櫻井 康人
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
vol.97, no.1, pp.36-74, 2014-01-31

古来よりエルサレム巡礼がキリスト教徒にとって最も聖なる行為であったことは言うまでもないが、当然のことながらその旅を支える者たちがいた。一四世紀から一六世紀前半の「聖地巡礼の黄金期」においては、ヴェネツィアのガレー巡礼船のパトロン(船主) たちがその主役であり、彼らに着目することは聖地巡礼という「聖なる移動」をまた異なる角度から照射することができる、ということを意味する。しかし、膨大な聖地巡礼史の分野において、パトロンに着目した研究はこれまでにほとんどない。その中で、ヴェネツィア側の史料を網羅的に分析したM・ニューエットの成果は特筆すべきものがあるが、聖地巡礼記という史料群の分析が不十分であるという問題が残されたままである。 そこで本稿では、ニューエットが明らかにしてくれたヴェネツィアのガレー巡礼船システムに関する成果と、聖地巡礼記を網羅的に分析した結果との突き合わせ作業を時系列的に行うことで、ガレー巡礼船網度の変遷およびパトロンという巡礼者を運搬した者たちの全体像の把握により近づくことを目的とする。
福元 健之
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.97, no.4, pp.533-569, 2014-07

村上 亮
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.99, no.4, pp.558-586, 2016-07

本稿は、ボスニア・ヘルツェゴヴィナ併合(一九〇八年一○月) を題材として、ハプスブルク独特の二重帝国体制に従来とは異なる角度から光をあてることを目的とする。とくに今回は、他の首脳に先がけて併合を上奏した共通財務相ブリアーンに着目する。具体的には彼による二つの『建自書』を中心に、併合に至るハプスブルク国内の動向の検討から、オーストリアとハンガリーの枠組みをこえた帝国全体に関わる案件(「共通案件」) の決定過程を浮き彫りにする。考察の結果、ブリアーンが占領状態に起因する民族運動をおさえるために併合を発意したこと、ブリアーンの計画が共通外務相エーレンタールらの影響を受けつつも、併合への道筋を整えたことが示される。ただし、ハプスブルク家の継承法(「国事詔書」) をめぐる折衝の不調は、ボスニアの「合法的」な併合を不可能とした。ここからは、帝国中枢における政策決定の多元性と機能不全がみてとれるのである。
藤岡 真樹
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.99, no.3, pp.419-456, 2016-05

本稿は、ハーヴァード大学ロシア研究センターが空軍の人材開発研究所との契約研究に基づいて実施したソ連研究である難民聞き取り計画(RIP、一九五〇年~五四年) の歴史的経緯を大学と軍部との人的ネットワークに注目しつつ解明しようとするものである。一九五〇年、人材開発研究所とロシア研究センターは、ソ連空爆にあたっての都市選定を目的とした研究契約を締結し、ドイツとオーストリア等に居住していたソ連人難民への聞き取り調査を開始した。しかし研究者達が人々の行動に関する行動科学研究への強い関心を抱いていたことから、RIPは「ソ連の社会制度の研究」へと変貌した。これに対し連邦議会をはじめとする反共主義者が激しい攻撃を浴びせた結果、RIPは中止に追い込まれた。RIPの研究成果はその後に刊行されたものの、それらは軍部との人的ネットワークの緊密さゆえに、ソ連人難民に関する貴重な資料を用いながらもソ連の制度や社会に対する画期的な視座や知見を提示することができないという意味で、学術的な「停滞」に陥ったことを示すものとなった。ただし、こうした「停滞」状況は軍部とのネットワークが消滅することで大きく変わることになる。
中山 俊
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.99, no.3, pp.388-418, 2016-05

春日 あゆか
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.99, no.2, pp.229-256, 2016-03

根無 新太郎
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.98, no.4, pp.620-648, 2015-07

