田谷 修一郎
九州大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.5, pp.105-116, 2004-03-31

Prolonged inspection of a stimulus in a 3-D space produces an aftereffect in the depth dimension. This paper has two aims: (1) to review the previous studies on the depth aftereffects focusing on the level at which adaptation occurs, and (2) to propose a new model of the depth aftereffects. Conventionally, the depth aftereffects have been explained by adaptation of the lower level mechanisms specialized to each depth cue (e.g. ,binocular disparity or monocular depth cue) . However, recent studies suggest that the depth aftereffects are due to adaptation of the higher level mechanisms sensitive to 3-D shape rather than that of the lower level mechanisms. Author proposes a new model integrating both the conventional- and the recent theories.
宮崎 尚子
Comparatio (ISSN:13474286)
vol.5, pp.149-155, 2001

Namichidori was written as a continuation of "Senbadzuru" but is unfinished. However, "Harunome" and "Tsumanoomohi" should also be read in addition to "Namichidori", as a series of works. Since the works' titles are of great relevance to their contents, this essay primarily considers the meaning of the title "Namichidori" in relation to the relationship between Kikuji and Yukiko. Consequently, it is possible to define Namichidori as being on opportunity which opens a perspective on the past, once in a while. It overlaps with Yukiko. She heals Kikuji with her warmth but in that way she simultaneously makes Kikuji remember the past, which is why Kikuji can not enter a sexual relationship with her. In "Senbadzuru" Kikuji was described as being absorbed in his sexual desire. By contrast, his delicate sensibility is developed in "Namichidori".
中野 三敏 花田 富二夫 松原 孝俊 大庭 卓也 宮崎 修多 飯倉 洋一 亀井 森 川平 敏文 久保田 啓一

中尾 舜一
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.14, no.3, pp.319-328, 1954-03

In spite of its rare occurrence, Agriosphodrus dohrni Signoret is widely spread over all prefectures of Kyushu, Japan, except Kagoshima Prefecture, from where not a single specimen has hitherto been collected (Fig.1). The favourite habitat of the nymphs of this Reduviid seems to be restricted to a certain narrow and extremely limited place, viz., a slightly hollowed or folded site on the east or south side of a fairly large or large trunk of such trees as Celtis sinensis japonica Nakai, Prunus yedoensis Matsumiara, Pinus thubergii Parlatore, Cinnamomum camphora Siebold, Cyclobalanopsis gilva Oersted, Podocarpus chinensis Blume, Shiia sieboldi Makino, Diospyros kaki domestica Makino, etc., about 2 3 meters above the ground, where the nymphs are making aggregations except their foraging times and often hibernate during winter and from where the nymphs move away to all directions in search for their prey. Therefore, such favourite sites become isolated from one another and are very few even on a single tree-trunk or in a given area where their aggregations are represented by more or less accidental collections. Contrary to the nymphs the adults are always solitary in habit, chiefly living on the shoots or trunks of the tree in question where they have spent their nymphal stage, but seldom fly away or migrate to another tree. From such observations it becomes apparent that the characteristic feature of its distribution may be attributed to its occurrence in isolated areas in the state of isolated populations. The adults are said occassionally attracted to light. The nymphs have been observed to feed on the larvae of Psychidae and Arctiidae (Lithosiinae), an adult fly of about 5 mm in body-length and a small Chrysomelid (?) beetle, which were pierced with their strong rostrum. The habitat of this Reduviidae on the trunk of Celtis sinensis japonica Nakai in the campus of the Kyushu University consists of clumps of moss, in which there are living a number of Arctiid (Lithosiinae) larvae of three different species. So far as the author's observation goes, these larvae seem to represent the chief food of this Reduviid. Gyotoku (1951) and Hasegawa (unpublished data) reared this Reduviid with caterpillars, aphides on Chrysanthemum, adults of Nezra antennata Scott, Nephotettix bipunctus cincticeps Uhler and the last instar nymphs of Poecilocoris lewisi Distant in the laboratory. Early hatched or moulted nymphs have been observed to feed on the lately hatched or moulted ones voraciously. The fact that the foraging area of such younger nymphs is very narrow is directly correlated with the habit of cannibalism and is the reason why the population of this Reduviid in nature becomes reduced to some extent during their first and scecond nymphal stages. On the other hand, such phenomenon as cannibalism has not been detected on the nymphs of the third, fourth and fifth instars in nature, Consequently the population size at the third nymphal stage reaches nearly the final size seen at the fifth stage. Of course natural enemies and other factors, if present, may cause the declination of population but those effects seem to be slight in the case of this Reduviid. In case the maximum temperature of the day become higher than 10℃, some of the overwintering nymphs become active and wander about beyond the boundaries of the favourite hibernation site and feed on their prey. This Reduviid seems to withstand starvation for considerable duration days. The eggs are deposited on favourite sites on the surface of the trunk. The site represents the most suitable environment, where the nymphs would aggregate themselves after ward. Oviposition takes place both in the morning and evening. The eggs are laid in batches of 30 to 80, and each ootheca is covered with a thin yellowish resin-like substance which is secreted by the female.1. 本報文に於て筆者は, ヨコズナサシガメ AgriosPhodrus dohrni Signoretの幼虫期における集団形成現象の手懸りとしての棲息環境・食性及び産卵習性を究明すると共に, 本種の日本に於ける分布についてもあわせ報告した. 2.日本に於ける分布は,鹿児島県を除く九州の各県である. 3.本種は樹幹上に極く限定された狭い棲息環境をもち, 従つて棲息場所は隔離された非常に孤立的なものとなつている. 4.一定の産卵好適場所に産卵された卵塊は,樹脂に似た物質で覆われ, 1卵塊は30~80個の卵からなる. 5.食物は多岐にわたり, 鱗翅類の各種幼虫, 小さな蝿の成虫, 小甲虫成虫, 蛎虫等各種の小昆虫の殆んどを食する. 筆者の観察した棲息場所における主な食物は, コケガの幼虫及びミノガの幼虫であつた. 弟1・2齢幼虫は肖然状態にても盛んに共食いをする.
野村 安治 田辺 邦美
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.28, no.1, pp.1-30, 1973

