伊地 俊介 Chandra S. K. Mayanil 富田 忠則
脳神経外科ジャーナル (ISSN:0917950X)
vol.22, no.4, pp.256-268, 2013 (Released:2013-04-25)
1 1

ヒト二分脊椎の原因は, 葉酸代謝関連遺伝子異常や母体の糖代謝関連遺伝子異常をはじめとするgeneticな要因や, 抗てんかん剤内服によるNTDリスク上昇などnon-geneticな要因が複合的に関与 (gene-environmental interaction) し, multifactorialであるといわざるをえない. 1998年から小麦製品への葉酸添加が始まった北米では着実に罹患率が低下し, 栄養強化政策は世界各国に広がりつつあるが, 逆に本邦では徐々に罹患率が上昇している. 葉酸によるNTD予防の機序にはepigeneticな遺伝子発現調節の機構が深く関与し, 神経堤幹細胞の増殖や分化にもかかわっている.
A. Pusztai S. Bardocz 荒田 洋一郎
FCCA(Forum: Carbohydrates Coming of Age)
Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology (ISSN:09157352)
vol.8, no.41, pp.149-165, 1996-05-02 (Released:2010-01-05)
43 90

食物に含まれるレクチンは、生理活性を持つ成分として重要であり、強力な外来性のシグナルとなる。食物中のレクチンの含量は大きく異なるが、消化管全体に劇的な影響を与え、消化管内の細菌の数、体の代謝、健康にも大きく影響する。レクチンの強い効果は、腸におけるタンパク質分解に対する抵抗性、腸の上皮細胞表面 (高等動物から下等生物に至るまで) に発現している内在性受容体に対する特異的、かつ高い化学反応性に由来する。経口であれ、非経口的であれ、取り込まれたレクチンは強力な免疫原となり、その生理作用が複雑にからみあって免疫機能に干渉することもある。しかし、レクチンの初期効果やバイオシグナルとしての能力は、糖鎖との特異的な化学反応の直接の結果である。こういった反応を想定すれば、レクチンを臨床医学的に、病原体、免疫系刺激物質、ホルモン調節因子、代謝活性化物質の阻害剤として利用したり、トランスジェニック植物における内在性の殺虫剤として利用するといったことが将来的に見込める。
小谷野 由紀 北畑 裕之 Alexander S. Mikhailov
一般社団法人 日本物理学会
日本物理学会誌 (ISSN:00290181)
vol.74, no.9, pp.627-632, 2019-09-05 (Released:2020-03-10)

Akira S. Hirao Atsushi Kumata Toshihito Takagi Yoshito Sasaki Takashi Shigihara Eiichi Kimura Shingo Kaneko
The Mycological Society of Japan
Mycoscience (ISSN:13403540)
pp.MYC570, (Released:2022-05-20)

Pholiota microspora (“nameko” in Japanese) is one of the most common edible mushrooms, especially in Japan, where sawdust-based cultivation is the most dominant method accounting for 99% of the production. The current strains for sawdust cultivation in Japan are considered to have been derived from a single wild strain collected from Fukushima, Japan, implying that commercial nameko mushrooms are derived from a severe genetic bottleneck. We tested this single founder hypothesis by developing 14 microsatellite markers for P. microspora to evaluate the genetic diversity of 50 cultivars and 73 wild strains isolated from across Japan. Microsatellite analysis demonstrated that sawdust-cultivated strains from Japan were significantly less genetically diverse than the wild strains, and the former displayed a significant bottleneck signature. Analyzing the genetic relationships among all genotypes also revealed that the sawdust-cultivated samples clustered into one monophyletic subgroup. Moreover, the sawdust-cultivated samples in Japan were more closely related than full-sibs. These results were consistent with the single founder hypothesis that suggests that all commercial nameko mushrooms produced in Japan are descendants of a single ancestor. Therefore, we conclude that cultivated P. microspora originated from a single domestication event that substantially reduced the diversity of commercial nameko mushrooms in Japan.
クズネツォフ S.I. 森永 貴子
北方人文研究 (ISSN:1882773X)
vol.1, pp.1-18, 2008-03-31

