三露 久生 茶谷 孝治 林 進
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.16, no.5, pp.255-259, 1990

We surveyed differences of curative rates of Yokuinin for verruca vulgaris between children and adults with a questionnaire.Curative rates of patients who belong to 0-5 years old, 6-11 years old, 12-17 years old, and over 18 years old were;71%, 74%, 56%, and 20%, respectively. The curative rate of patients over 18 years old was remarkably reduced as compared. with that of children under 12 years old.Significant difference was observed between the curative rate of 0-11 years old group and that of over 18 years old group.
稲毛 治夫 加藤 裕久 石船 重之 古泉 秀夫 下川 正見 松下 竹次 江木 晋三
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.19, no.4, pp.353-357, 1993-08-20 (Released:2011-08-11)

The hydrophilic membrane of a final filter was dissolved by etoposide injection (Lastet) when administered to a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia by the continuous dosing method applied through a final filter. The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the effecacy (appearance, bubble point pressure and durability) of five final filters using etoposide injection and adjuvants. The results suggest that polyethylene glycol and ethanol in etoposide injection dissolved the cellulose membrane of the final filter, whereas the teflon membrane of the syringe-operated filter unit was valuable.
大塚 亮子 青山 隆夫 高柳 理早 清野 敏一 清水 秀行 中村 幸一 小滝 一 澤田 康文 伊賀 立二
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.23, no.3, pp.269-277, 1997-06-10 (Released:2011-08-11)
1 2

We studied the effect of advising outpatients on the rational use of ophthalmic solutions and compliance by a questionnaire (n=158), in order to establish the optimal consultation method. A total of 41.8% of the patients answered the questionnaire. In compairing the actual use of ophthalmic solutions before and after consultation, the rates of rational use increased for all items except for “applications per day”, which decreased slightly from 93.4% before the consultation to 90.2% after that. In particular, “eyelid closure” and “nasolacrimal occlusion” after instillation, and “the 5 min interval of instillation in the case of plural medication”, considerably increased from 34.8% before the consultation to 60.6% after that, from 9.5% to 50.8% and from 45.9% to 73.8%, respectively. The compliance remarkably improved in glaucoma patients after consultation regarding “the 5min interval of instillation” .Based on these results, our consultation method for the rational use on ophthalmic solutions was thus evaluated. However, since some patients who still did not appreciate the need for the rational use of such medication still presented, further improvements in the consultation method requires for the rational use.
原田 康 垣内 祥宏 武田 光志 佐藤 信一 馬場 泰行 幸田 幸直
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.25, no.4, pp.399-406, 1999-08-10 (Released:2011-08-11)

Recently, automatic tablet counting and packaging machines have come to be widely used for the one-dose packaging of tablets and capsules. However, coloration, i.e. changes in color, of such tablets repackaged by one-dose packaging machins for dispensing has been frequently observed in several kinds of tablets due to the light, humidity and temperature in the room. In this report, the changes observed over time in the controlled-release mesalazine product, Pentasa® tablets, repackaged with polyethylene-laminated cellophane and glassine films for the one-dose packaging was studied.The repackaged tablets changed color within a week at room conditions (22-25°C, 50-70% RH) under a 350 lux fluorescent white-1 amp ex posure for 12 h per day or in darkness. However, no coloration was observed for at least four weeks in a refrigerator (4°C, 20% RH) in dark ness. The weight of the repackaged tablets increased by about 1% at room conditions within a week, while no such weight increase in the tablets was observed while the tablets were kept in a refrigerator. No changes in the amounts of mesalazine and its degradates, gentigic acid and p-aminophenol, in the tablets were observed and the dissolution properties of mesalazine from the tablets also remained unchanged during the experimental period.Based on these findings, we conclude that the one-dose packaging of Pentasa® tablets is not a suitable procedure since it results in the absorption of moisture and changes in color.
伊藤 葉子 長尾 康博 伊田 喜光 山元 俊憲 黒岩 幸雄
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.21, no.4, pp.319-326, 1995-08-10 (Released:2011-08-11)

