松村 一男
表現学部紀要 = The bulletin of the Faculty of Representational Studies (ISSN:13463470)
no.19, pp.75-91, 2019-03-11

"Part One: In the Indian epics, the Mahābhārata and the Rāmāyana, the heroes (the Pāndavas and Rāma) represent two aspects of heroic elements (fighting and wandering) simultaneously, whereas these two aspects are represented separately in Greek epics by Achilleus and Odysseus. Nevertheless, the two Indian epics and two Greek epics show remarkable similarities, which can only be explained by a common origin. Further evidence of a common origin in the epic heritage can be provided by an episode in the Mahābhārata called the story of Nala (Nalopākyānam) that shows structural similarities to the Odyssey. Common origin of the Iliad and the Mahābhārata being generally accepted, similarities with Indian epics could be also detected in the case of the Odyssey, especially with the Nalopākyānam. Thus we can assume a common origin for the two Indian epics (and an episode in one of them) and two Greek epics. These epics (and an episode) developed further thereafter but still show traces of a common origin.Part Two: The concept of cyclical ages seems to be shared among the Indo-Europeans. The first is the Golden Age, then gradually the condition becomes worse, and finally the worst comes. In this last stage, the world perishes first by fire and then by water. Following this, the world is renewed and another cycle from the Golden Age resumes. This concept is definitely observable in Ancient India, Scandinavia, and Ancient Iran. Some traces of this also remain among the Greeks and the Romans. Perhaps the message of the myth is that although disasters caused by fire and water are unavoidable, still they are also the beginning of a new period of the Golden Age.The following two papers are Japanese translations of two papers in English concerning Indo-European comparative mythology. I do not claim that the ideas in them are original. They are rather my personal summaries of what I have learned and understood recently about the results of Indo-European comparative mythology established by such scholars as G. Dumézil, S. Wikander, C. Watkins, B. Lincoln, and many others.Part One, titled "Comparative Epic Literature" was presented at the 12th Annual International Conference on Comparative Mythology "Myths of the Earth and Humankind: Ecology and the End of the World" held at Tohoku University in Sendai on June 1-4, 2018, and Part Two, titled "How the End and the Renewal were envisioned among the Indo-Europeans" was presented at the Tohoku Forum for Creativity Thematic Programs, Geologic Stabilization and Adaptations in Northeast Asia, Workshop 1 Natural Disaster and Religion/Mythology, held on June 5, 2018.I would like to thank all the participants for their pertinent criticisms and encouraging suggestions.第一部:インドの叙事詩『マハーバーラタ』と『ラーマーヤナ』の英雄たち(パーンダヴァ五兄弟、ラーマ王)は英雄の二つの側面(戦士と放浪者)を同時に体現している。これに対して、ギリシアの叙事詩においては二つの側面はアキレウスとオデュッセウスという二人の英雄がそれぞれ担っている。しかしながら、インドとギリシアの叙事詩群には極めて細部に至るモチーフの一致が認められ、これは共通の叙事詩からの発展・分化の結果であると考えざるを得ない。さらにまた、『マハーバーラタ』中の一エピソードである「ナラ王物語」にも『オデュッセイア』との顕著な構造的対応が指摘されている。これまでも『マハーバーラタ』と『イーリアス』の共通起源については一般的に承認されてきているが、インド叙事詩との共通要素が『オデュッセイア』においても認められるとなれば、インドの『マハーバーラタ』、『ラーマーヤナ』、「ナラ王物語」とギリシアの『イーリアス』、『オデュッセイア』はすべてインド=ヨーロッパ語族が拡散する以前の時代に遡る原叙事詩型に由来すると考えるべきとなろう。第二部:時代の循環サイクルの概念はインド=ヨーロッパ語族に共有されていたらしい。第一の時代は黄金時代であり、その後は次第に悪い状態となり、最後が最も悪くなる。この最後の時代に世界はまず火災によって、ついで大水によって滅びる。しかしその後、世界は再生し、新たな時代の循環サイクルが黄金時代から始まる。こうした概念はインドとイランと北欧ゲルマンにおいて確実に認められる。またその痕跡はギリシアとローマにも認められる。おそらくこの神話のメッセージは、火災や大水による大災害は不可避であるけれども、それはまた新しい繁栄の時代の始まりでもあるというものだったのだろう。"
篠田 知和基 吉田 敦彦 丸山 顕徳 松村 一男 中根 千絵 鈴木 正崇 不破 有理 服部 等作 山田 仁史 立川 武蔵 後藤 敏文 荻原 真子 木村 武史 後藤 明 廣田 律子 近藤 久美子 竹原 新 坂井 弘紀 諏訪 春雄 小松 和彦 鷹巣 純 栗原 成郎 依田 千百子

