大橋 恵 山口 勧
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.44, no.1, pp.71-81, 2005 (Released:2005-08-26)

日本人には自分を「ふつう」よりも「ふつう」であると知覚する傾向がある(Ohashi & Yamaguchi, 2004)。このように自分の「ふつうさ」を過大視することから,日本では人を形容する言葉としての「ふつう」に望ましい意味が付与されていると考えられる。本研究は,「ふつうであること」は好意及び望ましい特性と結びついてとらえられているという仮説を立てた。大学生150名及び社会人61名にある一定の条件にあった人物を想起させ,その印象を測定する方法で,「ふつうの人」は,「ふつうではない人」よりも好かれていると知覚されていることを示した。さらに,「ふつうの人」の印象は「良い意味でふつうの人」の印象に近く,「ふつうではない人」の印象は「悪い意味でふつうではない人」に近いか(大学生)「良い意味でふつうではない人」よりも悪かった(社会人)。固有文化心理学の立場から理論的な考察を行った。
藤後 悦子 三好 真人 井梅 由美子 大橋 恵 川田 裕次郎
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.3, pp.309-315, 2018 (Released:2018-08-28)

Children’s community sports require assistance of parents, such as in overseeing practices and in transportation to and from game venues; this means that parents are deeply involved with the teams. Parents have both positive and negative experiences with respect to their children’s sports activities. As a qualitative survey, this study aimed to clarify the kind of negative experiences that mothers have regarding their children’s community sports activities and to explore the conditions necessary for building a better team environment. Eight mothers with children who belonged to the community sports team until “retirement” were interviewed. Through analysis using M-GTA, the six categories were extracted: Problems concerning children’s competitive activities, problems with coaches, difficulties in balancing their own lives and the children’s activities, problems concerning the interference from and expectations of fathers, problems related to roles and duties, and relationship problems between mothers. Based on these results, educational intervention for parents was shown to be necessary, and recommendations for the future sports environment are presented.
藤後 悦子 三好 真人 井梅 由美子 大橋 恵 川田 裕次郎
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.89.17302, (Released:2018-07-14)

Children’s community sports require assistance of parents, such as in overseeing practices and in transportation to and from game venues; this means that parents are deeply involved with the teams. Parents have both positive and negative experiences with respect to their children’s sports activities. As a qualitative survey, this study aimed to clarify the kind of negative experiences that mothers have regarding their children’s community sports activities and to explore the conditions necessary for building a better team environment. Eight mothers with children who belonged to the community sports team until “retirement” were interviewed. Through analysis using M-GTA, the six categories were extracted: Problems concerning children’s competitive activities, problems with coaches, difficulties in balancing their own lives and the children’s activities, problems concerning the interference from and expectations of fathers, problems related to roles and duties, and relationship problems between mothers. Based on these results, educational intervention for parents was shown to be necessary, and recommendations for the future sports environment are presented.
大橋 恵 井梅 由美子 藤後 悦子 川田 裕次郎
コミュニティ心理学研究 (ISSN:13428691)
vol.20, no.2, pp.226-242, 2017-02-28 (Released:2019-04-05)

Community sports clubs can provide children with adequate opportunities to exercise. However, researchers have indicated certain problems faced by such clubs, which are volunteer associations. The present study conducted an internet based survey and inquired coaches in community sport clubs (N=150) about their work as coaches, about the equipment they use, and about the problems they had faced, among others. Results indicated that coaches usually worked voluntarily, that they attempted to communicate positively with children, and maintained the security of children. On the other hand they had difficulties in maintaining appropriate relationships with parents, in dealing with children having difficult personalities, and in dealing with children that are not serious about playing sports. Although the voices of coaches in community sports clubs were greatly identified, there were certain limitations to the study. Because of the small sample size, we cannot compare responses between different kinds of sports and different goals coaches and parents have.
大橋 恵 井梅 由美子 藤後 悦子
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.21, no.1, pp.39-46, 2023 (Released:2023-06-01)

