大橋 恵 井梅 由美子 藤後 悦子
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.32, no.1, pp.1_39-1_49, 2022 (Released:2022-01-20)

Grit, the ability to continue to work passionately and persistently on long-term goals, has been attracting attention in recent years as a factor that contributes to life success. The Grit Scale consists of two sub-scales, “consistency of interest,” which is the passion to put effort into the same goal over a long period, and “persistence of effort,” which is the tenacity to continuously strive for the goal. Among several activities that may increase grit, we chose coaching style in a sports club. An online survey was conducted with freshmen from a university and a vocational school who had participated in sports clubs in the past, that is, until they graduated from high-school (n=415), and those who did not have such experience (n=88). Sports club members were found to have higher persistence of effort than those who did not belong to sports clubs. Moreover, among sports club members, the persistence of effort score was higher after controlling the five personality scores when the club was more active and when their coach was more task-oriented. Although a causal relationship cannot be determined because this was a cross-sectional survey, this study is significant as it shows the possibility of the positive effect of continuous participation in sports and the coaching style. In the future, it is recommended that studies use various samples and a longitudinal study design.
岡安 功
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.31, no.1, pp.1_53-1_63, 2021-01-01 (Released:2021-01-24)

Attracting participants to events such as marathon leads to expectations of increased socio-economic benefits within the host region. Furthermore, the classification of runners is important for continued running of such events, while participants’ sense of attachment to these events is also critical to repeat participation. The spotlight of this research was on the classification of three types of self-assessment type runners who focus on the concept of running involvement-related recreation specialization, while our aim was to show a correlation between runners’ self-assessments and sense of attachment to these events. The response rate was 247 runners. The relationship between self-assessment types and the event attachment to such events—addiction to events and sense of identity through events—showed a difference between the two senses of event attachment among type 3 of runners (casual, active and committed). Further examination revealed that committed runners showed higher averages of both factors, compared to other groups.
醍醐 笑部 阿部 拓真
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.32, no.1, pp.1_1-1_17, 2022 (Released:2022-01-20)

The current research examined the successful experiences and challenges faced by charity participants in the Tokyo marathon. Constraint negotiation (Jackson and Rucks, 1995) served as a theoretical framework to guide this examination. Original data collected by the Tokyo Marathon committee from 2013-2019 was used for data analysis to investigate medium-term changes. A web survey of the past Tokyo Marathon charity participants was conducted to discuss their fundraising experiences and their attitude toward charity. As a result of medium-term analysis, it was found that most of the charity runners decided on their participation because of their ‘running’ motivation for Tokyo Marathon, but of a charity opportunity. The chance of getting into the Tokyo Marathon as a general participant is one in ten or twelve and this situation assists their decision making. Also, fundraising, which is increasing in popularity in the US and Australia, was still quite low in this context. Three factors of successful experiences were revealed from the web survey; one was related to the subject and content of the fundraising, and the second was related to place and tools, and the third factor was related to the way to utilize the general fundraising skill. Four challenges were revealed; challenges for the charity runner her/himself, discomfort in asking donation for donors and potential donors, difficulties about feelings toward the Tokyo marathon charity system, and the lack of a Japanese charity culture.
日比 千里 青柳 健隆 荒井 弘和 守屋 志保 岡 浩一朗
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.25, no.1, pp.1_11-1_24, 2015

