井澗 裕 角 幸博
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.68, no.571, pp.121-128, 2003

ユジノ-サハリンスク市は、1905年から1945年までは豊原と呼ばれ、日木統治下の南サハリンにおける中心都市であった。そのため、市内には当時の建造物が数多く残されている。その現存状況については1996年から予備的調査を実施し、72件の建造物(群)については日本建築学会技術報告集第5号にも報告したが、短期間での調査のために未調査地域や誤謬も多かった。そのような事情を踏まえて、第1回小渕フェローシップにおける派遣研究活動および文部科学省科学研究費基盤研究(B)(2)「南サハリンにおける日本統治期(1905-1947)の建造物に関する広域実態調査」の一環として、ユジノ-サハリンスク全市域を対象とした建造物状況の再調査を2001年度に実施し、43の建築物群、総数93件の日本期建造物についてその状況を把握した。本稿はその概要を報告するものである。サハリンでの建造物調査においては日本の建造物を判別する方法が難しく、前回の調査ではこれを確立できなかったが、ここでは以下に挙げる3つのうち、いずれかを満たすものを日本期建造物と判断した。1)当時の地図・図版や写真から日本期建造物と判断されるもの、2)日本期建造物を特徴付けるような、ロシア建築には見られない部材や構造的特徴をもつもの、3)旧豊原市の居住者やユジノ-サハリンスク居住歴の長いロシア人の知識人など、日本期建造物に関して知識を有している人物から複数の証言が得られたもの。判明した43の日本期建造物(群)は、便宜上旧建築用途によって官庁建築・産業施設・商業建築・宗教建築・上木建造物と記念碑の5つに分類して概説した。日本期の官庁建築には日ソ交替期にソ連軍に接収され、現在あるいは近年まで軍事施設として利用されているものが多く、管理や修繕が比較的行き届いたものが多い。とりわけ樺太庁技師貝塚良雄の設計による旧樺太庁中央試験所本館(P-5, 1933年)・同温室(P-6,1934年)・旧樺太庁会議室(P-8, 1935年)・旧樺太庁博物館(P-9, 1937年)などは、全体的なプロポーション細部意匠の巧みさや施工精度の高さで注目すべき存在である。産業施設群にはサハリンにおける近代工場の嚆矢である旧樺太庁豊原乾溜工場(I-1, 1911年)のほか、旧王子製紙豊原工場(I-3, 1917年)、旧樺太製糖豊原工場(I-4, 1931年)などサハリンの近代化を語る上で無視できないものが多い。ただいずれの工場も軍事施設、機械修理工場、製菓工場に転用されており、日本期の状態を回復することは難しい。商業建築の中では旧北海道拓殖銀行豊原支店(C-1, 1931年)が白眉であり、現在はユジノ-サハリンスク美術館に転用されているが、この他にもあわせて3件の店舗・店蔵の現存が確認された。サハリン全域でも商業建築の現存例はほとんどないため貴重である。ユジノ-サハリンスクの日本期住宅は製紙工場・製糖工場の社宅群や樺太庁官舎群など数の上では多くの建造物が現存するが、いくつかの例外を除けば良好な状態とはいえない。また、外壁・開口部・屋根部材のいずれもがロシア風の部材に改変されているため、古い木造住宅はソ連時代のものとの識別が大変に難しい。しかしながら、サハリン各地にある全半壊した日本期住宅群を調査する限り、主要な柱や基礎部分にはほとんど改変が見られないため、同様の手法で改変されたと見られる木造住宅群をここではロシア化された日本期建築(Russianized Japanese Buildings)として調査対象に加えた。住宅建築の中では旧樺太庁部長官舎(H-3)や旧樺太庁拓殖学校校長官舎(H-10)の現存状態が良好であることが注目される。宗教建築についてはSamarin, I. A.の研究があり、校倉造に似せたコンクリート造の旧樺太神社宝物殿(R-5, 1940年?)と権現造の旧招魂社本殿基礎(R-4)が歴史的建造物として知られている。また、サハリン各地に現存している奉安殿がユジノ-サハリンスク市内には1件も存在しないことも特徴的である。土木建造物としては、コンクリート造の橋が2件現存している(M-1, M-2)。また、旧師範学校寄宿舎(S3)、旧樺太庁鉄道事務所職員官舎群(S-2)など日本期建造物群の可能眩か高い5件の建造物(群)については、確証を得られなかった建造物群(suspected Japanese buildings)として別記した。これらの確認は今後の課題としたい。ユジノ-サハリンスク市内にはあわせて90件以上の日本期建造物の現存が明らかになったが、この数字の評価は難しい。なぜなら、中国東北部や朝鮮半島、台湾といった他の旧海外植民地と比較するなら大きな数字ではないが、都市の起源・発展経緯・人口・規模において類似点の多い、稚内(2件)・北見(6件)・釧路(1件)・根室(6件)といった北海道北部あるいは東部の諸都市に比べて、むしろ恵まれた部類に属する。とりわけ、サハリンスカヤ通(旧真岡通)を中心とした旧市街地北部には、旧樺太守備隊の建築群や旧王子製紙工場施設群を中心として日本期建造物が集中しており、歴史的建築物群としての価値も十分に有している。しかしながら、現在のロシアではこうした建造物群に対する法的保護を図ることは難しい。ユジノ-サハリンスク市内で歴史的建造物として認知されているものは、旧樺太庁博物館や旧北海道拓殖銀行豊原支店などわずか6件のみである。しかしながら、ロシア側と日本側が協力体制を深めてこれら日本期建造物の保護に努めることは、両国の友好関係や相互理解の深化にとっても有効な方策であろう。
小松 尚 小篠 隆生
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.739, pp.2227-2237, 2017 (Released:2017-09-30)
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Currently, Japanese municipalities under demographic change have struggled the issues about how to reorganize existing public facilities, such as a school, a library, a public housing, and a hospital, with the reduction of total amounts of facilities and the transformation to multi-purpose public hubs. But, since their reorganization process have just started, it is quite difficult to verify their efforts and effects based on the examples by Japanese municipalities. Then, the authors pick