松村 一男
表現学部紀要 = The bulletin of the Faculty of Representational Studies (ISSN:13463470)
vol.23, pp.71-91, 2023-03-17

Two themes are treated in this paper: The first is that we could perhaps obtain better insights by analyzing visual symbols more intensively in the myths and religions of areas and ages where and when there were no or scarce written records; The other consists of actual analyses of the myths and religions of goddesses of such areas and ages. I argue that there is a possibility that a type of Sun Goddess/Kingship-protecting Goddess existed in the Eastern Mediterranean area of the Neolithic and Bronze ages and in Japan during the Bronze/Iron age (i.e. From the Yayoi era to the Tumulus era).本稿では二つの課題を検討してみた。一つは文字資料が「ない」あるいは「少ない」地域や時代の神話と宗教を、図像を活用することでより知ることができるのではないかという考え方であり、第二に、そのための対象としてそうした地域や時代の女神について選択し、比較し、そしてある種のタイプとして確定する作業である。主な対象としたのは1.新石器時代から青銅器時代の東地中海世界と2.青銅器/鉄器時代(弥生時代から古墳時代)の日本である。そしてそれら地域では太陽女神/王権女神が共通して存在したのではないかと論じた。
松村 一男
表現学部紀要 = The bulletin of the Faculty of Representational Studies (ISSN:13463470)
vol.19, pp.75-91, 2019-03-11