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In competitive sports, the enhancing of physical abilities, technical skills, and psychological states is vital for excelling in competition. A team&rsquo; s psychological wellbeing is often the deciding factor in team sport success. Nevertheless, few efficient strategies have been made for boosting teams&rsquo; psychological states, particularly during matches. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate practitioners&rsquo; perceptions of <I>Enjin</I> (forming a circle) strategies used to enhance a team&rsquo; s psychological acuity during matches. In addition, motivations to initiate <I>Enjin</I> strategies, content, and changes observed after implementing these strategies were emphasized. The study was conducted following three steps. First, a women&rsquo; s collegiate basketball team&rsquo; s <I>Enjin</I> strategies were observed and recorded during an official match. Second, a team coach and four players were interviewed concerning these strategies, after viewing a recording of the match. The participants were requested to provide (1) motivations to implement <I>Enjin</I> strategies; (2) <I>Enjin</I> content; and (3) changes experienced after implementing <I>Enjin</I> strategies. Third, the study results were analyzed following the KJ method. The analysis revealed seven motivations, including &ldquo;routine,&rdquo; &ldquo;desire to enhance team cohesion,&rdquo; and &ldquo;foul play.&rdquo; In addition, four types of <I>Enjin</I> content were identified, including &ldquo;encouragement,&rdquo; &ldquo;information on tactics,&rdquo; &ldquo;apologizing,&rdquo; and &ldquo;battle cries.&rdquo; Subsequently, eleven changes, including &ldquo;enhanced team cohesion&rdquo; , &ldquo;shared perspectives among team members,&rdquo; and &ldquo;improved excitement levels,&rdquo; were identified. It was inferred that <I>Enjin</I> strategies enhanced the teams&rsquo; psychological states, based on these results. However, additional studies involving several teams, games, events, and genders are required to complement these results.
束原 文郎
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.21, no.2, pp.149-168, 2011 (Released:2011-11-23)
4 2

This study defines the students who have continuously belonged to a sports club built systematically in the school constitution as “TAIIKUKAIKEI” students, and clarifies when and how this idea came into being and the common understanding that “TAIIKUKAIKEI” students could be regarded as more favorable human resources than the other students in job hunting in Japan. The document sources are mainly gathered from articles in the business magazine ‘JITSUGYOU NO NIHON’ , that was circulated widely from the end of the Meiji era to the beginning of the Showa era.    The results are summarized as follows. At the beginning of the Taisho era, the idea or consciousness of “TAIIKUKAIKEI” had not existed yet, but there was a belief that it was necessary to have a robust body in order to survive the competition of society. In the middle of the Taisho era, behind the growing enthusiasm for sports, people became conscious that lots of executives of big companies had been “TAIIKUKAIKEI” and it had the media values of : (1) advertisement and (2) prevention of being left in remote colonial places, and so it was observed that “TAIIKUKAIKEI employment” was coming into being. By the end of the Taisho era, reflecting the excessive emphasis on academic attainments in recruiting, “TAIIKUKAIKEI employment” came to be established.    Afterwards, at the beginning of the Showa era, the process of distinguishing between "Professional” and “Amateur” became clearer and the latter became dominant over the former in “TAIIKUKAIKEI employment” , and sportsmanship became a more important element in composing a useful body. In the days when the labor movement was growing radically in response to the depression, ideological problems such as alerting to Marxists, leftists, and communists were supposed to be social issues. In this context, the students with physical and mental problem-this study named them “KYOYOKEI” in contrast to “TAIIKUKAIKEI” -received negative images and seemed to have been shunned by companies. At the same time, because the “TAIIKUKAIKEI” had not changed anything, they were understood to have a moderate ideology and to be more important from the viewpoint of employment.
松村 浩貴 原田 将
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.26, no.1, pp.1_93-1_105, 2016 (Released:2016-04-26)

The purpose of this study was to clarify how product satisfaction, brand trust, and brand loyalty are related to each other in regard to the purchasing of running shoes. The authors divided participants into two groups according to the quantity of training (running distance per month). The group which had lesser running distance was classified as the low product involvement group, and the group which had more running distance was classified as the high product involvement group. Then we examined the differences in the levels of product involvement.     The data was collected from runners who participated in the 2014 Kobe Marathon held in Kobe, Hyogo, Japan. The total number of participants whose data was collected was 695. Product satisfaction was measured by 3 items, brand trust was measured by 4 items, and brand loyalty was measured by 2 items. The data analysis was first conducted by a confirmatory factor analysis. This study also checked the reliability and validity of the three-factor measurement. Structural equation modeling was conducted to test the hypotheses.    Reliability and validity satisfied the criteria. Analysis of structural equation modeling yielded a good fit of statistics (low product involvement group: GFI=.943, AGFI=.893, CFI=.971, RMSEA=.080, high product involvement group: GFI=.955, AGFI=.915, CFI=.968, RMSEA=.083).     The results of this study revealed the following facts: 1. In the low product involvement group, product satisfaction mediated brand trust and gave a positive impact to brand loyalty. In addition, product satisfaction did not affect brand loyalty.2. In the high product involvement group, correlation were confirmed in all three hypotheses. Product satisfaction influenced brand trust,and brand trust also affected brand loyalty. In addition, product satisfaction affected brand loyalty.
石原 豊一
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.20, no.1, pp.81-90, 2010

