Yasushi Kawasaki Satoshi Matsuo Yoshinori Kanayama Koki Kanahama
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN:18823351)
pp.MI-001, (Released:2014-09-03)
4 27

Low-cost heating is needed to reduce chilling injuries, heating costs, and CO2 emission during greenhouse tomato production. To acquire information about the physiological and morphological effects of root-zone heating, an economical option at low air temperatures, we grew tomato plants on a nutrient film technique hydroponic system in a heated nutrient solution. We investigated the effects of short-term root-zone heating after transplanting and long-term heating until harvest. We measured short-term plant growth, nutrient uptake, root activity (xylem exudation and root respiration rates), root indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) concentration, internal root structure, and long-term fruit weight and dry matter distribution. The minimum root-zone temperature was maintained at 16.6°C, while the minimum air temperature (5.9°C) and the minimum root-zone temperature in the control (5.8°C) were lower than optimal. After 7 days of root-zone heating, root dry weight and relative growth rate increased compared with those of the control, accompanied by increased mineral nutrient uptake and xylem exudation. These changes may explain the increased shoot growth after 21 days of heating. In roots, development of the epidermis and stele, including the xylem, was promoted by heating, in contrast to previous research on root-zone cooling at high air temperature, which promoted xylem-specific development. Although the proportion of dry matter distributed to the fruit was not changed by root-zone heating, individual fruit size and total yield were higher than in the control due to a higher total dry weight in the heating treatment. Our results suggest that root-zone heating is an effective low-cost heating technology at low air temperature because of its effects on root activity, growth, and fruit yield, but that the mechanisms may differ from those in root-zone cooling at high air temperature.
Satoru Murakami Yoshinori Ikoma Masamichi Yano
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN:18823351)
pp.CH-104, (Released:2014-09-02)
2 11

Premature softening during low-temperature storage is a major issue in the red kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Planch.) cultivar ‘Rainbow Red’. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of low temperature on ethylene sensitivity in this cultivar. We demonstrate how ethylene preconditioning at 4°C and 25°C interacted with more rapidly ripening at the lower temperature in ‘Rainbow Red’ kiwifruit. The expression of ripening-related genes ACS1, ACO3, EIL4, ERF14, and PGB was at the basal level during ethylene preconditioning at 4°C and 25°C, and rapidly increased with ethylene treatment following ripening. These results suggest that low-temperature storage enhances ethylene sensitivity in ‘Rainbow Red’.
Kana Nikaido Tatsuru Jishi Tomoo Maeda Takashi Suzuki Hajime Araki
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN:18823351)
pp.CH-113, (Released:2014-09-02)

Asparagus has a short shelf life. A temperature of 0–2°C with a relative humidity of 95–100% is well known as the ideal storage environment for asparagus spears. The quality of spears stored in a snow vault and snow mount (Snow) was compared with those stored in an electric refrigerator (Refrigerator). Asparagus spears of ‘Grande’ and ‘Gijnlim’ were stored in Snow and Refrigerator for 0, 2, 5, 10, and 20 days; then, 1) physical and external appearance characteristics such as hardness, weight, and surface color, and 2) features of internal quality such as Brix, sugar, ascorbic acid, and rutin content in the spears were investigated. Although temperature and relative humidity fluctuated largely in the ranges of 3–6°C and 65–85% in Refrigerator, those in Snow were almost completely stable at 0–1°C and 100%. In ‘Grande’, the weight of the spears stored in Refrigerator decreased dramatically compared with that of spears stored in Snow. The external appearance of ‘Gijnlim’ spears was preserved until the 10th day, but loose tips were observed on the spears in both Snow and Refrigerator on the 20th day. ‘Grande’ spears stored in Refrigerator turned slightly brown and wilted at the surface of the basal part compared with Snow-stored spears. No loose tips were observed on ‘Grande’ spears. There was also no significant difference in the internal quality of spears between those stored in Snow and Refrigerator, in both varieties. CO2 emissions in snow storage were reduced to half of those in refrigerator storage in LCA analysis and no CO2 emissions were identified during the storage period in Snow. From the perspectives of energy utilization and quality preservation, snow appears to be one of the better alternatives for spear preservation than use of a refrigerator.
Yukio Ozaki Yoko Takeuchi Miyuki Iwato Satomi Sakazono Hiroshi Okubo
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN:18823351)
pp.CH-073, (Released:2014-07-18)
1 4

