Atsushi Imai Takeshi Kuniga Terutaka Yoshioka Keisuke Nonaka Nobuhito Mitani Hiroshi Fukamachi Naofumi Hiehata Masashi Yamamoto Takeshi Hayashi
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-013, (Released:2016-09-24)

We analyzed the pedigree records (1995–2010) of the Kuchinotsu Citrus Breeding Program (KCBP) at the National Institute of Fruit Tree Science (NIFTS) in Japan, abbreviated as NIFTS-KCBP, to reveal the genetic background and current status of inbreeding and genetic uniformity of the parental cultivars/genotypes and their F1 breeding progenies. The founding genotypes mostly used for crossing in NIFTS-KCBP were satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marcow.), sweet orange (C. sinensis [L.] Osbeck), king mandarin (C. nobilis Lour.), clementine (C. clementina hort. ex Tanaka), mediterranean mandarin (C. deliciosa Ten.), dancy tangerine (C. tangerina hort. ex Tanaka), and ponkan (C. reticulata Blanco). The intensive use of these seven genotypes and their progenies as crossed parents has led to a high degree of inbreeding in the breeding population. Moreover, these seven genotypes have dominated about 80% of the genetic composition of the breeding population. Although further studies are needed to reveal the influence of inbreeding and genetic uniformity on agronomically important traits, these data offer useful information for the selection of cross combinations and breeding strategies in the ongoing NIFTS citrus breeding program, Japan.
Mei Gao-Takai Ayako Katayama-Ikegami Shinichi Nakano Kenichi Matsuda Hino Motosugi
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-009, (Released:2016-09-17)

The growth and berry quality of ‘Ruby Roman’ (Vitis labruscana) grapevines grafted on two species of rootstock, ‘Kober 5BB’ [‘5BB(2×)’] (V. berlandieri × V. riparia, a semi-dwarf rootstock) and ‘Hybrid Franc’ [‘HF(2×)’] (V. rupestris × V. vinifera, a vigorous rootstock), and their colchicine-induced autotetraploids [‘5BB(4×)’ and ‘HF(4×)’] were investigated through 2 years of pot cultivation followed by 2 years of ground cultivation. During the nursery stage, the survival rate and root and shoot growth of the grafted cuttings in the two diploid rootstocks were obviously greater than in their corresponding tetraploids. During subsequent cultivation in pots and in the ground, the grapevines grafted on ‘5BB(4×)’ had less shoot growth (weight and length), shorter internode length, and in some cases smaller stem diameter than those grafted on ‘5BB(2×)’. However, in contrast with ‘5BB’, there was no significant difference in total vine growth between ‘HF(2×)’ and ‘HF(4×)’ during pot cultivation, and the total shoot length and weight in the ‘HF(4×)’ grapevine was greater than in ‘HF(2×)’ during ground cultivation in 2014. After 2 years of pot cultivation, the root growth of the ‘HF’ (diploid and tetraploid) rootstocks was more vigorous than that of the ‘5BB’ (diploid and tetraploid) rootstocks. In addition, the proportions of the thin roots (diameters <1 mm) in the two diploid rootstocks [‘5BB(2×)’ and ‘HF(2×)’] were greater than those in the two tetraploid rootstocks [‘5BB(4×)’ and ‘HF(4×)’]. In contrast, the proportions of the thick roots (diameters 1–2 mm, 2–5 mm, and >5 mm) in the two diploid rootstocks were less than those in the two tetraploid rootstocks. Furthermore, the berries of ‘Ruby Roman’ harvested from the grapevines grafted on ‘5BB(4×)’ exhibited a much deeper skin coloration than those harvested from the other grapevines.
Kyeong-Seong Cheon Akira Nakatsuka Keisuke Tasaki Nobuo Kobayashi
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-025, (Released:2016-09-17)