We found that an impurity was formed in the 1% dibucaine injection solution following ordinal treatment using the high-pressure steam method. The impurity was isolated and characterized to be 2-hydroxy-N-[2-(diethylamino) ethy1-4-quinolinecarboxamine (debutyl-dibucaine)], which was caused from the thermal degradation of dibucaine brought about by the sterilization process. The degradation of dibucaine with dealkylation was found to be affected under the thermal treatment, time and temperature conditions. In addition, suitable sterilization conditions were established to maintain the purity of the 1% dibucaine injection solution at more than 99.5%.
高橋 文枝 田村 善蔵 矢沢 幸平
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.6, no.1, pp.50-54, 1980 (Released:2011-08-11)
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The factors which cause death of the living cells in a bifidobacterial preparation (Lac B) were studied. When the relative humidity exceeded 50%, or when the moisture absorption in the preparation exceeded 5%, the number of the living cells rapidly reduced at 27°. In such humidity, however, death of the cells was not observed during 10 days, when the temperature was maintainedat 4°. When the cells, dried over P2os, were compounded with the same quantity of a dried drug and stored under dry condition, the number of living cells did not reduced for 1 week even at 37°.
森田 俊博 海浪 裕子 林原 正和 大坪 健司
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.24, no.3, pp.237-242, 1998-06-10 (Released:2011-08-11)

We developed safe and simple closed system for preparing ointments containing cytotoxic drugs using a polyethylene bag.β-Carotene (β-C) and fluorescein sodium (FL) were used as model drugs in the present study. All preparation procedures were carried out in a polyethylene bag. The uniformity of drug content in the ointment was obtained by rolling the contents more than 20 times with a roller in both model drugs. The contents of each model drug in the ointment prepared by a closed system were consistent with those by the conventional method using a glass mortar. The time required to prepare the ointment in a closed system was much shorter than that using the conventional method. In addition, no contamination was observed in the closed system, whereas some contamination of the cyto-safe sheet and gloves with FL were observed with the conventional method. Based on the present findings, a closed system using a polyethylen bag is thus considered to be a useful method for preparing ointments containing cytotoxic drugs.
石井 義昭 細田 純子 若山 文恵 安藤 正子
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.5, no.3, pp.176-185, 1979 (Released:2011-08-11)

Compatibility of enteric-coated Futraful E Granules (FTEG) with 60 commercial preparations was investigated. In combination with FTEG, changes in appearance (wetness, coagulation, coloration and liquefaction) under the worst condition (30°, RH 92%) were observed in only 3 of the 60 preparations: neophylline, theocolin and sodium bicarbonate. In thin-layer chromatography, decomposed compounds producedin combination of FTFG with the 3 preparations were identified as5-fluorouracil. In the dissolution test, FTEG was not dissolved in1st fluid (J. P. IX) in the same combination. Therefore, the combination of FTEG with 2 of the 3 preparations should be avoided, but the combination with the remaining 57 preparations is possible if attention is paid topackaging, duration of administration and other conditions.
塩尻 容子 黒崎 勇二 川崎 博巳 柳澤 一恵 荒木 博陽 五味田 裕 小田 慈 竹田 芳弘 平木 祥夫
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.24, no.6, pp.677-682, 1998-12-10 (Released:2011-08-11)
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Improving the patient's QOL is an important matter for guaranteeing proper pharmacotherapy. Lugol's solution (LS, iodine content: I2 3.4%, KI 6.6%) for internal use is a useful drug for the inhibition of radioiodine uptake to the thyroid gland. However, it is difficult for patients, especially children to take this agent or ally due to its unpleasant taste, terrible smell, and peculiar color. The present study was conducted to improve both the taste and the smell of LS, by using soft drinks containing ascorbic acid. Iodine (I2) molecules in LS are reduced to iodide (F) by ascorbic acid, and the peculiar color of LS thus vanished. The amount of L (+)-ascorbic acid (VC) required to remove the color was in good agreement with the rational value. The improvement in the taste, smell, stimulation on the tongue, and the overall ease in taking the following four LS preparations, i.e., the control LS (LS-I), added by Simple Syrup solution (LS-II), by VC solution (LS-III), and by POCARISWEAT® (LS-IV), were then evaluated in the ten healthy adult volunteers. LS-II, -III and -IV, significantly improved all the elements compared with LSI, and eight volunteers selected LS-IV as the easiest preparation. The inhibitory effect of LS-IV to the radioiodine uptake to the thyroid gland was also confirmed in a patient with neuroblastoma based on a clinical diagnosis using 131I-metaiodobenzyl-guanidine scintigraphy. These results suggest that the medication method for taking LS with soft drinks containing VC improves the compliance and QOL of these patients.
山路 昭 藤井 康子 奥田 陽子 青野 真知子 佐藤 健太郎 千葉 幹夫 平岡 栄一
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.4, no.1, pp.7-11, 1978 (Released:2011-08-11)
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Photodegradation of vitamin K1 and K2 injections during preservation and in intravenous admixtures was investigated by high-pressure liquid chromatography. When exposed to fluorescent light (500 lux), 50% of commercial product (10mg) of vitamin K1 decomposed in about 15 days, compared with about 10 days for the 50% decomposition of vitamin K2 product. In the intravenous admixtures for drip infusion, the residual rate after sunlight irradiation (2, 000 lux) for 3 hours was 43-63% for K1 and 31-44% for K2. Therefore, intravenous admixtures containing theselight-unstable injections require shading during drip infusion. In Osaka University Hospital, the light-resistant covers of containers for injections are used for this purpose.
西川 三喜男 鈴木 一市 森田 久代 川影 逸郎 藤井 喜一郎
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.12, no.3, pp.257-260, 1986-06-20 (Released:2011-08-11)

