岸本 達也
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.529, pp.233-239, 2000
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In this paper, Multi-layered Structure of facilities system and Multi-layered Facilities Location Problems that minimize the sum of travel costs are proposed. To analyze optimal location, 2 facilities complexes location problem on a segment is concerned. Optimal solution is derived analytically, and system configuration to obtain the solution on a segment and char- acteristics of optimal locations are investigated. Also, a heuristic method of solution is presented, which is applicable to location problem in N-dimensional Euclidean space. Through computational simulations, the effectiveness of presented algorithm is confirmed. Finally, various facilities complexes including obnoxious facilities locations with multi-layered structure are demonstrated, and their optimal locations are investigated.
野田 洋
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.60, no.470, pp.139-148, 1995
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The purpose of this study is to evaluate the street network using then quantitative analysis, and this paper shows a theoretical value for the advantage of position. These values are caliculated as igenvector corresponding to the maximum igenvalue of the adjacent matrix led from the graph. This matrix's elements are usually 1 or 0, and a symmetric arrangement, but 1 considered to add weights and directions to these elements, and get three kinds of matrix and igenveclor. I examined the distribution of these values by applying this method to 15 model networks and two real street networks, and then I confirm that these values are useful as the indexes of the advantage of position.
船越 徹 積田 洋
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.61, no.479, pp.139-147, 1996
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The purpose of this study is to clarify how people identify the facades. The pattern identification method is to show the facades by drawings from skyline,which were classified into 4 types; Skyline, Element, Face construction and Box type. The two face identification method is to show the facades by drawings of facade and side elevation, and the architecture are recognized by elevation which have greater impression than the other one. The detail identification method is to clear the difference in characteristics of facades by showing the facade from detail to totality. Consequently, the facades were classified into 4 types.
眞嶋 二郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.60, no.469, pp.167-176, 1995
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In this study we analized the composition of household with the elderly and its tenure of dwelling in Hokkaido based on the data from the population census and the housing survay of the elderly. The conclusions are as follows : 1) The number of household with the elderly is rapidly increasing. 2) The single elderly or elderly couple households are increasing in number more than the households of the elderly living with their children's family. 3) After their children become independent, the number of the elderly couple households increases. As they get older, the number of households of the elderly with their childlen's family increases, mostly because of the death of their spouses. 4) Most households with the elderly own their houses and many singles and couples rent houses.
鈴木 憲三 松原 斎樹 森田 大 澤地 孝男 坊垣 和明
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.60, no.475, pp.17-24, 1995
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The heating and cooling systems in the municipal apartment-houses at Sapporo, Kyoto and Naha are compared and discussed for the purpose of improving the thermal environment and enegy conservation. The results are summarized as follows: 1. In Sapporo where heating the whole house is accepted, adequate insulation and air-tightness works drastically. 2. In kyoto heating and cooling equipments are operated on occasion. Condensation is usually observed even in apartment-houses which are thermally insulated to meet with local standard. Inadequate insulation with open fire heating equipment accelerates energy consumpution and indoor air-pollution. 3. In Naha cross-ventilation in summer is effective, nevertheless, mechanical cooling practice is gaining the growing popularity to enable residents to lessen thier casual visibility through openings, thus ensuring mutual privacy. These facts show that energy conservation measures are required to adapt to the regional resident's living style as well as to the regional climate.
土本 俊和
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.62, no.502, pp.211-218, 1997
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This paper deals with urban dynamics of Kyoto via the example of Seiganji Temple's front in the Sengoku and Oda- Toyotomi era. There were some houses at the top of Ogawa river which flowed in front of the Temple. The Temple was destroyed on fire and rebuilt from 1467 onwards, but the houses kept on the river with no lot in 1567. It was after the fire on 1573 by Oda Nobunaga when the houses began to enclose the land behind them. The paper concludes that the each house on the river was changed into premise with houses and a lot.
岩本 馨
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.67, no.561, pp.285-290, 2002

In 1716, Yoshimune Tokugawa, who had been the lord of Kishu-han, became Shogun, and moved to the Edo castle. More than two hundred retainers of Kishu-han also immigrated to Edo to be retainers of the Tokugawa shogunate. Yoshimune assigned residences near the Edo castle especially to retainers close to him, while retainers close to his predecessor were obliged to move to outskirts of Edo. However, as seen in the example of Hakuseki Arai, some retainers resisted to these enforced immigrations.
加藤 悠希
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.73, no.631, pp.1961-1967, 2008-09-30

