辻 直人
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.40, pp.27-35, 2001-03-15

Sending students abroad (ryugakusei) has been one of the important policy for higher education system in modern Japan. They were intended to be a professor after coming back to Japan. Especially, when the expansion of higher education system began in 1900's, more professors were required. So the number of studensts sent abroad increased in 1900's. But meanwhile, another opinion occurred : that is demanding the immediate reform or abolition of the student-sending system because of their bad reputation. These arguments influenced some part of the system. Monbusho, the ministry of education reinforced the supervision over the students in foreign countries, and tried to select more qualified person worthy for sending abroad by public subscription. We can also see some changes in the selection from the Imperial University of Tokyo, but it didn't alter as demanded.
白山 映子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.51, pp.363-375, 2012-03-10

During the Meiji Restoration, Japan adopted Western culture, ideas, education and technology, and even introduced new animal breeds from the West, including new varieties of rabbits. Cross-breeding with domestic varieties produced rabbits with unusual coloring, and around 1873 these became the target of speculative trading. This phenomenon is known as the "Rabbit Mania". In the same period, the genre Kaika-mono (lowbrow fiction) was popular among the ordinary people. Stories in this genre include "Seiyou Douchuu Hizakurige" (1870), "Aguranabe" (1871), "Bummei Kaika" (1873), "Kaika Mondou" (1874) and "Bummei Inaka Mondou" (1878). This paper discusses two stories belonging to this genre that deal with the "Rabbit Mania" : "Tori Gekka Mondou" and "Usagi no Mondou". The style of these stories is light and comical, and the former has a rather risqué flavor. The author explores the "Rabbit Mania" through an examination of the dialogue in these stories, and reports about the phenomenon in both English and Japanese newspapers. The paper also refers to related nishikie (colored woodblock print) parodies.
山口 恭平 田口 賢太郎 松本 郁恵
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.51, pp.21-39, 2011

In recent years, difficulties in living together with disparate others are discussed in the educational theory. Among such difficulties, we take up what originates in desire, especially sexuality. First of all, desire itself is examined refering to theory of A. Kojève and that of G.Bataille. Next, based on the analysis of desire, we examine three subjects. First, we take up 'queer pedagogy', whose purpose is to undo identities of subjects through reading. Second, we consider the possibility for sexual minorities themselves to undo others'identities through writing, taking up some works of O.Wilde. Third, unavoidable risk of sexuality in public sphere is examined through rethinking about thought of E.Fromm.
白山 映子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.49, pp.333-345, 2009

This paper challenges two generally accepted views. The first one is that "Sansuijin Keirin Mondo-" written by Nakae Cho-min is considered as the first Japanese book which argues the government and international politics by means of a dialogue style. The second one is that although "Bampo- Seiri" by Ga Noriyuki has been said to be the first translation of "De l'Esprit des Lois" written by Montesquieu, this book was actually a secondhand translation through the English version of the French original. // This paper will examine "To-sei Isakairon," "Ritsurei Seigi" and "Ritsurei Seigi no Taii." Particular concerns in this research are the following: firstly, "To-sei Isakairon," published by Shimizu Usaburo- (1829-1910) in 1882, represented three sorts of governments: the republic, the constitutional monarchy and the monarchy; secondly, the style of this story appears much more dialogic than "Sansuijin Keirin Mondo-." The former seems to be rather light and comical, intented to the ordinary people; thirdly, "Ritsurei Seigi" and "Ritsurei Seigi no Taii," translated by Suzuki Tadakazu and published by Shimizu Usaburo- through his company, were the translations of the French original "De l'Esprit des Lois," unlike "Banpo- Seiri." // Shimizu Usaburo- was one of the modern Japanese pioneers of cultural exchange during the Meiji period between Japan and western countries, in particular, France and the USA. After his participation in the International Exhibition held in 1867 in Paris, he founded a new trading company in order to import numerous materials such as books of philosophy, science and jurisprudence as well as dental instruments. As a well-known ' Hiragana-ronsha, ' he contributed an article about an orthographical system to "Meiroku Zasshi." // This research describing the dialogue of "To-sei Isakairon," explicates the influences of Western thoughts, focusing on Usaburo-'s way of thinking about governments.
渡邉 茉奈美
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.51, pp.191-202, 2012-03-10

