牧 郁子 関口 由香 山田 幸恵 根建 金男
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.51, no.3, pp.298-307, 2003-09

本研究は,学習性無力感(Seligman & Maier、1967)における随伴性認知に改めて着目し,新かな無気力感のメカニズムを検討することを目的とした。そこで,近年問題視されている中学生の無気力感の改善を鑑みて,以下の研究を行った。研究1では,随伴性認知の測定尺度「中学生版・主観的随伴経験尺度 (PECS)]の標準化を試みた。その結果,2因子(随伴経験・非随伴経験)からなる尺度が作成され,信頼性・妥当性が実証された。研究2では,まず不登校の中学生の無気力感と随伴性認知との関係を検討するために, PECSを不登群・登校群それぞれに実施したところ,差が認められなかった。このことから,登校生徒も不登校生徒と同程度に,随伴経験の欠如や非随伴経験の多さを有している可能性が示唆された。この結果を受けて,登校している中学生の無気力感と随伴性認知との関連を検討するため,担任教師の行動評定によって群分けされた無気力感傾向高群・低群生徒におけるPECSの得点を分析した。その結果,随伴経験因子において差が認められ,中学生の無気力感は非随伴経験の多さよりも随伴経験の少なさに起因する可能性があることが示された。
柏木 繁男
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.16, no.4, pp.13-25, 1968-12

One of the purposes of this paper is to apply the theory of the failure distribution of system reliability (e. g., cf. Barlow et al ; 1967) to the analysis of the frequency distribution of tes scores. Assuming that test scores, x s, correlate positively with a underlying ability, we define as follows : R(x)=1-F(x) and R(0)=1, (1) where F(x)=・^x_0 f(t)dt. And further we define λ(x)=F'(x)/(1-F(X))=f(x)/(1-F(x))=-R'(x)/R(x), (2) which is called the ratio of success. From (2) we get R(x)=exp{-・^x_0λ(t)dt} F(x)=1-exp{-・^x_0λ(t)dt} (3) (Davis ; 1952, McGill et al ; 1965). Another one of the purposes is to recommend for the use of "Weibull" (1952) distribution in order to analyze the frequency distribution of test scores. The distribution has often been used in the studies of system reliability because of its wide applicability. We define the ration of success of this distribution as follows : λ(x)=m/α(x-γ)^<m-1>, x&ge;γ ; 0, x&le;γ. (12) Then, R(x)=exp{-(x-γ)^m/α} {F(x)=1-exp{-(x-γ)^m/α} (10) are obtained. Here, m, α, and γ are shape, scale, and location parameters. Tha shape parameter m of weibull distribution plays an important role in discriminating the degree of the difficulties and validities of psychological tests. We investigate several data by Lord (1952) and it is shown that the shape parameter m is a suprisingly useful and powerful measure inpsychological testing (cf. Fig. 1). Finally, it should be noted the follwoing. That is, our proposal which is based upon a differential equation model is comparable to Lord's (1952) integral equation model in that the former aims to analyze directly the frequency distribution of test scores and the latter to estimate true-score or latent trait distribution.
森 和代
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.36, no.1, pp.45-50, 1988-03-30

Independence is, as often said, one of the most important factors in child's personality development, and of the most interesting subjects in the field of child's growth. In this report on child's independence, two subjects were studied. One was to analyze the factors of independence of 8 & 9-year-old from their replies to the questionnaire developed by the author mainly referring to the "Diagnostic Test of Independence (D.T.I.)". The questionnaire included 45 items with a 4-point scale for responses. The second subject was to find correlation between the factors of 'independence' and 'causal attribution' measured with Kambara et. al.'s Causal Attribution Scale for lower grade primary school children. These two scales were distributed to 136 third-graders. As a result, the following six factors of independence were extracted : 1. Self-decision-making, 2. Autonomous life style, 3. Spontaneous self expression, 4. Decision for action, 5. Steady life style, 6. Challenging. It was also found that a relation between 'independence' and 'causal attribution' was most distinct with factors No. 4 and No. 6.