up the public library named as “Biblioteca Salaborsa” (hereinafter, Salaborsa) run by Bologna city, Italy, and aim to study its characteristics, in particular, from the viewpoint of a public space. Salaborsa is highly appreciated by European experts as an good example of “social library” which is a new type of public library emerged recently in Europe to meet citizens' wide demands. It is located in the city center of Bologna, and is adjacent to the famous plaza of “Piazza Maggiore”. In the beginning of 1990s, the development of Bolognese new public library was started together with the development of city center around “Piazza Maggiore”. This new public library was planned based on the concept of an “uncovered plaza” with the assistances from a lot of stakeholders including the University of Bologna, and was finally opened in 2001 as the advanced public library with the most advanced information technology at that time. Salaborsa benefited Bolognese citizens a lot, but gradually, various types of citizens, such as immigrants, homeless people, elderly people as well as university's students, got to visit and sometimes to request what they needed. It was beyond the general services of public libraries in Bologna to meet their requests, but Salaborsa's librarians decided to implement it in the partnership with relevant departments of the city. As for Salaborsa's spaces, the existing building standing in the city center has been used with renovation work. The three-story atrium with beautiful glass roof is in the center of the building. But, since it is a masonry construction, the activities in Salaborsa can't be seen from outside, and each floor is divided into relative small spaces by walls and columns. Therefore, it can be said that this building is not best for a contemporary public library which generally needs wide spaces for many book shelves. The authors conducted the interviews to key persons who were / are in charge of Salaborsa's development and management, and analyzed Salaborsa's characteristics with the published documents, in particular, from the viewpoint of a public space by referring to the definition on the public nature by J.Saito which is consisted of three aspects of “Open”, “Common”, and “Official”. To analyze Salaborsa's characteristics, three aspects of Salaborsa’s space, operation and organization were analyzed with three aspects of public nature. Some important findings differed from that Japanese public facilities are in general likely to pay most attention to the nature of “Official”. But, it can be pointed out that there were some problems which should be solved even in Salaborsa. The lack of public involvement in the process of library development was representative. As the conclusion of this paper, the followings should be considered to develop a public library as a public space; (1) Place making for social inclusion, (2) Integral planning based on potentialities of existing building as public space, (3) Development connected to urban planning and design policy (4) Trans-sectional administration organization.
