小山 由
常民文化 = Jomin bunka (ISSN:03888908)
no.38, pp.1-31, 2015-03

The idea that there is a relationship between personality based on ABO blood type and the nature of each individual has been widely accepted in Japan. This understanding has been scientifically referred to as the blood type stereotype. In my previous paper, I argued that there are deficiencies in the definition and its naming. I renamed the "classification of people based on blood type," and defined it as the idea that classifies all human beings into four groups according to their blood type based on ABO blood typing. ABO blood typing attempts to match the exchange relationships among each ABO blood type with the relationships between each human group using knowledge of blood transfusions. That point needs to be noted first. For the acceptance and sustainment of this concept that people can be classified based on blood type, a number of scientific interpretations have been added primarily by psychologists. In their interpretations, classification based on blood type has been accepted. Although the idea is scientifically incorrect, people continue to believe the idea because it helps to smooth their relationships or it is deceiving their cognition. However, this interpretation has a fundamental error. The purpose of this paper is to point out the error of the traditional interpretation and to present a different interpretation. First, I will show that the traditional classification of people based on blood type is composed of imagery derived from three elements: doctrine, guru and believers. In addition, I describe the assumption that individuals are deceived by the ruses used by scammers who call themselves gurus. Next, I discuss that expressions such as 'believers,' which are frequently used in the conventional interpretation, generated the illusion that the Observer/interpreter can read an individual's inner mind. I show that the expression of the term 'believers' is a scientific problem. If it is understood as above, the context of sustainment and acceptance of the classification based on blood type can be perceived as a characteristic idea that people can easily use and is unforgettable, rather than the idea that people are deceived by the pseudo-scientific illogic of classifying individuals based on blood type. As I have shown in the previous paper, the classification of people based on blood type belongs to an image of the relationships among ABO blood types that can also be applied to people, and the idea of classification based on blood type has no scientific credibility. The conventional interpretation was generated by the stereotype that humans can be easily fooled by pseudo-scientific thinking.
小山 由
常民文化 = Jomin bunka (ISSN:03888908)
no.37, pp.1-30, 2014-03

The belief that there is a relationship between personality and ABO blood type has been widely accepted among people in Japan. Many researchers have studied this belief. However, the studies have given the wrong names to and definitions of the belief because they have not focused on its inherent theory. This study aims to show the actual theory for the belief while examming limitations in the previous studies. Further, the current study intends to name and appropriately define the belief. This study identifies two misinterpretations in studies by psychologists while reviewing previous studies, and confirms that those fallacies can also be seen in the interpretation of the concept of totemism. Consequently, this study indicates that the belief about blood type is linked to Claude Levi-Strauss' totemistic classification. The totemistic classification refers to the thinking that distinguishes between the human line and the totem line and matches subjects belonging to the totem line with those belonging to the human line. Based on Claude Levi-Strauss' totemistic classification, this study shows that knowledge of blood transfusions is related to the establishment of the belief about blood type, and that the belief links the relationship between each totem of ABO blood type with the relationship between each human group perceiving people as owners of each blood type. Finally, this study defines the belief as follows: by leveraging the knowledge of blood transfusion, the belief classifies all human beings into four groups according to their respective types of blood based on ABO blood typing, and matches the relationship between each ABO blood type based on blood replacement with the relationship between each human group. This study also names the belief: the classification of people based on blood type.
小山 由美 田中 美郷 芦野 聡子 熊川 孝三 針谷 しげ子 浅野 公子
Japan Audiological Society
vol.50, no.6, pp.642-650, 2007-12-28 (Released:2010-08-05)
2 2

1999年に田中は人工内耳適応児の言語指導法として, 伝統的な聴能訓練をベースにした方法とは異なるトップダウン方式を提唱した。この方法は補聴器活用に併せて手話と指文字を言語指導に導入し, 言語の意味論レベルの機能の発達を促し, これをベースにトップダウン方式で脳内にことば (speech) の聴覚的辞書を作ることを目的としている。2004年4月以降この方式で指導し, 人工内耳を装用させて2年以上経過を観察してきた17例のうち, 15例は人工内耳装用によって手話コミュニケーションが聴覚口話に自然に移行または移行しつつある。残り2例は聴神経発育不全や slow learner などの問題が関係してまだ満足な成果が得られていないが, このような問題を除けば, これまでの成績は手指法は注意深く導入する限り, 聴覚口話の発達を妨げないことを示している。
小山 由
常民文化 (ISSN:03888908)
no.37, pp.1-30, 2014-03

