Ziaurrahman Hejazi Shuji Ishimura Chitose Honsho Takuya Tetsumura
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-125, (Released:2017-11-08)

A practical dwarfing rootstock for the persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.), ‘MKR1’, is normally propagated by cuttings collected from root suckers. However, optimal conditions for propagating leaf-bud cuttings from this variety have not been researched. Thus, several methods influencing survival, rooting and root system structure were investigated in the present study. Cuttings planted in late June survived and rooted better than those planted in late July and August, and the rooted cuttings planted in late June also survived winter better. The two different irrigation methods, either a mist system, or a tray with a polyethylene tent (tray-polyethylene-tent, or TPT) did not significantly affect survival and rooting. However, the primary root length was longer in the TPT and the root dry weight was heavier under the mist system. Although the rooting medium did not significantly affect the survival of cuttings, the rooting percentage of cuttings planted in perlite was the lowest. The cuttings planted in peat in late June and placed under the mist system had adventitious root initials 17 days after planting and adventitious roots were observed on the cuttings by 22 days after planting. A quadratic regression curve predicted that the highest rooting percentage would result from treatment of ‘MKR1’ cuttings with approximately 2000 mg·L−1 indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), while a different curve predicted that the lowest root number would result from treatment with approximately 1000 mg·L−1 IBA. Interestingly, more than 50% of the cuttings treated with a quick dip in 0 mg·L−1 IBA successfully rooted. Although the treatment with a higher IBA concentration resulted in greater root system development on the rooted cuttings, treatment with very high IBA concentrations such as 4000 or 5000 mg·L−1 caused fading of leaves and dieback of cuttings.
Yoshiyuki Tanaka Shiho Fukuta Sota Koeda Tanjuro Goto Yuichi Yoshida Ken‑ichiro Yasuba
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-115, (Released:2017-10-28)

Capsinoids are low-pungent capsaicinoid analogues in chili pepper fruits. They exhibit various bioactivities in humans similar to capsaicinoids, but do not produce a nasty burning sensation, encouraging their application in foods and supplements. Previous reports demonstrated that loss-of-function of putative aminotransferase (pAMT) leads to low-pungency and capsinoid accumulation. Therefore, the pamt allele is a useful gene in chili pepper breeding programs to enhance health-promoting properties. Eight loss-of-function alleles have been identified in the Capsicum genus, but the variation in pamt alleles remains to be fully elucidated. In this study, we identified one novel loss-of-function allele from the analysis of low-pungent chili pepper ‘No. 4034’ (C. chinense). ‘No. 4034’ contained mainly capsinoid with an undetectable level of capsaicinoid. A genetic complementation test was conducted by crossing ‘No. 4034’ with other accessions. The results indicated that ‘No. 4034’ possessed a loss-of-function pamt allele. Sequence analysis showed that the novel mutant allele contained a 7-bp insertion (TCGGTAC) in the 16th exon region, which we designated as pamt9. The insertion caused a frameshift mutation and resulted in a truncated protein. Gene expression analysis showed that the expression level of pAMT specifically decreased among biosynthetic genes tested here in ‘No. 4034’, compared with that of pungent accession. pamt9 will be useful for low-pungency and capsinoid breeding, and will provide additional information for variations in pAMT mutants.
太田 智 遠藤 朋子 島田 武彦 藤井 浩 清水 徳朗 國賀 武 吉岡 照高 根角 博久 吉田 俊雄 大村 三男
一般社団法人 園芸学会
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN:18823351)
vol.80, no.3, pp.295-307, 2011