Double flower form is an important trait of ornamental flower plants such as Japanese azalea because of its high visual appeal. We investigated floral phenotypes and a MADS-box C class gene to characterize floral morphology and this gene in single- and double-flowered cultivars of Japanese azaleas. Normal floral organs (sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels) were observed from each whorl of single flowers, whereas in double flowers, petaloid stamens or petals were observed from the third and fourth whorls, and there were no normal stamens or carpels in any flowers. Molecular analysis revealed that expression of the azalea AGAMOUS/PLENA (AG/PLE) homolog was lower in the inner two whorls of double flowers than in inner two whorls of single flowers, and expression of the AG/PLE homolog was higher in the double-flowered cultivars ‘Surugaman-yo’ and ‘Yodogawa’ than in other double-flowered cultivars. Moreover, sequence analysis of AG/PLE mRNA revealed deletion mutations in the coding regions of the AG/PLE homolog in ‘Surugaman-yo’ and ‘Yodogawa’. These results suggest that the double flowers of Japanese azalea cultivars are formed as the down-regulated expression and deleted sequence mutation of the azalea AG/PLE homolog.
峯村 万貴 泉 克明 山下 裕之 塚原 一幸
一般社団法人 園芸学会
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.8, no.1, pp.115-122, 2009 (Released:2009-01-25)
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‘ナガノパープル’は,長野県果樹試験場において四倍体ブドウの‘巨峰’と二倍体ブドウの‘ロザリオ ビアンコ’の交雑組み合わせから選抜された三倍体ブドウであり,2004年に種苗法に基づき品種登録された.1990年に交雑し,交雑胚は胚珠・胚培養により養成した.成熟期は育成地で9月上旬(満開後85日頃)である.果房は160~170 g程度の大きさ,果粒は円形で5~6 g程度の大きさであり,果粒の一部に種子の含有が認められる.果皮色は紫黒色である.果皮と果肉の分離は難で,果肉特性は崩壊性である.果汁の甘味は強く,酸含量は少なく,フォクシーフレーバーがある.裂果の発生がみられる.満開時と満開後14日頃の2回のジベレリン処理(25 ppm液)により480~490 g程度の果房と13~14 g程度の果粒が得られ,果粒は完全に無核となる.ジベレリン処理果では無処理果に比べて裂果の発生が少ない傾向であった.花穂の着生は良好であり,短梢剪定による安定的生産が可能と考えられた.
薬師寺 博 上野 俊人 東 暁史 児下 佳子
一般社団法人 園芸学会
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.7, no.1, pp.81-86, 2008 (Released:2008-01-25)

花田 惇史 吉田 裕一 佐藤 卓也 後藤 丹十郎 安場 健一郎 田中 義行
一般社団法人 園芸学会
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.15, no.2, pp.161-169, 2016

近年,受粉用ミツバチがしばしば不足し,果実を中心に園芸作物の生産コスト増大や品質低下を引き起こしている.その解決策の一つとして,医療用の無菌ウジ増殖技術を応用して生産したヒロズキンバエについて,施設栽培作物の花粉媒介昆虫としての実用化の可能性を検討した.イチゴ,トマト,ナスおよびメロンを対象として,開花期にヒロズキンバエをハウス内に放飼し,着果率や果実形態の比較によって,各作物への受粉効果を調査した.トマト,ナスおよびメロンにおいては,明確な着果促進効果は得られなかった.一方,イチゴでは,ハエは羽化直後から盛んに花に飛来する姿が観察され,ハエ搬入前と比較して受精不良果発生率は大きく低下した.ただし,90 m2当たり400頭の搬入では品種によって効果が不十分であった.しかし,1000頭搬入した場合は,ミツバチと同等の効果が得られたことから,ヒロズキンバエはミツバチの代替ポリネーターとして十分利用可能であると考えられた.
尾森 仁美 細川 宗孝 芝 勇人 漆川 直希 村井 耕二 矢澤 進
一般社団法人 園芸学会
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN:18823351)
vol.78, no.3, pp.350-355, 2009