Focusing on the writings by Matsuoka Yukiyoshi, author of Gosho-Nikki(Matsuoka's memo) and Buke-Teitaku-ko(On the residence of samurais), in which the medieval residences of the court nobles and of the samurais were described respectively, this paper examines the sources and the influences of knowledge on the ancient and medieval residences obtained by the early modem scholars on ancient Japanese customs(Yu-soku-ko-jitsu). Through the analysis of the texts above and other documents, it became clear that Matsuoka's knowledge on these subjects had been obtained not only from ancient documents or visual materials, but also by visits to the existing buildings, to the Palace and the houses of nobles for example, or through communications with court nobles and officials in Kyoto as well. The contributions of Matsuoka's knowledge is also discussed in various contexts, such as the annotation projects of ancient literatures as Genji-Monogatari, or compiling projects directed by Edo-Bakufu, both involved Matsuoka himself.
荒川 雅哉 兼田 敏之
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.67, no.556, pp.227-233, 2002
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In this paper, first, the authors summarize the walking activities of Nagoya CBD visitors, especially on their walking distances and routes, based on our survey. Next, in order to analyze such activities, we propose a framework of three different indicators on their redundancy levels : (1) the first redundancy can be interpreted as detours between facilities, (2) the second one is caused by visiting unplanned facilities, and (3) the third means the walking efficiency on their visit orders. Then, we analyze the explanation factors mainly from the aspects of visitors' attributes through some statistical tests. Last, we are to find the characteristics of their 'shop-around behaviors'.
大澤 義明 植松 貞夫 木野 修造
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.61, no.489, pp.131-140, 1996
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The objective of this paper is to examine the trade-off of the accessibility versus the level of the book stock in public libraries. As the criterion of accessibility, we adopt the average distance between the usels' location and the nearest public libraries, and the rate of the population who lives outside the area within the threshold distance. As the criterion of the level of the book stock, we use the rate of overlapping index numbers of books. Multi-objective analyses show that if the network connecting the public libraries are introduced, the plan to construct more libraries are more appropriate using a simple model and an actual planning in Japan.
坂本 圭司 赤崎 弘平
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.548, pp.185-192, 2001
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The first building height limitation in Chicago was enacted in 1893. This paper is to review the process in enacting the limitation, from its drafts to the enacted limitation, and Chicago's own social context that enabled lawmakers to enact such a limit. Specifically, this paper is to focus on: 1) what urban problems were arising from the boom of "skyscrapers," 2) who took part in a series of discussion in conjunction with building height controls, for what intentions they agitated the matter, and whose intentions were brought into the enacted limitation, 3) what influence the limitation caused to the city and whether the lawmakers' intentions were realized.
李 明 石丸 紀興
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.73, no.628, pp.1395-1402, 2008-06-30

Considering the appearance and the change process of the postwar black market in front of Hiroshima station, we are going to give new information about a station square adjustment, redevelopment and revitalization project. Right after World War II, black markets were appeared in many urban cities in Japan, as well as Hiroshima, especially in front of the Hiroshima station there was a bustling big scale black market. Even though Hiroshima was atomic bombed, people were doing business in the black market and it effected very much to revitalization of Hiroshima. Although this hasn't mentioned so much until now, it is indispensable to talk about the restoration process of Hiroshima. Considering the station square black market in Hiroshima is not only important to thinking about the restoration process of war damage in atomic bombed city Hiroshima but also it can give you the important information to having a grasp of the history of Japanese war damage restoration more in general.
入江 徹
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.71, no.609, pp.179-184, 2006
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This is a study on the exhibition project "Violated Perfection: the Meaning of the Architectural Fragment" in the Gallery 400, College of Architecture, Art and Urban Planning, The University of Illinois at Chicago and its background. The purpose of this research is that will make investigation into the truth about the reason that they used a word "Fragment" in the epoch, the relationship between the word and a word "Violated Perfection", and what happened in The University of Illinois at Chicago, and that place the credit of two architects, Paul Florian and Stephen Wierzbowski, in Chicago for the exhibition project on architectural history. No exhibition "Violated Perfection: the Meaning of the Architectural Fragment" in The University of Illinois at Chicago was ever held, as they could not get the financial support to make it happen. Consequently, "VIOLATED PERFECTION Architecture and the Fragmentation of the Modern" was published as a book, authored by Aaron Betsky, from a concept developed by them. At a later time, MoMA held the exhibition "DECONSTRUCTIVIST ARCHITECTURE" based on the exhibition project "Violated Perfection", by Philip Johnson and Mark Wigley. However, Florian and Wierzbowski are not well known in the world. The credit of this two architects should be appreciated all over the world.
神谷 文子 浦山 益郎 北原 理雄
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.528, pp.179-186, 2000
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Tourist guide book is a text that shows us the popular images of townscape. This study tryes to find a rule of the composition of sightseeing photographs analyzing 462 photos selecting from 4 tourist guide books. Results are as follows : The view and distance between elements scribed in sightseeing photos are decided from the shape of main subjects, which are classified a dot type, a liner type and a surface type. Furthermore, the structure of them is affected by the composition of main subject and sub elements, which can be classified 5 groups through Hayasi' s qualification theory type III.
竹宮 健司
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.73, no.634, pp.2573-2581, 2008-12-30