Many studies on precipitation have been hitherto made in order to contribute the rationalization of irrigation planning. However, the data, such as the return period of drought days, are necessary one of the basic information for such planning. From this point of view, this paper deals with regional characteristics of drought days, maximum drought days and monthly precipitation during summer season (June to Aug.) in Kyushu in order to obtain useful information for irrigation planning. The outlines of the results obtained are as follows: (1) By analyzing the frequency distribution of drought days during summer season at fifty-six places in Kyushu, it was found that the distribution curve is normalized if the variable transformed into square or cubic root. (2) The coefficient of probable drought days curve (Table 3) and the return period (1/10-100 year) of drought days (Table 4) are obtained. (3) For practical use, geographical distribution maps are drawn for thirteen kinds of return period (Fig. 8-1~13). (4) The return period of maximum drought days and monthly precipitation, at eight places, are shown in (Table 8) and (Table 10). (5) It was suggested from the above results that it keeps on drying for a long term in the northern part of Kyushu to be subjected to the damage from a disastrous drought. Therefore, much care should be taken on determination of the irrigation water supply.本編では,用水量の確保という意味において水田の用水消費に関連して連続干天日数につき検討を行なつた.九州地方は,台風,梅雨などによる豪雨とともに,夏期の干ばつの危険度もかなり高い.利水計画のように低水流量に関係する計画,かんがいの必要度判定などには,降水量とともに問題としている地域にどれ位の期間引続いて雨が降らないことがあるかというような確率連続干天日数とか,そのreturn periodが必要となる.このような観点より連続干天日数,最大連続干天日数,降水量について解析を試みた.その結果の概要を示すと, /I.連続干天日数/ (1) まず日本における干ばつ概要ならびに九州地方の干ばつの時期について述べた.季節風の強い冬期は表日本と裏日本の地域差が明らかであるが,夏期には地域差はあまり顕著でない.連続干天日数の最も長い地域は,瀬戸内海沿岸を中心とした中国,四国および九州の瀬戸内海沿岸でこれに次いで関東沿岸部から東海地方へのびる地域である.九州地方の干ばつの時期は,過去の干ばつ記録よりすると主として6月から8月である. (2) 九州地方の56地点について1936年~1960年の25年間の夏期6月~8月の連続干天日数の度数分布を調べ,逆J字型に近い著しい非対称分布をすることがわかつた.これらの非対称性を除く方法として確率紙法により,正規,対数,平方根,立方根,4乗根,5乗根の変数変換を行ない,大多数の地点は平方根,立方根変換により正規化されることがわかつた. (3) 一方,連続干天日数(D)と累積度数(n)との関係をD=an^-bの双曲線の結合と仮定し,各地の連続干天日数を同一方法にて解析を行ない,その係数a,bを算出して夏期連続干天日数の曲線式を求め,その曲線の係数表およびreturn period表を作成した.また実用に便利なように13種の確率連続干天日数分布図を作成し,利水計画に利用できるようにした.これらによれば,一般に九州北部では連続干天日数が長く,南九州では少なく,また沿岸地方では日数が長く,山間部で少なくなつている.瀬戸内海沿岸および九州北西部で長期の連続干天日数が続いている. /II.最大連続干天日数/ 下関,福岡,佐賀,長崎,熊本,大分,宮崎,鹿児島の8地点について1891年~1957年の69年間の夏期6月~8月の最大連続干天日数について検討を行なつた. (1) 度数分布は,連続干天日数と同じく逆J字型に近い非対称分布をなす.確率紙法による変数変換の結果から,8地点とも対数変換により正規化されることがわかつた.また,Jenkinson法によりreturn periodを算出した.これらの結果,下関,大分,福岡では連続干天日数が長く,平均値も大きい.一方,南九州は短かい.また長崎,鹿児島,佐賀は上限のあるIII型曲線を示すことがわかつた. (2) 最大連続干天日数の周期解析の結果によれば,特に19年周期が卓越しており,地域性は見られなかつた. /III.降水量/ 最大連続干天日数と同じく8地点について検討を行ない,6月,7月,8月および6~8月降水量を対象とした. (1) 上記降水量についてJenkinson法によりreturn periodを算出し,月別,地域別変化を調べた.確率降水量は,連続干天日数とは逆に南九州が大きく,ついで中部九州,福岡,下関,大分の順となつている.平均値,標準偏差についても同様のことがいえる.これらの結果より北部九州は,干ばつにかかる危険度が大きいことがわかる. (2) 曲線型については,6月は宮崎,鹿児島を除けば下限をもつI型曲線を示し,6~8月では8地点ともIII型曲線である.
松田 泰斗

