松本 良 奥田 義久 蛭田 明宏 戸丸 仁 竹内 瑛一 山王 梨紗 鈴木 麻希 土永 和博 石田 泰士 石崎 理 武内 里香 小松原 純子 Antonio Fernando FREIRE 町山 栄章 青山 千春 上嶋 正人 弘松 峰男 Glen SNYDER 沼波 秀樹 佐藤 幹夫 的場 保望 中川 洋 角和 善隆 荻原 成騎 柳川 勝則 砂村 倫成 後藤 忠則 廬 海龍 小林 武志
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.118, no.1, pp.43-71, 2009-02-25 (Released:2010-04-05)
65 59

A number of extensive methane plumes and active methane seeps associated with large blocks of methane hydrates exposed on the seafloor strongly indicate extremely high methane flux and large accumulations of methane hydrate in shallow sediments of the Umitaka spur and Joetsu knoll of the Joetsu basin 30 km off Joetsu city, Niigata Prefecture. Crater-like depressions, incised valleys, and large but inactive pockmarks also indicate methane activities over the spur and knoll. These features imply strong expulsions of methane gas or methane-bearing fluids, and perhaps lifting and floating-up of large volumes of methane hydrate to the sea surface. High heat flow, ∼100 mK/m, deposition of organic-rich strata, ∼1.0 to 1.5%TOC, and Pliocene-Quaternary inversion-tectonics along the eastern margin of the Japan Sea facilitate thermal maturation of organic matters, and generation and migration of light-hydrocarbons through fault conduits, and accumulation of large volumes of methane as methane hydrate in shallow sediments. Microbial methane generation has also contributed to reinforcing the methane flux of the Joetsu basin. Regional methane flux as observed by the depth of the sulfate-methane interface (SMI) is significantly high, < 1 m to 3 m, when compared to classic gas hydrate fields of Blake Ridge, 15 to 20 m, and Nankai trough, 3 to 15 m. δ13C of methane hydrate and seep gases are mostly within -30 to -50‰, the range of thermogenic methane, while dissolved methane of the interstitial waters a few kilometers away from seep sites are predominated by microbial with δ13C of -50 to -100‰. Seismic profiles have revealed fault-related, well-developed gas chimney structures, 0.2 to 3.5 km in diameter, on the spur and knoll. The structures are essential for conveying methane from deep-seated sources to shallow depths as well as for accumulating methane hydrate (gas chimney type deposits). The depth of BSR, which represents the base of gas hydrate stability (BGHS), on the spur and knoll is generally 0.20 to 0.23 seconds in two-way-travel time, whereas the BSRs in gas chimneys occur at 0.14 to 0.18 seconds, exhibiting a sharp pull-up structure. The apparent shallow BGHS is due to the accumulation of large volumes of high-velocity methane hydrate in gas chimneys. The depth to BGHS is estimated to be 115 m on an experimentally determined stability diagram, based on an observed thermal gradient of 100 mK/m. Then the velocity of the sediments on the Umitaka spur is calculated to be 1000 m/s, which is anomalously low compared to normal pelagic mud of 1600-1700 m/s. This exciting finding leads to the important implication that sediments of the Umitaka spur contain significant amounts of free gas, although the sediments are well within the stability field of methane hydrate. The reasons for the existence of free gas in the methane hydrate stability field are not fully explained, but we propose the following possible mechanisms for the unusual co-existence of methane hydrate and free-gas in clay-silt of the spur. (i) High salinity effect of residual waters, (ii) degassing from ascending fluids, (iii) bound water effect and deficiency of free-waters, and (iv) micro-pore effect of porous media. All of these processes relate to the development of gas hydrate deposits of the Umitaka spur.(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
古城門 靖子 赤沢 雪路 曽根原 純子 武井 麻子 寳田 穂
日本精神保健看護学会誌 (ISSN:09180621)
vol.25, no.1, pp.19-28, 2016-06-30 (Released:2017-06-30)

看護師は日常的な感情労働の代償として共感疲労に陥る危険性が高く,職場における自らの感情面での健康状態に気づき,対処する必要がある.そのためには,感情知性(emotional intelligence: EI)と呼ばれる能力が重要であると言われている.そこで本研究では,病棟チームの柱となって働いている中堅看護師を対象として言語による交流を中心としたグループを毎月1回,計10回行い,そこで語ることが中堅看護師のEI育成に有用であることを実証的に明らかにすることにした.研究参加者は総合病院に勤務する実務経験4年以上の中堅看護師7名である.結果として,参加者たちは仕事にまつわる不安や管理者への期待と不満を徐々に語りだし,それが過去の体験とつながりがあることに気づいた.こうして彼らは,グループの中で新たな他者への信頼と自信を取り戻していった.
小松原 純子
The Sedimentological Society of Japan
堆積学研究 (ISSN:1342310X)
vol.71, no.2, pp.119-127, 2012-10-06 (Released:2012-11-08)
10 9

一政 祐輔 岡田 重文 東郷 正美 上野 陽里 松原 純子 石田 政弘

河原 純子 兵藤 透 太田 昌邦 平良 隆保 日台 英雄 石井 大輔 吉田 一成 馬場 志郎
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.44, no.8, pp.695-698, 2011-08-28 (Released:2011-09-28)

藤原 治 小松原 純子 高田 圭太 宍倉 正展 鎌滝 孝信
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.115, no.5, pp.569-581, 2006-12-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
9 9

The temporal development of a late Holocene strand plain system along the western Shizuoka Prefecture was reconstructed based on facies analyses and 14C dating for core samples excavated in a back marsh using a geo-slicer, 6.0-m-long, 0.35-m-wide, and 0.05- to 0.1-m-deep wedge-shaped stainless steel case. The strand plain system consists of beach, sand dune, and back marsh. Stratigraphic succession of the strand plain system, up to 4.4 m thick, is composed of upper shoreface sand, foreshore sand, backshore sand, and back marsh mud, in ascending order. The succession shows three development stages of the strand plain system.Stage 1 (before the 13th century) : The study area was under a wave-dominated beach environment. The beach system was developed by progradation of shoreface, foreshore, and backshore deposits in the later period of this stage.Stage 2 (from the 13th century to the 16th century) : Sand dune and back marsh developed, covering the beach deposit. Humic mud was thickly deposited in the back marsh with low sand supply from seaward across the dune.Stage 3 (after the 17th century) : The back marsh has been infilled mainly by washover sand and debris from the hinterland. The AD 1707 Hoei Earthquake Tsunami, which destroyed villages on the dune, possibly promoted reactivation of sand movement from ruined dune to the back marsh.