"Part One: In the Indian epics, the Mahābhārata and the Rāmāyana, the heroes (the Pāndavas and Rāma) represent two aspects of heroic elements (fighting and wandering) simultaneously, whereas these two aspects are represented separately in Greek epics by Achilleus and Odysseus. Nevertheless, the two Indian epics and two Greek epics show remarkable similarities, which can only be explained by a common origin. Further evidence of a common origin in the epic heritage can be provided by an episode in the Mahābhārata called the story of Nala (Nalopākyānam) that shows structural similarities to the Odyssey. Common origin of the Iliad and the Mahābhārata being generally accepted, similarities with Indian epics could be also detected in the case of the Odyssey, especially with the Nalopākyānam. Thus we can assume a common origin for the two Indian epics (and an episode in one of them) and two Greek epics. These epics (and an episode) developed further thereafter but still show traces of a common origin.Part Two: The concept of cyclical ages seems to be shared among the Indo-Europeans. The first is the Golden Age, then gradually the condition becomes worse, and finally the worst comes. In this last stage, the world perishes first by fire and then by water. Following this, the world is renewed and another cycle from the Golden Age resumes. This concept is definitely observable in Ancient India, Scandinavia, and Ancient Iran. Some traces of this also remain among the Greeks and the Romans. Perhaps the message of the myth is that although disasters caused by fire and water are unavoidable, still they are also the beginning of a new period of the Golden Age.The following two papers are Japanese translations of two papers in English concerning Indo-European comparative mythology. I do not claim that the ideas in them are original. They are rather my personal summaries of what I have learned and understood recently about the results of Indo-European comparative mythology established by such scholars as G. Dumézil, S. Wikander, C. Watkins, B. Lincoln, and many others.Part One, titled "Comparative Epic Literature" was presented at the 12th Annual International Conference on Comparative Mythology "Myths of the Earth and Humankind: Ecology and the End of the World" held at Tohoku University in Sendai on June 1-4, 2018, and Part Two, titled "How the End and the Renewal were envisioned among the Indo-Europeans" was presented at the Tohoku Forum for Creativity Thematic Programs, Geologic Stabilization and Adaptations in Northeast Asia, Workshop 1 Natural Disaster and Religion/Mythology, held on June 5, 2018.I would like to thank all the participants for their pertinent criticisms and encouraging suggestions.第一部:インドの叙事詩『マハーバーラタ』と『ラーマーヤナ』の英雄たち(パーンダヴァ五兄弟、ラーマ王)は英雄の二つの側面(戦士と放浪者)を同時に体現している。これに対して、ギリシアの叙事詩においては二つの側面はアキレウスとオデュッセウスという二人の英雄がそれぞれ担っている。しかしながら、インドとギリシアの叙事詩群には極めて細部に至るモチーフの一致が認められ、これは共通の叙事詩からの発展・分化の結果であると考えざるを得ない。さらにまた、『マハーバーラタ』中の一エピソードである「ナラ王物語」にも『オデュッセイア』との顕著な構造的対応が指摘されている。これまでも『マハーバーラタ』と『イーリアス』の共通起源については一般的に承認されてきているが、インド叙事詩との共通要素が『オデュッセイア』においても認められるとなれば、インドの『マハーバーラタ』、『ラーマーヤナ』、「ナラ王物語」とギリシアの『イーリアス』、『オデュッセイア』はすべてインド=ヨーロッパ語族が拡散する以前の時代に遡る原叙事詩型に由来すると考えるべきとなろう。第二部:時代の循環サイクルの概念はインド=ヨーロッパ語族に共有されていたらしい。第一の時代は黄金時代であり、その後は次第に悪い状態となり、最後が最も悪くなる。この最後の時代に世界はまず火災によって、ついで大水によって滅びる。しかしその後、世界は再生し、新たな時代の循環サイクルが黄金時代から始まる。こうした概念はインドとイランと北欧ゲルマンにおいて確実に認められる。またその痕跡はギリシアとローマにも認められる。おそらくこの神話のメッセージは、火災や大水による大災害は不可避であるけれども、それはまた新しい繁栄の時代の始まりでもあるというものだったのだろう。"
石川 有三 松村 一男 横山 博文 松本 英照
Japan Society of Geoinformatics
情報地質 (ISSN:0388502X)
vol.1985, no.10, pp.19-34, 1985-08-31 (Released:2010-02-26)

SEIS-PC is a BASIC program system for interactive analyzing for seismicity with graphic display by a 16-bit personal computer ; NEC PC-9801 series. The system is composed of 6 programs as followed: 1) seismicity analysis, 2) making the random file of hypocenter catalogue, 3) adding hypocenters to the random file, 4) making map-file, 5) printing the parameters of hypocenters, and 6) shoeing the saved screen-image. The program of the seismicity analysis will help researchers to get figures of b-value, magnitude-time, number-time depth-time, space-time, cross-section, e.t.c..
松村 一男
表現学部紀要 (ISSN:13463470)
no.17, pp.93-105, 2016

This treatise is divided in two sections: the first part deals with an historical review of previous Dionysian research in relation to my own work. It seems to me that Dionysus was given the role of a stranger god in the Greek pantheon. It was probably an intentional amalgam of antipolis elements (ecstasy, frenzy, savagery, feminine, animal, unconscious) incorporated into the public, official polis religion. In that sense, Dionysian elements are not confined to ancient Greece but could be present in every culture. After reviewing several cultures that employ effeminate priests and shamans, I came to a hypothesis that at the core of these Dionysian elements lies the existence of a similar class of people, i.e. asexual or transsexual priests. By this I mean a class of people who find themselves different from the majority in perception and choose to live as specialists dealing with the otherworld. In my opinion, the Dionysian experience could be grouped in the same category as the androgynous figures found in Gunnestrup Cauldron, Scythian enares, and North American berdache. If these asexual or transsexual religious figures of different areas share common traits, they might come from a genetic particularity, i.e. a GID (gender identity disorder). This surely is a wild and very speculative proposal, but if we do not wish to confine things Dionysian to the domain of Classics, we should also use materials from other branches of the humanities such as archaeology and anthropology. I am not sure if the issue of the possible relationship between a GID and the special kind of religious functionary in areas I discuss in this paper could be connected with the issue of eunuchs in general and gallus (pl. galli), a eunuch priest of the Pyrgian goddess Cybele and her consort Attis in particular. The issue might, however,be worth considering.
松村 一男
表現学部紀要 = The bulletin of the Faculty of Representational Studies (ISSN:13463470)
vol.16, pp.107-126, 2016-03-11

