細谷 幸子
生命倫理 (ISSN:13434063)
vol.27, no.1, pp.72-78, 2017 (Released:2018-08-01)

紙谷 幸子 柿嶌 眞
日本菌学会会報 (ISSN:00290289)
vol.62, no.2, pp.93-100, 2021-11-01 (Released:2021-12-28)

Urocystis tranzschelianaはサクラソウに寄生し,花の葯の柄に分生子を,子房内にくろぼ胞子を形成する.本研究では,植物組織内における菌の存在部位の特定を目的として,U. tranzschelianaに特異的なPCRプライマーを開発した.この種特異的プライマーを用いて,くろぼ菌に感染したサクラソウの株(ジェネット)の個体(クローンラメット)のPCR法によるDNA検出を行った結果,菌体は花器だけでなく,地下茎や花茎にも存在していた.この結果から,サクラソウの感染株の地下茎には菌が存在しており,地下茎から無性芽に菌が直接侵入することにより,同じ株の次世代個体に感染することが示唆された.
面谷 幸子 名徳 倫明 山城 美樹 長谷川 渚彩 大橋 甲三郎 長井 克仁 西井 諭司 初田 泰敏 小川 雅史
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.42, no.1, pp.31-39, 2016-01-10 (Released:2017-01-10)

Workshops on the use of adrenaline auto-injection (EPIPEN), reconsideration of training programs on food allergies, and an approach to increase risk awareness of food allergies are required. We investigated the current state of education of school teachers and school pharmacists in Tondabayashi City.A total of 120 school teachers and 14 school pharmacists participated in our questionnaire. More than 90% of teachers had experience with children with allergies, and more than 95% of teachers were aware of anaphylaxis. Although most teachers were familiar with EPIPEN, they did not have detailed knowledge and were not confident in using it in an emergency. School teachers who attended EPIPEN workshops had a higher degree of confidence in using EPIPEN in an emergency than school teachers who do not attended the workshops. Attending workshops will increase the self-confidence of teachers in using EPIPEN in an emergency. The survey results indicate that it is important for school pharmacists to hold regular workshops on EPIPEN, including practical training, to develop the EPINEN skills of school teachers and enlighten them on the subject.
面谷 幸子 池嶋 俊貴 柴野 雅仁 勝井 保弘 初田 泰敏 向井 淳治 畑中 裕子 菊内 章夫 関 源一 名徳 倫明
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.46, no.9, pp.522-530, 2020-09-10 (Released:2021-09-10)

Several hospitalized patients have a history of medication use; consequently, there are numerous reports on the importance of pharmacists managing their own medications. Conversely, there is a lack of information about the status of patients’ medication adherence. Therefore, we collected data on medicines brought to hospital by inpatients and investigated their medication compliance status. The medication compliance status of patients visiting the Kokuho Chuo Hospital from April 2017 to March 2018 was investigated using the identification sheets of medicines brought by these patients and patients’ medical records. The number of differentiations of medicines brought to the hospital by inpatients was 1,080, and the details of 889 medicines were used in this study. The average number of medicines brought per patient was 5.6 ± 3.5, with elderly patients bringing more medicines and exhibiting a low medication compliance. Compliance with antibiotics, chemotherapeutics, and oncology drugs was good, whereas that of vitamins, peripheral nervous system agents, and drugs for treating sensory organ issues was poor. The cost of medication per patient among non-adherent patients was approximately 3,836 ± 11,078 yen, amounting to a total cost of 3,409,914 yen. The medication compliance status inferred from this study was worse among elderly patients as well as for medicines used to treat chronic diseases. Pharmacists can provide appropriate drug treatments and contribute toward reducing healthcare costs by increasing awareness regarding the family pharmacist system and improving cooperation between community pharmacies and hospitals to improve polypharmacy and medication adherence.
谷 由美子 山本 命子 深谷 幸子 青木 みか タニ ヤマモト フカヤ アオキ Y. TANI N. YAMAMOTO S. FUKAYA M. AOKI
名古屋女子大学紀要 = Journal of the Nagoya Women's College
vol.24, pp.93-102, 1978-03-15

