財津 亘 金 明哲
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.20, no.1, pp.1-14, 2015 (Released:2015-02-10)

The effectiveness of identifying the author of an illegal document by using text mining was investigated. The suspected writing evaluated in this study was a claim of responsibility written by a 14-year-old boy, which stated that he committed the “Kobe child murders” in 1997. It was compared with control writings including confessions, and an essay that we knew were written by the same boy, as well as with irrelevant materials including various essays written by five junior high school students, and claims of responsibility in four past criminal cases. First, the writings in each document were digitalized and converted to text files. Then, the relative frequencies of bigram of letters, bigram of part-of-speech taggers, sentence lengths of each document, and rate of using Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana were calculated. Results of sammon multi-dimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis indicated that the text in the suspected writing was arranged identically or similarly to groups of texts in control materials, where they were arranged differently from groups of texts in irrelevant materials. In a separate analysis, the suspected writing was substituted with a document written by a different offender and we conducted the identical procedure described above. Results demonstrated that texts in the suspected writing were in a different form control and irrelevant texts. These results indicated the effectiveness of identifying an author by using text mining when examining forensic documents.
財津 亘 金 明哲
情報知識学会誌 (ISSN:09171436)
vol.27, no.3, pp.261-274, 2017-09-28 (Released:2017-11-24)
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犯人の早期検挙を目的とした捜査支援手法である犯罪者プロファイリングは,犯罪現場の状況などを統計的もしくは心理学的に分析し,犯人の性別や年齢層,職業などの犯人像を推定するものであるが,印字された文書や電子メールなどしか存在しない事件においては犯罪現場自体がないため,有効な手段が従来はなかった.本研究は,文章情報を基に,犯人像を推定する手法の開発の嚆矢として,まずブログを対象に,ランダムフォレストによる著者の性別推定を試みた.その結果によると,性別推定には,漢字や平仮名,片仮名,名詞の使用率,品詞(動詞・形容詞・助詞・感動詞)や接続助詞「し」,助動詞「なかっ」,読点,文字(代名詞「私」「僕」,小書き文字「っ」「ゃ」) の使用頻度が有効で,1個抜き交差確認法による検証の結果,最高で正解率86.0% (適合率:男性84.6%,女性87.5%) を得た.なお,サポートベクターマシンを用いた検証も合わせて実施したが,正解率は最高で 75.0%(適合率:男性69.2%,女性85.7%)と相対的に低い精度を示した.
財津 亘 金 明哲
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.45, no.1, pp.39-47, 2018 (Released:2018-11-03)

This study examined the accuracy for author identification by text mining. We conducted 16 analyses (four writing styles × four multivariate analyses) across texts of 100 Bloggers, written by approximately 1,000 characters. Specifically, we conducted (1) principal components analysis, (2) correspondence analysis, (3) multi-dimensional scaling, and (4) hierarchical cluster analysis on each writing style: (1) rate of usage of non-independent words, (2) bigram of parts-of-speech, (3) bigram of postpositional particles, and (4) positioning of commas. We obtained high accuracy: 100% on sensitivity and 95.1% on specificity. Furthermore, the results showed no effects of age and gender against accuracy for author identification.
三枝 陽一 今泉 弘 金 明哲 石崎 純郞 加藤 彩 桑尾 定仁 三橋 利温 西元寺 克禮 大井田 正人
一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会 関東支部
Progress of Digestive Endoscopy (ISSN:13489844)
vol.94, no.1, pp.119-121, 2019-06-07 (Released:2019-06-20)

A 22-year-old woman with a history of diarrhea and bloody stools presented at our hospital because of diarrhea, bloody stools, and loss of appetite. Colonoscopy revealed pan-ulcerative colitis. We started treatment with continuous intravenous infusion of prednisolone 40 mg (1 mg/kg), granulocyte apheresis, and oral mesalazine granules (4000 mg). After starting treatment, symptoms promptly improved. The dose of oral prednisolone was decreased to 15 mg/day. Watery stools occurred 5 times per day. The patient wanted to receive Chinese medicine. We requested Hiroshima Sky Clinic to treat the patient with us. Treatment with prednisolone and mesalazine was discontinued, and Hiroshima Chinese medicine was begun. Clinical remission was achieved. The calprotectin level decreased to 37 μg/g. Colonoscopy showed complete mucosal healing. Chinese medicine including natural indigo has side effects. The relevance of use of natural indigo is controversial because of the potential adverse effect. However, Chinese medicine may be useful, and some patients desire such treatment. In the assessment of symptoms on basis of the results of endoscopic and pathological examinations and calprotectin testing, Chinese medicine was effective in our patient.
樗木 晶子 長弘 千恵 金 明煥 小林 大佑 小車 莉絵子 福田 直行 中田 亜希子 香川 智啓 長家 智子
社団法人 日本循環器管理研究協議会
日本循環器病予防学会誌 (ISSN:13466267)
vol.40, no.1, pp.28-33, 2005-01-31 (Released:2009-10-16)

