中村 邦光
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.39, no.214, pp.65-76, 2000 (Released:2021-08-23)

Results of our surveys and research show that most of the scholars of Rangaku (Dutch Studies) and Kokugaku (national studies) in the latter half of Japan's Edo era (1615-1868) gained an awareness of nature in Western science by compromise and fusion based on their traditional Japanese awareness of nature. It is clear that that process took a completely different course from that of receiving difficult and abstract concepts by high-velocity imitation to understand modern scientific theories such as thermal motion during the Meiji era (1868-1912). The points of similarity and points common in the everyday, experiential understanding of nature were recognized no matter whether that understanding was Eastern or Western and compromise and assimilation could be accepted on the basis of that understanding. However, there were logical inconsistencies for acceptance through compromise and assimilation of modern Western scientific concepts such as the theory of thermal motion and modern dynamics, which were based on an awareness totally different from the conventional awareness of nature that existed in Japan during the Edo era. Thus, it is logical that the only way to receive these in the Meiji era would be through wholesale imitation. We could say that in the Japanese thinking of the Meiji era, "imitation was the source of creativity." Therefore, there is major significance of the dialectical development of imitation and creativity from the Meiji era to the process of Japanese modernization.
遠藤 次郎 中村 輝子
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.34, no.193, pp.1, 1995 (Released:2021-08-27)

It has been said that the tridosha theory in Ayurveda originated from the theory of the three elements of the universe. The names of these three doshas, which are roughly equivalent to humour, are vata (wind), pitta (bile), and kapha (phlegm), corresponding to the three elements of the universe: air, fire, and water. On the other hand, Buddhist medicine which has a close relation to Ayurveda is based on the theory of the four elements of the universe which includes the earth as well as the three elements mentioned above. Greek medicine on the other hand, is founded on the theory of the four humours, i. e. blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. Furthermore, even in Ayurveda, like in "Sushruta Samhita", the theory of the four humours can be found: This includes the abovd-mentioned tridosha plus blood as the forth humour. "Timaios" by Plato also mentions this. We compared these various theories and pointed out that the tridosha theory had its origin in the theory of the four elements of the universe. The process of the formation of the tridosha theory is considered as follows:(1) "Earth" was segregated from the four elements of the universe owing to its solid properties, and was rearranged into the seven elments of the body called "dhatu"; and the other three elements, uwatern, "fire", and "air",were integrated as the tridosha theory, namely, the theory of the three humours, owing to th&r properties of fluid; (2)"Blood", assigned to the element of "earth", was segregated from the tridosha because "blood" was considered to be comprised of the properties of every humour without having its own peculiar properties. Therefore, the diseases caused by deranged "blood" were regarded as an aggregate disease caused by the other three deranged humours. Then the category of the disease, caused by deranged "earth", did not appear.
中村 邦光 板倉 聖宣
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.30, no.178, pp.107-119, 1991 (Released:2021-08-27)

According to the present investigation, it is found that Japanese "physical books" which discussed the essence of heat hnd disaffirmed the "material theory of heat" since 1872 (Meiji 5) and those books supporting the "kinetic theory of heat" had become predominant and been diffused rapidly. Authors did not think so earlier. They expected that there were fairly a lot confusions between traditional thoughts in Japan or the "material theory of heat" and the "kinetic theory of heat". It is shown, however, as a result of the investigation that the shift from the "material theory of heat" to the "kinetic theory of heat" had proceeded smoothly and rapidly. In this context, authors cannot help being struck with wonder by the fact that the acceptance of European science in early years of Meij in Japan was done quite neatly as a "thorough imitaion".
池 睦美 中村 勝 小西 健一 津畑 豊 五十嵐 宏三 齋藤 徳子 森岡 哲夫 島田 久基
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.54, no.11, pp.561-570, 2021 (Released:2021-11-28)

中村 邦光 板倉 聖宣
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.22, no.148, pp.193-205, 1983 (Released:2021-09-24)

