野村 玄
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.93, no.6, pp.719-747, 2010-11

石田 俊
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.94, no.3, pp.371-407, 2011-05

前田 更子
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 = The Journal of history (ISSN:03869369)
vol.104, no.1, pp.155-187, 2021-01

敬虔なカトリックの女性信者は、ライシテに価値を見いだすフランス共和国で何を考え、どのように生きたのだろうか。それが国民統合の使命を担った公立学校の教師だったとするとさらに問題は複雑であろう。本稿では、アルプスの山岳地帯を拠点とし、主に両大戦間期に活動した女性カトリック・グループ「ダビデ」を取り上げる。彼女たちのネットワークは雑誌や図書館制度、巡礼を通して全国に広がり、一九二〇年代末には公立小学校に勤務する女性教員の一割ほどを惹きつけた。共和国の小学校教師としての使命を果たしつつ信者として生き抜くことは、ダビデにとって両立可能であり相互補完的でさえあった。共和国とカトリシズムはともに、彼女たちに人との親密なつながりをもたらし、自己を主張し防衛する手段をも与えた。本稿では、第三共和政期フランスの小学校教師の日常世界を明らかにし、宗教の社会的意義をジェンダーの視点から考察する。This article considers the ideas and activities of the Davidées, a group of Catholic female teachers who worked in public schools. This is firstly an attempt to clarify the daily lives of female teachers in rural France during the Interwar period, and secondly an effort to present one case to help us understand how pious individuals adapted to the modern nation state that promoted laïcité as a national principle. The historical sources employed in this study are chiefly letters written by Marie Silve and Marthe Lagarde, who were leading members of the Davidées, records of the interviews of Marie Silve by the Catholic intellectuals Jean Guitton and Emmanuel Mounier, and the monthly Aux Davidées, published by the group itself. The Davidées were created in 1916 in the sanctuary of Notre-Dame du Laus, located in the Southern Alps, where six female teachers, who were newly graduated from the teacher-training college in Digne, met with the veteran teacher Mélanie Thivolle. These women were fervent Catholics, but at the time in the sphere of elementary educators there was, on the one hand, a powerful leftist teachersʼ union that would not recognize the teachersʼ faith, and, on the other hand, the Catholic church that condemned public schools as "schools of the devil" and encouraged the faithful to join private schools. Given these circumstances, the women founded the Davidées in order to fulfill their duties as public school teachers and at the same time to keep and even enhance their faith. The Davidées network, which valued their occupation and faith equally, gradually spread throughout the nation via their periodicals, library system and pilgrimages, and by the end of the 1920s they had attracted to their ranks approximately 10% of the female elementary teachers working in public schools. Carrying on their faith while fulfilling their mission as public school teachers for the Republic was for the Davidées something that could not only coexist, but in fact be complementary. Furthermore, both the Republic and Catholicism provided them intimate links to various people and gave them the means to advocate for and protect themselves. This article attempts to throw new light on the previous understanding of teachers in the time of the Third Republic from the viewpoints of religion and gender.
石井 香江
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 = The Journal of history (ISSN:03869369)
vol.104, no.1, pp.188-225, 2021-01

