彦坂 渉 田中 直人
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.68, no.570, pp.57-63, 2003-08-30 (Released:2017-02-09)
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The present, we are left various problem and subjects when we go ahead with city planning of welfare.For example, there are many factors of stairs, slopes and so on. Their problems prevent user of a wheel chair from running comfortably in the city. Especially, on the sidewalk, This study states one of important problems, that is a direction of a slope. For a front wheel is free wheel, some user usually take with acts of revising line. We think wheel chair users are burdened with this action seriously. The purpose in this study.I make clear the relevance to the moving speed.the locus and difficulty by experiment with the wheelchair and that investigate judging from the state of the speed or the locus is possible or not.
漆崎 昇 水野 稔 下田 吉之 酒井 寛二
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.549, pp.75-82, 2001-11-30 (Released:2017-02-04)
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Using limited extension effect summation method based on the 1985, 1990 and 1995 Input / Output Tables in Japan, the environmental loads (material consummations and carbon emissions) from construction activities are estimated. Total Japanese carbon emissions are 1,053 Mt-CO_2 in 1985, 1,251 Mt-CO_2 in 1990, and 1,363 Mt-CO_2 in 1995. The percentages occupied by construction related of Japanese carbon emission are 40.9%in 1985, 42.8% in 1990, and 42.8% in 1995. Regard to carbon emission per unit floor area, the carbon emission from construction materials production is decreased, but the carbon emissions from transportation and processing process are increased.
渕上 貴代 河村 悠希 末廣 香織
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.779, pp.95-104, 2021 (Released:2021-01-30)
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From Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake happened in 1995, Japanese temporary housing for natural disaster was supposed to be prefabricated light-weight steel building. However, since the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, timber temporary housings have been provided. In Japan, the production system of timber houses has been developed drastically after the introduction of so called ‘pre-cut’, a kind of prefabrication system. Nowadays even small local construction company can provide a simple timber housing in about 1.5 month. For the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake 683 out of 4,303 units were made of timber. Those timber housing foundations were made of reinforced concrete, which is contrary to the conventional timber pile one and was intentionally chosen for the future permanent use. Temporary housing is determined by law to be demolished two years later. Therefore, people who cannot reconstruct their houses by themselves within that two years is forced to move to ‘disaster public housing’ which is also build by the government. To change the living place many times is big mental burden for victims and construction costs and resources are also wasteful. Therefore, we think the diversion of timber temporary housing is effective for those issues. We interviewed the officers who were in charge of temporary housing in Kumamoto pref. and municipalities in the area. We summarize the points of this paper below.  Conditions that the municipalities chose the timber temporary housing (Chapter 3, 4) (1) In Kumamoto case, it was easy to choose the timber in region which population density of habitable area is low and damage was little. (2) Each municipality had gradually recognized the merit of timber house as time went on. Table. 1 shows that the ratio of light-weight steel building supply was high in the beginning, but the ratio of timber one became higher as the construction ended. (3) Timber housing is not standardized but has high adaptability. Barrier-free temporary housing was made of timber (Photo 3). And light-weight steel prefabricated one needs wide road to bring construction machinery in. (4) Some municipalities answered it will take more time to provide the timber housings because of not only construction period but also time for consultation with the prefecture.  Conditions that the timber temporary housing can be diverted to the permanent housing (Chapter 6, 7) (1) In Kumamoto case, it was easy to divert the timber temporary housings constructed in small public land such as former public housing site, unused public land, park and square. (2) If the municipality can prepare the alternative land, they will get more extend possibilities to divert the timber temporary housings built in playing field and park based on City Parks Act. (3) When the timber temporary housing is diverted in private land, the municipality need to negotiate the land owner. Especially in case farmland, they should consider that it will take longer period and will cost a lot to obtain the permission of diversion. (4) Though the timber temporary housings in Kumamoto were diverted in the same way, we can extend the possibility of timber temporary housings by considering other utilizations after diversion according to each municipality's conditions.
澤島 智明 松原 斎樹 藏澄 美仁 松原 小夜子 荒井 麻里
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.67, no.554, pp.69-76, 2002-04-30 (Released:2017-02-04)
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The indoor thermal environment and the residents' lifestyle in 8 thermally insulated prefabricated houses in the Kansai area were investigated. This report discusses the heating, room temperature, and usage of living space in these houses, comparing it with houses without insulation. The results are summarized as follows : 1) The residents of the prefabricated houses use kotatsus (tables with small heaters to warm the legs under the table and a skirt around the table to hold the heat in) and electric carpets because of the low temperature just above the floor level and additional heating apparatus because of the morning coldness. The room temperatures, however, are higher than in the houses without insulation. 2) In the houses without insulation, lack of heat retention causes the low temperature just above the floor level. In the prefabricated houses, it is caused by insufficient heater capacity and intermittent heating. 3) When the residents want to relax in the living room, they can't choose the seating style except sitting on the floor directly to use kotatsus or electric carpets because of the low temperature.
土屋 和男
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.687, pp.1151-1160, 2013-05-30 (Released:2013-06-10)