花里 俊廣 佐々木 誠 木川 剛志
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.76, no.668, pp.1771-1780, 2011-10-30 (Released:2012-01-25)

In this paper, we would like to clarify the way of differentiation among the dwelling unit plans by their spatial configuration in super-highrise condominiums developed in Tokyo Metropolitan Area. In the former part, through the interview to the architects, we illustrate their understanding toward the livingroom-connected type, which is used as relatively compact units, and corridor-connected type, which is used as larger and more privacy-secured units, is structured. In the latter part, we analyze that the variation among the livingroom-connected, intermediate and corridor-connected type is used for the ordering of unit plans, and that the order of the three unit plan types form an axis of values. We also point out that there are a few patterns of strategic unit arrangement in an apartment building and discuss that the architects use the axis to fulfill the various request from their clients.
倉方 俊輔
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.67, no.558, pp.279-284, 2002-08-30 (Released:2017-02-04)

This study aims to clarify architectural works of Chuta Ito (1867-1954) known as the first Japanese architectural historian and critic. This paper treats his works in the end of the Meiji era. As the result below mentioned 3 points become clear. 1) Definite shapes of 2 uncomfirmed works and detailed processes of forming 3 works. 2) After he returned from his travel to Asia and Europe(1902-05), he started to design introducing various Asian styles. 3) It was the method of its designing to arrange a compromise between historical architecture forms and design of details chosen in historical context.
葛 沁芸
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.754, pp.2409-2417, 2018 (Released:2018-12-30)

It is known that French Jesuit Michel Benoit designed fountains and hydraulic machinery called "Shuifa" for the European palaces called "Xiyanglou" in Yuanmingyuan. Though Jesuit correspondence tells that the construction of Xiyanglou was initiated by the Qianlong Emperor after seeing pictures of European fountains, there are only a few studies on Benoit's role or his hydraulic machinery, and hardly any previous studies pay attention to the practical problems of their construction. Thus the paper aims to focus on the construction phase of the hydraulic machinery, to reveal the characteristics of the actural machinery in terms of its technology applied by Qing craftsmen, and examines the novelty and feasibility of the machines from their perspective. There are several letters by French Jesuits reporting that Benoit designed the fountains and hydraulic machinery for the European palaces. One of them describes how Benoit made "la célèbre machine du val de Saint-Pierre", which is thought to be "une Machine exécutée au Val Saint Pierre", described in Bernard Forest de Belidor's Architecture Hydraulique. Xushuilou and Haiyantang are known to have contained hydraulic machinery to raise the water and associated water reservoirs. The machine of Val Saint Pierre can be divided into two part: a crank machine using pin face wheel, lantern pinion, elliptical cranks and pendulums, and a reciprocating pump using piston or plunger. The former are mostly made of wood, and the later are of cooper and cast iron, with lead water pipes attached to its body. They have not been used in previous studies, but there are two architectural documents from the Qing dynasty that likely describe the crank machine and pumps of the hydraulic machinery in Xushuilou. Through the comparative analysis aided by Table 1 using the above-mentioned documents and Belidor's book, it can be