坂本 文徳 大貫 敏彦 香西 直文 五十嵐 翔祐 山崎 信哉 吉田 善行 田中 俊一
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
pp.1111290030, (Released:2011-11-30)
8 10

The environmental behavior of radioactive Cs in the fallout from the accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant has been studied by measuring its spatial distribution on/in trees, plants, and surface soil beneath the plants using autoradiography analysis. The results of autoradiography analysis showed that radioactive Cs was distributed on the branches and leaves of trees that were present during the accident and that only a small fraction of radioactive Cs was transported to new branches and leaves grown after the accident. Radioactive Cs was present on the grass and rice stubble on the soils, but not in the soils beneath the grass and rice stubble, indicating that the radioactive Cs was deposited on the grass and the rice plant. In addition, the ratio of the radioactive Cs that penetrated into the soil layer by weathering was very small two months after the accident. These results indicate that trees and other plants are the reservoir of the fallout Cs and function to retard the fallout Cs migration with rain water.
坂本 文徳 大貫 敏彦 香西 直文 五十嵐 翔祐 山崎 信哉 吉田 善行 田中 俊一
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
vol.11, no.1, pp.1-7, 2012 (Released:2012-02-15)
8 10

The environmental behavior of radioactive Cs in the fallout from the accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant has been studied by measuring its spatial distribution on/in trees, plants, and surface soil beneath the plants using autoradiography analysis. The results of autoradiography analysis showed that radioactive Cs was distributed on the branches and leaves of trees that were present during the accident and that only a small fraction of radioactive Cs was transported to new branches and leaves grown after the accident. Radioactive Cs was present on the grass and rice stubble on the soils, but not in the soils beneath the grass and rice stubble, indicating that the radioactive Cs was deposited on the grass and the rice plant. In addition, the ratio of the radioactive Cs that penetrated into the soil layer by weathering was very small two months after the accident. These results indicate that trees and other plants are the reservoir of the fallout Cs and function to retard the fallout Cs migration with rain water.
伊藤 寛 小川 幸恵 清野 浩昭 川合 宏仁 山崎 信也 奥秋 晟
蘇生 (ISSN:02884348)
vol.24, no.2, pp.82-87, 2005-07-20 (Released:2010-12-08)

歯科治療における死亡事故報告は後をたたない。我々は, 各種メディアから知り得た歯科治療に関連した重篤なショック, 心肺停止報告200例について分析した。その結果, ショック45例, 心肺停止155例, 死亡126例であった。これらの多くは局所麻酔や観血処置に起因し, 何らかの全身的合併症を有していたものが全200例中75例 (38%) であった。また小児, 障害児者に多く行われる抑制治療が起因と思われる死亡は19例で, 全死亡例の15%であった。このような事故を回避するために, 歯科医師の医学知識全身管理能力の向上が必要であり, 特に, 最低限のリスクマネージメントとしてBLS, ACLSの習得は必須であると思われた。
高橋 信子 山崎 信寿
日本看護技術学会誌 (ISSN:13495429)
vol.4, no.1, pp.50-57, 2005-04-30 (Released:2016-10-25)

立ち座り動作の困難な女性が, 安楽に立位で排尿できるようにするための女性用便器を開発した. 便器の寸法やデザインは, 身体関節に何らかの苦痛が生じている女性被験者 (20~76歳) 10名の立位排尿実験から外形中央幅22cm, 高さ30cmのピーナツ殻形状とした. 膝関節や股関節に障害のある女性10名について試作便器の検証を行った結果, 一般的な立位姿勢であれば, 下肢および衣服を汚すことや尿が便器の外に飛散することなく, 安楽に排尿できることが確認できた.
名倉 武雄 山崎 信寿
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.24, no.3, pp.159-162, 2000-08-01 (Released:2016-11-01)
5 2

山崎 信寿 梅田 昌弘
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.14, pp.173-182, 1998-11-25 (Released:2016-12-05)

