vol.393, pp.440-442, 1998
265 29886
Mai Kuroda Mayu Susukida Katsushi Sakamoto Sho Tsukamoto Anh D. Nguyen Emiko Oguri Katsuyuki Eguchi
Arachnological Society of Japan
Acta Arachnologica (ISSN:00015202)
vol.71, no.2, pp.115-124, 2022-12-20 (Released:2022-12-27)

A large-sized species of Hyleoglomeris collected from Shiga Prefecture, Central Japan, was discriminated from the described species known from Japan and surrounding areas by our careful examination of external body structure as well as male telopods. The new species is similar to H. stuxbergi from Japan, but can be distinguished from the latter by the following combination of characters: syncoxital lobe widely bifid forming two sublobes which are extended ventrolaterad (vs. narrowly bifid forming a pair of sublobes extended ventrad in H. stuxbergi); syncoxital horns slightly converging to each other (vs. almost parallel in H. stuxbergi); femoral trichostele slightly curved mesad (vs. strongly bent laterad in H. stuxbergi). On the base of these differences, the species is herein described as Hyleoglomeris awaumi Kuroda, Susukida & Eguchi, sp. nov. Our COI-based phylogenetic tree involving H. awaumi and other five congeneric Japanese species also shows the genetic distinctiveness of the new species. In addition, our analysis further suggests that Japanese Hyleoglomeris is non-monophyletic.
Jason D. Williams Christopher B. Boyko Takeya Moritaki
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.27, no.2, pp.227-241, 2022-07-21 (Released:2022-07-21)

In this paper, we describe two new species of dajid isopods found enveloping the antennules of decapod hosts: Akrophryxus acinaces sp. nov. parasitizing Pycnoplax surugensis (Rathbun, 1932) (off Pacific coast of central Japan, approximately 200 m depth) and A. pallipalicus sp. nov. parasitizing Parapalicus armatus Castro, 2000 (South China Sea, approximately 410 m depth). Females of both species exhibit the characteristic spheroid shape found in the genus Akrophryxus Williams and Boyko, 2021. Females of the three species in Akrophryxus can be distinguished by several characters, including form of the pleon and oostegite 5. Males can be distinguished by head/pereomere 1 to pereomere 2 ratio and posterolateral margin shape, and pereopod 6 dactylus and ischium size. The three species of Akrophryxus not only differ in morphological characters but parasitize species belonging to three different heterotreme brachyuran families. The first described cryptoniscus larval stage for any species in the genus is described for A. acinaces sp. nov. We also describe a new cryptoniscoid, Chimaeroniscus spheramator gen. et sp. nov., the first hyperparasite described from any dajid host (A. pallipalicus sp. nov. on the host Pa. armatus). This hyperparasite is a putative egg predator of its dajid host and exhibits a unique combination of generic level characters including: pleon markedly narrower than pereon, antennule with large teeth on basal segment and with setal brush, 3 or 4 coxal teeth on all pereomeres, pereopods 3–7 isomorphic and dissimilar from pereopods 1 and 2, telson with smooth distomedial projection, and uropodal exopods half-length of endopods. Finally, we address some taxonomic issues within Cryptoniscoidea, moving two genera (Neritoniscus Schultz, 1977 and Cryptocisus Schultz, 1977) known only by cryptoniscus larval characters from Cryptoniscoidea incertae sedis to Dajidae and synonymize Cryptonus Schultz, 1977 with Holophryxus Richardson, 1905.
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
Anthropological Science (ISSN:09187960)
vol.125, no.1, pp.15-24, 2017 (Released:2017-04-27)

Spread by infected galleys coming from Kaffa (Crimea), the Black Death reached Genoa, as it now seems, in the late summer of 1347 AD. Genoa functioned as an epicentre from which the contagion was spread into the mainland through a complex system of routes, which linked Liguria to northern and central Italy. Along these routes various institutions were found, namely ‘ospitali’ (hospitals) and ‘stationes’ (stations), where traders and pilgrims stopped to rest and recuperate. In 2006 a multiple burial archaeologically dated to the second half/end of the 14th century was discovered in the cemetery pertaining to the ‘ospitale’ of San Nicolao (Genoa). The excavation showed that it contained the remains of four individuals: a 38–40 week pregnant woman with her fetus and two sub-adults. Stratigraphy showed that these individuals were buried simultaneously. Given that the dating of the burial fits the arrival of the Second Pandemic in Europe, it was hypothesized that they might have died during the Black Death epidemic. The identification of Yersinia pestis F1 antigen in three of four individuals corroborated this hypothesis. Here we report the first evidence of Y. pestis infection in 14th-century Liguria and discuss the possible mechanisms of plague dissemination from Genoa into the surrounding regions. In fact, the ‘ospitale’ of San Nicolao, located at 792 m a.s.l. into the Bracco Massif, was used as a resting place/hostel by traders and travellers (e.g. pilgrims heading for Rome). This ‘ospitale’ represented a key point leading into a system of pathways forming the initial part of the Vie Romee better known under the name of Via Francigena in the Italian territory and, as a consequence, was the ideal site from which plague could be disseminated.
磯部 稔 Uyakul D. 高橋 宏幸 後藤 俊夫
no.31, pp.396-403, 1989-09-17

Lampteroflavin (1), a riboflavin α-D-riboside was isolated in extraordinary small amount from the luminous mushroom, Lampteromyces japonicus (Fig 1), which was available only two weeks in a year. Extraction method was improved to utilize only alive gills under aeration instead of using the whole body (Fig 3), and the method was established as Scheme 1. It's structure has been elucidated by chromatographic and spectroscopic analyses(1). It's fluorescence spectrum was identical to the bioluminescence spectrum of the mushroom, having maximum at 524nm (Fig 2). We concluded that 1 was responsible to the bioluminescence mechanism as the light emitter, since 1 was only the fluorescent constituent in fresh gills. Previous report that illudin S (lampterol) or ergosta-4,6,8(14),22-tetraen-3-one(2) could be the emitter is thus unlikely judging from the weak fluorescent intensity and the different maximum wavelength from that of mush-room bioluminescence. Lampteroflavin (Table 1) was hydrolyzed with dil. mineral acid to give riboflavin and D-ribose. Riboflavin was identified by HPLC, ^1H NMR, UV, Fluorescence and FAB mass spectrometry. D-ribose was acetylated and then confirmed by ^1H NMR, CD and tandem mass spectrometry. Riboflavin and D-ribose was connected together with α-glycosidic linkage which was determined by ^<13>C NMR of the anomeric carbon (δ=103.2ppm)(3), NOSEY spectrum (H-1" being close to H-3" and H-5') and ^1H NMR pattern of anomeric proton. The total structure of lampteroflavin was confirmed through its chemical synthesis.
Sean M. Rider Shuichi Mizuno James D. Kang
The Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research
Spine Surgery and Related Research (ISSN:2432261X)
vol.3, no.1, pp.1-11, 2019-01-25 (Released:2019-01-27)

Intervertebral disc degeneration is a well-known cause of disability, the result of which includes neck and back pain with associated mobility limitations. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the known molecular mechanisms through which intervertebral disc degeneration occurs as a result of complex interactions of exogenous and endogenous stressors. This review will focus on some of the identified molecular changes leading to the deterioration of the extracellular matrix of both the annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus. In addition, we will provide a summation of our current knowledge supporting the role of associated DNA and intracellular damage, cellular senescence's catabolic effects, oxidative stress, and the cell's inappropriate response to damage in contributing to intervertebral disc degeneration. Our current understanding of the molecular mechanisms through which intervertebral disc degeneration occurs provides us with abundant insight into how physical and chemical changes exacerbate the degenerative process of the entire spine. Furthermore, we will describe some of the related molecular targets and therapies that may contribute to intervertebral repair and regeneration.
髙岡 昂太 坂本 次郎 北條 大樹 橋本 笑穂 山本 恒雄 北村 光司 櫻井 瑛一 西田 佳史 本村 陽一 K. Takaoka J. Sakamoto D. Hojo E. Hashimoto Yamamoto K. Kitamura E. Sakurai Y. Nishida Y. Motomura
vol.33, no.5, pp.1-7, 2018-11-22

As the number of reported child abuse cases is increasing, the workload of child welfare social workers is highly escalated. This study aims to find the characteristics of recurrent cases in order to support the social workers. We collected data around the child abuse and neglect from a prefecture database and analyzed it with Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis and Bayesian Network modeling. As the result, pLSA showed the four different clusters and Bayesian Network revealed a graphical model about the features of recurrence cases. The Interpretable modeling can be effectively deployed in those child welfare agencies to save children who are suffering from child abuse cases.
Satoshi Ichise Yositaka Sakamaki Satoshi D. Shimano
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.26, no.2, pp.171-186, 2021-08-06 (Released:2021-08-06)

