The Anthropological Society of Nippon
Anthropological Science (ISSN:09187960)
vol.125, no.3, pp.141-151, 2017 (Released:2018-01-10)

The upper incisor lingual morphology of the late Miocene Greek hominoid Ouranopithecus macedoniensis was almost unknown, as the described earlier maxillary remains preserve only worn incisors. During the most recent excavations in the type locality of Ouranopithecus, Ravin de la Pluie (RPl) of Axios Valley (Macedonia, Greece), four little-worn upper central incisors were recovered. This material and a few additional worn upper incisors, discovered recently, are described and compared in this article. Even though a morphological comparison with the old RPl material, lacking unworn or little worn incisors, is impossible, the metrical comparison and the monospecific character of the RPl hominoid sample suggest that the described incisors can be assigned to Ouranopithecus macedoniensis. The described upper central incisors are separated in two size-groups which in general have similar morphology except for some minor differences such as the presence of a pronounced mesial lingual pillar in the small-sized specimens. The observed significant size difference among the studied incisors is attributed to the strong sexual dimorphism of Ouranopithecus, which is also well expressed in the other teeth. The lingual morphology of the upper incisors of Ouranopithecus are not identical to those of extant great apes, though they have some similarities with those of the African great apes (Gorilla and Pan), while they are clearly different from those of the Asian great ape (Pongo). Even though they have some morphological similarities, the O. macedoniensis central incisors are probably not identical to those of the Eurasian Miocene hominoids; the most similar central incisor is that of Ouranopithecus turkae. Among the known African Miocene hominoids, Nakalipithecus upper central incisor is quite similar in morphology and size to that of Ouranopithecus.
ビエッロ D.
日経サイエンス (ISSN:0917009X)
vol.38, no.3, pp.32-38, 2008-02

2004 年に米エネルギー省と国防総省は「信頼性のある代替核弾頭(RRW)」計画を打ち出した。製造以来,兵器庫に長期間保管され,老朽化した核弾頭は適切に作動しない恐れがあるとして,一部を新しいものに交換するというのだ。
早川 祥子 Hernandez Alexander D. 鈴木 真理子 菅谷 和沙 香田 啓貴 長谷川 英男 遠藤 秀紀
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 = Primate research (ISSN:09124047)
vol.27, no.1, pp.3-10, 2011-06-20

屋久島にて見つかったおよそ26歳という,非常に老齢であるニホンザル(メス)の死体の剖検結果を報告する。年齢の推定は死体の歯のエナメル質をヘマトキシリンで染色する方法によって行った。これは餌付けの経験のない野生ニホンザルとしては例外的に高齢であると考えてよい。外傷は見当たらず,病理解剖における主な病変は肺出血であり,対象個体が肺炎に罹患していたことが示唆された。さらに特筆すべきことは,このサルの体内から大量の寄生虫感染が見つかったことである。感染していたのは線虫4種,総数1524個体(<i>Streptopharagus pigmentatus</i> 1270, <i>Gongylonema pulchrum</i> 208, <i>Oesophagostomum aculeatum</i> 36, <i>Trichuris</i> sp. 10)であった。対象個体は老齢のため免疫力が低下しており,寄生虫の感染および蓄積を防ぐことができず,さらには肺炎にも感染して死を迎えたものと考えられる。
White Tim D. 桃井 緑美子
日経サイエンス (ISSN:0917009X)
vol.31, no.10, pp.48-55, 2001-10

Peter D. Lax
John Wiley
Park Yuong Chul Park D. S. Lee Gyun Ghung 古屋 泰文
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.1, pp.347-348, 2001

Al alloy matrix composite with TiNi shape memory fibers as reinforcement has been fabricated by hot pressing to enhance the mechanical properties. The smartness of the composite is given due to the shape memory effect of the TiNi fiber which generates compressive residual stress in the matrix material when heated after being prestrained. It showed that the yield stress at 90℃ was higher than that of the room temperature. Especially, the tensile Strength of this composite increases with increasing amount of prestrain, and it also depends on the volume fraction of fiber and heat treatment. Comparison between theoretical estimation and experimental data showed almost good correlation by introducing non-linear FEM analysis.
Demaine Erik D. Okamoto Yoshio Uehara Ryuhei Uno Yushi
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
vol.E97-A, no.6, pp.1213-1219, 2014-06-01

Shakashaka is a pencil-and-paper puzzle proposed by Guten and popularized by the Japanese publisher Nikoli (like Sudoku). We determine the computational complexity by proving that Shakashaka is NP-complete, and furthermore that counting the number of solutions is #P-complete. Next we formulate Shakashaka as an integer-programming (IP) problem, and show that an IP solver can solve every instance from Nikoli's website within a second.
NUGROHO Bayu D.A. PRIMA Ardiansyah O.D. KANNO Hiromitsu SAMESHIMA Ryoji FUJII Hiroshi LOPEZ Larry CM.
vol.2013, pp.1-10, 2013-12

