有山 篤利 中西 純司 島本 好平 金野 潤
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.18048, (Released:2019-02-28)

Focusing on the theory of the “principle of ju” that generates movements and techniques reflecting the proverb “softness overcomes hardness: ju yoku go wo seisu”, we discuss the relationship between the movement of modern judo practitioners and its sportization, in order to grasp the current situation of judo in Japan. It was found that there are 3 levels among contemporary Japanese judo practitioners: (1) those who practice judo in the context of a competitive sport while being aware of the tradition, (2) those who practice judo purely as a competitive sport, and (3) those who practice the traditional skills of a martial art. It is widely recognized that those at level (1) tend to neglect, whereas those at level (3) tend to emphasize the arts of judo. Also, older judo practitioners tend to emphasize the proverb “softness overcomes hardness”, but this is unrelated to the length of time spent training and the dan level of the practitioner. Many present day judo practitioners regard judo as a competitive sport, suggesting that – in terms of movement – Japan’s judo tradition being lost. On the other hand, however, it has also become clear that those who love judo and practice it with an attitude not obsessed with victory or defeat or of improving their skills, attach great importance to “softness overcomes hardness”. In order for judo to continue to remain a “physical exercise culture proclaiming the place of traditional Japan in a global world”, it can be suggested that the challenge lies in the rebuilding of the interaction with judo as a martial art that aims for “development of skills” with a loving attitude that differs from competition, while ensuring that some aspects remain competitive.
河野 隆志 清水 聖志人 島本 好平 久木留 毅 土屋 裕睦
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.242_1-242_1, 2016

<p> 日本レスリング協会では、「インテリジェントレスラーの育成」を理念にアスリートとしてのキャリアと人としてのキャリアの両立(Dual Career)の支援を目指した新たな発掘・育成システムの構築を推進している。本事業の一環にて、カデット世代(U-18)の国内育成プログラムに参加している最も優秀なタレントを選考し、海外育成プログラムへ派遣した。同プログラムにおいては、ライフスキル(以下、LS)の獲得を促すためGROWモデル(Goal・Reality・Options・Will)による個別ミーティングを複数回実施した。2015年度においては、男子フリースタイルのタレント3名をロシア(クラスノヤルスク)、男子グレコローマンスタイルのタレント3名を韓国(釜山)、女子のタレント4名をアメリカ(コロラドスプリングス)へそれぞれ派遣した。本研究ではLS評価尺度を用いて、海外育成プログラムの出発時点と帰国時点のLS獲得レベルを比較することで、GROWモデルを用いた海外育成プログラムがLS獲得に与える影響を検討した。分析の結果、特に「コミュニケーション」(t(9)=1.87、p<.10)と「礼儀・マナー」(t(9)=1.65、p=.13)において、他のLSに比べ平均値の大幅な上昇が見られた。</p>
壺阪 圭祐 島本 好平 木内 敦詞
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.113_1, 2016

<p> 文部科学省(2013)は「新しい時代にふさわしいスポーツ指導法」の確立を目指し、「スポーツ指導者の資質向上のための有識者会議」を設置した。そこでは、指導者における競技横断的な知識・技能を有するコーチング(Coaching:以下、C)の獲得が課題とされている。そこで本研究の目的は、壺阪ら(2015)によって見出されたライフスキルの獲得を促すコーチングスキルの4側面(可視化を促すC、感謝する心の育成を促すC、自発的な行動を促すC、目標達成を促すC)を指導者に求められる競技横断的なCとし、同コーチングスキルの獲得の様相を探る手がかりとして、同スキルの獲得パターンをもとに指導者を類型化することであった。対象者は関西、関東地区の中学・高校・大学年代のスポーツ指導に携わる指導者551名(男性458名、女性93名、平均年齢:41.9 ±10.9)であった(有効回答率97.5%)。大規模クラスター分析を行った結果、「自発的な行動を促すC低群(n=138)」、「可視化を促すC低群(n=116)」、「C全体低群(n=87)」、「感謝する心の育成を促すC低群(n=123)」、「可視化と目標達成を促すC高群(n=87)」の5つのクラスターに分類されることが示された。</p>
嘉瀬 貴祥 上野 雄己 島本 好平 大石 和男
公益財団法人 パブリックヘルスリサーチセンター
ストレス科学研究 (ISSN:13419986)
vol.35, pp.21-31, 2020 (Released:2021-09-08)