Difflugia biwae Kawamura, 1918 has been redescribed. Here, the neotype of D. biwae, which was newly collected from its type locality, Lake Biwa, is designated to the species to clarify its taxonomic status. Morphometric characterization of D. biwae was performed. A statistically significant correlation between body length and shell collar diameter was identified in the population of the Lake Biwa, but this correlation was not significant in the population from the Mulan Lake. The PCA scatterplot indicates that the Mulan Lake population could be a separate taxon identified by shorter protuberance length and body length.
藤澤 隆史 クック ノーマン D.
情報研究 : 関西大学総合情報学部紀要 (ISSN:1341156X)
vol.25, pp.35-51, 2006-07-12

和音(harmony)は,メロディ(melody),リズム(rhythm)とともに音楽を形作る重要な要素である.音楽の物理的な音響的特徴とその心理的な印象や感性との関連性について定量的に評価するために,和音性についての評価モデルを構築した.和音性は,(1)協和度(心地よい-わるい,澄んだ-濁った),(2)緊張度(緊張した-落ちついた),さらに長調か短調かといった性質を決定する,(3)モダリティ(明るい-暗い,うれしい-悲しい)から構成される.本資料では,Cook & Fujisawa (2006)において議論されている和音性知覚モデルの詳細について補足的な説明を行う.具体的には,それぞれの和音性曲線(不協和度,緊張度,モダリティ)を得るための心理数理モデルの詳細と,実際に曲線を描くための計算プログラム(C言語・MATLAB)について解説する.
Motoko Igisu Masayuki Miyazaki Sanae Sakai Satoshi Nakagawa Hiroyuki D. Sakai Ken Takai
Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology / Japanese Society of Soil Microbiology / Taiwan Society of Microbial Ecology / Japanese Society of Plant Microbe Interactions / Japanese Society for Extremophiles
Microbes and Environments (ISSN:13426311)
vol.38, no.4, pp.ME23052, 2023 (Released:2023-10-18)

Infrared spectroscopy is used for the chemical characterization of prokaryotes. However, its application has been limited to cell aggregates and lipid extracts because of the relatively low spatial resolution of diffraction. We herein report optical photothermal infrared (O-PTIR) spectroscopy of prokaryotes for a domain-level diagnosis at the single-cell level. The technique provided infrared spectra of individual bacterial as well as archaeal cells, and the resulting aliphatic CH3/CH2 intensity ratios showed domain-specific signatures, which may reflect distinctive cellular lipid compositions; however, there was interference by other cellular components. These results suggest the potential of O-PTIR for a domain-level diagnosis of single prokaryotic cells in natural environments.
Ryuho Kataoka Stephen D. Winn Emile Touber
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.18, pp.116-121, 2022 (Released:2022-06-11)