Kindai-Sukisha (a master of the tea ceremony in modern age) made many wooden high-class Japanese style residences. ‘Inakaya’ (country cottage) is a kind of teahouse by Kindai-Sukisha. This article regarded ‘Inakaya’ as a style of the residence in modernization. And it aims at clarifying the origin of ‘Inakaya’ and the process of change from the descriptions in the tea party records by Kindai-Sukisha. The house called an ‘Inakaya’ changed from the small hut to the reconstructed big farmhouse. The point of view of ‘Inakaya’ is that create new style of teahouse by Kindai-Sukisha himself, without an architect or a master of tea.
パランボ湊石 ローレン麗子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.513, pp.275-284, 1998-11-30 (Released:2017-02-02)
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The focus of this investigation is the identification, analysis, and interpretation of a significant building type of the Japanese immigrants that served as a critical indicator for social change: the Japanese Buddhist temple. The earliest of the four distinct Buddhist temple styles to evolve in Hawaii, what can be identified as the "Plantation Style", began in the later 19th century and early 20th century when the Japanese immigrants first arrived in large numbers to work the sugar plantations. The "Plantation Style" marks the beginning of an established organization in the Japanese community during a time of struggle and uncertainty. The "Plantation Style" utilized a simple technology consisting of tongue-and-groove boards assembled in "single wall" method based on the humble housing provided for the workers by sugar companies. This thesis defines the "Plantation Style" type through the definition of its design characteristics, including plan and scale, structural characteristics, material use, and decoration. In order to clearly illustrate these design characteristics, the analysis of three built examples is presented here; the Lawai Shingon Mission (1926), the Holualoa Shingon Mission (1927), and the Wainaku Jodo Mission(1917).
奥矢 恵 北川 洋
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.781, pp.1073-1081, 2021 (Released:2021-03-30)

On Mt. Fuji, especially from the late Edo era, great numbers of pilgrims who belonged to Fuji-ko societies made worship ascents from the Yoshida Trail. Wooden huts, serving as teahouses, provided pilgrims with water from Sengen shrine at the foot of Mt. Fuji to the 5th station. Above the 5th station, stone huts managed lodgings. However, in Showa 39 (1964), the teahouses were closed upon the opening of the Fuji Subaru Line, a scenic toll road to the 5th station. As we have already confirmed the transition and construction method of stone huts from the Edo era to the Showa 30s, here, we investigate the teahouses by examining historical materials and conducting field surveys on their remains on the Yoshida Trail. Mt. Fuji climbing tourism continued to evolve. At the end of the Taisho era (–1926), the locations and numbers of teahouses that had been established during the end of the Edo era changed. In particular, new construction occurred around the 5.5th station. The teahouse floor plans inherited from the Edo era consisted of a room with an earthen floor, a living room, and a fireplace. We found three other types of floor plans for the main hut based on documents drawn in the Showa 30s. The first divided the room and included a kitchen instead of a fireplace, the second expanded the lean-to roof and added rooms underneath, and the third, which was based on the former two, extended guestrooms along the trail. Furthermore, more than half of the teahouses had attached huts. These plans show how the teahouses changed and added rooms from the Edo era to the Showa era. The teahouse construction method was simple, involving local resources, stones and wood, and opened to the trail. Many wooden members were not lumbers but logs and some parts seemed to be nonprofessionally finished. The narrow rectangular floor plans along the trail were hirairi (enter from the parallel side of the edge of roof) and had gable or hipped roof. The interior consisted of an earthen floor at the entrance and a wooden floor in the living room with a fireplace or a kitchen. The roof structure had no ceiling. The expanded guestrooms were covered with tatami mats and had a tokonoma (alcove) and saobuchi tenjyo (decorative ceiling). The roof was covered with shingles and initially held in place with stones, followed by zinc-coated steel. The outer walls and the inner partitions were composed of wooden boards. The outer walls were initially boarded with nuki (joinery) between the columns, and later covered again with weatherboards. The teahouses seemed to have been constructed using nearly the same method, independent of location. In addition, more than half of the teahouses had a resting place, and two types of construction methods depending on the location were confirmed. Below the 1st station, the width of the trail was wide, and teahouses lined both sides of the trail. Resting places were found under the lean-to roofs facing the trail. Above the 3rd station, where the trail was narrow, rest huts were found opposite the main hut. These attached rest huts, which appeared to be of temporary construction, were located on the valley side of the trail and provided a magnificent view. These resting places were also constructed of logs.
立花 美緒 安田 幸一 宮本 文人
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.87, no.793, pp.510-520, 2022-03-01 (Released:2022-03-01)

