内平 隆之 山崎 義人 三笠 友洋 田中 貴宏 重村 力
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.694, pp.2507-2511, 2013-12-30 (Released:2014-07-10)

This paper aims to clarify the standard shape character of Yato-topography by classifying the small valleys whose small administrative unit name includes “Ya” that means valley. In the case study area, there are most Yato-topography with following characteristics, the reclaimable fields area is about 1 ha, the forest area is about 3 ha, the entrance width of vale is about 60m, and the distance from the entrance to the end is about 200m. This study declares that basic Yato that is social units units have these characteristics. In other words, Yato is a unit that has fields for mainly agriculture, whose area is about 1 ha, have forest as the water source whose area is three times larger than the fields. In the conventional method for extracting ato that uses the stream order, the areas of Yato units varies widely because of the influence by the fractal form of vales. In the method using small administrative unit for extracting Yato, the areas of Yato units are certain. Therefore, it is considered that the method in this paper is more appropriate.
増田 晴夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.673, pp.685-692, 2012-03-30 (Released:2012-07-02)

Using case studies of otaya and oyado, two types of early-modern boarding facilities, in the districts of Takaoka and Imaisurugi, this paper examines the nature of lodgings in which daimyo stayed and rested in the Kanazawa fiefdom during the Edo Period. In the early part of the Edo Period in both Takaoka and Imaisurugi, otaya opened as lodgings for Kanazawa clan lords and oyado opened as lodgings for Daishoji clan lords. By the 1720s, otaya had deteriorated to such an extent that the Kanazawa had them done away with and came to use the oyado of the Daishoji. The Takaoka oyado was composed of two parts, spaces for both daimyo and for the buildings residents. In contrast, the otaya of both cities only contained space to accommodate daimyo. In this way, the otaya were similar to the lodging facilities called Ocha-ya and used by daimyo.
吉田 香澄
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.533, pp.221-227, 2000
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This paper is a study on materials that were used for elements of polychromatic religious architecture in Tuscany in the late medieval period. This study concentrates on distinguishing types of colors used for polychromy and examining the relationship with the distribution of quarry areas. Since materials used for polychromatic architecture were from neighboring quarry areas, the selection of materials was limited and color in polychromy was determined according to this selection. Serpentine was an exception because it was not taken from neighboring quarry areas but used because of its necessity.
奥矢 恵 大場 修
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.744, pp.297-305, 2018 (Released:2018-02-28)
3 4

From ancient times, mountains have been worshiped in Japan. Mt. Fuji is archetypal, and the stone huts that served its pilgrims can be regarded as the original form of current mountain huts. Nowadays, since Mt. Fuji is a World Cultural Heritage site, its huts are required to be historically based. Although some historical materials describe the stone huts that existed from the Edo to the beginning of the Showa era, the changes stone huts underwent during the era of tourism after the establishment of Fuji Hakone National Park remain unclear. To investigate these changes, we examined historical materials, held interviews, and conducted field surveys on the Yoshida trail, from where great numbers of pilgrims who belonged to Fuji-ko societies made worship-ascent. In Showa 6, the National Park Act was established to preserve the natural landscape, promote the welfare of the people, and attract foreign tourists. In Taisho 12, Mt. Fuji became a candidate for inclusion into the park. Yamanashi Prefecture and local people embarked on campaigns to establish the park and increase tourism. In Showa 11, Fuji Hakone National Park was established. During the Pacific War, national parks were used as training grounds. An increase in the number of climbers training and ascending Mt. Fuji to pray for victory was observed. Under these conditions, the stone huts that seemed to have kept their original form since the Edo era underwent gradual changes. Traditionally, huts had a wooden frame structure and were covered with wooden boards. Stones were piled on the roof and around the walls, which had one or two sweep-out windows. From the prewar to the postwar period, almost all stone huts changed their fa?ade by incorporating waist-high windows. Furthermore, some of the piled-up stones were removed on about half of the huts, and exposed wooden boards were either covered or replaced with galvanized iron. About 3 years after the war, tourism in Yamanashi Prefecture returned to prewar levels. In Showa 27 and 39, a mountain bus line and the Fuji Subaru Line (a motorway) serviced the fifth station, dramatically changing the approach to climbing Mt. Fuji on the Yoshida trail. The wooden huts and sections of the trail below the fifth station fell into disrepair, while more than half of the stone huts above the fifth station were either newly constructed or renovated. The traditional floor plan of the stone huts had a main room (hiroma), which had wooden floors and a fireplace. The newer huts had larger dimensions and eave heights compared with huts at the end of the Edo era. Three patterns of change were evident. First, new huts were built with a roof truss structure (yogoya). Second, the new huts were built beside traditional stone huts with Japanese-style roof structures (wagoya). Third, stone huts were renovated. Almost all of the stone huts introduced the roof truss structure to allow for an open floor plan, waist-high windows for an open fa?ade, double bunks to accommodate more climbers, and new facilities, such as water filtration systems and curtains to ensure the safety and privacy of climbers. A questionnaire survey in Showa 30 showed that only 2% of climbers were on religious pilgrimages, indicating that the changes to the stone huts were in response to the growing tourism industry. In the Edo era, stone huts were a kind of symbol of Mt. Fuji religious pilgrimages; however, in the early Showa era of tourism, the owners of the stone huts removed the stones as they modernized their huts.
山本 杏子 小島 隆矢
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.79, no.702, pp.649-654, 2014-08-30 (Released:2014-09-30)
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This study examines the classification of the user type and behavior in a comedy theater. First surveys were carried out for the classification of the user type and the comparison. Second surveys were carried out for the evaluation of the ease of behavior and the degree of action implementation of the environment around a comedy theater. The results are as followings: 1) Comedy theater users were classified into four types and user behavior is different by user type. 2) The ease of behavior and the degree of action implementation are different by each theater.
奥矢 恵 大場 修
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.756, pp.465-475, 2019 (Released:2019-02-28)
1 4