The belief that there is a relationship between personality and ABO blood type has been widely accepted among people in Japan. Many researchers have studied this belief. However, the studies have given the wrong names to and definitions of the belief because they have not focused on its inherent theory. This study aims to show the actual theory for the belief while examming limitations in the previous studies. Further, the current study intends to name and appropriately define the belief. This study identifies two misinterpretations in studies by psychologists while reviewing previous studies, and confirms that those fallacies can also be seen in the interpretation of the concept of totemism. Consequently, this study indicates that the belief about blood type is linked to Claude Levi-Strauss' totemistic classification. The totemistic classification refers to the thinking that distinguishes between the human line and the totem line and matches subjects belonging to the totem line with those belonging to the human line. Based on Claude Levi-Strauss' totemistic classification, this study shows that knowledge of blood transfusions is related to the establishment of the belief about blood type, and that the belief links the relationship between each totem of ABO blood type with the relationship between each human group perceiving people as owners of each blood type. Finally, this study defines the belief as follows: by leveraging the knowledge of blood transfusion, the belief classifies all human beings into four groups according to their respective types of blood based on ABO blood typing, and matches the relationship between each ABO blood type based on blood replacement with the relationship between each human group. This study also names the belief: the classification of people based on blood type.The belief that there is a relationship between personality and ABO blood type has been widely accepted among people in Japan. Many researchers have studied this belief. However, the studies have given the wrong names to and definitions of the belief because they have not focused on its inherent theory. This study aims to show the actual theory for the belief while examming limitations in the previous studies. Further, the current study intends to name and appropriately define the belief. This study identifies two misinterpretations in studies by psychologists while reviewing previous studies, and confirms that those fallacies can also be seen in the interpretation of the concept of totemism. Consequently, this study indicates that the belief about blood type is linked to Claude Levi-Strauss' totemistic classification. The totemistic classification refers to the thinking that distinguishes between the human line and the totem line and matches subjects belonging to the totem line with those belonging to the human line. Based on Claude Levi-Strauss' totemistic classification, this study shows that knowledge of blood transfusions is related to the establishment of the belief about blood type, and that the belief links the relationship between each totem of ABO blood type with the relationship between each human group perceiving people as owners of each blood type. Finally, this study defines the belief as follows: by leveraging the knowledge of blood transfusion, the belief classifies all human beings into four groups according to their respective types of blood based on ABO blood typing, and matches the relationship between each ABO blood type based on blood replacement with the relationship between each human group. This study also names the belief: the classification of people based on blood type.
小山 由
常民文化 (ISSN:03888908)
no.38, pp.1-31, 2015-03

