酒井 隆全 大津 史子 後藤 伸之
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.13, no.4, pp.183-188, 2012 (Released:2012-03-15)

Objective: The purposes of this study were to verify the actual state and to identify the problems associated with research activities by pharmacists.Methods: The abstracts presented at the 42nd and the 37th Japan Pharmaceutical Association (JPA) Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science were investigated.  They were categorized into six research types: “Outcome research”; “Intervention research”; “Observational study”; “Status report”; “Case report”; and “Other”.  They were then ranked according to evidence level, with “Outcome research” ranked the highest.  In addition, “Outcome research”, “Intervention research” and “Observational studies” were checked for whether they had structured abstracts, and form scores were awarded.Results: We found that only 0.8% of abstracts were “Outcome research”.  but the level was higher at the 42nd Congress than the 37th (p=0.03).  Structured abstracts were also more common at the 42nd Congress than at the 37th (p<0.01).  However, the form scores were not significantly different between the 42nd and 37th Congresses.Conclusions: Our findings suggest that pharmacist research activities are improving, but that there is still room for further development.  The referee system and the guidelines for research design are useful methods to encourage more activity.  The target of this study was community pharmacy, and further studies are necessary for hospital pharmacy.
後藤 伸之 山田 成樹 藤森 研司
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.15, no.4, pp.165-168, 2014-02-28 (Released:2014-04-02)

Objective: The purpose of this study was to clarify the importance of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) at acute care hospitals using Diagnosis Procedure Combination (DPC) data.Methods: We used DPC data from about 3,500,000 inpatients at about 950 acute care hospitals.  The investigation period was from July 2010 to December 2010.  Patients were divided into 2 groups: TDM intervention (n=22,012); and non-TDM intervention (n=26,400).  We compared the clinical indicators (length of hospital stay, payment based on performance and drug costs) and use of antimicrobials.Results: TDM intervention was carried out in 45.5% patients for whom an anti-MRSA agent was prescribed.  The duration of anti-MRSA agent administration was significantly longer in the TDM intervention group than in the non-TDM intervention group.  The total daily cost of anti-MRSA agents was significantly lower in the TDM intervention group than in the non-TDM intervention group.Conclusion: Our results suggest that TDM intervention is often performed for seriously ill patients who require continuous treatment.  TDM intervention may prevent adverse reactions as a result of adjusting the dosage of the anti-MRSA agent.
後藤 伸
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.18, no.4, pp.37-63,ii, 1984-01-30 (Released:2010-11-18)

In the Inter-War period, while “tramp shipping” was declining world-wide, Japanese tramp shipping developed remarkably well. This development was due to diversification in operating services, that was the development of “tramp linerization”.This is an analysis paper of the start of liner services and its development by tramp shipping enterprises-examining under what managerial environmental and cooperate strategies, this progress was made and maintained-through a case study of “MBK's Senpakubu” (Mitsui Trading Co's Shipping Div.) as a representative of the general merchant operator. The conclusions of this analysis are as follows : First the liner services by Senpakubu made a good start under circumstances in which there was suitable world-wide information and a trading network provided by the Bussan Co. But secondly, being an auxiliary unit of MBK's business, Senpakubu was requested to act on the whole organization's agreement in decision making, which sometimes reduced the strategic time horizon of Senpakubu's business. Thirdly, however, Senpakubu's strategy changed into soliciting a various or a wide range of different cargoes, loading more “Shagaini” (other shipper's cargoes) than “Shanaini” (its own cargoes) by steadily building a superior fleet, with which Senpakubu succeeded in new developments from an auxiliary unit into an autonomous functional operating unit within MBK's trades.