カンキツトリステザウイルス(CTV)は,カンキツに重大な被害を引き起こす重要病害の一つである.カンキツ属との交雑が可能であるカラタチ[<i>Poncirus trifoliata</i>(L.)Raf.]は,広範な CTV の系統に対して抵抗性を示す.これまでに,カラタチの CTV 抵抗性をカンキツ属に導入するために育種計画が実行され,中間母本が育成されたことで,経済品種の作出に道が開かれてきた.本研究では,マーカー選抜により効率的に CTV 抵抗性をカンキツ属に導入できるように,CTV 抵抗性に連鎖した 4 つの DNA 選抜マーカーおよび各連鎖群上のカラタチの対立遺伝子を識別する 46 のマーカーを開発した.CTV 抵抗性連鎖マーカー 4 つのうち,1 つは共優性マーカーである Single Nucleotide Polymorphism マーカーで,3 つは優性マーカーの Sequence Tagged Site マーカーであった.これら全てのマーカーで,2.8%の例外を除き,後代における CTV 抵抗性・感受性とマーカーの有無とが一致した.さらに,これらのマーカーは高度にカラタチ特異的であり,検定したカンキツ属 35 の全品種・系統に対して適応可能であった.カラタチ由来の対立遺伝子を排除するための判別マーカーでは,46 のうち 9 マーカーが CTV 抵抗性の座乗する第 2 連鎖群に位置した.また,他の 31 マーカーを残りの 8 連鎖群におくことができた.これらのマーカーは,カンキツ属 35 品種・系統のうち少なくとも 1 つ以上の品種・系統に対し,カラタチ由来の対立遺伝子を識別することができた.本研究で開発されたプライマーセットは,戻し交雑により CTV 抵抗性を様々なカンキツ属系統に導入するためのマーカー選抜に利用可能と考えられた.<br>
Ryohei Nakano Hidemi Akimoto Fumio Fukuda Takashi Kawai Koichiro Ushijima Yosuke Fukamatsu Yasutaka Kubo Yuichiro Fujii Ken Hirano Kunihisa Morinaga Naoki Sakurai
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-094, (Released:2017-10-12)

Split-pit in peach fruit is a problematic disorder. Split-pit fruit cannot be detected based on external appearance, and contamination of fruit by split-pit reduces its reliability in the marketplace. Here, we demonstrate that split-pit fruit can be identified by a nondestructive acoustic vibration method and a unique approach based on the ratio of the third (f3) to the second (f2) resonant frequency. The response-resonant frequency spectra showed that the peaks of f2 frequencies in split-pit fruit were shifted to much lower values than those in normal fruit, whereas those of f3 frequencies showed only small shifts. The calculated f3/f2 ratios in most normal fruit were in the range of 1.35–1.4, whereas those in split-pit fruit were 1.45–2.0. Analysis of more than 300 fruit samples revealed that by setting the f3/f2 cut-off value at >1.45, 95% of split-pit fruit in the fruit samples were detected, whereas only 1.5% of normal fruit were missorted as split-pit fruit. A model for simulating the vibration properties of peach fruit was developed by using the finite element method. The simulated vibration patterns showed that f3/f2 values were increased by the insertion of split pit, indicating that, at least partially, the observed high f3/f2 values in split-pit fruit directly reflected split-pit occurrence. These results clearly demonstrate that the use of f3/f2 ratios obtained using an acoustic vibration method can effectively detect fruit with split-pit. The possibility of installing acoustic vibration devices in peach sorting lines and the application of portable devices to unpicked fruit on the tree are discussed.
Hiroki Ueno Takeshi Maeda Naoki Katsuyama Yu Katou Satoshi Matsuo Kanako Yano Akira Ando Kaori Nagasuga Mizuki Yamada Shunsuke Imanishi
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-101, (Released:2017-10-11)

