清水 明子 浅野 良晴
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.72, no.612, pp.105-110, 2007-02-28 (Released:2017-02-25)
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The objective of this paper is to be clear the indispensable factors in the toilets primary and secondary schools through the children's way. The authors investigated the usage of fixtures in the toilets and carried out a questionnaire to the school children, who spent a few minutes in a toilet for many purposes. The following proposals have been presented. 1) To create an alcove in a toilet to promote the communication. 2) To provide a space where the children play in order to change the modes by themselves. 3) To offer a place where the children wait for their friends using fixtures. 4) To supply a shelf on which the belonging of the children are left in order to use fixtures.
李 暁赫 杉山 央 小野 克也 藤本 郷史
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.79, no.703, pp.1215-1225, 2014-09-30 (Released:2014-09-30)

Curing condition of concrete in early ages has a significant influence on the durability of reinforced concrete structures. The influence of curing condition in early ages on the carbonation of concrete was studied in this paper. Following results were obtained; 1) The accelerated carbonation depth of concrete depends on the strength at the age of 28 days. 2) Evaporation rate is a useful indicator of earlyage curing with respect to concrete carbonation.
岸本 達也
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.64, no.521, pp.227-235, 1999-07-30 (Released:2017-02-03)

In this paper, facilities location model based on Spatial Interaction Models (SIM) is concerned. Initially outlines of SIM and location problem based on SIM are described. Secondly, a new model of SIM which is developed from Non-constraint type of SIM is proposed. In this model a new concept Maximum Realized Demand is applied. Next a location problem to maximize the sum of realized demand is proposed which is based on developed SIM. A method of solution based on Stochastic Descent Method and Stochastic Approximation Method is presented, and the effectiveness of presented method is confirmed through numerical analyses. Finally, 3 simulations of optimal location analyses are shown, and characteristics of presented location model are examined.
藤木 庸介 柏原 誉 山村 高淑
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.73, no.629, pp.1499-1506, 2008-07-30 (Released:2009-09-30)

The objectives of this research are to understand the use of traditional houses, to identify the associated tourism impact from the standpoint of maintaining houses in the World Heritage Site, the Old Town of Lijiang, Yunnan Province, China. This is part of an investigation of the problems related to the rapid development of tourism and its pressures on the Old Town of Lijiang, focusing on the use of traditional houses. The findings revealed that the following three points were influencing the transformation of the use of traditional houses.1) The place transformation of each function, such as living, guest room, and etc. in the traditional houses.2) The area transformation of each function, such as living, guest room, and etc. in the traditional houses.3) The social transformation surrounding the traditional houses in the Old Town of Lijiang.
安藤 直見 八木 幸二 茶谷 正洋
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.62, no.497, pp.155-162, 1997-07-30 (Released:2017-02-02)

The objective of this study is to develop a new comprehension on the composition of the street space in Japan. To clarify the diversity of streets image spread around the railway station, this study took "Shinjuku" district as one of the typical city central. To describe and quantify the image of streetscape, a method named "component element graphics" was adopted. By analyzing various types of streetscape, typology of streets' image were classified and the exsistence of distinctive space in city central was pointed out.
吉田 亨 玉川 英則 新保 雅之
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.59, no.463, pp.133-138, 1994

"Uranihon" is a name of the sections of Honsyu along the Sea of Japan. But it sometimes means the undeveloped part of Japan, too, because the prefix "lira" has a negative nuance in Japanese. This paper analyzes frequence of using and the transition of meaning of the word by using old local newspapers in Niigata Prefecture since mid Meiji era, and investigates the historical background. In result,the periods when the word was frequently used were Showa tens and Showa thirties and in the both periods the meaning of the word deeply reflected the historical background.
香月 歩 奥山 信一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.731, pp.251-261, 2017 (Released:2017-01-30)

