丹羽 由佳理 畠山 雄豪 佐野 友紀
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.731, pp.41-48, 2017 (Released:2017-01-30)

This study examines the relationship between activities of users in cafes and spatial factors of the cafes from the viewpoint of user's seat occupation. ’The Third Place’ originally proposed by Ray Oldenburg means the social surroundings apart from two usual social environments, home and workplace. The some of cafes in Japan, however, promotes the use of the cafe for private working spots as the third place. Observational investigation was conducted in cafes of a same group company, six shops and ten floors. Seat occupation and activities of each cafe user were recorded once per hour from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on August 2011. A Total of 5401 (person-hour) data was collected in ten days on weekdays. This study reveals activities of cafe users from the aspects of the shop location in Part 1 and from the aspect of the spatial factors in Part 2. Therefore, it is possible to provide the space to fit the user's needs by considering the location aspects and the spatial aspects. In this paper (part. 2), activities in the cafe were classified into three types: A) Output-based working, B) Input-based working, and C) Rest/Conversation. Observation reveals that seat occupation of each type users depends on spatial factors. The relationship between the activity in the cafe and the spatial factor were quantitatively clarified by a multiple logistic regression analysis. As a result of the analysis, it was found that spatial factors such as “Distance from entrance/stairway to the seat”, ”Seat against a wall or not” and ”Types of Tables” are related to the activities in the cafe. While Output-based working type prefers to select multiple floor without the cash register, Rest/communication type prefers to select multiple Floor with the cash register. While Input-based working users prefer to select seats against a wall, Rest/ communication users tend to avoid the seat against a wall. Output-based and Input-based working users tend to select shared tables rather than the large table. The low tables were selected more by Input-based working users than by Output-based working users. Rest/ communication users tend to select large tables, not counters and shared tables.
青柳 憲昌
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.692, pp.2199-2205, 2013-10-30 (Released:2014-07-10)

On 5 historic reconstructions designed by Minoru Ooka, especially external appearance, such as delicate curved roof shape, was faithfully recreated based on academic investigation. The structure was basically reinforced concrete, but he attempted to keep the original proportion of wooden structural members by means of, for instance, manipulation of sectional modification of posts and beams. Among his works, Yakushiji Golden Hall (1976) is one of the most characteristic specimen that reveals his idea toward historic reconstructions. He tried to revive original architect's design concept as representation of the aesthetics of the same period, which was shown in the number of columns (6×3) on the upper floor, the gradually raised ceiling heights toward the inner sanctum, and the roof shape; high pitched gable and low pitched hip roof(shikoro-buki) that has, he thought, aesthetical importance on the ancient architecture.
西應 浩司 材野 博司 松原 斎樹 藏澄 美仁 森田 孝夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.547, pp.169-176, 2001-09-30 (Released:2017-02-04)
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An experiment was done in one area with grid shaped street pattern and in another area with irregularly twisted street pattern. There were two ways to memorize forms in the experiment: a real walk and CG animation presented walk through a fixed pathway. After learning the course, the subject walked the pathway by themselves. Originally the subjects were 25 males and 15 females. The results were analysed based on gender difference-14 male and 14 female subjects. Analysing errors in the abstract distance and abstract angle errors on the cognitive maps, it was recognized that the drawn street lengths are shorter than the actual distances for both genders. Concerning a real walk through the irregularly twisted street the females' errors in the abstract angles were smaller than the males' errors. However both gender's found the irregularly twisted street more legible than the grid shaped one.
磯部 孝之 吉川 徹
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.747, pp.929-939, 2018 (Released:2018-05-30)