Several Japanese tomato cultivars develop a physiological disorder called leaf marginal necrosis, which occurs in relatively young compound leaves. Although the positions of the observed symptoms differ from those caused by inadequate potassium (K+) supplementation, previous studies have reported a relationship between the reduction of K+ content and the occurrence of this disorder. However, the mechanism of the relationship between K+ deficiency and leaf marginal necrosis remains unstudied. In the present study, the relationship between K+ deficiency in leaflets and leaf marginal necrosis was investigated by cation measurement and gene expression analysis to understand the possible mechanism responsible for the induction of leaf marginal necrosis. First, cation measurement of the two cultivars differing in their symptom intensities showed a trend of K+ reduction in the ‘CF Momotaro J’ cultivar developing leaf marginal necrosis at the tip leaflets positioned under the flowering fruit truss. Next, a comparison between the basal and tip region of the leaflet from four cultivars differing in their symptom intensities revealed that the K+ concentration in tip leaflets was significantly lower in the tip regions compared to the basal region, especially in the two cultivars ‘CF Momotaro J’ and ‘Momotaro grande’, leading to leaf marginal necrosis. The gene expression analysis of the basal and tip regions identified that the expression patterns of jasmonate-related genes were upregulated in the tomato leaflets with low K+ concentration. The gene expression of a leaf senescence marker gene, a homologue of the SAG12 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana, was detected only in the leaf tip region samples with the lowest K+ concentration. Furthermore, ‘CF Momotaro J’ plants cultivated with K+-supplemented medium showed an increase in the K+ concentration, a decrease in the occurrence of leaf marginal necrosis, and down-regulation of the expression of jasmonate-related genes in tip leaflets. These results indicate that tomato leaf marginal necrosis occurs because of K+ starvation in the tip region of leaflets, leading to the activation of jasmonate-induced signal for necrosis.
Naomi Oyama-Okubo Tomoaki Haketa Hiroyuki Furuichi Shunsuke Iioka
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-090, (Released:2017-09-15)

A new blue petunia cultivar, TX-794 bred by Takii & Co., Ltd, has a sweet floral fragrance different from conventional petunia cultivars that typically have no odor or have a somewhat unfavorable smell. Since fragrant bedding plants suitable for summer cultivation are rare, we expect that the fragrance will enhance the value of TX-794. The characteristics of emitted scent compounds from TX-794 were evaluated in this study. The major scent compound was phenylacetaldehyde, a C6-C2 aromatic compound that was emitted at higher levels in TX-794 compared to conventional petunia cultivars. iso-Eugenol, a C6-C3 aromatic compound, is the major scent compound in conventional petunia cultivars. These results suggest that TX-794 has a high capacity to biosynthesize C6-C2 aromatic compounds, resulting in a significantly different scent compound composition compared to conventional petunia cultivars. Time-course analysis of scent compound emission revealed that the largest release of scent compounds by TX-794 occurs during the switch from light periods to dark periods. Soon after flowering, that is, in the light period on the day of anthesis, the major scent compound was p-cresol. Thereafter, the primary scent compound was phenylacetaldehyde or methyl benzoate with 2-phenylethanol occupying the next position. Since a bed or a container of petunias has flowers that are primarily over 2-days old, the basic fragrance of TX-794 plants is derived from phenylacetaldehyde, which has a hyacinth-like scent, 2-phenylethanol, which has a rose-like scent, and methyl benzoate, which has a dry fruit-like scent.
Kaori Matsuoka Naoki Moritsuka Shinnosuke Kusaba Kiyoshi Hiraoka
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-100, (Released:2017-09-14)