キク(<i>Dendranthema grandiflorum</i>)に感染するウイロイドとしてキクわい化ウイロイド(CSVd)が知られている.CSVd がキクに感染するとわい化などの症状がみられ,切花栽培において大きな問題となる.しかし,これまでに CSVd に強度の抵抗性を持つキクに関する報告はない.本研究では CSVd 濃度を定量し,キク 6 品種から CSVd の濃度上昇が緩慢な品種として'うたげ'を選抜した.次に,'うたげ'を自殖し,得られた後代 67 個体より RT-PCR 法,nested-PCR 法,micro-tissue(MT)direct RT-PCR 法および real-time RT-PCR 法を用いて CSVd 抵抗性を持つ植物体の探索を行った.67 個体のうち,RT-PCR 法で明確なバンドがみられない 9 個体を一次選抜した.この 9 個体のうち,接ぎ木後 5 か月目においても CSVd 濃度が'うたげ'の約 1/240,1/41000,1/125000 倍である 3 個体(C7,A30 および A27)を強い抵抗性を持つ植物体として選抜した.C7 では MT direct RT-PCR 法および <i>in situ</i> ハイブリダイゼーションにより最も若い完全展開葉において CSVd の局在がみられた.A27 および A30 では,植物体全体で CSVd はほとんど検出されなかった.これら 3 個体は CSVd 抵抗性機構の解明に寄与するものと考えられた.<br>
Wanita Kaewphalug Pattana Srifah Huehne Ajaraporn Sriboonlert
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.MI-123, (Released:2016-08-25)

Orchids are economically valuable as cut flowers and in pot plant markets. However, a juvenility phase that is too long is the main disadvantage for commercial orchids. To understand the gene involving floral transition controls in orchids, a CONSTANS-like (COL) gene in the photoperiodic flowering pathway was isolated from Dendrobium crumenatum (pigeon orchid). The cDNA isolated has an open reading frame (ORF) of 969 bp, encoding 322 amino acids. Sequence alignment based on amino acid sequences revealed that the Dendrobium crumenatum COL (DcCOL) shared a high identity with COL isolated from other plant species including Phalaenopsis COL (85%), Oryza sativa Hd1 (70%), Erycina pusilla COL5 (EpCOL5) (66%), and Arabidopsis thaliana CO (39%). DcCOL has three conserved domains (CCT, B-box I, and B-box II domains) and is classified in group I CO/COL by phylogenetic analysis in the Arabidopsis B-box zinc finger protein family. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR demonstrated DcCOL was expressed in all stages of development and all tissue types with the highest expression in floral buds and opened flowers of mature orchids. The expression pattern under photoperiod pathway demonstrated a diurnal expression. The DcCOL was accumulated in the dark in all photoperiodic conditions, i.e., long, neutral, and short days suggesting that the regulation of DcCOL was controlled in a circadian rhythm-dependent manner. The results suggested that photoperiodism is not the main factor in D. crumenatum floral induction control. This DcCOL expression pattern coincided with the D. crumenatum flowering behavior in which the flowering occurs before dawn and lasts for only 24 h implying the function of DcCOL is related to flowering.
Yoshito Sasaki Yasuo Ishii Hironobu Abe Katsuaki Mitachi Takayoshi Watanabe Tadafumi Niizato
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.MI-132, (Released:2016-08-11)

To examine the translocation of radiocesium scattered by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident that occurred in March 2011 to the Japanese chestnut, we investigated the autoradiography and radiocesium concentration in each part of Japanese chestnuts. The Japanese chestnut fruit has a thin skin between the kernel (cotyledons) and shell; the kernel of the fruit is edible. The 137Cs concentration in each part of the fruit was found to be almost the same at about 1.0 × 104 Bq·kg−1 DW, as well as leaves. The radiocesium concentration in chestnut weevil larvae found on the fruit was approximately one-seventh of that in the kernel.
Shigeki Moriya Miyuki Kunihisa Kazuma Okada Hiroshi Iwanami Hiroyoshi Iwata Mai Minamikawa Yuichi Katayose Toshimi Matsumoto Satomi Mori Harumi Sasaki Takashi Matsumoto Chikako Nishitani Shingo Terakami Toshiya Yamamoto Kazuyuki Abe
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.MI-156, (Released:2016-07-23)

During apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) storage, a loss in fruit firmness can occur. This is frequently associated with mealiness, an undesirable trait. There have been studies, such as phenotypic analyses and transcriptomics, as well as others employing a transgenic approach, focusing on this trait. Certain genetic approaches, such as quantitative trait loci (QTL) approach, however, have not been attempted. In this study, to identify and characterize QTLs controlling flesh mealiness and to investigate their application in apple breeding, we performed classical QTL mapping based on a bi-parental population and a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of mealiness. Phenotypic data for mealiness allowed us to identify two QTLs in the bi-parental family located on linkage group 10. The GWAS discovered significant marker-trait associations on chromosomes 2, 9, and 10. The MdPG1 locus, located on chromosome 10, was identified as the locus with the strongest significance by both QTL mapping and GWAS, suggesting its primary contribution to flesh mealiness. Using a tri-allelic simple sequence repeat marker, Md-PG1SSR10kd, 10 kb downstream of the MdPG1 coding sequence, we divided apple accessions into six groups based on their genotypes. Among the six groups, the Md-PG1SSR10kd genotype “2/2” had the least mealy phenotype.
Miriam Valle Arizaga Oscar Fabián Villalobos Navarro Carlos Roman Castillo Martinez Esmeralda Judith Cruz Gutiérrez Humberto Antonio López Delgado Shin‑ichi Yamamoto Kazuo Watanabe Takao Niino
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-002, (Released:2016-07-16)

We modified the D cryo-plate protocol by paper mounting to the cryo-plate with alginate gel and shoot tips, and cryopreserved shoot tips of 13 potato genotypes (potato genetic resources in Mexico) using the revised and optimized D cryo-plate protocol. There were no significant differences in regrowth of cryopreserved shoot tips by addition of the paper mounting step to the base D cryo-plate protocol, besides a reduction in dropping shoot tips in steps during the whole procedure. Some steps of revised D cryo-plate protocol were optimized or reconfirmed, and the effect of optimizations such as cold-hardening, loading solution treatment, and post-rewarming treatment on the regeneration of shoot tips was studied. This optimized protocol was successfully applied to ‘B-71-240-2’ and 12 additional potato genotypes, resulting in 70.0%–93.3% regrowth with an average of 82.8% and stable storage for 1 year. When introducing new cryopreservation techniques, modification and optimization of the method are required to adjust to each laboratory’s circumstances. This optimized D cryo-plate method will facilitate cryobanking of potato and other plant genetic resources in Mexico for long-term preservation in a genebank.
Naftali Zur Lyudmila Shlizerman Giora Ben-Ari Avi Sadka
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.MI-147, (Released:2016-07-12)

Fruit splitting is a preharvest physiological disorder that occurs in many commercially important fruit species, including some citrus cultivars such as Navel oranges, Valencia oranges, and some mandarins. The phenomenon is affected by both genetic background and environmental conditions, causing heavy fruit loss in splitting-prone cultivars in some years. For instance, high levels of irrigation usually enhance splitting incidence. The phenomenon initiates at the end of the summer, toward fruit maturation, and to date, there is no way to predict splitting incidence. Here, we tested the ability of nondestructive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which does not alter the dimensions of the internal fruit tissues, to predict splitting incidence in ‘Nova’ mandarin fruit populations of trees subjected to two levels of irrigation (low and high). Samples, collected about two months prior to splitting appearance, were sorted by their internal tissues dimensions. Among all measured tissues, sorted navel dimensions showed the best correlation with splitting incidence. This was determined by dividing the MRI-sampled fruits into two populations, according to the actual splitting incidence, as calculated at the end of the season. Prediction of the splitting percentage in the low irrigation fruit population was than possible in the high irrigation fruit population, and vice versa. These results demonstrated the power of MRI to predict splitting probability as early as 2 months before split fruit are found. In addition to its potential practical application, the ability to predict splitting probability in a given fruit population could help elucidate the mechanism underlying the disorder.
髙附 亜矢子 石田 豊 垣渕 和正 櫻井 直樹 村田 芳行 中野 龍平 久保 康隆
一般社団法人 園芸学会
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.15, no.2, pp.197-206, 2016 (Released:2016-06-30)