後藤 伸
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.17, no.1, pp.22-46,iii, 1982-04-30 (Released:2009-11-06)

In the international maritime history, the International Mercantile Marine (IMM) Co., established as an American concern in 1902, had an unique beginning as follows : firstly, J.P. Morgan & Co., a famous investment banking, played an important role in forming the IMM; secondly, Morgan & Co. combined several important liner companies engaged in a single operating route, the North Atlantic; and lastly, the IMM was composed of shipping firms whose nationalities were different, but mainly American and British. So far, many books and articles have treated of the IMM, usually, from a viewpoint of regarding the IMM as Morgan's Trust in the shipping industry. They analyse the financial aspects of the IMM, with pointing out failure as Trust because of poor financial performance. They are, however, little explanation of 'Americanization' policy that the IMM disposed of its foreign subsidaries and became an American shipping enterprise after the First World War. In order to inquire into the reason for and meaning of adopting Americanization policy, it should be required to analyse the IMM's strategy and structure rather than financial results up to the period of pre-War, and that is my task of the article. In conclusion, it is the reason for adopting Americanization policy that the IMM failed to formulate definite corporate strategy because of differences in managerial environment between constituent companies in the U.S.A. and U.K., and to create administrative control as a whole because of different approaches to organizational design between the top management in the U.S.A. and U.K. While, thus, Americanization policy taken by the IMM after the war was seen as a result of managerial failure of an earlier transnational enterprise in the maritime history, its policy was valid in the sense that it aimed to reconstruct effective organization for control and operation of fleets through unification of strategy by disposing of foreign flags under nominal control.
田中 博春 井上 君夫 足立 幸穂 佐々木 華織 菅野 洋光 大原 源二 中園 江 吉川 実 後藤 伸寿
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
vol.2010, pp.83, 2010

<B>I. はじめに</B><BR> 地球温暖化による気候変動は、農作物の栽培適地移動や栽培不適地の拡大、夏季の高温による人々の健康被害等、多くの好ましくない事例が発生することが懸念される。特に都市化に伴うヒートアイランドの拡大は、高温による人的被害をさらに助長する可能性があり、将来の気候変化を見据えた都市・農地の開発計画が必要である。そこで、農研機構が開発した「気候緩和機能評価モデル」に、気候シナリオを再現できる機能を組み込み、将来気候下で農地・緑地等の気候緩和機能を評価できるようにした。<BR><BR><B>II. モデル概要</B><BR> 「気候緩和機能評価モデル」は農研機構中央農業総合研究センターが2004~2006年に開発した領域気候モデルである(井上ほか, 2009)。コアモデルとしてTERC-RAMS(筑波大学陸域環境センター領域大気モデリングシステム)を用いており、サブモデルとして植生群落サブモデルと単層の都市キャノピーモデルを追加している。Windows XP搭載のPCにて日本全国を対象としたシミュレーションが可能であり、計算条件の設定から結果表示まで、すべてグラフィカルユーザーインターフェースによる操作が可能である。計算可能な期間は1982~2004年。計算可能な水平解像度は最大250m。1976,1987,1991,1997年の全国の土地利用を整備しており、それを元にユーザー側で自由に土地利用の変更が可能である。モデル内の都市を農地に変更することで、現在から将来までの農地の持つ気候緩和効果の理解が容易にできる。 2009年は上記モデルの「気候シナリオ版」を作成し、IPCCにより策定されたA1B気候シナリオに基づいた気候値の予測データ(MIROC)を組み込み、気温や降水量の変化を1kmメッシュで再現できるようにした。計算可能な期間は、1982~2004年の現在気候、および現在気候と同条件下の2030年代と2070年代の将来気候である。<BR><BR><B>III. モデル適用事例</B><BR> 現在気候の計算例として、仙台平野を中心とした領域における2004年7月20日の日平均気温分布を示す(図1(a))。この日は東京で史上最高気温(39.5℃)を記録するなど現在気候下で猛暑の事例である。モデル計算により、日平均気温28℃以上の高温域が仙台平野の広い範囲に分布していることが把握できる。<BR> 同じ期間における2030年代の気温を計算すると、計算領域全体で約1.5℃の気温上昇が認められる(図1(b))。仙台市を中心とする平野部が最も高温であり、海岸部では海風の進入によると思われる低温域が形成されている。さらに、同じ期間における2070年代の気温を計算すると、平野部を中心として32度以上の高温域が広範囲に形成されている(図1(c))。<BR> 2004年と2030年代の気温差を計算すると、領域北部で昇温が大きく、海岸部で相対的に小さい特徴的な分布が把握できる(図2)。これに関しては、海岸部では内陸の昇温により海風の進入が強まり、日中の昇温を現在よりも抑制することが考えられる等、将来の気候分布に力学的な解釈が適用可能である。<BR><BR><B>IV. モデルの利用方法</B><BR> 本気候緩和機能評価モデルの利用にあたっては、下記宛てにご連絡下さい。利用申請を頂いた後、500GB以上のハードディスクを郵送して頂くことで、プログラム・データを無償配布している。本気候緩和機能評価モデルは、日本国内の身近な地域の温暖化を予測するツールとして最適であり、大学や研究機関、中学校・高等学校にての教育や、自治体等で利用可能である。<BR><BR><B>連絡先:</B><BR>独立行政法人 農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構<BR>東北農業研究センター やませ気象変動研究チーム<BR>田中 博春 宛<BR><BR><B>文献:</B><BR>井上君夫・木村富士男・日下博幸・吉川実・後藤伸寿・菅野洋光・佐々木華織・大原源二・中園江 2009. 気候緩和評価モデルの開発とPCシミュレーション. 中央農研研究報告 12: 1-25.<BR>