It is hardly possible to find the detailed description of history of diplomatic, business, cultural or religious activity of Russian people in the Russian historiography of the Russian- Japanese relations to Hokkaido, though mentions of it in 19th century were more than enough. The trouble is that the authors in their majority only repeat one another. There were also Russian travellers, many writers and publicists, clerics and seamen among them. Later, when diplomatic representatives have got over in Edo, Hokkaido has left on the second plan. At the same time this subject represents the big interest, as at Hokkaido, in Hakodate the relationship between Russia and Japan began to get regular character. There was a first Russian consulate in Japan here and, also, the first Russian church -《mother of Russian churches in Japan》, as priests say. The first deep impressions of Russian about Japan, its inhabitants and realities were also made here. Probably, the environment of Japan’s North was more close and clear to the Russian, than it’s South. The territorial affinity of Hokkaido to the Russian coast gave Russian businessmen the certain hopes for development of bilateral business activities, first of all -trade. However, at that time there were no necessary economic conditions for this purpose yet. If the Catholic church had come to Japan from the South, Russian orthodox mission arrived from the North. Russian priests christened the first Japanese here, the orthodox sermon sounded for the first time in Japan also. Distribution of Orthodoxy to Hokkaido (certainly not such successful as a Catholicism) can be considered as the certain mark at intercultural dialogue between two peoples -Japanese and Russian. Thus, it is possible to tell, that Hakodate’s period -one of the first pages in history of the Russian-Japanese relations, not only insufficiently studied in Russian historiography, but more likely -evidently forgotten.
造船協会雑纂 (ISSN:03861597)
no.157, pp.200-206, 1935-04
Iara Katrynne F OLIVEIRA Vanessa C CARVALHO Gabriela S SANTOS Nayara V N MONTEIRO Margarete A F AZEVEDO Carlos Henrique R LIMA Emídio M M NETO Maria do Carmo C MARTINS Liania A LUZIA Patrícia H C RONDÓ Adriana A PAIVA
Center for Academic Publications Japan
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (ISSN:03014800)
vol.69, no.6, pp.395-401, 2023-12-31 (Released:2023-12-31)

The role of vitamin A in the pathophysiological context of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) represents a current challenge, given the major impact of COVID-19 on morbidity and mortality and the importance of retinol in pulmonary and immunomodulatory functions. The aim of this review is to assess the relationship between vitamin A nutritional status and clinical outcomes in people with COVID-19. The PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus and ScienceDirect databases were used to search for observational studies that assessed retinol levels in hospitalized individuals with COVID-19, following the PRISMA recommendations. A total of 1,912 articles were identified and seven met the inclusion criteria. Four studies showed borderline or deficient retinol blood levels (retinol <0.20 mg/L or <0.70 mol/L) in people with COVID-19, associated with worsened clinical outcomes. In the other three studies lower mean values of this vitamin were identified in COVID-19 symptomatic groups compared to asymptomatic or convalescent groups that showed worse clinical outcomes. The results suggest a possible association between retinol and COVID-19 outcomes. However, there is a clear need to develop clinical trials to elucidate the role of vitamin A in the pathophysiological process of COVID-19.
Yuichi Ozaki Hector M. Garcia-Garcia Solomon S. Beyene Alexandre Hideo-Kajita Kayode O. Kuku Paul Kolm Ron Waksman
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
vol.83, no.7, pp.1480-1488, 2019-06-25 (Released:2019-06-25)
16 22

Background:Statin therapy has been shown to result in coronary plaque regression, but the relationship between statin use and stabilization of coronary plaque has not been elucidated. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the effect of statin therapy on fibrous cap thickness (FCT) on optical coherence tomography (OCT).Methods and Results:Nine OCT studies (6 randomized controlled trials and 3 observational studies) were enrolled with a total of 341 patients (390 lesions). Arms of the studies were grouped according to statin type and/or dose. Random effects meta-analysis was used to estimate a pooled mean change in FCT from baseline to follow-up. The overall effect mean FCT change was 67.7 µm (95% CI: 51.4–84.1, I2=95.0%, P<0.001). All statin groups had an increase in FCT, but the magnitude of the increase differed according to the statin. Two homogeneous subgroups with I2=0 were identified: mean FCT change was 27.8 µm (for subgroup atorvastatin 5 mg and rosuvastatin), and 61.9 µm (for subgroup atorvastatin 20 mg, fluvastatin 30 mg, and pitavastatin 4 mg). On meta-regression modeling, statin therapy alone explained most of the change in FCT.Conclusions:Statin therapy induced a significant increase in FCT as assessed on OCT, independent of coronary risk factors and other medications.
Yuka Kushida Hiroki Kise Catherine S. McFadden James Davis Reimer
The Plankton Society of Japan, The Japanese Association of Benthology
Plankton and Benthos Research (ISSN:18808247)
vol.15, no.3, pp.259-268, 2020-08-14 (Released:2020-08-04)
1 4