The Desmostylus, known to have lateral-type limbs like a reptile, was a large mammal that lived about 15 million years ago. Most of its bones have already been discovered; due to the peculiar shape of its skeleton, however, adequacy of its posture restoration had not been verified, and a paleoecological restoration closely related to the posture had never been attempted. In this study, we constructed a three-dimensional musculo-skeletal model of the Desmostylus based on Inuzuka's restored skeleton, which laterally extending the limbs, and verified the adequacy of the peculiar posture by estimating muscular loads to sustain its posture. The musculo-skeletal model was constructed by referring to data obtained from three-dimensional measurement of the restored skeleton and a whole body model made by Inuzuka. Its body was represented by total of 16 rigid links: 3 links in each leg and 4 in the torso. The rigid link properties, such as mass and center of gravity of each segment, were calculated by representing the body shape as elliptical plates. A total of 49 muscles were modeled, including torso muscles. In order to sustain its body weight efficiently, a nonlinear elastic element, like a ligament, was attached around each joint. Body length of the model was 2.6 meters and its body weight was 1.2 tons. We calculated muscular loads to support the body at posture by varying four parameters defining its posture (height of hip joint; inclination angle of a motion plane composed by scapula, upper and fore limbs; directions of toe tips; and positions of the toe tips). In order to maintain the posture with limbs extending laterally, the elastic element at each joint became very important to reduce the muscular loads, instead of the structural support of the posture by bone. Therefore, we determined the posture so as to minimize the change of supporting moment and to maximize the step length. Constant moment can be easily exerted by passive elements. The results were as follows: 1) The calculated posture of Desmostylus is 0.45 meter hip height, 1.06 meters lateral distance between right and left forelimbs, and 0.7meter for that of hindlimbs; 2) muscle cross-sectional area to support the body weight exceeded its permissible leg thickness, therefore, abdomen should touched the ground during daily locomotion; 3) it is more feasible to extend its forelimbs forward, and hindlimbs backward, and the step length is 0.65 meter; 4) the hindlimbs were able to land at a different position from that of the forelimbs; 5) hands and feet were adapted to scratch backward if they were positioned perpendicular to the ground; 6) by inclining the neck downward about 20 degrees from the estimated posture, it could place its mandible parallel to the ground; 7) when in such a low posture, the total muscular load may be comparable with the load of a rat-type posture. We concluded that the lateral posture of Desmostylus touching its abdomen to the ground was adequate and adapted the mammal to live on tidelands.
山崎 信寿
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.10, pp.85-95, 1990-09-10 (Released:2016-12-05)

Bipedal dinosaurs are huge and curious animals that have short forelimbs, powerful hindlimbs, and a long and heavy tail. The restoration of their posture and locomotion is difficult because of the lack of resemblant living animals. In this study, we paid attention to the harmony between animal motion and body shape, and conversely estimated the posture and locomotion of the bipedal dinosaurs from the characteristics of the body proportions using a computer simulation method. The mathematical model was constructed by the three-dimensional rigid link system with the following fourteen segments: head, neck, thorax, pelvis, upper arms, forearms, thighs, shanks, bottom tail, and top tail. An axis of the central body segments rotates about the vertical axis with a constant pitch angle defined by the initial posture. Each limb moves in the sagittal plane of the thorax or pelvis segment. Body weight is supported by the lumbar joint. Both torque spring and damper element are attached in each joint to prevent large relative rotation. Nonlinear elasticity is given in the knee and elbow joints to avoid hyper-extension of the joint. Using these assumptions, we can deduce seventeen simultaneous second-order differential equations. The numerical calculation of the oscillation mode was performed by using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. By means of this method, we analyzed Allosaurus, which was a typical bipedal dinosaur in the Jurassic period. The length of each segment was estimated from measured data of fossil skeletons. Other physical parameters, such as weight, moment of inertia and center of mass of each segment, were calculated geometrically from the restored shape. The torque spring and damper elements of each joint were referred from living animals. The numerical calculations were performed by assuming several body proportions and postures. The following results were obtained: Stability and walking speed with erect posture are inferior to the horizontal posture. The long and heavy tail is useful to obtain harmonic motion and greater speed. But the weight of the short forelimbs has almost no effects on the locomotion. The narrow distance between the hip joints increases the walking speed and decreases the swing of the body. The walking speed calculated by the stride of fossil pit and the oscillation frequency of the hindlimbs is 5.6km/h, which is within the speed range of mammals. Consequently, we can reconstruct the walking of Allosaurus, which held its trunk and tail horizontal and moved stably at almost mammalian speed.
山崎 信寿
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.10, pp.85-95, 1990
6 1

