佐野 貴司 テハダ マリア ルイサ 中西 正男 羽生 毅 三浦 誠一 末次 大輔 利根川 貴志 石川 晃 清水 健二 淸水 祥伽
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.130, no.4, pp.559-584, 2021-08-25 (Released:2021-09-23)
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Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs), such as the Ontong Java Plateau (OJP) in the western equatorial Pacific, provide information on mantle processes and composition, and their formation may have global environmental consequences. The OJP is the largest oceanic plateau and is probably the most voluminous igneous edifice on Earth. Despite its importance, the size, volume, and formation rate of the OJP are not yet well constrained. The maximum extent of OJP-related volcanism may be even greater than currently estimated, because volcanological studies indicate that long lava flows (or sills) from the OJP may have reached the adjacent Nauru, East Mariana, and possibly Pigafetta basins. Moreover, the similarity in age and some geochemistry of lavas from the Ontong Java, Hikurangi, and Manihiki plateaus suggests that they once may have been part of a single LIP (Ontong Java Nui, OJN). If true, the massive volcanism may have covered > 1% of the Earth's surface. The lack of detailed knowledge of the size, age, and composition of the OJP has given rise to various models, such as a surfacing mantle plume head, bolide impact, and fusible mantle melting, but no model satisfies all observational data and no consensus has been reached on its origin. The OJP is divided into the High Plateau to the west and the Eastern Salient to the east. The basaltic basement of the OJP was cored at seven sites during Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP Site 289) and Ocean Drilling Program (ODP Sites 289, 803, 807, 1183, 1185, 1186, and 1187) expeditions, but all sites are exclusively located on the High Plateau. In order to examine the true extent of the OJP (i.e., whether the flows in the Nauru, East Mariana, and Pigafetta basins, as well as the Manihiki and Hikurangi plateaus are parts of the OJN), we propose drilling in the Eastern Salient and adjacent basins to recover basement samples. We also propose drilling through the sedimentary section on the Magellan Rise, a small plateau that formed > 20 Myr before the proposed OJN emplacement. Because of its greater age, the sedimentary sequence on the Magellan Rise may preserve ash layers or other chemical tracers that cover the entire eruptive history of OJN. The sediment layers from the Magellan Rise are also useful for evaluating environmental effects of OJN emplacement, including older and younger perturbations related to other LIPs.
石川 晃
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.120, no.6, pp.1026-1034, 2011-12-25 (Released:2012-03-05)
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丸山 茂徳 宇都宮 敦 石川 晃
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.120, no.6, pp.1035-1044, 2011-12-25 (Released:2012-03-05)

オントンジャワ海台は太平洋中央部の太平洋スーパープルームによって白亜紀(122 Maと90 Ma)につくられた巨大な海台である。形成後,西方に移動し,オーストラリアプレートが北上することによってプレート相対運動が変化して,20-25 Maごろから海溝に沈み込みはじめた。その結果,ソロモン諸島には,それらの海台の破片が付加体として露出している。付加しはじめた時期については異論があり,これまでの多くの研究者は2 Ma 以降であると考えてきた。 しかしながら,われわれは地質調査と文献に基づいた証拠,すなわち一連の逆断層の形成と構造浸食,および20-25 Ma以降の沈み込み帯火山活動の停止から以下の解釈を行った。海台が25-20 Maに海溝に沈み込みを開始すると,海台のその浮力のために、沈み込み角度が低角度になり島弧火山活動が停止した。そして始新世以降の付加体を構造浸食して,崩壊物をマントルへと運んだ。また中新世におけるオントンジャワ海台の衝突と沈み込みが背後のウッドラーク海盆の拡大の開始のトリガーになったと思われる。 過去25-20 Maにわたるオントンジャワ海台の沈み込みは,付加体としては海台のごく一部(< 1%)のみを上盤側のプレートに付加したのみで,主要部のほとんどはマントル深部へ沈み込んだと思われる。これは顕生代の環太平洋造山帯に普通にみられる現象である。
石川 晃
一般社団法人 日本鉱物科学会
岩石鉱物科学 (ISSN:1345630X)
vol.41, no.5, pp.203-210, 2012 (Released:2012-11-30)

Three enigmas of highly siderophile elements (HSE) in Earth's mantle, manifested by recent advances in HSE geochemistry of mantle peridotites, are reviewed in this paper. They are (1) the apparent overabundance of the HSE in the Earth's mantle compared to metal-silicate equilibrium, (2) supra-chondritic Pd/Ir and Ru/Ir ratios in primitive upper mantle (PUM) estimates, and (3) contrasting HSE patterns between massif- and xenolithic-peridotites. More studies on both natural and experiment-based data are clearly required for resolving these problems.