The origin of a spontaneous triploid asparagus plant from crosses of 2x × 2x was investigated by SSR and flow cytometric analyses. One hundred and twenty-four progeny were obtained from crosses between a diploid female ‘Gold Schatz’ and a diploid male ‘Hokkai 100’. SSR analysis proved that two and one genes were transmitted from the maternal and paternal parents, respectively, at each SSR locus of one progeny, 07M-61, whereas one gene each was from the female and male parents in the other diploid progeny. Triploidy of 07M-61 was confirmed by flow cytometric analysis. It was suggested that the triploid plant was derived from fertilization between an unreduced egg and reduced sperm nuclei, given its SSR genotypes. It was also suggested that the unreduced maternal gamete was derived from first division restitution (FDR) or second division restitution (SDR) with chiasma occurrence during meiosis. There were no noticeable morphological differences between the triploid and diploid progeny.
Yuichi Yoshida Nobuyuki Irie Tran Duy Vinh Mitsuo Ooyama Yoshiyuki Tanaka Ken-ichiro Yasuba Tanjuro Goto
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN:18823351)
pp.CH-107, (Released:2014-07-04)
2 14

To understand the factors affecting the incidence of blossom-end rot (BER), the effect of the Ca/K ratio (4/12–12/4, in me·L–1) in nutrient solutions and Ca concentration in fractions in the distal part of young tomato fruits immediately before BER symptoms appear were investigated for three seasons. The rate of BER incidence increased with a decrease in the Ca/K ratio in the supplied solutions in the summer and spring, but little difference was observed in the winter. Ca concentration was highest in winter and lowest in summer, and the concentration in fractions decreased with a decrease in the Ca/K ratio of the solutions. When the results of all three experiments were pooled, among the fractions, water-soluble Ca concentration was found to have the highest significance in the relationship to BER incidence. The risk of BER incidence in rapidly growing tomato increased to a critical level when water-soluble Ca in the distal part of the fresh fruit decreased to less than 0.20 μmol·g–1 FW. Multiple-regression analysis revealed that the concentration of water-soluble Ca, which is predominantly recovering apoplastic or cytoplasmic Ca2+, and total Ca, which has been translocated during fruit development, are significantly affected by solar radiation and Ca concentration in the supplied solution rather than air temperature.
土井 元章 虎太 有里 馬庭 弘和 今西 英雄
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.70, no.6, pp.740-746, 2001-11-15
1 3

フリージア木子の長期貯蔵法が開花時期と切り花品質に及ぼす影響について, 'コート・ダ・ジュール'を用いて検討した.低温貯蔵は, その時期に関わらず, 二階球形成を誘導し, 植え付け後の萌芽率を低下させ, 萌芽後のシュートの生育を抑制した.これに対して, 木子をネット袋に入れて30℃で高温貯蔵すると, 貯蔵期間が長くなるに伴って球の乾燥による枯死(硬化)球の割合が増加するものの, 大木子(平均球重2.6g)を用いれば2月上旬までの貯蔵ではほとんど枯死球は発生せず, 高い萌芽率と旺盛なシュート生育が得られる木子を供給することができた.これらの高温貯蔵球では, 低温貯蔵球に比べて開花が遅れ, かつより長く重い切り花が得られた.これは, 高温貯蔵した木子の植え付け時の茎頂部における分化葉数の増加と茎頂直径の減少による植え付け後の幼若期間の増加によるものと考えられた.中∿小木子の高温貯蔵には, 球の乾燥を防止する目的で有孔ポリエチレン袋包装が有効で, 2月上旬まで高い開花能力を有する木子を貯蔵することができた.2月1日に植え付けた木子からは6月上中旬までに十分に市場性のある切り花が生産された.
國分 尚 安藤 敏夫 光山 修司 渡辺 均 塚本 達也 Marchesi Eduardo
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.71, no.1, pp.26-39, 2002-01-15
1 1