収穫後の短時間近赤外光照射(中心波長850 nm,100 μmol・m−2・s−1,5分間)が3種の葉菜の重量減少と気孔開度および外観品質に及ぼす影響を調査した.リーフレタス,ホウレンソウ,コマツナに貯蔵前1回または毎日,近赤外光を5分間照射し,ポリ袋密封包装または有孔ポリ袋包装を行い,10°C暗所に保存した.いずれの葉菜でもポリ袋密封包装と有孔ポリ袋包装にかかわらず,貯蔵3日後の近赤外光照射区の重量減少率と気孔開度は無照射区と比較して小さくなり,照射区では外観品質も優れた.その効果は近赤外光1回照射区より毎日照射区の方が大きくなる傾向を示した.有孔ポリ袋に包んだ葉菜類を10°C下で暗所および明所に保存し,近赤外光照射の効果を経時的に調べたところ,いずれの条件でも近赤外光照射による蒸散抑制,外観品質保持効果が確認された.その効果は1回照射よりも毎日照射区で優れ,特に,ホウレンソウでその効果が大きかった.本研究の結果は収穫後の短期間近赤外光照射は流通中の葉菜類の付加的な品質保持技術として応用できる可能性を示すものである.
Xi Li Akira Kitajima Tsuyoshi Habu Keiko Kataoka Rihito Takisawa Tetsuya Nakazaki
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.MI-145, (Released:2016-06-15)

A new method of inducing fruit abscission by incubating detached ovaries and fruits in agar medium was developed in citrus. Ovary and fruit abscission in the satsuma mandarin, ‘Kiyomi’, hyuganatsu, and ponkan during early physiological fruit drop was characterized using this method. For primary physiological fruit drop, the abscission of detached ovaries could be divided into three patterns, including an early type in hyuganatsu, a medium type in ‘Kiyomi’, and a late type in satsuma mandarin and ponkan. The cumulative abscission ratio of four species and cultivars was over 80% at 96 h after treatment. However, for secondary physiological fruit drop, the initiation of fruit abscission was earliest in hyuganatsu, and latest in satsuma mandarin. The cumulative abscission ratio was highest in ponkan at 84% and lowest in hyuganatsu at 6%. The pattern of abscission was different for primary and secondary physiological fruit drop in the four species and cultivars. High temperature promoted the abscission of detached ovaries and fruits in satsuma mandarin and ponkan. Leaf attachment suppressed fruit abscission in ‘Kiyomi’, hyuganatsu, and ponkan at 7 weeks after anthesis in 2012 and ponkan at 5 weeks after anthesis in 2013. Ovary and fruit abscission in four species and cultivars during early physiological fruit drop was characterized by incubating detached ovaries and fruits in agar medium.
Yoshikuni Kitamura Yukari Kato Toshiki Yasui Hiroe Aizawa Sachiyo Ueno
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.MI-128, (Released:2016-06-08)

Cut hydrangea (Hydrangea spp.) flowers are marketed at two different harvest stages, the fresh- and antique-stages. Flowers cut at the fresh-stage are harvested just after the coloring of decorative sepals is completed before flowering, and flowers cut at the antique-stage are harvested when the decorative sepals develop green and/or red colors after flowering. In almost all cultivars, an increase in the hydraulic conductance of the stomata (stomatal conductance) of the abaxial side of decorative sepals occurs during the transition from the fresh to the antique-stage. We investigated the relation between the stomatal conductance increase and the severity of the damage to decorative sepals. The degree of stomatal conductance increase regressed with the severity of the damage occurrence to the antique-stage decorative sepals before harvest. The relation between the stomatal conductance increase and vase life of antique-stage cut hydrangea flowers was also investigated. Abscisic acid (ABA)-treated antique-stage cut flowers exhibited lower stomatal conductance on the abaxial side of decorative sepals than control cut flowers. A photoperiodic change in the transpiration was observed in the control cut flowers, but not in ABA-treated cut flowers. These ABA treated cut flowers had longer vase lives than control cut flowers. To achieve minimal damage before harvest and longer vase life in the antique-stage during cut hydrangea flower production, screening for stomatal conductance non-increasing cultivars would be desirable. Since the stomatal conductance of antique-stage decorative sepals showed a highly significant correlation with fresh-stage decorative sepals, these can be used as an index in screening for stomatal conductance non-increasing cultivars.
Seiji Takeda Kasumi Arakawa Takeshi Kawai
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.MI-152, (Released:2016-06-08)