"1.リノール酸またはコーンオイル添食による脂肪酸の生体内における挙動 リノール酸5g摂取によって血清のリノール酸は低下しアラキドン酸が4倍以上に増加した.しかしコーンオイル60g摂取によって,血清脂肪酸組成はアラキドン酸がやや減少しステアリン酸とオレイン酸は増加した.この相違については今後検討するつもりである.皮膚分泌物の脂肪酸組成は,リノール酸またはコーンオイル添食によっていずれもほとんど変動なく,パルミテン酸が30~40%をしめ次にステアリン酸,アラキドン酸が多く,いずれの場合も血清には不飽和脂肪酸が多く皮膚分泌物は大部分飽和脂肪酸よりなっていた.即ち血清成分がそのまま皮膚に浸透して分泌されるのではなく,汗腺,皮脂腺などで選択されて分泌されると考えられる.尿中脂肪酸組成はオレイン酸,ステアリン酸,パルミチン酸が多く,バルミトレイン酸は個体差が大きかった.必須脂肪酸は血清に比べて少く,コーンオイル摂取によって血清中の必須脂肪酸はほとんど変動しなかったが,尿中多価不飽和脂肪酸は増加した.2.リノール酸またはコーンオイル添食による血清脂質成分の変動 CHはいずれの場合も減少し,特にコーンオイル添食で著しく,従来血中のCHを低下させる因子の1つとして高度不飽和脂肪酸を含む植物油がよいとされている事実を裏付けた.CHを約48%含むβ-LPも同様に食後減少がみられた.TGは食後3時問に有意に増加した.これらの現象はリノール酸5g摂取よりもコーンオイル60g摂取の場合の方がその影響は顕著であった."
面谷 幸子 石坂 敏彦 井上 美樹 安井 友佳子 長井 克仁 初田 泰敏 向井 淳治 名徳 倫明
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.20, no.1, pp.12-19, 2018 (Released:2018-06-16)

Objective: In conjunction with the introduction of medical fees for pharmaceutical practices in hospital wards, the pharmacy department at Sakai City Medical Center has solely managed PREAVOID and reported the results to the Japan Society of Hospital Pharmacists (JSHP) since 2012.  We investigated the pharmacological management being performed by pharmacists and what knowledge is necessary for the super-aged society according to our PREAVOID reports.Methods: We totaled and analyzed the PREAVOID preventive reports (pattern 2) that were reported to JSHP from April 2014 to March 2016.Results: Elderly people had the highest number of PREAVOID reports (p<0.001).  “Transcription error and incorrect prescription” was the most common cause, followed by “special condition (impaired renal function, etc.)” and “overdose.”  Regarding the elderly generation, the number of reports in the 2-year period was the highest for “special condition” (173 cases, 5.30% ?? ), which was 3.69-times the number for adults (p<0.001).  These results demonstrate that involvement of pharmacists is indispensable for pharmacotherapeutics in generations with greatly differing drug metabolic functions.Conclusion: This survey revealed that adverse effects were caused by inadequate medication.  As “pharmaceutical management” was involved in most reports, these results indicate that it is important to manage pharmaceuticals in hospital wards.  It is possible to improve pharmacological knowledge by sharing and utilizing the analysis results of these PREAVOID reports in order to appropriately medicate elderly patients.  According to this study, pharmacists play a crucial role in medication of the elderly.
向井 淳治 面谷 幸子 初田 泰敏 名德 倫明
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.45, no.8, pp.433-440, 2019-08-10 (Released:2020-08-10)