2 0 0 0 IR 対幻想の含意

石川 晃司
法学研究 (ISSN:03890538)
vol.84, no.2, pp.107-129, 2011-02

䕃山宏教授退職記念号1 幻想論の難解さ2 「性」を媒介とする関係とは何か3 対幻想と共同幻想4 近親相姦の禁止と対幻想
新美 文彩 久米 春喜 熊野 信太郎 石川 晃 西松 寛明 冨田 京一 高橋 悟 武内 巧 北村 唯一
一般社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.98, no.5, pp.713-717, 2007-07-20 (Released:2010-07-23)

症例は27歳女性. 気胸の既往があり他院にて加療されていた. 2回目の左気胸発症時に肺生検にて肺リンパ管筋腫症 (LAM) と診断された. その後の精査目的のCTで右腎前面に径10cmの脂肪濃度を含む腫瘤を認め, 腎血管筋脂肪腫 (AML) と診断され, 当科に紹介された. 当科にて腎部分切除術が施行された. 腫瘍は腎実質と5cm程度の部分で連緯しており, 有茎状に発育していた. LAMは病理学的に肺の気道, 血管, リンパ管周囲の平滑筋の異常増生を示し, 気道閉塞による多数の肺嚢胞状病変形成が特徴とされ, 殆どの症例で経過中に気胸を発生する予後不良の疾患である. また47~60%の症例にAMLを合併することが知られている. LAMを合併したAML患者の特徴としては20代から30代の生殖可能な女性に好発しており, 結節性硬化症に合併するAMLと比較すると片側単発傾向ではあるが, 両側例が25~62%と比較的多く, また多発例も報告されている. LAMは予後不良のため, AMLに対しては出血などの症状が出現するまで無治療で経過することが多く, 治療としては腎摘除術が多い. しかしながら, 最近の報告ではLAMの予後はやや改善してきており, AMLの再発例も認められることから, 可能な限り腎温存を図るべきである. 本症例は本邦10例目である.
石川 晃弘
中央大学社会科学研究所年報 (ISSN:13432125)
no.23, pp.131-147, 2019-09-30

In 1968, a challenging action arose in Czechoslovakia to reform the existing but dysfunctional socialist system, called "Prague Spring". This was initiated and promoted firstly by the progressive leaders of the Communist Party and then involved a great number of publics nation-widely, accompanying the call for "Revival of Socialism" toward "Socialism with a Human Face". This movement, however, was interfered and collapsed by the political and military forces of the Soviet Union and her followers. Main concern in this paper is to raise a supposition: If the militant pressure against the action toward the reformation would not be practised by the Soviet Union, the movement would have led to a success in realizing the system reformation? According to the author's hypothesis, the success would be doubtful, but the basic ideas and experiences in "Prague Spring" might have contributed to a successful system transformation and a peaceful shift to the new system at and after "Velvet revolution" by saving the social cost at transition.
石川 晃 下條 将徳 鈴木 勝彦 Collerson Kenneth D. 小宮 剛
日本地球化学会年会要旨集 2012年度日本地球化学会第59回年会講演要旨集
pp.55, 2012 (Released:2012-09-01)