Sea pens are ecologically important habitats for associated marine organisms, serving as ecosystem engineers in sandy or muddy seafloor environments. In such areas, sea pens can form habitats with high population densities known as “sea pen fields”. However, the presence and importance of sea pen fields have not been well studied in shallow waters in East Asia. Here, we report a sea pen field of Virgularia sp. aff. gustaviana in the shallow waters of Ushibuka Marine Park, in the Amakusa Islands of southern Japan. The average colony numbers of the field across all depths (7–20 m) was 10.3 colonies/m2 (live colonies) to 13.6 colonies/m2 (all: live+dead colonies+holes), and the area of the sea pen field was at least ∼50,000 m2. At a depth of 15 m, the substratum consisted of sand and fallen leaves of terrestrial origin, and the highest sea pen density was observed (averages=17.2 live colonies/m2, =25.8 total (live+dead+holes) colonies/m2). At a depth of 20 m, the substratum consisted of broken shells and rocks and had the lowest density (live colonies: average=0.8 colonies/m2, all: average=1.0 colonies/m2). There were significant differences in colony number of Virgularia sp. aff. gustaviana between the “sand”, “sand+leaves”, and “broken shells/rocks” substrates. We hypothesize that the strength of the water currents caused by local geographic features and tidal movements produce suitable sedimentation and habitat for this species of sea pen. Therefore, we suggest that preserving the natural coastline is crucial to protect this and other sea pen fields in shallow waters and their benthic marine communities.
Shamay S.M. Ng Shirley S.M. Fong Wayne L.S. Chan Ben K.Y. Hung Ricci K.S. Chung Tina H.T. Chim Patrick W.H. Kwong Tai-Wa Liu Mimi M.Y. Tse Raymond C.K. Chung
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.28, no.6, pp.1701-1708, 2016 (Released:2016-06-24)
1 8

[Purpose] To investigate the inter-rater and test-retest reliability of the sitting-rising test (SRT), the correlations of sitting-rising test scores with measures of strength, balance, community integration and quality of life, as well as the cut-off score which best discriminates people with chronic stroke from healthy older adults were investigated. [Subjects and Methods] Subjects with chronic stroke (n=30) and healthy older adults (n=30) were recruited. The study had a cross-sectional design, and was carried out in a university rehabilitation laboratory. Sitting-rising test performance was scored on two occasions. Other measurements included ankle dorsiflexor and plantarflexor strength, the Fugl-Meyer assessment, the Berg Balance Scale, the timed up and go test, the five times sit-to-stand test, the limits of stability test, and measures of quality of health and community integration. [Results] Sitting-rising test scores demonstrated good to excellent inter-rater and test-retest reliabilities (ICC=0.679 to 0.967). Sitting-rising test scores correlated significantly with ankle strength, but not with other test results. The sitting-rising test showed good sensitivity and specificity. A cut-off score of 7.8 best distinguished healthy older adults from stroke subjects. [Conclusions] The sitting-rising test is a reliable and sensitive test for assessing the quality of sitting and rising movements. Further studies with a larger sample are required to investigate the test’s validity.
Anthony C. Keech Kazuma Oyama Peter S. Sever Minao Tang Sabina A. Murphy Atsushi Hirayama Chen Lu Leslie Tay Prakash C. Deedwania Chung-Wah Siu Armando Lira Pineda Donghoon Choi Min-Ji Charng John Amerena Wan Azman Wan Ahmad Vijay K. Chopra Terje R. Pedersen Robert P. Giugliano Marc S. Sabatine on behalf of the FOURIER Study Group
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
pp.CJ-20-1051, (Released:2021-05-12)