This study investigated English lessons and physical settings at ten schools in Denmark. First, English education and space used in English lessons were examined by interviews with teachers. Next, behavior observations of students and teachers in English lessons were conducted. Teachers are found considering that adequate open spaces have good effects on English lessons, especially speaking English and group works. The characteristics of the fifteen English lessons were clarified through exploring the relationship of contents, activities, and system of settings.
立花 美緒 藤井 佳人 安田 幸一 宮本 文人
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.775, pp.1841-1851, 2020 (Released:2020-09-30)

It has been a growing concern to educators not only to support students to acquire the knowledge and skills of each subject but also to develop the students' broader competencies for their life and society. Dewey (1900) discussed it in School and Society. Rychen and Salganik (2006) proposed key competencies in the OECD DeSeCo project; use tools interactively, interact in heterogeneous groups, and act autonomously. In terms of space for interaction and socializing students, this paper focuses on the central common space like a square in schools, 'common core, ' Kuhn (2012) mentioned as one of the four characteristic features new schools share. This study investigated the spatial composition and use of common cores in five upper secondary schools, 'gymnasier' in Denmark, where central common spaces in upper secondary school architectures have been developed since the 1970s. First, functions, spatial composition, and environmental elements of the common core were examined by analysis of architectural drawings and on-site surveys. Next, interviews with teachers on the use of common cores and behavior observations of students and teachers were conducted. It was found that school buildings with common cores were designed not to have too many total floor areas by the ambiguity of common cores; they had multiple functions, such as lounge, auditorium, canteen, and open classrooms at the same time or by time-sharing. One of the sample schools also deleted another function from the school building programme by using public facilities instead and managed spaces for class efficiently with an online reservation system. In terms of defense, natural surveillance was taken into account in the five common cores, where students were staying near the entrance. For administrations or rooms of teachers or staff are adjacent to them. Some common cores were found to be composed of various scaled realms. Teachers considered common cores more importantly as flexible spaces for interactions, events, and students' autonomous actions than specific functional spaces such as the canteen, auditorium, entrance. They appreciated the common core's visibility, transparency, and having the heart of the whole school. On the other hand, some students grew more independent with the openness of common cores, but others might not overcome it. Acoustic absorption, the balance of open and closed space, and creating various spaces were considered indispensable. A mid- to long-term plan for maintenance should be drawn up on the grounds of their air volume and the fact that some air conditioning were left broken there. Students selected relatively small enclosed realms for group work in class and self-study rather than large main spaces. Spatial articulations and segments were, therefore, considered to be effective as learning environments in the common cores. The characteristics of common cores in the five schools were clarified through exploring the relationship between space composition, use, and behavior of students and teachers.
加戸 啓太 青野 敏紀 平沢 岳人
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.742, pp.3259-3268, 2017 (Released:2017-12-30)