In blueberry culture, sulfur is applied to enhance soil acidification, and fertilizer is applied to increase growth and yield. We investigated the effects of soil management on the solubilization of 13 elements in the root zone and their relationships with absorption by blueberry bushes. In a 2-year pot experiment, four-year-old rabbiteye blueberries ‘Onslow’ were grown in one of three soils (an Andosol, a Cambisol, or a Fluvisol), with or without soil treatment (no treatment, acidification, fertilization, or acidification plus fertilization). The soil solution was collected eight times during the experiment. Fruit, leaves, branches, stems, and roots were sampled during and at the end of the experiment. The concentrations of 13 elements (N, Na, Mg, Al, P, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Rb, and Cs) in the samples were analyzed. Soil solution pH was also measured. In all soils, the soil solution pH was decreased to 3.7–4.3 by acidification and also to 4.5–6.1 by fertilization. Acidification tended to increase the average concentrations of Al (77–1421 fold), Zn (18–414 fold), and Fe (1.2–204 fold) in the soil solution, whereas fertilization tended to increase the average concentrations of NH4+ (33–205 fold), Cs (3.0–9.9 fold), and NO3− (2.1–8.4 fold). The acidification plus fertilization further increased the concentrations of these elements in the soil solution except for Fe. On the other hand, the concentrations of Na, P, Fe, and Cu in the soil solution were influenced by the soil type and were not changed by any soil treatments in a particular soil. Across all soil types and treatments, the average concentrations of N, P, K, Mn, Cu, and Zn in the soil solution were significantly correlated with the content of the corresponding element in the blueberry bushes. For these elements, nondestructive sampling and analyses of soil solution in the root zone can be effective as a real-time soil test. The content of seven other elements (Na, Mg, Al, Ca, Fe, Rb, and Cs) in the bushes did not reflect the soil solution concentrations partly due to the lower requirement than their supply from the soil.
Yoko Takeuchi Emika Kakizoe Ryosuke Yoritomi Miyuki Iwato Akira Kanno Takao Ikeuchi Mitsutaka Mori Kyoko Murakami Atsuko Uragami Masaru Matsumoto Junichiro Masuda Kaori Sakai Yukio Ozaki
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-104, (Released:2017-09-07)

We investigated the resistance to stem blight disease (Phomopsis asparagi (Sacc.)) in the progeny of two combinations of interspecific crosses between Asparagus officinalis (sensitive) and Asparagus A. kiusianus (resistant) in an effort to produce resistant cultivars. The progeny showed different degrees of disease severity, depending on the combination of crosses. Most of the hybrids derived from AO0060 (A. officinalis) × AK0501 (A. kiusianus) showed high disease resistance comparable to that of A. kiusianus. The results indicate that disease resistance could be introduced from A. kiusianus into A. officinalis, and that the selection of an appropriate cross combination is important for the production of disease-resistant cultivars. We analyzed the parents and hybrids of reciprocal crosses between A. officinalis and A. kiusianus using derived cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence markers to investigate the inheritance of the chloroplast genome, whose inheritance and genetic characteristics are not yet known. The chloroplast DNAs were inherited from the maternal parent, indicating that no major genes related to stem blight resistance were found in the chloroplast DNA.
越智 靖文 伊東 正
一般社団法人 園芸学会
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.11, no.1, pp.43-48, 2012 (Released:2012-02-28)

果実内発芽し難い1系統と果実内発芽し易い2系統を供試材料とし,果実内発芽と内生アブシジン酸含量の関係を明らかにするために,カリウム濃度の異なる3種の培養液(2.4, 4.2および6.0 me・L−1)で栽培した.その結果,果実内発芽し易い系統では,カリウム濃度の低下により1果当たりの種子数が明らかに減少した.しかし,果実内発芽し難い系統では,カリウム濃度は種子収量に影響を与えなかった.葉柄ならびに胎座部周辺の果汁中のカリウムイオン濃度は,果実内発芽し易い系統より果実内発芽し難い系統で高かった.果実内発芽はカリウム施肥量の減少に伴い,果実内発芽し易い系統で増加したが,果実内発芽し難い系統では,いずれのカリウム濃度でも果実内発芽は認められなかった.胎座部周辺の果汁中のABA含量は,カリウム施肥量の減少に伴い減少した.ABA濃度が異なる水溶液を用い,種子の発芽試験を行ったところ,果実内発芽し難い系統ではABA濃度の増加に伴い種子の発芽が著しく抑制された.以上の結果から,カリウム施肥量の減少により胎座部周辺の果汁中のABA含量が減少し,その結果として果実内発芽が増加すること,また,果実内発芽し難い系統は,低いABA濃度閾値で種子の発芽抑制があらわれるものと推察された.
Vahid Tavallali Soheil Karimi Omid Espargham
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-062, (Released:2017-07-28)