Bipedal dinosaurs are huge and curious animals that have short forelimbs, powerful hindlimbs, and a long and heavy tail. The restoration of their posture and locomotion is difficult because of the lack of resemblant living animals. In this study, we paid attention to the harmony between animal motion and body shape, and conversely estimated the posture and locomotion of the bipedal dinosaurs from the characteristics of the body proportions using a computer simulation method. The mathematical model was constructed by the three-dimensional rigid link system with the following fourteen segments: head, neck, thorax, pelvis, upper arms, forearms, thighs, shanks, bottom tail, and top tail. An axis of the central body segments rotates about the vertical axis with a constant pitch angle defined by the initial posture. Each limb moves in the sagittal plane of the thorax or pelvis segment. Body weight is supported by the lumbar joint. Both torque spring and damper element are attached in each joint to prevent large relative rotation. Nonlinear elasticity is given in the knee and elbow joints to avoid hyper-extension of the joint. Using these assumptions, we can deduce seventeen simultaneous second-order differential equations. The numerical calculation of the oscillation mode was performed by using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. By means of this method, we analyzed Allosaurus, which was a typical bipedal dinosaur in the Jurassic period. The length of each segment was estimated from measured data of fossil skeletons. Other physical parameters, such as weight, moment of inertia and center of mass of each segment, were calculated geometrically from the restored shape. The torque spring and damper elements of each joint were referred from living animals. The numerical calculations were performed by assuming several body proportions and postures. The following results were obtained: Stability and walking speed with erect posture are inferior to the horizontal posture. The long and heavy tail is useful to obtain harmonic motion and greater speed. But the weight of the short forelimbs has almost no effects on the locomotion. The narrow distance between the hip joints increases the walking speed and decreases the swing of the body. The walking speed calculated by the stride of fossil pit and the oscillation frequency of the hindlimbs is 5.6km/h, which is within the speed range of mammals. Consequently, we can reconstruct the walking of Allosaurus, which held its trunk and tail horizontal and moved stably at almost mammalian speed.
上山 真生 水頭一壽 山崎 信行
情報処理学会研究報告組込みシステム(EMB) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2008, no.32, pp.203-208, 2008-03-28

本論文では,ロボット制御に必要なリアルタイム性をOSが保証するための時間管理機構を提案する.まず,周期タスクのデッドラインがデッドラインをミスしないことを保証するために,周期タスク生成時にアドミッションコントロールを行う.従来のリアルタイムOSでは,実行タイミングの予測性が高い静的優先度アルゴリズムが採用されてきたが,理論的に任意のタスクセットについてデッドラインを保証可能な資源利用率が低く,アドミッションコントロールとは相性が悪かった.しかしながら,本リアルタイムOSでは,モータ制御のように実行タイミングジッタを許容しないタスクの実行を,タイマ割込みサービスルーチンに任せる.ジッタを許容しないタスクを周期タスクのスケジューリングから分離したことにより,周期タスクのスケジューリングの際にジッタを考慮しなくてすむため,実行タイミングの予測性は低いが,理論的に保証可能な資源利用率の高い動的優先度アルゴリズムを採用することが可能となる.この時間管理機構により,リアルタイム性を保証しつつ,計算資源を有効に使うことが可能となる.This paper describes the time management functions of a real-time operating system (RTOS) for sophisticated robot control. A robot motion control consists of hard deadline tasks. Therefore, our RTOS has an admission control function which is called at task creation to ensure meeting these deadlines of all periodic tasks. Our RTOS supports Earliest Deadline First (EDF) scheduling algorithm, due to segregate timing critical tasks from periodic task scheduling by using timer interrupt service routine.
山崎 信明
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.529, pp.241-247, 2000-03-30 (Released:2017-02-03)
2 1

I analyzed the developing process of the house plan and the townscape of Otai post town in the "Shukuezu"; old maps in the Edo era. As a result, from the middle toward the end of Edo era, some of the post town buildings had developed a more functional approach, which could be seen in the highly sophisticated living spaces and guest spaces. However, a similar house plan to the typical peasant's house was still seen in many of the buildings of post town of the end of Edo era. In addition, each Kamimachi, Nakamachi and Simomachi had different views of the outside.
山崎 信寿 高橋 直己
no.17, pp.235-244, 2004-08-25