This paper aims to clarify the framework of the image of places in contemporary society through the analysis of words on sightseeing brochures of the towns which promote themselves as Shokyoto (little Kyoto). These towns attempt to enhance their historical value by borrowing the image of Kyoto, old Japanese capital city. They have obtained unique historical image which have transformed from that of Kyoto. Local governments and tourist offices of these towns have published sightseeing brochures to express their historical attractions. Therefore, the framework of their image can be read from them. Firstly, the contents of historical attraction of each town were examined from two aspects of words on sightseeing brochures; Value Objects and their history (Fig. 1, 2 and 3, Table 1 and 2). Hierarchical relations between Value Objects were considered to capture the whole historical attraction of each town, which are composed of all Value Objects in each sightseeing brochure. These relations were analyzed from the context and the appearance frequency of Value Objects in the text, we found 56 groups of hierarchically-linked Value Objects (Value Groups) (Fig. 4 and 5). Consequently, a set of Value Groups can be recognized as the whole historical attraction of each town from words on the sightseeing brochures. Secondly, according to the content of Value Object which is on the top of hierarchy, the characters of each Value Group were classified into following four categories; whole-of-town type, space-of-town type, life-in-town type, and periphery-of-town type. Space-of-town type and life- in-town type were classified further into four categories; linear-space type, spotted-space type, activity type and article type (Fig. 6). Thirdly, in order to capture the whole historical attraciton of each town, the set of Value Groups in each sightseeing brochure was considered, and 6 patterns were extracted (Table 3). We found characteristic relations between combinations of Value Groups and geographical distribution of the towns; towns located to the east of Kyoto tend to include whole-of-town type, and towns located to the west of Kyoto tend to include space-of-town type. These results suggest the difference of the meaning of Kyoto between eastern and western part of Japan. Finally, all the results above were compared with those of Koedo (little Edo), which were investigated in the previous report (Fig. 7, 8, 9 and 10). As a result, characteristic frameworks of the image of Shokyoto and Koedo were found relatively: The pattern which consists of several whole-of-town types (pattern ウ), and the pattern which includes periphery-of-town type (pattern P) were peculiar to Shokyoto. Meanwhile, the pattern which consists of single life-in-town type (pattern III), and the pattern which consists of several space-of-town types ( pattern IV) were peculiar to Koedo. These results suggest distinctive frameworks of the image of Shokyoto and Koedo: The framework of Shokyoto is a metaphorical image of Kyoto, which overlook the whole character of the town. On the other hand, the framework of Koedo is a metonymic image of Edo, which highlights either spatial or cultural character of the town.
上和田 茂 中島 只義 村田 洋
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.64, no.516, pp.129-135, 1999
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Overlap phenomenon between dry and wet occur on the by-path for players when swimming meet is being held. We made clear the structure of that phenomenon and the cause of it as follows. The connection path between main-pool and sub-pool that is made as dry-zone is used by players as wet-zone. The common path is substitued as circulation to mainpool in wet-zone. The by-path from gallery that must be dry is invaded by wet because of common use between by-path and wet circulation to main pool. In accordance with these analyzation, we designed model plan for improvement.
内山 紀美子 佐々木 伸子
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.14, no.27, pp.281-286, 2008

The Concept of the universal design is necessary in the design of pedestrian space. The pedestrian space is repaired in structural design, but the resting place of a side walk is not fully ensured. The aim of this paper is to discuss how to improve resting place from the results of investigation. As the contents of investigation, the benches of the sidewalk on the outskirts of a station are investigated and the investigated benches were divided into 5 groups. As the results, it is cleared that the plan of establishment of bench by the citizens should be reconsider.
岸 泰子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.69, no.575, pp.147-153, 2004
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The karidono of the naishi-dokom in the imperial palace had been reconstructed repeatedly during the early modern period. The naishi-dokoro had the characteristics of a shrine. The process of the karidoncfe presentation to Goryo Shrine is analyzed in the following three ways: 1) It was imperative for the karidonds presentation to follow precedence; 2) The presentation of the karidono from the palace to Goryo Shrine was so that the structure could be used as a venue for performing ceremonies; 3) Goryo Shrine had received the palace's karidono and used it as a honden. It was the intent of the shrine to develop strong relations with the imperial court.
崎山 俊雄 飯淵 康一 安原 盛彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.689, pp.1631-1640, 2013-07-31 (Released:2013-09-05)