Boron (B) toxicity and salt stress are widely observed in arid and semi-arid regions. Nonetheless, little is known about the interactions between B and salt stress with respect to plant defense systems. In this study, seedlings of Pistacia vera ‘Badami’—a valuable crop of arid lands in central Persia—were treated with different B concentrations in soil (0, 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 mg·kg−1) to investigate oxidative injuries and antioxidative defense responses of the plants to salt stress (0, 800, 1600, and 2400 mg NaCl·kg−1 of soil). Salt stress and application of 20 mg B·kg−1 of soil intensified electrolyte leakage, lipid peroxidation, and lipoxygenase activity in pistachio leaves. Additional supplementation of B up to 5 mg·kg−1 soil significantly decreased malondialdehyde (MDA) and H2O2 under salt stress. The alleviating effects of B on oxidative stress parameters were related to the improvement in antioxidant enzymes activity (ascorbate peroxidase and catalase), and the non-enzymatic antioxidant compounds (ascorbic acid and phenolic compounds), compared with those treated with either salt stress or a high concentration of B. However, application of 20 mg B·kg−1 of soil exacerbated the oxidative damage induced by salt stress. On the contrary, applying mild salt stress mitigated the toxic effects of B on the plant, since oxidative stress due to B toxicity was significantly reduced by application of 800 mg NaCl·kg−1 of soil. In conclusion, the optimization of B supply in the soil was suggested to alleviate the oxidative damage due to salt stress.
Taku Yano Akiyoshi Morisaki Kimiaki Matsubara Shun-ichiro Ito Masaharu Kitano
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-051, (Released:2017-07-21)

To establish cultural practice based on a consecutive growth model for potted 1-year-old seedlings of Satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.), growth analysis by classical and functional approaches was conducted under different light conditions and air temperatures over 2.5 years, and the active growth of potted seedlings in the greenhouse was investigated. Under the classical approach, the general change patterns of relative growth rate (RGR) and net assimilation rate (NAR) were hard to determine because of irregularities including quiescence of vegetative growth. Under the functional approach, plant mass modeled using linear, exponential, power-law, monomolecular, three-parameter logistic, four-parameter logistic (4L), and Gompertz functions showed significant correlations with the observed plant mass. 4L was the best model because it showed the highest r, and the lowest root mean square error and Akaike Information Criterion, so RGR and NAR were estimated by 4L. Analysis of the RGR components showed significant positive correlations between RGR and NAR. Analysis of covariance indicated the NAR costs for increasing RGR were lower in the greenhouse than in open culture; this was explained by differences in specific leaf area (SLA). Therefore, in greenhouse culture, growth was primarily enhanced by NAR as net photosynthesis and underpinned by SLA as a morphological trait improvement for the relatively low light intensity compared with open culture. A multiple regression model for NAR using the pooled data (n = 60) suggested solar radiation had a positive effect (P < 0.0001) and air temperature had a negative effect (P < 0.01) on NAR.
Sogo Nishio Shingo Terakami Toshimi Matsumoto Toshiya Yamamoto Norio Takada Hidenori Kato Yuichi Katayose Toshihiro Saito
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-093, (Released:2017-07-21)

The chestnut (genus Castanea) has a long juvenile phase, and breeders have to wait three years or more to evaluate nut traits. Therefore, molecular markers associated with genes of interest are required to speed the selection process in chestnut breeding programs. Genetic linkage maps of the Japanese chestnut were constructed using two breeding populations derived from crosses between ‘Kunimi’ and breeding line ‘709-034’ (Kx709), and between ‘Porotan’ and ‘Tsukuba-43’ (Px43). Maps of the four parents and two integrated maps (one representing each cross) were constructed using 443 simple sequence repeat markers (SSRs) and 554 single-nucleotide polymorphism markers. In the Kx709 integrated map, which was the most saturated of the six maps, 12 linkage groups were identified that covered 668.1 cM with an average distance of 0.8 cM between loci. Using anchor SSRs, these six maps were successfully aligned to the Chinese chestnut consensus map. We evaluated eight important traits, including several nut traits, to identify molecular markers associated with these traits. At least one significant quantitative trait locus (QTL) was detected for each of the eight traits (21 in total). Logarithm of odds (LOD) values and phenotypic variance explained by these QTLs ranged from 2.60 to 7.90 and from 11.6% to 29.1%, respectively. In the Kx709 population analysis, several QTLs for nut harvesting date (HARVEST) and pericarp splitting (SPLIT) were detected. Under the assumption that the effects of these QTLs are additive, the percentage of total phenotypic variance explained by the combination of QTLs was high for both HARVEST (47.5%–60.8%) and SPLIT (33.4%–41.7%). Because these mapping populations and their parents are essential materials for Japanese chestnut breeding programs, these QTLs will soon be used for marker-assisted selection to improve breeding efficiency.
廣瀬 拓也 田中 満稔 松本 正明 濱田 和俊 尾形 凡生
一般社団法人 園芸学会
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.15, no.3, pp.275-282, 2016