When press-through-package (PTP) sheets of similar appearance are divided into smaller sizes, their similarity increases. This in turn increases the probability of recognition errors. We created images of units of 10-, 6-, and 2-tablet PTP sheets of different colors and designs using a personal computer and then reduced their sizes in five steps. These images of different sizes were then arranged horizontally and presented to the study participants. Differences in recognizability were determined based on the percentages of correct recognition of the size differences. A logistic regression analysis showed that there were no interactions between the packaging units and the image reduction ratio to the original sizes of the PTP sheets. However, with respect to the main effect of the packaging units themselves, significant differences were observed based on the color or design of the PTP sheet, and recognizability deteriorated as the PTP sheets were further divided. As for the percentage of correct answers, right-left differences were observed in the identification of the presented images; this suggests the effect of ocular dominance.
庄司 昭伸 井上 明子 谷 幸子 木下 香里 武林 亮子 西田 則彦 柏谷 久美 不破 順清 山田 英幸 野村 正和
Meeting of Osaka Dermatological Association
皮膚 (ISSN:00181390)
vol.41, no.4, pp.481-491, 1999 (Released:2010-08-25)

セリシンを定着させたブラジャーを用いて, ブラジャーが接触する部分に皮疹がみられるアトピー性皮膚炎患者および接触皮膚炎患者計31例を対象に着用試験を実施した. 着用期間は1ヵ月とし, 担当医師が記入する調査表と, 1ヵ月着用後に患者が記入する着用アンケートの両方から観察結果を得た. その結果, 調査表より, 全般安全度については観察しえた20例全てが安全と判定された. 有用率は, 極めて有用5例 (24%), 有用8例 (38%), やや有用7例 (33%), 有用性なし1例 (5%), 好ましくない0例 (0%) であった. 着用アンケートより, ブラジャーが接触しない部分の皮膚症状に比べ, x2検定にてブラジャーが接触する部分のかゆみ (p<0.01), チクチク感 (p<0.05), ヒリヒリ感 (p<0.01) の改善率は有意に高かった. (皮膚, 41: 481-491, 1999)
高橋 喜久雄 坂口 輝子 池谷 幸子 中村 春美 湊 真理子
千葉医学雑誌 (ISSN:03035476)
vol.78, no.4, pp.157-162, 2002-08-01

埋伏した下顎智歯を抜歯した後は,浮腫,疼痛,開口障害が通常みられる。われわれは下顎智歯抜歯患者111名に対して簡易冷罨法の効果を対照群(n=118)と比較して検討した。冷罨法の材料はパックし冷凍したポリジクロロナトリウムで,抜歯直後に顔面皮膚に適応した。主な結果は以下の如くである。1)冷罨法実施群と非実施群では,術後の体温,腫張度,開口度,鎮痛剤の服薬回数に統計的な有意差は見られなかった。2)術後の疼痛と開口障害感は患者の自覚的な評価としてVisual Analog Scaleを用いておこなったが,このような主観的評価では,いずれも冷罨法群が良好な結果を示した。3)冷罨法の適応に対して心地よさを感じた割合は74.8%であった。4)2群において,冷罨法による治癒促進効果や合併症の発現頻度に差は認められなかった。
井上 美樹 面谷 幸子 安井 友佳子 初田 泰敏 名徳 倫明 石坂 敏彦
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.23, no.1, pp.47-54, 2021-05-31 (Released:2021-06-25)

