尾下 成敏
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.93, no.1, pp.36-70, 2010-01

天正十三年(一五八五) 冬、羽柴(豊臣) 秀吉は島津義久に対し、九州における戦闘停止を命じたが、この出来事は秀吉の全国統一過程、すなわち戦国争乱の最終過程を論じる際に注目され、「平和」の実現を狙った政策か否かは今日重要な論点となっている。本稿は、天正十四年七月の対島津戦開戦以前の政治過程を復元し直すことで、上記の九州停戦命令を再考しようとしたものであり、(1)停戦命令は九州派兵が困難な情勢下で採られた方策で、「和戦」双方を視野に入れていた。そして畿内近国・東国・西国の情勢に規定されながら、ある時期は「和」の比重が、また、ある時期は「戦」の比重が高まり、遂には対島津戦突入へと至った。(2)「平和」の実現という切り口から、停戦命令を惣無事令として捉える学説には賛成できない。(3)島津攻めが既定方針であったことを強調する学説は、九州政策の変遷を踏まえた主張とは言い難い点などを主張している。
田中 秀樹
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.101, no.1, pp.44-82, 2018-01

本論は朱子『四書章句集注』の解説書、いわゆる四書疏釈書が南宋で登場したその要因を考察した。宋代の経書注釈書の特徴は「議論」形式であるのに対し、『四書集注』は簡略を宗とする「訓詁」を重んじた。そのため該書は読者には理解が難しく、朱子は口頭での解説を積極的に行い、その結果多くの語録が残された。四書疏釈書はそのような語録を引用した書物であるため、朱子の意に反し「議論」形式に逆戻りしたものである。一方、経書を言葉で論理的に説明する方法を批判した陸象山も、自説拡大のためには時に多言を費やし、門人達も語録を編纂するなど師の言葉を多く残そうと務めた。しかし陸学派は朱子学との対抗上、「文字言語」を用いない学問として自己規定することで、自派の純化を図ったが、その勢力は朱子学に及ばなくなっていった。つまり、知識人の底辺が拡大した南宋社会にあって、大量に生み出された初学者たちは、言葉による丁寧な解説がなければ理解できず、四書疏釈書はそのような人々の需要に応じて登場したのである。The second section addresses the chief causes of the appearance of the Collective Commentaries. Because Zhu Xi made efforts to reduce the number of words in Sishu zhangju jizhu, he conversely became concerned that readers would misunderstand his thought. He wrote Sishu huowen 四書或問 in order to ease these concerns and carefully explained either orally or by means of his letters the gist to novices who did comprehend this work. These were then compiled as the Zhuzi yulei 朱子語類and the Zhuzi wenji 朱子文集. In other words, the Sishu zhangju jizhu commentary was difficult to comprehend without reference to the many other works of Zhu Xi. The Collective Commentaries are works based on many citations from the Zhuzi yulei or Zhuzi wenji etc. and thus without exploring the many works of Zhu Xi, one could learn the important points of his thought. Therefore, considering the commentarial tradition in the Song dynasty, the Collective Commentaries were writings that reverted to "discussion studies." They became annotations for annotations, which Zhu Xi had criticized. But why did such books become widespread despite Zhu Xi's intentions? This comes down to the fact of the demand for them after the death of Zhu Xi and his disciples. But this was thought by some to be a contradiction between, on the one hand, the idea of Neo-Confucians who insisted on the limitations of words in attaining experiential learning that would transcend comprehension by language to realize the way of saintly masters and the idea that one must use many words (language) to spread the master's thought. In order to analyze this contradiction, the third section focuses on the scholarly tradition of Lu Xiangshan 陸象山, who was an opponent of Zhu Xi and who most severely confronted this contradiction. As is well known, Lu Xiangshan criticized word-by-word interpretation (xungu) of the Classics and verbose logical explanation, and he did not leave many writings behind. Yet, he logically refuted Zhu Xi's interpretation of words in debate and was devoted to spreading this through the medium of letters. In addition, after Lu Xiangshan's death, his disciples strove to preserve as many of his words as possible, compiling collections of his writings and his analects. However, such a media strategy by the scholars in the tradition of Lu Xiangshan obviously went against his teachings, and in competing with the scholars in the tradition of Zhu Xi, they were unable to expand as a school or to write new books due to their self-discipline and effort to purify themselves as a school without "written language". In short, the scholars of the Lu Xiangshan school abandoned the way of compiling writings that the scholars of Zhu xi school had done in producing the Collective Commentaries. As a result, their influence never equaled that of the followers of Zhu Xi. Given the above argument, it was novices who could not comprehend Zhu Xi's Sishu zhangju jizhu who first called for the Collective Commentaries. The Southern Song is said to be an era when the bottom rung of the intellectual class expanded. During such a period, a considerable number of novices whether they were scholars of the tradition of Zhu Xi or that of Lu Xiangshan, could not comprehend the teachings well unless clear explanations were provided. Accordingly, the scholars of Zhu Xi's school responded to such demands with the Collective Commentaries and thereby increased the number of students in their school. In contrast, it was likely the case that the scholars of Lu Xiangshan's school failed to take in new disciples due to their loyalty to the teachings of their teacher.
高嶋 航
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.93, no.1, pp.98-130, 2010-01