一九世紀後半、近衛部隊ともいえる禁旅八旗の中に、北京朝廷は新たに神機営を設立した。その目的は、他の禁旅八旗を再訓練することにあった。そのため、神機営の管理は、朝廷内での権力に直結するものと認識され、西太后は妹婿である醇郡王をその管理に充てる。一方、朝廷の外では、神機営は漢人督撫の率いた勇営と共に、塩匪や捻軍などの反乱を鎮圧した。やがて、勇営による地域の治安破壊に直面した北京朝廷は、神機営にその監視および統制を命じる。ここにおいて、神機営は反乱だけではなく勇営とも相対する役割を課されたのであった。本稿は、これまで看過されがちであった神機営の活動を検討し、清末における北京朝廷(中央) と督撫(地方) の関係について再考を試みたものである。In the latter half of the 19th century, the imperial court in Peking established the Peking Field Force 神機営 within the Eight Banners of the Imperial Guard 禁旅八旗. Their aim was to retrain the other units of the Eight Banners. However, the role played by the Peking Field Force in the late Qing was not confined to this one military unit alone. The Peking Field Force was recognized in Peking at that time as a military force linked with powerful figures within the court. As a result, the court refused to allow the Han Chinese bureaucrats to become involved with the Field Force, despite recommendations to that effect, and Prince Kung 恭親王 became the head of the Field Force. Eventually, Empress Dowager Xi came to view Prince Kung as a political opponent and used accusations against him as an opportunity to remove him from the leadership of the force. Prince of the Second Degree Ch'un 醇郡王, brother-in-law of the Empress Dowager, was then appointed to the post in place of Prince Kung. On the other hand, outside the court, the Peking Field Force and the Yung-Ying 勇営 (lit. Brave Battalions), led by the Han Chinese bureaucrats, together suppressed various rebellions. In 1867, the merchants of the salt monopoly in the Metropolitan Province直隷省rose in armed revolt and in the following year the Nien rebels 捻軍 invaded. Viewing these developments, the court in Peking dispatched the Field Force. Additionally, in order to suppress these rebellions, Brave Battalions led by the Han Chinese provincial viceroys and governors Liu Ch'ang-yu 劉長佑, Tso Tsung- t'ang 左宗棠, and Li Hung-chang 李鴻章 together with the Peking Field Force entered the Metropolitan Province. However, in addition to cooperating with the Field Force in fighting the rebels, these Brave Battalions disturbed the peace of the province through violence and pillage. This was due to the fact that the Brave Battalions were armed groups whose roots were the same as the rebel forces. Faced with this situation, the court in Peking grew wary of the Brave Battalions and tasked the Field Force with the role of surveilling and controlling them. The Field Force thus had to cope with the Brave Battalions as well as the rebel forces. Surveillance and control of the Brave Battalions was at first based on military regulations and censure. However, the situation changed with the setting of a time limit on the suppression followed by the stage when Tu-hsing-a 都興阿, an officer of the Field Force, took direct control of military operations. As can be seen from the fact that the court in Peking and the Field Force were forced to alter their surveillance and control in this manner, surveillance and control were in the end not fully implemented. The Brave Battalions did not follow the orders of the Field Force to the letter, but the punishment for this insubordination was relatively light. This was likely a result of the court placing the highest priority on suppressing the rebels. The Peking court's wariness of the Brave Battalions appears in the their deployment during the fighting. The court stationed the Peking Field Force closest to the capital and sent the Brave Battalions to the front lines. The intent seems to have been to have the Brave Battalions and the rebel forces expend their strength in battle while conserving that of the Field Force in the rear. Furthermore, the Field Force could carry out surveillance of the Brave Battalions from behind, and on the unlikely chance that the Brave Battalions would turncoat and side with the rebel forces, it is thought that the Field Force could play the role of defending the capital against their advance. In fact, after the Nien rebels had been suppressed, the Field Force was not removed from the Metropolitan Province until the Brave Battalions were entirely withdrawn. As can be seen from the above, the court in Peking was quite wary of the Brave Battalions, and it would only be a slight exaggeration to say that this vigilance was of the same order as that shown toward the rebel forces. To the extend the Brave Battalions served as the basis for provincial viceroys and governors, the relationship between the court in Peking and the provincial viceroys and governors was not limited solely to one of increased discretion. It can be surmised that surveillance and restraints were carried out as a matter of course. One can thus question whether it was not actually the policy of the court in Peking to employ the Field Force as a military power in confronting the provincial viceroys and governors. This paper has examined the often-overlooked activities of the Peking Field Force and attempted thereby to reconsider the relationship between the court in Peking and provincial viceroys and governors in the late Qing.
坪井 剛
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.98, no.1, pp.32-68, 2015-01