歴史を振り返れば、人は有償であるか否かを問わず何らかの活動を行い、ここで、女の仕事/男の仕事の線引きが行われてきた。この過程は「女」と「男」の織り成す関係史という意味で、まさに「ジェンダー史」であり、そこに「人種」と階級が不可分に作用して、歴史の大きなうねりを生み出してきた。本稿では、一九世紀後半から二〇世紀半ばまで、ジェンダー、階級、「人種」、そして時には、そこに情報通信技術がいかに相互に影響し合い、特に電信業務から電話交換業務に女性が移動し、電話交換業務が男性の職業から女性の職業に移り変わったのか、その線引きの過程に着目したい。まずは、ある職業が女性化/男性化する「性別職務分離」の分析の視角、歴史と射程を明らかにし、中でも性別職務分離の過程における国家の両義的な役割を浮かび上がらせ、最後にナチス期の逓信事業内部における性別職務分離の展開について検討し、その意味と今後の課題についてまとめたい。Wenn man in die Geschichte zurückblickt, arbeiteten die Menschen, unabhängig davon, ob sie bezahlt wurden oder nicht. Frauen- und Männerarbeit wurde hier abgegrenzt. Dieser Prozess ist genau "Geschlechtergeschichte" im Sinne der Geschlechterverhältnisse, die "Frau" und "Mann" weben, und "Rasse" und Klasse handeln untrennbar dort, und eine große Welle der Geschichte ist gebildet worden. In diesem Beitrag möchte ich mich auf den Prozess dieser Abgrenzung vom späten 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts konzentrieren, wie Geschlecht, Klasse und "Rasse" und manchmal Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie miteinander interagierten, zumal Frauen sich von der Telegrafistin zur Telefonistin entwickelte und Telefonisten vom männlichen auf den weiblichen Beruf verlagert wurden. Zuallererst möchte ich den Blickwinkel, die Geschichte und den Bereich der Analyse von "Geschlechtertrennung am Arbeitsplatz" darstellen, was einen bestimmten Beruf weiblich oder männlich macht, um die Rolle des Staates im Prozess der Geschlechtertrennung am Arbeitsplatz zu klären. Es ist interessant, dass gleichzeitig mit der Verbesserung der Telefontechnologie und der Geschlechtertrennung geschlechterspezifische Bilder an die ursprünglich neutralen, nicht männlichen und weiblichen Technologien von Telefon und Telegraf gegeben wurden, und der Zyklus, in dem das Bild das Geschlecht des Menschen definierte, der mit der Technologie arbeitete, entstand. Der Telegraf war ursprünglich eine Militärtechnologie mit starken Verbindungen zum Militär. Die Übertragung über Ferntelegrafen erforderte die kollaborative Arbeit der Telegrafie und ein Fachwissen, wie über Relais, die verwendet wurden, um einen schnellen Transfer der Nachrichten zu den Zielen zu gewährleisten und um Geld zu sparen. Erforderlich ist eine "herausragende" Fähigkeit, wichtige Botschaften schnell und genau an andere zu übermitteln, und diese solidarische Arbeit wurde ohne sorgfältige und ruhige Zusammenarbeit zwischen Männern als unmöglich angesehen. Am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts beschrieb die Dienstordnung den ausgezeichneten Telegrafisten klar als "einen Mann, der ein gerechtes Urteil hat". Sprachqualität, Sprechen ohne Müdigkeit, Schnelligkeit und Rücksichtnahme, Arbeit, die auf den Punkt gebracht wird, und die Fähigkeit, schnell und genau zu verbinden, sind alles Elemente, die von Verwaltung, Betreffenden und Teilnehmern als "Fähigkeiten" für Telefonverbindungen erkannt wurden. Es wurde erkannt, dass diese "Eignung" als eine soziale Einzigartigkeit für die Frau angesehen wurde. Daraufhin wurde die Telefonverbindung Frauenarbeit. Angesichts des Arbeitskräftemangels, der durch die Einberufung von Männern und die Verlagerung besserer Arbeitsbedingungen an den Arbeitsplatzwährend des Ersten Weltkriegs entstand, wurden neue Berufsausbildungsmöglichkeiten für Frauen geschaffen aufgrund der Notwendigkeit, dass sie ihre Familien mit sogenannten "männlichen Beschäftigungen" unterstützen mussten. Mit der Einführung verheirateter Frauen in die Arbeitswelt stellte man fest, dass Frauen eine Arbeitsform entwickelten, die leicht durchzuführen war. Dies hatte eine gewisse Wirkung. Nach dem Krieg wurden jedoch viele weibliche Hilfskräfte, die während des Krieges in "Männerberufen" tätig waren, unter dem Druck der Demobilmachung von der Reichspost entlassen. Und die Telefonverbindung, die sich seit dem Krieg als weibliche Position etabliert hatte, bekam mehr Bedeutung im Sinne von "weiblicher Beschäftigung", und Männer, denen weibliche Positionen zugeordnet wurden, waren ehemalige Soldaten und Männer, die verpflichtet waren, ihre Familien zu unterstützen. Man kann sagen, dass die Trennung der geschlechterspezifischen Pflichten, die vor dem Krieg bestand, in einem neuen Gefüge reorganisiert wurde, das die "Eignung" von Frauen und Männern klar spaltete. Die Gelegenheit für Frauen, ein Einkommen zu erzielen, beschränkte sich auf den Beruf mit einem niedrigen Lohn und wenigen Perspektiven. Diese Perspektiven wurden als "Eignung" für die Frau betrachtet; ein berufliches Weiterkommen wurde nicht erwartet, eine Beförderung zur Postbeamtin gab es nur sehr selten. Es wurden sowohl in Notsituationen als auch im Ersten Weltkrieg Ausnahmen gemacht, obwohl aufgrund des Arbeitskräftemangels die Arbeitsbedingungen überprüft wurden und die Frau an einen Arbeitsplatz vorrückte, der bisher ausschließlich das Gebiet des Mannes war. Aus diesem Grund schien die Situation der Frauen, an einem Arbeitsplatz mit besseren Arbeitsbedingungen eingesetzt zu werden, als sie sie bei der Reichspost vorfanden, von Anfang keine Option zu sein. Dies wiederum beschleunigte den Arbeitskräftemangel. Der Bereich der Befreiung der Frau ist innerhalb einer "Volksgemeinschaft" eingeschränkt, wenn man bedenkt, dass die ausländischen Zwangsarbeiterinnen gezwungen wurden, das Loch zu füllen. Daher tritt eine negative Seite der Rolle, die der Staat dort spielte, umso mehr hervor.
横田 冬彦
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 = The Journal of history (ISSN:03869369)
vol.103, no.2, pp.265-303, 2020-03