We have to consider the effective program to prevent our children from child maltreatment because child maltreatment is increasing. What is the most effective for every parent? I think every parent has more or less parental anxiety. So the preventing program focusing on it can be effective for every parent. In this paper, I reviewed the studies of parental anxiety. Then I found the parental anxiety affects the parenting misbehavior and that it is changing with time. For example, there may be anxiety about abusing as everyone knows "child maltreatment" by the media. That is why I suggest that we should hear the real parents'voice to know what kind of anxiety they have. If we can know it, we are making the program of primary prevention of child maltreatment that focuses on it.
伊藤 秀樹
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.54, pp.551-563, 2015-03-31

The aim of this paper is to show the overview of non-mainstream upper secondary schools. In Japan, non-mainstream upper secondary schools, such as part-time high schools, correspondence high schools, upper secondary specialized training schools, and support schools, take on a role of educational safety net for students who are not admitted to full-time high schools. This paper considers the following four questions to review papers about non-mainstream upper secondary schools. 1) What types of students tend to enter the non-mainstream schools? 2) What curriculums do non-mainstream schools organize? 3) What percentage of students drop out of non-mainstream schools? 4) What percentage of students graduate as part-time workers or the jobless?
角 能
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.48, pp.103-114, 2008

This paper analyzes theoretically role sharing between public, private, family sector. Above all, this paper focuses on fairness on public burden on welfare state. And, this paper distinguishes between which sector people want to use and for which sector they support to expand government expenditure. In addition, from the view of what image they hold in their mind about three sectors, fairness on public burden is analyzed on this paper. Finally, four welfare state models, `large-scale welfare state model`, `welfare state asking for self-responsibility model`, `calculative welfare state model` and `generous welfare state model`.
田中 麻紗子 市川 伸一
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.51, pp.203-215, 2011

How should we (researchers) conduct and present a good review study? Although graduate students receive some guidance on how to write a research paper, they are rarely provided instruction about how to perform a review study. Due to their limited knowledge and experience, many students tend to think that a good review simply comprises reference to many previous research studies. In this paper, we point out that a good review study needs to be original, comprehensive, and easy to understand. Moreover, we offer directions for conducting a good review study, and provide key points drawn from interview data with young psychology researchers who have published review studies in peer-reviewed journals.
荻野 亮吾
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.53, pp.95-112, 2013

This paper discusses the applicability of social capital theory to research on adult and community education. In the field of adult and community education, clarifying the process of subjectivity has been a central task. However, because the self is restricted by society, it is necessary to adopt a relational approach. The leading theory of this kind is social capital theory, which regards social relationships as a sort of "capital", and clarifies the mechanisms of accumulation and diversion of this "capital". In the 1970s, there was discussion about the relationships between community and education. One approach was to view the community as a system and try to reveal its structure, and the other approach was to focus on the construction process of the community through residents' movements. Social capital theory has the potential to adjust this dichotomy between the subject and structure, by focusing on the process and the function of social relationships. The work of Robert D. Putnam, the leading proponent of social capital theory, has three characteristics. The first is conceptualizing the social condition of regulating or affecting governance as social capital. The second is regarding social relationships as a sort of capital, which makes it possible to measure the amount of social capital across the ages and to compare social capital across countries and regions. The third is developing the possibility of conducting intervention studies into the community in order to construct social capital. In Japan, policy makers and researchers have shown increasing interest in social capital theory, with the promotion of community governance in recent years. The theory of social capital affects the lifelong learning policies of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and the European Union, and attempts have been made to identify point of contact between the theory and research on adult and community education. Experience has shown that adult and community education can create partnerships and trust among residents in a local community, and that these relationships can add to lead to changes in the community. Social capital can add to this understanding by providing a theoretical framework and guidelines for empirical research. When trying to apply the concept of social capital to research on adult and community education, it is necessary to clarify the level of analysis, to focus on social networks, to examine nature as "capital," and to reconsider the concept of social capital as a dynamic one. In future research on adult and community education, it is important to capture not only social relationships among individuals but also social relationships among associations and groups in the community, the process of getting engaged in community activities through belonging to such groups, and how the community is constructed through cumulative activities.
本田 麻希子 遠藤 麻貴子 中釜 洋子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.51, pp.269-286, 2012-03-10

