正高 信男
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.67, no.4, pp.285-291, 1996
1 4

Placing the infant in a device which restrained his/her movement was a traditional custom of infant caretaking in a number of parts of the world, and is still observed in some of them. An example of such practices, swaddling, was investigated with Native Americans, the Aymara, in Bolivia, and caretaking behaviors in 24 swaddling and 18 non-swaddling families were compared. Results did not support the notion that swaddling was a form of infant neglect on the part of caretakers. Swaddling caretakers actually exhibited as strong interest in the infant as non-swaddling caretakers, and spent more money on his/her clothes. The mother spent less time for infant care in the swaddling family. However, other members of the family took more time to take care of the infant than those in the non-swaddling family. It is argued that swaddling effectively encourages non-mother family members to participate in infant caretaking, in addition to serving a potentially beneficial function to protect infants from unsafe and insanitary home environments.
中村 紘子 松尾 朗子 眞嶋 良全
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.95.22217, (Released:2024-02-10)

Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human-like mental states to nonhuman entities. The purpose of this study was to develop a Japanese version of the Individual Differences in Anthropomorphism Questionnaire (IDAQ-J) and to examine its factor structure, reliability, and validity through three studies. Factor analysis revealed that the IDAQ-J has three first-order factors (anthropomorphizing natural entities, technological devices, and nonhuman animals) and one second-order factor (general anthropomorphism). The IDAQ-J showed high internal consistency and moderate test-retest reliability. In terms of validity, the IDAQ-J showed moderate positive correlations with anthropomorphism of nature and machines, and predicted low negative emotions about interacting with robots and teleological beliefs. On the other hand, the IDAQ-J showed weak relationships with anthropomorphism of nonhuman animals, attitudes toward nature conservation, and fear of robots. Further research is needed to interpret the validity of the IDAQ-J.
吉田 正昭 森山 美那子 玉井 ちづ子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.32, no.6, pp.353-366, 1962 (Released:2010-07-16)
1 1

It is said that the Japanese are weak toward authority, and the authors feel it is necessary to analyze the structure of the attitude toward authority among Japanese. The main purpose of this paper is an analysis of the Japanese attitude toward authority.1) Thirty items (jobs or positions) were selected for rating. These items were: Judge of the Supreme Court, lawer, university professor, editorial writer of a big newspaper, radio news commentator, chief engineer for constuction of a dam, the president of the medical association, the Foreign Minister, Member of Parliament, the chairman of the General Council of Trade Unions, revolutionist, the president of the Bank of Japan, director of a large company, the best rice cultivator in Japan, principal of a primary school, president of the society for the child welfare, social worker, minister, president of Soka-Gakkai (a society of a new religion), the Emperor, literary critic, music conductor, kabuki actor, movie actor, masterhand of Go or chess, designer, Miss Universe, head master of tea ceremony, a grand champion of Sumo wrestling, and a baseball pitcher of fame.2) These items were rated on twenty-two traits or attributes by the contant sum method. These traits were: length of training or experience, thinking ability, constant effort, educational background, popularity, critical ability toward the current issues, good writing and fluent speech, administrative ability, social status, standing by the weak, popularity among high society, number of subordinates, sensitivity, physical strength, good looks, idealism, international reputation, financial status, good tradition, superhuman attractiveness, pedigree, and athletic skill. Raters were about one hundred and twenty female university students.3) The results of the rating for the social status are as follows: The president of the Bank of Japan is ranked the highest, and the president of the medical association, judge of the Supreme Court, the Emperor, the Foreign Minister, university professor and director of big company, follows in this order. These ranks seem to coincide with the current social hierarchy. Those who have strong social powers seem to be ranked high and those who criticize them low. Intellectual abilities (e.g., ability of reasoning, critical ability and educational background) are ranked higher than family standing, prestige by tradition or physical ability (see Table 1).4) Intercorrelations of the twenty-two traits were computed and analyzed by Thurstone's centroid solution, and the following factors were found. (I) High education and social status vs. physical ability, constant efforts, popularity, and superhuman attractiveness. (II) Idealism vs. popularity among high society. (III) Term of training or experience, constant effort and physical strength vs. administrative ability. (IV) Good looks vs. popularity. Percentage of the factor variance (I) is approximately 50 (see Table 4 and Fig. 1).5) Thirteen items selected from the thirty items, mentioned above were rated and analyzed by Torgerson's multi-dimensional scaling method. Raters were eighty female university students, fifty factory workers, a few nurses, business girls, and house wives. The results show that these items can be arranged on a two dimensional space with x and y axes. Those who have high ranks along the x axis are Foreign Minister, university professor, editorial writer and the Emperor, and those who have low ranks are movie actor, head-master of tea ceremony and a grand champion of Sumo. This may imply that the x axis shows the degree of social influences or the amount of authority. The higher the social status and educational backgrounds are, the higher the prestige. The prestige based on sensual or physical traits are ranked low. Critical attitude toward the current social hierarchy has not gained high prestige among Japanese. The implication of the y axis is not clear, but it may
山岸 俊男
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.61, no.3, pp.162-169, 1990-08-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
6 7