Visual programming has quickly become widely used tool for algorithmic design in the past several years. Because the contents of visual programming are easy to understand and intuitive, it is also leveraged for describing design process. On the other hand, the authors studied 3D based knowledge representation for traditional wooden architecture or wooden skeleton structures houses. In previous studies, detailed 3D models could be created using parametric part classes which were defined with text programming; however, contents in the part classes were complicated and unsuitable for sharing as knowledge, challenging the requirement that the part classes and parts structure should be represented clearly. In this paper, the authors attempt the executable graphical representation of building system for traditional tokyo-bu by using visual programming. Through the development of a visual programming system, multiple ways of representation are considered. Representation methods with visual programming are studied based on two themes: part class including design method and parts structure. In the study of design method, eight types of components are defined: parameter, variable, vertex, segment, plane, solid, process and func. The components are similar to a craftsman's work. Process components include sawing and chiseling by subtracting solids from a solid. Func components imply drawing practices such as drawing perpendicular bisector or solving intersection of two lines. By using the components and directed connectors which have an entry sequence, the design method for masu and hijiki are descripted graphically. The design method has some inputs for parametric forming. To represent systematized proportionality relations which are typified as kiwari, a base of part class comprises two kinds of information, design method, and its inputs, which are described with parameters and variables. By this composition, part classes for masu, which are based some traditional drafting rules, are represented as organized diagrams. A base of part classes for hijiki, which are based on traditional rules called kansatsu, is also represented. Parts structure based on part classes in the preceding section results in a complex diagram. Many components and connecters are employed for describing the location of each part. It is shown that mistakable redundant description, such as a redefinition of a variable. To solve this issue, the authors incorporate a technique called scene graph. Scene graph is a technique for creating a tree-structured 3D scene. The technique establishes a Parent-child relation, which makes a tree-structure containing relative attitudes and the locations of each part that are calculated by pursuing relations. Relative attitudes to connectible parts type are added to the description of the part classes. Finally, the part class is represented with three kinds of information, design method, its inputs, and contestability. The behavior of a part will be represented by the part class. With these part classes, part structures of tokyo-bu are represented clearly. The representation shows a formal order for dimensions of parts. Connections of each part also illustrate its assembly. Processing systems for visual programming are also shown. It makes the graphical representation executable. The system consists of a visual programming editor, database, for managing components and connectors in editor, and interpreter to convert visual programming into executable scripts. The authors conclude that the part class, including the design method, and the parts structure is clearly represented through visual programming. Executable graphical description with visual programming could be used for knowledge representation for building system.
吉田 亨 玉川 英則 新保 雅之
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.59, no.463, pp.133-138, 1994-09-30 (Released:2017-01-27)

"Uranihon" is a name of the sections of Honsyu along the Sea of Japan. But it sometimes means the undeveloped part of Japan, too, because the prefix "lira" has a negative nuance in Japanese. This paper analyzes frequence of using and the transition of meaning of the word by using old local newspapers in Niigata Prefecture since mid Meiji era, and investigates the historical background. In result,the periods when the word was frequently used were Showa tens and Showa thirties and in the both periods the meaning of the word deeply reflected the historical background.
池上 重康 越野 武 角 幸博
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.59, no.466, pp.153-162, 1994-12-30 (Released:2017-01-27)

There, since 1922, lived several professors of the newly founded School of Medicine, Hokkaido University, in Kita 10-11 Nishi 3 blocks, Kita-ku, Sapporo. In the community called "Igakubu-bunkamura", they had certain relationship to the activities of the Bunka-Seikatsu Kenkyukai (Modern Life Society) promoted by Dr. Kokichi Morimoto, and wrote some essays on the society's jounal "Bunka-Seikatsu". We could, by statements and photographs of their relatives, observe that they achieved some improvements in their houses : the use of hard floors for drawing rooms, studies and dining rooms, and of glass window panes, the improvement of engawa, the utilization of space between ceiling and roof.
岩松 準 遠藤 和義
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.88, no.803, pp.237-245, 2023-01-01 (Released:2023-01-01)

In the many construction marketplaces in Japan, number of participants per bid has gradually decreased over the long term. Especially in the Tokyo metropolitan area, the number of single-bids has gradually increased. And that exposed some competition policy issues. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government had tried to cancel some single-bids in one-year period start from June 2017, but it had been abandoned due to the industry’s opposition and interference of public works projects by that measure etc. Large number of bid result data for building works over 20 years mainly for public building works in the Kanto region were analyzed.
八藤後 猛 野村 歡
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.61, no.488, pp.159-164, 1996-10-30 (Released:2017-02-02)
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Researched the usage of Hoists, Table lift, Stair lift, and Home elevator used in homes. Recognized that those equipments not only reduce the physical workload of a family, but also help reduce the mental burden of both a disabled person and his or her family. Those are used in daily life and improve the quality of life. However, since the houses must be remodeled to install those equipments, most user currently own their own houses. Therefore, it is difficult for the people who need these to install immediately. Also, the number of accident while using those machines is low, and no serious accident has occurred. Yet most people worry about the safety of using those machines, except home elevators, so better safety measures for those are required in the future.
真木 利江
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.648, pp.511-516, 2010-02-28 (Released:2010-06-07)

