春日 秀朗 宇都宮 博 サトウ タツヤ
一般社団法人 日本発達心理学会
発達心理学研究 (ISSN:09159029)
vol.25, no.2, pp.121-132, 2014

佐藤 豊 サトウ ユタカ Yutaka Sato
ICU 日本語教育研究センター紀要 = The Research Center for Japanese Language Education Annual Bulletin
no.10, pp.1-12, 2001-03-31

This paper summarizes the reviews of Japanese language textbooks for intermediate-level learners. Articles written on this subject, that is, Japanese language textbooks for intermediate-level learners, were collected as part of the on-going project to develop an intermediate-level textbook for learners of Japanese in the Japanese Language Programs, International Christian University. The following aspects of textbook development have been discussed and briefly summarized in this paper: (i) what skills should be emphasized (reading/writing or speaking/listening?), (ii) what kinds of topics are good as reading materials for learners of Japanese, (iii) how are grammatical points incorporated into readings in textbooks on the market, and (iv) what kinds of exercises and activities are there in those textbooks. Finally, an attempt to classify the textbooks into three types, the traditional type, the "new" type and the "geared-to-specific-skills" type, is introduced.
キクチ カツヒロ ウエダ ヒロシ タニグチ タカシ サトウ ノボル Katsuhiro KIKUCHI Hiroshi UYEDA Takashi TANIGUCHI Noboru SATO
Proceedings of the NIPR Symposium on Polar Meteorology and Glaciology
vol.1, 1987-09

The typical shapes of snow crystals of low temperature types that are known at present are "Gohei twins", "Sea gull", "Spearhead" and so on. Although they were named by one of the authors (K. K.) tentatively, these names appear to be accepted by scientists in the fields of cloud physics, crystal growth and so on. On the other hand, their formation mechanisms except for the gohei twin crystals have not been clarified. In this paper, the correlation between the gohei twin, sea gull, and spearhead type crystals has been considered based on a number of microphotographs taken by a polarizing microscope during the observation period from December 25,1985 to January 23,1986 at Inuvik (68°22′N, 133°42′W), N. W. T., Arctic Canada. As a result, although we have pointed out that the gohei twin type crystals are two kinds that have tip angles of 56 and 78°, they have another difference besides the difference of their tip angles. Namely, the gohei twin crystals having the tip angle of 56° have a certain kind of finlike appendages along the crystalline boundary of two extended prism planes of the crystals. On the other hand, other twin crystals that have the tip angle of 78° are devoid of finlike appendages along the crystalline boundary. The angles of 13 and 20° between two extended prism planes of the gohei twin crystals pointed out in our previous papers were clarified by the measurement of the tip angles of individual extended prism planes. Furthermore, it was noted that the gohei twin crystals that have the tip angle of 56° are similar to the spearhead type crystals, and the spearhead type crystals were one of the wings of the sea gull type crystals seen from a right angle. However, some parts of the formation mechanisms of snow crystals of low temperature types are obscure and it would be difficult to understand their exact correlation as of this report.
サトウ タツヤ
立命館人間科学研究 (ISSN:1346678X)
vol.7, pp.193-203, 2004-03
若林 宏輔 渕野 貴生 サトウ タツヤ
法と心理 (ISSN:13468669)
vol.14, no.1, pp.87-97, 2014 (Released:2017-06-02)

日本には、表現の自由を守る観点から刑事事件報道に対する規制はない。渕野(2007)は、日本の公判前報道(Pre-trial Publicity)の幾つかの内容が被告人に対する予断・偏見を作り、刑事裁判の公正性を阻害している可能性を指摘している。一方で、法務省(2009)は、報道規制の代わりに、裁判官の説示(Judicial Instruction: JI)によって市民は証拠能力のない情報を無視することができるとしている。本研究は、問題が指摘されている刑事事件報道と、それを無視するように促す裁判官の説示の効果の関係について調べた。本研究では、比較のために2つのタイプのJIが準備された。一つ目の説示は、証拠能力のない情報を無視する上での証拠法に関する説明が含まれていた(理論的根拠を含む説示)。そして、二つ目の説示ではこれらの説明を含まずに、これらの情報を無視することだけが指示された(公判のみ参照説示)。実験1では、渕野(2007)が問題ある報道と指摘している2種類-自白・前科情報を含む報道を用いて検討した。結果、いずれの裁判官の説示にも、報道によって得られた証拠能力のない自白の情報を無視させる効果はなかった。さらに実験2では、新聞報道に特有な表現方法の効果と説示の種類の効果について調べた。この時、理論的根拠を含む説示は裁判員を無罪の判断に導いた。これらの結果を踏まえ、刑事事件報道の在り方について議論した。
齋藤 智子 佐藤 由美 Saitou Tomoko Satou Yumi サイトウ トモコ サトウ ユウミ
千葉看護学会会誌 (ISSN:13448846)
vol.12, no.2, pp.8-14, 2006-12-30

本研究は,介護支援専門員(以下CMとする)がケアマネジメントを行う上で感じる対応困難の実態を明らかにし,CMへの支援の方向性を検討することを目的とした。調査方法は,N県内の居宅介護支援事業所に勤務するCM693名を対象に,無記名の自記式アンケート調査を実施し,345名(回収率49.8%)からの回答を得た。対応困難の実態として,独自に作成した対応困難内容41項目について(1)対応困難と思う程度(2)実際に対応困難を感じた経験頻度について尋ねた。その結果,困難と思う内容として特に高かったのは虐待への対応,独居認知症者へのケアプラン立案であった。困難を感じた経験では,家族内の意見が不一致の際の意見調整が高かった。対応困難内容41項目を困難感の程度と困難経験の頻度との関係でみると,困難感・経験頻度とも高い項目,経験頻度は低く困難感は高い項目,困難感は低く経験頻度は高い項目,困難感・経験頻度とも低い項目に分類された。また,困難感の程度には,経験年数,基礎資格,以前の在宅療養支援経験の有無が関連している項目もあった。CMへの支援として,困難感・経験ともに高い項目は,CM全般に対する研修内容として優先的に取り上げていく,経験頻度は低く困難感は高い項目は,個別支援に重点を置いていくなど,対応困難の実態やCMの特性に合わせた支援内容・方法を検討していくことが必要であることが示唆された。The purposes of this study were to identify difficulties experienced by care managers in care management and to find ways to adequately support them. The anonymous self reporting questionnaire survey was conducted to 693 care managers in N prefecture. Forty one items of difficulties were extracted from the preceding research. The questionnaire asked the subjects to rate the degree of difficulty and frequency of their experience. The highest degree of difficulties they perceived were response to abuse cases and care plan designing for the demented living alone. In terms of frequency, many reported coordination of families with different and contrasting opinions. Forty one items were further grouped by degree and frequency into four; "high in both degree and frequency", "high in degree but low in frequency", "low in degree but high in frequency" and "low in both degree and frequency". We have to prioritize and plan our support of care managers based on the data we collected. It is important to train all care managers on the items of high degree of difficulty and frequency. Concerning items of high degree but low frequency, individual support of managers is recommended. It was also found to be critical to design adequate training, taking the care managers' professional experience into consideration since sense of difficulty was correlated with their years of experience, type of background qualification and previous experience in home care.
荒川 歩 中谷 嘉男 サトウ タツヤ
社会言語科学 (ISSN:13443909)
vol.8, no.2, pp.18-25, 2006-03-30

サトウ タツヤ
法と心理 (ISSN:13468669)
vol.11, no.1, pp.26-37, 2011-10