後藤 伸之 吉村 直人 萱野 勇一郎 渡辺 享平 林 美由 青池 美穂 白波瀬 正樹 脇屋 義文 政田 幹夫
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.28, no.4, pp.401-406, 2002-08-10 (Released:2011-03-04)

A heparin lock is technique performed in order to prevent blood coagulation in the needle detained in the vessel, or a catheter. In Japan, when we perform a heparin lock, a heparin injection is diluted with physiological salt solution before use. We need to use prefilled syringes with diluted heparin. We received a sample of this product. We investigated the user-friendliness of the product. From our results, the prefilled syringe with the diluted heparin was found to be useful. Furthermore, when we use the prefilled syringe with diluted heparin, patient safety is increased.
淺間 一 佐藤 雅俊 後藤 伸之 嘉悦 早人 松元 明弘 遠藤 勲
The Robotics Society of Japan
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.15, no.7, pp.1043-1049, 1997-10-15 (Released:2010-08-25)
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A new type of cooperation called mutual handling is introduced in this paper, which enables a multi-robot system to achieve an advanced functionality that cannot be realized by a single robot, and as an application of mutual handling, a method of cooperative transportation for two autonomous mobile robots to climb over a large step by operating each forklifts cooperatively is proposed, which cannot be overcome by a single robot. Then, a forklift mechanism for mutual handling is designed, and two autonomous mobile robots equipped with the forklifts are developed. Finally, a cooperative transportation method in which two autonomous mobile robots are controlled based on communication is presented, and the step-climbing motion by cooperative transportation is proved feasible by showing the experimental results using the developed omni-directional mobile robots.
根來 寛 矢野 良一 谷 大輔 渡辺 享平 塚本 仁 五十嵐 敏明 中村 敏明 脇屋 義文 後藤 伸之 横山 照由 政田 幹夫
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.34, no.4, pp.320-327, 2008 (Released:2009-09-04)
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During cancer chemotherapy,myelosuppression is a frequently observed toxicity manifestation which may sometimes cause severe infections.In this regard,though leukopenia-induced infections are more closely related to neutrophil counts than leukocyte counts,it is important to evaluate both leukocyte counts and neutrophil counts as markers of myelosuppression.Neutrophil counts,however,are sometimes estimated to be half leukocyte counts without conducting differential leukocyte counts.In the present study,the authors evaluated the necessity of differential leukocyte counts during cancer chemotherapy using pooled laboratory data at the University of Fukui Hospital.Variation in the percentage of neutrophils in leukocytes was observed in each leukocyte range,with the neutrophil count decreasing in pace with decreases in the leukocyte count.As an alternative index to the neutrophil count,the utility of the leukocyte count is thus considered to be low in cancer chemotherapy.There was also a divergence between adverse event grade between neutrophil and leukocyte numbers.In addition,neutrophil counts in 14.8% of the patients (26)were less than 1000/μL in spite of the fact that their leukocyte counts were higher than 3000/μL,and it was noted that 23 of them had undergone a paclitaxel-containing regimen.These results suggested that leukocyte differential counts should be measured during cancer chemotherapy,especially during the nadir period and when receiving chemotherapy containing paclitaxel.