江戸時代の出産については、民俗学調査を援用したり、江戸後期の堕胎や間引きを禁止する人口政策史料から推定され、領主政策以前の平常産そのものを直接に明らかにすることはできていなかった。本研究は、一七世紀後半~一八世紀初めの大和国添上郡田原郷の藤堂藩無足人山本平左衛門の日記を素材に、近世前期の出産がさまざまな女性たちの協働によって行われていること、それにともなうさまざまな産育儀礼の存在を示した。また、その背景にはこの時期の高い妊産婦死亡率があることを述べ、あわせて大正期に行われた民俗学調査についても検証する。Research on childbirth in early modern Japan has so far relied on findings of early twentieth-century ethnographic surveys in addition to documents relating to late Tokugawa population policies outlawing abortions and infanticide. Direct accounts of regular childbirth preceding policy intervention by territorial lords have been difficult to come by. The present article analyzes cases of childbirth recorded between 1676 and 1720 in the diary of Yamamoto Heizaemon 山本平左衛門, a musokunin 無足人 (village elite retaining samurai status but no stipend) of Tōdō Domain, resident in Soekami County of Yamato Province. It demonstrates that childbirth in the early Tokugawa period depended on cooperation among women in various roles, and documents the performance of rituals relating to childbirth and child-raising. It also undertakes an estimate of the maternal mortality rate. Continuities with folk practices recorded in Taishō-era ethnographic surveys are reassessed on this basis.
木村 義成
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 = The Journal of history (ISSN:03869369)
vol.103, no.1, pp.215-241, 2020-01

藤田 風花
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 = The Journal of history (ISSN:03869369)
vol.102, no.6, pp.817-853, 2019-11