From ancient times, mountains have been worshiped in Japan. Mt. Fuji is archetypal, and the huts that served its pilgrims can be regarded as the original form of current mountain huts. Since Mt. Fuji became a World Cultural Heritage site, its huts are required to be historically based. We examined and confirmed the establishment and form of Mt. Fuji's mountain huts, specifically, the stone huts on the Yoshida trail. They were built in the early Edo era and developed with the flourish of worship ascents by Fuji-ko societies. Then, we expanded our scope to the Omiya-Murayama, Suyama and Subashiri trails that were mainly used with the Yoshida trail since the Middle Ages. They have their own geographical and historical backgrounds. We examined historical materials and clarified the owners, location and form of the mountain huts (teahouses and stone huts) on each trail and the summit they serviced. We focused on these huts in relation to three areas on Mt. Fuji: Kusayama, Kiyama and Yakeyama. The huts were owned by Murayama Sanbo (three lodges for priests) on the Omiya-Murayama trail and by each village's oshi at the foot of Mt. Fuji on the other trails. Hyakusho managed and built the huts. On the summit, there were two temples surrounded by stone huts. Dainichido temple was managed by Murayama Sanbo and Yakushido temple by Subashiri villagers. Bids were taken for management of the stone huts in the latter. On each trail, the teahouses were in the Kusayama and Kiyama areas and the stone huts were in the Yakeyama area. On three trails excluding Yoshida, stations 1 to 9 were established to conduct mountain ascetic practices on Yakeyama. This suggests that Yakeyama was the most sacred and harshest environment, resulting in being referred to as the “Honzan” (main mountain of worship ascents). The huts were planned and built after natural disasters, such as the Hoei eruption and avalanches, or before Koshingoennen (a special year celebrated every 60 years) by the rulers, Murayama Sanbo and oshi. We found similarities of huts' location between the Omiya-Murayama and Suyama trails flourished till the early Edo era by Shugen-do, and the Subashiri and Yoshida trails flourished in the late Edo era by Fuji-ko. Depending on the trail, the teahouses had the same roofs as temples and shrines or houses in the village at the foot of Mt. Fuji. The Omiya-Murayama and Yoshida trails were managed by bo or oshi, a type of priest, and the Suyama and Subashiri trails were managed by oshi who belonged to the hyakusho class. The teahouses were made of the same materials and shapes used by the rulers' class or the villages they dominated. The scenery of the villages was continuously expanded to Kusayama and Kiyama. On the other hand, the stone huts in Yakeyama had the same form on all the trails. They had a wooden frame structure, hirairi, piled up cinders on the kiritsuma roof and around the walls and one or two entrances facing the trail. They came into sight on the boundary of Kiyama and Yakeyama, and their forms were unified like the mountain itself. Not only was the form of the stone huts unusual, but the way in which they came into being, with each owner locating and preparing suitable sites in three areas, made the stone huts a symbol of worship ascents on Mt. Fuji. In addition, about 8-16 stone huts on the summit that were used not as lodgings, but as teahouses, were lined with a tsumairi façade. It created a unique scene that was not seen on the trails.
梅干野 成央 堀田 真理子 土本 俊和
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.681, pp.2643-2650, 2012-11-30 (Released:2013-05-28)

