成瀬 トーマス 誠
法政治研究 (ISSN:21894124)
vol.First, pp.79-110, 2015-03-29 (Released:2017-07-06)

Despite the ban of the advisory opinions in the federal level, ten states adopt the advisory opinions. Even though advisory opinion is not so common in the U.S., there are many arguments pros and cons about advisory opinions. On the other hand, in Japan, advisory opinions were almost a "forgotten topic" and have not been discussed much. Without much discussion, advisory opinion is considered as out of the sphere of the constitution. However, there should be some arguments before abandoning advisory opinion- there could be possibilities for adopting advisory opinions. This article illustrates advisory opinion in federal and states, and discussion concerning the advisory opinions, in order to set a start line for the discussion in Japan.
金丸 竣樹 横田 悠右 成瀬 康 矢入 郁子
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
vol.2019, pp.1D4J101, 2019

<p>近年,脳科学の分野では、fMRI計測によって恐怖の交感神経活動に関する脳内ネットワークが明らかとなったと報告されている.しかし,日常的な状況下でのfMRI計測は困難である.日常的な状況下で脳波計を用いて簡易的かつリアルタイム性高く人の恐怖を検出できれば,客観的な恐怖の指標を用いてエンターテイメント分野での恐怖の制御,医療サービスなどでの恐怖の低減といった実応用が可能となる. 本稿では乾式の脳波計を用いて,VRホラーゲームを用いた実験とホラー映像を用いた実験の二つから,周波数解析を用いて恐怖時と非恐怖時の脳波データの特徴を周波数帯域毎に分析した.その結果,アルファ波の恐怖時と非恐怖時のパワースペクトル密度に有意な差が見られました.</p>
成瀬 剛
刑法雑誌 (ISSN:00220191)
vol.53, no.2, pp.160-178, 2014-02-28 (Released:2020-11-05)

1 0 0 0 OA 4 文書偽造

成瀬 幸典
刑法雑誌 (ISSN:00220191)
vol.46, no.2, pp.282-285, 2007-02-10 (Released:2020-11-05)
成瀬 翔
日本福祉大学全学教育センター紀要 = The Journal of Inter-Departmental Education Center (ISSN:2187607X)
vol.4, pp.21-30, 2016-03-31

When we examine the theory of singular thought, we encounter a serious problem caused by a Russellian acquaintance. However, Francois Recanati and his followers present Singularism without acquaintance. Their positon is called 'Neo-Fregenism'. This paper will examine Neo-Fregean Singularism. The contents of this paper are as follows. In Section 2, I will examine Singularism and Descriptivism. In Section 3, I will introduce Recanati's Mental file-framework and his Singularism. Finally, in Section 4, I will criticize Recanati's theory, and present more modest-theory.
内山 知実 成瀬 正章
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.74, no.742, pp.1324-1331, 2008-06-25 (Released:2011-03-03)

This study proposes a two-dimensional grid-free simulation method for gas-particle two-phase flow. The method is based on a vortex method, in which the vorticity field is discretized by vortex elements. The behavior of vortex element and the particle motion are simultaneously computed by the Lagrangian approach. Four square cells are allocated around each particle. In each cell, the change in the circulation of gas-phase due to the particle motion is calculated, and it is considered through the change in the strength of vortex element. The grid-free method is applied to simulate the particulate jet generated by small glass particles falling from a slit orifice into an unbounded quiescent air. It is shown that the simulated distribution of air velocity is favorably compared with the measurement. It is also confirmed that the entrained air flow rate agrees well with the prediction by an analytical model. These results suggest the validity of the method.
酒井 康行 成瀬 勝俊 長島 郁雄 武藤 徹一郎 鈴木 基之
一般社団法人 日本人工臓器学会
人工臓器 (ISSN:03000818)
vol.24, no.1, pp.18-23, 1995-02-15

体重10-15kgの肝不全ブタ用のハイブリッド型人工肝臓モジュールに必要とされる細胞数の1/4(2.5×10<sup>9</sup> cells)に相当する初代培養ブタ肝細胞スフェロイドを, 酸素供給用シリコンチュー・ブを装着した1-Lスケールのスピナーフラスコを用いて, 約1日で形成させることができた. このスフェロイドをディッシュレベルにおいて, さまざまな培養形態で10日まで培養した. スフェロイドをそのまま緩やかに浮遊培養(旋回培養)すると細胞数の減少が起こるが, 細胞当たりの機能発現は単層培養細胞の3-5倍であった. コラーゲンゲル包括スフェロイドは, 浮遊培養と比較して機能発現が低下する傾向にあった. 100%のブタまたはヒト血漿と直接接触させながら浮遊培養しても, スフェロイドのアンモニア除去能は合成培地中と比較しても, 全く低下が見られなかった.
Naruse Tohru Maenosono Tadafumi Uyeno Daisuke Samejima Shota Shirawakawa Naoki 成瀬 貫 前之園 唯史 上野 大輔 鮫島 翔太 白川 直樹
琉球大学資料館 (風樹館)
Fauna Ryukyuana (ISSN:21876657)
no.36, pp.1-11, 2017-05-31