38℃と41℃という湯温の違いが入浴時の高齢者の呼吸・循環動態へ及ぼす影響を以前報告した。この変化が高齢者に特有なものか否かを検討するため今回は12人の健常高齢者 (男性5人、女性7人、平均年齢 : 70±5歳) と12人の健常若年者 (男性6人、女性6人、平均年齢 : 23±3歳) を対象に、湯温41℃の入浴で、血圧、脈拍、pressure-rate product (収縮期血圧と心拍数の積、PRP) 、酸素飽和度、鼓膜温の変化を計測した。高齢者では収縮期血圧は入浴中有意な変化はなかったが、出浴後は若年者に比べ低下傾向が強かった。拡張期血圧は両群とも入浴中から低下し出浴後もそれが続いた。脈拍は両群とも入浴中上昇し、出浴後は入浴前より低下し、両群間に変動の差はなかった。PRPは高齢者は入浴直後に上昇したが、若年者は出浴直後に上昇し出浴後安静1時間の問に入浴前より低下した。酸素飽和度は高齢者のほうが出浴後長時間経過したときの低下がみられた。鼓膜温は若年者より高齢者の方が上昇傾向を示したが有意差は得られなかった。高齢者と若年者では入浴時の呼吸・循環動態の変化が異なることが明らかとなった。
吉田 充 堀金 明美
公益財団法人 日本醸造協会
日本醸造協会誌 (ISSN:09147314)
vol.103, no.1, pp.10-16, 2008-01-15 (Released:2011-09-20)
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日本においては, 炊飯前に米を水に浸けることが習慣となっている。これにより米粒の中に水が浸透し, 加熱されたときに米粒の中心までデンプンが充分に糊化して米がふっくら炊きあがる。弥生時代の昔から米を栽培し, 米食に親しんできた日本人のやり方である。日本酒の醸造においても, 麹菌を生育させる米は, 蒸す前に水に浸す。浸漬時の米粒内への水の浸透とその結果である粒内水分分布は, 炊飯後, 加工後の米やその加工品の品質を決定する重要な要因である。そこで, 水の分布を画像化できる磁気共鳴画像法 (magneticresonanceimaging, MRI) を用いて, 浸漬過程における米粒中の水分分布変化を追ってみたところ, 水の浸透経路や水分分布は, 米の胚乳のデンプン細胞の粗密や並び方を反映し, 炊飯用の品種コシヒカリと, 酒米用の品種山田錦とでは, 水の浸透パターンが異なっていた。このことから, MRIにより米粒内への水の浸透を観察することで, その米の加工適性の一面を評価できるのではないかと期待される。
入江 さやか 金 明哲
計量国語学 (ISSN:04534611)
vol.32, no.1, pp.1-18, 2019-06-20 (Released:2020-06-20)

金 明哲
The Behaviormetric Society of Japan
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.40, no.1, pp.17-28, 2013-03-28
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This paper proposes a method for authorship identification based on phrase patterns that occur in the Japanese language, using literary work, student's work, journals to carry out actual proof analysis. The results showed that a writer's writing characteristics could be told clearly in phrase patterns. Using Random Forests, the correct ratio for identifying the authors from two arbitrary authors of literary works as well as student compositions was 99% and 92% for journals. In order to show the effectiveness of the proposed method, a comparison between phrase patterns and trigram of POS was conducted. There was no obvious difference found in the rate of correct identification of writer between phrase patterns C and POS trigram. However, when the data of the phrase patterns C were combined with morphological data, it can obtain a higher rate of correct identification of the writer than having combined the data of POS trigram with morphological data. Based on this, we carried out an analysis on the authorship doubt surrounding Kawabata Yasunari's works and the works of Mishima Yukio, HMakoto and Sawana Hisao. Phrase patterns analysis suggested there was no doubt surrounding the authorship in Kawabata's work.
金 明哲
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.41, no.1, pp.35-46, 2014