南米ウルグアイの102地点から採集したPetunia axillarisの種子より植物を育て, 園芸的に重要と考えられる3つの花器形質と7つの栄養器官形質を計測し, その変異幅を調査して, 有用と考えられる形質の集中する地域を抽出した.両形質の多くについて, 亜種axillaris, 亜種parodiiおよび2種の中間型の間に有意差がみられた.各群落は株の高さ, 株の幅, 開花時の側枝数の3形質を用いたクラスター分析により次の6つの形態型に分類できた.1)直立・高性, 2)中間型, 3)コンパクト, 4)粗放, 5)小型・ほふく性, 6)大型・ほふく性.これらの形態型と自生地の環境, 特に河岸, 海岸の群落について考察し, また種内分類群との関連についても述べた.さらに園芸的に利用可能と思われる形質をもつ群落とその育種における有用性について考察した.
松井 年行 奥田 延幸 小杉 祐介
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.71, no.4, pp.499-503, 2002-07-15

カイラン20品種の遺伝的関係を12種類の12塩基プライマーと, それら2種類のプライマーを組み合わせて用いたRAPD法により検討した.DNAフィンガープリントの多型性によってカイランの品種は3グループに分類された.第1グループは9品種で, 'Large leaf kailaan'(圓葉白花)の様な白花で縮葉の品種群(8品種)並びに白花か黄花である'Nanjing huanghua (huang)'(南京黄花(黄))の品種群(1品種)を含んでいた.第2グループは6品種で, 'Huanghualenye'(黄花)の様な黄花で濃緑葉の品種群(2品種)と'Huanghuagelin'(黄花格林)の様な黄花で淡緑の品種群(4品種)に分類された.第3グループは5品種で, 白花か黄花の品種の'Nanjing huanghua (bai)'(南京黄花(白))と'Hei'(黒)や'Small leaf kailaan'(尖葉白花)の様な白花で平滑葉の品種群(4品種)に分類された.また, 白花カイランが中国本土から台湾へ広がる過程で, 黄花カイランへ分岐したことが示唆された.
児島 清秀 山田 彬雄 山本 雅史
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.63, no.2, pp.335-339, 1994
7 5

本実験ではバレンシアオレンジ果実の生長速度が高い秋期の果実を部分 (果芯, 種子, 果肉, アルベド,フラベド) に分けてアブシジン酸 (ABA) とインドール-3-酢酸 (IAA) を分析した. ABAとIAAは, 内部標準として<SUP>3</SUP>H-ABAと [<SUP>13</SUP>C<SUB>6</SUB>] IAAを使用し, ガスクロマトグラフィー電子捕獲型検出器と質量分析器(選択的イオンモニタリング) で測定した. 果肉と種子の重さは急激に増加したが, アルベドとフラベドの重さはゆるやかに増加した. 150DAB (開花盛期後の日数) に, 種子のABA濃度は大きなピーク (21nmol•g<SUP>-1</SUP>生重量) を示したが, 果肉は小さなピーク (5nmol•g<SUP>-1</SUP>生重量) であった. 種子中のIAA濃度は150DABまで減少したが, 他の分析した部分よりも高い濃度であった. 果芯部のIAA濃度は119DABにピークを示し, 果肉•アルベド•フラベドよりも高い濃度を保った. アルベド, フラベドは同程度の低いIAA濃度であった. 得られた部位別の植物ホルモン量より, 種子中のABAと同化物集積性や果芯部のIAAと維管束との関係, 果肉と果皮間のABAの非移動性, 部分別の植物ホルモン分析の必要性が示唆された.
車 敬愛 鈴木 栄 石川 駿二 小池 洋男 荻原 勲
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.8, no.3, pp.257-265, 2009-07 (Released:2011-03-05)