琉球列島より得られたコブシガニ上科6種 (サガミトゲコブシArcania sagamiensis, ホシズナエバリアEbalia stellaris, Ebaliopsis erosa, ノコバテナガコブシMyra eudactylus, サガミコブシUrnalana elata, ノコハコブシIphiculus spongiosus) の標本を記録した. それらのうち, Ebaliopsis erosaは日本より初めて, サガミトゲコブシ•サガミコブシ•ノコハコブシは琉球列島より初めて, それぞれ標本を基に報告された. また, Ebaliopsis erosaには新標準和名クルミコブシを与え, 和名の基準とする標本にRUMF-ZC-4279を指定した. さらに, 各種の近似種との識別形質や潜在的な分類学的問題点について概説した.
成瀬 翔 NARUSE Sho
名古屋大学人文学研究論集 (ISSN:2433233X)
vol.1, pp.153-166, 2018-03-31

This paper discusses concepts of ‘political theology’ and ‘the political’ of Carl Schmitt. Schmitt was a conservative German legal, constitutional, and political theorist. Schmitt is often considered to be one of the most important critics of liberalism. But the significance of Schmitt’s political concepts is subject to controversy, mainly due to his intellectual support for The Third Reich. In particular, ‘the political’ seems to approve the war and confrontation. But this paper argues that political theory and concepts of ‘political theology’ and ‘the political’ of Schmitt make an important contribution in modern democracy and political philosophy. The contents of this paper are as follows. First, in section 1, I will reconstruct the discussion of ‘state of exception’, ‘decision’ and ‘sovereign’ in Political Theology. Schmitt argues that the essence of a law will become apparent in its state of exception. I think Schmitt’s idea was influenced by Thomas Hobbes and Juan Donoso Cortés. Next, in section 2, I discuss ‘the political’ in The Concept of the Political. Schmitt regarded ‘the political’ as ‘friend-enemy distinction’. I take it that ‘the political’ or ‘friend-enemy distinction’ is limited to Just War. In section 3, I discuss that Schmidt criticized liberalism. Finally, I will clarify the relationship between the order and the state on Schmitt’s theory.
成瀬 敏郎
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.53, no.2, pp.75-93, 2014

これまで著者は,乾燥地域や氷河末端から風で運ばれる風成塵とその堆積物であるレスについて,日本列島をはじめ,中国,韓国,ヨーロッパ,イスラエル,アメリカ合衆国,ニュージーランドなどのレス地帯を調査し,レスの分布,研究史,堆積時期,気候変動とのかかわりを研究してきた.本論では,レスの研究史,レスの分布と堆積時期,風成塵の同定に ESR 酸素空孔量(以下,酸素空孔量とする)分析が有効であること,風成塵・レスの堆積量や粒径などが過去の風の強さを復元するのに有効であること,完新世土壌の母材に占める風成塵の役割の重要性について述べた.さらに中国と韓国の旧石器編年・対比にレス-古土壌による編年法が有用であること,日本列島において MIS 6 のレス層に前期旧石器が包含されていることを述べた.
佐久 間俊 成瀬 俊宏
公益社団法人 日本船舶海洋工学会
日本船舶海洋工学会論文集 (ISSN:18803717)
vol.22, pp.229-233, 2015 (Released:2016-02-29)

This report deals with the stability of ships having comparatively large projected lateral area above water line and shallow draft. Such ships usually have wide breadth because they have tendency to raise their center of gravity. Large GM made by the wide breadth brings strong stability. But it gets weaker if the ship has higher center of gravity because GM/(OG+T/2) becomes smaller. A research challenge of this report consists of the procedure to clarify the acceptable center of gravity and how breadth and draft to be examined and determined. These procedures enable the optimization method in the initial design. In the analysis, the metacenter is estimated by Ohgushi’s and Morish’s formula and the accuracy of the estimation is confirmed using merchant ships’ data released for public. The present method obtained by the analysis shows effectiveness to find out reasonable dimensions and acceptable height of center of gravity in the early stage of ship design.
成瀬 龍夫
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.49, no.2, pp.22-31, 2012-07-20 (Released:2017-04-25)

