松浦 昇 佐々木 孝 鈴山 宏 桑木野 文章 長島 秀樹
海洋調査技術 (ISSN:09152997)
vol.18, no.2, pp.2_1-2_10, 2006 (Released:2011-06-16)

We developed a prediction method for providing detailed tide level and tidal current information covering the whole Seto Inland Sea.Simulations for 33 days on tide level and the tidal current were carried out after dividing the Seto Inland Sea into the 11 domains. Vertically integrated two-dimensional model was used for the simulation and tide level changes during the target period in the Kii Channel, Bungo Channel, and Kanmon Strait were used as boundary conditions.On the bases of the simulation result, we calculated 29 harmonic constants and constructed the harmonic constant database. The M2 tide and tidal current which are predominant of the Seto Inland Sea were compared with the observation data (48 tide and 51 tidal current stations). As a result, the overall distribution tendency of the M2 tide and tidal current indicated a good reproducibility.Moreover, it was shown that the estimated tidal current of 29 constituents that were acquired from harmonic analysis also reproduced local flows, such as eddies of the downward flow side of the islands, in the Kurushima Strait.Furthermore, good agreements were obtained when compared the tide data of 11 tidal stations in the Seto Inland Sea and the current chart mesh data.This method based on the harmonic analysis of the simulation result can predict the detailed flow of the whole Seto Inland Sea at any time, and the harmonic constant database has high practicality, resulting in a method of wide application.
濱島 秀樹
教養と教育 : 共通科目研究交流誌
vol.6, pp.37-46, 2006

桑島 秀樹
美學 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.48, no.4, pp.1-12, 1998-03-31

The aim of this paper is to make a close analysis of Burke's only work on aesthetics, A Philosophical Enquiry (1757). I will focus upon the idea of 'feeling' or 'touch'. Since the studies of Burke's political philosophy and aesthetics in the past have given little attention to this. The idea of 'feeling' or 'touch' is at the philosophical basis of Burke's aesthetics. It reveals his fundamental confidence in the external world and in the human body system, including its innate mental powers. It also reveals his positive attitude toward 'obscurity' of image and sight. Burke's argument is brought to "anti-ocularcentrism" or "anti-illusionism". This will be demonstrated by making an examination into the ideas of 'danger', 'obscurity' and 'imagination'. The idea of 'feeling' or 'touch' will lead to the core of Burke's aesthetics, particularly to that of his greatly interested subject : the Sublime. It will also be shown to have a connection between the Sublime and the Grace. Reference will be made even to the influence of William Hogarth's aesthetics in his work, The Analysis of Beauty (1753) upon the thinking of Burke.
長島 秀樹
社団法人 日本流体力学会
日本流体力学会誌「ながれ」 (ISSN:02863154)
vol.10, no.3, pp.166-180, 1991-09-30 (Released:2011-03-07)

Recent development of satellite technique has given us many pictures of sandydeserts. We can see a number of forms of sandy surface in the pictures. These forms must have much information of desert environments such as wind direction and wind speed.In this paper, I try to review classical and recent works on the development of aeolian dunes and sand transport. In § 2 the classical theories of the generation of sand ripples are introduced. In § 3 several formulas of sand transport are discussed in relation to the so-called 'saltation'. The characteristics of the vertical structure of winds associated with 'saltation' is also reviewed in § 4. In § 5 many kinds of aeolian dunes in sandy deserts are introduced and the discussion is extended to the factors determining these dune types. In § 6 a recent numerical model of development and migration of a dune is presented. In the final section, future studies of the sand sea are discussed.
桑島 秀樹
人間科学研究 (ISSN:18817688)
vol.10, pp.59-69, 2015