In our last paper titled "The Value of Pi in the Edo Period" (Kagakusi Kenkyu, No.143, 1982. pp. 142-152), we did an exhaustive review of the books of native mathematics of Japan published in the Bunsei Era (1818-1830), and showed that these books could be divided into two types according to the two pi values (i.e. 3.14... and 3.16...) they respectively adopted. Specifically, the relatively advanced books of mathematics adopted 3.14..., while the value of 3.16... was generally used in popular booklets of the Jinkoki type and the like. It had been more than 150 years since Muramatsu correctly demonstrated the pi value of 3.14... in his Sanso published in 1663, but a considerable number of books still adopted 3.16... as the pi value in our period of study. Then, the next question would be how the correct value of 3.14... demonstrated by Muramatsu was handed down to the mathematicians of the Edo Period and disseminated. We carried our study a step further in this direction and tried to clarify the adoption process. As a result of our extensive research and analysis, we believe that we have successfully traced the adoption process of 3.14... instead of 3.16... as the value of pi. Among the various issues treated in this paper, the following points would be of particular interest. 1. After Muramatsu's Sanso (published in March,1663), the first book with 3.14... as the value of pi was Nozawa's Dȏkaishȏ (dated August, 1663 in the preface and published in November,1664), the interval between these books is less than two years. 2. Among the books of mathematics published during the ten years between 1663 and 1673, every one of those with 3.14... as the value of pi made an intentionnal alteration to the value adopted by its predecessor, such as 3.14 (→3.1404)→3.142→3.1416. This phenomenon had some connection with thebmovement to take over the traditional unsolved problems and it continued up to Miyake's Guȏ-sampȏ (published in 1699), in which the value of pi was further changed from 3.1416 to 3.141593. There were even a few cases of alteration from 3.142 to 3.14. 3. With the publication of Zȏho-sampȏ-ketsugishȏ (1684), Zohȏ-shimpenjinkȏki (1686) and Kaizanki-Kȏmoku (1687), the value of pi in the three most widely-read books of native mathematics in the Edo Era, Jinkȏki, Kaizanki and Sampȏ-Ketsugishȏ was altered from 3.16... to 3.14... 4. Upon examining all the books of native mathematics published between 1681 and 1690, we found that there was only one book (i.e. Kambara's Sankanki published in 1685) that had not altered the value of pi to 3.14.... and still used 3.16... All the remaining ten books adopted the value of 3.14... Once having attained this stage, how did it come about that the popular books of native mathematics fell back to the value of pi of 3.16... without any apparent hesitation ? A report, on this issue is now in preparation.
畠山 允 緒方 浩二 中村 振一郎
アンサンブル (ISSN:18846750)
vol.20, no.4, pp.223-229, 2018-10-31 (Released:2019-10-31)

中村 一文 三浦 大志 松原 広己 伊藤 浩
公益社団法人 日本薬理学会
日本薬理学雑誌 (ISSN:00155691)
vol.140, no.6, pp.265-269, 2012 (Released:2012-12-10)
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1 0 0 0 OA 書評

中村 秀吉他
科学哲学 (ISSN:02893428)
vol.16, pp.133-142, 1983-11-26 (Released:2009-05-29)
中村 泰貴 河野 誠也 湯口 彰重 川西 康友 吉野 幸一郎
研究報告自然言語処理(NL) (ISSN:21888779)
vol.2022-NL-253, no.6, pp.1-7, 2022-09-22

ロボットをはじめとする人間を支援するシステムは,観測から状況を正しく理解し,人間が必要とする支援行動を出力する必要がある.特に人間を対象とした支援において,システムがどのような状況理解を行い,どのような動作行動の生成しようとしているかは,言語で表現することが重要である.そこで本研究では,現在の状況からシステムが行うべき行動を予測しその内容を言語で説明する,動作行動予測とその言語化 (captioning operative action) に取り組む.具体的には,ある状況とそこに対して何らかの支援行動が行われた理想状態の画像を入力とし,どのような支援行動が行われたかを説明する言語化タスクによって動作行動予測を実現するシステムを構築した.この際,こうした状況を説明する補助情報であるシーングラフの予測を補助タスクとして用いることで,シーングラフのアノテーションが存在しないテストセットに対しても精度高く動作行動の予測・言語化を行うことができることが確認された.