Given that group size is known to exert a negative “residual” effect in social dilemmas even when the incentive structure is held constant over different group sizes, it was hypothesized that when no personal contacts were permitted among participants in a one-shot dilemma situation, the residual effect of group size would be mediated either by expectations of other members' contributions or by efficacy of altruistic actions. The results of three experiments in which group size was varied from 2 to 501 (Experiment 1) or 3 to 36 (Experiments 2 and 3) indicate that: (1) the residual effect exists only among small groups; (2) the observed residual effect is mediated by expectations; and, (3) efficacy of altruistic actions does not mediate the observed residual effect.
大杉 尚之 河原 純一郎
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.95.22336, (Released:2023-12-25)

Bowing is a common practice in Japan, believed to greatly affect first impressions. As such, it is emphasized upon in school instruction and post-employment training seminars for new employees. Recently, the influence of bowing on attractiveness was investigated, and it was reported that a bowing motion enhances perceptions of attractiveness. However, previous studies primarily examined this effect via laboratory-based experiments for Japanese university students, which limits the generalizability and reproducibility of the results. Therefore, the present study examined whether this effect can be observed in a web-based experiment and for crowdsourcing service workers. The results showed that bowing increases the facial attractiveness of the 3D computer graphics human models compared to the models standing still (control condition). Further, it was established that prolonged exposure to the bent posture produced a significant bowing effect. These results were extended to the workers, suggesting that the bowing effect can be replicated in web-based experiments for Japanese participants with a broader range of demographics (age and gender, and the view of self).
西野 泰代 若本 純子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.93, no.1, pp.21-31, 2022 (Released:2022-04-25)
3 3

This study investigated whether there are differences in bystander behavior when bullying is witnessed. We evaluated the number and types of bystander behaviors by means of the OBVQ, and then examined the psychological characteristics of the different bystander behaviors. 269 Japanese elementary school students and 503 junior high school students completed questionnaires assessing empathic concern, peer conformity, moral disengagement, authenticity and satisfaction in classes, global self-worth, and how they would respond if they observed a peer being bullied. The results of a multinomial logistic regression analysis and ANOVA demonstrated that there would be some types of bystander behavior with common characteristics such as empathic concern and developmental differences. Moreover, the results also showed that two types of behaviors, of which one indicated the most negative psychological state, might be caused by peer conformity. Other behaviors might be caused by moral disengagement and contain some subordinate modes owing to regulatory effects of peer conformity, such as pretending to be unaware of bullying. The practical implications of bystander behavior are discussed.
金井 嘉宏 佐々木 晶子 岩永 誠 生和 秀敏
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.80, no.6, pp.520-526, 2010 (Released:2012-03-20)
6 4

