何 鳴
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.22, no.2, pp.83-102, 2012-01-01

This article is a combination with my another article. I tried to study the significance about jus cogens in the two articles. In this one I especially examinated the function of jus cogens and its precedent at international courts and national courts. Through these precedents I tried to show the development of jus cogens, and tried to organize the case law about jus cogens. My work is a continuation from many international lawyers. Their great works about jus cogens is a heritage for me. I stand these titan’s shoulders, and look at the outcome of jus cogens to be used for international justice. In this article I also see the new phenomenon tha came from the using of jus cogens. I tried to illuminate the meanings behind the phenomenon. I want to quote Anne-Marie Slaughter’s opinion about international society and international law for the conclusion of my article: “The world of societies is still too often the world of low politics, soft power, human rights, democracy, and development, and, largely, women. ” It is a true jus cogens, too, I want to say.
関口 安義
文学部紀要 (ISSN:09145729)
vol.19, no.2, pp.120-89, 2006-03-01

伊津野 重満
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.3, pp.19-30, 1993-01-01

After the USSR was dissolved, circumstances have qickly changed politically, economically and ideologically.Austria and Switzerland, permanently neutral states, which have been member states of the EFTA, have wanted to become member states of the EC since 1961. The USSR, Czechoslovakia and so on have, however, objected to their becoming member states of the EC because it would violate their legal status as neutral states. So permanently neutral states above mentioned and Sweden, ocasionally neutral states, could not become member states of the EC notwithstanding their wishes. That is because, if neutral states obtain membership in the EC, in the future they may be obliged by the EC to apply economic sanctions against belligerents due to it's common economic policy.But nowadays the concept of permanent neutrality ― immerw?hrende Neutralit?t ― and occasonal neutrality ― gelegentliche Neutralit?t ― is strongly affected by the dissolution of USSR and is changing.As is widely known, today the Republic of Russia as a successor of USSR is no longer a super power which could prevent neutral states from becoming member states of the EC, and has not the political motive to do so. It is therefore essential to consider for the future what the legal obligations of neutral states at present are.From the viewpoint of traditional international law, the auther tries to describe the obligations of occasonal neutral states in war time and permanently neutral states in peace time.
舘野 由香理
文学部紀要 (ISSN:09145729)
vol.26, no.1, pp.23-51, 2012-09-29

松嶋 淑恵
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Human Science (ISSN:03882152)
vol.34, pp.185-208, 2013-03-01

The concept of Gender Identity Disorder has taken hold in Japan, allowing medical care and legal change of sex for people with Gender Dysphoria. However, there is a negative understanding that assumes having a gender identity that differs from one’s sex is a disorder. Individuals whose gender identity does not fit into a set category are also ignored. A solution based on medical model has little impact on gender dualism and gender norms and compels people who have a unique gender identity to adopt it. We investigated the impact of financial status, human relationships, and psychological problems based on quantitative approach that included various subjects with a unique gender identity. Results indicated that there were economic disparities similar to the male-female disparity for Mt and Ft and the male–male disparity for Mt and Mt. Subjects with a gender identity that was not generally recognized tended to be isolated in comparison to individuals with a typical GID. Anxiety about one’s transition led to inability to play the social role one wished more so than discontent with one’s physical transformation. Sustained efforts to tackle the problem posed by gender dualism, gender norms, and gender discrimination for the transgendered as well as the cisgendered must be made to create a society that includes people with Gender Dysphoria.性同一性障害概念ができたことにより性別違和をもつ人々に対する性別変更のための医療や制度が成されたが、性同一性障害は身体と異なる性自認をもつ事を疾患としてとらえる消極的な理解であるとともに、典型的な当事者にあてはまらない多様な当事者を不可視化している問題がある。また医学モデルに基づいた解決は、当事者を苦しめる男女二元論やジェンダー規範を揺るがさないまま当事者側だけが変化すべき対象であることを強いている。そこで、多様な当事者を対象に含め、量的調査法による実態調査を行い、特に経済状態の影響、他者との関係性、精神的問題について調査した。その結果、MtとFt間で男女間および男性間の経済格差が見られ、治療の機会不均等に影響していた。典型的性同一性障害像に比して認知度の低い性自認をもつ人は孤独に陥りやすかった。また、性別移行に関する不安は、身体変容が満たされないことよりも社会関係上で望む役割が果たせないことから生じることが明らかになった。性別違和をもつ人々が社会から排除されずに生きるためには、男女二元論やジェンダー規範、性差別といった非当事者にもかかわる問題に取り組み、社会が変化していくことが必要であると言える。
飯野 守
湘南フォーラム:文教大学湘南総合研究所紀要 = Shonan Forum : Journal of the Shonan Research Institute Bunkyo University (ISSN:18834752)
vol.12, pp.171-184, 2008-03-01