observed that Qing craftsmen made some changes to the original machine in Belidor's book — for example they used bitumen, cloth and rope, and tin pipes to substitute for lead pipes. Another important aspect is the estimation of labor: the documents tell that one crank machine needs 100 man-days to finish installing, which is quite a lot compered to other water-related machines described in the same documents. Through the analysis of events relevant to European hydraulic knowledge transfer during the 17th and 18th century in the court aided by Table2, and supplemented by Table3 which suggests interpretations of the word Shuifa and related terms, it could be said that the book Taixishuifa published in 1612 was the origin of the word "Shuifa", which first meant hydraulic machinery and later both hydraulic machinery and fountains. It is known that the Yongzheng emperor has once ordered missionaries to make a fountain which was not realized. The author also found reports of a missionary's execution of portable fountains in 1717, and descriptions of Qianglong's order to execute Shuifa in 1771. The most important thing to highlight here is that several experiences of pump making during the reign of Yongzheng could have prepared the technical basis for the manufacture of copper pumps. Yet the substitution of the machines of Xushuilou and Haiyantang in 1763, and the demolition of them in 1795 were the crucial moments to explain that the maintenance and repairs of the crank machines were not easy for Qing craftsmen. It has been demonstrated that Belidor's Architecture Hydraulique played an important role when Benoit designed the hydraulic machinery placed in the Xushuilou building. However in the construction phase, the Qing craftsmen's experiences of various pumps might have played a more important role. Therefore, it could be concluded that the novelty of Benoit's machinery was limited.
野中 勝利
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.689, pp.1551-1560, 2013-07-31 (Released:2013-09-05)

My research aims to elucidate the circumstances and significance of the reconstruction of castle towers in the period preceding the Second World War. This paper covers reconstructed castle towers built as temporary structures on the sites of early-modern castles in Kofu and Tsuyama. Both were built as privately funded projects for exhibitions at the castle sites to commemorate the opening of railway lines. Both exhibitions drew many visitors and the towers were illuminated at night. Intended as temporary structures, the reconstructed towers were popular and spurred requests from local citizens that they would remain in use after the exhibitions ended.
森 聖太 平山 洋介
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.69, no.586, pp.127-133, 2004
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This paper explores changes in the spatial structure of Khao San area, Bangkok as a case of backpacker place. Backpacker place is characterized by the concentration of low-cost hotels which provide not only domestic tourists but also foreign backpackers with rooms at a budget price. The expansion of global tourism has restructured the spatial structure of backpacker places. Through field surveys, the paper highlights the increased flexibility and diversity of building types, land use and commercial activities, and explores the characteristics of backpackers and service-providers such as hotel managers. As for future development of the area, there rises a tension between business communities which intend to promote a pro-growth development in the context of the wider economy, and local groups which put importance on the preservation of the indigenous context of the socio-economic and spatial structure.