This study investigates the current state of children's hospice in the U.K. and their architectural characteristics and governing structure. This study first collected source materials regarding children's hospice, and then generated summary overviews of all facilities. Then, we selected the study hospices in the South East of England, where most facilities are located. Field visits were conducted at 14 facilities. During the visits, interviews with facility directors were conducted, and other data such as floor plans of facilities and patient statistics were collected. All visits were administered from October through December of 2003.
大野 秀夫 小出 陽子 久野 覚 間野 忠明 山羽 基
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.509, pp.1-7, 1998

The present paper discusses on the better heating method at the changingroom for aged when they take a bath in winter. The main results are as follows: 1.The significant difference was observed on the psychological responses between the heating condition and non-heating one before bathing. They showed the higher discomfort at the non-heating than the heating conditions. 2.The blood pressure rose less at the warm air blowing condition compared with other two conditions before bathing. It was more effective for the older subjects. 3.They immersed their bodies into the hot bathtab till their skin temperatures rose higher levels at non-heating condition compared to the heating conditions.
岩松 準 遠藤 和義
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.73, no.630, pp.1767-1773, 2008-08-30

Various numbers of bidders exists in public building and/or construction works. Practically in Japan, exceedingly 10 bidders are participating in one bid. It is conceivable that number of bidders in one bid affects certain amount of influence on the competition. With using Friedman's model or Gates' model, which are known as maximum expected value models, the more the numbers of bidders increase, the more it becomes competitive, and the bidders have motive to present lower prices. Authors have tried to confirm the fact statistically with using recently released bidding results data of MLIT (the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport). In many cases, the ratios of bid price against ceiling price which are estimated by owner side engineers are confirmed decreasing as the number of bidders increases.
陳 明石 清水 忠男一 佐藤 公信 一海 有里
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.528, pp.171-178, 2000
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This study aims at getting an idea which explains the usage and function of Gi-lou spaces through close examination of identification of the temporary elements and the changes in kind and number of elements involved in these spaces with the change of time. As a result, it was found out that the kind and number of these elements increase remarkably in the afternoon to evening of Saturday and Sunday compared to a weekday in keeping with the increase of the traffic. It seems that the spaces are deeply incorporated into the lifestyle of city people in Taiwan.
横山 尚 千代 章一郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.621, pp.229-236, 2007

This paper aims to clarify the change process of the landscape of tourism of Hiroshima Castle as the famous place after the Second World War. Analyzing the guide texts of the sightseeing bus tours and the interview to a person who experienced bus tour guide, we can find out that the history of the castle in the military city is more emphasized than the present castle as the public park in the guidance of recent years. The meaning of Hiroshima Castle as the famous place was limited to the place guided about the definite history with the view from the outside of the castle.
青井 哲人
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.64, no.518, pp.237-244, 1999

This paper tries to focus on the construction of Taiwan Shrine (a Shinto shrine) 1899-1901, besides the reformation of urban area inside the Taipei Fort, as a project that played a significant role in the reorganization of Taipei into a Japanese colonial city. The site for the shrine was kept away out of the fort and raised halfway up Mt. Chientan because the shrine required both pure natural landscapes and the correspondence with the urban area. The shrine was connected with the newly planned government quater in the fort by the Chokushi-Kaido, an approach road to the shrine, and closely related by the shrine rituals.