Large-amplitude meteotsunamis were observed in many areas in Japan, following the arrival of barometric Lamb waves emitted by an underwater volcanic eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha‘apai in January 2022. We modeled the power spectra of the tidal level data obtained from 12 tide stations of the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, based on a method of transfer function which converts the barometric pressure pulse spectra into the meteotsunami spectra. The obtained transfer functions are similar at 12 stations. The pressure pulse spectra are obtained from the ensemble average of ∼1500 Soratena weather sensors of Weathernews Inc. distributed over Japan. The observed meteotsunami spectra can be characterized by the enhanced seiche eigenmodes at each station excited by the mesoscale pressure pulse within the amplitude error of 50%, which contributes for accumulating the necessary knowledge to understand the potential dangers in various different areas over Japan.
Aad G. Abbott B. Abdallah J. Abdinov O. Abeloos B. Aben R. Abolins M. AbouZeid O. S. Abramowicz H. Abreu H. Abreu R. Abulaiti Y. Acharya B. S. Adamczyk L. Adams D. L. Adelman J. Adomeit S. Adye T. Affolder A. A. Agatonovic-Jovin T. Agricola J. Aguilar-Saavedra J. A. Ahlen S. P. Ahmadov F. Aielli G. Akerstedt H. Åkesson T. P A Akimov A. V. Alberghi G. L. Albert J. Albrand S. Alconada Verzini M. J. Aleksa M. Aleksandrov I. N. Alexa C. Alexander G. Alexopoulos T. Alhroob M. Alimonti G. Alison J. Alkire S. P. Allbrooke B. M M Allen B. W. Allport P. P. Aloisio A. Alonso A. Alonso F. Alpigiani C. Alvarez Gonzalez B. Álvarez Piqueras D. Alviggi M. G. Amadio B. T. Amako K. Amaral Coutinho Y. Amelung C. Amidei D. Amor Dos Santos S. P. Amorim A. Amoroso S. Amram N. Amundsen G. Anastopoulos C. Ancu L. S. Andari N. Andeen T. Anders C. F. Anders G. Anders J. K. Anderson K. J. Andreazza A. Andrei V. Angelidakis S. Angelozzi I. Anger P. Angerami A. Anghinolfi F. Anisenkov A. V. Anjos N. Annovi A. Antonelli M. Antonov A. Antos J. Anulli F. Aoki M. Aperio Bella L. Arabidze G. Arai Y. Araque J. P. Arce A. T H Arduh F. A. Arguin J. F. Argyropoulos S. Arik M. Armbruster A. J. Armitage L. J. Arnaez O. Arnold H. Arratia M. Arslan O. Artamonov A. Artoni G. Artz S. Asai S. Asbah N. Ashkenazi A. Åsman B. Asquith L. Assamagan K. Astalos R. Atkinson M. Atlay N. B. Augsten K. Avolio G. Axen B. Ayoub M. K. Azuelos G. Baak M. A. Baas A. E. Baca M. J. Bachacou H. Bachas K. Backes M. Backhaus M. Bagiacchi P. Bagnaia P. Bai Y. Baines J. T. Baker O. K. Baldin E. M. Balek P. Balestri T. Balli F. Balunas W. K. Banas E. Banerjee Sw Bannoura A. A E Barak L. Barberio E. L. Barberis D. Barbero M. Barillari T. Barisonzi M. Barklow T. Barlow N. Barnes S. L. Barnett B. M. Barnett R. M. Barnovska Z. Baroncelli A. Barone G. Barr A. J. Barranco Navarro L. Barreiro F. Barreiro Guimarães da Costa J. Bartoldus R. Barton A. E. Bartos P. Basalaev A. Bassalat A. Basye A. Bates R. L. Batista S. J. Batley J. R. Battaglia M. Bauce M. Bauer F. Bawa H. S. Beacham J. B. Beattie M. D. Beau T. Beauchemin P. H. Beccherle R. Bechtle P. Beck H. P. Becker K. Becker M. Beckingham M. Becot C. Beddall A. J. Beddall A. Bednyakov V. A. Bedognetti M. Bee C. P. Beemster L. J. Beermann T. A. Begel M. Behr J. K. Belanger-Champagne C. Bell A. S. Bell W. H. Bella G. Bellagamba L. Bellerive A. Bellomo M. Belotskiy K. Beltramello O. Belyaev N. L. Benary O. Benchekroun D. Bender M. Bendtz K. Benekos N. Benhammou Y. Benhar Noccioli E. Benitez J. Benitez Garcia J. A. Benjamin D. P. Bensinger J. R. Bentvelsen S. Beresford L. Beretta M. Berge D. Bergeaas Kuutmann E. Berger N. Berghaus F. Beringer J. Berlendis S. Bernard C. Bernard N. R. Bernius C. Bernlochner F. U. Berry T. Berta P. Bertella C. Bertoli G. Bertolucci F. Bertram I. A. Bertsche C. Bertsche D. Besjes G. J. Bessidskaia Bylund O. Bessner M. Besson N. Betancourt C. Bethke S. Bevan A. J. Bhimji W. Bianchi R. M. Bianchini L. Bianco M. Biebel O. Biedermann D. Bielski R. Biesuz N. V. Biglietti M. Bilbao De Mendizabal J. Bilokon H. Bindi M. Binet S. Bingul A. Bini C. Biondi S. Bjergaard D. M. Black C. W. Black J. E. Black K. M. Blackburn D. Blair R. E. Blanchard J. B. Blanco J. E. Blazek T. Bloch I. Blocker C. Blum W. Blumenschein U. Blunier S. Bobbink G. J. Bobrovnikov V. S. Bocchetta S. S. Bocci A. Bock C. Boehler M. Boerner D. Bogaerts J. A. Bogavac D. Bogdanchikov A. G. Bohm C. Boisvert V. Bold T. Boldea V. Boldyrev A. S. Bomben M. Bona M. Boonekamp M. Borisov A. Borissov G. Bortfeldt J. Bortoletto D. Bortolotto V. Bos K. Boscherini D. Bosman M. Bossio Sola J. D. Boudreau J. Bouffard J. Bouhova-Thacker E. V. Boumediene D. Bourdarios C. Bousson N. Boutle S. K. Boveia A. Boyd J. Boyko I. R. Bracinik J. Brandt A. Brandt G. Brandt O. Bratzler U. Brau B. Brau J. E. Braun H. M. Breaden Madden W. D. Brendlinger K. Brennan A. J. Brenner L. Brenner R. Bressler S. Bristow T. M. Britton D. Britzger D. Brochu F. M. Brock I. Brock R. Brooijmans G. Brooks T. Brooks W. K. Brosamer J. Brost E. Broughton J. H. Bruckman de Renstrom P. A. Bruncko D. Bruneliere R. Bruni A. Bruni G. Brunt B. H. Bruschi M. Bruscino N. Bryant P. Bryngemark L. Buanes T. Buat Q. Buchholz P. Buckley A. G. Budagov I. A. Buehrer F. Bugge M. K. Bulekov O. Bullock D. Burckhart H. Burdin S. Burgard C. D. Burghgrave B. Burka K. Burke S. Burmeister I. Busato E. Büscher D. Büscher V. Bussey P. Butler J. M. Butt A. I. Buttar C. M. Butterworth J. M. Butti P. Buttinger W. Buzatu A. Buzykaev A. R. Cabrera Urbán S. Caforio D. Cairo V. M. Cakir O. Calace N. Calafiura P. Calandri A. Calderini G. Calfayan P. Caloba L. P. Calvet D. Calvet S. Calvet T. P. Camacho Toro R. Camarda S. Camarri P. Cameron D. Caminal Armadans R. Camincher C. Campana S. Campanelli M. Campoverde A. Canale V. Canepa A. Cano Bret M. Cantero J. Cantrill R. Cao T. Capeans Garrido M. D M Caprini I. Caprini M. Capua M. Caputo R. Carbone R. M. Cardarelli R. Cardillo F. Carli T. Carlino G. Carminati L. Caron S. Carquin E. Carrillo-Montoya G. D. Carter J. R. Carvalho J. Casadei D. Casado M. P. Casolino M. Casper D. W. Castaneda-Miranda E. Castelli A. Castillo Gimenez V. Castro N. F. Catinaccio A. Catmore J. R. Cattai A. Caudron J. Cavaliere V. Cavalli D. Cavalli-Sforza M. Cavasinni V. Ceradini F. Cerda Alberich L. Cerio B. C. Cerqueira A. S. Cerri A. Cerrito L. Cerutti F. Cerv M. Cervelli A. Cetin S. A. Chafaq A. Chakraborty D. Chalupkova I. Chan S. K. Chan Y. L. Chang P. Chapman J. D. Charlton D. G. Chatterjee A. Chau C. C. Chavez Barajas C. A. Che S. Cheatham S. Chegwidden A. Chekanov S. Chekulaev S. V. Chelkov G. A. Chelstowska M. A. Chen C. Chen H. Chen K. Chen S. Chen S. Chen X. Chen Y. Cheng H. C. Cheng Y. Cheplakov A. Cheremushkina E. Cherkaoui El Moursli R. Chernyatin V. Cheu E. Chevalier L. Chiarella V. Chiarelli G. Chiodini G. Chisholm A. S. Chitan A. Chizhov M. V. Choi K. Chomont A. R. Chouridou S. Chow B. K B Christodoulou V. Chromek-Burckhart D. Chudoba J. Chuinard A. J. Chwastowski J. J. Chytka L. Ciapetti G. Ciftci A. K. Cinca D. Cindro V. Cioara I. A. Ciocio A. Cirotto F. Citron Z. H. Ciubancan M. Clark A. Clark B. L. Clark P. J. Clarke R. N. Clement C. Coadou Y. Cobal M. Coccaro A. Cochran J. Coffey L. Colasurdo L. Cole B. Cole S. Colijn A. P. Collot J. Colombo T. Compostella G. Conde Muiño P. Coniavitis E. Connell S. H. Connelly I. A. Consorti V. Constantinescu S. Conta C. Conti G. Conventi F. Cooke M. Cooper B. D. Cooper-Sarkar A. M. Cornelissen T. Corradi M. Corriveau F. Corso-Radu A. Cortes-Gonzalez A. Cortiana G. Costa G. Costa M. J. Costanzo D. Cottin G. Cowan G. Cox B. E. Cranmer K. Crawley S. J. Cree G. Crépé-Renaudin S. Crescioli F. Cribbs W. A. Crispin Ortuzar M. Cristinziani M. Croft V. Crosetti G. Cuhadar Donszelmann T. Cummings J. Curatolo M. Cúth J. Cuthbert C. Czirr H. Czodrowski P. D'Auria S. D'Onofrio M. Da Cunha Sargedas De Sousa M. J. Da Via C. Dabrowski W. Dai T. Dale O. Dallaire F. Dallapiccola C. Dam M. Dandoy J. R. Dang N. P. Daniells A. C. Dann N. S. Danninger M. Dano Hoffmann M. Dao V. Darbo G. Darmora S. Dassoulas J. Dattagupta A. Davey W. David C. Davidek T. Davies M. Davison P. Davygora Y. Dawe E. Dawson I. Daya-Ishmukhametova R. K. De K. de Asmundis R. De Benedetti A. De Castro S. De Cecco S. De Groot N. de Jong P. De la Torre H. De Lorenzi F. De Pedis D. De Salvo A. De Sanctis U. De Santo A. De Vivie De Regie J. B. Dearnaley W. J. Debbe R. Debenedetti C. Dedovich D. V. Deigaard I. Del Peso J. Del Prete T. Delgove D. Deliot F. Delitzsch C. M. Deliyergiyev M. Dell'Acqua A. Dell'Asta L. Dell'Orso M. Della Pietra M. della Volpe D. Delmastro M. Delsart P. A. Deluca C. DeMarco D. A. Demers S. Demichev M. Demilly A. Denisov S. P. Denysiuk D. Derendarz D. Derkaoui J. E. Derue F. Dervan P. Desch K. Deterre C. Dette K. Deviveiros P. O. Dewhurst A. Dhaliwal S. Di Ciaccio A. Di Ciaccio L. Di Clemente W. K. Di Domenico A. Di Donato C. Di Girolamo A. Di Girolamo B. Di Mattia A. Di Micco B. Di Nardo R. Di Simone A. Di Sipio R. Di Valentino D. Diaconu C. Diamond M. Dias F. A. Diaz M. A. Diehl E. B. Dietrich J. Diglio S. Dimitrievska A. Dingfelder J. Dita P. Dita S. Dittus F. Djama F. Djobava T. Djuvsland J. I. do Vale M. A B Dobos D. Dobre M. Doglioni C. Dohmae T. Dolejsi J. Dolezal Z. Dolgoshein B. A. Donadelli M. Donati S. Dondero P. Donini J. Dopke J. Doria A. Dova M. T. Doyle A. T. Drechsler E. Dris M. Du Y. Duarte-Campderros J. Duchovni E. Duckeck G. Ducu O. A. Duda D. Dudarev A. Duflot L. Duguid L. Dührssen M. Dunford M. Duran Yildiz H. Düren M. Durglishvili A. Duschinger D. Dutta B. Dyndal M. Eckardt C. Ecker K. M. Edgar R. C. Edson W. Edwards N. C. Eifert T. Eigen G. Einsweiler K. Ekelof T. El Kacimi M. Ellajosyula V. Ellert M. Elles S. Ellinghaus F. Elliot A. A. Ellis N. Elmsheuser J. Elsing M. Emeliyanov D. Enari Y. Endner O. C. Endo M. Ennis J. S. Erdmann J. Ereditato A. Ernis G. Ernst J. Ernst M. Errede S. Ertel E. Escalier M. Esch H. Escobar C. Esposito B. Etienvre A. I. Etzion E. Evans H. Ezhilov A. Fabbri F. Fabbri L. Facini G. Fakhrutdinov R. M. Falciano S. Falla R. J. Faltova J. Fang Y. Fanti M. Farbin A. Farilla A. Farina C. Farooque T. Farrell S. Farrington S. M. Farthouat P. Fassi F. Fassnacht P. Fassouliotis D. Faucci Giannelli M. Favareto A. Fayard L. Fedin O. L. Fedorko W. Feigl S. Feligioni L. Feng C. Feng E. J. Feng H. Fenyuk A. B. Feremenga L. Fernandez Martinez P. Fernandez Perez S. Ferrando J. Ferrari A. Ferrari P. Ferrari R. Ferreira de Lima D. E. Ferrer A. Ferrere D. Ferretti C. Ferretto Parodi A. Fiedler F. Filipcic A. Filipuzzi M. Filthaut F. Fincke-Keeler M. Finelli K. D. Fiolhais M. C N Fiorini L. Firan A. Fischer A. Fischer C. Fischer J. Fisher W. C. Flaschel N. Fleck I. Fleischmann P. Fletcher G. T. Fletcher G. Fletcher R. R M Flick T. Floderus A. Flores Castillo L. R. Flowerdew M. J. Forcolin G. T. Formica A. Forti A. Foster A. G. Fournier D. Fox H. Fracchia S. Francavilla P. Franchini M. Francis D. Franconi L. Franklin M. Frate M. Fraternali M. Freeborn D. Fressard-Batraneanu S. M. Friedrich F. Froidevaux D. Frost J. A. Fukunaga C. Fullana Torregrosa E. Fusayasu T. Fuster J. Gabaldon C. Gabizon O. Gabrielli A. Gabrielli A. Gach G. P. Gadatsch S. Gadomski S. Gagliardi G. Gagnon L. G. Gagnon P. Galea C. Galhardo B. Gallas E. J. Gallop B. J. Gallus P. Galster G. Gan K. K. Gao J. Gao Y. Gao Y. S. Garay Walls F. M. García C. García Navarro J. E. Garcia-Sciveres M. Gardner R. W. Garelli N. Garonne V. Gascon Bravo A. Gatti C. Gaudiello A. Gaudio G. Gaur B. Gauthier L. Gavrilenko I. L. Gay C. Gaycken G. Gazis E. N. Gecse Z. Gee C. N P Geich-Gimbel Ch Geisler M. P. Gemme C. Genest M. H. Geng C. Gentile S. George S. Gerbaudo D. Gershon A. Ghasemi S. Ghazlane H. Giacobbe B. Giagu S. Giannetti P. Gibbard B. Gibson