奥矢 恵 大場 修
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.739, pp.2383-2392, 2017 (Released:2017-09-30)
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From ancient times, mountains have been worshiped in Japan. Mt. Fuji is archetypal and the stone huts that served its pilgrims can be regarded as the original form of current mountain huts. Nowadays, since Mt. Fuji is a world cultural heritage site, its huts are required to be historically based. We examined historical materials, held interviews and conducted field surveys on the Yoshida trail to investigate their development. Great numbers of pilgrims who belonged to Fuji-ko societies made worship ascents from the trail. In the late Muromachi era, the Chugu shrine was built halfway up Mt. Fuji's Yoshida trail. Around the shrine, the oshi (owners), who controlled the worship practices there, managed 18 huts, assisted by their servants, the hyakusho. At the huts, called Chugu koya, they collected admission fees from the pilgrims, enshrined gods and the Buddha, sold water and offered resting spots. Eventually, the recognition of worship changed, and huts could be built above the 5th station on the Yoshida trail. These, called “ishimuro” (stone huts) might have developed from small shrines or temples into accommodations by adding water and fire places or expanding resting rooms to be like the Chugu koya huts. These stone huts already existed in the early Edo era before Fuji-ko flourished. They were concentrated around the boundaries of Mt. Fuji's religious areas, “Kusayama, ” “Kiyama” and “Yakiyama”, and where trails met. The current mountain huts sit in almost the same locations as the huts in the late Edo era. Travel guidebooks for Mt Fuji from that time state that the wooden huts located below the 5th station were for resting and stone huts higher up were for accommodations. There were 2 types of stone huts. Some were spontaneous “cave” type huts that began as religious training places. Other were artificial “building” type huts. The building huts were hirairi, wooden frame structures with cinders piled on the kiritsuma roof and around the walls. They had 1 or 2 entrances facing the trail. Some had a separated shrine and others had a shrine somewhere inside the hut that faced the trail or the interior room floored with tatami mats. The stone huts were shrines or temples and also shelters. The Chugu koya huts were located in the woods (Kiyama) but the stone huts above the 5th station were in the harsh mountain environment (Yakiyama). Based on our knowledge of the Chugu koya huts, the wooden huts had cinders piled on their roofs and around the walls and came to be the stone huts. These were built to protect against the harsh environment using cinders that were abundant in the Yakiyama area. Around the 5th station, on the edge of the forest, the buildings developed into a style intermediate between the wooden and stone huts. The width of the stone huts gradually expanded in the ketayuki, or ridge direction along the trail rather than in depth (hariyuki, beam direction) to suit being built on sloping ground. With breadths set to be reminiscent of shrines, the stone huts were 2 ken wide × 2 ken deep or 3 ken wide × 2 ken deep in the middle Edo era, growing to 5 to 8 ken wide × 2.5 ken deep in the latter part of the era. Oshi and hyakusho owned these huts, which might have been built by the hyakusho themselves or partly donated by Fuji-ko. As with the Chugu koya huts, equality among the stone huts was regarded as important by the oshi and hyakusho. They followed specific rules about the management of the stone huts and might have controlled their size and uniformity.
岡村 健太郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.79, no.698, pp.1045-1054, 2014-04-30 (Released:2014-07-15)
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By making a comparative study of “ the movement of economical rehabilitation for villages”, “the reconstruction plan of stricken villages”, and the actual performance of the plan at Kirikiri village after the Tsunami, the following conclusions are drawn.1. Reconstruction plan of stricken villages along Sanriku coast was drawn up based on “ the movement of economical rehabilitation for villages” which started from one year before the Tsunami.2. The Reconstruction of Kirikiri was performed in conformity with the movement mainly by the industrial union.3. As a result, not only the infrastructure but also the social structure of Kirikiri might have changed.
塩崎 賢明 田中 正人 堀田 祐三子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.71, no.605, pp.119-126, 2006
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This study will track the reconstruction process of the urban area devastated by the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and clarify how the change of characteristics of houses/urban districts has affected the "isolation" of residents. We made a questionnaire survey on the residents in the public housing at the Tsukiji district, Amagasaki City where the Residential District Improvement Project was enforced. Clarified points are as follows: 1. Family units that moved in to the public housing from a detached/row house showed a larger percentage of "isolation" than the ones from an apartment house. 2. The degree of "isolation" differed according to what floor the residents lived. Family units living in the 1st-2nd floor showed a smaller percentage of "isolation", but the ones living in the 3rd floor upper showed an extraordinary larger percentage of "isolation". 3. What can control "isolation" is to have a chance of a natural exchange with the vicinity residents. An intentional plot to urge an exchange will not function well for the already "isolated" residents. A space design, which secures an exchange with residents on a day-to-day visual/traffic line base, is required.