The purpose of the present study was to clarify the characteristics of behavior and problem solving related thinking among persons with high Sense of Coherence (SOC) through the methods of free description investigation and quantitative text analysis. Participants were 200 males and 200 females, (mean age = 49.0; SD = 18.3) living in different parts of Japan. They were administered a tool, wherein they provided answers to 10 questions about problem solving in daily life through free description. Additionally, they were also administered the SOC scale and Kessler 10. First, participants were classified into the high SOC group and low SOC group based on their score on the SOC scale and Kessler 10. Following this, the answers of free description were analyzed by co-occurrence network analysis. The results of this analysis indicated that persons with high SOC were more likely to adopt positive and strategic behaviors and thoughts for solutions after objectively understanding the problem at hand. Moreover, it was found that the characteristics of persons with high SOC persons not only reflected in the personal areas of their life such as problem solving, dealing with stressors, and emotions but also in interpersonal areas such as communication and interpersonal relationships.
島本 好平 石井 源信
Japanese Society of Sport Psychology
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
vol.37, no.2, pp.89-99, 2010 (Released:2010-10-08)
39 7

The purpose of this study was to investigate causal relationships reciprocally between sport experience in athletic clubs and life skills acquisition, through a three-wave panel study conducted at three-month intervals.Structural equation modeling on the cross-lagged effect model was conducted using panel data obtained from 173 students (93 males and 80 females) who completed questionnaires on sport experience in university athletic clubs (on self-disclosure, daily life guidance from leaders, challenge / achievement, support from others, and effort / endurance), and their level of acquisition of life skills (intrapersonal and interpersonal skills).The results suggested that (1) self-disclosure, support from others, and effort / endurance each had positive causal effects on interpersonal skills acquisition, (2) intrapersonal and interpersonal skills each had positive causal effects on self-disclosure and challenge/achievement experience, (3) there was no causal relationship between daily life guidance from leaders and life skills, and (4) a positive cycle of causality existed between self-disclosure and interpersonal skills.In conclusion, this longitudinal research supported previous studies in sport psychology which supposed that sport experience promotes life skills acquisition, and suggested that a reciprocal causal relationship existed between sport experience in athletic clubs and life skills.
山本 浩二 垣田 恵佑 島本 好平 永木 耕介
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.51, no.2, pp.75-87, 2018-12-28 (Released:2019-12-28)

The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of the acquisition of life skills on competitive results in Japanese university judo players considering the temporal delay between the two variables. 517 judo players who belong to private universities (12 universities in total) participated in this research. For the life skills survey, which was conducted between early-May and late-June 2014, the participants were asked to complete a questionnaire—the Appraisal Scale of Required Life Skills for College Student Athletes (Shimamoto et al., 2013)—before the competition. The competitive results of the participants were obtained from the All-Japan Student Judo Championship Competition (AJSCC) for university students held in Tokyo during late-September. First, participants were categorized into 2 groups: a “High Competitive Level Group (n=103)”, who participated in the above mentioned AJSCC, and a “Low Competitive Level Group (n=400)”, who did not participate in the AJSCC. The results of the t-test revealed that the life skill levels of the former group were significantly higher than the latter group regarding thinking carefully, communication, setting goals, always making one’s best effort, and taking responsibility for one’s own behavior. Secondly, the participants of the former group were classified into 3 groups based on the results of the AJSCC: a “High Competitive Result Group (HCRG, n=38)”, a “Middle Competitive Result Group (MCRG, n=28)”, and a “Low Competitive Result Group (LCRG, n=37)”. The results of the analysis of variance using the life skills data obtained before the AJSCC showed that: (1) on the level of being humble, HCRG is significantly higher than MCRG; (2) on the level of taking responsibility for one’s own behavior, HCRG is significantly higher compared to LCRG; (3) on the level of maintaining physical health and well-being, HCRG is significantly higher than the other 2 groups. It was suggested that the results of this study could lead to a coaching style to achieve high competitive results without violent behavior from coaches.
島本 好平 石井 源信
Japanese Society of Sport Psychology
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
vol.36, no.2, pp.127-136, 2009 (Released:2009-10-31)
21 6