S. M. Gignac M. Gilchriese M. Gillam T. P S Gillberg D. Gilles G. Gingrich D. M. Giokaris N. Giordani M. P. Giorgi F. M. Giorgi F. M. Giraud P. F. Giromini P. Giugni D. Giuliani C. Giulini M. Gjelsten B. K. Gkaitatzis S. Gkialas I. Gkougkousis E. L. Gladilin L. K. Glasman C. Glatzer J. Glaysher P. C F Glazov A. Goblirsch-Kolb M. Godlewski J. Goldfarb S. Golling T. Golubkov D. Gomes A. Gonçalo R. Goncalves Pinto Firmino Da Costa J. Gonella L. Gongadze A. González de la Hoz S. Gonzalez Parra G. Gonzalez-Sevilla S. Goossens L. Gorbounov P. A. Gordon H. A. Gorelov I. Gorini B. Gorini E. Gorišek A. Gornicki E. Goshaw A. T. Gössling C. Gostkin M. I. Goudet C. R. Goujdami D. Goussiou A. G. Govender N. Gozani E. Graber L. Grabowska-Bold I. Gradin P. O J Grafström P. Gramling J. Gramstad E. Grancagnolo S. Gratchev V. Gray H. M. Graziani E. Greenwood Z. D. Grefe C. Gregersen K. Gregor I. M. Grenier P. Grevtsov K. Griffiths J. Grillo A. A. Grimm K. Grinstein S. Gris Ph Grivaz J. F. Groh S. Grohs J. P. Gross E. Grosse-Knetter J. Grossi G. C. Grout Z. J. Guan L. Guan W. Guenther J. Guescini F. Guest D. Gueta O. Guido E. Guillemin T. Guindon S. Gul U. Gumpert C. Guo J. Guo Y. Gupta S. Gustavino G. Gutierrez P. Gutierrez Ortiz N. G. Gutschow C. Guyot C. Gwenlan C. Gwilliam C. B. Haas A. Haber C. Hadavand H. K. Haddad N. Hadef A. Haefner P. Hageböck S. Hajduk Z. Hakobyan H. Haleem M. Haley J. Hall D. Halladjian G. Hallewell G. D. Hamacher K. Hamal P. Hamano K. Hamilton A. Hamity G. N. Hamnett P. G. Han L. Hanagaki K. Hanawa K. Hance M. Haney B. Hanke P. Hanna R. Hansen J. B. Hansen J. D. Hansen M. C. Hansen P. H. Hara K. Hard A. S. Harenberg T. Hariri F. Harkusha S. Harrington R. D. Harrison P. F. Hartjes F. Hasegawa M. Hasegawa Y. Hasib A. Hassani S. Haug S. Hauser R. Hauswald L. Havranek M. Hawkes C. M. Hawkings R. J. Hawkins A. D. Hayden D. Hays C. P. Hays J. M. Hayward H. S. Haywood S. J. Head S. J. Heck T. Hedberg V. Heelan L. Heim S. Heim T. Heinemann B. Heinrich J. J. Heinrich L. Heinz C. Hejbal J. Helary L. Hellman S. Helsens C. Henderson J. Henderson R. C W Heng Y. Henkelmann S. Henriques Correia A. M. Henrot-Versille S. Herbert G. H. Hernández Jiménez Y. Herten G. Hertenberger R. Hervas L. Hesketh G. G. Hessey N. P. Hetherly J. W. Hickling R. Higón-Rodriguez E. Hill E. Hill J. C. Hiller K. H. Hillier S. J. Hinchliffe I. Hines E. Hinman R. R. Hirose M. Hirschbuehl D. Hobbs J. Hod N. Hodgkinson M. C. Hodgson P. Hoecker A. Hoeferkamp M. R. Hoenig F. Hohlfeld M. Hohn D. Holmes T. R. Homann M. Hong T. M. Hooberman B. H. Hopkins W. H. Horii Y. Horton A. J. Hostachy J. Y. Hou S. Hoummada A. Howard J. Howarth J. Hrabovsky M. Hristova I. Hrivnac J. Hryn'ova T. Hrynevich A. Hsu C. Hsu P. J. Hsu S. C. Hu D. Hu Q. Huang Y. Hubacek Z. Hubaut F. Huegging F. Huffman T. B. Hughes E. W. Hughes G. Huhtinen M. Hülsing T. A. Huseynov N. Huston J. Huth J. Iacobucci G. Iakovidis G. Ibragimov I. Iconomidou-Fayard L. Ideal E. Idrissi Z. Iengo P. Igonkina O. Iizawa T. Ikegami Y. Ikeno M. Ilchenko Y. Iliadis D. Ilic N. Ince T. Introzzi G. Ioannou P. Iodice M. Iordanidou K. Ippolito V. Irles Quiles A. Isaksson C. Ishino M. Ishitsuka M. Ishmukhametov R. Issever C. Istin S. Ito F. Iturbe Ponce J. M. Iuppa R. Ivarsson J. Iwanski W. Iwasaki H. Izen J. M. Izzo V. Jabbar S. Jackson B. Jackson M. Jackson P. Jain V. Jakobi K. B. Jakobs K. Jakobsen S. Jakoubek T. Jamin D. O. Jana D. K. Jansen E. Jansky R. Janssen J. Janus M. Jarlskog G. Javadov N. Javurek T. Jeanneau F. Jeanty L. Jejelava J. Jeng G. Y. Jennens D. Jenni P. Jentzsch J. Jeske C. Jézéquel S. Ji H. Jia J. Jiang H. Jiang Y. Jiggins S. Jimenez Pena J. Jin S. Jinaru A. Jinnouchi O. Johansson P. Johns K. A. Johnson W. J. Jon-And K. Jones G. Jones R. W L Jones S. Jones T. J. Jongmanns J. Jorge P. M. Jovicevic J. Ju X. Juste Rozas A. Köhler M. K. Kaczmarska A. Kado M. Kagan H. Kagan M. Kahn S. J. Kajomovitz E. Kalderon C. W. Kaluza A. Kama S. Kamenshchikov A. Kanaya N. Kaneti S. Kantserov V. A. Kanzaki J. Kaplan B. Kaplan L. S. Kapliy A. Kar D. Karakostas K. Karamaoun A. Karastathis N. Kareem M. J. Karentzos E. Karnevskiy M. Karpov S. N. Karpova Z. M. Karthik K. Kartvelishvili V. Karyukhin A. N. Kasahara K. Kashif L. Kass R. D. Kastanas A. Kataoka Y. Kato C. Katre A. Katzy J. Kawade K. Kawagoe K. Kawamoto T. Kawamura G. Kazama S. Kazanin V. F. Keeler R. Kehoe R. Keller J. S. Kempster J. J. Keoshkerian H. Kepka O. Kerševan B. P. Kersten S. Keyes R. A. Khalil-zada F. Khandanyan H. Khanov A. Kharlamov A. G. Khoo T. J. Khovanskiy V. Khramov E. Khubua J. Kido S. Kim H. Y. Kim S. H. Kim Y. K. Kimura N. Kind O. M. King B. T. King M. King S. B. Kirk J. Kiryunin A. E. Kishimoto T. Kisielewska D. Kiss F. Kiuchi K. Kivernyk O. Kladiva E. Klein M. H. Klein M. Klein U. Kleinknecht K. Klimek P. Klimentov A. Klingenberg R. Klinger J. A. Klioutchnikova T. Kluge E. E. Kluit P. Kluth S. Knapik J. Kneringer E. Knoops E. B F G Knue A. Kobayashi A. Kobayashi D. Kobayashi T. Kobel M. Kocian M. Kodys P. Koffas T. Koffeman E. Kogan L. A. Kohriki T. Koi T. Kolanoski H. Kolb M. Koletsou I. Komar A. A. Komori Y. Kondo T. Kondrashova N. Köneke K. König A. C. Kono T. Konoplich R. Konstantinidis N. Kopeliansky R. Koperny S. Köpke L. Kopp A. K. Korcyl K. Kordas K. Korn A. Korol A. A. Korolkov I. Korolkova E. V. Kortner O. Kortner S. Kosek T. Kostyukhin V. V. Kotov V. M. Kotwal A. Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi A. Kourkoumelis C. Kouskoura V. Koutsman A. Kowalewska A. B. Kowalewski R. Kowalski T. Z. Kozanecki W. Kozhin A. S. Kramarenko V. A. Kramberger G. Krasnopevtsev D. Krasny M. W. Krasznahorkay A. Kraus J. K. Kravchenko A. Kretz M. Kretzschmar J. Kreutzfeldt K. Krieger P. Krizka K. Kroeninger K. Kroha H. Kroll J. Kroseberg J. Krstic J. Kruchonak U. Krüger H. Krumnack N. Kruse A. Kruse M. C. Kruskal M. Kubota T. Kucuk H. Kuday S. Kuechler J. T. Kuehn S. Kugel A. Kuger F. Kuhl A. Kuhl T. Kukhtin V. Kukla R. Kulchitsky Y. Kuleshov S. Kuna M. Kunigo T. Kupco A. Kurashige H. Kurochkin Y. A. Kus V. Kuwertz E. S. Kuze M. Kvita J. Kwan T. Kyriazopoulos D. La Rosa A. La Rosa Navarro J. L. La Rotonda L. Lacasta C. Lacava F. Lacey J. Lacker H. Lacour D. Lacuesta V. R. Ladygin E. Lafaye R. Laforge B. Lagouri T. Lai S. Lammers S. Lampl W. Lançon E. Landgraf U. Landon M. P J Lang V. S. Lange J. C. Lankford A. J. Lanni F. Lantzsch K. Lanza A. Laplace S. Lapoire C. Laporte J. F. Lari T. Lasagni Manghi F. Lassnig M. Laurelli P. Lavrijsen W. Law A. T. Laycock P. Lazovich T. Lazzaroni M. Le Dortz O. Le Guirriec E. Le Menedeu E. Le Quilleuc E. P. LeBlanc M. LeCompte T. Ledroit-Guillon F. Lee C. A. Lee S. C. Lee L. Lefebvre G. Lefebvre M. Legger F. Leggett C. Lehan A. Lehmann Miotto G. Lei X. Leight W. A. Leisos A. Leister A. G. Leite M. A L Leitner R. Lellouch D. Lemmer B. Leney K. J C Lenz T. Lenzi B. Leone R. Leone S. Leonidopoulos C. Leontsinis S. Leroy C. Lesage A. A J Lester C. G. Levchenko M. Levêque J. Levin D. Levinson L. J. Levy M. Leyko A. M. Leyton M. Li B. Li H. Li H. L. Li L. Li L. Li Q. Li S. Li X. Li Y. Liang Z. Liao H. Liberti B. Liblong A. Lichard P. Lie K. Liebal J. Liebig W. Limbach C. Limosani A. Lin S. C. Lin T. H. Lindquist B. E. Lipeles E. Lipniacka A. Lisovyi M. Liss T. M. Lissauer D. Lister A. Litke A. M. Liu B. Liu D. Liu H. Liu H. Liu J. Liu J. B. Liu K. Liu L. Liu M. Liu M. Liu Y. L. Liu Y. Livan M. Lleres A. Llorente Merino J. Lloyd S. L. Lo Sterzo F. Lobodzinska E. Loch P. Lockman W. S. Loebinger F. K. Loevschall-Jensen A. E. Loew K. M. Loginov A. Lohse T. Lohwasser K. Lokajicek M. Long B. A. Long J. D. Long R. E. Longo L. Looper K. A. Lopes L. Lopez Mateos D. Lopez Paredes B. Lopez Paz I. Lopez Solis A. Lorenz J. Lorenzo Martinez N. Losada M. Lösel P. J. Lou X. Lounis A. Love J. Love P. A. Lu H. Lu N. Lubatti H. J. Luci C. Lucotte A. Luedtke C. Luehring F. Lukas W. Luminari L. Lundberg O. Lund-Jensen B. Lynn D. Lysak R. Lytken E. Ma H. Ma L. L. Maccarrone G. Macchiolo A. Macdonald C. M. Macek B. Machado Miguens J. Madaffari D. Madar R. Maddocks H. J. Mader W. F. Madsen A. Maeda J. Maeland S. Maeno T. Maevskiy A. Magradze E. Mahlstedt J. Maiani C. Maidantchik C. Maier A. A. Maier T. Maio A. Majewski S. Makida Y. Makovec N. Malaescu B. Malecki Pa Maleev V. P. Malek F. Mallik U. Malon D. Malone C. Maltezos S. Malyshev V. M. Malyukov S. Mamuzic J. Mancini G. Mandelli B. Mandelli L. Mandic I. Maneira J. Manhaes de Andrade Filho L. Manjarres Ramos J. Mann A. Mansoulie B. Mantifel R. Mantoani M. Manzoni S. Mapelli L. Marceca G. March L. Marchiori G. Marcisovsky M. Marjanovic M. Marley D. E. Marroquim F. Marsden S. P. Marshall Z. Marti L. F. Marti-Garcia S. Martin B. Martin T. A. Martin V. J. Martin dit Latour B. Martinez M. Martin-Haugh S. Martoiu V. S. Martyniuk A. C. Marx M. Marzano F. Marzin A. Masetti L. Mashimo T. Mashinistov R. Masik J. Maslennikov A. L. Massa I. Massa L. Mastrandrea P. Mastroberardino A. Masubuchi T. Mättig P. Mattmann J. Maurer J. Maxfield S. J. Maximov D. A. Mazini R. Mazza S. M. Mc Fadden N. C. Mc Goldrick G. Mc Kee S. P. McCarn A. McCarthy R. L. McCarthy T. G. McClymont L. I. McFarlane K. W. Mcfayden J. A. Mchedlidze G. McMahon S. J. McPherson R. A. Medinnis M. Meehan S. Mehlhase S. Mehta A. Meier K. Meineck C. Meirose B. Mellado Garcia B. R. Meloni F. Mengarelli A. Menke S. Meoni E. Mercurio K. M. Mergelmeyer S. Mermod P. Merola L. Meroni C. Merritt F. S. Messina A. Metcalfe J. Mete A. S. Meyer C. Meyer C. Meyer J. P. Meyer J. Meyer Zu Theenhausen H. Middleton R. P. Miglioranzi S. Mijovic L. Mikenberg G. Mikestikova M. Mikuž M. Milesi M. Milic A. Miller D. W. Mills C. Milov A. Milstead D. A. Minaenko A. A. Minami Y. Minashvili I. A. Mincer A. I. Mindur B. Mineev M. Ming Y. Mir L. M. Mistry K. P. Mitani T. Mitrevski J. Mitsou V. A. Miucci A. Miyagawa P. S. Mjörnmark J. U. Moa T. Mochizuki K. Mohapatra S. Mohr W. Molander S. Moles-Valls R. Monden R. Mondragon M. C. Mönig K. Monk J. Monnier E. Montalbano A. Montejo Berlingen J. Monticelli F. Monzani S. Moore R. W. Morange N. Moreno D. Moreno Llácer M. Morettini P. Mori D. Mori T. Morii M. Morinaga M. Morisbak V. Moritz S. Morley A. K. Mornacchi G. Morris J. D. Mortensen S. S. Morvaj L. Mosidze M. Moss J. Motohashi K. Mount R. Mountricha E. Mouraviev S. V. Moyse E. J W Muanza S. Mudd R. D. Mueller F. Mueller J. Mueller R. S P Mueller T. Muenstermann D. Mullen P. Mullier G. A. Munoz Sanchez F. J. Murillo Quijada J. A. Murray W. J. Musheghyan H. Myagkov A. G. Myska M. Nachman B. P. Nackenhorst O. Nadal J. Nagai K. Nagai R. Nagai Y. Nagano K. Nagasaka Y. Nagata K. Nagel M. Nagy E. Nairz A. M. Nakahama Y. Nakamura K. Nakamura T. Nakano I. Namasivayam H. Naranjo Garcia R. F. Narayan R. Narrias Villar D. I. Naryshkin I. Naumann T. Navarro G. Nayyar R. Neal H. A. Nechaeva P. Yu Neep T. J. Nef P. D. Negri A. Negrini M. Nektarijevic S. Nellist C. Nelson A. Nemecek S. Nemethy P. Nepomuceno A. A. Nessi M. Neubauer M. S. Neumann M. Neves R. M. Nevski P. Newman P. R. Nguyen D. H. Nickerson R. B. Nicolaidou R. Nicquevert B. Nielsen J. Nikiforov A. Nikolaenko V. Nikolic-Audit I. Nikolopoulos K. Nilsen J. K. Nilsson P. Ninomiya Y. Nisati A. Nisius R. Nobe T. Nodulman L. Nomachi M. Nomidis I. Nooney T. Norberg S. Nordberg M. Novgorodova O. Nowak S. Nozaki M. Nozka L. Ntekas K. Nurse E. Nuti F. O'grady F. O'Neil D. C. O'Rourke A. A. O'Shea V. Oakham F. G. Oberlack H. Obermann T. Ocariz J. Ochi A. Ochoa I. Ochoa-Ricoux J. P. Oda S. Odaka S. Ogren H. Oh A. Oh S. H. Ohm C. C. Ohman H. Oide H. Okawa H. Okumura Y. Okuyama T. Olariu A. Oleiro Seabra L. F. Olivares Pino S. A. Oliveira Damazio D. Olszewski A. Olszowska J. Onofre A. Onogi K. Onyisi P. U E Oram C. J. Oreglia M. J. Oren Y. Orestano D. Orlando N. Orr R. S. Osculati B. Ospanov R. Otero y Garzon G. Otono H. Ouchrif