3種のブルーベリーの栽培が可能な東京において、64品種・系統について生育と果実の成熟・品質の特性を3年間調査した。主成分分析の結果から、5倍体のサザンハイブッシュブルーベリー(SHB)‘Pearl River’を除いて、ラビットアイブルーベリー(RB)だけのグループとノーザンハイブッシュブルーベリー(NHB)とSHBの混合のグループに分類された。主成分分析のNHBとSHBの混合グループの下方に分布したSHBの品種は、果実が小さく、クエン酸含量が少なく、糖酸比は高く、リンゴ酸の割合が高い特徴を示した。また、収穫日と開花日および収穫日と着色開始日との間に正の相関関係が認められ、NHBについては、収穫日と1果重、収穫日と全有機酸含量、収穫日とクエン酸含量との間に正の相関関係が、収穫日と糖酸比との間に負の相関関係が認められた。さらに、考察ではブルーベリー育種において交配親として有用と予想される各品種の特徴を評価した。
矢野 隆 井上 久雄 清水 康雄 新開 志帆 越智 政勝
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.1, no.1, pp.53-58, 2002-04-01
3 1

ユスラウメ台木栽培に適した品種を探索するため, モモ15品種を試作し, 収量, 乾物分配および枝幹横断面の性状について調査した.年平均収量は'千曲白鳳', 'あかつき', 'よしひめ', '川中島白桃'で多く'武井白鳳', '八幡白鳳', 'やまなし白鳳', '瀬戸内白桃'で少なかった.果実生産性の高い品種は他の部位の乾物重量も多かったのに対して, 生産性の低かった'八幡白鳳', 'やまなし白鳳', '竜鳳'は総乾物重も低く, 純生産量が少ないと考えられた.一方, '武井白鳳', '瀬戸内白桃'は果実生産量は少なかったが穂木部の幹への分配は多く, 総乾物重において高生産性品種との有意な差はなかった.穂木部における幹の性状と乾物生産についてみると, 皮部の面積割合の高い品種はおおむね穂木部乾物重が少なかった.衰弱しやすいとされる'川中島白桃'はF/L比が極めて高く, 果実への分配が特異的に多くなった.この物質分配の不均衡は, 樹勢衰弱を誘発させる一要因と考えられた.
霞 正一 鈴木 一典 郷内 武 野木 光子 山田 哲也 高津 康正
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.75, no.3, pp.284-286, 2006-05-15
1 1

加藤 一幾 植田 稔宏 松本 英一
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.7, no.3, pp.345-350, 2008-07-15

Sota Koeda Kosuke Sato Kenichi Tomi Yoshiyuki Tanaka Rihito Takisawa Munetaka Hosokawa Motoaki Doi Tetsuya Nakazaki Akira Kitajima
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN:18823351)
pp.CH-105, (Released:2014-05-10)
3 19

‘No.80’ (Capsicum chinense) from the Caribbean is a valuable genetic source from the aspect of its non-pungent and highly aromatic traits. In the present study, the non-pungency, volatile components, and phylogenetic origin of ‘No.80’ were analyzed with another C. chinense cultivar, ‘No.2’ from Brazil, which is also non-pungent but less aromatic. Expressions and deduced amino acid sequences of acyltransferase (Pun1) of ‘No.80’ and ‘No.2’ were normal compared with a pungent cultivar, ‘Habanero’. Insertions of 7-bp and 8-bp resulting in frameshift mutations were found in the coding regions of putative aminotransferase (p-AMT) of ‘No.80’ and ‘No.2’, respectively. Co-segregation of these insertions with the non-pungent phenotypes in F1 and F2 populations obtained from crossing ‘No.80’ or ‘No.2’ with ‘Habanero’ suggested that non-pungency in these cultivars arose from genetic mutations of p-AMT that occurred independently. Moreover, molecular phylogenetic analysis suggested that ‘No.80’, a close relative of ‘No.2’, originates from capsicums migrated from the South American mainland. In addition to pungency, we assessed the volatile components of the highly aromatic ‘No.80’, the less aromatic ‘No.2’, and their F1 hybrid using gas chromatography. ‘No.80’ contained higher levels of aroma-contributing volatiles than ‘No.2’, which correlated with the stronger and weaker aromas of two cultivars. Further, the fruit of F1 progenies emitted a number of volatile compounds between or higher than their corresponding parents. Based on these results, the approaches for breeding highly aromatic non-pungent cultivars are discussed.
Tadahisa Higashide Akimasa Nakano Ken-ichiro Yasuba
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN:18823351)
pp.CH-048, (Released:2014-05-09)
2 19