Vitamin K2 (K2) syrup has begun to be administered to newborn for prophylaxis of intracranial hemorrhage due to vitamin K deficiency. The stability of K2 syrup (2mg/ml) and its diluted solution (0.2mg/ml) in a plastic bottle with or without an orange bag to exclude light was examined by micro high pressure liquid chromatography.When light was excluded by the orange bag, regardless of a color of bottle, the concentration of K2 and storage temperature, the residual rate of K2 in an ophthalmic bottle (10ml) was more than 90% after 1 month under a fluorescent light (500 lux) shed for 10-12 hours per day. But when light was not excluded by the orange bag, K2 decomposed to less than 40% and was somewhat more stable in a brown-colored bottle than in a colorless bottle, and in syrup than in its diluted solution. K2 in a dispensing bottle (30ml) without a light-resistant cover decomposed to 76-85% in only 9 hours under fluorescent light.Therefore, K2 syrup and its diluted solution should be administered in light-excluding containers. Photodegradation of K2 in the plastic bottle was inhibited when stored in an orange bag.
石井 義昭 細田 純子 若山 文恵 安藤 正子
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.4, no.3, pp.147-155, 1978 (Released:2011-08-11)

Compatibility of futraful (FT-207) fine granules with 54 commercial preparations was tested under three conditions of constant temperature and relative humidity (A: 30°, 92%; B: 23°, 76%; C: 5°, 50%). As a result, no change was observed in FT-207 fine granules and 30 of 54 preparations under any condition. Some changes such as wetness, coagulation, coloration and liquefaction were observed in 24 preparations under condition A, 11 preparations under condition B and 2 preparations under condition C. Of 24 preparations, the following 4 preparations were considered to develop changes when compounded with FT-207 fine granules magnesium oxide, aminophylline, galantase and sodium bicarbonate. By thin layer chromatography, the decomposed compound (5-fluorouracil) of FT-207 was detected in combination with 10 preparations such as enzyme and vitamin. The rate of decomposition of FT-207 allowed for 30 days under condition A was 2.5-5 % in combination with Popon S and less than 1% in combination with other 9 preparations. But these changes in appearance and potency of FT-207 with packing were less than that without packing. Any of 54 preparations are thought to be compoundable with FT-207 fine granules when sufficient care is taken to protect them from moistening.
丸田 栄一 但馬 重俊 廣谷 芳彦 前田 義美 西井 諭司 東 敏夫 山路 昭 紀氏 汎恵 平岡 栄一 三牧 孝至 田川 哲三 藪内 百治
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.11, no.5, pp.398-402, 1985-10-20 (Released:2011-08-11)