M. Ould-Saada F. Ouraou A. Oussoren K. P. Ouyang Q. Ovcharova A. Owen M. Owen R. E. Ozcan V. E. Ozturk N. Pachal K. Pacheco Pages A. Padilla Aranda C. Pagácová M. Pagan Griso S. Paige F. Pais P. Pajchel K. Palacino G. Palestini S. Palka M. Pallin D. Palma A. St. Panagiotopoulou E. Pandini C. E. Panduro Vazquez J. G. Pani P. Panitkin S. Pantea D. Paolozzi L. Papadopoulou Th D. Papageorgiou K. Paramonov A. Paredes Hernandez D. Parker M. A. Parker K. A. Parodi F. Parsons J. A. Parzefall U. Pascuzzi V. Pasqualucci E. Passaggio S. Pastore F. Pastore Fr Pásztor G. Pataraia S. Patel N. D. Pater J. R. Pauly T. Pearce J. Pearson B. Pedersen L. E. Pedersen M. Pedraza Lopez S. Pedro R. Peleganchuk S. V. Pelikan D. Penc O. Peng C. Peng H. Penwell J. Peralva B. S. Perepelitsa D. V. Perez Codina E. Perini L. Pernegger H. Perrella S. Peschke R. Peshekhonov V. D. Peters K. Peters R. F Y Petersen B. A. Petersen T. C. Petit E. Petridis A. Petridou C. Petroff P. Petrolo E. Petrov M. Petrucci F. Pettersson N. E. Peyaud A. Pezoa R. Phillips P. W. Piacquadio G. Pianori E. Picazio A. Piccaro E. Piccinini M. Pickering M. A. Piegaia R. Pilcher J. E. Pilkington A. D. Pin A. W J Pina J. Pinamonti M. Pinfold J. L. Pingel A. Pires S. Pirumov H. Pitt M. Plazak L. Pleier M. A. Pleskot V. Plotnikova E. Plucinski P. Pluth D. Poettgen R. Poggioli L. Pohl D. Polesello G. Poley A. Policicchio A. Polifka R. Polini A. Pollard C. S. Polychronakos V. Pommès K. Pontecorvo L. Pope B. G. Popeneciu G. A. Popovic D. S. Poppleton A. Pospisil S. Potamianos K. Potrap I. N. Potter C. J. Potter C. T. Poulard G. Poveda J. Pozdnyakov V. Pozo Astigarraga M. E. Pralavorio P. Pranko A. Prell S. Price D. Price L. E. Primavera M. Prince S. Proissl M. Prokofiev K. Prokoshin F. Protopopescu S. Proudfoot J. Przybycien M. Puddu D. Puldon D. Purohit M. Puzo P. Qian J. Qin G. Qin Y. Quadt A. Quarrie D. R. Quayle W. B. Queitsch-Maitland M. Quilty D. Raddum S. Radeka V. Radescu V. Radhakrishnan S. K. Radloff P. Rados P. Ragusa F. Rahal G. Rajagopalan S. Rammensee M. Rangel-Smith C. Ratti M. G. Rauscher F. Rave S. Ravenscroft T. Raymond M. Read A. L. Readioff N. P. Rebuzzi D. M. Redelbach A. Redlinger G. Reece R. Reeves K. Rehnisch L. Reichert J. Reisin H. Rembser C. Ren H. Rescigno M. Resconi S. Rezanova O. L. Reznicek P. Rezvani R. Richter R. Richter S. Richter-Was E. Ricken O. Ridel M. Rieck P. Riegel C. J. Rieger J. Rifki O. Rijssenbeek M. Rimoldi A. Rinaldi L. Ristic B. Ritsch E. Riu I. Rizatdinova F. Rizvi E. Robertson S. H. Robichaud-Veronneau A. Robinson D. Robinson J. E M Robson A. Roda C. Rodina Y. Rodriguez Perez A. Rodriguez Rodriguez D. Roe S. Rogan C. S. Røhne O. Romaniouk A. Romano M. Romano Saez S. M. Romero Adam E. Rompotis N. Ronzani M. Roos L. Ros E. Rosati S. Rosbach K. Rose P. Rosenthal O. Rossetti V. Rossi E. Rossi L. P. Rosten J. H N Rosten R. Rotaru M. Roth I. Rothberg J. Rousseau D. Royon C. R. Rozanov A. Rozen Y. Ruan X. Rubbo F. Rubinskiy I. Rud V. I. Rudolph M. S. Rühr F. Ruiz-Martinez A. Rurikova Z. Rusakovich N. A. Ruschke A. Russell H. L. Rutherfoord J. P. Ruthmann N. Ryabov Y. F. Rybar M. Rybkin G. Ryu S. Ryzhov A. Saavedra A. F. Sabato G. Sacerdoti S. Sadrozinski H. F W Sadykov R. Safai Tehrani F. Saha P. Sahinsoy M. Saimpert M. Saito T. Sakamoto H. Sakurai Y. Salamanna G. Salamon A. Salazar Loyola J. E. Salek D. Sales De Bruin P. H. Salihagic D. Salnikov A. Salt J. Salvatore D. Salvatore F. Salvucci A. Salzburger A. Sammel D. Sampsonidis D. Sanchez A. Sánchez J. Sanchez Martinez V. Sandaker H. Sandbach R. L. Sander H. G. Sanders M. P. Sandhoff M. Sandoval C. Sandstroem R. Sankey D. P C Sannino M. Sansoni A. Santoni C. Santonico R. Santos H. Santoyo Castillo I. Sapp K. Sapronov A. Saraiva J. G. Sarrazin B. Sasaki O. Sasaki Y. Sato K. Sauvage G. Sauvan E. Savage G. Savard P. Sawyer C. Sawyer L. Saxon J. Sbarra C. Sbrizzi A. Scanlon T. Scannicchio D. A. Scarcella M. Scarfone V. Schaarschmidt J. Schacht P. Schaefer D. Schaefer R. Schaeffer J. Schaepe S. Schaetzel S. Schäfer U. Schaffer A. C. Schaile D. Schamberger R. D. Scharf V. Schegelsky V. A. Scheirich D. Schernau M. Schiavi C. Schillo C. Schioppa M. Schlenker S. Schmieden K. Schmitt C. Schmitt S. Schmitz S. Schneider B. Schnellbach Y. J. Schnoor U. Schoeffel L. Schoening A. Schoenrock B. D. Schopf E. Schorlemmer A. L S Schott M. Schouten D. Schovancova J. Schramm S. Schreyer M. Schuh N. Schultens M. J. Schultz-Coulon H. C. Schulz H. Schumacher M. Schumm B. A. Schune Ph Schwanenberger C. Schwartzman A. Schwarz T. A. Schwegler Ph Schweiger H. Schwemling Ph Schwienhorst R. Schwindling J. Schwindt T. Sciolla G. Scuri F. Scutti F. Searcy J. Seema P. Seidel S. C. Seiden A. Seifert F. Seixas J. M. Sekhniaidze G. Sekhon K. Sekula S. J. Seliverstov D. M. Semprini-Cesari N. Serfon C. Serin L. Serkin L. Sessa M. Seuster R. Severini H. Sfiligoj T. Sforza F. Sfyrla A. Shabalina E. Shaikh N. W. Shan L. Y. Shang R. Shank J. T. Shapiro M. Shatalov P. B. Shaw K. Shaw S. M. Shcherbakova A. Shehu C. Y. Sherwood P. Shi L. Shimizu S. Shimmin C. O. Shimojima M. Shiyakova M. Shmeleva A. Shoaleh Saadi D. Shochet M. J. Shojaii S. Shrestha S. Shulga E. Shupe M. A. Sicho P. Sidebo P. E. Sidiropoulou O. Sidorov D. Sidoti A. Siegert F. Sijacki Dj Silva J. Silverstein S. B. Simak V. Simard O. Simic Lj Simion S. Simioni E. Simmons B. Simon D. Simon M. Sinervo P. Sinev N. B. Sioli M. Siragusa G. Sivoklokov S. Yu Sjölin J. Sjursen T. B. Skinner M. B. Skottowe H. P. Skubic P. Slater M. Slavicek T. Slawinska M. Sliwa K. Smakhtin V. Smart B. H. Smestad L. Smirnov S. Yu Smirnov Y. Smirnova L. N. Smirnova O. Smith M. N K Smith R. W. Smizanska M. Smolek K. Snesarev A. A. Snidero G. Snyder S. Sobie R. Socher F. Soffer A. Soh D. A. Sokhrannyi G. Solans Sanchez C. A. Solar M. Soldatov E. Yu Soldevila U. Solodkov A. A. Soloshenko A. Solovyanov O. V. Solovyev V. Sommer P. Song H. Y. Soni N. Sood A. Sopczak A. Sopko V. Sorin V. Sosa D. Sotiropoulou C. L. Soualah R. Soukharev A. M. South D. Sowden B. C. Spagnolo S. Spalla M. Spangenberg M. Spanò F. Sperlich D. Spettel F. Spighi R. Spigo G. Spiller L. A. Spousta M. St. Denis R. D. Stabile A. Staerz S. Stahlman J. Stamen R. Stamm S. Stanecka E. Stanek R. W. Stanescu C. Stanescu-Bellu M. Stanitzki M. M. Stapnes S. Starchenko E. A. Stark G. H. Stark J. Staroba P. Starovoitov P. Staszewski R. Steinberg P. Stelzer B. Stelzer H. J. Stelzer-Chilton O. Stenzel H. Stewart G. A. Stillings J. A. Stockton M. C. Stoebe M. Stoicea G. Stolte P. Stonjek S. Stradling A. R. Straessner A. Stramaglia M. E. Strandberg J. Strandberg S. Strandlie A. Strauss M. Strizenec P. Ströhmer R. Strom D. M. Stroynowski R. Strubig A. Stucci S. A. Stugu B. Styles N. A. Su D. Su J. Subramaniam R. Suchek S. Sugaya Y. Suk M. Sulin V. V. Sultansoy S. Sumida T. Sun S. Sun X. Sundermann J. E. Suruliz K. Susinno G. Sutton M. R. Suzuki S. Svatos M. Swiatlowski M. Sykora I. Sykora T. Ta D. Taccini C. Tackmann K. Taenzer J. Taffard A. Tafirout R. Taiblum N. Takai H. Takashima R. Takeda H. Takeshita T. Takubo Y. Talby M. Talyshev A. A. Tam J. Y C Tan K. G. Tanaka J. Tanaka R. Tanaka S. Tannenwald B. B. Tapia Araya S. Tapprogge S. Tarem S. Tartarelli G. F. Tas P. Tasevsky M. Tashiro T. Tassi E. Tavares Delgado A. Tayalati Y. Taylor A. C. Taylor G. N. Taylor P. T E Taylor W. Teischinger F. A. Teixeira-Dias P. Temming K. K. Temple D. Ten Kate H. Teng P. K. Teoh J. J. Tepel F. Terada S. Terashi K. Terron J. Terzo S. Testa M. Teuscher R. J. Theveneaux-Pelzer T. Thomas J. P. Thomas-Wilsker J. Thompson E. N. Thompson P. D. Thompson R. J. Thompson A. S. Thomsen L. A. Thomson E. Thomson M. Tibbetts M. J. Ticse Torres R. E. Tikhomirov V. O. Tikhonov Yu A. Timoshenko S. Tipton P. Tisserant S. Todome K. Todorov T. Todorova-Nova S. Tojo J. Tokár S. Tokushuku K. Tolley E. Tomlinson L. Tomoto M. Tompkins L. Toms K. Tong B. Torrence E. Torres H. Torró Pastor E. Toth J. Touchard F. Tovey D. R. Trefzger T. Tremblet L. Tricoli A. Trigger I. M. Trincaz-Duvoid S. Tripiana M. F. Trischuk W. Trocmé B. Trofymov A. Troncon C. Trottier-McDonald M. Trovatelli M. Truong L. Trzebinski M. Trzupek A. Tseng J. C L Tsiareshka P. V. Tsipolitis G. Tsirintanis N. Tsiskaridze S. Tsiskaridze V. Tskhadadze E. G. Tsui K. M. Tsukerman I. I. Tsulaia V. Tsuno S. Tsybychev D. Tudorache A. Tudorache V. Tuna A. N. Tupputi S. A. Turchikhin S. Turecek D. Turgeman D. Turra R. Turvey A. J. Tuts P. M. Tylmad M. Tyndel M. Ucchielli G. Ueda I. Ueno R. Ughetto M. Ukegawa F. Unal G. Undrus A. Unel G. Ungaro F. C. Unno Y. Unverdorben C. Urban J. Urquijo P. Urrejola P. Usai G. Usanova A. Vacavant L. Vacek V. Vachon B. Valderanis C. Valdes Santurio E. Valencic N. Valentinetti S. Valero A. Valery L. Valkar S. Vallecorsa S. Valls Ferrer J. A. Van Den Wollenberg W. Van Der Deijl P. C. van der Geer R. van der Graaf H. van Eldik N. van Gemmeren P. Van Nieuwkoop J. van Vulpen I. van Woerden M. C. Vanadia M. Vandelli W. Vanguri R. Vaniachine A. Vankov P. Vardanyan G. Vari R. Varnes E. W. Varol T. Varouchas D. Vartapetian A. Varvell K. E. Vazeille F. Vazquez Schroeder T. Veatch J. Veloce L. M. Veloso F. Veneziano S. Ventura A. Venturi M. Venturi N. Venturini A. Vercesi V. Verducci M. Verkerke W. Vermeulen J. C. Vest A. Vetterli M. C. Viazlo O. Vichou I. Vickey T. Vickey Boeriu O. E. Viehhauser G. H A Viel S. Vigne R. Villa M. Villaplana Perez M. Vilucchi E. Vincter M. G. Vinogradov V. B. Vivarelli I. Vlachos S. Vlasak M. Vogel M. Vokac P. Volpi G. Volpi M. von der Schmitt H. von Toerne E. Vorobel V. Vorobev K. Vos M. Voss R. Vossebeld J. H. Vranjes N. Vranjes Milosavljevic M. Vrba V. Vreeswijk M. Vuillermet R. Vukotic I. Vykydal Z. Wagner P. Wagner W. Wahlberg H. Wahrmund S. Wakabayashi J. Walder J. Walker R. Walkowiak W. Wallangen V. Wang C. Wang C. Wang F. Wang H. Wang H. Wang J. Wang J. Wang K. Wang R. Wang S. M. Wang T. Wang T. Wang X. Wanotayaroj C. Warburton A. Ward C. P. Wardrope D. R. Washbrook A. Watkins P. M. Watson A. T. Watson I. J. Watson M. F. Watts G. Watts S. Waugh B. M. Webb S. Weber M. S. Weber S. W. Webster J. S. Weidberg A. R. Weinert B. Weingarten J. Weiser C. Weits H. Wells P. S. Wenaus T. Wengler T. Wenig S. Wermes N. Werner M. Werner P. Wessels M. Wetter J. Whalen K. Wharton A. M. White A. White M. J. White R. White S. Whiteson D. Wickens F. J. Wiedenmann W. Wielers M. Wienemann P. Wiglesworth C. Wiik-Fuchs L. A M Wildauer A. Wilkens H. G. Williams H. H. Williams S. Willis C. Willocq S. Wilson J. A. Wingerter-Seez I. Winklmeier F. Winston O. J. Winter B. T. Wittgen M. Wittkowski J. Wollstadt S. J. Wolter M. W. Wolters H. Wosiek B. K. Wotschack J. Woudstra M. J. Wozniak K. W. Wu M. Wu M. Wu S. L. Wu X. Wu Y. Wyatt T. R. Wynne B. M. Xella S. Xu D. Xu L. Yabsley B. Yacoob S. Yakabe R. Yamaguchi D. Yamaguchi Y. Yamamoto A. Yamamoto S. Yamanaka T. Yamauchi K. Yamazaki Y. Yan Z. Yang H. Yang H. Yang Y. Yang Z. Yao W. M. Yap Y. C. Yasu Y. Yatsenko E. Yau Wong K. H. Ye J. Ye S. Yeletskikh I. Yen A. L. Yildirim E. Yorita K. Yoshida R. Yoshihara K. Young C. Young C. J S Youssef S. Yu D. R. Yu J. Yu J. M. Yu J. Yuan L. Yuen S. P Y Yusuff I. Zabinski B. Zaidan R. Zaitsev A. M. Zakharchuk N. Zalieckas J. Zaman A. Zambito S. Zanello L. Zanzi D. Zeitnitz C. Zeman M. Zemla A. Zeng J. C. Zeng Q. Zengel K. Zenin O. Ženiš T. Zerwas D. Zhang D. Zhang F. Zhang G. Zhang H. Zhang J. Zhang L. Zhang R. Zhang R. Zhang X. Zhang Z. Zhao X. Zhao Y. Zhao Z. Zhemchugov A. Zhong J. Zhou B. Zhou C. Zhou L. Zhou L. Zhou M. Zhou N. Zhu C. G. Zhu H. Zhu J. Zhu Y. Zhuang X. Zhukov K. Zibell A. Zieminska D. Zimine N. I. Zimmermann C. Zimmermann S. Zinonos Z. Zinser M. Ziolkowski M. Živkovic L. Zobernig G. Zoccoli A. zur Nedden M. Zurzolo G. Zwalinski L.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics (ISSN:03702693)
vol.756, pp.52-71, 2016-05-10