Myths about unknown islands always fascinated island people. The most famous example is the Odyssey. The Odyssey was introduced to Japan in the middle of the sixteenth century by the Jesuits and gave birth to a story named the Nobleman Yuriwaka. Probably influenced by this story, another voyage story, the Voyage of Yoshitsune to the Island of Yezo, was created. The hero of the story is Minamoto no Yoshitsune. His tragic, untimely death made Yoshitsune one of the most popular legendary figures in Japanese history. Many stories have been created about him and this story is one of them. In this paper, the story will be explained and then a comparison with other voyage stories will be given.
平林 里葉子 田野 俊一 市野 順子 松村 一男
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18840833)
vol.9, no.1, pp.33-41, 2009 (Released:2016-11-30)

Current map systems fail to provide the information that a walker really needs. Because the information that the walker wants is always changing. Current map systems are inadequate because of giving only one index in indication of a map. The conventional map expression technique have used only one kind of indexes such as a sight substance, a hearing substance, or a sensitivity substance. In contrast, an aim of our study is map expression of the forms that system compound, and each layer supplements them each other. Our map is made by investigating at first which kind of map should be used for the promotion of the human geographical recognition. Therefore this paper investigated the number of the landmark in their recognition and the difference between persons who could read a map well and who could not. We carried out three experiments. The first experiment is designed to find out the differences in the concrete landmark between persons who understood a map and who cannot read a map. The second experiment was based on the result of the first experiment and clarified of the important element except the visual object in the human cognitive map. The third additional experiment was performed with the result of the second experiment to examine how map system show multimedia elements. The technique of four kinds of map expression designs was implied from the result of three experiments. And the Layerd-map model is proposed as a presentation method to display them adequately.
趙 志新 松村 一男 尾池 和夫 石川 有三
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.40, no.3, pp.383-396, 1987-09-25 (Released:2010-03-11)
4 4

Mutual relations of seismicity in the long period in various regions from North China to Japan trench in East Asia have been analyzed. Time series of events were analyzed in various regions in North China, Korean Peninsula and Japan Island.The seismicity of each region was high in the period from 1550 to 1700. Then quiet period had been lasting until 1900. From 1900 the active period began again and have continued up to the present.Impulsive activities were found in the western part of North China and Japan Islalds in a short time range around 1830 during the quiet period. It seems that short period variations superpose on the long period variation. These short period variations in two regions also correlated to each other.Synchronous variations of seismicity in these regions are implicated in the formation of earthquake generating stress fields from North China to Japan trench under the common tectonic conditions. The release and the accumulation of stresses correspond to the active and quiet period of seismicity, respectively.Correlations among seismicities and stress fields from North China to Japan trench suggest that there is a transmission of the tectonic force from the subduction of the pacific plate along the Japan trench to North China through Korean Peninsula.
松村 一男
表現学部紀要 = The bulletin of the Faculty of Representational Studies (ISSN:13463470)
vol.22, pp.51-70, 2022-03-17