This paper is the third part of the historical study on the houses for employees of Japanese National Railways (JNR). In this paper, especially, the history about the employees' houses from 1906 to 1916 is clarified. The result can be summarized as follows :1.JNR's first standardization of the houses for employees was enacted in 1916. That is able to understand as is inevitable result of the establishment of "Railway Nationalization Act" (1906) and the reorganization of the organization following that law.2.In that standardization of the houses, the floor plannings of 26 divided into 8 grades were defined. And when those floor plannings are analyzed from a viewpoint of a grade, the undividable and precise relation between a job grade and a floor planning of houses is clarified.3.On the other hand, two or more types of floor planning were defined in the same grade in that standardization. That is able to be understood as characteristics against houses for government employees who work in other government offices. However, when the differences in each floor planning in the same grade are analyzed, it is clarified that the meanings of those differences are not necessarily clear.4.As a result, JNR's first standardization of the houses for employees is regarded as the early stage to completion of that.
倉本 洋 勅使川原 正臣 小鹿 紀英 五十田 博
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.66, no.546, pp.79-85, 2001
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This paper shows a method of converting a multi-story building into the equivalent single degree of freedom (SDOF) system, which can be applied to performance-based seismic evaluation methods such as the Capacity Spectrum Method. The feature of the converting method is to use information obtained from non-linear push-over analysis. The validity and applicable scope of the converting method were examined through the earthquake response analyses for several regular and irregular shaped buildings in which the responses of the equivalent SDOF system and the multi degree of freedom system were compared. The analytical results showed that the earthquake responses of not only regular shaped buildings but also irregular ones can be predicted by using SDOF system converted by the proposed method. For relatively high-rise buildings, however, the higher mode effect should appropriately be considered to the response of SDOF system.
近藤 ふみ 定行 まり子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.645, pp.2371-2377, 2009-11-30 (Released:2010-04-01)
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Recently, there has been a great demand for day nursery in Japan. The floor space per person, which is provided in minimum standards for child welfare facility, has not been revised for 60 years though this is the only criterion for the environmental level in day nursery. The purpose of this study is to consider whether it is relevant to use the floor space of eating and napping per person, for the means to reconsider the floor space per person which is not said to be well-founded scientifically. We observed four-year-old-children in detail while they were eating and napping. We also measured each space of nursery rooms. 4 nurseries fulfilling the following criteria were selected; eat and nap in the same room,20-30 children for each class, 2.0m2 per person in nursery room. As a result, we found that eating and napping space is 0.80-1.65m2 and 1.22-1.44m2 per person, respectively. Therefore, we figured that the necessary space of eating was 1.03m2 per person and of napping was 1.40m2 per person, respectively(2.43m2 per person in total)in order to make comfortable nursery room. To conclude, the eating and napping floor space may become one of the effective index to develop the nursery environment hereafter.
三輪 祐仁 夏目 欣昇 若山 滋
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.593, pp.73-78, 2005
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This research aims to clarify the expression of architectural space in relation to the daily lifestyle in the Netherlands by studying the themes and elements that appeared in the paintings from the 17th century. It is because the pictures of this time, which can be referred to as having built the foundations genre paintings and be known and described "golden age" the foundations of paintings expression of architectural space, are realistic. We choose four painters (Jan Steen, Pieter de Hooch, Jan Vermeer, Rembrandt van Raijin) and analyze 125 paintings.
岡河 貢 足立 真 坂本 一成
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.68, no.564, pp.363-369, 2003
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the character of the architectural space as information in the 'complete works of Le Corbusier'. Extract the types on the view point of the sequential organization of the architectural photographs of the work. Show the character of the architectural space as information to analyze the relation between the types and the method of the continuation of the architectural photos and the montage theory of the films.
高橋 祐樹 加藤 信介 小林 敏孝 吉井 光信 上原 茂男 樋口 祥明 高橋 幹雄 石川 敦雄 黒木 友裕 野崎 尚子
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.76, no.662, pp.335-343, 2011-04-30 (Released:2011-07-29)

This study investigated the effect of diurnal thermal changes on the circadian rhythm of human core body temperature, together with secondary effects on other psycho-physiological functioning and intellectual performance. Four male subjects (23 - 25 years of age) were observed under three experimental temperature cycles in a climate chamber. In Case 1, the temperature remained fixed at 24°C (control); in Case 2, a constant temperature of 24°C during the morning and the afternoon was raised to 27°C at 6 PM and remained constant during the evening, to evaluate the effects of body heating before sleep; in Case 3, the temperature control schedule is similar to Case 2 with the exception of the changing time, not at 6 PM but at noon, to reflect the normal circadian increase in core body temperature (CBT) in the afternoon. The change of the thermal environment caused amplitude increment or phase advance in rectal temperature (RT). Measurements based on electrocardiographs, salivary cortisol levels, psychological measurement tools and intellectual tests illustrated the beneficial effects of the temperature control. The results reveal that control of the thermal environment in spaces based on the circadian rhythm may regulate RT rhythm, leading to improvement in psycho-physiological state and intellectual performance of occupants.
水野 雅之 大宮 喜文 若松 孝旺
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.6, no.10, pp.129-134, 2000
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An interview survey was carried out on the hotel employees concerning the human behavior in a fire at Shirahama. The employees were interviewed about time interval from awaring unusual occurrence to evacuation start. The information obtained by the interview survey was arranged as the figure of the time series. The time axis of the figure refered survey of fire brigade and so on. Further, the figure which indicates the condition of fire, the propagation range of smoke and burnt odor and human behavior in initial fire was developed. As the summarization, it was clear why human evacuation was successful in this hotel fire.
大野 隆造 金子 いづみ 小林 美紀
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.21, no.47, pp.265-268, 2015-02-20 (Released:2015-02-20)