In the pp→tt process the angular distributions of top and anti-top quarks are expected to present a subtle difference, which could be enhanced by processes not included in the Standard Model. This Letter presents a measurement of the charge asymmetry in events where the top-quark pair is produced with a large invariant mass. The analysis is performed on 20.3 fb-1 of pp collision data at √s=8TeV collected by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, using reconstruction techniques specifically designed for the decay topology of highly boosted top quarks. The charge asymmetry in a fiducial region with large invariant mass of the top-quark pair (mtt>0.75 TeV) and an absolute rapidity difference of the top and anti-top quark candidates within -2<|yt|-|yt|<2 is measured to be 4.2±3.2%, in agreement with the Standard Model prediction at next-to-leading order. A differential measurement in three tt- mass bins is also presented.
Zachary Marsh Minesh P. Shah Mary E. Wikswo Leslie Barclay Hannah Kisselburgh Anita Kambhampati Jennifer L. Cannon Umesh D. Parashar Jan Vinjé Aron J. Hall
Food Safety Commission, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
Food Safety (ISSN:21878404)
vol.6, no.2, pp.58-66, 2018 (Released:2018-06-29)

Noroviruses are the leading cause of acute gastroenteritis and foodborne disease in the United States (U.S.). About 1 in 5 reported norovirus outbreaks are spread through foodborne transmission, presenting opportunities for prevention. We describe the epidemiology of U.S. foodborne norovirus outbreaks reported to national surveillance systems, including differences between genotypes. Foodborne outbreaks that occurred during August 2009–July 2015 with norovirus reported as a single confirmed etiology to the National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS) were matched with outbreaks reported to CaliciNet, a U.S. laboratory norovirus outbreak surveillance network. We analyzed these matched outbreaks stratified by genotype for epidemiologic characteristics, including setting, size and duration, health outcomes of case-patients, implicated food, and outbreak contributing factors. Four hundred ninety-three confirmed foodborne norovirus outbreaks were reported in both NORS and CaliciNet. The most common norovirus genotypes reported were GII.4 (52%), GII.6 (9%), and GI.3 (8%). Compared to non-GII.4 outbreaks, GII.4 outbreaks had higher hospitalization rates (12.8 vs. 4.8 per 1,000 cases, P < 0.01). While contaminated foods were identified and reported in only 35% of outbreaks, molluscan shellfish (4% overall) were more often implicated in non-GII.4 outbreaks than in GII.4 outbreaks (7% vs. 1%, P = 0.04). Of the 240 outbreaks reporting at least one contributing factor, food workers were implicated as the source of contamination in 182 (76%), with no difference between GII.4 and non-GII.4 (73% vs 79%, P = 0.3). Foodborne norovirus outbreaks are frequently reported in the U.S., most of which are caused by GII.4 noroviruses. Viruses of this genotype are associated with higher rates of hospitalization; non-GII.4 noroviruses are more frequently associated with contaminated molluscan shellfish. These surveillance data highlight the diversity of noroviruses causing foodborne disease and can help guide appropriate food safety interventions, including worker hygiene, improved food handling and preparation, and further development of norovirus vaccines.
田中 千晶 岡田 真平 高倉 実 橋本 圭司 目澤 秀俊 安藤 大輔 田中 茂穂 Anthony D Okely
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.69, no.4, pp.327-333, 2020-08-01 (Released:2020-07-15)