In this article, we have reviewed the research on divorce and policy interventions for divorced families conducted during the past decade in Japan and in the United States, and examined the future prospects of family support practices. In Japan, because case study and interview have been two frequently adopted methods, it is necessary in the future to focus more on finding out general trends and evidences for the impact of divorce through longitudinal studies or with larger samples. In the U.S., although there exists a numerous research on divorce impact, gaps still remain in the search for factors which differentiate children's adjustment following parental divorce. While the U.S. make active attempts in openly providing psycho-educational support program designed in accordance with research results, interventions in Japan remain limited as they are often in small scale based on the U.S. models. The need of developing programs that are tailored to fit Japanese culture that target larger numbers of divorced families are stressed in this article.
佐藤 英二
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.35, pp.295-303, 1995-12-20

This paper takes into consideration of the separation of 'gaku'(science) and 'jut su'(art), by examining the controversy about the Japanese for "Arithmetic" in "Yakugokai (translation committee)" of "Tokyo-sugaku-kaisya". "Yakugokai" decided "Aritmetic" should be translated into "san-jutsu" in place of "sansu-gaku". This decision has been interpreted as a result of the persuasive speeches of Dairoku Kikuchi, a professor of University of Tokyo, who claimed that "Arithmetic" was not 'gaku'as a science but 'jutsu'as an art. This paper reexamines this interpretation by illuminating the implicit efforts of traditional Japanese mathematicians, who intended to regard 'gaku'and 'jutsu'as continuous according to their traditional culture. The conflicts in "Yakugokai" resulted in the impermeable gulfs between the science of computation and the art of computation, and also between systematic knowledge in academy and learning at school in Japan.
李 軍
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.38, pp.125-134, 1998-03-26

Confucius (551-479 B. C.), the most famous ancient Chinese educator and philosopher, successfully ran the largest private school of his time and explored a vast spectrum of educational issues. Revered as the first great educator in Chinese history, Confucius cast a long shadow not only on Chinese education but on Chinese society and the state as a whole. This paper tries to explore the relationship of Confucian educational ideology to Traditional Chinese Culture through perspectives of Educational sociology and history. The author holds that Confucius clearly defined the role of education in the development of society, developed the most comprehensive curriculum of his time which centered on the six arts and a highly innovative and flexible pedagogy, and at last founded his Confucian educational ideology which influenced deeply on the formation of ancient Chinese culture. The research also focuses on the role of Confucian educational ideology in the formation and development of traditional Chinese culture from five aspects which are : 1) Confucian benevolence and Chinese philosophy of life; 2) Confucian etiquette and Chinese social principles; 3) Confucian golden mean and Chinese thinking model; 4) Confucian Six Classics and Chinese national characteristics; and 5) Confucianism and China's respecting teachers and attaching importance to education. What Confucius emphasized on was You Jiao Wu Lei (provide education for all people without social discrimination) which is the first statement about equality and expansion of educational opportunity in the world history. The author points out that Confucian educational ideology emphasized on the responsibility of individual to society and nation, and is conducive to cultivating global citizens in the future.
中島 弘至
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.54, pp.201-210, 2015-03-31

Our country has reached to the universal stage by University enrollment rate of more than 50 percent. But the popularization of the higher education is not always a good thing. We face a variety of problems-the decline in academic ability by the diversification of admissions, the rate of dropping out which the quality of education is questioned, the non-regular employment issue which could be a source of income gap. We can find a number of variables in “DAIGAKU NO JITSURYOKU 2014” edited by the education section of The Yomiuri Shimbun. They are the rate of general entrance examination, the rate of dropping out, the rate of regular employment. I analyze the data of variables by deviation value in the framework of “Arts, Sciences” and “National and Public, Private”.
山口 恭平 田口 賢太郎 松本 郁恵 関根 宏朗
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.51, pp.21-39, 2011

In recent years, difficulties in living together with disparate others are discussed in the educational theory. Among such difficulties, we take up what originates in desire, especially sexuality. First of all, desire itself is examined refering to theory of A. Kojève and that of G.Bataille. Next, based on the analysis of desire, we examine three subjects. First, we take up 'queer pedagogy', whose purpose is to undo identities of subjects through reading. Second, we consider the possibility for sexual minorities themselves to undo others'identities through writing, taking up some works of O.Wilde. Third, unavoidable risk of sexuality in public sphere is examined through rethinking about thought of E.Fromm.
山本 珠美
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.36, pp.465-473, 1996-12-20