本稿は, 18世紀イギリスの主要な美的カテゴリーたる「崇高(サブライム)」・「優美(グレイス)」・「絵様美(ピクチャレスク)」を, 「安芸ノ宮島」風景の美学的・芸術学的特性の分析に応用したものである。別言すれば, 宮島風景のもつ「聖性」と「美」の関係を比較美学ないしは応用芸術学の観点から論じた視覚感性文化論の試みといえる。なお, 分析に当たっては, 上記の美的カテゴリー論の採用にくわえ, 19世紀末から20世紀初頭にかけて活躍した, ユダヤ系ドイツ人哲学者G・ジンメルの「山岳美学(アルペン=エステティーク)」に見られた景観分析手法をも援用している。ジンメルによれば, 「山」の風景とは, 「山麓の草木」・「山腹の岩塊」・「山頂の氷雪」といった3つの異なるフェイズから成る。彼はこのような空間配置の差異に基づき, それぞれのトポス(場=景観)に働いている空間力学を考慮しながら、その美的特性のモードを分析・弁別していった。さて, 本稿でもジンメルに倣い, 宮島風景を, ①まずは「山頂部」の弥山を中心とする山林部(景観上層:垂直方向), ②次に, 「海と陸の境界部(インターフェイス)」にある厳島神社本殿と附属社殿群(景観中層:水平方向), ③最後に, 大鳥居を焦点に, 山・社・海が織りなす絵葉書的な全体景観(景観低層:垂直方向+水平方向/全方位的スペクタクル)に分け, これら3種のトポスに分割して考察を試みる。そして結論として, 各トポスの景観それぞれに働く視覚的・宗教的な感性力学の有様が描き出されることになろう。以下, 簡単に本稿各節のポイントを日本語で概括しておこう。第1節 「崇高(サブライム)」:弥山主霊峰・弥山は, 仏教上の「須弥山」に由来する。海面から屹立する峰々は「自然曼荼羅」である。宮島はまた, 人間を寄せつけない「神の島(斎島)」でもあった。アニミスティックな古神道的な世界観からすれば, 原生林上部に位置する弥山の巨岩山塊部は, 神々の降臨する「磐座(いわくら)」だ。ここに偉大な神々の顕現を想うとき, そこに《崇高》が現出する。第2節 「優美(グレイス)」:厳島神社山から神が降り海から人が来て, インタラクティヴな交流・交感が起こる場所。そこに厳島神社の社殿はある。「聖」と「俗」(「山」と「海」/「天」と「地」/「彼岸」と「此岸」)が融けあうインターフェイス(境界/界面)に, 水鳥が羽を広げたように, 平安・寝殿造の《優美》な姿が浮遊する(じっさい社殿のもつ建築学的「浮板」構造は, 暴風対策以上の感性的含意をもつものなのだ)。この構造は, しなやかに謡い舞う平安貴族の女性的美の象徴を具現しているといってもよかろう。第3節 「絵様美(ピクチャレスク)」:大鳥居と山・社・海の統一対岸から宮島に向かうと, 朱の大鳥居を焦点(ないしフレーム)として, 美しい弧の曲線を描く「白沙青松」の入江が奥まったところに《優美》な厳島神社が見える。社殿から右後方へと原生林が迫りあがる。その先には霊峰の《崇高》な雄姿。ここにダイナミックに展開する全方位的なスペクタクル, すなわち「海」・「社」・「山」の景観が綜合的に紡ぐ「多様性の統一」こそ, まさに《絵様美(ピクチャレスク)》となる。こんなわけで, 「日本三景」に数えられる宮島の「美」とは, 多様な絵画的パースペクティヴが混淆した精華だと考えることができよう。以上を踏まえたうえで, 対岸から「生も死もなき聖島」宮島を訪問する者の眼を借り, もういちど具体的な宮島風景に即して確認すれば, こうなろうか。屹立する弥山山頂の巨石群は, 天上世界の領域に属し, 神々の降臨する磐座だ。これは《崇高(サブライム)》出来を予期させるトポスとなっている。山からは神々, 海からは人々が来て交流・交歓・交易が起こる。まさに「彼岸」と「此岸」が触れあい, 融けあうのが, この寝殿造の浮遊する社殿。そこはまた, 能や舞を奉納する場であり, たおやかなダイナミックスがそこに生じ, この地上世界で《優美(グレイス)》が姿を現わす。対岸から宮島へ向かって, 「日本三景」と謳われる島全体を見渡してみよう。とりあえず船で近づくと想ってほしい(が, しかし, 場合によっては想像力を駆使して, もっとダイナミックに大鳥居をかすめる鳥の眼となって, 上空から社殿さらに弥山に迫ってもよかろう)。まずは海中に屹立する朱の大鳥居を焦点(アイ・キャッチャー)に, おおきく弧をなして展開する白沙青松の浜の海岸線が眼に入る。入江の奥まったところに, あたかも水鳥が羽を広げてやすらうがごとき神社社殿が鎮座する。否, 軽やかに浮かんでいるのが見える。社殿の背後から右後方へと――すくなくとも視覚的には――社殿裏の社叢林から山腹の原生林までがひと筋に連なり, そのまま急激に迫りあがる。視点を尾根づたいに急上昇させれば, そこに主霊峰群の峻厳な雄姿がぱっと現れ出づるだろう。畏怖すべき神々と出逢う領域へのまなざしがそこにはある。遠来の参拝客は, 船で大鳥居をかすめて上陸を果たし, 社殿の参道を一歩また一歩と社殿に近づきあゆむ。そのとき彼の眼に展開する「海」・「社」・「山」が織りなす多様な美的景観の動性は, 「絵葉書」(あるいは,江戸期なら名所図会)に象徴的に切り取られるがごとき《絵様美(ピクチャレスク)》として映じよう。数種の「美」「聖性」が宮島の各トポスに立ち現れている。しかしながら, それらはみごとな配置とバランスをもつがゆえ, 統合的に享受されうるものである。まさしく絶妙な感性力学が, つねにこの島の風景には働いているわけだ。安芸ノ宮島では, このような「美」の競演のダイナミクスが, その風景美の秘密を構成しているのである。The aesthetics of the "Aki-no-Miyajima (安芸ノ宮島)" landscape in Hiroshima constitute a form of scientific application of several western aesthetic categories to a specific Japanese site. Specially speaking, this study considers the adoption of 《the Sublime》, 《Grace》, and 《the Picturesque》, which were flourished and discussed in Europe (especially in Britain) around the 18th century, for one of the Best Three Views among Japan.Additionally the present paper also incorporates the analytic method of "die Alpen-ästhetik" from Georg Simmel's Philosophische Kultur (1911). The Jewish-German philosopher divided the landscape of the Alps into the three aspects: grass-fields at the mountain-foot, rocky massif at the mountain-side, and perpetual snow at the heavenly peak.Now we will make full use of the three aesthetic categories and Simmel's method, and examine to treat the rocky and rugged peak of Mt. "Misen (弥山)" in terms of 《the Sublime》, the floating "Itsukushimajinja (厳島神社)" shrine between land and sea (or heaven and earth, or gods and human beings) in terms of 《Grace》, and the entire landscape of the integrated parts: mountains, coastal lines, and shrines with the large red "Oh-torii (大鳥居)" gate in the sea in terms of《the Picturesque》.The paper may also illustrate the reason why the Miyajima landscape has ever been called one of the "Nippon-sankei (日本三景)", The Best Three Views of Japan, defined by Shunsai HAYASHI (林春斎), a Confucian scholar at the early Edo period. And finally we will find it here a contest of the various sorts of the beauty, or their secret co-existence.
高田 良宏 笠原 禎也 西澤 滋人 森 雅秀 内島 秀樹
情報知識学会誌 (ISSN:09171436)
vol.19, no.3, pp.251-263, 2009-10-28
3 2