To improve the yield of a Japanese tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) cultivar and determine how fruit yield changes as a result of grafting, we investigated the effects of a Dutch rootstock [‘Maxifort’ (S. lycopersicum × S. habrochaites): Mx] on the dry matter (DM) production and fruit yield of Dutch and Japanese cultivars. The Japanese cultivar (‘Momotaro York’: My) grafted onto Mx (My/Mx: scion/rootstock) had significantly higher fresh and dry weights of fruits per unit area than My/My. Fruit fresh weight yield per unit area was highly correlated with fruit dry weight (DW) yield (r = 0.96–0.97, P < 0.001), and DW yield was significantly correlated with total aboveground DM (r = 0.71–0.96, P < 0.001) and with DM allocation to the fruits (r = 0.52–0.75, P < 0.01). Total aboveground DM (TDM) was significantly and highly correlated with light-use efficiency (r = 0.98, P < 0.001). However, there was no significant correlation between light-use efficiency and the maximum photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, or the light-extinction coefficient. Although stomatal conductance significantly (P < 0.05) differed between the rootstocks at 57 and 119 days after transplanting (DAT), there was no significant difference in the maximum photosynthetic rate between the scion/rootstock combinations at 57 and 119 DAT. These results indicated that the fruit yield of My could be improved by grafting onto Mx, and that the increases in yield and TDM were mainly determined by the increase in light-use efficiency.
山本 隆儀 宮本 健一 佐藤 嘉一
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.74, no.2, pp.101-108, 2005-03-15

かん水処理を施したオウトウ樹の微風条件下における葉面光合成光量子フラックスおよびみかけの光合成速度を多数測定した.この結果から, 葉温と気温を用いた葉面光合成光量子フラックスの重回帰推定式を得た.さらに, この3者と時期・時刻の要因を用いたみかけの光合成速度の重回帰推定式を得た.非冷却方式携帯型サーモグラフィ装置により, 側枝葉層の熱画像データを得た.この熱画像データと上記2つの重回帰式を結合することにより, 画素単位のみかけの光合成速度の値と葉面光合成光量子フラックスの値の推定計算, 両値の分布画像の表示およびデータ出力を極めて短時間内に可能にするシステムを作成した.
Masahumi Johkan Asami Nagatsuka Ayako Yoshitomi Takuya Nakagawa Toru Maruo Satoru Tsukagoshi Masa-aki Hohjo Na Lu Akio Nakaminami Kazuo Tsuchiya Yutaka Shinohara
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN:18823351)
pp.CH-096, (Released:2014-05-03)
1 12

To produce tomato fruits with 6% average Brix without decreasing yield, we investigated the effect of moderate salinity stress on Brix and yield in a single-truss, high-density tomato production system. Because tomato fruit development can be predicted from cumulative temperature, we also assessed cumulative temperature after anthesis as a potential indicator for determining the starting points of salinity stress treatments. When transverse diameters of the first fruit reached 4 cm (i.e., early increase treatment) or the first fruits were at the mature green stage (i.e., late increase treatment), nutrient solution electrical conductivity was slowly increased until the breaker stage from 1.8 dS·m−1 to 6.0 dS·m−1. Plants subjected to the late increase treatment produced tomato fruits with Brix values of 6% without reductions in marketable yield. We also increased nutrient solution electrical conductivity based on cumulative temperature after anthesis and found that early-treated plants produced tomatoes with higher Brix levels and yields than late-treated plants. In summary, moderate salinity stress to avoid excessive stress on plants increased sugar concentrations without decreasing fruit yield and resulted in tomato fruits with average Brix of about 6% when nutrient solution electrical conductivity was increased at a rate of 0.1 dS·m−1·day−1. Because seasonal differences in cumulative temperature influence the appropriate timing of salinity stress applications, further study is needed to optimize year-round growth under moderate salinity stress in single truss, high-density tomato production systems.
Hisayo Yamane
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN:18823351)
pp.CH-Rev4, (Released:2014-05-01)
4 49