Funakoshi Kimitake Uchida Teruaki
九州大学農学部紀要 (ISSN:00236152)
vol.23, no.1, pp.95-115, 1978-10

A study on annual activity cycle of P. abramus was carried out in Fukuoka City. The bats formed a colony and remained in one house all year, without seasonal migration. From May to September emergence time of the first bat averaged 12 minutes after sunset, though it was earlier in cloudy weather than in clear. As for nocturnal activity, there was both a major peak soon after sunset and a minor peak just before sunrise from May to August, but in October only the former occurred. When air temperatures dropped to 15℃ and less, bats seldom emerged. The principal foraging period was within 2 or 3 hours after emergence in summer; and was synchronized with the emergence of most small Lepidoptera and Coleoptera, which constitute the major portion of the diet. In early spring and autumn Diptera became the main food. The size (body length) of available insects was 15mm and less. The increase ratios of body weight in late autumn to that in summer were 30.6 and 29.2 % in adult females and males, respectively. Hibernation lasted from early November until mid-March. During deep hibernation, arousal occurred once in 16 days, and the rate of weight loss (ca. 1 mg/g body weight/day) was about half of that during the shallow hibernation. Winter activities of genus Pipistrehs are various in different species. It may be attributed not only to variations in climate and food, but also to the degree of coldresistance and of torpidity.
水戸 敏
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.19, no.4, pp.493-502, 1962-07