本稿は、ヴェネツィア領キプロスに焦点をあて、当地における対抗宗教改革の展開を検討することで、一六世紀東地中海世界における正教・カトリック・イスラームという三つの宗教文化圏の交錯のありようを問う。正教会にたいする対抗宗教改革の影響という問題は、カトリックとプロテスタントの対抗関係を想定してきた従来の対抗宗教改革史研究からこぼれ落ちてきた。そこで本稿は、リュジニャン朝期の一二六〇年に実質の教会合同体制が成立していたキプロスに、トレント公会議の布告を適用するべく到来したヴェネツィア人大司教モチェニーゴの改革と、それにたいする現地の正教会の反応を分析した。その結果、大司教の改革は、キプロスの正教徒に、カトリックへの反発を生じさせただけでなく、オスマン帝国へと目を向けさせた要因となったと主張する。さらに、彼の改革は、キプロスの正教徒にローカルな信仰の慣習を保持することを意識させたと結論づける。Cyprus, the island located in the eastern Mediterranean, experienced many changes of its rulers from the twelfth to sixteenth centuries. From the medieval to the early modern period, the Byzantine Empire, the French Lusignans, the Republic of Venice, and the Ottoman Empire took successive control of the island. Amid these changes, most inhabitants of Cyprus were Orthodox Greeks. Yet, during the period of Latin rule under the Lusignans (1192-1473) and the Venetians (1473-1571), Catholics ruled over a predominantly Orthodox Greek population. Using Venetian Cyprus as a case study, this article examines the development of the Counter-Reformation and its impact on the Greeks to clarify how the status of Greeks was interrelated with the political and religious aspects of the eastern Mediterranean. Since the mid-sixteenth century, Venetian maritime territories were threatened by the expansion of the Ottoman Empire: Cyprus was surrounded by Ottoman territories. Simultaneously, the Papacy in the Counter-Reformation began to see not only Protestants but also Orthodox Greeks as heretics. The Counter-Reformation has been often considered as a conflict between Catholics and Protestants. However, it also had a great influence on the Eastern Church. Previous researchers have argued that the Counter- Reformation hardly affected Cyprus, because the reforms of the Venetian Catholic Archbishop Filippo Mocenigo did not change the church institution of Cyprus. Although these studies have investigated the Venetian religious policy and its relationship with the Papacy, the majority have overlooked the status of Greeks in the regime of Venetian Cyprus. To solve this problem, it is important to consider the behavior of Greeks in Cyprus during a moment of transition from Venetian to Ottoman rule. Long before the Council of Florence, Cypriot Orthodox church institutions had already begun to resemble those of the Uniate church. The Bulla Cypria was promulgated by Pope Alexander IV in 1260. This Bulla stipulated that Greeks could maintain the Orthodox faith and rites as long as they swore obedience to the Roman Catholic church and the Catholic archbishop of Nicosia, the central city of Cyprus. Venice inherited the church institutions of Cyprus and did not interfere in church matters. Based on this bull, Greeks and Catholics on the island had lived together without serious conflict since the mid-thirteenth century. Over time, unique religious customs were developed in the Cypriot local society. In the last decade of Venetian rule, however, the Counter-Reformation extended to Cyprus and caused tension between the two churches. In the 1560s, the Venetian Catholic Archbishop Mocenigo arrived on Cyprus with a spirit of Counter-Reformation. This manifested itself in a series of attempts to remedy the offices of both Catholic and Greek clerics in Cyprus according to the resolutions of the Council of Trent (1545-63). Regarding his activities, Greek Orthodox bishops resisted to the Counter-Reformation with their religious autonomy based on Bulla Cypria. The Venetian government tried to reconcile Orthodox clerics with Mocenigo fearing Ottoman intervention and territorial ambitions on Cyprus. Owing to the efforts of the Venetian government, the reformation lead by the Archbishop Mocenigo did not provoke Greek rebellion. Nevertheless, Mocenigoʼs reformation aroused fierce opposition from Greek clerics. Turning to the period of during the War of Cyprus (1570-1571), where Venice and the Ottoman Empire fought over the rule of the island, Mocenigoʼs reformation assumed a different character from the image shown by previous research. Greeks in Cyprus tried to establish their church institution as part of the Ottoman Empire when it became clear that Ottoman troops had defeated the Venetian troops and taken control of the island. Furthermore, Greeks insisted that the Greek Archbishop should to be a native Greek Cypriot. It seems that they thought only people who had been born and brought up in Cyprus could represent the interests of Greeks in Cyprus. Consequently, with a mixture of the Counter-Reformation and the rise of the Ottoman Empire in the eastern Mediterranean, the Counter-Reformation impelled Orthodox Greeks in Cyprus to turn from the Catholic church to the Orthodox church under the Ottomans. Besides, the reformation by the Catholic archbishop led Greeks to deepen their perception of the necessity to protect their faith and Cypriot customs from foreigners.
高林 陽展
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 = The Journal of history (ISSN:03869369)
vol.103, no.1, pp.103-143, 2020-01

鄭 賢珠
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 = The Journal of history (ISSN:03869369)
vol.103, no.3, pp.361-394, 2020-05

京城学堂は一八九六年四月大日本海外教育会によって朝鮮人子弟に日本語や朝鮮語で普通学を教えるため漢城に開設され、一〇余年間運営された「日語学校」であった。従来、政財界人の支援や東亜同文会の影響による成功事例として評価されてきた。本稿では資金調達過程など運営実態を究明し、看過されてきた小島今朝次郎ら現地運営陣の活動および居留官民・日本国内の支援動向を考察した。その結果、本部の脆弱さ、堂長や駐韓公使の活躍、出資に対する外務省の消極的な姿勢、教育体制および運営陣の認識変化、韓国政府への献納経緯が明らかになった。学堂の役割は日本の勢力維持・韓国人の懐柔・日本文化移植から植民や韓国経営へ移り、確実に韓国の植民地化を志向した。しかし民間団体による海外教育事業に対する社会的な支援基盤を築くことは困難で、日本政府の支援方針が確立されないなど、当時日本の帝国主義の多面性がみられる。Keijō Gakudō was founded in April 1896 in Kanjō (Seoul) bythe Dainippon Kaigai Kyōikukai (The Great Japan Overseas Education Association). Its aim was to provide general education to Koreans in both the Japanese and Korean language. This "Japanese school, " which lasted for more than 10 years, has been regarded as a successful case due to the support of politicians and businesspeople and the influence of the Tōa Dōbunkai (East Asian Shared Culture Association). This paper investigates the founding and management of the school, examining the previouslyoverlooked activities of Kojima Kesajirō and local managers, as well as the support of the Japanese in Korea, and in Japan. The studyhas revealed: 1) the weaknesses of the headquarters, 2) activities of the administrators and Japanese officials in Korea, 3) the reluctance of the Ministryof Foreign Affairs to provide financial support, 4) changes in educational policyand attitudes of the managers, and 5) the process of the transfer to the Korea government. The school's role changed from maintaining Japanese power, placating Koreans, and transplanting Japanese culture, to colonization and management of the Korea economy, confirming Korea's status as a colony of Japan. However, it was difficult to establish a base of social support for overseas educational projects byprivate organizations, and the Japanese government had not established firm policies. Thus, Japan's imperialism was multifaceted at the time.
鍛治 宏介
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.96, no.2, pp.251-287, 2013-03

