Shin J.-H. Sohn H.-J. Choi K.-S. Kwon B.-J. Choi C.-U. Kim J.-H. Hwang E.-K. Park J.-H. Kim J.-Y. Choi S.-H. Kim O.-K.
The journal of veterinary medical science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.65, no.1, pp.1-7, 2003-01-25
1 15

韓国は1934年以来口蹄疫の発生はなかったが,2000年3月から4月にかけて15箇所でOタイプの口蹄疫発生が生じた.同時期に台湾,中国,日本,ロシア,モンゴルでも,牛または豚にOタイプの口蹄疫発生が報告された.南北朝鮮境界非武装地帯から約5kmに位置する農場において口蹄疫擬似患畜が検出され,緊急調査を行った.病原ウイルスは,3D polymerase 領域,IRES領域,1D/2B領域を対象としたRT-PCR,抗原検出および型別検出用ELISAにより,口蹄疫ウイルスOタイプであることを同定した.発病牛の水疱を材料として1D/2B領域の塩基配列を調べた結果,台湾で分離された口蹄疫OタイプKinmen株と98%の類似性が認められた.原因ウイルスは若齢マウス経代後,黒ヤギ胎児肺細胞接種により分離された.
トロイヤー M.E 原 一雄 原 喜美 田中 清彦
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.19, pp.65-114, 1976-03

Aiming to discover the impact that ICU has had on its alumni, a questionnaire was mailed to all alumni whose addresses were available. Out of approximately 2200, 547 or approximately 25% were returned. Alumni evaluation of their international expriences at ICU indicates that it has bee extraordinarily useful and important. This includes language training, the library, experience with an international faculty, students and program and life in inter-national dormitories. These aspects have been successful far beyond reasonable expectations. ICU is thus well prepared for continued leadership in meeting emerging challenges of education with orientation to crucial global problems. Major studies, general education, interaction with the faculty, academic advisement, finacial and work experiences are rated "adequate," "very" or "especially" useful by a large portion of the alumni. This would seem to be a very creditable achievement, for all of these aspects of the ICU program are quite unique in the higher education of Japan. The minority of alumni who found them of "little" or "no" use provides a solid challenge for improvement. Compared with other aspects of the ICU program, religious experience on the campus has a low rating. But there are reasons to believe that in a predominantly non-Christian society and student body the ICU religious life and program on the campus has great strength. It faces the ubiquitous problem of keeping dialogue open with disinterested critical and disaffected students without intimidating or pressuring them. Effective placement of half of the graduates of a new university in Japan is a creditable achievement. But the other half, not satisfactorily placed, leaves no room for complacency. Extra-curricular cultural and recreational clubs are rated as "adequate," "very" or "especially" useful by a substantial majority of alumni. The absence of student goverment during the past six years seems to indicate that all constituencies underestimate their potential contribution to major objectives of ICU. Increasingly alumni have come to see little or no use in student government or the newspaper, though most of them are inclined to regard them with some importance. In 1949, ICU was projected as an international, Christian institution with the highest academic standards. It was to be a laboratory where adminstration, faculty and students could study and experience the values and process of democracy and Christian brotherhood. It has been outstandingly successful in some respects, moderately successful in other respects and disappointingly unsuccessful in a few respects. The nature of ICU's strengths and weaknesses are revealed in many dimensions by this study. ICU as a venture in higher education has prepared its constituencies to move into the second quarter century with courage, resourcefulness and enlightenment to strengthen what has proven uniquely useful, to improve what has been moderately successful, to cope with what has been its greatest weaknesses, to continue its commitment to purposes of abiding significance and to accept new challenges unique to time and place. This is both an opportunity and responsibility of all constituencies. The main challenge is to the faculty and administration. But it is, in some important respect, a responsibility of students. Some of the weaknesses revealed by alumni may indeed be the result of their disinterest or efforts to avoid that which they later regarded as very useful and important. Finally the future of ICU depends in great part on policies of the trustees built on familiarity with the strengths, weaknesses and potential of the institution.
Ishibashi H. Diaz-Fernandez R. Carrillo E. Koike H.
比較社会文化 : 九州大学大学院比較社会文化研究科紀要 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.6, pp.37-45, 2000

The hawksbill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata is listed the IUCN Red List as critically endangered. At the COP 10 of the CITES meeting held in i997, Cuba proposed to downlist the population of hawksbills from Appendix I to Appendix II to allow limited trade. In this reportδ^15N and δ^13C measurements were used for scute-sourcing, whereδ^13C values allow differentiation between oceanic plankton ecosystems and coral reef ecosystems, and δ^15N values indicate the consumer's trophic level in a regional food web. A total of 118 scute samples were analyzed from the Caribbean Sea region including Cuba, Haiti and Mexico, from the Pacific Ocean region and from the Indian Ocean region. Breeding individuals from Cuba had higher δ^15N vaglues than wild individuals from Cuba, indicating the isotope analysis will be useful for distinguishing the scutes of breeding populations, which will be targeted for export approval under CITES, from the wild populations specimens obtained by traditional fishing. The samples from the Caribbean Sea region are characterized by less negative δ^13C values than samples from the Pacific Ocean region, suggesting a higher dependance on coral ecosystems. The most positiveδ^15N values were from the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean, suggesting a higher dependance on sponges or other animal species.
山本 明 安部 航 泉 康介 板崎 輝 大宮 英紀 折戸 玲子 熊沢 輝之 坂井 賢一 志風 義明 篠田 遼子 鈴木 純一 高杉 佳幸 竹内 一真 谷崎 圭裕 田中 賢一 谷口 敬 西村 純 野崎 光昭 灰野 禎一 長谷川 雅也 福家 英之 堀越 篤 槙田 康博 松川 陽介 松田 晋弥 松本 賢治 山上 隆正 大和 一洋 吉田 哲也 吉村 浩司 Mitchell John W. Hams Thomas Kim Ki-Chun Lee Moohyung Moiseev Alexander A. Myers Zachary D. Ormes Jonathan F. Sasaki Makoto Seo Eun-Suk Streitmatter Robert E. Thakur Neeharika
宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 (ISSN:13491113)
vol.7, pp.81-96, 2008-02

