ターン 有加里ジェシカ 村田 光二 唐沢 かおり
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.16, no.2, pp.77-82, 2018 (Released:2018-12-21)

There are a considerable number of cases reported that an ex-convict's children are negatively perceived even though they themselves have not committed a crime. However, there are few quantitative researches and reasons for the negative perception have not been discussed well. This study hypothesized that the negative perception is associative stigma, and a reason for the stigma is genetic essentialism. Associative stigma is the tendency to being stigmatized or devalued based on his or her association with a stigmatized person. Genetic essentialism is the tendency to ascribe genes as a fixed and underlying nature to members of a category. An experiment was conducted, where all the participants were shown two separated vignettes of a middle-aged man who was a murderer, and of a boy who slapped his classmate. Also, the participants were given a minimum amount of information about the relationships between the two protagonists; they were randomly divided into three conditions, Child-by-blood condition (CBB), Child-by-adoption condition (CBA), and Unrelated condition (URL). If the hypothesis is supported, the boy would be perceived negatively most by CBB and least by URL. The results showed that while the boy was perceived more negatively by CBB than by URL when the perception of the middle-aged man, the murderer, was controlled, there was no such difference between CBA and URL. Although there was no difference between CBB and CBA, which contradicts with the hypothesis that genetic essentialism is a reason for the stigma, considering that there was a significant difference only between CBB and URL and not between CBA and URL, there is the possibility of the existence of genetic essentialism.
大橋 恵 井梅 由美子 藤後 悦子
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.21, no.1, pp.39-46, 2023 (Released:2023-06-01)

There have been a number of studies on the competition in entrance examinations, but very few studies have empirically examined the middle school entrance examination, which is qualitatively different from senior high school and university entrance examinations because children must have parental support. The scope of the examination is beyond the knowledge acquired in school, and parents must be proactive in choosing whether their children should take the examination. In this study, an online survey was disseminated to Tokyo metropolitan area residents with children in the sixth grade (N = 800) to clarify the differences between families whose children took or did not take the middle school entrance examination. Reasons for allowing children to take the examination (or not) were also explored. Results indicated that a region with a perceived high examination rate, the mother's high level of education, and the child's same-sex parent had taken the exam increased the probability that children would take the middle school entrance examination. Additionally, an early birth order and higher parental age for parents of female children, along with the full-time working status of mothers of male children, were factors in favor of taking the middle school entrance examination.
大庭 丈幸 西松 能子 大平 英樹
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.11, no.1, pp.13-18, 2013 (Released:2013-06-29)

One of the features in psychopathy is a deficit of empathy. Without empathy, psychopathy can not inhibit to harm others. However, previous studies revealed that offenders had more empathic traits than non-offenders. Empathy is defined as multidimensional components (e.g.; cognitive empathy and emotional empathy), but not as a unitary. Generally, psychopathy is consisted of two subcomponents: Primary Psychopathy (PP; features of callousness and lack of empathy) and Secondary Psychopathy (SP; features of impulsiveness and uncontrollability to own behaviours). Here, we hypothesized that psychopaths, particularly who are dominant in PP, have less empathic traits both in cognitive and emotional domains, on the other hand, SP is more linked with emotional empathic trait, but less linked with cognitive one. Furthermore, we investigated not only to relate psychopathic traits and multidimensional empathy, but also to validate a Japanese version of the Primary and Secondary Psychopathy Scales (PSPS), using both Machiavellianism (MACH) scale and Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BAQ). Results indicated that correlations between PP and MACH and between PP and BAQ subscales of physical aggression and verbal aggression were higher than correlations between SP and MACH and BAQ, while correlations between SP and BAQ subscales of anger and hostility were higher than correlations between PP and the BAQ subscales. About empathy, consistent with our hypothesis, PP was linked with less empathy both in cognitive and emotional domains, whereas SP was linked with more emotional empathy, but was linked with less cognitive empathy. This reveals that PSPS dissociated PP and SP well. Although there remain some problems, PSPS is a useful scale for measurement of psychopathic traits.
長谷川 大貴 中野 剛志 藤井 聡
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.11, no.2, pp.75-82, 2013 (Released:2013-12-25)