中村 充志 瀧澤 生 星 泰成 綱島 秀樹 陳 キュウ
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18845258)
vol.17, no.5, pp.523-529, 2018 (Released:2018-12-26)
1 1

In this paper, we propose an automatic font generation algorithm which can accurately represent Kansei of the input image. Provided an arbitrary image, a corresponding font is generated according to the emotion information included in the image. The proposed method consists of two stages: learning stage and generation stage. In the first stage, the learning unit learns multiple fonts by using the image generation model “zi2zi” (meaning characters to characters), which is based on the GAN principle. In the generation stage, the score of the emotion information is obtained using “Emotion API” for the analysis of the image, then an inference is made by using the weights of the Generator model obtained by the learning, and the font is generated finally. Evaluation experiments via web questionnaires show that the fonts generated by the proposed algorithm correctly reflect emotions, demonstrating the effectiveness of our algorithm.
古東 哲明 高橋 憲雄 原 正幸 中村 裕英 青木 孝夫 桑島 秀樹

青木 孝夫 原 正幸 樋口 聡 桑島 秀樹

北川原 香 横林 敏夫 清水 武 五島 秀樹
特定非営利活動法人 日本口腔科学会
日本口腔科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290297)
vol.52, no.2, pp.44-50, 2003-03-10 (Released:2011-01-31)

Fourteen patients with subcutaneous emphysema treated in our department during 17 years were clinically studied. All but one were referred to us by other dentists because of complications. They con sistedof five male and nine female patients. Their ages ranged from 16 to 67 years and 62% of them were in their thirties. The emphysema resulted during sectioning of the mandibular third molar by using an air-turbine handpiece in four patients and from extraction of other teeth in four patients. The use of compressed air during dental procedures was the cause in four patients and the complication was associated with endodontic treatment and implanta tionof a dental implant in the other two patients. A diffuse swelling involving the eyelid, cheek, mandibu larregion and neck accompanied by crepitation on palpation of the swollen area was noted in all patients.Difficulty in opening the eyelid, headache, nausea and mediastinal emphysema were found in four, one, one and one patients, respectively. Antibiotics were given to all patients to prevent infection. Except four one patient with prolonged swelling due to pericoronitis and another patient without adequate information, the swelling with subcutaneous crepitus tended to subside within a week and secondary complications were encountered in no patients.