長峯 聖人 菅原 大地
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.93.21231, (Released:2022-11-01)

Mixed emotions are defined as the co-occurrence of positive and negative emotions. In recent years, research has often focused on individual differences in the experience of mixed emotions. In this study, we conducted two studies to develop the Japanese version of the Trait Mixed Emotions Scale (TMES) which can assess the tendency to experience mixed emotions in daily life. Study 1 revealed that the Japanese version of TMES has certain level of internal consistency and that the pattern of correlational relationships of the Japanese version of TMES with explicit variables are consistent with previous studies and theoretical assumptions. Furthermore, Study 1 suggested that the TMES can be interpreted with three subscales. Study 2 revealed that the Japanese version of TMES has acceptable test-retest reliability and that the factor structure of TMES in Study 1 was replicated. Finally, some issues and prospects for future research on mixed emotions were discussed.
織田 弥生 菊地 賢一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.93.21313, (Released:2022-11-01)

The Emotion and Arousal Checklist (EACL) is a 33-item questionnaire developed to assess psychological states at a given moment and during the past week. We examined the application of this checklist to assess psychological states during the past month. In Study 1, confirmatory factor analyses identified nine subscales, similar to a previous study, which measured psychological states at a given moment and in the past week. The internal consistency of these subscales was assessed with Cronbach’s alpha. Study 2 confirmed the test-retest reliability at the one-week interval. In Study 3, the participants rated their psychological states during the past week four times at the one-week interval and during the past month at the fourth measurement. Reliability was demonstrated by the correlation between the mean of four times one-week measurement and the measurement for during the past month. Study 4 demonstrated criteria-related validity by comparing the subscale scores between the high- and low-stress groups. These studies confirmed the reliability and validity of the EACL for assessing psychological states during the past month.
佐藤 広英 吉田 富二雄
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.78, no.6, pp.559-566, 2008-02-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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The effects of anonymity on self-disclosure were investigated in a CMC (computer-mediated communication) situation by separately manipulating the anonymity of the self and the other. It was hypothesized that anonymity of the self would enhance disclosure, whereas anonymity of the other would decrease it. Female undergraduate students (n=60) were randomly assigned to a 2 (self: anonymous or non-anonymous)×2 (other: anonymous or non-anonymous) experimental design. The anonymity of the self and the other was manipulated in the profile, such as the photo, name, and sex of the self or the other, on the computer screen. The results indicated that anonymity of the self decreased the feeling of anxiety, but had no effect on disclosure, whereas anonymity of the other decreased the feeling of closeness and decreased the intimacy of disclosure.
増井 啓太 田村 紋女 マーチ エヴィータ
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.6, pp.602-610, 2018

<p>The Global Assessment of Internet Trolling- Revised (GAIT-R) has been developed to assess internet trolling. We developed the Japanese version of GAIT-R (J-GAIT-R). First, the eight items of GAIT-R were translated into Japanese. Then, we conducted an online survey of Japanese people (<i>N</i> = 535). In Study 1, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses indicated that J-GAIT-R had a unidimensional structure. The internal consistency of J-GAIT-R was adequate. Moreover, partial correlation coefficients indicated adequate concurrent validity of the scale. In Study 2, we confirmed a good test-retest reliability for J-GAIT-R. It was concluded that J-GAIT-R was suitable for assessing internet trolling in Japan.</p>
榊原 良太 大薗 博記
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.92, no.5, pp.332-338, 2021 (Released:2021-12-25)
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Wearing masks is an easy and effective way to prevent infection by COVID-19. In Japan, two studies investigated the reasons why people wear a mask; however, the results were inconsistent. Therefore, the present study reexamined the association between mask wearing and the reasons given for doing so, focusing on the differences in and problems of item wording. The results of both studies were found to be almost reproducible, and there were few issues regarding item wording. Furthermore, the results revealed that people wear a mask to prevent themselves and others from infection and to conform to others wearing a mask. We suggest that inconsistencies in the results were due to differences in item wording, and discuss how future research should be conducted.
韓 雪 長谷川 智子 外山 紀子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.93, no.3, pp.177-187, 2022 (Released:2022-08-25)

There are cultural differences in childcare practices in preschools, reflecting beliefs and values about children, childcare, and education. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed normally hidden cultural, ethnic, and historical issues. Mealtime is particularly restricted by droplet spread of COVID-19. Cultural differences in thoughts related to meals became evident in the response to this critical situation caused by the pandemic. This study examined how preschool mealtime has changed due to COVID-19 in Japan and China. A questionnaire survey was conducted from September 2020 to January 2021. This study included 191 Japanese preschools and 179 Chinese preschools. Various infection countermeasures were taken and mealtime practices changed drastically in both countries. In Japan, preschool mealtime is regarded as a socially essential event, for example, chatting while eating; whereas in China, nutrition and hygiene are considered more important. Possibly, because of such differences in mealtime conceptions, the impact of the spread of COVID-19 appeared to be substantial in Japan compared to China. Based on the obtained results, cultural differences in preschool education were discussed.
瀧川 諒子 福川 康之
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
日本心理学会大会発表論文集 日本心理学会第85回大会 (ISSN:24337609)
pp.PO-090, 2021 (Released:2022-03-30)

Trivers-Willard仮説によると,状態のよいときに息子を,状態の悪い時に娘を多く産む母親は,より多く自身の遺伝子を残すことができる。本研究は出産年齢により胎児への栄養供給に性差が見られるかを検討することで,Trivers-Willard仮説を検証することを目的とする。NFHS(National Family Health Survey:インドの世帯を対象とした健康に関する大規模横断調査)より抽出した双子ペア6444名(男性3378名,女性3066名)を対象に,出生体重を従属変数とし,母親が出産適齢期(18歳以上35歳未満)であるか否か,同性双子か異性双子か,児の性別を独立変数とした階層的重回帰分析を行った。母親の出産歴は統制した。その結果,母親が非出産適齢期であるとき,女児ではペアが異性の場合にペアが同性の場合と比べて出生体重が重かった。これは,女児への投資が優先されているとき,同性双子の女児では二人ともが同じだけ栄養を受け取ることになるが,異性双子の女児ではペアの男児よりも優先されて余分に栄養を受け取ることになった結果であることが考えられる。