帯谷 知可
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 = The Journal of history (ISSN:03869369)
vol.104, no.1, pp.113-154, 2021-01

二〇世紀初頭、約二千万のムスリムを抱えたロシア帝国におけるムスリム女性解放論を俯瞰することを視野に入れ、本稿は、この時期に相次いでロシア語により刊行された、イスラーム的な男女平等を主張した二つの著作、ロシア人女性翻訳家・東洋学者オリガ・レベヂェヴァの『ムスリム女性の解放について』(一九〇〇)、およびアゼルバイジャン出身の改革派ジャーナリスト、アフメドベク・アガエフの『イスラームによる、そしてイスラームにおける女性』(一九〇一)に焦点を当てる。それらの骨子を紹介しつつ、両著作中の参照関係を整理し、当時の国境を越えたムスリム女性解放論のありようの一端を明らかにしたい。それは当時のロシアにおけるイスラーム世界に対するオリエンタリズムに抗しながら、エジプトのカースィム・アミーン、トルコのファトマ・アリイェ、英領インドのサイイド・アミール・アリーらの主張に共振する性格をもった。At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian Empire had almost 20 million Muslims within its borders. This article brings into perspective an overview of the Muslim womenʼs emancipation movement in the Russian Empire in that era and focuses on two Russian works calling for the liberation of Muslim women from within the Russian Empire: About the Emancipation of Muslim Woman (1900) by the Russian translator and orientalist Olʼga Sergeevna Lebedeva and Woman According to Islam and in Islam (1901) by the Azerbaijani Muslim journalist and reformist Akhmed-bek Agaev. Both works were based on the idea of equality between men and women in accordance with Islamic principles. By analyzing these works and referring to relevant literature, this paper sheds light on how such perspectives on Muslim womenʼs emancipation resonated in a cross-border arena. The author argues that both Lebedeva and Agaev intended to resist orientalist views of the Muslim world in Russia and found sympathizers among some contemporary Muslim activists and writers, including key figures such as Qasim Amin from Egypt, Fatma Aliye from Turkey, and Syed Ameer Ali from British India.
松下 孝昭
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 = The Journal of history (ISSN:03869369)
vol.103, no.2, pp.304-333, 2020-03

栗原 麻子
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.99, no.1, pp.3-38, 2016-01

一九八○年代以降、古典期アテナイのオイコス(家) をめぐる研究は、父系的な氏族支配からポリスの支配へという発展論的理解を脱し、単婚小家族を基盤とするより小規模な世帯へと焦点を移した。本稿においては、そのような夫婦を中心とする世帯を、ポリス法制上の構成単位とみなしうるかどうかについて、とりわけ「空のオイコス(エレモス・オイコス) 」の概念を中心に検討する。その結果浮かび上がるのは、夫のオイコスに対する妻の権利の希薄さである。アテナイ法制上にオイコスの存在を確認できるとすれば、それは夫婦を中心とする世帯というよりは、直系によって継承される系譜上の存在であった。しかるに民衆法廷での家族をめぐる言説は、とりわけ女性を通じて形成される世帯の親愛を示すエピソードに事欠かない。民衆法廷は、法制上のオイコス概念と実態上の世帯の親愛とのあいだを調整する場であったといえる。
劉 欣寧
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
vol.95, no.6, pp.823-856, 2012-11-30