This study quantitatively examines the behavior of pedestrians moving close to a person with a trolley bag or baby stroller. The data will prove useful in estimating how much extra space needs to be allowed for those with such gear, for example in a railroad station or other transport facility. The experiment was conducted on a crowded street in a Tokyo business district during the morning commute. A male assistant hired for the experiment was asked to walk in three directions with respect to pedestrian flow in four conditions for a total of 12 experimental situations. The study revealed how large evasive space is required in each situation.
林 理 伊藤 昭浩 阿部 文昭 中村 康一 持田 泰秀
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.4, no.6, pp.95-98, 1998
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Taking into account the earthquake-resistant design standards in effect when the building was designed, new earthquake-resistant design criteria were established for the retrofit, to check the earthquake-resistant safety of the retrofit design. Structural and functional considerations led to a choice of laminated rubber for the isolator material. The results of vibration analysis using a mass system model demonstrated that the earthquake motion input into the building would be reduced substantially by the retrofitwork. It was also shown that the work would substantially meet the earthquake-resistant design criteria. Three-dimensional vibration analysis was also carried out using a solid frame model to calculate the margin of safety of each structural member would be earthquake-resistant.
山本 剛 井上 正文
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.81, no.724, pp.959-969, 2016 (Released:2016-06-30)

An eruption of Mt. Ontake on September 27, 2014, which was small scale stream eruption with about 500,000 ton volcanic products, caused 47 deaths and 6 missing. Though volcanoes take on serious aspect in actively in Japan, the concern with the effect of falling of volcanic ash in huge eruption to buildings has been growing. A large volume of ash fall can destroy a building or lead to a catastrophe causing tragic loss of human life. It is important to understand of a characteristic of sliding of volcanic ash depositing on the roof to estimate an amount of accumulation of volcanic ash on the roof. The aim of the present work is to observe behavior of volcanic ash on pitched roof and to understand the basic characteristics of the sliding of volcanic ash on the roof using a model testing. The model testing was carried out using a roof model consisted of two components: one was a roof and another was a supporting structure that held up the roof. These two components were jointed each other with a pin-connected which allowed the roof rotate and replace the roof to another type of roofs; an opposite side of the joint was connected to a crane attached on a ceiling in a laboratory. Four types of roof were prepared to investigate an effect of surface roughness of roof materials and shape of a surface of the roofs on the sliding. The types of roof covers were cement tile, plane Galvalume steel plate, plane Galvalume steel plate with straight line roofing and Galvalume steel plate with seven steel plates substituted for snow steps. The sliding of volcanic ash on the roof could be occurred when the crane pulled a free end of the roof upward. The pitch of the roof was increased until the falling of volcanic ash depositing on the roof was observed and a drop amount of the volcanic ash from a roof and a pitch of a roof were measured when the sliding of the volcanic ash stopped. Two kinds of volcanic ash which were spouted from Mt. Sakurajima in 2014 and from Mt. Shinmoedake in 2011 were accumulated on the roofs. Each roof had a unique characteristic of sliding of volcanic ash when a drop amount of the volcanic ash from the roof reached to same value. This result suggested that the sliding of volcanic ash on the roof depended on surface roughness of roof material and shape of a surface of the roof. A trapezoid model which approximated to a cross-section shape of volcanic ash on the roof was developed to calculate an angle of a slope φ of the volcanic ash which was a value of the angle of slope when the sliding was over. The angle of a slope φ was closed to an angle of internal friction when the pitch of roof was small; it gradually decreased close to 70% of an initial value. A pitch of the roof θMAX which was maximal angle that the volcanic ash could accumulate was calculated by extrapolation of the angle of a slope φ. The values were in the range of 21° to 26°. This result suggested that sliding would occur and could cause serious damage to buildings in huge eruption. These results indicated that the sliding of the volcanic ash would be one of issues in volcanic disaster prevention in Japan and the angle of a slope φ could be main factor to understand the sliding. Further research on angle of a slope φ was needed to clarify the characteristics of the sliding.