田中 光
Business History Society of Japan
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.46, no.4, pp.4_3-4_22, 2012 (Released:2014-09-10)

One aspect of Japanese modernization in the early 20th century was rural economic development. Farmers played a large role in the development process because of the importance of agriculture, especially sericulture, to Japanese exports.Micro-finance was one of the factors in the rural development process (as we have seen with Grameen Bank in the present day). This paper analyzes the birth and growth in modern Japan of a local micro-finance system. It does so through a case study of Kano village, which is in the Chiisagata area of Nagano Prefecture. This was the center of Japanese sericulture production.In 1900, the Japanese government adopted the Industrial Cooperatives Act. It was a mixture of ideas taken from overseas. The intent was to provide credit for cooperative members. This kind of cooperative credit union spread throughout Japan over the next two decades or so.Earlier, the construction of a national railway network had not only integrated the Japanese internal market but also connected it with markets outside Japan. By the 1880s, over 50% of American raw silk was produced in Japan. As the industry expanded, it needed capital for seasonal purchases of fertilizer. However, because the scale of production was small, Japanese farmers had difficulty in obtaining credit. The credit unions created in the wake of the Industrial Cooperative Act helped to satisfy the demand for capital and allow the industry to grow.Silk was the main cash crop in Kano village. The Kano Credit Union was organized in 1903 by a young graduate of one of Japanese new universities. Other executives of the cooperative included wealthy farmers and the village's former officials. The cooperative itself was a modern institution but it drew on pre-existing traditions of local credit networks.This paper focuses on the Kano Credit Union through the end of World War I. Its growth supported, and was supported by, a boom in the local sericulture industry. Hence micro-finance provided crucial support for the development of the local economy.
田中 俊宏
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.14, no.2, pp.31-53, 1979-10-10 (Released:2009-11-06)

French railway industry had the first boom years in the Monarchie de Juillet. But it is worthy to mention that in this period english capitalists also were interested in french railway construction and its exploitation. Their capital invested in french railway companies amounted to one-third of the total stock capital. Sometimes the french co-operated with the english and sometimes the french intended to exclude the english from the management of railway company. The object of this paper is to analize this english impact-french response relation. Firstly, the author extracts five main 'groups' which existed among french interests and english interests; the Laffitte & Blount group, the London Merchant Bankers group, the Haute banquiers group, the Talabot group and the Paris-Orléans group. Secondly, the author intends to clear the characteristics and behavior-pattern of each group. Thirdly, the author analizes which group acquired the predominant position in the board of directors. In the beginning, the board of directors ordinarily was composed of members of many different groups. But later, among directors, the comté de direction was formed, which include just a few members who belonged to the same group. And actually it took charge of management. Other director consequently were resigned to the feeble position. In this process, the english directors were often eliminated from the center of management.
田中 孝宜
放送研究と調査 (ISSN:02880008)
vol.68, no.8, pp.74-81, 2018 (Released:2018-09-20)

イギリスの公共放送BBC存続の基本法規に当たる特許状が2017年更新され、BBCの統治システムが大きく変更された。BBC内部のBBCトラストが廃止され、BBCの監督機能が初めて外部の独立規制機関Ofcom(Office of Communications:放送通信庁)に移された。従来の商業放送に加えて、新たに公共放送BBCも監督することになったOfcomでは、放送制度・コンテンツを監督する責任者として、元BBC Newsチャンネルの責任者でアイルランドの公共放送RTEの副会長ケビン・バッカ―スト氏をヘッドハントした。バッカ―スト氏は、BBCの夜のメインニュース“News at 10”の編集長や、BBC Newsチャンネルのコントローラー(総責任者)を歴任するなど、BBC職員として長いキャリアを持つ。バッカ―スト氏のもとで、Ofcomは、BBCをどう規制・監督しようとしているのか。BBCトラスト時代と何を変えようとしているのか。2018年2月、ロンドンでバッカースト氏に話しを聞いた。
吉澤 誠 杉田 典大 湯田 恵美 田中 明 本間 経康 山家 智之
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.58, pp.542-543, 2020

<p>近年,健康管理のためにウェアラブル・センサが普及しつつある.例えば,アップル社のApple Watchの最新バージョンでは,光電脈波計ばかりではなく心電計の機能まで具備している.確かに,ウェアラブル・センサは身体に直接装着するため,常時連続的な生体情報取得が可能である.しかし当然であるが,ウェアラブル・センサは,それを購入して「装着(ウェア)」しなければセンシングできない. 一方,パーソナルコンピュータやスマートフォンに内蔵されているビデオカメラの映像信号から脈波(映像脈波)が得られる.ウェアラブル・センサに比べて映像脈波が決定的に優れているのは,何も身に付けず(ウェア"レス"に),遠隔・非接触的なセンシングができる点である. 本稿では,まず,映像脈波の計測方法とその性質について述べた後,映像脈波の幅広い応用可能性について解説する.すなわち,家庭における風呂・トイレなどでの血圧サージの検出,洗面所の鏡やスマートスピーカーでの応用可能性,あるいは自動車内での運転者のモニタリングについて触れ,最も応用可能性の高いものとして,スマートフォンを使ったクラウドサービスの概念を紹介する. 次に,映像脈波の実用上の課題と限界について述べる.すなわち,映像脈波の最大の弱点が,体動と照度変化に極端に弱いことであり,それぞれに関する対策を紹介するとともに,今後を展望する</p>
吉永 慎也 鈴木 桂治 田中 力 佐藤 雄哉 横沢 翔平 古田 仁志 和田 貴広 田中 力 鈴木 桂治 亀山 歩
国士舘大学体育研究所報 = The annual reports of health, physical education and sport science (ISSN:03892247)
vol.38, pp.83-89, 2019

奥田 大樹 田中 大介 美濃部 亮太 内田 欣吾 清水 洋
一般社団法人 日本液晶学会
日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集 (ISSN:18803490)
vol.2013, pp._PA45-1_-_PA45-2, 2013

The alkyl homologues of azobenzene-triphenylene mesogen (1C-n: n=11-16) exhibit both thermal and photo-induced phase transitions among calamitic smectic and discotic columnar mesophases with the change of molecular anisotropy. However, one can see the difference in phase transition parameters between the shorter (1C-11 and 12) and longer (1C-13〜16) homologues. The optical texture observations of these homologues on a glass and polyimide-coated substrates indicated that the molecular conformation (relative positioning) of the azobenzene moieties and the central triphenylene differs with a critical point of the alkyl chain length between 1C-12 and 13.