The aim of this paper is to clarify the spatial composition of landscape paintings drawn as hanging scroll by Sesshu. The elements that compose landscapes are divided into topographical, arboreal and artificial. The landscapes are analyzed by considering the arrangement of these elements transformed into the three-dimensional frame. In consequence, these can be divided into five types, and each spatial composition is illustrated with isometric projection: 1)Curving by one side, 2)Curving by both sides, 3)Zigzag line, 4)Intermitting and Rising, and 5)Contrast of near and far. And the spatial relation of these types is cleared in view of the spatial vector.
高橋 達 宿谷 昌則
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.61, no.482, pp.43-50, 1996-04-30 (Released:2017-01-28)
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We developed a method to calculate entropy values associated with mutual diffusion of substances and to articulate an exergy-entropy process of human body in terms of water and other inorganic substances. The purpose is to have a better understanding of the consumption process of freshwater resource of human body. It was found that human body consumes 95% of the supplied exergy of inorganic matter and disposes of the rest, namely 5%, with urine. The amount of water, 1.0〜1.6kg/day, which is required by human body, was confirmed to be optimum for maintaining actively the state of exergy in terms of inorganic matters in human body, while consuming the least exergy of freshwater. The disposal of entropy generated within human body by urination makes room for consuming exergy contained by freshwater.
長谷川 兼一 吉野 博 後藤 伴延
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.85, no.768, pp.169-176, 2020 (Released:2020-02-28)
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According to statistical data reported by the Japanese government, the major causes of death for Japanese people are cancer, heart disease and cerebrovascular disease. The incidence rate of cerebrovascular disease in particular is higher during winter than summer (Hayama, 2011). One possible reason for this seasonal difference is that exposure to low temperatures can cause fluctuations in blood pressure. In houses with poor thermal insulation, indoor temperature differences between heated and non-heated spaces, such as the bathroom, corridors, and lavatory can be larger during winter. Many houses in the Tohoku region have a poor thermal environment during winter, and the incidence rate of cerebrovascular disease in this area is the highest compared to the other areas in Japan. Hasegawa and Yoshino (1985) investigated indoor thermal environment in houses of Yamagata prefecture, which is included in Tohoku region, during the heating season and the death rate of cerebrovascular disease in 1983 and 1984. As a result, the temperature difference between the heated living room and the unheated rooms was found to be great. Also it was revealed that if the lavatory temperature was low or the bedroom was not heated, the occupants living in such houses statistically tended to be susceptible to cerebral vascular accident. In order to clarify the association between the indoor environment of residential buildings and cerebrovascular disease, an epidemiological survey of 188 elderly persons living in Yamagata Prefecture in the Tohoku region of Japan was conducted. The specific areas investigated included three rural towns (former Yahata town, former Haguro town and Asahi town) and these areas are same as the investigated areas about 30 years ago. The survey was divided into three phases. The first phase (Phase 1) was a cross-sectional questionnaire on housing characteristics related to the indoor thermal environment and occupants' lifestyle habits among elderly persons. This paper describes the results obtained from this questionnaire and presents the characteristics of the indoor thermal environment and occupants' lifestyle habits during winter. Moreover, an association between the increase in rate of death due to cerebrovascular disease and factors that influenced the indoor environment of houses is examined using multivariable logistic regression analysis. The multivariable logistic regression analysis shows that always feeling a draft in the living room while operating heating equipment (AOR, 8.14; 95%CI, 1.55-42.8) and low temperature in a living room at morning (AOR, 0.87; 95%CI, 0.78-0.98) was positively associated with an increased rate of death due to cerebrovascular disease for former Yahata town. These results indicate that a poor indoor thermal environment may contribute to an increase in the rate of death due to cerebrovascular disease. In addition, a high salt diet may contribute to the onset of cerebrovascular disease. When participants moved from a living room to a bathroom during winter, they reported thermal sensations, such as ‘warm’, ‘neutral’ and ‘cold’. AOR for ‘cold’ when entering a bathroom (AOR, 0.17; 95%CI, 0.05–0.58) was significant for former Yahata. These results indicate that occupants in this town did not feel cold, although the indoor temperatures among surveyed towns were similar. AOR for light clothing when staying at home was significant for former Yahata town and participants were thinly dressed during heating season. Therefore they may be more readily exposed to a cold indoor environment than other towns.
柴田 宗典 石突 光隆 対馬 銀河
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.88, no.803, pp.56-67, 2023-01-01 (Released:2023-01-01)