While the very purpose of the copy right law is to promote the development of culture, a tension between copyright and Freedom of Speech has been often argued. In terms of this tension, parody is a most disputable area of expression. Parodies can be recognized as a kind of creative works, but it is often the case that they potentially infringe copyrights of others, as they necessarily utilizes copyrighted works of others. This article discusses leading cases in Japan that treat parody attempts, and clarifies the problems of Japanese case law. Specifically, it points out that parody has been treated as if plagiarism or counterfeites in Japanese case law, although parody is recognized as a form of comment or criticism on an existing work.
中村 修也
教育研究所紀要 (ISSN:09189122)
vol.6, pp.43-54, 1997-12

松本 浩之 柳生 和男
生活科学研究 = Bulletin of Living Science (ISSN:02852454)
vol.36, pp.29-41, 2014-03-01

平成25年9月に松本と柳生は、ドイツの首都ベルリン特別市の北東部にあるリヒテンベルク行政区の基礎学校 (Grundschule) と上級学校 (Oberschule) を訪問し、日本の学校のいじめにあたるモビングを予防する教育プログラムの実践を見る機会を得た。モビング予防のための教育プログラムとその実践状況を報告し、日本の学校におけるいじめのとらえ方とその対策との比較を行い、リヒテンベルク市におけるプログラムの日本の学校への導入の可能性について考察した。

8 0 0 0 IR 仮装と心理

伊地知 美知子
文教大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:03882144)
vol.32, pp.55-64, 1998-12-20

遠藤 織枝
文学部紀要 (ISSN:09145729)
vol.22, no.2, pp.1-27, 2009-03-16

戦時中の日本語の一面を、ルビによって捉えようとするものである。 戦時中の家庭雑誌『家の光』は1942年8月号までは、記事全体にルビが振られていた。そのルビで「日本」に「ニホン/ニッポン」のいずれのルビがふられているのかをみると、1935年ごろまでは、すべて「ニホン」であったのが、戦局が激しさを増すと同時にほとんど「ニッポン」に替えられてしまっている。 また、「知識階級(インテリ)」のように、外来語が従来語・訳語のルビとして用いられる例が多い。そこから、外来語の定着の仕方をみるものである。つまり、外来語導入の過渡期的なものに、そのような外来語と漢字語の併記がされると考えられるので、当該の語句を当時の新聞・辞書、また戦後の新聞・辞書で使用の実情を調べた。その結果、外来語として、現在の新聞では「知識階級」はほとんど使われず外来語由来の「インテリ」が優勢になっている。一方で「空港(エアポート)」のように戦前の雑誌で併記されていた語の中には外来語でなく、「空港」が圧倒的になっているものがあることがわかった。導入された外来語の中にも、従来語・訳語の方が優勢になっていった語があることを示した。
戸田 三三冬
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.15, no.1, pp.1-25, 2004-07-01

This paper attempts to give some information on the study of anarchist ideas of Errico Malatesta in his early days. Malatesta entered in the Italian republican movement when he was a middle high school boy. When he studied medical science at the University of Naples, in 1871, under the influence of Paris Comune, participated the socialist activities in the Neapolitan section of the First International. Being one of the most active members, he taught workers' children in the evening school of the International, and became one of the editors of its organ,<<La Campana>>(bell). His necrology for Giuseppe Mazzini, the former Maestro, shows how deeply he was influenced by the sincerity of his old teacher. Even though he has changed his ideology, still remains Mazzini's teachings of love and duty in his heart. After the fall of Paris Comune, the International Working Men's Association was devided into two camps, Marxist and Bakunist. The latter formed so-called Anti- Authoritarian International at St. Imier, a small town in Giura, Switzerland. There Malatesta participated, and in this occasion, met Michel Bakunin for the first time. Bakunin called Malatesta with given name"Benjamin". Malatesta will be faithful to Bakunin's soul all through his life, although he modified some of the ideas of the teacher. The paper covers roughly up until 1891, the year of the publication of his pamphlet, Anarchy, in London. The work, which he began to write in 1884 on his paper<<La Questione Sociale>>(social problem) at Florence, was continued to write on his paper with the same name, in the days of his exile in Argentina. The focus is not on the analysis of the contents of Anarchy, but on the understandings of the material situation on his activities which have guided him to write and condensed his own theory, on Anarchy and Anarchism.
飯野 守
情報研究 = Information and Communication Studies (ISSN:03893367)
vol.40, pp.29-44, 2009-01-01