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between subtypes of social anxiety and distorted cognition of bodily sensations. The package of questionnaires including the Social Phobia Scale (SPS) and the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS) was administered to 582 undergraduate students. To identify subtypes of social anxiety, cluster analysis was conducted using scores of the SPS and SIAS. Five clusters were identified and labeled as follows: Generalized type characterized by intense anxiety in most social situations, Non-anxious type characterized by low anxiety levels in social situations, Averaged type whose anxiety levels are averaged, Interaction anxiety type who feels anxiety mainly in social interaction situations, and Performance anxiety type who feels anxiety mainly in performance situations. Results of an ANOVA indicated that individuals with interaction type fear the negative evaluation from others regarding their bodily sensations whereas individuals with performance type overestimate the visibility of their bodily sensations to others. Differences in salient aspects of cognitive distortion among social anxiety subtypes may show necessity to select intervention techniques in consideration of subtypes.
藤原 佑貴 宮寺 貴之 久原 恵理子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.94, no.4, pp.289-299, 2023 (Released:2023-10-25)

This study examines victimization cases where adolescent girls were forced to send sexually explicit photos of themselves to offenders they met online. Adolescent girls who were victimized (n = 138) and police officers who had worked with the victims (n = 136) answered questionnaires. The communications between victims and suspects were classified into four types using multiple correspondence analysis. In the “active children” type, the victims made first contact and were not threatened. In the “tenuous relationship” type, the victims disclosed less information to suspects, who were acquaintances. In the “abusing mutual interests” type, suspects quickly progressed to communicating with victims by audio and video and forced sexual activities. In the “romantic relationship” type, most of the victims and suspects were involved romantically and the victims self-disclosed more information. The characteristics of victims were compared among these groups. The results indicate the need to consider the variation of cases to examine preventive measures against adolescent girls sending sexually explicit photos.
南雲 直二
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.65, no.3, pp.240-245, 1994-08-20 (Released:2010-07-16)
3 3

Normative data on intelligence in adults with Down syndrome was collected on 93 males and 80 females, aged 16 years and above, who had been given the Suzuki-Binet Intelligence Scale. Both the male and female groups showed bimodal curves in the distributions of IQs. Only for the low IQ groups, the distributions were defined by binomial distributions. The mean ages of starting to walk for the low IQ groups were six months or more later than those for the high IQ groups. However, no significant differences were observed in birthweights, terms of pregnancy, and ages between the two groups. In addition, significant sex differences were found in mean IQs, females scored higher in both the two groups.
中村 雅彦
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.55, no.3, pp.131-137, 1984-08-30 (Released:2010-07-16)
1 1

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of personalistic self-disclosure on interpersonal attraction. Thirty-two male subjects participated in the experiment. After showing intimate or superficial disclosure, the confederate attributed the cause of his disclosure either to the subjects (personalistic condition) or to the confederate himself (non-personalistic condition). Subjects were then informed of these attributions. Results obtained clearly supported the hypotheses. Subjects who received intimate and personalistic disclosures liked the confederate significantly more than those who received intimate and non-personalistic disclosures. On the other hand, subjects who received superficial and personalistic disclosures disliked the confederate significantly more than those who received superficial and non-personalistic disclosures.
下田 芳幸 寺坂 明子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.83, no.4, pp.347-356, 2012 (Released:2013-01-01)
8 4

This study developed the Japanese version of the Multidimensional School Anger Inventory (MSAI; Smith & Furlong, 1998). The MSAI was devised to assess anger in the school context from a multidimensional perspective, which includes Anger Experience (affective component), Cynical Attitude (cognitive component), Destructive Expression and Positive Coping (behavioral component). The responses of 3 443 students from elementary to high school, age 10 to 17 on the Japanese version of the MSAI were used in the analyses. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis identified that the four-factor structure of the J-MSAI was the same as for the original MSAI. The reliability of the scale was supported by internal consistency and test-retest stability for the subscales. The construct validity of the scale was supported by cross-instrument correlations. Furthermore, the results showed that junior high and high school students had higher scores for Cynical Attitude than elementary school students, whereas developmental level had little effect on Anger Experience and Destructive Expression.
肖 雨知 外山 美樹
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.90, no.6, pp.581-591, 2020 (Released:2020-02-25)
7 7

The objective of the present study was to develop a Japanese version of the Interpersonal Behaviours Questionnaire (IBQ-J) and evaluate its validity. The IBQ is a scale for assessing the perceptions of interpersonal behaviours of others and is based on Self-Determination Theory within the context of need-supportive and needthwarting behaviours. In Study 1, participants reported the interpersonal behaviours of people in their lives. In Study 2, participants reported the interpersonal behaviours of specified significant people (namely, parents and intimate friends). The results of the two studies were largely consistent with the previous Self-Determination Theory studies. We concluded that the IBQ-J is a valid scale for investigating the perceptions of need-supportive, and need-thwarting behaviours of others.
加藤 司 C. R. Snyder
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.76, no.3, pp.227-234, 2005-08-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
43 44