In Japan, although the situation of income differential and poverty has spread among people, the Government has not fully done the correspondence. As a cause of the governmental insufficient action, the weakness of the function of income redistribution by a taxation system and a social security system is pointed out. The Government is pressed to put a serious reform of social security system into action and is tackling "an integrated reform of tax and social security". However the Government is charging at a big hike in consumption tax, not showing a clear vision of a social security reform. The social security system of Japan, in addition to the problem of a chronic fund shortage, has a grave concern over the sustainability to the future. The system has set social insurance institutions as a financial core, so that it may be called social-insurance center principle. However, the number of recipients of an annual pension and medical treatments is increasing quickly under the increase of the aged population, while the working population which pays a social security payment is continuing to decrease. Moreover, in the market for labor in Japan, nonregular workers of short-time labor are continuing to increase in number, and the rate occupies 1/3 of all the employed workers. The worker of less than 30 hours per week has not a qualification to join a social insurance. Under such a background, most of social insurances in Japan has fallen into the situation of a financial emergency and is losing the view to future. The social security system of Japan does not match with the low birthrate and aging of population and the bipolarization of a market for labor. Such conventional reforms as an increase of social insurance premiums, a cut of a benefit payout and a tax increase have already reached the limit. The social security of Japan should free itself from the social-insurance center principle. I think that we are coming to the time to grope for the system reorganization by a new view. The important method is changing the income grant in the present social security payment to a new system for paying a basic income. However, it is difficult to change the present income grant to a basic income system fully at once. As a process of the change, introducing partially and expanding gradually will be viewed. I think that the priority should be given to the old people and the child generation who cannot work for money probably. While granting at a small amount for the adult who can earn, it is required to secure the opportunity of a decent employment for them. Introduction of a basic income security is useful for the creation of a better society. Securing a basic income has the "basic effect" which gets rid of people's absolute poverty. Moreover, it forms the domain of subsistence economy distinguished from a market economy. Furthermore, a basic income system brings a social environment which people can enjoy a free and more fitting lifestyle for them. It is also expected to raise a consciousness of a social solidarity and to develop a mutual cooperation among people. There is a strong objection against the introduction of it from the point of view of a moral hazard, so-called "a fall of the will to work". But I do not side with this objection. I consider that the introduction will change the quality of people's will to work and will produce a new opportunity which raises people's will to work further.
中島 広喜 成瀬 貫
CANCER (ISSN:09181989)
vol.29, pp.59-63, 2020

<p>A mantis shrimp species of the family Nannosquillidae, <i>Pullosquilla pardus</i> (Moosa, 1991), is reported from the Ogasawara and Ryukyu Islands. This report represents the first record of <i>P. pardus</i> from the Japanese waters. The record from Anijima, Ogasawara Islands, expands the distributional range of the species to the north.</p>
李 有鎭 成瀬 信子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.52, no.6, pp.533-543, 2001-06-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

Up to the present time, there have not been many studies carried out to determine an effective method for systematical conditional setting for polka-dot patterns, because most previous studies have used commercial printed polka-dot patterns. Therefore, we prepared thirty samples with different patterns wherein two kinds of patterns (i.e., an oblong and a square) each with polka-dot diameters of 1.6, 1.4 and 0.8 cm were respectively combined with five different colors by means of CG (computer graphics). In addition, in these samples, area ratios of the polka-dots to the background area were consistently maintained at 1 : 7 for the rectangular pattern and at 1 : 5.8 for the square pattern.Characteristic values of these samples were obtained by means of optical measurements and a sensory evaluation to try to determine those factors, which controlled images expressed by the polka-dot patterns set in different conditions. The following results were objectively proved.1. From the results of the SD method, a more significant distinction was found in the evaluation of color samples of different color values for each polka-dot size than in that of different dot sizes on each color sample.2. From the results of the t-test, a more significant distinction was found in the evaluation of the two design patterns in the case of the polka-dot diameter of 1.6 cm. In addition, it was found that yellow and green had relatively profound effects on the arrangement of the polka-dots.3. It was also proved by the method of paired comparison that the variation of polka-dot colors distinguished more remarkably differences in pattern images than their sizes did.4. From the results of the method of paired comparison, for most of the evaluation items, values of evaluation in the case of oblong patterns were higher than those in the case of square patterns.5. There was a correlation between visual evaluation and relative value and chrome on polka-dot patterns.It was found that the sensory test is quite an effective way to study polka-dot patterns.