本研究は,南極周回超伝導スペクトロメータによる宇宙線観測(BESS-Polar 実験)を通して,『宇宙起源反粒子,反物質の精密探査』を目的としている.地球磁極領域に降り注ぐ低エネルギー宇宙線に注目し,反陽子スペクトルを精密に測定して,衝突(二次)起源反陽子流束の理解を深めるとともに,『原始ブラックホール(PBH)の蒸発』,『超対称性粒子・ニュートラリーノの対消滅』等,初期宇宙における素粒子現象の痕跡となる『宇宙(一次)起源反粒子』を精密探査する.反ヘリウムの直接探査を通して,宇宙における物質・反物質の存在の非対称性を検証する.同時に陽子,ヘリウム流束を精密に観測し,これまでのカナダでの観測(BESS実験,1993-2002)の結果と合わせて,太陽活動変調とその電荷依存性について系統的に観測し,宇宙線の伝播,相互作用に関する基礎データを提供する.本研究では,これまでのBESS 実験で培われた超伝導スペクトロメータによる宇宙線観測の経験をもとに,低エネルギー領域での観測感度を高め,南極周回長時間飛翔を可能とする超伝導スペクトロメータを新たに開発した.2004年12月13日,南極(米国,マクマード基地)での観測気球打ち上げ,高度37km での9日間に及ぶ南極周回飛翔に成功し,9億イベントの宇宙線観測データを収集した.運動エネルギー0.1〜1.3GeV の範囲に於いて,これまでの約4倍の統計量でエネルギースペクトルを決定した.結果は,衝突(二次)起源モデルとよく整合し,一次起源反陽子の兆候は観測されていない.太陽活動が極小期にむけた過渡期にあたる2004年の観測として予想に沿った結果を得た.反ヘリウム探索は,これまでのヘリウム観測の総統計量を2倍以上に高め,反ヘリウム/ヘリウム比の上限値を2.7×10^<-7>にまで押し下げた.本報告では,BESS-Polar(2004年)の成果を纏め,次期太陽活動極小期(2007年)における第二回南極周回気球実験計画を述べる.
Hyun S. Lee B. Lee G. Lee E. Lim J. Kang S. Hwang W.
The journal of veterinary medical science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.65, no.1, pp.51-56, 2003-01-25
1 5

今回の研究は体細胞核移植(SCNT)から排除された卵子を単為生殖化(PA)による胚の作出に利用できるかどうか評価するために行われた.成熟培養後に形態的に不良なブタ卵子がSCNTから排除され,その後様々な刺激条件下でPAに用いられた.実験の初期設定において様々な強度の電気振動(1.75,2.0もしくは2.25KV/cm,30μ秒)あるいは様々な処置時間での化学刺激(7%エタノール,5分と6-dimethylaminopurine(6-DMAP)の0,2,3,4時間暴露)を行った.2.0 KV/cmの電気刺激で8細胞期と桑実胚への発育が有意(P<0.05)に改善され,一方胚盤胞形成はエタノールと6-DMAPの4時間による化学処理によって増強された.その結果,卵子の単為生殖化は,1)適切な電気刺激(2.0KV/cm, 30μ秒),2)適切な化学刺激(エタノールと6-DMAPの4時間),3)電気刺激とその後の化学刺激,4)その逆の刺激の4つの刺激のいずれかでおこった.他方,形態が正常な卵子を対照として同様の処置を施した.卵子のタイプに関わらず,電気および化学刺激の組み合わせでは電気刺激のみに比べて着床前発育を刺激しなかった.しかし,両刺激の組み合わせはSCNTからの排除卵子の胚盤胞の細胞数をおおいに増大させ(21.9-22.9 vs 16.9細胞/1胚盤胞当り),一方そのような効果は正常卵子では見い出されなかった(22.2-23.3細胞/1胚盤胞当り).結論として,SCNTから排除されたブタ卵子はPAによって胚盤胞へ発育する能力を有していて,様々な目的でSCNTの有効性を増大させる上で貢献できる可能性を示した.電気および化学刺激の組み合わせは胚盤胞の質を増大させる良好な着床前発育率をもたらした.
林 幹治 小口 高 国分 征 鶴田 浩一郎 渡辺 富也 HORITA R. E.
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.64, pp.127-133, 1979-02

サトワ E.
芸術新潮 (ISSN:04351657)
vol.14, no.1, pp.94-97, 1963-01