Phenytoin (PHT) fine granule, which has the same bioavailability as the tablet, has recently been marketed. We projected a change of PHT dosage form from usual powder to fine granule. In view of the fact that 97% of PHT products prescribed and marketed are available in fine granules, 50% PHT preparations were produced in hospital pharmacy. 5 kinds of preparations using various lactoses as diluents were prepared and tested for their quality. Among them, the preparation from Aleviatin fine granule passing through a 42-mesh sieve and EFC lactose showed the best results in the mixing property and various sense tests. The change to this dosage form and its bioavailability tests were carried out by a cooperation of doctors and pharmacists. Serum PHT levels of all patients, assayed by EMIT method, showed a 20% to 30% increase after the administration of the new preparation (50% PHT fine granule with EFC lactose).
有森 和彦 河野 ひとみ 近見 和代 岩奥 玲子 中野 眞汎
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.13, no.6, pp.361-365, 1987-12-20 (Released:2011-08-11)
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Serum concentrations of phenytoin and phenobarbital which were administered as the tablet or the powder in epileptic patients were determined by the fluorescence polarization immunoassay method. The serum concentrations of phenytoin administered as the tablet (Hydantol®) were higher than those as the powder (Aleviatin ® fine granules). To investigate the differences in serum levels following administration of each preparation, compliance, dissolution characteristics of the preparations and losses of the powder after operating the dividing and packing machines were investigated. Since phenytoin dissolved from the Hydantol ® tablet more slowly than from the Aleviatin ® fine granules, the differences in dissolution rates of both preparations do not seem to be the cause of higher serum concentrations in patients taking the Hydantol ® tablet.The amount of the powder after operating three types of dividing and packing machines was decreased about 2-8% of the original amount of the powder by adhesion to various dividing sites of the machine. Accordingly, the lower serum concentrations of phenytoin after the administration of the powder may be due to losses of the powder by the adhesion to dividing and packing machine and due to non-compliance.Although there was no significant difference in the serum concentrations of phenobarbital between the tablet (Phenobal ®) and the powder (JP X phenobarbital powder), large variations in the serum concentrations were observed following administration of the powder. In view of the result of questionnaire and bitterness of the drug, a possibility of non-compliance of the powder was considered. Thus, it may be suggested that these factors should be concerned invariations of the serum concentrations.
三川 武彦 山田 正人 三輪 憲子 江戸 清人
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.19, no.5, pp.435-441, 1993-10-20 (Released:2011-08-11)

The regulations formulated in the past 10 years for morphine preparations at Fukushima Medical College Hospital are described. The amount of morphine preparations, which were returned and reused, increased in parallel with the number of prescriptions for morphine preparations. In contrast, the volume of morphine preparations disposed dramatically decreased during the past 2 years. During the past 10 years, no problems arose concerning the regulations for morphine preparations.
川上 英治 二神 幸次郎 定金 典明 西原 茂樹 荒木 博陽 川崎 博己 五味田 裕
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.25, no.1, pp.69-75, 1999-02-10 (Released:2011-08-11)

Pharmacists need to have a clear policy for managing investigational drugs under circumstances that are consistent with Good Clinical Practice. We studied the management and support system for the clinical research of investigational drugs based on the management of investigational drugs. We experienced 126 cases of pharmaceutical consultations in 650 prescriptions for investigational drugs from April 1997 to March 1998. Seven cases which might induce a patient to drop out, were included in pharmaceutical consultations. We found it was important to communicate with all investigators regarding giving adequate prior information to having a clearly defined protocol. Our pharmaceutical program for the clinical research of investigational drugs was thus found to be useful in the management of investigational drugs.
山下 佳子 小滝 一 山田 安彦 中村 幸一 澤田 康文 伊賀 立二
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.19, no.3, pp.184-190, 1993-06-20 (Released:2011-08-11)

Drug informations on a suitable insertion duration of suppositories and on a deal with the problem of the loss from rectal are essential for the proper therapy of patients. In the present study, we collected the data on drug disposition after administration of commercially available suppositories which had systemic pharmacological effects, and then analized pharmacokinetically on the problems of the insertion duration of them and the loss from rectal. The rectal absorption rate and the cumulative absorption ratio of drugs from commercially available suppositories were estimated by the deconvolution analysis. The plasma concentration data after rectal and intravenous administration were obtained in nine kinds of drugs, which were ampicilline, ketoprophene, indomethacine, acetoaminophene, phenobarbital, donperidone, bromazepam, buprenorphine and morphine. It was shown that the completion time of the absorption of drug from the suppositories varied largely from 50 min for ampicilline to 8 hours for donperidone. Comparing the time periods required to reach to 50% in the cumulative absorption ratio in those drugs, the fastest time was found in ampicilline (15 min), and the slowest was in aminophylline (90 min). These findings make it possible to the persue counseling for the patients on the proper insertion duration of each suppositories. The simulation of the time course of blood drug concentration after the loss of suppositories from rectal and the supplement of them was successfully performed, suggesting that the optimal drug concentration could be controled by the rational supplemental dose. In conclusion, the drug information based on the deconvolution analysis can be useful to instruct a rational use of suppositories to the pharmacist and/ or the patients.