軟X線を照射した花粉を受粉してヒュウガナツの無核果形成を誘導する技術の有用性を,慣行法である四倍体の'カンキツ口之津41号'や'西内小夏'花粉の受粉と比較して評価した.ヒュウガナツの慣用受粉樹である'土佐文旦'と,'カンキツ口之津41号'および'西内小夏'の花粉に,500,1,000,2,000 Gyの軟X線照射して実験に用いた.<br>軟X線を照射した花粉の発芽率およびその花粉をネットで花粉遮断した'宿毛小夏'に人工受粉した時の収穫時の着果率は花粉品種にかかわらず照射線量が高くなるにつれ低下する傾向がみられた.完全種子は無照射の'土佐文旦','カンキツ口之津41号'および'西内小夏'花粉の受粉果では,それぞれ23.8個,0.4個および1.5個形成されたが,軟X線照射花粉を受粉すると,ほぼ消失した.種子長10 mmを超える大きな不完全種子も,無照射の'土佐文旦','カンキツ口之津41号'および'西内小夏'花粉の受粉果では1.5個,3.9個および2.3個形成されたが,500 Gyの軟X線照射花粉の受粉果では0.3個,0.2個および0.1個と減少し,1,000 Gy以上の軟X線照射花粉の受粉果では消失した.顕微鏡観察において,無照射の'カンキツ口之津41号'および'西内小夏'花粉を受粉した'ヒュウガナツ'果実では,一部の胚は受粉8週間後にも生存しているのに対して,軟X線照射'土佐文旦'花粉を受粉した'ヒュウガナツ'果実では健全な胚はまったく認められなかったことから,軟X線照射は種子の発達をより強く阻害するものと考えられた.軟X線照射花粉の受粉によりヒュウガナツ収穫果の果実重は小さくなった.ただし,この小果化は,高知県のヒュウガナツ市場で消費者が少核の小さな果実をより好むことから考えれば,果実の価値を大きく損なうものではない.以上の結果より,軟X線照射した花粉を受粉する方法は大きな不完全種子を残さない点において有用なヒュウガナツ無核化生産技術であり,照射線量は500~1,000 Gyが適当である.
前田 敏 真野 隆司 広田 修
一般社団法人 園芸学会
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.6, no.4, pp.521-524, 2007 (Released:2007-10-24)

葉面散布では散布液が短時間に乾くので,葉は充分に溶液を吸うことが出来ない.葉からの吸収量の増加を目的に散布のかわりに一部の葉を水溶液に浸けて吸収量を計測した.なお,葉からの吸収はアポプラスト吸収であり,試験の単純化のために溶液の代わりに水を用いた. 葉面浸漬によって葉からの吸収量は顕著に増加した. また,葉面吸収の原動力の一部は蒸散にあると思われるので,蒸散と葉からの吸水との水分収支を同時測定した.穏やかに晴れた日には,まず蒸散が先行して高まり,吸水が後を追って増加し,夕方には,両者とも急減した.
Mi Sang Lim Sun Hee Choi
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-087, (Released:2017-07-12)