This article discusses the prominent cases of the federal courts of the United States in which the main issue is how parody is treated under U.S. copyright law. In the U.S., the defense of fair use is thought necessary to fulfill the purpose of protecting copyright "[t]o promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts," and a new work that uses the elements of the original work may weigh in favor of fair use if it is sufficiently "transformative." The United States Supreme Court defines parody as a derivative work which uses "some elements of a prior author's composition to create a new one that, at least in part, comments on that author's works," and the Supreme Court treats the parody work which is transformative as fair. The point is, parody that is sufficiently "transformative" is ategorized as a kind of comment, or a creative work, and its use of prior work is fair in case law of the United States. This article points out that the above point of view is very useful when we consider Japanese copyright law, especially when copyright infringement by parody is at issue.
丸山 鋼二
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.11, no.2, pp.129-155, 2001-02-01

Islam sects in Modern China are generally called "Three-big Sects and Four-big menhuan". The first Islam sect "Sufism brotherhood(menhuan)" was shaped 300 years ago, though Islam was introduced into China in 7th century. In opposition to the appearance of menhuan(jahariyah、Khufiyyah、Kubrawiyyah、Cadriyah), muslims who had maintained the traditional ceremony and system from old times called themselves "Qadim". Its characteristics is tolerance. In early 20th century the two sects were differentiated. One is a new sect "Ikhwani", which criticized both Qadim and menhuan strictly as unfaithful to the Koran. The other is Xidaotang, called "Chinese classics Sect". The doctrinal difference is not great among Islam sects in China. There are distinguished differences in the unessential problems of the religious ceremony and customs. Those differences frequently gave rise to a quarrel of bloodshed between Ikhawani and other sects in Modem China.
高尾 浩幸
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Human Science (ISSN:03882152)
vol.39, pp.75-81, 2018-03-01

This study deals with the Japanese consciousness, which externally influences Japanese.The Japanese consciousness has specific characteristics in comparison to the Western consciousness. Instead of the ego, the persona plays a central role in the Japanese consciousness. As Jung contends, the persona is the face displayed to the outside world. Why and how has the personal come to dominate the Japanese consciousness?This work draws on Japanese myths in the Kojiki, which explains the roots of the Japanese consciousness. “Island” is a symbol of the consciousness, so this work focuses on how land was created in Japanese myths.Japanese lands symbolize the birth of the Japanese consciousness. Based on the attitudes and behaviors of the heroic god Izanagi in the myths, land was created in the following process: (1) Gods in heaven offer advice on creating land, (2) The husband god and the wife god fill their respective roles, and (3) Impurity comes from the outside world, and shame arises. This process constitutes the Japanese consciousness and is still evident in the contemporary Japanese mindset.The Japanese Emperor is the direct descendant of the god Izanagi. According to the Japanese Constitution, the Japanese Emperor is the symbol of the Japanese people. The Imperial system has greatly influenced the Japanese mindset. By performing rituals and reading myths, Japanese people assume the Japanese consciousness. As a result, contemporary Japanese have a consciousness dominated by the persona.
本浜 秀彦
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies, Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.31, no.2, pp.29-49, 2021-01

The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to examine the manga exhibition held at the British Museum in 2019 by paying appropriate attention to cultural history in both Japan and the UK; and second, to analyze the exhibition of manga arts by using research methods developed in the research field of Japanese manga. Throughout my discussion, I will attempt to shed a new light on the approach to the studies of Japanese visual culture.[This paper is the first paper of three papers in a series on the above topic.]
對馬 由美
教育研究所紀要 (ISSN:09189122)
no.15, pp.75-84, 2006

井上 清子
生活科学研究 = Bulletin of Living Science (ISSN:02852454)
vol.39, pp.137-143, 2017-03-30