本稿は、江戸時代において近江八景という一つの知識が、刊本や写本という書物を介して社会に伝播し、さまざまな地域・階層の人々に教養として受容されていく過程を、近江八景を詠んだ漢詩と和歌を素材に検討したものである。まず朝廷や五山文化圏で産み出された近江八景詩歌が、堂上歌壇のみならず地下歌壇においても流布していたことを明らかにした。さらに『扶桑名勝詩集』の板元吉田四郎右衛門に注目して、吉田家は書肆を営む一方、院雑色という朝廷の下級役人としての側面も有し、朝廷の知を社会に広げる回路として、近江八景詩歌が刊本世界へ流入する役割を果たしたことを指摘した。それから一八世紀以降の日用教養書における展開に注目し、さまざまな誤謬も内包しつつ、手習教育の教材に利用されるなど、近江八景詩歌の伝播の射程が格段に広まったことを明らかにした。以上の検討を通じて、江戸時代書物文化における知の流通構造の一端を描き出した。In the Edo period, knowledge about the "Eight Views of Omi" 近江八景 (Omi hakkei) spread through society by way of written works in the form of manuscripts and printed books. Such information was received by people of various regions and social strata became common knowledge. In this article I clarify the process of the diffusion of the "Eight Views of Omi" as a topic of Chinese and Japanese poetry. The "Eight Views of Omi" refers to eight beautiful scenes near southern Lake Biwa, "The autumn moon at Ishiyama temple" 石山秋月, "Evening glow at Seta" 瀬田夕照, "The weather clearing at Awazu" 粟津晴嵐, "Returning sails at Yabase" 矢橋帰帆"The evening bell at Mii temple" 三井晩鐘, "Night rain at Karasaki" 唐崎夜雨, "Geese descending at Katata" 堅田落雁, "Snow on Mt. Hira at sunset" 比良暮雪, that were based on the "Eight Views of the Xiao and Xiang Rivers" 瀟湘八景 in China. In the early 17th century, the court noble Nobutada Konoe 近衛信尹', who was a central figure of the imperial court salon, composed Japanese poetry on the "Eight Views of Omi, " and in the mid-17th century, a Zen Buddhist monk Gyokushitu Soboku 玉質宗撲, who played an active part in the literary circles of the Five Mountains五山, composed Chinese poetry on the "Eight Views of Omi." This Chinese and Japanese poetry circulated in manuscript form not only in aristocratic poetry circles 堂上歌壇 but also in non-aristocratic poetry circles 地下歌壇 as exemplars that poets should consult. Then, in the second half of the 17th century, this poetry was recorded in The Fuso meisho shishu 扶桑名勝詩集 of Shiroemon Yoshida 吉田四郎右衛門, a publisher in Kyoto, and the range of diffusion was greatly extended. In addition to publishing, Yoshida also served among a lower- ranking group of officials serving the imperial court who were called in zoshiki 院雑色, and his publishing was closely related to the court nobles. In other words, Shiroemon Yoshida played a role in creating a circuit that extended imperial court culture into society. I have been able to confirm that the Fuso meisho shishu was found in the libraries of cultured people and scholars in various regions, but even more significant is the fact there exist many examples of the works of writers of other genres that quote the Chinese and Japanese poetry found in the Fuso meisho shishu. In this way, this Chinese and Japanese poetry on the "Eight Views of Omi" spread through the world of printed books, and this call be confirmed by their appearance as topics in gazetteers and novels, and various other publications including ukiyoe prints, and by the fact that they appeared in entertainments such as kabuki or joruri and other genres including crafts and clothing. In addition, after the 18th century, articles about this poetry began to appear in books that conveyed basic knowledge and culture necessary for everyday life, such as orai-mono 往来物 (epistolary textbooks) and the Setsuyoshu 節用集 (a Japanese-language dictionary), and they were also used as exemplars in teaching materials at private elementary schools in various parts of Japan. Through the above examination, I have drawn an intellectual map of the structure and circulation of Edo-period book culture that extended from the top levels of the imperial court down to the lowest ranks of children doing writing Practice. I have been able to point out various trends that influenced the "Eight Views of Omi" becoming common knowledge among many Japanese people. As an example, the southern part of Lake Biwa in Omi became a sightseeing spot as a result of the increasing number of tourists who sought to see the "Eight Views of Omi" and, in addition, inspired by admiration of Omi, cultured persons in other regions discovered new versions of the eight views in their own regions.
尾下 成敏
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.92, no.5, pp.862-891, 2009-09