There have been a number of studies on the competition in entrance examinations, but very few studies have empirically examined the middle school entrance examination, which is qualitatively different from senior high school and university entrance examinations because children must have parental support. The scope of the examination is beyond the knowledge acquired in school, and parents must be proactive in choosing whether their children should take the examination. In this study, an online survey was disseminated to Tokyo metropolitan area residents with children in the sixth grade (N = 800) to clarify the differences between families whose children took or did not take the middle school entrance examination. Reasons for allowing children to take the examination (or not) were also explored. Results indicated that a region with a perceived high examination rate, the mother's high level of education, and the child's same-sex parent had taken the exam increased the probability that children would take the middle school entrance examination. Additionally, an early birth order and higher parental age for parents of female children, along with the full-time working status of mothers of male children, were factors in favor of taking the middle school entrance examination.
川口 めぐみ 大橋 恵 井梅 由美子
教育システム情報学会誌 (ISSN:13414135)
vol.40, no.3, pp.219-227, 2023-07-01 (Released:2023-07-01)

In 2020, almost all universities students enrolled in on-campus programs started implementing remote learning due to the influence of COVID-19. Data were collected from 514 university students enrolled in on-campus programs (352 students in the Kanto area and 162 students in the Kansai area). Various aspects of their remote learning experiences were examined, including their understanding through remote learning; difficulty in maintaining self-motivation when learning on one’s own. The results revealed a positive relationship between learning motivation and understanding, which implies that there is a need to examine the motivation level when providing and implementing remote learning lessons for students enrolled in on-campus programs.
上原 沙織 石黒 宏美 初谷 周子 大橋 恵美 尾山 真理 土屋 康雄 中村 和利 Uehara Saori Ishiguro Hiromi Hatsugai Shuko Ohashi Emi Oyama Mari Tsuchiya Yasuo Nakamura Kazutoshi
新潟医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290440)
vol.123, no.6, pp.311-317, 2009-06

紫外線は, 様々な皮膚症状や眼症状, 免疫機能低下などの健康影響を引き起こすことが示されている. これらの健康影響を防止するためには, 紫外線環境を正しく把握する必要がある. そこで, 2008年10月22日, ハワイ, ワイキキビーチにおいて, 日照地点と目陰地点の紫外線強度の日内変動, 及び各種商品による紫外線カット率を調べた. 日照地点の直射方向, 水平方向, 日陰地点の垂直方向, 水平方向, 地面方向からの紫外線は12時に最高値を示し, 日照地点の垂直方向, 地面方向は15時に最高値を示した. すべての方向で山型のグラフを示すことが明らかとなった. 各種商品の紫外線カット率は, 縁Tシャツ, 日傘, 日焼け止めクリーム, 雨傘はほぼ90%を示したが, 白Tシャツは68%程度であることが示された. 日照地点では9時から15時の間はUV indexが3以上を示したことから, 日焼け止めクリーム, 濃い色のTシャツ, 日傘, 雨傘などの有効な紫外線対策が必要であると考えられた. 今後, 紫外線の影響を防止する観点から, 日焼け止めクリームの紫外線カット率の経時変化などについて焦点を当てて調査する必要があると考える.
大橋 恵 藤後 悦子 井梅 由美子 川田 裕次郎
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.26, no.2, pp.2_243-2_254, 2016 (Released:2016-10-21)

Playing sports occupies an important place in the life of elementary school children. Community sport clubs can provide children with adequate opportunities to exercise. However, researchers have indicated certain problems faced by such clubs, due to their status of being volunteer associations.    The present study investigated problems faced by community based junior sports clubs in Japan, from the perspective of coaches participating in these clubs as volunteers. An online survey was conducted with sports coaches who had experience in coaching team sports in community based junior sport clubs in Japan (N = 456). A questionnaire asked coaches about the type of sports they led (football, baseball, basketball, or volleyball), their confidence as a coach, and their shortcomings in different domains, including the lack of coaching skills, lack of event skills and lack of knowledge about child development, etc., as well as general shortcomings of coaches in these domains. Results indicated that many coaches felt they lacked coaching skills, athletic skills, and knowledge about child development. A multiple regression analysis indicated that training in coaching skills and event skills could enhance their confidence as coaches, and this was found to increase their improvement motivation. It is also suggested that there is a need to develop methods to develop skills of coaches, because many coaches are busy.
藤後 悦子 三好 真人 大橋 恵 井梅 由美子
応用心理学研究 (ISSN:03874605)
vol.47, no.3, pp.178-189, 2022-03-31 (Released:2022-06-30)