Although there has been a high interest to investigate the relationship between climate and crop yields in Indonesia, little evidence is available for crops in highland of the country. This study evaluates the relationships between global climate indices (Southern Oscillation Index, SOI; sea surface temperature, SST) and rain-fed crop yields in Gunungkidul district, highland of South-Central Java. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) approach was used to summarize the averaged SSTs during planting season for the El Nino monitoring regions: IOBW (Indian Ocean Basin-Wide), Nino.West and Niiio.3. Crops yield of each sub-district of the area was detrended using a 5-year moving average to enhance reliability of the data. For some sub-districts, the first principal component of SSTs was negatively correlated to crop yield residuals of corn and soybean while SOI was positively correlated to that of corn and dryland paddy.インドネシアにおいては気候と農作物収量との関係に高い関心が寄せられているが,高地農業に関しては進展が少ない状況である。本研究では,南方振動指数(SOI)および海水面温度(SST)のグローバル指数とジャワ島南央部に位置するグヌンキドウール地区における天水農作物収量との関係を分析した。3つの地域(IOBW, Niňo.WestおよびNiňo.3)のSSTに対して主成分分折(PCA)を適用し,その代表となる主成分を抽出した。各地域の作物収量データの信頼性を向上させるために,元の収量データとその5年移動平均値から残差を計算し,正規化した。いくつかの地域では,SSTの第1主成分とトウモロコシ・ダイズの残差との間に負の相関を示し,またSOIはトウモロコシ・陸稲の残差との間に正の相関を示すことが明らかとなった。
寒川 一成 ケビン D.ギャラガー ピータ E.ケンモア
熱帯農業 (ISSN:00215260)
vol.38, no.4, pp.361-368, 1994-12-01

The brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens has long been an outbreak-prone insect pest of rice since the introduction of paddy farming into Japan. BPH is also known as a monsoonic migrants originated in tropical Asia. The BPH was a rice-monophagous minor herbivore in the tropical paddy ecosystems of subsistent phase. However, it raised suddenly as a key-pest of high-yielding rice varieties (HYV) spread into tropical Asia during the "Green Revolution" in 1970s. The BPH outbreaks happened under the pest management with pesticides at International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) is an epitome of the BPH menace which is even now prevailing in tropical Asia. Pesticide use at IRRI farms started with γ-BHC against the rice stem borers in 1962. Since its first occurrence in 1964,BPH infestations magnified rapidly in spite of intensive control with diazinon and later with carbofuran. Eventually, IRRI farms were suffered by devastating outbreak of BPH in 1971-1976,until declining after sequential releases of BPH-resistant HYVs. Resurgence induced by pesticides, development of pesticide resistance, and biotype shifts in the BPH populations were attributed to the outbreak. Restraint of preventive use of pesticides was most effective to stop the BPH problems at IRRI. At present, the BPH density at IRRI farms is at far below the economic threshold level. The pesticide input is often mistakenly associated with increased productivity of the tropical rice, which is largely attributed to HYVs, fertilizers, and irrigation. In general, potential yield losses due to the insect pests are estimated about 10-20% by the on-farm assessments. Except for massive infestations, less than 10% can be caused by insect damages in a normal year. However, the on-farm economic assessment revealed unprofitability of pest control with high input of pesticides. Expected returns are generally low on high levels of pesticide use, and no control is often the economically acceptable option, and biological control in association with varietal resistance has consistently proven more profitable than pesticide use in long-term experiments. This is the reason why pesticides that were employed as a modern high-yielding technology needed official subsidy. In addition, the resurgence of BPH is the most expensive hidden cost of pesticide use. Population ecology of BPH and its natural enemies in the tropical paddy ecosystems demonstrated that pesticides readily led to explosive upsurge of BPH populations by destroying its natural enemy complex. High fecundity, short generation cycle, active dispersal, and tolerance to crowding are the biological properties of the BPH for its easy resurgence under the disruptive impact of pesticides to natural enemies. The BPH was initially uncurbed from natural enemies by pesticides used for controlling the other targeted insect pests such as stem borers. Escalated pesticide use against the upsurge of BPH infestations further promoted its resurgence. Eventually, such vicious cycle give rise to uncontrollable outbreaks of BPH, and disaster the rice production systems. Indonesia is a prime example of the country where the BPH crisis led to the establishment of ecologically sound pest management program in rice. Pesticides were initially adopted as an essential component of "Green Revolution" package for high-yielding technology, and 85% of their cost was subsidised. As increase of pesticide use, resurgence and outbreaks of the BPH prevailed throughout the rice granaries in the country in 1975-1979. Stagnation of rice production made the country the world-biggest rice importer in this period. Forcible planting of the BPH-resistant variety IR 36 suppressed the BPH outbreak, and led to the rice self-sufficiency in 1985. However, the BPH menace revived when IR 36 was replaced with new varieties having improved eating-qualities and high profitability. The BPH biotype adapted to the new varieties became epidemic over major rice areas in 1985-1986,in spite of as much as 10 times more pesticide supply. Collapse of the reliance to pesticides led to the switching of crop protection policy from pesticide-dependent to ecosystem-orientated IPM by the Presidential Instruction in 1986. Consequently, the 57 pesticides were immediately banned from use in paddy, and government subsidy for pesticides was completely abolished in 1989. At the same time, FAO Rice-IPM Program has launched. The principles of FAO Rice-IMP in the developing countries in tropical Asia is "Integration of biological control into crop production systems", where "Maximum conservation of natural enemies, minimum reliance on pesticides" is emphasized in implementation of the IPM. The concept arose largely in response to the crisis-driven outbreaks of BPH induced by prophylactic use of pesticides that had motivated by government policy and commercial promotion, as well as unprofitability of overdependence to pesticide technology for controlling the endemic insect pests in the tropical rice farming. Recognizing the central role of natural enemies of rice pests through on-farm paddy-ecosystem analysis by farmers themselves is the most strongest motive for farmers to change their pest control practices. The ecosystem analysis ensure that IPM is not distorted into a purely negative message "Don't spray pesticide this week". Instead, IPM is reinforced by positive reassurance "This field is in good condition this week". Pesticide use has effectively been reduced without spoiling productivity of rice by farmers trained IPM. Official support of FAO Rice-IPM have been promulgated in the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, and Sri Lanka.
Holman Gordon D.
日経サイエンス (ISSN:0917009X)
vol.36, no.7, pp.46-55, 2006-07