The present paper, the sixth o f the series of the pelagic fish eggs from Japanese waters, contains the figures and descriptions of the egg development and hatched larvae of 22 species as well as early embryonic development of a single species, Cirrhilabrus temmincki Bleeker, belonging to the suborder Labrina. The eggs of this suborder, excepting ellipsoidal egg of Callyodon ovifrons (Temminck et Schlegel), are globular in shape, 0.5-1.1 mm in diameter, containing a single colorless or yellow oil globule measuring 0.07-0.21 mm in diameter. The egg membrane is smooth, without any conspicuous structure, the yolk not segmented, the perivitelline space narrow. During the course of the egg and larval development only the melanophores appear. The newly hatched larvae have ovoid yolk sac which is usually protruding anteriorly beyond the head, and the oil globule is situated in the anterior part of the yolk. The number of myotomes of the hatched larva is about 27. The location of the melanophores of the hatched larva changes greatly during the larval development. Soon after hatching, serration appears in many species on the fringe of the marginal fin. The eggs belonging to Labrina can be divided into 4 groups according to the situation of the melanophores at hatching, and the species belonging to each groups of 1-4 are as follows : 1. No pigment-cell developed in the egg......Labrina Nos. 1-3. 2. Melanophores are seen only on the body......Pseudolabrus japonicus (IIouttuyn), Halichoeres poecilopterus (Temminck et Schlegel) and Labrina No. 4. 3. Melanoph o res are seen on the body as well as on the oil globule ; the melanophores on the dorsal median line of the body arranged in a sing l e row......Stethojulis kalosoma (Bleeker), Thalassoma cupido (Temmincket Schlegel), Leptoscarus japonicus (Cuvier et Velenciennes) and Labrina No. 5-9. 4. Resembling to the previous group, but the melanophores on the dorsal median line of the body arranged in two or more rows......Duymaeria flagellifera (Cuvier et Valenciennes), Halichoeres tenui spinnis (Gunther), Callyodon ovifrons and Labrina Nos. 10-14. The egg of C. ovifrons is ellipsoidal in shape measuring 1.31-1.66 × 0.50-0.61 mm in diameter, having a single oil globule measuring 0.15-0.17 mm in diameter. Other features of the egg, egg development and hatched larva are much the same as those of other labrid fishes. As Winn and Bardach (1960 ) has pointed out the shape of the egg belonging to the family Scaridae, one of the two families of Labrina, is globular or ellipsoidal. It seemed that the egg is globular in the species belonging to the subfamily Sparisominae and ellipsoidal in the subfamily Callyodontinae.この報告ではべラ亜目Labrinaに属する23種の卵,卵内発生および孵化仔魚について述べる.これらのうちの数種については,その卵内発生および孵化仔魚の性質がすでに判明している.現在までに我国から知られているベラ亜目の魚卵我は径0.5~1.1mmの球形分離浮游性卵で,卵膜および卵黄には特殊な構造はなく,卵膜腔は狭い.油球は1個,無色のものから黄色のものまであるが,Bolin(1930),Orton(1955)等も述べているように,卵内発生中に槌色するものが多い.この亜目はべラ科Labridaeとブダイ科Scaridaeの2つの科を含むが,卵の性質,卵内発生および孵化仔魚の観察からは両者を識別することは困難であつた.しかし,最近の研究からブダイ科の魚のうちアオブダイ亜科Callyodontinaeに属するものは楕円形の浮性卵を産むらしいことが分つた(Winn and Bardach,1960).なお外国産の種類では沈性粘着卵や油球を欠く浮性卵を産むものが知られているが,このような卵を産む種類は我国からは未だ知られていない.ベラ亜目の卵は卵内発生中に全く色素胞が現われないか,胚体上または胚体および油球上に黒色素胞のみが現われる.孵化仔魚の卵黄は体の腹面に細長く着生し,その前端は頭部より前方に突出し,油球はその突出部にある.肛門は卵黄からやや離れ,体の中央より後方に位置する.筋肉節数は27前後.後少時を経ると膜鰭縁辺に針状構造物が現われるものが多い.黒色素胞は,多くの種類では,時孵化間の経過に伴つて体の背面にあつたものが腹面へ移動する.この黒色素胞の位置の移動と集散は著しく,卵黄を吸収し尽す頃にはその種固有の位置を占めるようになる.この報告ではべラ亜目の魚卵のうち,ベラ科とブダイ亜科Sparisominaeに属すると思われるものを一括してベラ類と呼び,それらを黒色素胞の出現状態によつて次の4群に分けた.第1群.卵内発生中に黒色素胞が現われない.第2群.卵内発生中に胚体上にだけ黒色素胞が現われる.第3群.卵内発生中に胚体および油球上に黒色素胞が現われる.孵化直後の仔魚の体の背面の黒色素胞は背中線上に1列に並ぶ,第4群.第3群と同様であるが,孵化直後の仔魚の体の背面の黒色素胞列は2列またはそれ以上.にこれら各群に属する種類について述べるが,その前に卵内発生と孵化仔魚の概要を人工以授下精を行なつたカミナリベラについて述べる.