This study aims to solve the following problems in emergency lifesaving operation caused by the increase of large-scale facilities with skyscrapers in big cities in Japan: The Urban Planning Act and the Building Standards Act do not have technical standards to shorten time required for giving first aid and to improve a lifesaving rate inside a building, as well as technical guidelines in planning optimal placement of emergency equipment. In case an emergency report is sent to the firehouse through a disaster prevention center, for example, measures will be taken depending on circumstances: Where an emergency elevator is available, the rescue party can use it immediately after arriving at the building. In addition to this, if AED is optimally placed, it could be possible for bystander to use AED quickly and effectively until the ambulance arrives. Carried by a worker in a disaster prevention center, AED will enable quick cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Likewise, it could be effective to place AED in elevators, as some elevator companies have recently proposed. Accordingly, in consideration of the factors referred to above, this paper intends to construct a method for calculating survival rate resulting from placement of AEDs and apply it to the model case in order to investigate the optimal placement of AEDs. The study method is as follows: A fifty-four-storied building is assumed as a model building of large-scale urban facilities with skyscrapers, the total floor space of which is approximately 400,000 square meters and whose height of the eaves is exceeding 230 meters. The average survival rate in this model building is obtained by three-dimensional calculation constructed by the Manhattan distance and the formula for calculating elevator speed. The optimal placement of AEDs is determined by using three types of survival curves (Survival Success Rate Curve, Golden Hour Principle, and Dr. Drinker's Survival Curve). In regard to the optimal placement of AEDs and the average survival rate, this research compares the differences according to the number or place of AEDs. The results have mostly common contents to three types of survival carves as follows: In case of placing four AEDs in the model building, a lifesaving rate can be improved by the placement of one in a disaster prevention center, another one in an emergency elevator controlled by the center and the remaining two in the 53rd and the 54th floor, compared with the placement of one in the center and the remaining three in the 36th, the 45th and the 52nd floor. This means that the AED placed in an emergency elevator functions effectively. The difference in the average life-saving rate over the buildings between the case with three AEDs on the optimal floors, namely, the 52nd, 53rd, and 54th floors of the model building, in addition to two AEDs, one in the disaster prevention center and one in each elevator, and the case with fifty-five AEDs, one on each floor and one in the disaster prevention center, was 0.0333 points for the survival curve of the successful survival rate, 0.0356 points for the Golden Hour Principle, and 0.0175 points for Dr. Drinker's Survival Curve. This article examines the optimal placement of AEDs as a floor plan, based on the assumption of a standard center core and emergency elevators installed in the vicinity of sidewalls opposed to each other. What remains to be considered is the optimal placement of AEDs in floor plans of a sandwich-like core and an off center core.
宮下 貴裕 中島 直人
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.744, pp.241-249, 2018 (Released:2018-02-28)

“Ginza Street” is known as the main street of Ginza and it is a part of “Chuo Street”: a street links Shinbashi with Ueno. It has a long history since Ginza brick-faced building city in Meiji era, and modern urban spaces have been formed by modern buildings and urban design in this history. Ginza has been subjected to studies in many fields, and it is indicated the extinction in history of urban developing caused by war damage in these studies. However, it is considered that there is the continuity from pre-war to post-war in purposes of movement for urban design by proprietors of stores along Ginza Street. They have continued to argue what to do to make future vision of Ginza Street come true for a long time. So we pay attention to Ginza Street Association: store association has been composed of proprietors of stores along Ginza Street, and reveal history of movement for urban design by them from 1930's to 1960's. We find out a new context of history in Ginza by means of this research. In 1930's, Ginza Street Association started movement for “Urban beauty” of Ginza Street and their goal setting was to achieve it by Tokyo Olympic Games in 1940. Main purposes of this movement were removal of telegraph poles and abolition of tram, and they have appealed to city government. In 1936, Ginza Street Association developed movement with “Nihon Toshifukei Kyokai”, and they carried out a noise survey for abolition of tram. In 1937, they planned “10-year plan for remodeling of Ginza Street” as a long-term plan for urban beauty. However, this movement ended in failure as the society entered into the war regime after 1938. In 1945, Ginza Street Association planned “Ginza reconstruction plan”. In this plan, purposes of movement in 1930's were succeeded though it was under the condition buildings had been burnt down by air raid. And it was also held up purposes of movement: removal of telegraph poles and abolition of tram in “Remodeling plan of Ginza Street” in 1958. They have repeated petitions to city government, and they have consulted with Tokyo National Highway Office for reconstruction of Ginza Street. As a result, they achieved removal of telegraph poles, abolition of tram and construction of new pavement in 1968. In parallel with this movement, they have planned a big scale festival in Ginza Street. They have continued arguments for Ginza Street as festive spaces, and it was held “Daiginza Matsuri” on reconstructed Ginza Street. In conclusion, it became clear that there was the continuity from pre-war to post-war in purposes of movement for urban design. Especially, three themes: removal of telegraph poles, abolition of tram and new pavement have been found the value in each era. On the other hand, arguments about street trees haven't been decision clear directions in history of Ginza Street Association. From the above, it is considered that construction of Ginza Street in 1960's had a value as the ultimate goal of movement for a long time from pre-war.
室田 昌子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.758, pp.955-963, 2019 (Released:2019-04-30)