Bud dormancy allows most deciduous fruit tree species to avoid injury in unsuitable environments, synchronize their annual growth, and adapt to a temperate zone climate. Because bud dormancy affects next season’s fruit production and vegetative growth, it is considered one of the most important physiological factors that control fruit production. Recent global climate changes require us to better understand the genetic factors regulating bud dormancy, especially those that induce dormancy release and subsequent bud break. In this review, environmental factors that affect the seasonal dormancy depth of Japanese apricot (P. mume Siebold & Zucc.) and peach [P. persica (L.) Batsch] are first outlined. Next, recent progress of genetic, biochemical, and molecular biological studies of Prunus dormancy regulation is described. Recent advances in functional genomics have promoted the discovery of gene function and gene networks associated with bud dormancy regulation. A group of candidate genes for bud dormancy regulation, the DORMANCY-ASSOCIATED MADS-box (DAM) genes in Prunus, are focused. Recently reported expressional analysis suggests a significant role for DAMs in dormancy release and bud break of Japanese apricot and peach vegetative buds. Transformation studies of PmDAM6 have demonstrated that it has an inhibitory effect on the apical growth of poplar (Populus spp.). As bud dormancy is a quantitative polygenic trait, not only DAMs, but also other genes and gene networks appear to regulate bud dormancy. Ongoing and future studies will undoubtedly facilitate the unveiling of the molecular aspects of bud dormancy regulation in temperate fruit tree species of Prunus.
Yuichi Sugihara Hideto Ueno Toshiyuki Hirata Hajime Araki
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN:18823351)
pp.CH-061, (Released:2014-04-23)

In order to improve the use efficiency of a cover crop, hairy vetch (Vicia villosa R., HV), and supplemental chemical N fertilizer, N release and uptake patterns from HV, fast-release N fertilizer (Fast), and slow-release N fertilizer (Slow) in fresh market tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) production were investigated using the 15N-labeling method. In the incubation of soil-added N at two mix rates, 20% Fast + 80% Slow (FS) and 100% Slow (S), a large amount of inorganic N, mainly NH4+-N, was released by FS in 4 weeks. Tomato ‘House momotaro’ was grown in 1/2000 a Wagner pots incorporating such N fertilizer and 15N-labeled HV residue (30 g DW/pot, about 200 kg N·ha-1). Plant biomass in tomato grown with HV was larger than that grown without HV. HV-derived N (Ndfhv) was taken up by the tomatoes mainly until 4 weeks after transplant (WAT). The uptake amount of Ndfhv was the same in the pot with HV-FS and HV-S. The rate of N uptake derived from HV to total N uptake in tomato plants (%Ndfhv) was 43% in HV-S, higher than that in HV-FS (34%) in 4 WAT; however, such a difference disappeared after 4 WAT. N uptake by tomato plants continued until 12 WAT. Based on these results, HV acted as a fast-release fertilizer. There was competition in N uptake between chemical fertilizer N and HV-released N in the early stage of tomato cultivation. A large amount of chemical fertilizer tended to suppress the uptake of Ndfhv. N uptake by tomato plant continued until the late stage. These results can be applied to establish a suitable combination of HV and chemical fertilizer for tomato production.
Kyutaro Kishimoto Hiroyuki Maeda Tomoaki Haketa Naomi Oyama-Okubo
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN:18823351)
pp.CH-093, (Released:2014-04-23)

Ornamental cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. acephala f. tricolor) cultivars of Japanese seed companies are grown in Europe. Unpleasant odors from cut flowers have become a problem in this region. We investigated volatiles emitted from cut flowers of ‘Hatsubeni’ and ‘Haresugata’, two major Japanese ornamental cabbage cultivars in Europe, by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Dimethyl disulfide was identified as the major odor-active component emerging from plants as well as from vase water. Vase water was a major source of unpleasant scents, and odor development was prevented by changing the water frequently. We tested the effects of potential suppressors of dimethyl disulfide emission from cut flowers applied to vase water. Cyprodinil, an inhibitor of the synthesis of dimethyl disulfide from methionine, and aminooxyacetic acid, an inhibitor of enzymatic reactions involved in dimethyl disulfide biosynthesis, did not show any effects. In contrast, isothiazolinonic germicide, a cut-flower preservative, inhibited the rot of cut ends of flower stems and reduced dimethyl disulfide emission from cut flowers by 30–40%. In addition, this germicide significantly inhibited emissions from vase water. Isothiazolinonic germicide is a promising candidate inhibitor of unpleasant scents from cut flowers of ornamental cabbage.