Body care motions apply a large amount of stress on caregivers' muscles and spines, so most of them suffer from low back pain. One of the major factors of low back pain is the low back muscular load to keep the deep flexion posture. This study concerned development of a suit-type back muscle supporter named "the care suit," which reduces low back load. Elastic fiber belts (support lines) are arranged on the back and leg parts of the suit. The support lines are relaxed so as not to interfere with daily trunk motion, arm motion, walking, and sitting motion, but to exert tensile force and extension moment in the deep flexion posture. The care suit is a two-piece design to improve comfort and convenience. To optimize the layout of the support lines we developed a small reel-type device to measure body surface deformation. As the result of measurement by this device and a system for posture measurement during several motions, the back support lines are arranged in an x-shape from the side neck point to the point internally dividing the Jacoby-line at a ratio of 1 to 2. The leg support lines branch at the rear face of the thigh and are attached to the apex of the patella. The maximum tension of support lines is limited by the user's shoulder pain to 140 N for males and 85 N for females. The effect of the care suit was evaluated by electromyograms of back muscles. The action potential in the deep flexion posture was 25% decreased. In comparison with the conventional corset, the effect of the care suit for back muscle was equal, but the care suit is superior in that it does not interfere with flexion motion. The lumbar joint muscular moment during a diaper change operation was calculated from body posture through a rigid body link model. The results of this calculation showed that the stored load during the operation was decreased by 30% by the care suit. Furthermore the summation of intervertebral disk compressive force was reduced by 15% during the operation. Therefore the care suit is effective for reduction of not only continuous muscular load but also spinal load. Practical use by caregivers also resulted in good evaluations as it reduced continuous muscle load for a diaper change operation, bed making operation, etc. Conclusively, the low back load during body care motions can be reduced by the care suit developed in this research. This care suit is under patent application.
山崎 信也 川島 佳千子 清水 敦彦
足利短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:03893278)
vol.18, no.1, pp.19-25, 1998-03-15

坂本 文徳 大貫 敏彦 香西 直文 山崎 信哉 吉田 善行 難波 謙二
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
pp.J13.002, (Released:2013-10-10)
4 5

The local area distribution and relocation of radioactive cesium deposited in trees after the 2011 tsunami-related accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) have been studied by measuring the spatial distribution of cesium on/in trees by autoradiography analysis. Samples of trees were collected from places located between 4 and 55 km from FDNPP approximately 2, 8, 20, and 22 months after the accident. The autoradiography analyses of Cryptomeria japonica, Torreya nucifera, and Thujopsis dolabrata var. hondae samples collected approximately 2 and 8 months after the accident showed that radioactive Cs was mainly distributed as spots on the branches and leaves of the trees emerged before the accident, and was detected in negligible amounts in new branch and leaves that emerged after the accident. On the contrary, radioactive Cs was detected at the outermost tip of the branches in the trees collected 20 months after the accident. Morus alba samples collected 22 months after the accident contained radioactive Cs inside and outside their stems, even though no radioactive Cs was detected in their roots, strongly suggesting that a certain amount of radioactive Cs was translocated from the outside to the inside of stems. These results indicate that the distribution of radioactive Cs deposited on/in the trees gradually changes with time (scale: year).
長谷 和徳 西口 純也 山崎 信寿
vol.15, pp.187-198, 2000
20 6

Many computer simulation studies of human bipedal walking have been conducted in the field of biomechanics. The musculo-skeletal systems in previous models, however, have been simplified two-dimensionally, and theoretical methods in robotics have been applied for the motor control mechanisms. The purpose of this study was to develop a more precise simulation model of human walking in order to improve the practicability of the simulation method. As a result, a model was created in which the musculo-skeletal system of the entire body is modeled three-dimensionally, and a mechanism for motor control was constructed by a neuronal system model having a hierarchical structure. The inertial properties of the entire human body were represented by a three-dimensional , 14-rigid-link system. These links include the feet, calves, thighs, pelvis, lower lumbar region, upper lumbar region, thorax, upper arms, and forearms. The body's dynamic model is driven by 42 muscles for the entire body. The arrangement of each muscle was represented as a series of line segments, the direction of which changes according to joint angle. Energy consumption, including heat production, in the muscle was calculated from the generating tension. The hierarchical neuronal system includes three levels. First, at the highest level, there is a neuronal system corresponding to the higher center level. The function of adjusting changes in walking pattern is assumed to exist at this system level. The model was expressed by a computational multi-layered neural network. Second, at the middle level , there is a neuronal system corresponding to the spinal cord level. This neuronal system, representing a rhythm-generation mechanism, was modeled as a network system consisting of neural oscillators. They generate the neuronal stimulus combined for each degree of freedom by receiving nonspecific stimulus from the higher center and feedback signals from the somatic senses. Each neural oscillator is mathematically expressed by two differential equations. Third, at the lowest level, there is a neuronal system corresponding to the peripheral level. The neuronal system divides the combined neuronal stimulus from the neural oscillator into the neuronal stimulus to each muscle. The model is mathematically represented as an optimization problem. The simulated walking pattern was continuous and stable. The walking pattern closely agrees with actual human walking in terms not only of joint movement but also of muscle activities and energy consumption. In order to investigate the effects of higher center system functioning in adjusting walking patterns, we compared a walking pattern generated by a model incorporating a higher center system with the patterns obtained from a model without the higher center system, in terms of robustness of mechanical perturbation. Although the model without the higher center system could not stabilize its walking pattern and finally fell down, the model with the higher center system could perform continuous walking without falling down.