Lifelong sports activities are expected to promote the physical and mental health of special needs children and result in many other positive effects, such as social development and making friends. Many children with special needs participate in community sports; however, their coaches are unlikely to be experts on special needs children, or knowledgeable about them. A qualitative survey was conducted to clarify the content of coaching and difficulties faced by coaches involved in community sports for special needs children. Sports coaches (N = 13, 9 men, and 4 women) who have educated children with special needs were interviewed. An M-GTA analysis extracted 6 categories and 25 concepts: "Problems faced," "ingenuity of relationships," "difficulty in relationships with other children, " "proactive relationships with other children," "relationship with parents," and "self-change." Results indicated that the coaches were confused about their understanding of the background of children with special needs, although they were trying to improve their skills. These results indicated the need for a training system for coaching and parenting special needs children. We have presented recommendations for future sports environments.
藤後 悦子 大橋 恵 井梅 由美子
学校法人 三幸学園 東京未来大学
東京未来大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18825273)
vol.14, pp.129-139, 2020-03-31 (Released:2020-05-21)

There are various types of harassments in children’s sports, including corporal punishment by coaches. Not only coaches but also cheering groups, especially bystanders of cheering groups, are important factors in harassment. The authors focused on psychological harassment by parents of team members, which is known as “bench- harassment” and investigated what parents expect or do not expect from coaches and parents of other team members(cheering groups)to identify conditions of sports harassment and improve the sports environment. A survey was conducted with parents( N=112)with children enrolled in elementary school and junior high school attending a private basketball club in the Kanto area. The results indicated that parents expected coaches to provide “concrete advice and welldesigned training” as well as “mental support.” On the other hand, they expected coaches to avoid “violence or violent language” or provide “low-quality training.” They expected parents of other team members to provide “support for the smooth operation of the team” and “mental support,” and avoid “attitudes inappropriate for adults” or “negative attitudes or behaviors.” The child-centered sports environment was examined from the perspective of children’s rights and sports principles based on the above results.
大橋 恵 藤後 悦子 井梅 由美子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.93.20224, (Released:2022-03-31)

Coaching harassment, which includes physical violence (corporal punishment), psychological violence, and other inappropriate coaching behaviors such as unfair treatment and favoritism, is known to occur in junior sports. Previous studies have primarily focused on the effects and qualitative characteristics of harassment. Moreover, a scale for convenient and appropriate assessment of coaching harassment experiences have not been developed to date. This study developed a scale to assess coaching harassment experiences in sports that comprised of nine items assessing concrete behaviors. A survey using the scale was conducted with university and vocational school students asking about their sports experiences in senior high school. The scale’s internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and concurrent validity were examined, which indicated adequate results. It is expected that using this scale in future studies will demonstrate the psychological effects of coaching harassment on motivation and mental health, as well as the process through which coaching harassment occurs.
大橋 恵
学校法人 三幸学園 東京未来大学
東京未来大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18825273)
vol.3, pp.29-36, 2010-03-20 (Released:2019-01-15)

The present study examined the cultural value attached to ordinariness in Japan. In previous researches, the Japanese attitude toward ordinariness was examined only among young adults. The present study aimed to ascertain the developmental changes in this attitude toward ordinariness. Elementary, junior high, and university students in the Tokyo area were asked about the connotations of the word “ordinary” in the phrase “an ordinary person.” In addition, they were asked to rate their image of an ordinary person using adjective pairs. It was found that while ordinariness did not receive a very favorable evaluation in general, the evaluation of junior-high students was greater than that of university students.
藤後 悦子 大橋 恵 井梅 由美子 川田 裕次郎

大橋 恵 井梅 由美子 藤後 悦子
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.32, no.1, pp.1_39-1_49, 2022 (Released:2022-01-20)