松尾 充晶
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.98, no.1, pp.3-31, 2015-01

古代日本の地域社会において、神・社がどのような存在であったのか、天平五(七三三) 年に完成した『出雲国風土記』をもとに分析した。水源と観念された山に対する基層的な信仰があり、山の峯にある岩石など自然物が社と呼ばれた一方で、麓に設定された祭祀空間も同様に社と呼ばれた。後者は国家(神祇官) が把握する神社として認定されることにより固定化される傾向が強い。地域社会の中では、そのような国家の神祇制度の対象となる社(官社) 以外にも、様々な祭祀空間が重層的に併存していたのが実態であり、これらを社と呼んで並列的に書き上げたのが『出雲国風土記』に表れた地域的神社統制の特徴であった。こうした社は村落共同体ごとに存在しており、山間部や平野部、海浜部といった地形・生業形態によってその規模・分布密度は異なっていた。
都留 俊太郎
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.97, no.3, pp.405-445, 2014-05

本稿の目的は、一九三〇年代前半の台中州北斗郡における製糖会社の甘蔗作経営と台湾人篤農家による電動ポンプ導入の過程を検討することにより、農業生産の場において技術を軸として深刻化した統治の問題と、その統治の中で生き延びる可能性を考察することである。製糖会社による甘蔗生産の合理化が蔗作農家を窮迫せしめる中で、台湾電力が利用を勧誘していた電動ポンプは高額な経済的負担という難点を含みながらも甘蔗作から稲作への転換を可能にし、惨状から脱却する可能性を農家へと示した。それまで甘蔗作に尽力していた台湾人篤農家はいかなる葛藤をへてポンプ導入を決断するに至ったのか。以上を、台湾電力資料(東京大学経済学部資料室所蔵) を主に利用して明らかにする。従来の植民地研究において近代性論はその対象を社会史・文化史に集中させてきたが、本論文はそれを経済史へと拡張しつつ、近代性論の深化を試みる。
水越 知
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.98, no.1, pp.103-142, 2015-01

中国近世の「祈り」の空間は、都市や農村の社会構造と関連してさまざまに論じられてきた。ただ民衆レベルの信仰は史料が絶対的に乏しいうえ、知識人の批判的な視点に基づく内容で、実態を知ることが困難である。本稿では民衆レベルの声を拾い上げられる貴重な「生」の史料として档案史料の可能性を探ってみたい。今回利用する『巴県档案』は清代後期の重慶府巴県の行政公文書であり、そのなかに多くの寺廟関係の史料がある。ここから、日常において地方官がどのような態度で寺廟に臨んでいたか、あるいは民衆がどのように寺廟に関係していたのか、社会的空間としての寺廟の実態を明らかにしうる。また『巴県档案』は一八世紀以降、二〇世紀まで連綿と残されていることから近世・近代の過渡期を映し出す史料という位置づけもでき、一九世紀半ば以降に顕著となる新しい宗教運動についても『巴県档案』は豊富な史料を残している。これらの史料の考察を通じて、日常的な「祈り」の空間を解明する基礎を構築したいと考える。There have been a variety of studies related to urban and rural social structures on the spatial aspect of "prayer" in early-modern China. However, given the paucity of source materials on worship on the popular level and the critical view of intellectuals, it is difficult to know the reality of the situation. This article collects the voices from the popular level and attempts to explore the possibility of using these valuable "live" sources, which have not been subjected to the filtering of intellectuals, as archival data. In this endeavor, I have employed the Ba County Archives 巴県档案 that contains government documents of Ba county in Chongqing prefecture from the late Qing period and which contains many historical records of temples in the area that have not been previously employed. The content of the Ba County Archives can be divided into orders from government agencies regarding temples and source documents for legal suits, and from these sources the following can be learned regarding the temples: first what was the ordinary attitude of local officials towards the temples or how local people were related to the temples, in other words, the function of the temple as social space; and second, the actual conditions of the temples in two different societies, urban and rural. In this article, I attempt an analysis of the sites of conflict over the economic rights of temples in a stratified society by focusing concretely on the function of central temples such as those of the City God and Eastern Peak in an urban setting and cases in a specific region that is a rural setting. In addition to these source materials, I focus in particular on the example of the existence of morality books (善書 shanshu) preserved in the public documents within the Ba County Archives and conduct a basic study of them. Given the fact that the Ba County Archives was preserved continuously from the 18th century to the 20th, its significance is situated in being a historical source that reflects the period of transition from the early modern to the modern age. Moreover, the Ba County Archives retains a wealth of historical sources on new religious movements that became prominent after the latter half of the 19th century. In addition to learning of the actual state of spirit writing (扶鸞 fuluan) that became popular in Sichuan in the late 19th century, we can grasp changes such as the striking decline of the authority of the temple of the City God that had been central to the order of popular worship in the early modern period. I hope to build a foundation by which to clarify the spatial character of ordinary prayer from archival sources and through a consideration of the above circumstances.
太田 麻衣子
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.98, no.2, pp.354-387, 2015-03