We conducted three studies to translate the Snyder Hope Sales into Japanese, examine reliability and validity of the Japanese version, and investigate the relationship between the tendency to be hopeful and subjective well-being. In Study 1, confirmatory factor analysis was performed of the Hope Scale in the Japanese version: agency and pathways. Its test-retest reliability coefficients for the data from 113 undergraduates ranged from .81 to .84. In Study 2, concurrent validity of the Japanese version Hope Scale was examined with the data from 550 respondents, which looked at the correlations between hope and optimism, self-esteem, and self-efficacy. Results suggested that the Japanese version had high validity. In addition, the tendency to be hopeful had negative correlations with stress response, hopelessness, depressive tendency, and trait anxiety, and positive one with feeling of happiness. In Study 3, 175 undergraduates completed the Hope Scale and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) immediately prior to final examinations. Results of regression analysis suggested that the tendency to be hopeful moderated examination anxiety. Taken together, results of the studies supported the hypothesis that hope had positive effects on subjective well-being.
大渕 憲一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.58, no.2, pp.113-124, 1987-06-30 (Released:2010-07-16)
11 4

In this review, the author theoretically and empirically examined motives and interpersonal functions of aggression. A factor-analysis of Averill's questionnaire items on anger revealed that motives involved in aggressive responses were clustered into two groups: the hostile and the instrumental. It was also clarified that an individual is likely to engage in aggression particularly when some hostile motives are evoked. Concerning the interpersonal functions, the author proposed that aggression might serve four principal goals. (1) Aggression can be generated as an avoidance response to an aversive stimulus, such as frustration, annoyance, or pain, and so on. It depends on the severity of the stimulus. It was however emphasized that aggression is also mediated by social cognition, such as an attribution of intent to a harm-doer. (2) Aggression can be used as a means of coercing the other person into doing something. An individual is likely to use such a power strategy if he/she is lacking in self-confidence or a perspective for influencing the target person by more peaceful strategies. (3) Aggression can be interpreted as a punishment when it is directed toward a transgressor. In this case, aggression is motivated by restoration of a social justice, and thus its intensity is determined by the perceived moral responsibility of the transgressor. Further, it was indicated that aggression is intensified if it is justified as a sanctional conduct against the immoral. (4) Aggression can be also evoked when an individual's social identity is threatened. It was suggested that impression management motives are involved in aggression by an unexpected finding that the presence of audience or the identifiability rather facilitated retaliative aggression. The aggression-inhibition effect of apology was also explained in terms of impression management. In conclusion, it was presented that aggression is a behavioral strategy as an attempt to resolve interpersonal conflicts including physical or psychological annoyance, the other person's disobedience, perceived injustice, and a threat to one's social identity. Whether one's aggression is performed or not depends on a number of intea- and inter-personal determinants, particularly on social cognitive processes such as attribution, inference, prediction and other judgements.
川崎 直樹 小塩 真司
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.92, no.1, pp.21-30, 2021 (Released:2021-04-25)
2 6

The Pathological Narcissism Inventory (PNI), consisting of 7 sub-scales, was developed to comprehensively assess the components of narcissism, including not only grandiose but also vulnerable aspects. The purpose of this study was to develop the Japanese version of the Pathological Narcissism Inventory (PNI-J) and to examine its factor structure, reliability, and validity in the Japanese population. The results from 402 participants showed that the PNI-J has a factor structure that is nearly equivalent to the original PNI. Furthermore, the PNI-J had good test-retest reliability, and had a theoretically reasonable correlation with self-, interpersonal-, and personality-related variables. Additionally, the Japanese version of the Brief-Pathological Narcissism Inventory (B-PNI-J) was constructed based on previous research, demonstrating nearly the same properties as the full version. Thus, the PNI-J and the B-PNI-J can reflect the pathological features of narcissistic people in the Japanese population more comprehensively than other conventional measurement scales of narcissism.
山田 恭子 中條 和光
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.81, no.1, pp.43-49, 2010 (Released:2010-08-13)
1 1