劉 羽虹
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.765, pp.2407-2415, 2019 (Released:2019-11-30)

In ancient China, although the changing dynasties frequently, the architecture of “Den” has hardly changed. It is limited to the Emperor's residences. On the other hand, Japan’s “Den” is regarding as originated from China, but the meaning of “Den” has changed greatly. Initially, the last word “Den” was limited to the residences of the Emperor’s family, which resembles China, but it used in the residences of nobleman as the age declines. The Commons and differences are existing in the way of using “Den” between Japan and China. I would like to clarify the transition process of “Den” in Japan while considering the reason for those differences. In this paper, I mainly use historical records and nobility diary 4 books, Nihonkiryaku, Hyakurensyo, Hontyoseiki, Shoyuki. I am conducting surveys by reading whole passages, as it has seen that the last word of the residence changed from “Tei” to “Den”, “Den” to “Tei”, or mixed use of “Den” and “Tei”. So as to clarify the transition process of “Den”, I gathered all the descriptions used in “Den” and “Tei” of the residences from historical materials, clarified the actual situation. Following information was revealed about the ① The mixed use of “Den” and “Tei” starts in the Emperor ichijyo. Biwatei is the first example. Which is the Michinaga Fujiwara’s residence, and serve as the Imperial Palace of Emperor itijou. There is an existence of Michinaga Fujiwara in the mixed background. ② Since then, along with the Satoteirika, cases of mixed use of “Den” and “Tei” are increased. Such as Nijou, Kyogoku and Takakura. It is possible that the back of Satoteiri influenced the transformation of “Den”. ③ The increase in the number of “Den” and “Tei” mixed use is remarkable during the inseiki period. Despite being nyoin and Emperor’s father, it uses “Tei” instead of “Den”. ④ On the other hand, in nobleman’s residences and villas outside Heiankyo, “Den” used in place of “Tei”. The location may be related to the deviation of the principle. ⑤ The percentage of cases where the part that should be marked as “Tei” is larger than the case where the term “Tei” is marked as “Den”. Den’s transformation is “Den” closed to the “Tei”, but we cannot treat them as the same, it will hinge on the content of the articles. This is a big difference from the last word of “Den” in China. ⑥ Sanesuke Fujiwara was highly conscious of using “Den” and “Tei”. However, did not thoroughly use it. The usage of “Den” runs in a groove. The mixed use of “Den” and “Tei” was hit in the Heian period while Emperor itijou, Michinaga’s period. The time when Japan's unique culture had developed against the cultures of the Nara period when China’s influence was strong. During the period of the inseiki, the increase in mixed use of “Den” “Tei” also estimated as a reflection of urbanization of Heiankyo.
吉田 宗人 出口 敦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.81, no.729, pp.2443-2451, 2016 (Released:2016-11-30)

Kurashiki Gawahan Preservation District is renowned as the first implementation area of ordinance for historical preservation of buildings executed by a municipality. Two ordinances have been applied to the surrounding area of preservation district; Traditional Aesthetic Ordinance (TAO) and Background Preservation Ordinance (BPO). The preservation district has maintained the historical townscapes inheriting since Edo Era, and has recently experienced the increasing of tourists. This study aims to clarify the effects and the issues of the local ordinances executed by a municipality (Kurashiki City) to the preservation and improvement of townscape in from the following aspects; 1) repairs and restorations of historical buildings, 2) control of building construction and historical buildings demolition, 3) Recreation of exterior building facade, 4) improvement of street. The objectives of this research are as follows; 1) To make arrangement of the achievements and impacts of the ordinance application to the historical preservation of buildings in the implementation area, and clarify the trend of preservation projects. 2) To point out the roles of the ordinances for each period, and to clarify the efficiency and the issues of preservation and improvement of townscape from the above-mentioned five aspects. Through the analysis on whole the cases of stored or improved buildings implemented from 1979 till 2014 with TAO (179 cases), and BPO (10 cases), this study concludes by clarifying the efficiency as follows; (1) Efficiency from view of historical building repairing and restoring In the year 1979, all the restored historical buildings were limited within the preservation district, but since 2007, the restoration has been applied into the traditional aesthetic district, which has made the preservation of historical townscape expanded around the preservation district. (2) Efficiency from view of control of building construction and historical building demolition At the beginning of enactment of TAO, to avoid the breaking of townscape around the historical district, the building construction has been controlled in the surrounding area, which led to enlarge the preservation district substantially. The efficiency of BPO was the restriction of development by the local government. (3) Efficiency from view of recreation of exterior building facade Due to the improvement of street connecting the preservation district and the surrounding areas, the historical townscape was re-created by the local government. (4) Efficiency from view of improvement of street In few number of tourist-oriented streets connecting to the preservation district, one of streets in the traditional aesthetic district was improved to be a tourist-oriented street based on TAO, which led to increase the number of tourists. Due to the preservation and improvement of townscape based on TAO and BPO, a buffer zone around the preservation district was formed. Especially, TAO has been effective in creating a new pedestrian flow which led to revitalize the surrounding area. On the other hand, this study suggests the issues relative to the roles of ordinances for the future development of the preservation surrounding area by pointing out the possible negative impact of the ordinances to the change of building use from residential-oriented to tourism-oriented.