本稿の目的は、天正十年(一五八二) 六月から同十二年七月までの間の羽柴秀吉と徳川家康の関係に留意する形で、秀吉の東国政策の内容や、それを規定した背景を明らかにしようとすることにある。 検討の結果、(1)天正十年六月の本能寺の変後、北条氏の動向に対処すべく、秀吉と家康が提携し、対家康戦開始前の秀吉が徳川攻めを目論んではいなかったこと。(2)天正十年冬以降の秀吉が、家康の取り組む『惣無事』、すなわち織田信長在世時の停戦状態への回帰を掲げて北条方と反北条方の停戦を実現せんとする無事に関与し、北条氏の版図拡大の動きを封じようとしたこと。(3)秀吉の『惣無事』関与後も北条方と反北条方の抗争が続き、結果、関東で新たなる戦争が起こる可能性が浮上したこと。(4)こうした事情や織田信雄の勧誘を背景として、家康が対秀吉戦に踏み切ることなどを明らかにした。
望月 直人
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.101, no.2, pp.356-391, 2018-03

一八八〇年代前半にベトナムをめぐって生じた「越南問題」は、清朝が自らの属国とみなす国をめぐって欧米諸国と戦火を交えた唯一の事例清仏戦争に至った。従来、「越南問題」は、清朝とフランス両当事国の問題として検討されてきたが、本稿は第三国として関与したアメリカの影響を検討する。第一章では、一八八三年七月初めに行われた清朝による対米仲裁依頼が、国際世論と国際仲裁を結びつけたアメリカ駐清公使ヤングの助言に基づくことを示す。第二章では、国際仲裁の実現を目指したアメリカ外交官の活動が、清仏の対立を深刻させたことを明らかにする。第三章では、一八八三年一一月に清朝の発した各国宛同文通牒が、アメリカ駐清公使館員の助言にも依拠していたこと、この同文通牒が国際世論を動かして和平の実現という目的とは逆に、清仏の軍事衝突を決定的としたことを示す。The Sino-French war that occurred in 1880s is the only case of the Qing dynasty going to war with a Western country over countries regarded as its vassals. Previous scholarship has focused on the negotiations between the Qing dynasty and France, and has argued that the differences between the traditional East Asian international order (the so-called Tributary System) and the Western and modern international order triggered the war. But during the Sino-French controversy the Qing dynasty repeatedly proposed the arbitration of a third party, but France refused. It is thus difficult to say that the Sino-French war was a clash of two different world orders. In 19th-century East Asia, countries gradually adopted international law, and they benefited greatly employing it. International law, however, was plagued by problems of weakness of jurisdiction and enforcement of the law, and efforts to reach a peaceful settlement of international disputes by using international law often led to difficulties in diplomatic negotiations. This article thus focuses on American good offices in 1883 and considers their influences and results. In the first section, I reconsider the process of the request by the Qing dynasty to the United States for arbitration in July 1883. John Russell Young, U.S. Minister in Peking, often had talks with Li Hongzhang李鴻章, Chinese Governor-General of the Zhili, in the first half of 1883. Young attached great weight to public opinion and arbitration, and he advised Li to use international public opinion and international arbitration as international political resources. At the beginning of July 1883, Li adopting Young's advice, requested arbitration by the United States. In the second section, I consider the efforts of the American embassy in Paris during July and August. On 23 July, Levis Parsons Morton, American Minister in Paris, met Paul-Armand Challemel-Lacour, the French Foreign Minister. Responding to the offer of international arbitration by United States, Challemel-Lacour said, "if the pretentions of the Chinese government were known, perhaps it would be possible for France to avail herself of the good offices so kindly tendered by the United States." Challemel-Lacour's intent was to turn down the American offer in a roundabout way, but Morton interpreted the statement to mean if the Qing government would offer peace terms, it was possible that the French government would accept the American offer. In order to initiate international arbitration, the American embassy in Paris attempted to clarify the differences between the Qing dynasty and France. They advised Zeng Jize曾紀沢, Chinese Minister in Paris, to send their terms of peace to the French government, but these terms incurred French displeasure and deepened the confrontation between the two countries. In the third section, I discuss the origin and the results of a circular note that was sent by the Zongli Yamen総理衙門, the Chinese Foreign Office, to all foreign embassies in Peking on 17 November 1883. By examining the letter of Li Hongzhang sent to the Zongli Yamen, I found that the Qing court, which made the decision to send this note, had adopted the advice of Chester Holcombe, the first secretary of the American Embassy in Peking. This circular note aimed to arouse international public opinion to stop the advance of the French army and it corresponded to Holcombe's idea of a peaceful settlement. Holcomb evaluated the role of international public opinion and international arbitration in international politics highly. But this faith sent an erroneous sign to Chinese officials, especially the Qing-yi 清議 faction, which harbored unrealistic expectations. But, in reality, this note could be interpreted as an ultimatum, and the French minister in Peking, who also had received the circular note, advised his government to use force. In December 1883 the French army attacked the Qing army in Vietnam, and it ultimately proved impossible to stop the use of force by simply arousing international public opinion.
楠 義彦
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.96, no.1, pp.71-99, 2013-01