The effect of environmental context on performance on a word-fragment completion task, as an implicit memory task, was investigated by varying the retention interval between the encoding and retrieval sessions. In two experiments, 40 to-be-remembered items were presented incidentally to participants before they engaged in a word fragment task. The retention interval was one week in Experiment 1 and 10 minutes in Experiment 2. Except for an environmental context cue of odor, the environmental contexts of the encoding and retrieval sessions in both experiments were different. Reinstatement of the environmental context cue of odor facilitated performance in Experiment 1 only. This result suggests that when the effectiveness of item cues such as word fragments is reduced by a long retention interval, the environmental cues can facilitate performance in word-fragment task.
西川 一二 雨宮 俊彦 楠見 孝
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.93, no.5, pp.436-446, 2022 (Released:2022-12-25)

This study aimed to develop an Interpersonal Curiosity Scale. In Study 1, a questionnaire with a preliminary pool of 56 items was administered to undergraduates, and from these, 11items were selected. The main survey was administered to college students (n = 839) and as a web-based survey (n = 1,500). Factor analysis revealed three factors: curiosity about personal emotions, curiosity about privacy, and curiosity about personal attributes. Cronbachʼs alpha showed that these subscales had sufficient reliability. In Study 2, the validity of the Interpersonal Curiosity Scale was examined using the Five-Dimensional Curiosity Scale, the Sensation Seeking Scale, the Multidimensional Empathy Scale, and the Psychological Well-being Scale. The results of correlation analysis confirmed the validity of the three subscales. Implications about using the Interpersonal Curiosity Scale are further discussed.
品田 瑞穂
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.93, no.6, pp.552-558, 2023 (Released:2023-02-25)

The purpose of this study is to understand the unique contributions of trait empathy and cognitive distortion to relational aggression in 393 20- to 49- year old adults (183 females and 208 males, M = 35.22 years, SD = 8.35 years). This study examined how empathic concern and perspective taking affect relational aggression through three types of cognitive distortions: self-centered bias, blaming others, and perceived persecution. As predicted by the theoretical model, relational aggression was positively associated with two types of self-serving cognitive distortions (self-centered bias and perceived persecution). Self-centered bias mediated the link between empathic concern and relational aggression. The findings suggest the interplay of personality and cognition in relational aggression.
鈴木 雄大 坂本 真士 村中 昌紀 山川 樹 亀山 晶子 松浦 隆信
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.94, no.3, pp.247-253, 2023 (Released:2023-08-25)

The present research examined the relationship between interpersonal sensitivity (IS), privileged self (PS), and internet addiction, focusing on the direct effects among these variables and the indirect effects of problem-solving coping tendency and expression of emotional coping tendency. A total of 114 university students participated in the questionnaire survey, of which the 92 who completely answered the questionnaire were included in the analysis. Our data showed a significant positive direct effect of IS and PS on internet addiction tendency. Although the indirect effect of IS on internet addiction mediated by problem-solving coping tendency was not significant, the indirect effect of PS on internet addiction mediated by expression of emotional coping tendency was significant. We discussed the direct and indirect effects in terms of IS and PS characteristics and motivations.
白岩 祐子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.94.22219, (Released:2023-09-01)

In Study 1, a web survey (n = 719) was conducted to develop the Afterlife Belief Scale (second person version). Factor analysis revealed that the scale had a five-factor structure: coexistence with the soul, heaven, reincarnation, integration into the Great Being, and memory/recording. All factors were related to the bereaved family’s sense of loss and other factors. In Study 2, a web survey was again conducted with Study 1 participants (n = 332) to examine the reliability of the scale and to further investigate its relationship to the bereaved family’s attitude toward autopsy and organ donation. Among the afterlife beliefs, coexistence with the soul was confirmed to be related to refusal of an autopsy and organ donation, and integration into the Great Being was related to acceptance of an organ donation. It was discussed that the Japanese emphasis on preserving the body of the deceased is related to their images of the afterlife.