磯崎 行雄 澤木 佑介 佐野 有司 高畑 直人 尾上 哲治 石川 晃

増田 雄樹 横山 哲也 岡林 識起 石川 晃
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

Micro-scale isotopic analysis of geologic materials is getting more important in recent geochemistry. Although in-situ isotopic measurements with LA-ICP-MS or SIMS have played a central role in geochemical applications, these techniques are not necessarily suitable for isotopic analysis that requires chemical separation prior to mass spectrometry. In such cases, sampling with micro milling [1] or Laser Ablation in Liquid (LAL) [2] has been applied. However, these sampling techniques could cause cross contamination from the micro-drill material, relatively low recovery yield, and longer sampling time.To overcome these problems, we developed the Laser Ablation with Filter (LAF) method in which sample particles ablated by a fs-laser (IFRIT, Cyber Laser) are carried via the flow of He gas in a Teflon tube and then caught by a membrane filter (pore size: 0.1 µm). The performance of the LAF method was evaluated by using a glass standard (NIST SRM 610), which was ablated by a spiral analysis mode with a fluence of 28 J cm-2, repetition rate of 500 Hz, pulse lengths of 240 fs, wavelength of 260 nm, and raster speed of 100 µm/s. The typical pit size was 20 µm in width and 20 µm deep, which required 1.4 h for sampling an area of 1×1×0.1 mm3. The sample particles retrieved by the filter were dissolved by a mixture of HF and HNO3, then treated with HClO4 to decompose insoluble fluoride precipitates. The sample solution was split into two aliquots; one dedicated for the analysis of trace element abundances with ICP-MS (Xseries 2, Thermo) and the other for isotopic analysis with TIMS (TRITON plus, Thermo) after chemical separation. We found that the recovery yields of trace elements ranged from 80-90%, in which the effect of elemental fluctuation was suppressed owing to the use of the fs-laser [2, 3]. The 87Sr/86Sr of NIST 610 collected by the LAF method was 0.7096787 ± 0.0000016 (2SE), which is consistent with that for NIST 610 (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7096779 ± 0.0000028) separately measured by dissolving a piece of the glass standard. The procedural blank of the LAF method was negligible to perform the trace element and isotopic analyses. The new method can be applied to small minerals and inclusions in terrestrial rocks and meteorites for understanding the carrier phases that cause isotope heterogeneities in mantle rocks and refractory inclusions in carbonaceous chondrites.[1]Myojo, K. et al. (2018) Astrophys. J. 853, 48. [2]Okabayashi, S. et al. (2011) J. Anal. At. Spectrom, 26, 1393-1400. [3]Fernández B. et al. (2007) TrAC. 26, 951–966.
石川 晃 金子 慶之 太田 努 磯崎 行雄
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.120, no.1, pp.52-64, 2011-02-25 (Released:2011-05-20)
2 2 3

The western Pacific region, where the Eurasia, Australia, and Pacific plates currently interact, has been recognized as an important site for constraining the origins and emplacement of ophiolites (particularly for island-arc or supra-subduction zone types), because the spatial distribution of oceanic micro-plates and numerous ophiolitic rocks along their convergent margins infers possible genetic linkages among them. Mafic-ultramafic rocks distributed in the Timor-Tanimbar island chain, eastern Indonesia may be a good example of the on-going emplacement of the marginal basin lithosphere on the continental margin in the arc-continent collision zone, and are recognized as a possible modern analogue for Mesozoic Tethyan-type ophiolites (e.g. Troodos and Oman) in the Alpine-Himalayan orogenic system. Geological occurrence suggests that the buoyant subduction of the Australian continent uplifted fragments of newly formed mantle-crust section, which extends to neighboring pre-emplaced forearc marginal basins. However, from petrological and geochemical points of view, young pillowed basalt, dolerite, and gabbroic cumulate commonly possess island-arc signatures, whereas structurally underlying peridotites are mostly fertile (lherzolitic) in composition. This suggests that the crustal section is not linked to the underlying mantle by a genetic melt-and-residua relationship, as inferred from the lack of complete succession and the presence of abundant crosscutting structures. This inconsistency leads to the emergence of two contrasting models accounting for the unusual occurrence of a fertile mantle in the forearc setting of the Timor-Tanimbar region: (1) thrust-stacked fragments of the subcontinental mantle originally exhumed in the rifting stage of Australia; (2) depth-related heterogeneities in the lithospheric part of the mantle wedge. We note that the current debates on the origins of fertile lherzolites found throughout the Tethyan sutures and western Pacific regions can be settled through a better understanding of Timor-Tanimbar peridotite masses by age-dating studies employing several radiogenic isotope systematics.