河野 一隆
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.91, no.1, pp.33-66, 2008-01

国家形成と軌を一にして特殊な構造と豊かな副葬品を備えた厚葬墓が登場することの追求は、人類史的な課題でもある。本稿では弥生~古墳時代の倭王権から倭国への変化の中に、日本列島における神聖王権から初期国家への移行過程の歴史的特質が埋め込まれているとみる視点から、弥生王墓や古墳の変遷を再整理し、モニュメントとしての古墳造営の意義を考察した。なぜ、特定個人の墓の造営に莫大な社会のエネルギーが集約されるのか。また、それがなぜ国家形成期に登場するのか。これらの説明として、王権の支配領域外から流入する財を、王権の領域内部で計画的かつ安全に消費するために、財を威信財へと意味転換し、その交換および消費に伴う負債関係を、現実の社会政治的関係の基軸へと読み替えるシステムが社会成員によって創出され、それが社会に埋め込まれたという視角を提唱する。同時に、財による中心―周辺関係の形成が、境界を生み出すことで、律令制国家の前段階がすでに古墳時代中期には現出していたことを想定した。しかし、このようなメカニズムは、倭王権による渡来系技術者の掌握・配布によって破綻し、古墳造営は公共性の創出機能を喪失する。ここで国家形成における厚葬墓は、その役割を終えることになる。Why royal tumuli with special burial structures and accompanied by many grave goods appeared concomitant with state formation is a basic problem of human history. I argue that the special characteristics of the historical shift from sacred kingship to the early state are embedded in the transition from Wa 倭, ancient Japanese, kingship to Wa state, which occurred during the transition from Yayoi to Kofun period. From this standpoint, I reconsider the transition from Yayoi 'Royal Tumuli' to Kofun mounded tumuli and the significance of the mounded structures as monuments of state formation. Why was a great deal of social energy concentrated in mound building for a single individual and why did these tumuli appear in the period of state formation? I propose the following as explanations for these problems. In order to stem the flow of the wealth outside the territory of the king, such wealth had to be regularly and safely consumed within the territory of the king, meaning that it was converted into forms of wealth invested with prestige. A social system was created by members of this society by revising these debt relations of exchange and consumption into the basis for actual socio-political relations and embedding them within the society. At the same time, the formation of core-periphery relations based on this wealth represented by prestige goods produced the boundaries of the territory of the king. This can be regarded as a preliminary step toward the mature Ritsuryo 律令 state, which appeared in the middle Kofun period. However, this mechanism was destroyed by the control and diffusion of immigrant engineers by Wa kings, and the operation of tumuli lost the function of a public work projects. In this way, the role of the royal tumuli that was characteristic of the process of state formation came to a close.
小塩 慶
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.100, no.6, pp.641-677, 2017-11