Public Museums, born in modern times, contain two dilemmas. One dilemma is "Who owns a museum?" Generally, a museum forms its collection according to academic elites'value system, so only parts of the public go there. Lately many museums attempt to have various communitiesjoin in planning exhibition for democratization of culture and equality of cultural opportunity. But ironically this causes the crisis of museum identities.The other dilemma is "Is a museum a temple or a forum?" Museological changes transfer "a museum as a temple" into "a museum as a forum" , where visitors analyze the displey while going through the hall. But the general public tend to consider a museum as a temple, where they celebrate the display without critical perspectives. The same dilemmas were seen in the U.S.National Air and Space Museum (NASM) . Froml993 to 1995, the planned Enola=Gay exhibition, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the end of the World War II , provoked rage around the country. "Which owns NASM, academic elites or retired soldiers?" "What is the goal of NASM, education or celebration?" The Enola=Gay controversy throws fundamental problems to American museum world.
松田 ユリ子 吉田 美穂
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.54, pp.179-190, 2015-03-31

This case study investigates students ’ inquiry-based learning process, by analyzing the relationship between their motivation for learning and learning-support environment. Qualitative methods were used to conduct a case study of one inquiry based learning class of 16 students in a high school with low prestige in Japan. The results showed that 13 students out of 16 (81.3%) enjoyed learning, though they encountered various difficulties in inquiry process. Key factors of developing students'motivation for learning through inquiry based learning are : 1) the subject teacher and the school librarian's flexible and observant responses according to students'difficulties encountered in the inquiry process, 2)supportive friends, families and others, 3) adequate teaching strategies and materials and 4)free and open environment of school library and supportive school culture.
大瀧 玲子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.51, pp.235-243, 2012-03-10

The purpose of this paper is to review the study on siblings of disabilities, and investigate siblings'experience and the trend in supports for them. As a result, two important factors are considered, 1) the role as siblings of people with disabilities were changed with the times, from role as caretaker about people with disabilities into role as siblings who have their own concern and to be supported. 2) siblings have unusual concerns and opportunities, however, siblings must care for their problems privately in Japan. To support them, it is required to participate professionals in support program, and to suit the individual problems of siblings.
村上 純一
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.50, pp.315-323, 2011-03-10

This paper shows the meaning of the word 'career education', by focusing on the report from Central Council of Education 'About the Connection between Primary, Secondary Education and Higher Education', which was released on December 16th 1999. Today, 'career education'is widely implemented in school education, from primary education to higher education. However, when seeing the detailed contents of 'career education', several points that weren't seen when 'career education'started are seen, and the original meaning of 'career education'is likely to be forgotten. So, this paper indicates the original meaning of 'career education', by examining the report shown above. Since the report is widely said to be a starting point of 'career education', this paper examines the report as a main tool of analysis.
桂 まに子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.48, pp.297-307, 2009-03-10

This paper aims at reconsidering the postwar history of public libraries in Japan from the standpoint of ‘ local collection ’(kyodoshiryo). It examines (1) the general development of the ‘local collection’ activities at public libraries from the 1950s to the 1960s, and (2) the specific activities of Santama Working Group for Local Collections (Santama Kyodoshiryo Kenkyukai) from 1975 to 1999./ As a result of this study, it became clear that Mr. Ichiro Aoki (1913-2004) who had been the director of Niitsu City Library (Niigata Pref.) from 1951-71, by instructing the local librarians in Santama area (Tokyo) how to handle the local collection, played an influential role in forming the Santama Working Group for Local Collections that started a new era in the ‘ local collection ’ activities at public libraries in the 1970s.
福留 東土
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.55, pp.183-192, 2016-03-31

In knowledge-based society, graduate education is important to cultivate talented individuals with advanced intellectual skills. However, in Japan, graduate education is currently not highly evaluated in the labor market. Particularly, academic fields in humanities and social sciences are struggling to get social and professional relevance. In this article, I will discuss on the professionalization of graduate education in liberal arts in the United States. In recent years, graduate education in liberal arts, particularly its masters’ programs, tries to be more professional oriented. These trends are known as Professional Science Masters (PSM) programs in natural sciences, but in humanities and social sciences graduate education still experiences difficulties in shifting their focus to professional jobs. This article discusses on the field of history as a case study of this trend in liberal arts. The changes in the field of history are not a huge movement, but still, there are some meaningful trends to change graduate education to have more professional relevance. This trend has some implications to the future of Japanese graduate education.