In human and social science, narrative is regarded as an important theoretical construct associated with human cognition, human vitality, sense of unity and cohesion of organization. In this regards, narrative is also expected to increase vitality and cohesion of planning organizations for public policies, such as governmental section for city planning, transportation planning, national land planning and any other public planning. In this study, we review academic genealogies with respect to narratives including western philosophy, hermeneutics, historical science, historical philosophy, literary criticism, clinical psychology and sociology, narrative psychology and folklore. Then we discuss how narrative can be pragmatically applied for planning organizations.
沼田 潤
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.10, no.2, pp.55-63, 2012 (Released:2013-01-11)
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The purpose of the present research was to examine the present state of Japanese university students' intercultural understanding in order to obtain some implications for intercultural education in university. The results revealed the present state of Japanese university students' intercultural understanding was not monolithic. On the one hand, some attached importance to intercultural understanding, on the other hand, others slighted or resisted intercultural understanding. Moreover, it was clarified that there were differences on understanding toward social minorities and stereotypic understanding between female and male university students. Based on these results, future direction and tasks on intercultural education in university were investigated.
野村 康
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.14, no.1, pp.75-89, 2016 (Released:2016-07-01)

This is a preliminary discussion on the development and characteristics of anti-whaling activism in Japan with reference to the activism in Norway. Although Japan and Norway are often considered among the greenest countries in the world, both are also known as major whaling nations without strong anti-whaling movements. While there are several important studies on Norway, little attention has been paid to the case of Japan. Drawing on the framing perspective of social movement theory, this article considers how local political conditions have constrained the growth of Japanese anti-whaling activism and shaped its repertoire of activities, which are significantly less radical compared to its international counterparts. The article concludes by showing an agenda for future research about the nature conservation and animal protection movements in Japan, as well as anti-whaling activism itself, by highlighting the importance of a political-cultural perspective in understanding them.
宮津 寿美香
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.8, no.2, pp.105-113, 2010 (Released:2010-12-29)

This study aimed to observe infants' production of pointings during the preverbal vocal period at a nursery school. Participants were four 1-year old children (one boy and three girls). The characteristics on infant production of pointing were classified into seven categories ("a. attention getting", "b. place and direction", "c. naming", "d. demand", "e. question", "f. explanation", "g.imitation"), and of those which were inapplicable to any other categories were classified into the category of "h. others". The main results were as following. First, in the nursery school, the frequency of pointing increased as children developed. Second, by comparing the average frequency of infants' pointing manipulated "in infant-adult (nursery teacher) interaction" and "in peer interaction", the frequency of pointing "in peer interaction" was significantly more than that "in infant-adult interaction". Third, the ratio of infants' pointing, categorized into "f. explaination" was high, both "in infant-adult interaction (36 %)" and "in peer interaction (31 %). Although the ratio of infants' pointing "in infant-adult interaction" was high in "d.demand" (20 %) , and in "e. question" (14 %), the ratio of pointing "in peer interaction" was high in "h. others" (23 %), and in "g.imitation" (17 %). Moreover, the ways of pointing gestures were different among these categories. These findings suggest that children's intention to produce pointing, should be considered to be different, depending on whom they tried to interact (adults and peers). Finally, because there were some distinctions among infants' pointing categorized as "h. others", further categorization was done, and classified into three categories ("instructive pointing", "greeting/confirmation", and "pointing toward imaginative objects").
笠原 伊織 唐沢 かおり 唐沢 穣
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.17, no.2, pp.147-152, 2019