安永 知晃
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.98, no.6, pp.779-805, 2015-11

前漢代は最末期を除いて皇帝との実際の血縁・姻戚関係によって皇后・皇太后の尊卑秩序が構築されていた。文帝や昭帝が生母を皇太后に尊び、哀帝が実の祖母や生母を尊位に即けていたようにである。皇帝の妻・母である皇后・皇太后の地位自体も、皇帝に近いが故に諸侯王国の王后や王太后に比して格上げされ続けた。こうした秩序立ては前漢末には「漢家の制」と回顧され皇帝の至尊性を示すのに一定の効果があったが、皇帝ごとに秩序が構築されるため、非嫡子の皇帝が即位すると生母と先代皇后との尊卑が逆転し政治的対立を生むこともあった。しかし前漢末に皇后の地位が確立し皇太后となるための基本的地位となったことで、実際の血縁関係に左右されることのない、皇帝を中心とした礼制上の関係による秩序が構築されることになった。これにより、秩序の逆転や皇太后と皇帝生母の対立による政治的混乱は回避されるようになる。皇后位の確立は、実際の母子関係に左右されない安定的な皇帝支配体制をもたらしたのである。The Former Han period was that of the establishment of the broad framework of the imperial system, and a body of studies on the Former Han has been compiled, but the structure of the status order of the elite of the Han Empire has not been examined sufficiently. The status order of the elite was both a large-scale framework within the imperial system, but as it was also deeply related to concept of political rule during the period, elucidating it is a necessary step in clarifying the rule of the emperor during the Han period. In this article, I focus on the fact that the institution of the Hanjia (漢家之制: the ruling house of the Han), which entailed favoring the mother of the reigning emperor, is concentrated in historical sources from the last period of the Former Han and the early period of the Latter Han, and aim to elucidate the process of the establishment of imperial rule in the Han period by clarifying the changes in the status of the huanghou (皇后: empress) and huangtaihou (皇太后: empress dowager). In this article, I carefully re-examine the appellations huanghou and huangtaihou and those for the consorts of the emperors, and the fact that I compare the inner courts of the emperors with those of the Feudal Lords is a methodological characteristic of this study. Previous research has employed the actions of the huanghou and huangtaihou as the object of study, yet these were governed not only by these women's individual characters but also frequently limited by political circumstances and are thus not appropriate for an objective diachronic approach. From this point of view, taking the absolute change of appellations in the inner court, and making a comparison of the inner courts of the emperor and those of the Feudal Lords are convenient ways to grasp relative changes during the Han Empire, and effective in marking the changes in the position of the huanghou and huangtaihou. As a result of this consideration, it has become clear that the status of the huanghou and huangtaihou were intimately related to that of the emperor and an impetus for the growth of the system of imperial rule. In the Former Han monarchy the status of the huanghou and huangtaihou continued to be elevated, in contrast to that of wives and mothers of the Feudal Lords, in order to increase reverence for the emperor, and this was ultimately because they were wives or mothers of an emperor. Before the huangtaihou was appeared as appellation of mother of emperor in the historical material, Empress Lu (呂后), the