畔柳 昭雄 山本 慶
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.644, pp.2311-2318, 2009-10-30 (Released:2010-01-22)

Recently, the expectation's for an oceanic architecture rising to use an oceanic space effectively, and revaluing an architectural characteristic and structural utility become important in a new societal demand and a new business. On the other hand, why constructed the building in “Sea” is not clarified in an existing oceanic architecture. Then, it aims to understand the shade of meaning of clarifying the background that becomes construction of an oceanic architecture in the sea, the plan condition, and the construction details including the conception of the planner, and the construction of construction in the sea in the present study. The reason for the factor that an oceanic architecture is constructed is as a result that a sea and deep relations each other had been maintained on a climate, historical, cultural side in a premeditated background.
香西 克彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.61, no.480, pp.195-204, 1996-02-28 (Released:2017-01-28)

This paper starts with a conviction that "Manyoh-Syu" poem no.52. is a text for us, for the structure of scenery. In this poem, the human act of "seeing"- a kind of experience - is translated into words. In this paper, I tried to melt the frozen meaning behind words. Under grasping the phenomenon at the boundary as of scenery, I make clear that it didn't happen at the border-line but at the dot-like place as "Gate". In conclusion, I suggest that the ancient Japanese capital, "Fujiwara-Kyo" was not a walled city, but bounded with "Yamato-Sanzan".
西野 辰哉 大森 数馬
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.79, no.699, pp.1109-1118, 2014-05-30 (Released:2014-07-15)
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The purpose of this study is to discuss the validity of junior high school districts as the basis for setting official senior care service areas. The results of a survey of one hundred and seventy-five (175) senior people show that the actual living spheres of elderly people match, on average, two or three elementary school districts and that local organizations take responsibility in these elementary school districts. Therefore, it can be argued that junior high school districts are meaningful as the standard for official care service area settings, because they are group units of a few elementary school districts.