This paper traces some links of the development process of the mountain huts through the example of the location planning of the mountain huts by the owners of the Nakabusa spa in the prewar period by analysing the Momose family's archives. The owners of the Nakabusa spa had construction plans for 15 mountain huts in the prewar period. This was done by using the local knowledge about the place which the mountain residents (i.e. huntsmen, etc.) had for the base of a mountaineering course around mountaineering stations.
東村 壮裕 出口 敦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.589, pp.107-114, 2005-03-30 (Released:2017-02-11)

In Hakata District of Fukuoka City which is known as one of the most traditional merchant district, the sub-division system called "Taikou Machiwari" which was implemented in late 16th Century has been still the basis of urban infrastructure affecting the urban development and building forms on it. Following the recent trend of increasing of both apartment construction and population, this study aims to review the transformation of both block form types and lot form types, and to analyze the past 30 year trend of lot integration and apartment building layout form. As the results, this study constructs the typology of the lot integration and the apartment building form, and clarifes the relationship between them.
小野 芳朗 西寺 秀 中嶋 節子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.676, pp.1513-1520, 2012-06-30 (Released:2012-07-27)

Biwako canal in Kyoto City was constructed in the period from 1885 to 1890 in order to supply water for irrigation systems and develop the utilization of water power, transportation by ship and so on. There were 2 routes on the canal, the one was the route in Ohtoh area beside eastern district of Kamo river for the transportation and later also for hydroelectric power, the other was the route of north-east area of Kyoto for the irrigation. The expropriation performance of the canal was discussed in this paper depended on the maps drawn in the construction and the cadastre on expropriation. The new city planning in the Ohtoh area, especially road networks along the canal was designed, and the canal route was determined to decrease flow rate and to choose the low cost expropriation.
近藤 靖史 川口 明伸 吉野 一 荻田 俊輔
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.76, no.664, pp.547-554, 2011-06-30 (Released:2011-11-16)
1 2

Oil mist generated in commercial kitchens has a serious influence on worker's health and may make an odor problem. Therefore many research works have been recently reported on oil mist emitted from cooking equipment such as fryers and griddles in USA (ASHRAE 745-RP Final Report etc.) and in Japan. In this paper, particle size distributions emitted from griddle and fryer were measured with two measurement systems (WPS and SMPS/APS) and the results showed that size of almost all particles was under 1μm. However oil mist includes relatively large particles over 1μm which should not be neglected when cleanness in kitchen especially in the vicinity of cooking equipment is discussed. This paper also examined the aerosol dynamics of oil mist under 1μm. The results showed gravitational settling, coagulation and Brownian diffusion had no important effect on oil mist distribution in kitchens and oil mist under 1μm can be treated as passive scalar in CFD simulation.
シャリフディン フィルザ ウタマ 寺井 達夫
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.69, no.583, pp.73-78, 2004-09-30 (Released:2017-01-27)

小野 将史 北野 隆
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.69, no.576, pp.157-162, 2004-02-28 (Released:2017-02-09)

This is a study on the repair of Kumamoto Castle by Kato Tadahiro (Kumamoto Castle Lord) for twenty years from 1612 to 1632 by studying the darwing "Higo-kumamotojoTyakuzu" in the Monjokan of Yamagutiken and "Kumamoto-yasikiwari-sitaezu" in the Library of Kumamotoken, the writing "Higo-uto-gunki" in the Li- brary of Utosi and the drawing "Utojo-zu" in "Higo-uto-gunki". The results are as follows; 1. Kato Tadahiro repaired the composition of Kumamoto Castle from for easts to west for three years from June, 1612 to June, 1615. 2. Kato Tadahiro moved Utojo-Tenshu from Uto Castle and made it Kumemotojo-Kotenshu in Kumamoto Castle for three years from June, 1612 to June, 1615. 3. The cause which Kato Tadahiro was confiscated Higo-koku was because he repaired Kumamoto Castle.
中谷 礼仁 倉方 俊輔
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.62, no.491, pp.205-211, 1997-01-30 (Released:2017-02-02)
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The "Rasen-Tou (Spiral Tower)" is an unbuilt project, published in "Kenchiku Zasshi" by the Architectural Institute of Japan ("Kenchiku Gakkai") in 1902. The Tower was proposed by Kontarou Abe, was an associate member ("Tun-In") of this institute. We present an outline of the planning method of "Rasen-Tou (Spiral Tower)" and the career of Kontarou Abe, the proposer. The "Rasen-Tou", despite its unusual form, was planned in conformance with the principles of "Kiku-Jutsu", a traditional Japanese method of stereotomy based on wooden construction.
遠藤 新
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.81, no.725, pp.1589-1599, 2016 (Released:2016-07-30)
3 6