This study aimed to investigate the influence of sport experience in physical education classes (PEC) on life skills acquisition between athlete students who participated in athletic clubs and non-athlete students. Investigation based on the causal model incorporating satisfaction as a positive dimension of mental health using Structural Equation Modeling with multi-group analysis was conducted using data obtained from 770 students (413 athlete and 357 non-athlete students). These students answered questionnaires on sport experience in PEC (self-disclosure, cooperation, challenge, and enjoyment) and the acquisition level of life skills (intrapersonal and interpersonal skills). The results indicated that (1) satisfaction mediated the positive effect of sport experience in PEC on life skills acquisition in both groups, and (2) a clear difference of positive effect was found in regard to challenge, i.e., "active practice to enhance athletic level". Concretely, only an indirect effect was found in athlete students, while only direct effects were found in non-athlete students. Moreover, it was indicated that the total effect of sport experience in PEC on life skills acquisition in non-athlete students was stronger than the total effect in athlete students.
亀谷 涼 島本 好平 中須賀 巧 土屋 裕睦
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.31, no.2, pp.2_173-2_181, 2021-04-01 (Released:2021-04-26)

A longitudinal survey of university soccer competitions investigated whether competition results influenced Life Skills (LS) acquisition. We selected coaches in the second division (A-League) of the Kansai Student Soccer League that were similar in age, years of coaching, and coaching achievements for a longitudinal study. The study investigated the relationship between competition results and LS in participants coached by these coaches at three time-points in May, August, and December. Students from A and B universities (N = 90) participated in the study. The results indicated no significant differences between the two universities in the first-semester competition results, whereas large differences were indicated in the second semester. LS sub-factors′ mean values, “goal setting” and “always making one′s best effort” in December were significantly higher in University B than A. These results indicated that competition results temporarily increased LS. Previous studies have suggested that LS acquisition might determine competition results, and competition results and LS acquisition might influence each other. On the other hand, “appreciating others” in the two universities was significantly lower in August than in May, regardless of competition results, possibly because games are suspended in August. Having no family or friends to cheer the students might reduce their opportunities for thanking surrounding people. It is suggested that coaches take the initiative to teach students the critical role of feeling grateful to surrounding people at these times.
除補 千可保 壺阪 圭祐 島本 好平
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.141_1, 2016

<p> 本研究は、高校生年代のアスリートを対象とし、運動部活動におけるどのような経験が、高校生アスリートのレジリエンス(Resilience:以下、R )に影響を与えるのかについて検討することを目的とした。対象は兵庫県内の高校生アスリート236名(男子147名、女子89名)(有効回答率86.8% )であった。調査内容はRを測る尺度として、小塩ら(2002)が作成した精神的復力尺度、運動部活動の経験を測る尺度として、島本・石井(2008)が作成した運動部活動経験評価尺度を用いて、2015年11月に実施した。重回帰分析にて検討を行った結果、男子学生のみにおいて、運動部活動経験の「周囲からのサポート」が、Rの「新奇性追求」に正の影響を与えていることが示された(β= .21、p< .05)。男性の脳にある脳梁は女性に比べ細いため、男性はより論理的に物事を考える傾向にある(林、2010)。そのため男性は周囲からのサポートを受けることにより、論理的に理解し、様々なことにチャレンジするという「新奇性追求」に結びついたと考えられる。女性に関しては特質した正の影響関係は見られなかった。</p>
嘉瀬 貴祥 上野 雄己 梶内 大輝 島本 好平
パーソナリティ研究 (ISSN:13488406)
pp.27.2.8, (Released:2018-07-23)

This study investigated the relationships between personality prototypes and life skills to understand the characteristics of Resilients, Overcontrollers, Undercontrollers, and Not identifiables. Hierarchical cluster analyses using Ward's method and one-way ANOVA with multiple comparisons using Holm's method indicated that Resilients tended to adopt adaptive behaviors and thoughts, and Overcontrollers had similar tendencies as Resilients. Additionally, Undercontrollers showed a tendency to adopt active interpersonal behaviors and thoughts, and Not identifiables tended to adopt accepting interpersonal behaviors and thoughts. These results provide new findings on the characteristics of individuals classified as different personality prototypes.