小塩 慶
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.99, no.2, pp.290-311, 2016-03

The aim of this article is to grasp the significance of auspicious omens (shozui) in the context of the policy of Tang-style Sinification and clarify the reception of Chinese conception of auspicious omens in ancient Japan. Two periods when records of auspicious omens were particularly rare are the object of my analysis: these are the Tenpyo Hoji era under the regime of Fujiwara no Nakamaro and the early Heian period from the Konin to the Kasho era during the reigns of the emperors Saga, Junna, and Ninmyo. In the first section, I indicate that there were cases of auspicious omens not being recorded due to the humility of the emperor during the Latter Han dynasty. The fact that there was a tendency to denigrate auspicious omens and emphasize practical politics during the Tang has been pointed out in earlier studies, but when considering attitudes toward auspicious omens in Japan from the 9th century onward, the Latter Han attitude toward auspicious omens is important. Moreover, on the relationship between auspicious omens and calamities, previous scholarship has argued there was a direct correlation between the two, but on reexamination of the relationship, I have clarified that there was a tendency for the number of auspicious omens to decline as the number of calamities increased. Behind this was the fact that the two had different characters; auspicious omens were mental phenomena and the calamities were physical realities. In the second section, I consider the relationship of the small number of auspicious omens in the early Heian period and the policy of Tang-style Sinification. I compare in particular the Shoku Nihonkoki for Jowa 1.1 (834) and the imperial edict of the ninth month of Zhenguan 2 (628) in the Tang da zhaoling ji, and judging from the similarity of the language of the two, indicate that the edict of the first year of the Jowa era reflected that of Emperor Taizong of the Tang. Therefore, the small number of auspicious omens from this period can be understood as a result of the fact that the Japanese court knew that the Tang emperor had not favored auspicious omens and that they would not be recognized without reserve. Moreover, it should be noted that as a result of the humility of the Japanese emperors of the ninth century, there were many cases when auspicious omens were not accepted, and this logic was closer to the Latter Han example rather than the Tang, From this, auspicious omens in the early Heian period should be understood as the reception of not only Tang but also Latter Han thought. In the third section I focus on the auspicious characters that were a special characteristic of the regime of Fujiwara no Nakamaro and attempt to demonstrate the Sinification of auspicious omens. Auspicious characters are a variety of auspicious omen that was seldom if ever seen in Japan, but there were examples in China and the political policy as regards auspicious characters by Empress Wu Zetian, which is thought to have had influence at the time on Japan, can be seen in historical sources. Based on these facts, it can be said that auspicious characters had a particularly Chinese quality and we can conclude that the auspicious omens were Sinified through the Tang-style Sinification policy of Nakamaro. In the era of Fujiwara no Nakamaro the Chinese theory of accepting the will of heaven was already known, and auspicious characters were Rot simply a matter of a superficial copying of the achievements of Wu Zetian, and this indicates the influence of a profound understanding of the entirety of Chinese culture. Considering their limited relationship to auspicious omens and the policy of Tang-style Sinification that I elucidated in the second section, the fact that auspicious omens were not seen under the regime of Fujiwara no Nakamaro, which did use Chinese auspicious characters, can probably be explained in the same manner. Moreover, using auspicious omens to rule politically and then the trend to distain auspicious omens itself can also be seen in China. Furthermore, as calamities were frequently seen in this period, this too seems to have been a cause for the paucity of auspicious omens. In the fourth section, I address the trend towards the disappearance of auspicious omens from the Six Dynasties onward. In regard to the elimination of auspicious omens, I state my view that it would surely be necessary to consider the change in the character of the monarchical regime that was profoundly related to auspicious omens rather than the problem of the state of extant historical sources. In conclusion, as evidenced in sections two and three, the decrease in the number of records of auspicious omens can be explained as the reception of the Chinese influence within the policy of Tang-style Sinification. In this article I demonstrated factual evidence of the relationship between auspicious omens and the policy of Tang-style Sinification through examination of records of auspicious omens themselves. Moreover, it can be surmised that the Japanese court was conscious of the historical dynasties such as the Five Emperors and Latter Han rather than the contemporary Tang dynasty in regard to the Sinification of auspicious omens. In this article, I posit the image of "multiple Chinas" as a concept that would include multiple Chinese dynasties. It may be said that during the period that was strongly influenced by the Tang, the reception of the concept of auspicious omens occurred with this conception of "multiple Chinas" as its source.
岡本 託
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.98, no.3, pp.467-500, 2015-05