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The global expansion of sports has accomplished a transformation from a hegemonic spread, such as people in the colonies received from modern sports in the suzerainty of the colonial era to the diffusion of comodificated spectator sports after the World War II. The expansion of baseball after the 1990&prime;s can be regarded as a model for the construction of interdependent relations on an earth scale which is based on the existence of a professional league in Latin America and the east Asian nations under the MLB, and the expansion of the market and the network for player recruitment to the baseball barren areas such as Europe and Africa. This article discusses professional baseball in China that started in the 1990&prime;s when the globalization of professional baseball was advanced. First, a general view of the history of baseball in this country is related, based on previous work. Then it discusses whether CBL, a particular professional sports league with a certain meaning, which hasn&rsquo; t constructed its earning system get, will be able to get on the right track as a sports industry in the future and whether the Beijing Olympic Games can provide an opportunity to do so is argued according to the results obtained in 2008 by the questionnaire used at the Beijing Olympic Stadium.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is difficult to forecast the image of the future of CBL. Optimistic observation can be derived from the high percent of opinion that watching the Olympic baseball game is good chance of playing baseball and watching CBL games. But it is uncertain whether this result reflects the testee&prime;s continuous intention. On the other hand, pessimism is derived from the result that the interest in baseball doesn&prime;t directly connect with the popularity of a domestic league, according to the development of media.
齊藤 恵理称 中村 好男
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.21, no.1, pp.85-90, 2011

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In this article, the authors introduce an interesting and fresh marketing approach for the running market. Adidas, one of the world&rsquo; s top sports brands, conducted consumer research on 1,000 runners from all over Japan and released a previously unknown fact that 80% of Japanese general runners were sharing the same inner problems such as, &ldquo;I had lost my aim or purpose in running&rdquo; , &ldquo;I was uncertain of appropriate running techniques&rdquo; and &ldquo;I was not realizing any benefit from running.&rdquo; Adidas set this large group as their primary target consumers. Then, they used the name &ldquo;Meiso Runners&rdquo; and promoted this concept in the mass media as a highly influential communication technique.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They executed the marketing communication activities with using &ldquo;Strategic PR&rdquo; for their service and products. They created the concept of &ldquo;Meiso Runners&rdquo; , and consequently they made a strong impact on the running market through the big media coverage and achieved a great success in their business; increasing their sales to 120% of the previous year.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is believed that by creating the concept of &ldquo;Meiso Runners&rdquo; and by clearly defining the concerns of this group of runners, Adidas was able to catapult running into discussions across a broad spectrum of society, and acquire awareness about which of their products and services provided ideal solutions to meet the runners&rsquo; needs.
齊藤 恵理称 中村 好男
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.28, no.4, pp.4_337-4_343, 2018

The purpose of this study was to examine how 3 psychological problems facing Japanese runners,; &ldquo;aim in running,&rdquo; &ldquo;running techniques,&rdquo; and &ldquo;benefit from running&rdquo; influence runner&rsquo; s attitudes and actions, based on the research conducted by Adidas on 1,000 runners from all over Japan. <BR>  Logistic regression analysis revealed that the psychological problems were connected to the runner&rsquo;s attitudes and actions. The results indicated that solutions for psychological problems would increase the frequency of running and lead to continuity of running. And as for the solutions, &ldquo;development of a program designed for purpose&rdquo; was found to be a common solution for 3 psychological problems. Moreover, it was found that different solutions would be required for each runner&rsquo;s psychological problem, based on the results in which 3 psychological problems showed different trends of runner&rsquo; s feelings and actions.<BR>  It is suggested that the question of how to develop a &ldquo;program designed for purpose&rdquo; will be an upcoming challenge for the future, and it was indicated that the key to providing the purpose-designed program and incorporating other solutions would be in helping runners to access the appropriate information.
荒井 弘和 樋口 匡貴 伊藤 拓 中村 菜々子
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.31, no.3, pp.3_261-3_266, 2021 (Released:2021-07-24)