This study examined the relationship between meeting the World Health Organization’s (WHO) 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for the Early Years and motor skills and cognitive function in preschool children. Participants were 4-year-old boys and girls in urban and rural areas (n=69). Physical activity was measured using a triaxial accelerometer (ActiGraph GT3X). Screen time and sleep duration were assessed via self-report by guardians. Meeting the 24-h movement guidelines was defined as: 10 to 13 h/night and nap of sleep, ≤1 h/day of sedentary screen time, and at least 180 min/day more than 1.5 METs. Motor skills were evaluated by the Ages & Stages Questionnaires, Third Edition (ASQ-3). Executive functions (shifting, visual-spatial working memory and inhibition) were evaluated by the Early Years Toolbox (Japanese translation). The prevalence of children meeting all three recommendations was 7.2% and 7.2% met none of the three recommendations. Children meeting physical activity recommendation had a better inhibition score compared to children meeting none of the recommendation (p=0.005). While, children not meeting the sleep recommendation had a better inhibition score compared to children meeting of the recommendation (p=0.042). In conclusion, meeting the physical activity or sleep recommendations were positively or negatively associated with the inhibition score. On the other hand, meeting none of the sedentary behaviour and the 3 recommendations was not associated with motor skills or cognitive function.
Tetiana I. Bogdanova Vladimir A. Saenko Mitsuyoshi Hirokawa Masahiro Ito Liudmyla Yu. Zurnadzhy Toshitetsu Hayashi Tatiana I. Rogounovitch Akira Miyauchi Mykola D. Tronko Shunichi Yamashita
The Japan Endocrine Society
Endocrine Journal (ISSN:09188959)
vol.64, no.10, pp.977-993, 2017 (Released:2017-10-28)
1 9