本稿では、国風文化期における中国文化の受容の在り方を再検討する。従来の日本史研究ではほとんど扱われることのなかった『浜松中納言物語』『松浦宮物語』に見られる異国描写を手掛かりとして、平安時代の人々が何によって異国像を形成していたか、またその背景にはどのような社会状況を想定できるかを考察した。『浜松中納言物語』からは、類書的な漢籍知識や絵画による文化受容があり、その背景には、「宮仕え」を軸とした身分・性別を超えた文化の総体の存在を指摘できる。『松浦宮物語』には漢籍による文化受容が見られるが、令式に規定された古典的な漢籍がなお重要な位置を占めていた。中国から輸入された書籍の実態を再検討すると、それらが国風文化に与えた影響は限定的であったといえる。当該期に中国文化が広く受容されたのは、唐物の輸入といった対外交流以上に、唐絵や漢籍知識の類書化、漢籍の学習方法などの国内の文化動向によるものである。This article employs literary works, which have seldom been regarded favorably as objects of analysis in Japanese historiography, as primary sources to re-examine the structure of mid-to-late Heian culture (国風文化 kokufû-bunka). Specifically, it employs two fictional narratives, the Hamamatsu chûnagon monogatari 浜松中納言物語 and the Matsuranomiya monogatari 松浦宮物語, that use foreign countries as the background of the tales as keys to clarify the reception of Chinese culture and its reality in the period of kokufû-bunka. In the first section, I examine the Hamamatsu chûnagon monogatari. One can note that two types of expression can be discerned therein: expressions using Chinese literary works (漢籍 kanseki) and expressions that were verbal representations of Chinese-style paintings. However, the knowledge of Chinese literary works used by the author had previously been incorporated in Japanese narratives and paintings including the Collection of Japanese and Chinese Poems for Singing (和漢朗詠集 Wakan rôeishû), and thus did not extend beyond the boundaries of common knowledge known to the nobility of the time. In other words, one could say that there was a certain fixed, shared knowledge of Chinese literary works within the noble society of the day. In order to consider the background to the spread of such knowledge, I next considered the manner in which literature was received. At that time the mode of the reception of literature differed according to one's social status. Narrative fiction had a dual character, used both for entertainment and for education. In the salons of women of the highest ranks of the nobility, illustrated narratives were collected and also produced. For women in the middle rank of the nobility, these narratives were difficult to obtain, but they would occasionally receive them from women in the upper levels of the nobility. These two different types of reception were brought together by women in service to the influential families. In other words, the middle-ranking noble women who read the narratives given by higherranking noble women and who were the recipients of culture were transformed into the producers of new culture by becoming involved in the production of narratives in the salons. In this way, a cultural entity that spanned social ranks was formed, and the knowledge of Chinese literary works shared in noble society was selected. In the second section I examine the Matsuranomiya monogatari. Here too, one can point out representations of foreign lands based on Chinese literary works, but unlike the case of the Hamamatsu chûnagon monogatari, a greater degree of knowledge of Chinese works was required. I have focused in this article on the fact that classical works and histories such as the Book of the Han (漢書 Hanshu/Kanjo) and the Book of the Later Han (後漢書 Houhanshu/Gokanjo) and literary works such as the Anthology of the Verse of Bai Juyi (白氏文集 Baishi wenji/Hakushi bunshû or Hakushi monjû) played a large part in the basic character building and that histories of the Tang dynasty were in contrast only used to elaborate on official titles and characters' names. It can be surmised that this discrepancy was due to the manner of studying Chinese works by male government officials ever since the period of kokufû-bunka. Male officials studied under officials who had been educated in the Daigaku and they often studied Chinese works and were equipped with sufficient knowledge of classics and histories studied in the Daigaku and of the Baishi wenji, which was considered equally important. However, in regard to other Chinese works, it is thought that they were not studied fully enough to be applied to Japanese literature. Moreover, from the period of kokufû-bunka to the creation of the Matsuranomiya monogatari in the late 12th century, one cannot see a great change in the circumstance regarding the study of Chinese literary works. In the third section, I examine the influence of foreign relations in the move to the period of kokufû-bunka based on the foregoing considerations. Examples of imported Chinese literary works that can be found in historical records are limited, and it has become clear that only certain social classes (members of the imperial and regental houses, scholars, and Buddhist monks) could import literary works with relative ease. Considering that even these people could not necessarily obtain all the works they sought, there is little evidence that literary works imported from China were widely disseminated throughout various social classes. Moreover, the majority of literary works imported during the period were the Selections of Refined Literature (文選 Wenxuan/Monzen) and Baishi wenji and did not represent new knowledge. At least in terms of literature, the Chinese culture that had the most influence during the period of kokufû-bunka was chiefly from those works imported prior to the Jôwa era. These works were made into narratives and pictorialized, and through their study by male officials, they were incorporated into Japanese culture. While the manner in which Chinese culture was received during the period of kokufû-bunka involved the importation of material objects from China, it can be concluded that it largely depended on classical Chinese knowledge that was a matter of ideas.