. https://t.co/HtVcHo7ODU https://t.co/xPeAjttTdF

45 0 0 0 OA 倭名類聚鈔 20巻

Wamyō ruiju shō 倭名類聚抄, a Japanese dictionary of c. 934, starts with astral terms. The Pleiades (mǎo 昴 in Chinese) are called 須八流 (Subaru) in Japanese. Connected with Agni, which is a bit of Vedic influence via Amoghavajra's astrology manual. https://t.co/Z99F6iQlXl https://t.co/MakZKsizPz

38 0 0 0 OA 西洋時計便覧

This manual was published in the late 19th century, explaining to Japanese people how to read a Western clock. #ndldigital https://t.co/IOiWALH2kP https://t.co/VwscXKLzUy

1 0 0 0 OA 神字古事記

Let's have a brief look at that Japanese model: It's a transcription of the text of the Kojiki into, yes, that one specific, obviously han'gŭl-derived variety of 'God Age Script' -- published in 1872. As authentic as it gets!
Congratulations to PhD candidate @sangyoplee (Buddhist Studies) for his latest publication: “The Bodhisattva Prātimokṣa of the Youposai wu jie weiyi jing: Its Textual Provenance and Historical Significance.” Link to Sangyop’s article here
金 博男(2019)清末における「日曜日」の受容 https://t.co/HScNX7PlKh

2 0 0 0 OA 古易断時言

@edwardW2 and then also a slightly older copy, woodblock printed, on NDL in two parts but with all four volumes, here: https://t.co/aql15yonOf (vols 1-2) https://t.co/5fBClMBiET (vols 3-4) The Keiō one still looks very interesting because of all the marginalia--amazing!

2 0 0 0 OA 古易断時言

@edwardW2 and then also a slightly older copy, woodblock printed, on NDL in two parts but with all four volumes, here: https://t.co/aql15yonOf (vols 1-2) https://t.co/5fBClMBiET (vols 3-4) The Keiō one still looks very interesting because of all the marginalia--amazing!

1 0 0 0 OA 古易断時言

@edwardW2 The Keiō copy seems to have only vols 1-2, but there are Meiji era copies available via NDL which have all four volumes. Printed in moveable type in one book, digitised in IIIF format (but only b/w), here: https://t.co/XWKsUTaniI
@edwardW2 @CelPhineas @Echo_Heo Cf. p. 19 (20 of the pdf) here: https://t.co/wKoskYpiIP -- Looks like the same diagram?
【NEW論文】「馬巷城隍廟の保長公(白無常)信仰 ―無常鬼像の変遷を探るための一事例として―」 厦門を意味もなくずんずん歩いていた時に発見した無常鬼の祠(しかも3箇所!!)についての論文。僕の論はともかくこういう場所があるという事を知っていただきたい!ダウンロード↓ https://t.co/r4JO9yLao5 https://t.co/5LjVROcnI2
@edwardW2 Cf. e.g. here: https://t.co/P3SKLvO8iY -- Just | as a placeholder, I assume? (Well, broken in the middle ... but still. ^^) https://t.co/6KVR3f2Jpm
@edwardW2 NDL: https://t.co/VUpSHdy97U Waseda: https://t.co/k3hdO6GsrI Harvard: https://t.co/TpNtwhgVZH 2/
My paper on the hitherto unknown Chinese translation of the bodhisattva precepts of the Bodhisattvabhūmi is out. https://t.co/VDiBMHI4zu In this study, I compare 4 Chinese versions, the Khotanese translation, and the surviving Sanskrit tradition of the bodhisattva precepts
「倭人の暦を探る : 数字から読み解く歴史の謎」 本稿では, 『魏志倭人伝』より数百年後に著された日本の歴史書である『古事記』と『日本書紀』を用いて, 倭人がどのような暦を使っていたかについて考察する。https://t.co/SWEjN7CUdc
Scholar Jonas Rüegg has an open-access article that covers the context of Pfizmaier’s work: https://t.co/83rBneZzMv It's a fascinating story on several fronts (more links when I next update the googledoc). Wish me luck as classes begin--more gōkan soon! #GōkanProject21 4/4