The present study examined whether people's beliefs in free will affect their moral and judicial judgment. Specifically, using a survey method, we examined the mediation by moral judgment which has been theoretically discussed and illustrated in a previous research. In addition, this study focused on the role of explicit motives toward retribution and incapacitation and examined the hypothesis that people whose beliefs in free will were low would focus on incapacitation. An online survey was conducted, and 232 participants were analyzed (96 females, M age = 20.75, SD = 2.46). Participants answered their own free will belief and then read a fictitious scenario about manslaughter case. They answered to what extent they were motivated toward retribution and incapacitation and made moral judgment and judgment of sentencing. A mediational analysis revealed that the process was significant (β = .18, 95 % CI = [.11, .25]). However, no correlations between free will belief and explicit motives were observed (rs = –.11 and .01). Also, retributive motive had no correlation with moral judgment and sentencing (rs = –.08 and .01), while the motive toward incapacitation correlated with both (rs = .26 and .21). Two statistical models explaining how free will belief and the motive toward incapacitation affect sentencing were constructed. One supposed moral judgment mediated the effects of free will belief and incapacitation (i.e., full-mediation model). The other model supposed another direct path from incapacitation to sentencing (i.e., partial-mediation model). As a result, full-mediation model was adopted in terms of model fit (BIC = –10.91 vs. –8.52) and coefficients of determination (R2 = .20 vs .21). The importance of free will belief in people's daily lives and future directions of researches were discussed.
渡辺 匠 太田 紘史 唐沢 かおり
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.17, no.1, pp.79-84, 2019

自由意志に関する信念は責任帰属や自己コントロールなど、われわれの社会生活で重要な機能を果たすことがこれまでに提起・実証されている。しかし、「自由意志」が何を意味するのか、という根本的な問題について、個々の研究者の想定は異なっている。そこで、本研究は人々の自由意志概念を構成する具体的な要素について、Monroe and Malle(2010)にもとづき、自由記述の方法を通じて検証をおこなった。大学生301名の回答をコーディングした結果、人々の自由意志概念の主要な要素は他行為可能性(「複数の行為が可能である」ということ)、行為者性(「自分の心理状態が行為を引き起こす」ということ)、制約からの自由(「内外の要因に制約されずに行動する」ということ)の3つであることが明らかになった。つまり、人々にとって自由意志とは、「何ものにも拘束されず、自分の心理状態にそって行為を選択する」ということを基本的に意味すると示唆される。これらの結果にもとづき、考察では心理学の先行研究や哲学領域の知見との整合性について議論した。
松本 龍児 櫻井 良祐 ●●● ●●● 唐沢 かおり
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.12, no.2, pp.113-117, 2014

In the present research, we examined the effects of belief in free will on interpersonal aggression. Baumeister et al. (2009) demonstrated disbelief in free will promoted aggression toward an innocent target. However, our aggressive behavior is not limited to such non-retributive aggression. For instance, people often attack a person who has shown aggression against them in order to defend themselves or take sanctions. The strength of such aggressive behavior is proportional to perceived responsibility of the transgressor (Ohbuchi, 1987). It has been shown that belief in free will has strong relation to the attribution of responsibility and punishment. Thus, we predicted belief in free will would promote aggression against a transgressor. Forty-five undergraduates participated in the study and they were randomly assigned to one of the three conditions (free will, determinism, or control). After free will manipulation, participants conducted the competitive reaction time game against a fictitious participant. In the task, participants and a hypothetical opponent repeatedly delivered the blast of white noise to each other. The intensity of the blast of white noise specified by participants was the measure of aggression. The results indicated believing in free will increased aggression among participants high in trait aggression. The finding raise the possibility that belief in free will of self and that of others differently influence aggressive behavior.
渡辺 匠 岡田 真波 酒井 真帆 池谷 光司 唐沢 かおり
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.11, no.1, pp.59-65, 2013