wife of Emperor Gao Zu (高祖), was in particular called huangtaihou by her ministers as she ruled with the heir following her husband's death, and based of this, Emperor Wen Di (文帝), who had risen to the rank of emperor from that of Lord, honored his mother Consort Bo (薄氏) by calling her huangtaihou, which is a representative example of this trend. As Emperor Wen Di was no longer a Feudal Lord but an emperor his mother Consort Bo was not to be addressed as a mother of a Lord (王太后: wangtaihou) and must be called by the appellation fit for the mother of an emperor. Empress Lu and Consort Bo were related to Emperor Gao Zu as wife and concubine, but what was important was the sole fact that they were mothers of emperors. It was necessary to honor Consort Bo with the title huangtaihou as Empress Lu had been. In this manner, this way of ordering the world (called the Hanjia Institution at the close of the Former Han) used actual relationships to an emperor by blood or marriage as the criteria. On the one hand, the status of consorts of the emperor was elevated in relative terms, but the consorts of the Feudal Lords could not use high status appellations, and they received little financial support. In this ordering of the world, the tendency to favor the mother was visible prior to the Han, and it can be located as an undercurrent from the Qin of the Warring States Period. The Hanjia Institution can be understood as demonstrating ultimate reverence for the emperor on the one hand, but as each emperor constructed the order, the reversal of the status order could occur and become a cause of political confrontation. However, the status of the huanghou and huangtaihou was firmly established through the impetus of the strengthening of Wang Mang (王莽)' s power base at the end of the Former Han, and this also led to changes in criteria for ordering the world. While Wang Mang was the nephew of the taihuangtaihou (太皇太后: grand empress dowager), as he lost power in the period of Emperor Ai Di (哀帝) and suffered bitter setbacks, he aimed to enhance the status of the huanghou, which was the fundamental position of the taihuangtaihou, in order to harden his political base. As a result, the status of the huanghou became recognized as the fundamental position for becoming huangtaihou, and a consort would never again become huangtaihou in place of the huanghou. This was a shift from ordering the world based on actual blood relationships to the emperor to one of ordering the world based on relations in a ritual system based on the medium of parent-child relations of a ritual system born out of the imperial succession. Thus, there would be no reversal in the status order, and political turmoil caused by confrontation between the huangtaihou and the mother of the emperor was avoided. The establishment of the status of the huanghou brought about a stable system of imperial rule that was not swayed by actual blood relations.
佐野 静代
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.98, no.4, pp.588-619, 2015-07