The purpose of this research is to grasp the conditions and effects of staying activities through the development of outside community space on bicycle and pedestrian roads by civic activities. We found that; 1. There are both types of stayers who want to communicate and who want to be relaxed personally, 2. in order to develop the outside community public space, we should consider the gap between the demand of stayers about the community activity place and the goal which supporters seek, it is important to develop the system which can keep the supporters’ motivations.
髙嶺 翔太 後藤 春彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.755, pp.147-157, 2019 (Released:2019-01-30)

These days, "a place for community" is attracting more attention. "A place for community" is the place operated flexibly, mainly as a cafe with a various activities such as class of hobby, exhibition or retailing. As the concern about social isolation growing, the place come to be expected to be a solution for the issue. However, with taking consideration of characteristics of group such as "bonding", the relationship made by "a place for community" may be have exclusiveness to outgroups. Especially because a bonding group strengthen common trait of group members in general, risk that individual trait causing isolation might be strengthen after group composed by " a place for community", and the group itself will be estranged from local society as a result. With this respect, this paper aims to clarify the actual condition and background of group isolation of "a place for community". Three following focusing point has set and different survey has conducted ; 1) "Visitor record analysis" to grasp situation that some of users have characteristic as a group and get “bonding”. 2) Questionnaires and interviews to frequent users of the case facility to grasp situation that the group members have trait harming relationship with local society, in common. 3) Questionnaires to the people familiar with local society and analysis about events held in the case facility to grasp the situation that the group is estranged from local society. As a result, following findings were obtained. 1) The number of frequent users has a steady state and frequent users tend to be fixed. The existence of steady state reveal the aspect of frequent users as a group, and fixed users means the exclusiveness of the group. These findings suggest that the frequent users of the case is "bonding" as a group. 2) Most of the frequent users have negative feelings to communication among neighbors and health problems in common. On the other hand, those frequent users are not necessarily the patient of clinic which operates the case, and their housing situation is almost same as the average in the district where the case locate. This finding suggests that the number of potential users is not so small, and a lot of "place for community" can get into the situation of group isolation. 3) Only about half of the target person from local society know the existence of the case facility and less than 30% people has understood what the case is doing. In addition, according to the analysis about events held in the case facility, it clarified that the large number of events held with medical and nursing association, and the number of events held with neighborhood or ordinary association in neighbor (e.g. restaurant, general store and NPO) is small. These findings suggest that the situation of case facility being estranged from local society, and have connection with medical and nursing association in contrast. 4) Findings about the common trait of frequent users and social relationship with outgroup of the case facility, correspondence between common trait of users and relationship with outgroup can be seen. This correspondence seem to be caused by the flexibility of “a place for community”, which is important characteristic of “a place for community” to make relationships among users and get users “bonding”. The important point of group isolation is that a factor preventing communication with local society plays a role during this process of “bonding”. 5) As a whole, "a place for community" has a risk that small group get “bonding” toward refusing communication with local society.
鈴木 健二
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.17, no.36, pp.633-638, 2011-02-20 (Released:2011-06-20)
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The purpose of this paper is to clarify the influence of building codes on conversion of closed elementary and junior high schools in depopulated areas. Some results show as follows : (1)In the past, obligatory return of national subsidy for school construction prevented closed schools from conversion, but recently such a situation has been improved by deregulation. (2)In depopulated area, there are a lot of regions where waste water purifier is used. In such a region, installation of combined treatment purifier becomes a question of money. (3)Conversion from the usage with a loose requirement for fire extinguishing equipment to a severe usage needs more advanced fire extinguishing equipments.
平石 久廣 吉益 幸寛 露木 裕史 喜々津 仁密
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.77, no.672, pp.259-264, 2012-02-29 (Released:2012-03-07)

This paper studies seismic performance of reinforced concrete buildings under the effect of high wind. Three types of structures of earthquake-resistant construction, damper construction and base isolation construction, two types of seismic force of moderate earthquake and severe earthquake, and three different levels of wind load are investigated.Following items were found through this study; in the case that buildings form plastic hinge mechanism, they deform into one-way and show poor energy consumption, so, their deformation remarkably increases, and this increase is controlled if the damper with the same strength as the wind load is installed in the building.
宇野 浩生 土本 俊和 笹川 明
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.68, no.563, pp.155-162, 2003