There were two primary purpose of this study. One major purpose was to test the effects of disbelief in free will on self-control and the other purpose was to examine whether free will beliefs affect causal attribution of success and failure. Although a great deal of effort has been made on the definition or existence of free will, only few attempts have so far been made at how people's belief in free will influences subsequent judgment and behavior. As an example of such attempts, Rigoni, Wilquin, Brass, and Burle (2013) found that induced disbelief in free will weakens people's motivation of self-control, which suggests dismissing free will leads people to rely on more automatic and impulsive actions. On the basis of this earlier research, the authors intended to confirm the phenomenon that disbelief in free will reduces motivation of self-control. Furthermore, we investigated the processes of causal attribution by belief in free will since they are thought to be associated with both free will beliefs and self-control. Fifty-two undergraduates participated in the study and they were randomly assigned to one of the three conditions (free will, determinism, or control). After free will manipulation, participants completed the Stroop task, whose performance reflects motivation to self-control. Finally, participants received false feedback of success or failure in the Stroop task and they answered attributional questionnaire. The results did not confirm our hypothesis regarding self-control: Participants who were induced to disbelieve in free will performed equally well in the Stroop task as other conditions. However, causal attribution was linked with manipulation of disbelief in free will: Participants who were induced to disbelieve in free will showed less self-effacing bias in task attribution. The findings are suggestive that free will beliefs alter causal attribution processes, which in turn affect a person's social judgment and behavior.
伊藤 美加 吉川 左紀子
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.9, no.2, pp.89-95, 2011 (Released:2011-12-29)

When we read someone's facial expressions, which part of the face is more important, the upper or the lower part? Are there any difference between the relative important facial parts (upper vs. lower) and whole face in emotional ratings of facial expressions? The stimulus materials were composed facial expressions of six emotions (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise) and neutral expression, created by combining the upper parts (including eye, eyebrow, and forehead) and the lower parts (including nose, mouth, and cheek) of pictures. Specifically, the upper half was one expression and the lower half was neutral (e.g., anger-neutral) or same (e.g., anger-anger). Or the lower half was one expression and the upper half was neutral (e.g., neutral-anger). The participants were shown the facial stimulus and asked to rate each of these for the intensity of the six emotions. The results indicated that the upper areas of the face were more strongly associated with anger, surprise, and sadness, whereas the lower areas were more important in recognizing fear and happiness. Moreover, in recognizing facial expressions, the rating for the relative important facial upper parts was not significantly different from that of the rating for the complete face. Further inspection of expression confusion revealed that "anger" and "fear" were consistently confused with "disgust" and "surprise," respectively.
堀田 千絵 吉岡 尚孝
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.19, no.2, pp.73-81, 2021 (Released:2021-12-29)

The term universal design has come to attract attention, but its concept is vague and has a variety of ways of thinking. This paper aims to develop a model of universal design based on domestic and international trends in education. In this way, we consider the results and issues of universal design in the current education. First, we defined universal design in education by considering the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the inclusive education system, which form the basis of the concept of universal design in education. As a result, based on the educational needs of each child, we were able to understand that, to the maximum extent possible, it is necessary to create an environment in which all children can feel that they are participating in activities related to learning and social life and have a sense of accomplishment while spending fulfilling time. The environmental improvement is related to the content and method of guidance support, and to the system, facilities and equipment of guidance support. These environmental improvements were organized as a means to achieve the goal of enriching children’s lives and participation in learning activities. Then, two universal design approaches in the present education are mentioned. Finally, the results and future problems are examined.
堤田 賢人 白岩 祐子
Society for Human Environmental Studies
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.18, no.1, pp.31-36, 2020 (Released:2020-06-30)

死者は生者よりもポジティブに評価される傾向がある。death positivity biasと呼ばれるこの現象は、シナリオ実験と実際の雑誌記事の両方で確認されている。絵画の世界でも同様に、ゴッホやモジリアーニなど、死後になって評価が高まる画家の存在が知られている。死後に評価が向上する現象は、ゴッホのように傑出した才能をもつ特別な画家以外でも生起するのだろうか。つまり、death positivity biasは絵画全般において生起するのだろうか。この点を検証することが本研究の第一の目的であった。第二の目的は、上記でdeath positivity biasが確認されたとして、それが画家の死による効果なのか、あるいは作品の希少性の高まりによる効果なのかを検討することであった。筆者らはシナリオ実験を行い、架空の無名画家の死亡条件と存命条件、さらに活動停止条件で、絵画および画家への評価を比較した。分散分析の結果、death positivity biasは確認されなかった。この結果は、先行研究がターゲットとした実業家や一般人などとは異なり、画家は死による恩恵を受けにくいことを示している。death positivity biasの発生境界条件や今後の研究の方向性が議論された。
唐沢 かおり 月元 敬
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.8, no.1, pp.1-5, 2010 (Released:2010-06-30)