岩本 佳子
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.93, no.2, pp.282-309, 2010-03

檀上 寛
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.92, no.4, pp.635-669, 2009-07-31

飯塚 一幸
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.92, no.2, pp.359-387, 2009-03-31

井上 文則
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.90, no.5, pp.733-748, 2007-09-01

In this article, I try to reconstruct the career of Odaenathus, the famous ruler of Palmyra who actually governed the Roman East in the mid-third century. According to inscriptional evidence, he was called hypatikos in Greek in the years 257/258 and then mtqnn'dy mdnh'klh in Palmyrene during the period of the emperor Gallienus' sole reign (260-268). What does hypatikos mean in terms of Roman institutions of government? The same question applies to mtqnn'dy mdnh'klh. Recently, D. S. Potter has attempted to provide answers to these questions. Concerning hypatikos, he proposed that it meant that Odaenatus was given the title ornamenta consularia. Most scholars, such as M. Gawlikowski and F. Millar, have thought that hypatikos meant consular governor and consequently Odaenathus was the governor of the Roman province Syria Phoenice. Of these two theories, I support the latter because I believe the emperor Valerian (235-260) adopted two new policies to defend the Empire effectively: firstly, the appointment of able persons, regardless of social status, to posts that had traditionally been reserved for senators and secondly, the division of responsibility for defensive measures to collective bodies like the Tetrarchy. In the context of these new policies, Odaenathus must have taken responsibility to defend the Syrian frontiers as a governor from 256, when Valerian left Syria for Asia Minor in response to the attack of the Borani. Next, in regard to mtqnn'dy mdnh'klh, Potter considered it to mean corrector, which was a government post bestowed by Gallienus. On the other hand, some scholars consider it the equivalent of the Roman title restitutor that Gallienus conferred on Odaenathus. Which is the correct interpretation on mtqnn'dy mdnh'klh? The latter is a more appealing explanation, but I cannot fully agree with that theory. For the Palmyrenes, mtqnn'dy mdnh'klh was merely a symbolic title, referring to the supreme ruler of the East, tike mlk mlk' (king of kings). It is likely that Odaenathus arbitrarily adopted this title and that it was not officially conferred by Gallienus. Therefore, mtqnn'dy mdnh'klh is not related to the position of Odaenathus in the Roman institutional framework. To reconstruct the career of Odaenathus after his term as governor, we must rely on Zonaras, the Byzantine annalist of the 12th century. Zonaras says that Odaenathus was first appointed strategos of the East by Gallienus in 260 and then strategos of the Entire East in 261. From this evidence, we can deduce the fact that Gallienus conferred the military command over the Eastern provinces on Odaenathus by expanding the areas under his control in stages. In sum, Odaenathus was first appointed governor of the Roman province Syria Phoenice by Valerian in 257/258, then strategos of the East by Gallienus in 260, and finally strategos of the Entire East in 261. We find a similar case in M. Cornelius Octavianus. When he was the governor of the Roman province Mauretania Caesariensis in the reign of Valerian, he was conferred military command over the whole of northern Africa as dux Per African Numidiam Mauretaniamque to suppress the insurrection in Africa.
梶山 智史
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
vol.96, no.6, pp.815-848, 2013-11-30

仲丸 英起
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
vol.98, no.6, pp.838-870, 2015-11-30

藤井 翔太
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.96, no.6, pp.743-779, 2013-11

石川 禎浩
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
vol.102, no.1, pp.152-187, 2019-01-31

飯塚 一幸
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.92, no.2, pp.359-387, 2009-03

谷井 陽子
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.92, no.3, pp.491-524, 2009-05
