Jones Menna E. McCallum Hamish
日経サイエンス (ISSN:0917009X)
vol.41, no.9, pp.62-68, 2011-09

Proceedings of the 5^<th> and 6^<th> Symposia on Collection Building and Natural History Studies in Asia and the Pacific Rim. National Science Museum Monographs (ISSN:13429574)
vol.24, pp.163-177, 2004

The number of Indonesian hominid fossil discoveries has increased from the first in 1889 up to 2003. The most recent publications of Indonesian's hominid discoveries were in 1975 and in 1984. While the 1975 catalogue listed 57 hominids from Indonesia, in 2003 the list has more than doubled, albeit lacking provenience for some of the discoveries. The lack of provenience, however, should not discourage the study of these fossils since their anatomy is important to the study of human evolution. Furthermore, many new findings have been named and published with coding systems that are not in accord with those typically used in paleoanthropology. There is also some overlap in the Arabic and Roman numeral numbering systems; for instance, Sangiran 9 is a right mandible discovered in 1960, whereas Sangiran skull IX is a cranium with maxilla discovered in 1993. In addition, various fossils have changed repositories, such as the Ngandong series which was returned to Indonesia from Germany in 1975, and the Modjokerto child which was returned in 1978. Sambungmacan 3 was returned to Indonesia in 1999 after it was found in a New York natural history shop. This article aims to initiate work to provide systematic coding for Indonesian fossil discoveries since 1975, in the order of their discovery, and to determine the latest fossil repositories.
藤谷 渉 古川 善博 菅原 春菜 馬上 謙一 Nancy L. Chabot 小池 みずほ 三浦 弥生 Frederic Moynier Sara S. Russell 橘 省吾 高野 淑識 臼井 寛裕 Michael E. Zolensky
日本地球化学会年会要旨集 2020年度日本地球化学会第67回年会講演要旨集
pp.88, 2020 (Released:2021-01-29)

火星衛星探査計画(MMX)は火星衛星フォボスからのサンプルリターン計画であり、2024年に探査機打上げを予定している。本計画では、コアリングおよび空気圧サンプリング機構により表層レゴリス試料を10 g以上回収することを目標としている。試料分析ワーキングチーム(SAWT)は現在、回収試料の分析プロトコルを作成中である。まず、試料の岩石鉱物学的観察、全岩化学組成および同位体組成から、フォボス材料物質の起源に関する情報を得る。フォボス表面で起こるプロセスは、希ガスの同位体比や試料表面の宇宙風化組織の詳細観察によって明らかになる。さらに、放射性核種による年代測定は、フォボス物質の変成作用など重要なイベントに時間的制約を与える。また、フォボスレゴリスには小天体衝突によって火星から放出された物質が少量含まれると予想されている。フォボス表面に存在するであろう火星物質は極めて貴重な試料であり、そうした物質をキュレーションの段階において発見するための手順・方法についても議論を進めている。
David E. Jio
The Japanese Association of Administrative Science
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.7, no.1, pp.13-22, 1992-06-10 (Released:2011-01-27)

The purpose of this paper is to explain the current issues associated with an ever growing controversy in the United States: Whether Japanese companies in the United States discriminate against U. S. citizens, in favor of their own expatriates. The first half of the paper will discuss some theories on why Japanese companies are singled out more so than other foreign or U. S. companies when employment discrimination is alleged. The second half of the paper will discuss the current U. S. discrimination laws that are applicable to foreign companies operating in the United States. The major issue surrounding these laws is the vagueness and uncertainty they have on the issue of whether a Japanese company can legally discriminate and hire a Japanese expatriate over a U. S. citizen. A conflict exists between Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibits discrimination and the U. S.-Japan Friendly Cooperation and Navigation treaty which permits Japanese companies to discriminate for certain executive and specialist positions. Unfortunately the U. S. courts have not resolve this conflict. The Japanese companies do not know what constitutes discrimination and what is legally allowed. As long as the discrimination laws that are applicable to Japanese companies are not clarified, these companies will be exposed to the risk of possibly violating U. S. discrimination laws. The consequences of these uncertainty can only result in more litigation cost for the Japanese companies and more importantly, an increase in anti-Japanese sentiments. Thus, it is important for the Japanese companies to avoid employment discrimination allegations. Unfortunately, the U. S. courts have not helped to further clarify what type of discrimination practice is acceptable.
ハイド フランシス・E
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.2, no.3, pp.1-7,i, 1967-11-15 (Released:2010-05-07)

Shipping industry is a fruitful field for business history studies. Earnings of shipping firms depend on the various factor such as the level of demand for the products carried, the effectiveness of competition on the structure of freight rates, the technical efficiency of the ship and the amount of shipping space on offer at a berth at any particular time in relation to the amount of cargo to be lifted.Over the past sixty years, the fluctuation of net earning from British shipping service has been very wide and the British shipowners maintained a competitive structure by building up reserves in good years from which to sustain building programmes during the poor years.By offering regular service, the Conference lines increased the commercial tempo of the countries which they served and safeguarded their capital by maintaining earning capacity, sustaining the efficiency of the shipping industry as a whole.Before 1939, the British fleets of cargo-liners were rebuilt twice. The first rebuilding, from 1885 to 1897, incorporated the change from compound to triple-expansion engines, the replacement of iron with steel, new system of ventilation and so on. The second reconstruction occurred between 1924 and 1929, switching from steam to diesel propulsion. The second change-over was less comprehensive because Britain was still a coal-based economy.For the shipping company which had a reasonably well diversified trade, it was still profitable to put capital into ships. If, however, a shipping line confined its activities to a limited number of routes, the investment of the company's resources in alternative enterprise would have been a prudent course to have taken.
田中 恭子 カセッティ E.
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan, Series B (ISSN:02896001)
vol.65, no.1, pp.15-31, 1992-06-30 (Released:2008-12-25)
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