This paper traces some links between typology and location of NOH-stages (NOHBUTAI) in Wakasa. Typology depends upon four ; (1)plan, (2) space division of the main stage (HON-BUTAI) and the back stage (ATOZA), (3) orientation of NOH-stage and the shrine (SYADEN), (4) site plan of NOH-stage and the shrine. NOH-stages located near Obama, the historical center of Wakasa, had some similarities to that of urban NOH-stages. The similarities between the tow decreased in proportion to the distance from the center. It means that NOH-stages in Wakasa were not independent from urban ones but were deprived from urban ones.
高 松花 濱 定史 小林 久高 安藤 邦廣
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.678, pp.1853-1860, 2012-08-30 (Released:2012-10-15)
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The log cabin is a kind of traditional house in east area of Asia. In Japan, there are traditional temples represented by the Shosoin and are located in the mountain. By the other hand, in Korea, these temples are located in the mountains and the islands. In the case of China, there are some log cabins located near the Changbai Mountain, and where many people are still living.The purpose of this paper is to describe the construction and the production technology of log cabins through a survey conducted in the protected area of Jingjiang Village in China's Changbai Mountain. It will also aim to make a linkage between characteristics with local area's weather, forest, society and economic condition.
金 栽滸 金 池潤 永島 佑樹 加藤 孝明
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
no.58, pp.1319-1324, 2018-10

<p>An earthquake occurred in Pohang City, on Nov. 15, 2017. The Pohang earthquake was the first major disaster in South Korea, resulting in a devastating earthquake. Therefore, the situation of disaster response systems and evacuation was analyzed mainly by the three perspectives on disaster response systems, organizations and operations.<br>Analyzing the response system for dealing with earthquakes and the establishment of evacuation shelters in Korea reveals that: ①in terms of institutional characteristics, this earthquake resulted in the recognition of the need for systematic earthquake disaster prevention policies and initiated the creation of institutional frameworks. ②in terms of disaster response characteristics, the administration prioritized and responded to the needs of the refugees in this earthquake. ③in terms of local community response characteristics, a system of self-help, assistance and public assistance, which utilizes the resources of local communities and supports the autonomy of the community was observed.</p>
大森 博司 崔 昌禹
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.67, no.552, pp.109-116, 2002-02-28 (Released:2017-02-04)
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Evolutionary Structural Optimization (ESO) method is one of the most powerful and promising technique for pursuing the optimal structural form among the other methods as the homogenization design technique and the bubble method. Although it is easy to carry out the calculation of ESO, there have been remained some weak points in its evolutionary process, by which inefficiency of calculation is caused or unreasonable solutions are concluded. A new method through the usage of the contour lines is proposed in order to remove such defects of the usual ESO as well as to enable the structures to not only be scraped off but also grow up toward the final optimal structures. Numerical examples on the structural form creation for plane structures subjected to multiple loadings as well as shell structures are demonstrated so as to show the potential ability of the present method toward effective structural design tools.
坪田 慎介 勝木 祐仁 篠野 志郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.617, pp.151-157, 2007-07-30 (Released:2017-02-25)

The aim of this paper is to clarify the housing idea for commons envisioned by the Housing Loan Corporation through drawings of the wooden standard houses, which published 6 times from 1951 to 1975. Through the examination of the plans of the houses, it is clarified that the housing idea was modified according to the change of Japanese life style. Notably the Corporation intended the improvement of Japanese houses for commons by presenting advanced idea in 60s, when some Japanese embraced the advanced idea while the other persisted in the traditional idea.
水田 恒樹
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.676, pp.1531-1536, 2012-06-30 (Released:2012-07-27)

This study is to analyze the history of Toyama town, which had been struggled with repeating damages of floods since it was founded, focusing on its geography, land-use and river management. The resulted findings are as follows. 1) The Joganji-River as well as the Jintsu-River flooded the town. 2) Three major measures taken by the rulers to develop their territory made damages more serious. That is, harnessing the Jintsu-River as a castle moat, expanding the town into the bottomlands along the two rivers and making irrigation systems from the Joganji-River, which also could draw the flood water to the town.
津島 英征 後藤 春彦 吉江 俊
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.746, pp.659-669, 2018 (Released:2018-04-30)