This study examines the perceptions of citizens living in Tokyo, which is hosting the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, in the immediate aftermath of the decision to postpone the event. The study is a cross-sectional online survey involving 2,011 respondents (975 males, 1,026 females, 1 other, and 9 non-respondents; mean age ± SD = 44.19 ± 14.08 years; 1 missing). The respondents were asked to choose from the following six options with regard to the postponement of the Tokyo 2020 Games: (1) the Games should be held as planned and on the same schedule (implementation group), (2) the Games should be held as planned but with no spectators and with measures to prevent infection (no-spectator implementation group), (3) the Games should be held as planned and postponed (postponement group), (4) the Games should be postponed, with no spectators and with measures to prevent infection (no-spectator postponement group), (5) should be cancelled (cancel group), and (6) other. The study examined residents' perceptions of the Tokyo 2020 Games following the decision to postpone the event, and made the following conclusions: (1) more than 40% of respondents believed that the Games should be cancelled, (2) perceptions may differ slightly by gender and age, and (3) many respondents believed that the Games should be held without spectators, with other arrangements. The findings can be used as a basis for building
備前 嘉文
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.30, no.4, pp.4_369-4_380, 2020-10-01 (Released:2020-10-15)

In recent years, even as the management forms of many leagues and teams and the contract forms of players have become professional, the environment provided for referees to judge and manage matches has not kept pace. In the future, improving not only the performance of the athletes, but also the qualifications of the referees will be indispensable for improving their competitiveness in various sports. It is not clear what the referees currently active in the top leagues of each sport are doing on a daily basis. This study aims to clarify : the current state of referees active in the top leagues of domestic ball games, and the regular efforts made by the referees to take part in refereeing activities. We conducted a questionnaire survey for referees in 12 leagues of the nine sports that make up the Japan Top League alliance. The survey was conducted from March 9 to April 7, 2019, and responses were obtained from 310 referees (260 males, 50 females). According to the analysis, there were only seven professional referees who earned a living solely from referee activities. Further, the average number of games per year in which they officiated was 33.61 (median : 30), and the average number of days during the season they were involved in refereeing activities was 76.51 (median : 60). These results show that many referees spend most of their weekends during the season in refereeing. Regarding the daily efforts to participate in refereeing activities, it was found that many referees routinely manage their time. In particular, it was found that referees with extensive experience have eliminated the constraints that make past experience the basis for participation in refereeing activities.
原田 宗彦
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.15, no.1, pp.11-15, 2005-03-31 (Released:2010-07-27)
ウルヴェ 京 筒井 香 神武 直彦
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.29, no.1, pp.29_71, 2019

川名 光太郎 平田 竹男
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.20, no.1, pp.43-51, 2010

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In this research, we focused on the competitive balance in the open league. We aimed to find out the effect of the league system&rsquo; s change, with or without new entries, and find out the relationship between wages and competitive balance. This research analyzed the J. League (Japan Professional Football League) , which changed from a closed league to an open league, and the English Premier League, which changed the revenue structure and increased its turnover in recent years. To measure competitive balance, we used the Herfindahl Index of Competitive Balance (HICB) , the Five Club Concentration Index of Competitive Balance (C5 index) . As a result, it was found that in the Premier League, competitive balance has declined in recent years. But in the J. League, on the other hand, after 1999, the year that the Second tier (J2) was made and the League adopted the promotion and relegation system, competitive balance slowly increased. Imbalance of Wages in the Premier League was substantially larger than in the J. League. From these results, we made a suggestion that adoption of a promotion and relegation system is one of the factors which improve competitive balance.
出口 順子 菊池 秀夫
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.26, no.1, pp.1_61-1_72, 2016 (Released:2016-04-26)

With respect to the decision-making processes of consumers of major sports, Yoshida (2011) reports that there is a research group linking customer loyalty to customer satisfaction and one linking customer loyalty to social identity, and suggests using a theoretical model to integrate both research groups. Although constructing a model that simultaneously examines these relationships is important both for academic and practical reasons, no empirical research has been undertaken. Therefore, the objective of this study was to utilize data in order to verify the basic structure of the model proposed by Yoshida. Specifically, data on the spectators of the V. Premier League was used to analyze the relationship between team identity, game satisfaction, and behavioral intention. As a result of this analysis, the model was verified. Furthermore, the positive impact of team identity and game satisfaction on behavioral intention, and the positive correlation between team identity and game satisfaction was confirmed.
大村 浩次 吉尾 春樹
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.30, no.3, pp.3_331, 2020 (Released:2020-07-24)

