村上 興匡
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:02896400)
no.19, pp.1-14, 2001

Nakae Chomin is well known for translating Jean Jacques Rousseau's Du contrat social into classical Chinese. He was a scholar of French thought, a statesman, and a businessman in his later years. At the end of his life, Nakae announced that he was dying of cancer. His final works, Ichinen yu han and Zoku Ichinen yu han were presented as posthumous documents, thought they were published while he was still alive. These books were read by many people, and clearly demonstrated his atheistic and materialistic ideas about life and death. His thought attracted a great deal of attention, and there was a great deal of speculation as to whether or not Nakae's actual manner of dying would conform to his stated principles. Nakae's funeral was held as "a farewell ceremony" without religious content. It is known as the first "kokubetu-shik? to have been held in Japan. Despite the protests of those close to him, Nakae insisted that his funeral be held without religious ceremony. Some at the time described his request as selfish. In the Meiji era, with some exceptions, people generally did not accept Nakae's ideas about the funeral ceremony. However, in the 1970s some thinkers, particularly those concerned with medical issues, began to express the opinion that one's funeral is a final expression of one's life. These ideas have become more publically accepted in the last decade.
村上 興匡
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.19, pp.1-14, 2002-03-31

Nakae Chomin is well known for translating Jean Jacques Rousseau's Du contrat social into classical Chinese. He was a scholar of French thought, a statesman, and a businessman in his later years. At the end of his life, Nakae announced that he was dying of cancer. His final works, Ichinen yu han and Zoku Ichinen yu han were presented as posthumous documents, thought they were published while he was still alive. These books were read by many people, and clearly demonstrated his atheistic and materialistic ideas about life and death. His thought attracted a great deal of attention, and there was a great deal of speculation as to whether or not Nakae's actual manner of dying would conform to his stated principles. Nakae's funeral was held as "a farewell ceremony" without religious content. It is known as the first "kokubetu-shik? to have been held in Japan. Despite the protests of those close to him, Nakae insisted that his funeral be held without religious ceremony. Some at the time described his request as selfish. In the Meiji era, with some exceptions, people generally did not accept Nakae's ideas about the funeral ceremony. However, in the 1970s some thinkers, particularly those concerned with medical issues, began to express the opinion that one's funeral is a final expression of one's life. These ideas have become more publically accepted in the last decade.
村上 興匡
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.7, pp.99-113, 1990-03-20

Drawing on the results of a survey of Jizo worship which was conducted in the Umeda district of Osaka from 1986 to 1988, this article considers the relationship of the urbanization after World War II with a transition in the custom of worshipping Stone-Buddhas. Especially after the International Exposition at Osaka in 1970, the development of residential areas in the surburbs of Osaka added to the Umeda district the character of an urban-terminal area, and weakened the character of the living space. Consequently, the character of Jizos in the Umeda district has also changed, from that of gods which guard the inhabitants of the area they occupy, to that of gods which confer a benefit on the believers visiting their shrines.
西村 明 森 謙二 村上 興匡 土居 浩 清水 克行 粟津 賢太 中山 郁 ドーマン ベンジャミン 町 泰樹 ドボルザーク グレッグ 飯高 伸五 ミャッカラヤ M.G シェフタル 北村 毅 キース カマチェ 渡邉 一弘 ポール ハインツ スティーブン ブラード イ ヨンジン 木村 勝彦 田村 恵子 矢口 祐人

村上 興匡
宗務時報 (ISSN:04484347)
no.115, pp.19-30, 2013-03
村上 興匡
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:02896400)
no.23, pp.9-22, 2005

In order to investigate in detail, changes in funeral custom in the urban area, I shall analyze the memoirs of a funeral director, and the annals of a funeral company and two associations of funeral directors. In these materials, it is repeatedly stated that funeral activities are a public affair, and that funeral customs ought to become more rational. The new ways of the funeral business, involving advertisements, price lists of funerals, and the corralling of clients, were derived for the purposes of rationalizing funeral business and lowering funeral costs. However, in spite of such aims, a decrease in funeral cost was not achieved, and in fact, what resulted was a rise in the total cost of funerals. Small-scale funeral parlors in local areas developed into nationwide organizations by forming special contracts with a number of other companies. In post-war Japan, the regionally-based funeral association (soushiki-kumi), gave way to the funeral company hired by the bereaved. In this way, the general populace became free from works polluted by death. At the same time, they came to lose the knowledge they had about funerals, and became unable to hold funerals without the funeral company. It was through such a process that the funeral became a private practice.
村上 興匡
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.23, pp.9-22, 2006-03-31

In order to investigate in detail, changes in funeral custom in the urban area, I shall analyze the memoirs of a funeral director, and the annals of a funeral company and two associations of funeral directors. In these materials, it is repeatedly stated that funeral activities are a public affair, and that funeral customs ought to become more rational. The new ways of the funeral business, involving advertisements, price lists of funerals, and the corralling of clients, were derived for the purposes of rationalizing funeral business and lowering funeral costs. However, in spite of such aims, a decrease in funeral cost was not achieved, and in fact, what resulted was a rise in the total cost of funerals. Small-scale funeral parlors in local areas developed into nationwide organizations by forming special contracts with a number of other companies. In post-war Japan, the regionally-based funeral association (soushiki-kumi), gave way to the funeral company hired by the bereaved. In this way, the general populace became free from works polluted by death. At the same time, they came to lose the knowledge they had about funerals, and became unable to hold funerals without the funeral company. It was through such a process that the funeral became a private practice.
山田 慎也 金 セッピョル 朽木 量 土居 浩 谷川 章雄 村上 興匡 瓜生 大輔 鈴木 岩弓 小谷 みどり 森 謙二

村上 興匡 鷲見 定信 村上 興匡 武田 道生 小熊 誠 佐藤 壮広 小熊 誠 武田 道生 佐藤 壮広