坂口 満宏
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.97, no.1, pp.133-170, 2014-01

ここにいう国策移民事業とは、一九二〇年代から四〇年にかけて日本政府がブラジルへの移植民を奨励するため進めた、渡航費補助や支度金支給などの一連の施策のことである。一九二八年から一九三四年までの七年間はブラジル移民の最盛期で、この間に九万人余りの日本人がブラジルへ渡ったといわれている。では、いつ・どこから・何人の人びとが日本からブラジルに渡っていったのか。本稿の課題はこうした移民の「源流」を特定することである。まずは『伯刺西爾行移民名簿』の悉皆調査によって得られたデータをもとに、政府からの渡航費補助を受けた家族移民の輩出地を解析し、その全国的な分布を図解する。ついで移民卓越地域の事例として能本県と北海道をとりあげ、熊本県では高い小作料に苦しんだ八代郡の干拓地帯から、北海道では冷害による凶作被害をうけた道東や道中の町村から多くのブラジル移民が出たことを明らかにする。The national policy to promote the emigration enterprises described herein was composed of a series of measures advanced by the Japanese government to encourage migration and colonization in Brazil during the period from 1920s to 1940s. Those measures were programs such as assistance to defray the expenses of the voyage and an allowance for outfitting and provisions. The seven years from 1928 to 1934 were the golden age of Brazil-bound migration, and the number of emigrants from Japan reached more than 90, 000 in total during the period. Focusing on the points of origin for those moving from Japan to Brazil, this paper will discuss two major subjects. First, using the data obtained from the boarding lists of Brazil-bound migrants 伯刺西爾行移民名簿, this paper analyzes the predominant areas from which the emigrant families that received voyage subsidies from the government came and illustrates the distribution of emigrants with maps. Since the Home Ministry increased the total amount of the subsidy for voyage expenses in April 1928, most emigrants were able to receive voyage-expense assistance, which was 200 yen. This was the beginning of the Home Ministry's subsidy for family emigration. The number of emigrants, however, was also influenced by economic ups and downs, and it did not increase in a steady fashion. The travel-preparation subsidy, which was started in August 1932, drastically altered the situation. The program provided 50 yen for travel-preparation expenses for each applicant to the program. This subsidy served as pump priming, encouraging exhausted, poor peasants to decide to go to Brazil. After the start of the allowance for outfitting and provisions, prefectures such as Akita and Yamagata in the northeast and Saitama and Kanagawa in the Kanto region, which had previously produced few emigrant families, began to provide emigrants. Taking advantage of the provision-outfit allowance, emigration enterprises permeated society and developed nationally. Kumamoto was one of the "migration prefectures, " and the peak of the number of emigrants from that prefecture to Brazil came in 1929-30. The leading areas for emigrants were concentrated in the reclaimed land belt of the Yatsushiro district. Tenant farmers in the reclaimed land belt of Yatsushiro paid higher rents compared with tenants in other jurisdictions within the prefecture and, moreover, farming there required the use of a large amount of manure. The rate of leaving villages was higher than in other districts and the number of many big tenancies had also arisen. Against this historical and environmental background, Kumamoto became one of the chief "migration prefectures, " a major source of permanent emigrants to Brazil. On the other hand, in Hokkaido, the number of emigrants for Brazil increased rapidly from 1932 to 1935. One direct factor in the rapid growth of migrants was the poor harvest in 1931, as a result of which people who suffered serious damage were expected to move from Hokkaido to Brazil. Tokoro and Abashiri in eastern Hokkaido and Kamikawa in northern Hokkaido were the leading sources of families who received assistance due to the poor harvest. A considerable number of the emigrants came from families that not only received assistance for the poor harvest but also from the regular subsidy program. The flow of Brazil-bound migrants from Hokkaido continued till 1937.
松島 隆真
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.97, no.2, pp.273-307, 2014-03