We investigated the relationship between shoot apex morphology and anthesis time in five cultivars of Chrysanthemum morifolium flowering in summer. Fluctuating weather conditions in nature make stable production of agricultural crops difficult. The timing of floral induction and flower formation are determined by environmental factors such as day length and temperature. Although genetic analyses using model plants have provided a lot of knowledge regarding the molecular mechanism of flowering, it is difficult to apply to agricultural plants growing in the field because of the inconstant weather and lack of molecular analysis tools of many farmers. A simple morphological marker that enables farmers to predict anthesis time is useful for stable production of field-grown crops. We examined the shoot apex morphology of five Chrysanthemum morifolium cultivars weekly. Measurement of the shoot apex diameter by image analysis software showed that the shoot apex enlargement can be separated two phases, early slow-growth and later rapid-growth phases. We defined the developmental stages of the shoot apex in C. morifolium and found that the diameter of the shoot apex and developmental stages had a proportional relation. Each cultivar had a different inclination in an approximation straight line in the later rapid-growth phase. Comparison of the shoot apex morphology and weather records revealed different responses to the ambient temperature among the cultivars. The data suggest that weekly observation of the shoot apex makes it possible to characterize the cultivar and can be used to predict anthesis time. This is useful as a simple morphological marker for stable production of C. morifolium grown outdoors.
Tomoki Shibuya Yuki Murakawa Koji Nishidate Manabu Nishiyama Yoshinori Kanayama
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.MI-126, (Released:2016-06-02)

The flowering response to monochromatic light and flowering-related genes underlying this response need to be characterized to efficiently use light-emitting diodes for lighting culture. The flowering response to far-red light has been well studied in long-day cut flowers, but there have been few studies investigating the response to blue light. Flowering and the expression of the G. paniculata homologs of the FLOWERING LOCUS T and SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS 1 genes (GpFT, GpSOC1) were not previously promoted in Gypsophila paniculata, an important long-day cut flower, ‘Bristol Fairy’ under long-day conditions with blue light. In the present study, we found that flowering was promoted in another G. paniculata ‘Million Star’, under long-day conditions with blue light, suggesting that there is variation in G. paniculata’s flowering response to blue light. Therefore, we analyzed the expression of GpFT and GpSOC1 in the ‘Million Star’. The expression of GpFT and GpSOC1 was promoted with flowering in ‘Million Star’ under long-day conditions with blue light in contrast to ‘Bristol Fairy’. We next analyzed the G. paniculata homologs (GpFKF1, GpGI) of FLAVIN-BINDING KELCH REPEAT F-BOX 1 and GIGANTEA genes, which participate in the flowering response to blue light. GpFKF1 and GpGI amino acid sequences were well conserved; gene expression showed a diurnal rhythm with different peaks under short-day and long-day conditions, as previously observed in Arabidopsis thaliana. GpFKF1 interacted with GpGI. There were no important differences in GpFKF1 or GpGI amino acid sequences between the two cultivars. Our results suggest that variation in the flowering response to blue light is associated with GpFT and GpSOC1, rather than GpFKF1 and GpGI.
Ken Takahata Hiroyuki Miura
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.MI-110, (Released:2016-05-28)