A survey study was conducted to examine the effect of the information processing styles (rational processing vs. intuitive processing; Epstein, 1994) on the beliefs toward paranormal phenomena. Five-hundred and fifty Japanese citizens who reside in the metropolitan area in Japan were randomly selected and received the questionnaire, and 116 citizens responded. The information processing style was measured with the short version of Rational and Intuitive Information-Processing Style Inventory developed by Naito et al (2004). We also asked the participants to indicate the degree to believe the three kinds of paranormal phenomena; fortune telling ("a horoscope" and "blood type fortune-telling", para-science ("UFO" and "supernatural power", and conventional religion ("gods or Buddha" and "a curse". To examine the effect of the information processing style, we first divided the participants into 4 groups (high-rational and high-intuitive, high-rational and low-intuitive, low-rational and high-intuitive, and low-rational and low-intuitive), and submitted the ratings for the degree to believe the three kind of paranormal phenomena for 2 (high-rational vs. low-rational) x 2 (high-intuitive vs. low-intuitive) ANOVAs. The analyses revealed the significant interaction of rational processing and intuitive processing for fortune telling; the participants who were high-rational and low-intuitive believed the fortune telling less than other. Furthermore, a tendency for the main effect for para-science indicated that those who were high-rational believed para-science more than those who were low-rational. For conventional religion, no effect of information processing style was revealed. The discussion argued that these results were to some extent due to the social functions of three kinds of paranormal phenomena.
中嶋 麻菜 海老原 直邦 西条 寿夫 大平 英樹
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.11, no.1, pp.19-25, 2013 (Released:2013-06-29)
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Many people regularly listen to music for stress reduction and for healing. A number of studies have investigated the effects of music on psychological and physiological states. However, there have been few studies to examine the effects of music on recovery from stress states. Therefore, the present study investigated how psychophysiological stress states can be recovered through listening to music. Sixteen participants (3 men and 13 women) were assigned both to a music-condition and to a no music-condition, and performed the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). The psychological parameters, stress hormones (salivary cortisol and salivary chromogranin A) and autonomic indices (heart rate and heart rate variability; HRV) were measured. All parameters, except autonomic indices, significantly increased after the TSST. Psychological parameters and salivary cortisol showed more significant reduction in participants listening to music than in participants who did not listen to music. When participants listened to music, the heart rate increased and the high frequency of HRV decreased. There was no change in salivary chromogranin A and low frequency/high frequency ratio (LF/HF ratio) of HRV. These results suggest that listening to music led to sympathetic nervous activation rather than parasympathetic nervous activation. Within physiological parameters, salivary cortisol corresponded to psychological stress state most. It could be interpreted that uplifting music made sympathetic nervous activation and led to exultation or excitement rather than to relaxation. Therefore, the autonomic indices would also be corresponding to psychological stress states.
山田 慎太郎 藤井 聡 宮川 愛由
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.14, no.2, pp.155-164, 2016

A referendum in a manner of direct democracy has been occasionally adopted in Japan for a political decision. However, it may not always maximize public interest, and it may thus lead failure. This referendum failure can easily emerge when those who insist a controversial policy, such as politicians who can benefit from the policy, use sophistry to justify the policy. This is because voters can not rationally judge the policy ouing to the sophistry. In this research we focus on politicians' remarks related to the referendum of "Osaka Metropolis Concept" of which voting day was 17th May, 2015 in Osaka City. We quantitatively analyzed remarks by 2 politicians, who are representative debaters in 2 major political parties in Twitter for a month (from 17th, April, 2015 to 17th, May, 2015), and remarks by them in a debate TV program casted in 12th, February, 2015. The result indicates that sophistry accounted for 33.9 % of the Twitter sentences and 48.0 % of the verbal sentences spoken by a politician who insisted the concept, whereas almost no sophistry (only 0.1 %) for the other politician. This result implies that there was risk that voters might not be able not rationally judge based on such frequent sophistry.
加藤 博章
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.13, no.1, pp.37-44, 2015