This study tries to develop the estimation method of pedestrian OD flow in railway station with applying AI movie processing to measure cross-sectional flow volume and enhanced entropy maximization model which can deal with passenger volume on several routes. Firstly, this paper shows measurement accuracy of cross-sectional flow volume might be enough and measurement error can be in accordance with normal distribution. Secondly, reproductivity of the enhanced entropy maximization model is evaluated by numerical experiments. This study concludes that proposed model possibly estimates OD flow from cross-sectional flow volume data with adequate accuracy trough a day.
楠 拓也 吉川 徹 讃岐 亮
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.88, no.803, pp.212-223, 2023-01-01 (Released:2023-01-01)

This research aims to clarify the related structure of regional characteristics and the distribution of medical and long-term care resources in secondary medical areas throughout Japan. Structural equation modeling was applied to variables concerning regional characteristics, the number of hospital beds, and the capacity of long-term care insurance facilities. The results suggest that urbanity and depopulation as latent factors of regional characteristics are indirectly related to the distribution of medical and long-term care resources through the concentricity of the elderly which is higher in the suburb. This may lead to the need for relaxation of zoning regulation on related facilities.
紺野 良文 森 太郎 岩間 雄介
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.83, no.751, pp.729-736, 2018 (Released:2018-09-30)
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Introduction Households in “Fuel Poverty” is defined as the households which need to spend more than 10% of its income on all fuel use and to heat its home to an adequate standard of warmth. Fuel Poverty is caused by three factors: low income, high fuel price and poor energy efficiency of a home. In cold climate region, people need to use heating to keep warm, but households in Fuel Poverty cannot afford to heat their house adequately. In this research, we investigated Fuel Poverty (hereafter FP) in Hokkaido with questionnaires and public statistic data. Literature review A report published from DECC1) indicates three household groups who have older adults, who have children, and who have people with long-term care and disabled are tend to be in FP. Sunderland3) wrote the definition and the policy in England. The policy against FP has three categories, 1st, Measures to support income for low-income households, 2nd, Measures to improve the energy efficiency of houses, 3rd, Measures to discount energy prices. The government in England has spent £41.6 billion on the measures. The measure to support income has the biggest rate, 72%. But Sunderland wrote that the most important measure is to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. Although there are many types of research about an actual situation of FP in England and other Europian countries, there is a few research for FP in Japan. The research in Europian countries indicated that there is the relationship between FP and the risk of health even in younger generations. We should immediately implement the research on FP in Northern Japan where the climate is colder than Europian countries. Actual situation of FP in Hokkaido We conducted a questionnaire survey in three areas to investigate the actual condition of FP in Hokkaido, The results of the questionnaire in Biei town and Sunagawa city were used to analyze the situation of FP with older adults. The result of the questionnaire in K school student was used to analyze the situation of FP with younger people. We used the equations (1), (2), and (3) to calculate energy cost. Those costs are used to judge whether it was a household with FP. In elderly households, the FP rates are high, when the householder is female, the number of people in the household is small, and the households live in a house with low energy efficiency. In younger households, the FP rates are high, when the age of householders are under 39 or over 60, and the number of people in the households is large. Also, we analyzed the regional situation of FP with Housing and Land Survey, 2013. As the result of the analysis. The rate in the southern Sorachi area where coal mines were located in is very high. On the other hand, the FP rates in Sapporo suburb are low. Fig. 18 and 19 indicated the relationship among FP rate, HDD, the rate of the house built before 1980, and the rate of households who have under 3M yen/year. FP rate has good correlation with the rate of the house built before 1980 and the rate of household who has income under 3M yen. But the correlation between FP rate and HDD is not better than other indexes.