The idea that there is a relationship between personality based on ABO blood type and the nature of each individual has been widely accepted in Japan. This understanding has been scientifically referred to as the blood type stereotype. In my previous paper, I argued that there are deficiencies in the definition and its naming. I renamed the "classification of people based on blood type," and defined it as the idea that classifies all human beings into four groups according to their blood type based on ABO blood typing. ABO blood typing attempts to match the exchange relationships among each ABO blood type with the relationships between each human group using knowledge of blood transfusions. That point needs to be noted first. For the acceptance and sustainment of this concept that people can be classified based on blood type, a number of scientific interpretations have been added primarily by psychologists. In their interpretations, classification based on blood type has been accepted. Although the idea is scientifically incorrect, people continue to believe the idea because it helps to smooth their relationships or it is deceiving their cognition. However, this interpretation has a fundamental error. The purpose of this paper is to point out the error of the traditional interpretation and to present a different interpretation. First, I will show that the traditional classification of people based on blood type is composed of imagery derived from three elements: doctrine, guru and believers. In addition, I describe the assumption that individuals are deceived by the ruses used by scammers who call themselves gurus. Next, I discuss that expressions such as 'believers,' which are frequently used in the conventional interpretation, generated the illusion that the Observer/interpreter can read an individual's inner mind. I show that the expression of the term 'believers' is a scientific problem. If it is understood as above, the context of sustainment and acceptance of the classification based on blood type can be perceived as a characteristic idea that people can easily use and is unforgettable, rather than the idea that people are deceived by the pseudo-scientific illogic of classifying individuals based on blood type. As I have shown in the previous paper, the classification of people based on blood type belongs to an image of the relationships among ABO blood types that can also be applied to people, and the idea of classification based on blood type has no scientific credibility. The conventional interpretation was generated by the stereotype that humans can be easily fooled by pseudo-scientific thinking.The idea that there is a relationship between personality based on ABO blood type and the nature of each individual has been widely accepted in Japan. This understanding has been scientifically referred to as the blood type stereotype. In my previous paper, I argued that there are deficiencies in the definition and its naming. I renamed the "classification of people based on blood type," and defined it as the idea that classifies all human beings into four groups according to their blood type based on ABO blood typing. ABO blood typing attempts to match the exchange relationships among each ABO blood type with the relationships between each human group using knowledge of blood transfusions. That point needs to be noted first. For the acceptance and sustainment of this concept that people can be classified based on blood type, a number of scientific interpretations have been added primarily by psychologists. In their interpretations, classification based on blood type has been accepted. Although the idea is scientifically incorrect, people continue to believe the idea because it helps to smooth their relationships or it is deceiving their cognition. However, this interpretation has a fundamental error. The purpose of this paper is to point out the error of the traditional interpretation and to present a different interpretation. First, I will show that the traditional classification of people based on blood type is composed of imagery derived from three elements: doctrine, guru and believers. In addition, I describe the assumption that individuals are deceived by the ruses used by scammers who call themselves gurus. Next, I discuss that expressions such as 'believers,' which are frequently used in the conventional interpretation, generated the illusion that the Observer/interpreter can read an individual's inner mind. I show that the expression of the term 'believers' is a scientific problem. If it is understood as above, the context of sustainment and acceptance of the classification based on blood type can be perceived as a characteristic idea that people can easily use and is unforgettable, rather than the idea that people are deceived by the pseudo-scientific illogic of classifying individuals based on blood type. As I have shown in the previous paper, the classification of people based on blood type belongs to an image of the relationships among ABO blood types that can also be applied to people, and the idea of classification based on blood type has no scientific credibility. The conventional interpretation was generated by the stereotype that humans can be easily fooled by pseudo-scientific thinking.
小山 由 水本 旭洋 今津 眞也 安本 慶一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MoMuC, モバイルマルチメディア通信 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.112, no.44, pp.171-177, 2012-05-14

本稿では,大規模災害により3G通信が利用不可能になったエリアでの情報の収集および発信を可能にするため,Twitterにつぶやかれた安否情報をメッセージデータとして保持し,DTN (Disruption-Tolerant Networking)によるユーザ同士のすれ違い通信によって3G通信が利用可能なエリア(以後,通信可能エリア)までメッセージの中継を行うことを可能にするシステムを提案する.到達したメッセージはTwitterシステムに送信して被災地外のユーザにメッセージを閲覧可能にすると共にGoogle Person Finder等のインターネット上の災害データベースとも連携し,投稿されたメッセージを基に情報の自動登録,及び検索を可能にする.このシステムを実現する上での課題は,(1)最短時間で安否情報を通信可能エリアへ配送することと,(2)通信不可能エリアのどこかに存在する特定のユーザに,Twitterの返信メッセージを的確に,かつ最短に配送することである.これらの課題を解決するため,提案システムでは各ユーザ端末に通過地点と3G通信状況の履歴に加え,他のユーザ端末との遭遇履歴を記録させ,3G通信可能エリアおよび特定ユーザに最短時間で到達する経路表を構築し,すれ違い時に経路表を他のユーザと交換することで,経路表を更新していく.また,提案手法の性能評価を適切に行うためのシミュレーション方法について述べる.
小山 由紀江 杉森 直樹 田中 省作

本研究の目的は理工系学生の英語語彙・語句に関する能力を測定するために、科学技術コーパスデータの分析に基づいたコンピュータ適応型テスト(CAT)を作成することである。この目的ため、科学技術コーパスを分析し、重要語彙・語句を抽出しこれを試験項目に使用した。テスト項目の分析と受験者の能力推定にはLatent Rank Theory(LRT)を採用し、予備テストを実施し230項目の項目バンクを作成した。これらを基に開発した理工系英語CATをmoodle上で実施した結果、科学技術英語のテストとして一定の妥当性があることが解った。
重本 直利 細川 孝 望月 太郎 碓井 敏正 細井 克彦 植田 健男 碓井 敏正 細井 克彦 小山 由美 植田 健男 中村 征樹