矢野 良一 中村 敏明 谷 大輔 西里 洋平 後藤 伸之 脇屋 義文 政田 幹夫
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.33, no.12, pp.998-1002, 2007 (Released:2009-09-04)
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality of the original and 3 generic formulations of Iopamidol injection.To do this,the free iodine concentration and osmotic pressure were measured.In addition,impurities were tested for using high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.There were no major differences between the original and generic formulations as regards free iodine concentration and osmotic pressure measurements,though one lot of the original formulation failed the free iodine concentration test.However,in the HPLC analysis,some substances not present in the original product were detected in the generic formulations.One of them was identified as DM 1/2,a substance related structurally to Iopamidol.
岩出 賢太郎 下路 静佳 正木 秀典 酒井 隆全 田辺 公一 後藤 伸之 大津 史子
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
pp.18-00205, (Released:2018-12-05)

We investigated the possibility that having pharmacists give asthma patients informational sheets on climate and environmental changes at insurance pharmacies during patient counseling might prevent the worsening of asthma symptoms. Patients with hyperlipidemia were comparative subjects. We created informational sheets about climate and environmental changes and their influence on asthma. During patient counseling, pharmacists gave them to all asthma patients who visited insurance pharmacies over a period of 2 months, between November and December 2017. Based on previous studies, we called days which showed certain climate or environmental changes as compared to the previous day “change days”. We compared the number of visiting patients on change days after preventative information was provided (between January and March 2018) with the number before information was provided (between January and March 2017). In addition, we compared those numbers with the number of patients who visited the target pharmacies between January and March 2016 in order to examine the influence of yearly climate change. The same procedure was used with hyperlipidemic patients. The number of visiting asthma patients after information was provided significantly decreased (5.1±2.1, p=0.03) compared with the number before information was provided, between January and March 2017 (6.1±2.8). The number of aforementioned visits compared to those between January and March 2016 also significantly decreased (p=0.01). Our results suggest that preventative information about climate and environmental changes provided by pharmacists during patient counseling might influence the number of asthma patient visits and prevent the exacerbation of their symptoms.
法山 徹 勝木 道夫 後藤 伸介 中村 立一
vol.28, 2012

<b>【目的】 </b>超音波治療(US)は、局所へ理学療法(PT)の一手段として用いられ、その生理学的効果としては、コラーゲン組織の伸張性増大や疼痛の軽減等が報告されている。しかし、臨床においては関節可動域(ROM)制限に遭遇する頻度は比較的多いものの、USがその改善に寄与したとする報告は少ない。そこで、本研究では腱板断裂術後患者に対するUSがROM改善に及ぼす効果を検証することを目的とした。<br><b>【方法】 </b>症例は50歳代の男性であり、広範囲腱板断裂に対し、関節鏡視下腱板修復術(大腿筋膜を用いたパッチ法)を施行された症例であった。術後3ヶ月にて、大工への職業復帰を目標に当院に紹介され、初回評価時の日本整形外科学会肩関節疾患治療成績判定基準(JOA score)は66.5点、肩関節自動屈曲ROMは95°であった。研究デザインはABAとし、期間Aは通常の運動療法のみを行い、期間Bは運動療法とUSの双方を行い、AとBを2週間ずつ其々週3回の介入で交互に実施した。期間BにおけるUSは、Ultrasonic Apparatus Model ES-1(OG技研社製)を使用し、周波数は1MHZ、出力は1.2W/㎝2、施行部位は肩甲骨内側縁(肩甲棘~下角間)、照射時間は10分間とし移動法にて実施した。また、運動療法については肩甲上腕関節及び肩甲胸郭関節のROM運動、胸椎モビリゼーション、肩甲骨周囲筋のリラクゼーション及び自主運動指導を期間A, Bとも同様に行った。評価は、PT前の肩関節自動屈曲ROMとし、初回Aの前(以下preA)、Bの前(以下preB)、2回目Aの前(以下preA&rsquo;)、2回目A終了翌日(以下post A&rsquo;)に行い、2回測定した低値のものを採用した。