直井 工 Veilleux C. C. Garrett E. C. 松井 淳 新村 芳人 Melin A. D. 東原 和成 河村 正二
霊長類研究 Supplement
vol.32, pp.42-42, 2016

<p>霊長類は3色型色覚の進化に伴い、嗅覚を退化させたと解釈されてきたが、近年の全ゲノムデータの整備に伴い、恒常的3色型色覚の狭鼻猿類と多型的色覚の広鼻猿(新世界ザル)類の間ではORの機能遺伝子数や偽遺伝子数に大きな違いがないことがわかっている。新世界ザルは食性や色覚の多様性が顕著であるため、嗅覚と食性や色覚との関連を検証するのに適している。しかし、全ゲノムデータの公開されている少数の種を除いて、新世界ザル類のOR遺伝子レパートリーは未解明である。そこで本研究は、新世界ザル全3科と多様な色覚型を網羅して、フサオマキザル(オマキザル亜科:3アリル2-3色型色覚)、セマダラタマリン(マーモセット亜科:3アリル2-3色型色覚)、アザレヨザル(ヨザル亜科:1色型色盲)、チュウベイクモザル(クモザル亜科:2アリル2-3色型色覚)、マントホエザル(ホエザル亜科:恒常的3色型色覚)、ダスキーティティ(ティティ亜科:3アリル2-3色型色覚)を対象に、各1個体の高純度ゲノムに対して、真猿類のOR遺伝子の全571orthologous gene groupのターゲットキャプチャーと次世代シークエンシングを行った。一方、種内変異を調べるために、ノドジロオマキザルとチュウベイクモザルの野生群を対象に、リガンド感受性の幅が異なることが他の哺乳類で知られている、一部のOR遺伝子(OR1A1,OR51L1,OR2A25)に対して、PCRとサンガーシーケンシングを行った。本発表ではその経過について報告する。</p>
遠藤 瑞輝 白須 未香 Williamson R. E. Nevo O. Melin A. D. 東原 和成 河村 正二
霊長類研究 Supplement
vol.32, pp.43-43, 2016

<p>霊長類は、視覚や聴覚、嗅覚といった感覚を通じて外界の情報を認知している。中でも視覚に関する知見は多く、3色型色覚を持つ霊長類は、遠方の果実などの食べ物を見分ける際に有利であると考えられてきた。しかし、近年の研究から従来の視覚重視の考えに疑問が持たれるようになってきた。オマキザルやクモザルの野外観察の結果、自然界で背景となる葉と視覚上のコントラストが低い果実ほど頻繁に匂い嗅ぎを行い、果実の成熟を判断しているという結果が得られている。しかし、霊長類が食する果実の匂い成分が、成熟に応じてどのように変化しているのか、またこれらの匂いが霊長類の果実の選好性にどのように関与しているのかは、未知である。匂いの他にも、果実は、成熟に応じて色や大きさ、固さなどの様々な性質を変化させることが知られており、霊長類が、果実採食においてどのような特徴を重視し、選択するのかを解明することは、霊長類がどのような感覚を使って採食するのかを理解するうえで非常に重要である。そこで私たちはコスタリカのグアナカステ保全区内サンタロサ地区において、色覚多様性が既知であるノドジロオマキザル(<i>Cebus capucinus</i>)が実際に食する果実の採集を行った。果実は、シリカ母材のカーボングラファイト含有である吸着剤とともに密閉したオーブンバッグに入れ、匂いを捕集した。果実1種につき成熟段階ごとに3段階に分け、それぞれ5回ずつ匂い捕集を行った。現在、4種の果実の成分分析、及び分析結果を基にした主成分分析までが完了している。その結果、いくつかの果実において、成熟段階に応じて果実の揮発性有機物(VOC)の総量や組成が変化していることわかった。また、種によっては熟度による色の変化よりも匂いの変化の方が大きいという結果も得られている。今後より詳細な解析と検討が必要だが、今回の分析の結果、果実の匂いが霊長類の採食行動に大きな手掛かりとなっていることが予想される。</p>