Professor Jorg Rupke (1962- ) is Professor of Comparative Religion and Permanent Fellow in Religious Studies at the Max Weber Center, University of Erfurt, Germany. He is an authority on the religions of the ancient Mediterranean regions, and has written many books on this topic, including Pantheon: A New History of Roman Religion, Princeton University Press, 2018 on which this article mainly focuses and intends to elucidate the academic value of.The religious situation in the Mediterranean region was very complex even in prehistoric times, judging from archeological discoveries: Greeks, Phoenicians, Etruscans and Romans were trading and at the same time exchanging their religious ideas. The religious situations became more complicated later, through the period of the Roman Republic down to the time of late antiquity. The Roman Empire held a great expanse of territory extending from the British Isles in the west to the Pontic in the east, from Germania in the north to North Africa in the south. In these regions, there were a large number of different kinds of religions: the official state religion of Rome, Emperor worship, many mysteries such as the Dionysiac, Eleusinian, and Mithraic mysteries, as well as Judaism and Christianity.The history of Roman religions has been a traditional branch of the history of religions since the beginning of the discipline, from Theodore Mommsen, Georg Wissowa, and Walde Fowler of the nineteenth century down to Franz Cumont, Kurt Latte, M. J. Vermaaseren, and John North in the twentieth century. Professor Rupke is the inheritor of this honorable tradition. Pantheon, Professor Rupke’s book mainly discussed in this article, is the latest overview of the fascinating Roman religious history.\n本稿はドイツの比較宗教学者・古典文献学者のイェルク・リュプケ(Jorg Rupke, 1962- )氏による近年のローマ宗教史の概説『パンテオン』(プリンストン大学出版会、二〇一八年)の紹介を中心とする。リュプケ氏は古代地中海世界についての考古学、歴史学などからの最新の成果を摂取し、ローマ宗教の歴史をイタリア半島の先史時代から説き起こして、その後の共和政期、帝政期、そしてローマ帝国のキリスト教国教化に至って、ローマ宗教の一貫性が終焉を迎える時期までの一千年以上にわたって記述している。『パンテオン』の学説史上の意義を見極めるには、二つの視座からの本書の位置づけも併せて必要と考えるので、それを最初に行ったのちに、『パンテオン』自体の紹介と検討に入る。位置づけのための視点の一つは、現在の古代地中海世界の宗教史研究の動向の紹介である。ローマ宗教史は周辺諸地域の宗教史とともに研究されてこそ、相対化・客観化が可能なので、そうした古代地中海世界の宗教の枠組みでの研究についても触れておきたい。そして第二の視点は、本書以前のローマ宗教史研究がどのようであったかの紹介である。これらの視点への言及があってこそ、本書の独自性、革新性がより納得されることになると思われる。
松村 一男
青淵 (ISSN:09123210)
no.857, pp.10-12, 2020-08
松村 一男
表現学部紀要 = The bulletin of the Faculty of Representational Studies (ISSN:13463470)
vol.15, pp.73-93, 2015-03-20

Archaeological excavations show the importance of iron swords: During the tumulus period, the power of the great king (later emperor) expanded. Myths and archaeological findings attest to the introduction of metallurgy from the continent and subsequent production of iron weapons which resulted in 1) the unification of the country by a great king, 2) the construction of huge tumuli by the ruling class to show their prestige, and 3) the worship of the iron sword and related myths about its power. Such worship of iron swords is told about the Scythians by Herodotus. In the Arthurian legends, the sword Excalibur is the source of the power and prestige of King Arthur. The worship of the ironsword as a divinity might have spread from the Scythians to both ends of the Eurasian continent, west to the Celts and east to the Japanese.
松村 一男 大澤 千恵子

松村 一男
表現学部紀要 (ISSN:13463470)
no.15, pp.73-93, 2014

Archaeological excavations show the importance of iron swords: During the tumulus period, the power of the great king (later emperor) expanded. Myths and archaeological findings attest to the introduction of metallurgy from the continent and subsequent production of iron weapons which resulted in 1) the unification of the country by a great king, 2) the construction of huge tumuli by the ruling class to show their prestige, and 3) the worship of the iron sword and related myths about its power. Such worship of iron swords is told about the Scythians by Herodotus. In the Arthurian legends, the sword Excalibur is the source of the power and prestige of King Arthur. The worship of the ironsword as a divinity might have spread from the Scythians to both ends of the Eurasian continent, west to the Celts and east to the Japanese.