Background:There are concerns that Asian patients respond differently to some medications. This study evaluated the efficacy and safety of evolocumab among Asian vs. other subjects in the FOURIER trial, which randomized stable atherosclerosis patients to receive either evolocumab or placebo.Methods and Results:Effects of adding evolocumab vs. placebo to background statin therapy on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) reductions, cardiovascular outcomes, and adverse events were compared among 27,564 participants with atherosclerotic disease, according to self-reported Asian (n=2,723) vs. other (n=24,841) races followed for a median of 2.2 years in the FOURIER trial. The primary endpoint was a composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, stroke, hospitalization for unstable angina, or coronary revascularization. At randomization, Asians had slightly lower LDL-C (median 89 [IQR 78–104] mg/dL vs. 92 [80–109] mg/dL; P<0.001) and were much less likely to be on a high-intensity statin (33.3% vs. 73.3%; P<0.001). Evolocumab lowered LDL-C more in Asians than in others (66% vs. 58%; P<0.001). The effect of evolocumab on the primary endpoint was similar in Asians (HR, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.61–1.03) and others (HR, 0.86; 95% CI, 0.79–0.93; P interaction=0.55). There was no excess of serious adverse events with evolocumab among Asians over others.Conclusions:Use of evolocumab robustly lowers LDL-C and is equally efficacious in lowering the risk of cardiovascular events and safe in Asians as it is in others.
Tomoya Suzuki Akira S. Hirao Masaki Takenaka Koki Yano Koji Tojo
The Genetics Society of Japan
Genes & Genetic Systems (ISSN:13417568)
pp.20-00033, (Released:2021-01-24)

We developed microsatellite markers for Appasus japonicus (Heteroptera: Belostomatidae). This belostomatid bug is distributed in East Asia (Japanese Archipelago, Korean Peninsula and mainland China) and often listed as an endangered species in the Red List or the Red Data Book at the national and local level in Japan. Here, we describe twenty novel polymorphic microsatellite loci developed for A. japonicus, and marker suitability was evaluated using 56 individuals from four A. japonicus populations (Nagano, Hiroshima and Yamaguchi prefectures, Japan, and Chungcheongnam-do, Korea). The number of alleles per locus ranged from 1 to 12 (mean = 2.5), and the average observed and expected heterozygosity and fixation index per locus were 0.270, 0.323 and 0.153, respectively. In addition, a population structure analysis was conducted using the software STRUCTURE, and its result suggested that the 20 markers described here will be useful for investigating the genetic structure of A. japonicus populations, which should contribute to population genetics studies of this species.
Tokuji Utsu Yosihiko Ogata Ritsuko S Matsu'ura
The Seismological Society of Japan, The Volcanological Society of Japan, The Geodetic Society of Japan
Journal of Physics of the Earth (ISSN:00223743)
vol.43, no.1, pp.1-33, 1995 (Released:2009-04-30)
587 968

The Omori formula n(t)=K(t+c)-1 and its modified form n(t)=K(t+c)-P have been successfully applied to many aftershock sequences since the former was proposed just 100 years ago. This paper summarizes studies using these formulae. The problems of fitting these formulae and related point process models to observational data are discussed mainly. Studies published during the last 1/3 century confirmed that the modified Omori formula generally provides an appropriate representation of the temporal variation of aftershock activity. Although no systematic dependence of the index p has been found on the magnitude of the main shock and on the lowest limit of magnitude above which aftershocks are counted, this index (usually p = 0.9-1.5) differs from sequence to. sequence. This variability may be related to the tectonic condition of the region such as structural heterogeneity, stress, and temperature, but it is not clear which factor is most significant in controlling the p value. The constant c is a controversial quantity. It is strongly influenced by incomplete detection of small aftershocks in the early stage of sequence. Careful analyses indicate that c is positive at least for some sequences. Point process models for the temporal pattern of shallow seismicity must include the existence of aftershocks, most suitably expressed by the modified Omori law. Among such models, the ETAS model seems to best represent the main features of seismicity with only five parameters. An anomalous decrease in aftershock activity below the level predicted by the modified Omori formula sometimes precedes a large aftershock. An anomalous decrease in seismic activity of a region below the level predicted by the ETAS model is sometimes followed by a large earthquake in the same or in a neighboring region.
本山 亜友里 川上 智規 S. K. Weragoda 奥川 光治 芹川 裕加 袋布 昌幹 高松 さおり
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集G(環境) (ISSN:21856648)
vol.68, no.7, pp.III_517-III_523, 2012 (Released:2013-03-15)