石榑 督和
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.737, pp.1847-1857, 2017 (Released:2017-07-30)

This paper will elucidate the planning and construction process of the Ikebukuro West General Public Station completed in 1951, and will review the 55 stations around the country that were constructed as General Public Stations. It will also classify the stations according to core planning, construction ownership, and division of construction cost burden to evaluate the status of the Ikebukuro West General Public Station, which was planned by Japanese National Railways as a pilot project for developing General Public Stations. During postwar reconstruction, since Japanese National Railways prioritized the devastated rail lines and the establishment of new railcars in order to focus on restoring the decreased transportation capacity, not enough funding was available for rebuilding the railway station buildings, and their thorough reconstruction was thus postponed. Therefore, a method for the smooth reconstruction of railway station buildings using private investment was introduced, whereby the buildings were opened to the public, and businesses such as stores, restaurants, and barbershops were incorporated to increase the convenience of the station to the extent that these businesses would not pose a hindrance to railway passengers. This was the concept of the General Public Station. Until the end of the war, the construction of railway station buildings was generally limited to private railway terminals in major cities. However, the postwar establishment of the General Public Station model allowed railway station buildings to be constructed in regional cities across Japan. The General Public Station model made possible the transition from railway station buildings being constructed at Japanese National Railway stations to railway station buildings being constructed throughout the country. A central figure in the discussion of planning the Ikebukuro West General Public Station is the Japanese National Railway architect Shigeru Ito. Ito developed the concept of General Public Stations within Japanese National Railways. After resigning from his job at Japanese National Railways, he became the vice president of Japan Railway Station Corporation, where he promoted the planning and construction of the Ikebukuro West General Public Station. In addition, the area planned for the construction of the Ikebukuro West General Public Station included the war-damage reconstruction and land readjustment project area, so construction could not be initiated until the re-plotting of the land was confirmed. Therefore, the construction of the Ikebukuro West General Public Station bears a clear relationship to the restoration of land development through re-plotting. Beyond this, this research classifies General Public Stations into two types: “Regional City Type,” “Capital Area Intra-City Transit Terminal Type” and “ Major Inter-City Transit Terminal Type.” The Ikebukuro West General Public Station is classified as a Capital Area Intra-City Transit Terminal Type.
笠原 一人
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.649, pp.727-736, 2010-03-30 (Released:2010-06-09)

This Paper examines the Architectural works and activities of Isaburo Ueno. He went to Berlin and Wien to study architecture in 1920's after graduated from Waseda Univ. in Tokyo. He worked at Josef Hofmann's studio, and got married with a Wiener Werkstätte designer Felice Lizzi Rix. After he came back to Japan, he established his own architectural studio. He founded 'The International Architectural Association of Japan' in 1927, and became the chairman of the association. He designed architectures based on modernism, while he applied some ornaments on his works. That ornaments designed by his wife Lizzi, as the collaborationist. Then after World War II, he devote to education of architecture and design.
千代 章一郎 鈴木 基紘
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.69, no.582, pp.185-191, 2004-08-30 (Released:2017-02-09)
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the changing process of the theory on architectural color by Le Corbusier from his writings. The following is an analysis of the color theory by Le Corbusier; 1) It was found that the meaning of white had changed from the first term from being the absolute value, to become a relative value in the latter term. 2) He considered the material itself as color in the latter term. 3) The concept that the colors on earth were composed with four basic colors was consistent. In conclusion, we pointed out that such a changing process had a direct relation with his notion of environment.
西川 亮 西村 幸夫 窪田 亜矢
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.80, no.710, pp.895-905, 2015

&nbsp;This research focuses on the &ldquo;historical routes policy&rdquo; by the Cultural Affairs Agency in Japan. This paper aims to clarify 1) its philosophy, 2) the policy's influences on local areas and 3) this policy's difficulties.<br>&nbsp;The results are as follows;<br>&nbsp;1) The policy aims both conservation of the routes in the regional scale and walkable environment.<br>&nbsp;2) Not only the historical routes but also the heritage along the routes were listed and conserved.<br>&nbsp;3) Changes of the framework and the character of the historical routes made this policy difficult to succeed.
土本 俊和
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.62, no.500, pp.221-228, 1997
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This paper deals with urban formation of "chou" especially by "Koya-gake" which meant to build rude buildings to meet an immediate need. In Kyoto the rapid urbanization was prompted by the construction of Juraku-dai from 1586 onward. "Koya-gake" formed "Koya-no-chou" close to Juraku-dai. The form could be seen through Daichuh'in archives which recorded the width, but not the depth, of each premise in "Koya-no-chou" of 1587. This showed that "Koya-no-chou" was urbanized only in the land facing on streets. The paper concludes that the construction boom changed only the surface of blocks at the first urban dynamics.