Text classification results often vary depending on the detailed factors in data analysis, including feature data, classification method, and parameter sets adopted in the analysis. The author of an anonymous text can be generally identified by extracting a set of distinctive features of the text, and then using the features to find the most likely author. Numerous efforts have been made to develop the feature extraction technique with more robustness and the classification algorithm, but an important issue is how to select the features datasets and classification method. To address this issue, we propose an integrated classification algorithm that extracts multiple feature datasets from differing viewpoints and aspects of a text and applies multiple strong classifiers to the datasets. Our proposed method achieved 100% accuracy in identifying the authors of literary works and student essays, and identified the author of all but 1 out of 60 diaries which were written by 6 different people.Our proposed method achieved equivalent or better accuracy than the case when any a strong classifier applied to individual feature dataset. Furthermore, the accuracy in identifying the authors of student essays increased by roughly two percentage points.
金 明哲
The Behaviormetric Society of Japan
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.41, no.1, pp.35-46, 2014

Text classification results often vary depending on the detailed factors in data analysis, including feature data, classification method, and parameter sets adopted in the analysis. The author of an anonymous text can be generally identified by extracting a set of distinctive features of the text, and then using the features to find the most likely author. Numerous efforts have been made to develop the feature extraction technique with more robustness and the classification algorithm, but an important issue is how to select the features datasets and classification method. To address this issue, we propose an integrated classification algorithm that extracts multiple feature datasets from differing viewpoints and aspects of a text and applies multiple strong classifiers to the datasets. Our proposed method achieved 100% accuracy in identifying the authors of literary works and student essays, and identified the author of all but 1 out of 60 diaries which were written by 6 different people.Our proposed method achieved equivalent or better accuracy than the case when any a strong classifier applied to individual feature dataset. Furthermore, the accuracy in identifying the authors of student essays increased by roughly two percentage points.
金 明美
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.74, no.1, pp.176-189, 2009-06-30

This paper is a reconsideration of two earlier case studies concerning the minzoku (ethnic group, nation, or race) education of Koreans living in Japan based on fieldwork that I conducted about 12 years ago. Its major objective is to explore the mechanism by which power relations between two different minzoku (Koreans and Japanese) are maintained, as one problem of the social structure that tends to be covered by tabunka-kyosei (multicultural coexistence) policy or slogans. Through that, I want to find clues about practicing tabunka-kyosei in actuality. The first reason for reconsidering the past case studies is that they offer concrete data concerning the realities of the relations between Korean children in the minzoku education practice left unanalyzed by the previous work. The second reason is that the case studies represent significant data examining the internal nature of the tabunka-kyosei policy, which promotes minzoku education within the framework of national education as a means of empowering a minority group. Chapter 1 examines a case study in Fukuoka City, including a description and analysis of the children's minzoku consciousness-formation process, based on participant observation of an informal group activity within minzoku education. The observation revealed contradictory facts within minzoku education's aim of forming minzoku solidarity. The minzoku framework on the management side (a Korean activist and schoolteachers) of the group represents one view representing power relations between minzoku. Meanwhile, children's consciousness of their own minzoku as a minority was formed "in isolation" under the strong influence of their parents' "habitus" (a set of dispositions which generate practices and perceptions), formed structurally under the everyday power relations between separate minzoku. Chapter 2 examines a case study in Itami City, giving a description and analysis of how the official recognition of minzoku education in public schools has influenced schools and local society. The work was based on a field survey in the school district, which has a large population of resident Koreans. It found that Itami, where minzoku education was actively promoted, more strongly looked upon the Korean children as a certain minzoku than did Fukuoka. More concretely, when the minzoku discourse, as agreed upon by Korean activists and their Japanese supporters, was presented as "multiculturalism education," "culture" became a paraphrase for minzoku. That process maintains the potential cultural nationalism based on racial thinking in daily life. That is, there is an invisible process found here that strengthens the macro-micro relations. The academic results of the above analysis can be viewed as a contribution to ethnicity research in Japan. That is, the effectiveness of the study - which focuses on power relations - was illustrated by analyzing the process in which minzoku (a vague concept whose meaning changes depending on context) is reified as an entity: namely, the process of "invisibility" in which the macro relates to the micro. The following point can also be made as a result of the applied anthropology. Under the current situation in Japan, where little fundamental change has been seen in the the assumption by the national and local governments that equates minzoku with "nation," research and the movement will be swallowed up by the concept of tabunka-kyosei as long as administrative measures and the popular discourse are not examined, making the slogan of tabunka-kyosei relative. That suggests a way that anthropology can contribute to the practice of tabunka-kyosei in actuality.
森 将 岸上 靖幸 伊藤 泰広 金 明 森部 真由 柴田 崇宏 稲村 達生 上野 琢史 山田 拓馬 竹田 健彦 宇野 枢 田野 翔 鈴木 徹平 小口 秀紀
一般社団法人 日本周産期・新生児医学会
日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌 (ISSN:1348964X)
vol.57, no.1, pp.182-188, 2021 (Released:2021-05-10)