田中 美郷 芦野 聡子 小山 由美 吉田 有子 針谷 しげ子 熊川 孝三 武田 英彦
一般社団法人 日本聴覚医学会
vol.56, no.2, pp.153-162, 2013-04-28 (Released:2013-09-06)

新生児聴覚スクリーニングで難聴が疑われ, 1歳頃より難聴が進行した自閉症スペクトラム障碍及び重度知的障碍を伴う難聴児に3歳11か月時人工内耳を装着させた。本児は聾学校へ入る前から手話を導入した言語教育を受けてきた。本児は現在12歳に達したが, 現在のコミュニケーションは聴覚的言語理解は発達しつつあるものの言語表出は専ら手話である。本児は一時期聴覚過敏症があって人工内耳を拒否するようになった。しかし現在はこれを克服して人工内耳を常用している。本児は社会生活を送る上で必要なskillを実体験を重ねて身に付けつつある。これには両親の熱意はもちろん, 地域社会のいろいろな分野の機関や人々の支援があった。両親は我々のアドバイスにも耳を傾けて, 各方面に働きかけてこの体制を築いてきた。この努力の成果として, 言語発達も含めて社会的経験も積んで本児になりに豊かに育ちつつある。
田中 美郷 芦野 聡子 小山 由美 針谷 しげ子 熊川 孝三 浅野 公子
Japan Audiological Society
vol.49, no.2, pp.178-183, 2006-04-28 (Released:2010-08-05)

わが国でも子どもの人工内耳例が増加しているが, その評価はことばの知覚面の改善が中心で, 学校教育上最も重視されるべき言語の問題が等閑に付されてきた。人工内耳は難聴を治す方法ではないだけに, 言語を育てるためにはそのための方法論が必要である。我々は親子のコミュニケーションと情緒の安定を重視し, 人工内耳候補児には術前から補聴器活用に加えて手話や指文字などを導入して, 先ず言語発達を促し, 術後も手話や指文字を禁じることなく活用しながらトップダウン方式で聴覚活用に導く方式をとっている。2002年4月以降24名の重度難聴幼児に人工内耳を装着させ, その後の経過を含めて, この作業を行っていく上でのコーディネーターを中心としたチーム作り, 並びに人工内耳の適応基準について, 我々独自の方法論を述べた。
小山 由紀江
New directions (ISSN:18810349)
no.28, pp.13-25, 2010

This paper first describes the history of testing, especially that of language testing, in order to provide a background to Computer Based Testing and Computerized Adaptive Testing. Secondly, the paper introduces an implementation of CAT, whose content is English for general science and Technology,along with a description of its construction and results. The results indicate that the CAT is more efficient than TOEIC and final examinations at NIT in terms of time consumed and the number of items answered. The result has relatively high correlation coeffcients bothwith TOEIC and the final examination, which suggests that the CAT could be reliable and valid substitute for other tests. However, the termination condition and the difficulty level of items should be carefully considered in order to further increase to the validity and reliability of CAT. In addition, the quality and the quantity of the item-bank is crucial.
水本 篤 染谷 泰正 山本 敏幸 浜谷 佐和子 小山 由紀江 近藤 悠介 今尾 康裕 大野 真澄 濱地 亮太 名部井 敏代 山西 博之
pp.1-122, 2017-03

藤井 孝子 小山 由朗 加藤 久 平田 崇
Dynamics and Design Conference : 機械力学・計測制御講演論文集 : D & D (ISSN:13480235)
vol.2003, 2003-09-15

A design of foundation garments like a brassiere and a girdle is made to realize elegant bodyline and comfortable feeling of wearing. The know-how acquired by research and development of foundation was used and applied for design of walking assistance robot. The contact place of human body and robot was determined by measurement of expansion and contraction of the skin and the body form change by movement. In addition, to evaluate of a feeling of wearing, contact pressures were measured. In this result, it has checked that contact pressure was in agreement with sensory evaluation.
石川 有香 小山 由紀江 カレン ブライアン 浅井 淳

本研究は、東海圏の工業大学の初年次学生を対象とした英語教育システムTEEE(Tokai English Education for Engineering Students)の開発を目的とする。東海圏の英語教員によるネットワークを作成し、現在のESP教育の問題点を明らかにし、開発した新しい教育方法と教材を実施する。研究の結果、工業大学の初年次学生は、工学や英語の知識は乏しいが、概して工学への強い学習動機が備わっているため、TEEEによるESP教育は効果的である可能性が示唆された。