Looking over the updating of urban space such as advanced use of space and function update is highly suggestive in reading social issues of each age and the consciousness of planners. Nowadays, with the relocation of the Olympic games and Tsukiji Market, interest in urban space renewal is increasing. It is not a regional fragmentary discussion, but it is required to summarize the whole picture of space updating and designer's awareness that has gone through in Tokyo and to critically discuss future updating methods. In this paper, taking the 77 districts of urban redevelopment as an example, we examined what kinds of areas have been subject to renewal in Tokyo and how the new city image has been drawn for those areas in a timely manner. Through this investigation, the whole picture of the renewal of urban space that has been done so far was identified based on the statistical analysis. 1) The typology of existing environment and building change We classified the former land use targeted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government for redevelopment projects and analyzed the renewal of building use and building coverage by development on a timely basis for each type. As a first result, seven types of conventional land use were obtained, and it became clear that they are changing to biased use. Secondly, at the initial stage of redevelopment, the pension rate of business facilities has been on an upward trend, but in recent years a wider open space has been added. On the other hand, it was found that the building peculiarity is planned to increase in the redevelopment of the residential area in recent years. 2) The transition of aims of district plan by administration We categorized the development goals that Tokyo Metropolitan Government gave to each district plan and analyzed their regional differences and transitions. As a result, four types of aim were obtained. While the "Cutting-edge development driving type" that forms a new city has decreased, it is clarified that "Habitability raising type" that improves the basic performance for living in the area tends to increase mainly in the three central wards of Tokyo. 3) Planner's discourses about concept of area update and interpretation of existing environments By analyzing the narratives on architectural specialty magazines that argued about the plans in the areas targeted for redevelopment, we revealed the transition of discussions that occurred with redevelopment. In the early stage of redevelopment, despite the immature debate, there was a tendency to tell the consciousness for new age and forming of new urban images. In recent years the discussion has matured, and development has been discussed from various viewpoints. However, the trend of new age consciousness and urban images tends to be decreasing, and it became clear that the explanation of the problems rooted in the community and the necessity of urban renewal are becoming the main story for urban update, instead of creating the new vision of Tokyo.
中島 久男
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.514, pp.225-232, 1998
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This paper studies the history of the Building and Repairs Organization affiliated with the Ministry of the Imperial Japanese Navy (MIJN) from 1872 through 1920, and the building engineers of MIJN. This paper shows the process of the Building and Repairs Organization expanding according to the Naval armament expanding plan since 1883. It shows the engineers' names, service period at the department, and personal histories. And it highlights the middle-ranked engineers who had come from the Building and Repairs Organization in each office, such as the Ministry of the Public Works, which assisted the architectural activities of MIJN.
山崎 鯛介
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.68, no.572, pp.159-166, 2003-10-30 (Released:2017-02-09)
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This paper shows the majestic design of the Meiji Palace's main hall was not decided at the date of commencement of work, but designed simultaneously with the progress of work. In the process of design, the ceiling of the hall was raised higher, and some western ornaments were added to the walling. An image of the ballroom was introduced in the design by Ito Hirobumias the minister of the Imperial Household Agency, who insisted on the importance of holding evening parties in the palace as the diplomatic necessities.
長坂 一郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.647, pp.235-243, 2010-01-30 (Released:2010-04-02)
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In this paper, we investigate the ideological background of Christopher Alexander's theory of design by examining his research papers on cognitive psychology by the 1960s. First, we briefly show the outline of his research history in the 1960s and examine the experiments and outcomes of the research in the papers. After the examination, we show the commonly-observed features in the papers, namely, influences from Jerome S. Bruner and Gestalt psychology. It is clear that he tried to explain how we recognize “good” forms based on the gestalt account of perception, and it seems reasonable to suppose that Alexander followed the framework of Bruner's “three modes of representation” to construct his research programs.
加藤 悠希
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.675, pp.1201-1206, 2012

The purpose of this research is to clarify the spreading process of the legends about architectural remains of Juraku Palace, Fushimi Castle and Toyokuni Shrine. As a first step, this paper examines what is written about the legends in the topography of Kyoto in the late seventeenth century.<br> In some topographies, there were mentions about the tenshu (main keep) of Fushimi Castle that it had been moved to Fukuyama Castle. There were also stories that, at the destruction of Juraku Palace, its buildings had been moved to some places, but not with their specific names. Stories about the legends as such are told already, but these were not yet paid much attention at that time as in the later period.