『スポーツ産業学研究』第29巻第4号の223ページに誤りがありましたので, 下記のように訂正いたします.(正)アビスパ福岡の経営危機とその克服の経緯†大村浩次*,** 吉尾春樹***,****A Case of Management Crisis and Overcome in Avispa Fukuoka†Koji OMURA*,** and Haruki YOSHIO***,****(正) *APAMAN株式会社 〒100-0004 東京都千代田区大手町2-6-1 **アビスパ・グローバル・アソシエイツ 〒813-0018 福岡県福岡市東区香椎浜ふ頭1-2-17 ***株式会社システムソフト 〒100-0004 東京都千代田区大手町2-6-1****アビスパ福岡株式会社 〒813-0018 福岡県福岡市東区香椎浜ふ頭1-2-17 *Apaman Co., Ltd., 2-6-1, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan (100-0004) **Avispa Global Associates, 1-2-17, Kashiihama-futou, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan (813-0018) ***Systemsoft corporation, 2-6-1, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan (100-0004)****AVISPA FUKUOKA CO., LTD., 1-2-17, Kashiihama-futou, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan (813-0018)
亀谷 涼 島本 好平 中須賀 巧 土屋 裕睦
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.31, no.2, pp.2_173-2_181, 2021-04-01 (Released:2021-04-26)

A longitudinal survey of university soccer competitions investigated whether competition results influenced Life Skills (LS) acquisition. We selected coaches in the second division (A-League) of the Kansai Student Soccer League that were similar in age, years of coaching, and coaching achievements for a longitudinal study. The study investigated the relationship between competition results and LS in participants coached by these coaches at three time-points in May, August, and December. Students from A and B universities (N = 90) participated in the study. The results indicated no significant differences between the two universities in the first-semester competition results, whereas large differences were indicated in the second semester. LS sub-factors′ mean values, “goal setting” and “always making one′s best effort” in December were significantly higher in University B than A. These results indicated that competition results temporarily increased LS. Previous studies have suggested that LS acquisition might determine competition results, and competition results and LS acquisition might influence each other. On the other hand, “appreciating others” in the two universities was significantly lower in August than in May, regardless of competition results, possibly because games are suspended in August. Having no family or friends to cheer the students might reduce their opportunities for thanking surrounding people. It is suggested that coaches take the initiative to teach students the critical role of feeling grateful to surrounding people at these times.
伊藤 華英 山田 快 舟橋 弘晃 上林 功 間野 義之 広沢 正孝
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.27, no.3, pp.3_203-3_221, 2017 (Released:2017-08-03)

The purpose of this research was to develop a swimmer-specific mental toughness inventory. In the pilot survey, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 7 Japanese individual sports Olympic medalists (4 males, 3 females) in order to identify the characteristics of elite swimmers’ mental toughness using a qualitative analysis method, the KJ method, considering higher- and lower-order structures. In the main research, a questionnaire regarding mental toughness was conducted on 254 swimmers (151 males, 103 females) who met the finishing time set by the Japan Swimming Federation with the purpose of enhancing swimmers’ competitiveness (assumed as elite swimmers in this study). The development of a swimmer-specific mental toughness inventory was attempted using a questionnaire developed by extracting swimmers’ mental toughness characteristics revealed in the pilot survey. After excluding defective answers, 194 (117 males, 77 females) samples were included in analysis. Exploratory factor analysis indicated that the inventory consisted of five factors and three items. After scrutiny of what constituted the extracted five factors, they were named the following: “Fortitude,” “Commitment to the Sport,” “Psychological Conditioning,” “Self-control,” and “Resilience.” Exploratory factor analysis was once again conducted through the maximum-likelihood method and Promax rotation and it confirmed internal validity. Conversion validity and divergent validity were examined, both of which adequately fulfilled the Goodness of Fit Index and standard path coefficient. Finally, adequate criterion-related validity was verified using correlation analysis with DIPCA.3. The factors of mental toughness in elite swimmers were similar to those in other sports. Japanese elite swimmers’ mental toughness characteristics were identified and a swimmer-specific mental toughness inventory was developed. This scale will be useful for helping coaches to understand Japanese elite swimmers’ mental toughness.