In the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), the position of the inflorescence on the stem is known to affect the number of days to first anthesis and has commonly been characterized by the leaf-number (ordinal number from the oldest leaf) of the leaf just below the inflorescence (LEAF-BI) only by the appearance after extension of the stem near the inflorescence. Some examples showing that this evaluation was not suitable were observed by the authors. To confirm the reproducibility of the observation, experiments were conducted in which 4 cultivars were sown in a greenhouse 12 times from Oct. 2008 to Aug. 2010. Based on the vertical positional relationship between the base of the first, second, or third inflorescence and the base of the last initiated leaf before inflorescence primordium on the growing point (L-LEAF, the true guide for determining the inflorescence position), the L-LEAFs of ‘My Lock’ plants in all growth periods and ‘House Momotaro’, ‘Momotaro 8’, and ‘Super Fast’ plants in the non-high-temperature growth periods were always just above the inflorescences, that is, the LEAF-BIs were always the leaves below the L-LEAFs. In contrast, the L-LEAFs of all cultivars except ʻMy Lockʼ in the high-temperature growth periods were often just below the inflorescence, that is, the LEAF-BIs were often the L-LEAFs. Comparing the leaf-number of LEAF-BI and that of L-LEAF demonstrated that the former often overestimated the inflorescence positon among growth periods and cultivars. In temperature treatments with ‘House Momotaro’, such a positional switch of the L-LEAF was reproducible. External observation indicated that the stem on the L-LEAF side and the stem on the inflorescence side extended non-uniformly and the position of the L-LEAF was determined by which side extended faster. Collectively, the LEAF-BI is not a leaf identified morphogenetically, and to identify the position of the inflorescence, the leaf-number of L-LEAF, not LEAF-BI, should be used.
Jammaree Singkaew Shuichi Miyagawa Chalermchai Wongs-Aree Taweerat Vichitsoonthonkul Saneh Sokaokha Songsin Photchanachai
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.MI-087, (Released:2016-05-27)

Physiological qualities of F1 hybrid tomato seeds affected by the growing season; maturity stage at 40, 45, 50, 60, and 70 days after cross-pollination (DAP), and storage in plastic bags at 0°C for four months were studied. The characteristics of seeds from early harvested fruits (45 DAP) that subsequently ripened at ambient temperature (28 ± 2°C) for ten days (designated as “45+ripening”), were also investigated. Higher light intensity, and a wider range of night and day temperatures and relative humidity (RH), but lower night temperature and RH, were observed in the winter season compared to the rainy season. The winter climate delayed physiological maturity of the seeds by 10 days, indicated by the highest weight of dried seed, percentage germination and germination index which occurred at 60 DAP. On the other hand, in the rainy season physiological maturity occurred at 50 DAP. The proportions of irregularly shaped seeds, abnormal seedlings and weak seedlings were independent of fruit and seed maturity, while the amount of speckled seeds significantly increased with an increase in seed development on either the mother plant or the 45+ripening. Fresh (non-stored seeds) and stored seeds of the fruits harvested at 45+ripening and at 60 DAP showed the same quality. The number of fresh ungerminated seed in the seeds of 45 and 50 DAP was markedly reduced after four months storage at 0°C.
Erasmus Kirii Tanjuro Goto Yuichi Yoshida Ken-ichiro Yasuba Yoshiyuki Tanaka
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.MI-148, (Released:2016-05-27)
1 21

Pungency in peppers is due to the presence of the alkaloid capsaicin and its analogues, collectively known as capsaicinoids. These compounds are only produced in the Capsicum genus and function as deterrents to mammals from consuming the pepper fruits. Pungency in pepper is qualitatively controlled by the Pun1 locus, which encodes a putative acyltransferase enzyme. Mutations in the Pun1 gene result in a loss of pungency, and several Pun1 loss-of-function alleles have been identified in sweet peppers to date (pun11–3). However, variations in pun1 alleles have not been completely elucidated. In the present study, we report a new type of loss-of-function pun1 allele, named pun14, in a Japanese sweet pepper cultivar, ‘Nara Murasaki’ (C. annuum). Sequence analysis at the Pun1 locus revealed that this type of Pun1 allele is caused by a single adenine nucleotide insertion in the second exon region. This insertion is unique to ‘Nara Murasaki’ and is not present in wild-type Pun1. This insertion causes a frameshift mutation and a change in the amino acid sequence, resulting in a truncated protein. The results of gene expression analysis indicated that the expression of Pun1 in ‘Nara Murasaki’ was hardly detectable, while the transcripts of this gene were strongly expressed in a pungent cultivar. In a co-segregation test, the pun14 genotype perfectly co-segregated with non-pungency in 103 F2 population plants of a cross between ‘Nara Murasaki’ and a pungent cultivar. ‘Nara Murasaki’ and a DNA marker to distinguish the pun14 allele will be informative for understanding the domestication process of sweet peppers.