結果の処理は、PT前の肩関節自動屈曲ROMについて各セッションの前後での変化率(%)を算出した。<br><b>【説明と同意】 </b>患者には、本研究の趣旨を説明し同意を得て行った。<br><b>【結果】 </b>preA, preB, preA&rsquo;、post A&rsquo;における肩関節自動屈曲ROM(°)は、各々120, 125, 145, 135であった。ROM改善率は、期間Aで104.1%、期間Bで116.0%、期間A&rsquo;で96.4%であり、運動療法にUSを併用した期間で改善する傾向を示した。また、期間A&rsquo;より大工への職業復帰となった。<br><b>【考察】 </b>本研究により、腱板断裂術後患者に対して運動療法にUSを併用することはROM改善に有効であることが示唆された。今回の症例ではUSを肩甲骨内側縁に施行していたが、これは同部に生活上での倦怠感を訴えていたことや圧痛が出現していたことから挙上の阻害因子と考えたため行った。USの併用によりROMが改善したことについては、僧帽筋や菱形筋等の肩甲骨内側組織の伸張性が改善したことにより肩甲骨上方回旋が促通されたためと考えた。また、期間A&rsquo;においては、ROMが低下する傾向を示していたが、職業復帰により急激に上肢の運動量が増し、仕事後の疼痛増強もみられていたため職業復帰による過用が原因と考えた。<br> 今後は、USの実施方法(筋収縮の併用や施行筋の肢位、プラセボ化等)について、より効果的な方法を検討していくことが必要と考えた。<br><b>【まとめ】 </b>腱板断裂術後患者に対してUSの有効性を検証した。運動療法にUSを併用することは、ROM改善に有効であることが示唆された。
林 恭子 大津 史子 矢野 玲子 榊原 仁作 後藤 伸之
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.131, no.1, pp.139-152, 2011 (Released:2011-01-01)
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The present study investigated risk factors and subjective symptoms associated with drug-induced leucopenia. We selected 248 patients with drug-induced leucopenia from the Case Reports of Adverse Drug Reactions and Poisoning Information System (CARPIS) database of over 47000 case reports of adverse drug reactions and assigned them to a case group. We also randomly selected 743 cases of adverse drug reactions not associated with leucopenia as a control group. A comparison of patient characteristic data between the two groups using logistic-regression analysis revealed that female sex, autoimmune disease and renal damage were background risk factors for drug-induced leucopenia. In addition, thiamazole, ritodrine, propylthiouracil, ticlopidine, allopurinol, minocycline and captopril administration significantly increased the risk of drug-induced leucopenia. A significant association was also found for fever, chills and pharyngeal abnormalities. Based on these findings, we developed two estimated regression equations to help prevent drug-induced leucopenia in the community pharmacy setting.
早川 裕二 大津 史子 矢野 玲子 三輪 一智 後藤 伸之
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.33, no.6, pp.488-495, 2007 (Released:2009-02-02)
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The purpose of this study was to identify drugs with a risk of causing Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS),toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DIHS) and the risk factors involved.From the CARPIS (Case Reports of Adverse Drug Reactions and Poisoning Information System) database,which contains 40,000 case reports of adverse drug reactions,we determined 258 cases (case group) matching the criteria for SJS/TEN/DIHS stated by the Japanese Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare.We also selected 774 control cases (control group) which were sex- and age- matched (±1)with the case group.Next,various data were compared between the case group and the control group and the results analyzed statistically.In this regard,logistic regression analysis identified 2 drugs - carbamazepine (odds ratio : OR=5.21,95% confidence interval : 95% CI=2.68-10.06)and acetaminophen (OR=3.41,95% CI=1.12-10.51)that were associated with a significant elevation of the risk of SJS and TEN.Further,mexiletine hydrochloride (OR=205.48,95% CI=28.04-2330.89)and diaminodiphenylsulfone (OR=981.56,95% CI=94.84-25212.82),were found to be associated with a significant elevation of the risk of DIHS.By identifying certain risk factors for SJS,TEN and DIHS,the results of the present study would be useful in preventing severe drug reactions.