This study set out to compare structural and invasive characteristics of sporadic papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) in age-matched groups of children and adolescents of Japan and Ukraine to provide detailed histopathological analysis of tumors from different geographical areas with different iodine intake. A total of 348 (160 Japanese and 188 Ukrainian) PTCs from patients without radiation history were analyzed initially as a combined pediatric group and then subdivided into childhood (aged ≤14 years) and adolescent (aged from 15 to ≤18 years) age series. On multivariate comparison, the Japanese pediatric PTC was characterized by a higher sex ratio (p=1.504E-4), and a higher frequency of microcarcinoma (p=0.039), papillary dominant growth pattern (p=0.024), focal oxyphilic cell metaplasia (p=7.644E-6), intrathyroid spread (p=0.010), lymphatic/vascular invasion (p=0.01) and regional lymph node metastases (p=3.540E-6). In the Ukrainian group, multifocal (p=0.004) and non-encapsulated tumors with the solid-trabecular growth pattern (p=0.05) were more frequent. Childhood Japanese PTCs differed from Ukrainian PTCs by more pronounced invasive properties such as lymphatic/vascular invasion and nodal disease, but did not differ by the dominant growth pattern. In adolescents, the differences were detected not only for lymph node metastases, but also for a higher frequency of the papillary dominant pattern in Japanese PTC. Overall, significantly higher frequencies of oxyphilic cell metaplasia and more pronounced invasive features observed in the Japanese PTC in both age-matched series represent the major differences between the tumors from two geographical areas.
The Journal of Antibiotics (ISSN:00218820)
vol.48, no.12, pp.1446-1452, 1995-12-25 (Released:2006-04-19)
22 76

The new cytotoxic agents rakicidins A and B were isolated from cultured broth of a Micromonospora sp. Spectroscopic and amino acid analysis has shown that rakicidin A is a new cyclic lipopeptide, consisting of 4-amino-penta-2, 4-dienoic acid, 3-hydroxy-2, 4, 16-trimethylheptadecanoic acid, sarcosine, and 3-hydroxyasparagine. Rakicidin B differs by one methylene group in the lipid side chain. These compounds exhibited cytotoxicity against the Ml09 cell line.
Smith M.D.
no.8, pp.20-29, 2016 (Released:2018-01-15)