At the August 2 1990, the Gulf crisis broke out. The United States was seeking the cooperation of the SDF dispatch and funding cooperation in Japan. The Government of Japan was refused dispatch of Self-Defense Forces from the context of Article 9 and accepted other support including financial supports. However, the US Congress and the US media criticized reluctant the correspondence of the Japanese government. Japanese government considered personnel support without using Self-Defense Forces, but Japanese government could not be realized. As a result, Japanese response after the Gulf crisis is described as "Gulf trauma". The main factors that led to this situation was in Japan's political situation at the time. At the time, Liberal Democratic Party was not a majority in the House of Councilors. Therefore, Japanese government needed to assistance by opposition party like Socialist party or Komeito. However, the opposition was reluctant to support to the multinational force. Japanese government was difficult to appeal actively support measures at home and abroad by paying mind for opposition party. In addition, there was also bad timing such as to announce support measures after the additional burden resolution voting against Japan in the US Congress, Japan for the Gulf crisis from the United States Congress and the media, are able to receive it and are taking a passive response, it is they've decided that criticism.
友次 晋介
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.7, no.2, pp.107-127, 2009 (Released:2010-01-14)

This paper examines (1) how the Ford Administration tried to persuade South Korea to give up obtaining the spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plant and their related technologies, which were one of the most sensitive among peaceful nuclear use, and (2) how the Carter Administration solved the dispute with Japan over the operation of its first reprocessing plant in Tokai-Mura. The Ford Administration found the multinational reprocessing concept as a solution to persuade South Korea to forgo its possession of reprocessing plant. In this concept, the multinational reprocessing plant was supposed to be established in territories of a more reliable nation, while the neighboring nations in sensitive areas were to be allowed to access that facility and gain the benefits in exchange for giving up its own reprocessing. The Ford administration tried to get the Japanese help to realize this concept. In the end, South Korea abandoned its reprocessing option because of the U.S. intimidation that the acquisition of reprocessing plant could have a negative impact on the U.S.-Korean bilateral security partnership. The Carter Administration, on the other hand, considered a reprocessing option uneconomic and even universally harmful in terms of proliferation risk, and so it called for a stronger effort to stop the spread of reprocessing plants. As such, the Carter Administration itself abandoned the reprocessing option domestically, while requesting the Japanese to reconsider the operation of the Tokai-Mura plant in attempt to demonstrate that it would seek the universal goal. Thus although the Carter Administration ended up giving concession to the Japanese government, the agreement was made on the condition that Japan's first reprocessing plant was to be operated on experimental basis for the first two years to obtain the technical data for the creation of the international regime to prevent the spread of sensitive technologies.
大隅 尚広 山根 嵩史
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.14, no.2, pp.149-154, 2016 (Released:2017-01-06)

Human well-being or happiness is affected by various elements. Well-being is not only determined by the degree to which individuals can meet their basic physical needs, but also how individuals behave. An example is the effect of altruistic behaviors, which are defined as putting others' needs before one's own. Why do altruistic behaviors contribute to a greater sense of well-being in agents? Based on the theoretical account of the role of altruistic behaviors in biological adaptation, it was hypothesized in this study that enhancement of biological fitness underlies subjective well-being. It is important to note that, in theory, the adaptive role of altruistic behaviors differs depending on the recipients. Kin selection and reciprocity underlie altruistic behaviors toward family members and others, respectively. In particular, altruistic behaviors toward non-family members are predicted to increase the fitness of the agents through reciprocal interactions with others; however, altruistic behaviors toward family members may not necessarily have the same effect on agents. To test the possibility that altruistic behaviors might affect well-being differently depending on the recipient, a survey was conducted using self-report scales on subjective well-being and daily altruistic acts toward family members, friends, and strangers. As a control variable or moderator, subjective socioeconomic status was also measured. As predicted, the results indicated that altruistic behaviors toward non-family members positively affected subjective well-being, but those toward family members did not. This effect was particularly prominent among individuals with a relatively lower subjective socioeconomic status. These findings indicate that a lifestyle based on direct and indirect reciprocal interactions results in increased well-being. Accordingly, the present study suggests that subjective well-being and biological adaptation are intimately connected.