秦始皇帝の統一支配を終了させたのは陳渉の蜂起に始まる争乱だが、この秦末より項羽と劉邦の対決として知られる楚漢戦争までの時期は、戦国後期の状勢への回帰と看做されるのが通常である。しかし、かかる戦国後期という枠組みへの回帰をもたらしたメカニズムについては、これまで充分に考察されることがなかった。本稿はこの観点から陳渉挙兵後の状勢を国際関係として把握し、個々の事件の展開から、一定の傾向とルールを有した当時の国際秩序の具体相を明らかにした。ついで、本稿で復元された叛乱当初の国際秩序から見て特異に映る項羽の十八王分封体制も、分封以前の国際秩序に制約された結果がもたらしたものであること、また楚漢戦争の意義は、戦国中期以前の状況を指向した項羽の体制より、分封以前の戦国後期的な国際状勢へのゆりもどしとして考えることができよう。The collapse of the Qin Empire was precipitated by the uprising of Chen She (Chen Sheng), and the subsequent period of upheaval continued for eight years until the victory of Liu Bang in the struggle with Xiang Yu. In regard to the situation during this period, many scholars regard it as a throwback to the situation that prevailed during the latter part of the Warring States period, and in recent years some have also addressed Xiang Yu's feudal system of eighteen kings considering it the origin of the Western Han commandery and principality system. However, sufficient research has not been conducted into the mechanism of this recurrence of the framework of the latter Warring States period. From this standpoint, the author attempts to grasp the state of the circumstances of sudden rise of various kingdoms after Chen She's uprising in terms of the relationships among multiple states. As an initial step, I first examine the revival of the Six Kingdoms that had been destroyed by Shihuang-di after the start of the revolt and the course of the establishment of the kings. This period is generally regarded as one in which it was even possible for a person whose roots were not in royalty or the nobility prior to the Warring States period to call himself a king, and that the principle that made their behavior possible has thought to have been derived from their own achievements and character. However, as a result of the considerations made in this paper, it is clear that the principle that made it possible to become a king cannot be confirmed in internal domestic matters. I made clear that the framework of the multiple coexisting states led by the kings could be seen as the fundamental element and that the character of the legitimacy of the kings' position was established solely confirmed by receiving the recognition of kings of other states in the same system The multi-state system that appeared after the uprising of Chen She was defined and formed by the late Warring States period framework in which the Qin and Six Kingdoms coexisted, but at the core of this system was the existent of one king who could be called the first among equals. And this first among equals-traditionally the King of Zhou, the Son of Heaven-was precisely the one person who could ultimately confirm the legitimacy of kings of other states, and under the multi-state system of the latter part of the Warring States period, he held not only the authority to recognize legitimacy but was also a leader (従長) who could initiate military action leading multiple states. Conversely, examining the Xiang Yu's feudalism of the eighteen kings from the above angle, his system, son of heaven, hegemon, feudal lords, i.e., the Spring-and-Autumn-period, tri-level structure that existed until the middle of the Warring States period, was greatly different from the bi-level system of the latter part of the Warring States period. However, on the other hand, the new system of Xiang Yu that at first glance seems extreme was also constrained by the multi-state system that followed the uprising of Chen She. In addition, the primary cause of the devastating collapse of Xiang Yu's new system was that it was established on measures such as the divisions into various states and the movement of Wei that were politically ill-considered, but in contrast behind the appearance of such a system was the struggle between Xiang Yu's policy and the multi-state system that appeared in the latter half of the Warring States period after Chen She. In this way, the system of Xiang Yu led to a return to the situation of the latter part of the Warring States period shortly after it was initiated, and eventually the death of Xiang Yu in battle and the accession of Liu Bang to emperor.
立川 ジェームズ
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.97, no.2, pp.308-340, 2014-03

近年、中世初期の集会を聖俗の制度に区別し、制定された法規の分析を重視する伝統的な研究手法が問題法されている。こうした研究動向をふまえ、本稿ではメロヴィング朝の前半期を対象として、これまで「教会会議」として一様に理解されてきた synodus の史料におけるイメージの分析を試みた。決議史料においては聖職者のみの宗教的な集会のイメージが顕著なのに対し、トゥール司教グレゴリウスの記述や勅令においては、王権に直結した、聖俗にとらわれない役割を持ったイメージが描かれた。これは従来の「教会会議」という集会概念により捉えきれない柔軟な synodus の実態を示す。同時に、史料における synodus の取り上げ方の相違が、聖・俗や王権・教会の関係をめぐる同時代人の意識と密接に関わることを指摘した。これは七世紀以降に一層進展するといわれる王権のキリスト教化、さらにはカロリング朝との関係を考える上でも承平的である。
酒井 一臣
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.96, no.3, pp.452-479, 2013-05

南雲 泰輔
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.95, no.2, pp.317-347, 2012-03