This research aims to analyze the "parklet" and "plaza" generated by the Pavement to Parks Program in U.S. San Francisco and to consider the main point in the case of planning, designing and using a street as a place for people's exchange and stationary. It become clear that the half of streets which parklet and plaza are installed have characterized by concentration of neighborhood shops and have the location which public access is easy to obtained. The design of parklet and plaza has attained pedestrian friendly and desirable amenity for people. And also it is the design as inclusive public space which people can continue to stay without interference mutually. The parklet as public space and the sidewalk seat in front of the cafe is articulated and both parklet and plaza serve as open space which includes people's various activities. In addition, sustainable design here assumes not to maintenance-free and durability of initial condition but to frequent maintenance and repair. It also become clear that the purpose of plaza project is the making people's place on the street and the purpose of parklet project are street beautification and to put the rest space. As for the plaza, the temporary one is built first and then improved in full-scale. And it is the issue that not only a control of the undesirable use such as crime prevention but also a promotion of the desirable use such as an event. As for the parklet, the maintenance issues for each cases, such as a cleaning, a burden of the repairing cost in a hardware, and so forth. It can be summarized in the problem of fund. It is considered that the pavement to parks program create a place of human-centered on the road. Seating space of parklet is designed so that many and unspecified persons may not carry out mutual interference but may continue to stay, and also to be a inclusive humane space on the street. The installer of parklet and plaza has been recognized as a host rather than maintenance administrator. Although maintenance of a parklet is managed by the shops in front, it is not use for commercial. Design and use of parklet and shops are separated. Although the parklet manual shows the guideline of its location criteria and design elements, the its design is diverse, in particular, the part of user interface. It would say that parklet create a public open space on the street in the user's point of view. In parklet and plaza design, priority seems to be given to humane and desirable amenity over the durability that assumes the repair and frequent maintenance. It is thought that this design offers comfortableness. Event use, safety, and aesthetic are contributed to comfort for people, too. The process of temporary plaza improvement promotes sympathy and agreement formation of a local community with verification of their various subjects through its experimental introduction. By trial and error, it enables the design which gives priority to atmosphere or creativity over durability. It is thought that these two points offer the process of both the publicness in a user viewpoint and the people's comfortableness.
石井 翔大
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.747, pp.949-955, 2018-05

&nbsp;This study aims to elucidate Hiroshi Ohe's activities in the Ministry of Education and to consider the architectural view of Ohe before the world war II.<br>&nbsp;Hiroshi Ohe (1913-1989) worked as a technician at the Ministry of Education from 1938 to the beginning of 1941 and was involved in the construction of the Jinmu Emperor's honoring monument and the National History Museum. This study collected and analyzed primary materials such as sketches, drawings, and documents created by Ohe during the Ministry of Education's Technical Time, which have been stored in the Ohe Architecture Atelier (formerly Ohe Hiroshi Architects). The design process of Jinmu Emperor's honoring monument from the first stage to the fourth stage can be considered a process of a gradual reduction in the conceptions of Ohe.<br>&nbsp;It is assumed that the theme of Ohe's sketches in the first stage was to superpose the space containing the monument by creating a plan and sequence in order to gradually join the area on the outside to that on the inside. Therefore, it can be pointed out that Ohe's intention in the later years, which emphasizes the psychological changes in people who experience building, has already been taken into account in the design of the monument.<br>&nbsp;In the later years, Ohe developed criticism against modernist architecture, advocating the principle of &ldquo;interminglement and coexistence&rdquo; and arguing about the importance of roofing and decoration.<br>&nbsp;It is assumed that the sketch of Fig. 11 contains the themes of roofing and decoration, deviating from simplicity that is one of the features of modernism architecture. Therefore, this sketch is considered an important material foretelling the construction of Ohe during the later years.