Grit, the ability to continue to work passionately and persistently on long-term goals, has been attracting attention in recent years as a factor that contributes to life success. The Grit Scale consists of two sub-scales, “consistency of interest,” which is the passion to put effort into the same goal over a long period, and “persistence of effort,” which is the tenacity to continuously strive for the goal. Among several activities that may increase grit, we chose coaching style in a sports club. An online survey was conducted with freshmen from a university and a vocational school who had participated in sports clubs in the past, that is, until they graduated from high-school (n=415), and those who did not have such experience (n=88). Sports club members were found to have higher persistence of effort than those who did not belong to sports clubs. Moreover, among sports club members, the persistence of effort score was higher after controlling the five personality scores when the club was more active and when their coach was more task-oriented. Although a causal relationship cannot be determined because this was a cross-sectional survey, this study is significant as it shows the possibility of the positive effect of continuous participation in sports and the coaching style. In the future, it is recommended that studies use various samples and a longitudinal study design.
大橋 恵 ターン 有加里ジェシカ 藤後 悦子 井梅 由美子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.93.20038, (Released:2021-12-25)

While community-based sports clubs can provide children with opportunities for physical exercise, they often need a high degree of support from the children’s parents. The present study investigated the motivations for mothers to support these clubs based on previous studies on motivation for volunteering. We conducted an online survey of Japanese mothers (N = 800) whose children in grades three to six participated in community-based junior sports clubs (N = 800). The results indicated that high levels of harassment among parents, as well as volunteer requirements, increased the mothers’ feelings of being burdened, causing them to be less likely to continue supporting the club. We also found that the satisfaction with volunteer participation had positive effects on the mothers’ intentions to continue to support the clubs and reduced feelings of being burdened. Furthermore, justice sensitivity moderated the relationship between the sense of burden and the intention to continue supporting the clubs. The results of the present study are expected to be examined with respect to other volunteer activities.
大橋 恵 坪井 寿子 藤後 悦子 伊藤 恵子 山極 和佳 府川 昭世
学校法人 三幸学園 東京未来大学
東京未来大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18825273)
vol.4, pp.65-75, 2011-03-18 (Released:2019-01-18)

影向 範昭 山本 加代子 高橋 美枝子 岡田 道子 遠藤 泰 千葉 智子 遠藤 初恵 鬼頭 健二 鈴木 恵美子 森塚 光子 吉田 紀昭 遠山 邦子 大久保 幸子 大橋 恵 上中 清隆
一般社団法人 日本歯科薬物療法学会
歯科薬物療法 (ISSN:02881012)
vol.27, no.1, pp.36-44, 2008-04-01 (Released:2010-06-08)

The present study surveyed the application of antimicrobials in dental practice in 17 private dental college or university hospitals in Japan, in order to investigate the actual conditions of using antimicrobials.According to the medicinal virtues, a drug list with percentage was prepared depending upon the number of actual use of internal medicine, injections provided in the prescription or instructions for the 10-day period from September 4 to 15, 2006. Furthermore, a survey of the kind of antimicrobials with consumption for each hospital was also done for the six-month period from April 1, 2006 to September 30, 2006.Classified by medicinal virtues by internal use medicines, the proportion of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs accounted for 32% each, and gargle and gastrointestinal medicine for 12% and 10% respectively. Among the internal use antimicrobials, usage of the cephem system was 54% whereas penicillin and macrolide system were 23% and 21%, respectively. The largest consumption was cefcapene pivoxil hydrochloride for antibacterial medicines. This drug was widely used in 10 out of 17 hospitals. Erythromycin ethylsuccinate was in second position, followed by cefdinir, rifampicin and ampicillin.The method of marking order of each hospital and order of the total consumption were analyzed and some differences in consumption of different drugs were observed. Many hospitals suggested the use of clarithromycin, cefaclor and amoxicillin although consumption was low.According to the medicinal virtues of injectable medicines, the frequency of use of antimicrobials was the highest (34%) . Among the injectable antimicrobials, the cephem based system (60%) and penicillin system (33%) accounted for more than 90% of the total use. Cefazolin was the most consumed drug, followed by asoxicillin, flomoxef sodium and ceftriaxone.