The genetic diversity and relationships among plants belonging to the subfamily Sedoideae (Crassulaceae), some of which are indigenous to Korea or introduced from other countries, were determined using chloroplast (cp) nucleotide sequence analysis. To analyze genetic diversity and variation among 19 plants including species belonging to Sedum, Hylotelephium, and Phedimus, the tRNA-Leucine gene (trnL [UAA]) and adjoining spacer in chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) were sequenced and compared across species. Species were divided into two main groups based on the cpDNA sequence comparison. The generated phylogeny indicated that many native Sedum species had diverged from S. album. Members of the Phedimus and Hylotelephium species, and several Sedum species analyzed here, clustered distinctively in different groups. Using cpDNA sequence analysis, we successfully discriminated Sedoideae plants cultivated in Korea from each other, even at the intraspecific level, and the results were reflective of the morphological and biogeographical characteristics. These findings could be useful for classifying samples for proper naming, choosing breeding materials for new cultivars, or identifying species for conservation of horticultural crop resources.
Jun-ichiro Masuda Yukio Ozaki Michikazu Hiramatsu Kaori Sakai Junghee Kim Hiroshi Okubo
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-082, (Released:2017-07-04)

Effects of photoperiod and temperature on rhizome enlargement (dormancy induction) and accompanied dormancy depth were investigated in this study. Nine-day-old seedlings were transplanted from 26 July at 1 week intervals, and they were grown under a natural photoperiod for 5 weeks in an unheated greenhouse in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Although subterranean stems elongated in the plants grown until 30 August or 6 September, enlarged rhizomes were formed in those grown until 13 September or 20 September. It was revealed from these results that the lotus recognizes a natural photoperiod after 6 September as a short day. When 9 treatments of day length combinations (LD0+SD8–LD8+SD0) were applied to the seedlings, the plants grown under short day after long day treatment of 0 (LD0+SD8), 1 (LD1+SD7), 2 (LD2+SD6), 3 (LD3+SD5), 4 (LD4+SD4), 5 (LD5+SD3), 6 (LD6+SD2), or 7 (LD7+SD1) weeks formed enlarged rhizomes from the fifth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, tenth, twelfth, and fourteenth internodes, respectively. Although photoperiodic treatment in the first week was different between LD0+SD8 and LD1+SD7 treatments, subterranean stems began to enlarge from the same internode (fifth internode) in both treatments. This indicates that photoperiod treatments for the first week do not affect morphology of subterranean stems. Seven treatments of day length combinations (LD2+SD0+LD6–LD2+SD6+LD0) were applied to seedlings after long day treatment for 2 weeks. Enlarged subterranean stems were observed in the plants grown under short day for 6 weeks (LD2+SD6+LD0), but not in those under long day for 6 weeks (LD2+SD0+LD6). On the other hand, subterranean stems elongated again after rhizome enlargement under a subsequent long day following 1 (LD2+SD1+LD5), 2 (LD2+SD2+LD4), 3 (LD2+SD3+LD3), or 4 (LD2+SD4+LD2) weeks of short day. This clarified that morphogenesis in subterranean stems is completely dependent on photoperiod. Further, it is expected that such growth resumption may be attributed to a weak dormant state in the enlarged rhizome. The enlarged rhizomes were exposed to natural low temperatures to examine environmental factors for deepening dormancy. Rhizomes sprouted in all treatments irrespective of exposure to low temperatures when they were transferred to ideal conditions. Rapid growth in leaves and subterranean stems was particularly observed by exposure to low temperature. It was suggested that low temperature is an environmental factor for releasing dormancy, but not for deepening dormancy. It is proposed from these results that subterranean stem growth is completely dependent on photoperiod, and that enlarged rhizomes show weak dormancy.
Hisashi Yamada Shun Ito Daisuke Toshinari Keiko Kataoka Tsuyoshi Habu
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-097, (Released:2017-06-21)