Objective: The prescription-related inquiry process is being simplified in an increasing number of facilities, wherein doctors and pharmacists discuss ambiguous points concerning prescriptions before creating protocols. For making this process more efficient and further promoting appropriate drug use, the doctors and the Department of Pharmacy of our center discussed the permissible range for prescription change reports and determined the prescription items that pharmacists can change based on their own judgment. We analyzed data related to the simplification of the prescription-related inquiry process to verify the effects and issues associated with simplifying this process. Then, we examined the countermeasures that should be taken as a prescription issuer in response to the issue.Methods: The center concluded an agreement with 147 insurance-covered pharmacies in or around Sakai City. We analyzed data related to simplification of the prescription-related process between March 1, 2017, and February 28, 2018.Results: Permissible prescription change reports were classified into eight categories. The total number of out-of-hospital prescriptions issued by the center was 94,785. Among the 147 insurance-covered pharmacies under the agreement, 79 (53.7%) reported prescription changes by fax. In total, 895 prescription changes were reported. The number of reports belonging to each category was as follows: change of dosage/additional descriptions: 312 (33.1%); change to other brands with the same ingredients: 208 (22.0%); and change of the medication duration to reduce unused medications: 168 (17.8%). Calculating based on drug prices, change of the medication duration to reduce unused medications consequently reduced medication costs by 709,452 yen.Conclusion: It is thought that the simplification of inquiry will result in shortening the waiting time for patients and reducing the time burden of prescribing doctors and pharmacists. Also, by analyzing the contents of the inquiries, it was evident that improvements could be made to improve efficiency by devising an electronic medical record system, which can help avoid similar reports in the future. Furthermore, regularly reviewing the simplifications will contribute to providing higher quality medical care. Cooperation and information sharing between pharmacy pharmacists and hospital pharmacists are indispensable and vital in advancing side effects and risk aversion, polypharmacy measures, and improvement of adherence.
名徳 倫明 秋山 紗奈江 松浦 亜梨紗 面谷 幸子 長井 克仁 初田 泰敏 向井 淳治 廣谷 芳彦
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.43, no.8, pp.438-443, 2017-08-10 (Released:2018-08-10)
1 1

In many hospitals, semi-solid enteral nutrients are administered. Dietary fibers are used as the main component of semi-solid agents, but some studies have reported that dietary fibers influence the bioavailability of drugs. In this study, we examined the influence of the adsorption of phenobarbital (PB) to dietary fibers and semi-solid agents used for the manufacturing of enteral nutrients. Five types of dietary fiber or 3 semi-solid agents were dissolved in 0.01% PB solution to prepare concentrations of 1.0, 0.5, and 0.1%, and the adsorption rate and viscosity were measured. In PB solution containing 1.0% guar gum, which was prepared with purified water, the adsorption rate of PB was 33.7%. It reduced with a decrease in the concentration of guar gum. The adsorption rate of PB to xanthan gum was also similar, although it was slightly lower than that to guar gum. There was no adsorption of PB to dextrin hydrate or cellulose under any condition. The first and second solutions established by the Japanese Pharmacopoeia also showed similar results. The results of this study indicate that the adsorption rates of PB to guar gum and xanthan gum were high. When administering drugs to patients receiving semi-solid enteral nutrients, the timing of administration at which there is no influence of adsorption must be reviewed.
庄司 昭伸 井上 明子 谷 幸子 武林 亮子 盛田 直毅
Meeting of Osaka Dermatological Association
皮膚 (ISSN:00181390)
vol.40, no.5, pp.501-506, 1998 (Released:2010-08-25)

アトピー性皮膚炎患者のボランティア25名を対象に治療に併行して, スキンケア化粧品であるヨモギエキス配合シートの使用試験を実施した。試験終了時において, 全般改善度は, やや改善以上20例 (80%), 不変1例 (4%), 悪化2例 (8%) および試験実施不可2例 (8%) であった。安全度は, 安全19例 (76%), どちらとも言えない3例 (12%), 安全性に問題がある1例 (4%) および安全でない2例 (8%) であった。6例において副作用を認めたが, 1回の使用で中止が2例, 2週間の使用で中止が1例, 3週間の使用で中止が1例であり, 残りの2例は4週間使用し乾燥皮膚では良好な結果を得た。試験結果からヨモギエキス配合シートはアトピー性皮膚炎に対して良好なスキンケア化粧品であり, 治療補助効果が認められると考えた。
村瀬 忍 池谷 幸子 林田 宏一 池谷 尚剛
一般社団法人 日本LD学会
LD研究 (ISSN:13465716)
vol.29, no.2, pp.123-131, 2020 (Released:2020-12-01)