81 0 0 0 OA 東莠南畝讖 3巻

Enjoy beautiful illustrations of over 460 kinds of fauna and flora in this 3-volume illustrated reference book from the mid-18th century. https://t.co/wo39bGn857 #ndldigital https://t.co/0XHpmKIbRs
Super helpful English caption: "The Seion oyobi Daku-on" || [ザ・]清音及濁音 < 1914 四國對照 南洋語自在 @ https://t.co/vMtpzVxJLS (w/thx to @Laichar1!) https://t.co/mYzRaQCTh5
Twitter cooperation on mid-19c Japanese transcriptions of English || いこくことば あめりか (for a scan see here: https://t.co/qDbuc5ldz7) 1) source shown: https://t.co/tZA6kR5C8g 2) source transcribed: https://t.co/4V9uhCkjRk 3) source interpreted: https://t.co/NIwuORgy1A https://t.co/oKfHB1QPNw
Also see this scan at the NDL: https://t.co/wJ0qnV0oMo -- it's all pretty stylish. 6/ https://t.co/IBGTv9aeAh
@edwardW2 @CelPhineas Here's also the corresponding portion from one of the many Haipian 海篇 type dictionaries from ca. 1600 (here an 1596 ed. of a Haipan xinjing 海篇心鏡): https://t.co/5Dc28fwJfv Kircher must have had a similar source; also cf. https://t.co/3iAgkL2n4J p. 97 with n. 36. https://t.co/UeGGpokRsP
@pmcarlton Now that was fast! ^^ And of course you're right!
蜜 https://t.co/OMSM3NWh3S https://t.co/j2u40r9KnP https://t.co/3QTKs2ljJO
How many Meiji period books in Japanese but with a parallel title in Latin are you aware of? "Res c[=g]estae Japoniensium quae ad externas nationes attinent." < 渡辺修二郎 1893 世界ニ於ケル日本人 @ https://t.co/Q8FADMZw8x https://t.co/oz91bHkJ3K
国会デジコレ『児童文殊稚教訓』 https://t.co/VZmbyxRXj0 「山王の桜に御猿の数が 三万三千三百三拾三疋下ルと云云」 『大通世界』に引用されてる(白黒)画像の方が、お猿が見やすいかな https://t.co/INfU8N9Xw5 https://t.co/i1I0ybGaMa

6 0 0 0 OA 大通世界

国会デジコレ『児童文殊稚教訓』 https://t.co/VZmbyxRXj0 「山王の桜に御猿の数が 三万三千三百三拾三疋下ルと云云」 『大通世界』に引用されてる(白黒)画像の方が、お猿が見やすいかな https://t.co/INfU8N9Xw5 https://t.co/i1I0ybGaMa

5 0 0 0 OA 碁經

Go, go, go! I guess I've never seen anything entitled ...経 with as little actual text in it as this Go-kyō 碁経 of 1607 @NDLJP_en: https://t.co/OTmezMV95n https://t.co/rX277K81Io
Alcohol has been a great favorite in Japan. Find out the passion for good-tasting liquor: https://t.co/IYt7JVZTMV #ndldigital https://t.co/QLAXDMaztS

96 0 0 0 OA 付喪神記

Tsukumogamiki 付喪神記. "In Japan, it was said that gods and spirits would come to dwell in even ordinary things that were used for 100 years or longer. Such things were known as Tsukumogamiki." Edo period. https://t.co/RJzDRrwbXY https://t.co/ddGleLKRpS
A good starting point is Mineya Tōru's 三根谷徹 1972 越南漢字音の研究. On pp. 16-18 he refers to Nanjō 南条 / Takakusu 高楠 1903 仏領印度支那 @ https://t.co/oONAafbQT8, who mention glossaries in 安南漂流物語 (1767) and 南漂記 (1794). 2/ https://t.co/epR4IMYpit

3 0 0 0 OA 耽奇漫録 20巻

@NDLJP_en This is preceded by an illustration showing one of the mini stupas containing these dhāraṇī @ https://t.co/vc1D0ndvWF. 8/ https://t.co/sOUyLASz9F

3 0 0 0 OA 耽奇漫録 20巻

@NDLJP_en Also nice: A "reproduction" of one of the Hyakumantō darani 百万塔陀羅尼 together with a quote of the relevant passage from the Shoku Nihongi 続日本紀 @ https://t.co/21k3wcPvWU. 7/ https://t.co/eLWvpTHf5M

12 0 0 0 OA 耽奇漫録 20巻

@NDLJP_en Much more interesting if you ask me: a specimen of Manchu script, though not really Manchu language @ https://t.co/Vu0pBC2YtR. It's actually a poem by Wang Wei 王維 (699–759), the Chinese pronunciation of which is transcribed in Manchu script. 3/ https://t.co/skDz4mJX0d

3 0 0 0 OA 耽奇漫録 20巻

Untitled. (Still just kidding. Second try, this time featuring the right half as well.) From the @NDLJP_en ms. of Tanki manroku 耽奇漫録 @ https://t.co/HjrW2ljZ8c https://t.co/dl5bywHku5
These tools were used to make Japan's first indigenous calendar. Read more to find out: https://t.co/booQDxnKqe #ndldigital https://t.co/QI3w7MWYup
Yoshida Shin 吉田新 has also suggested that Malan himself might have translated the Epistle of James, preserved in the same manuscript (Nipponica 250). See e.g. these articles by Yoshida, either in Japanese: https://t.co/uX0k5cg27x or also in German: https://t.co/ef5j1wdqh8 4/
Fun fact: Sometimes hiragana and katakana are likewise used distinctively -- but in the opposite direction, with hiragana for kana and katakana for (w)okototen in the underlying manuscript! See for instance this 1956 article by Ōtsubo sensei once more: https://t.co/0eMSrgBaqn 6/ https://t.co/u7N7PMJymk
Struggles of an astronomer in creating Japan's first indigenous calendar in the 17c: https://t.co/7scozuMofG #ndldigital https://t.co/CS8pRUmE4N
Struggles of an astronomer in creating Japan's first indigenous calendar in the 17c: https://t.co/7scozuMofG #ndldigital https://t.co/CS8pRUmE4N