To apply the beneficial results obtained for potted citrus trees to field-grown ones, the effects of seawater application on soil electrical conductivity (EC), water relations, and fruit quality in field-grown satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marcow.) trees were determined. In 2010, periodical applications of smaller amounts of half-strength-diluted (1/2X) or undiluted seawater (1X) delayed the reduction of leaf water potential to the objective level at 0.3 to 0.5 MPa lower than that in the control, resulting in an insignificant increase in soluble solids content (SSC). Thus, half of the total amount of 1X per area applied in 2010 was irrigated once or twice in September in 2012 and 2013. Soil EC in 1X markedly increased after just the first application at above 1.8 dS·m−1 and was kept at a significantly higher level than in the control until harvest, although it gradually decreased by leaching due to rainfall. Leaf water potential at predawn was reduced by 1X and the objective value was achieved from early-October and mid-September to harvest in 2012 and 2013, respectively. SSC was higher in 1X than the control throughout the experimental period and the difference between 1X and the control at harvest was 1.4 and 1.2°Brix in 2012 and 2013, respectively. Other fruit quality parameters including titratable acidity (TA) were not significantly affected by seawater irrigation in either year, except for fruit size which was slightly inhibited in 1X. No difference was observed in the leaf chlorophyll index and abscission between 1X and the control, although the Na content in the leaves was increased in 1X. These results suggest that application of relatively higher amounts of undiluted seawater in the early stage of maturation could induce moderate salt or water stress through the inhibition of water absorption by roots and improve fruit quality by increasing SSC without any visible leaf injury in field-grown satsuma mandarin trees.
Masaaki Takahashi Chie Yoshida Toshikazu Komoda
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-076, (Released:2017-06-10)

A light irradiation method was found to promote coloring in sweet pepper fruit (Capsicum annuum L.) harvested at the breaker stage of mature green fruit. In summer and autumn culture, heating systems are not usually used, and a large amount of uncolored fruit remains after harvest because of low temperatures and/or insufficient sunlight. We investigated the use of light irradiation to enhance the color of the fruit post-harvest and found that light intensities between 50 μmol·m−2·s−1 and 200 μmol·m−2·s−1 made no difference to the coloring rate; however, higher intensities resulted in an increase in the carotenoid content, which is responsible for the color in red sweet pepper fruit. Although temperatures of 15–25°C with light irradiation are considered to be appropriate for fruit coloring, the transpiration rate was found to increase in propotion to temperature rises, and the fruit wilted at 25°C. We also confirmed that fruit colored more than 50% by light irradiation continued getting colored in the dark at temperatures above 15°C. This combination of light irradiation and dark processing may potentially improve the ripening process efficiency and preserve the market value of fruit.
Tawanda Elias Maguvu Yohei Higuchi Michio Shibata
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-078, (Released:2017-05-25)

Portulaca umbraticola is an ephemeral flower that opens early in the morning and wilts in the late afternoon. Although light and temperature act as major external cues to limit the velocity of flower opening, endogenous factors regulating its timing are largely unknown. In this study, we used time lapse photography to study the effect of different photoperiods and light qualities on the flower opening rhythm of Portulaca umbraticola. When illumination was provided, flower opening was rapid and most of the flowers reached the full opening stage. In contrast, in continuous darkness (DD), progression of flower opening was similar to other treatments only during the earlier stages of flower opening; thereafter, progression was significantly slower and most flowers did not progress up to the full opening stage. A robust flower opening rhythm with a period of approximately 24 h was observed in DD for at least three days and flower opening was strongly synchronous. In contrast, continuous white (LL) and continuous red (RR) lights showed a less robust rhythm with periods of approximately 21 and 22 h, respectively, for the first two days and from the second to the third day arrhythmia developed. Continuous blue light (BB) mirrored DD, with a period of approximately 25 h. Under the different photoperiods used (20L/4D, 18L/6D, 16L/8D, 12L/12D, 8L/16D, and 4L/20D), flower opening occurred earlier at longer photoperiods in comparison with shorter photoperiods, relative to the reference point (17:00). However, when the dark period was less than 6 h, loss of synchronicity of flower opening was observed. Synchronicity of flower opening was only set when the dark period was greater than or equal to 6 h.