一〇世紀半ばに編纂されたとされるビザンツの百科事典『スーダ』は、四世紀末の宦官エウトロピオスの時代に、宦宮が階級として発展したことを伝えるが、先行研究中でこの箇所が精査されたことは皆無に近い。そこで本稿は、この『スーダ』の記述を手掛かりに、四世紀末のエウトロピオスの影響下に宦官がいかにして階級としての発展の契機を掴んだかという問題意識のもと、エウトロピオスが宦官として行なった行政改革の検討に基づき宦官権力の確立の実態を明らかにするとともに、研究史上の画期となったK. Hopkins の宦官モデルに対する問題提起をも試みた。本稿での検討によって明らかになったのは次の三点である。第一、宦官エウトロピオスは宮内長官として帝国東部宮廷における政策決定に深く関与したが、それはかつてギボンが軽侮したごとく宦官の私利私欲に基づくものではなかった。第二、宦官エウトロピオスは、道長官から官房長官へ権限移譲という改革を通じ、皇帝顧問会議の全体を自らの権力下に置き、帝国財政を一手に掌握した。このことは、宦官になりさえずれば帝国の莫大な富への接触機会が得られるということを広く世に知らしめた。第三、皇帝家の宦官利用の理由について、奴隷(宦官) 所有の意味と当時の社会状況とを勘案するならば、Hopkins の宦官モデルによっては説明されえない、エウトロピオス時代に固有の宦官増加の理由を説明することが出来る。Historians have demonstrated that the eunuch is one of the most significant features of the Later Roman and Byzantine Empires. Ever since the British historian Keith Hopkins published his seminal 1963 paper on the social status and function of the eunuchs, many studies of eunuchs from a variety of perspectives have been conducted, These studies include analyses based on gender; comparisons with eunuchs in other empires such as ancient China; and, more recently, those on court society, inspired by the works of Norbert Elias. It is still unclear, however, when and how eunuchs decisively established their power in the Later Roman court in Constantinople. In my opinion, this question can be answered by analyzing the actions of Eutropius as Grand Chamberlain (praepositus sacri cubiculi). Eutropius was the most notorious and powerful eunuch during the reign of Arcadius, and is now viewed as the archetypical Byzantine eunuch, According to the relevant entries in the Suda, the tenth-century Byzantine encyclopedia, eunuchs as a 'class' (εθνος) increased in number, owing to the importance and power of Eutropius. These entries in the Suda, resting on descriptions by the fourth-century historian Eunapius of Sardis (a contemporary of Eutropius), suggest that the age of Eutropius was the most significant epoch in the history of Later Roman and Byzantine eunuchs. Despite the importance of the eunuchs of this age, historians have not fully studied them. In this paper, I examine the process of establishing eunuchs' power in the Later Roman Empire by considering the legislation and reforms enacted by Eutropius. My paper is intended to challenge one of the main elements of Hopkins' model of the eunuchs' power: his assertion that the political influence of the eunuchs in the Later Roman court depended upon their close relationships with the emperors and the resulting favors, or, in Hopkins' own words, 'the direct patronage of the emperor' Through my investigations, I have arrived at three main conclusions. First, Eutropius was deeply involved in the various political decisions at the eastern court of the Roman Empire, but largest part of these decisions, which took the form of imperial laws, was not actually rooted in Eutropius' self-interests. As Tony Honore and Alan Cameron have already persuasively argued, Eutropius had attempted to restrain the increasing influences of the Christian Church and the landowners in order to defend the interests of the Roman state. Some scholars, such as Santo Mazzarino, have even described Eutropius' attitude as opposition to the 'feudalizing tendenciess'. Although this legislation shows the great extent of Eutropius' power, it did not directly establish the eunuchs' power. Therefore, I also focus on the reforms enacted by Eutropius in order to clarify their significance with regard to the empowerment of eunuchs as a 'class'. In regard to these reforms, John Lydus, the sixth-century bureaucrat, argued that in the age of Eutropius, some important powers, including the control of the arsenals (fabricae) and the public post (cursus publicus), were transferred from the Praetorian Prefect of the East (Praefectus Praetorio Orientis) to the Master of Office (magister officiorum). Eutropius also transferred control over the imperial estates of Cappadocia (domus divina per Cappadociam) from the Count of the Privy Purse (comes rerum privatarum) to his own position, the Grand Chamberlain. These reforms were crucial because they allowed Eutropius not only to dominate the consistorium but also to gain control of all imperial finances, without the imperial patronage that Hopkins argues was necessary. This led to a greater awareness that eunuchs could access imperial wealth and consequently might have affected the increase in their number. Finally, I provide two possible reasons why emperors employed more eunuchs in the age of Eutropius. The first is the simple and most fundamental: status. Since the Early Roman Empire, possession of slaves and ex-slaves generally indicated power and high rank. Emperors were expected to own slaves, especially the most expensive slaves, who were eunuchs. This was also true in the Later Empire. The second reason is connected to the development of the new capital, Constantinople. As the imperial court in Constantinople developed, emperors used an increasing number of eunuchs to demonstrate their own position at the top of the imperial hierarchy. Emperors attempted to display their power and influence through this conspicuous possession of eunuchs. Thus, the emperors' motivations coincided with the reforms of Eutropius, and eunuchs' power was perhaps established as the Suda suggests.