田中 雅一
vol.2012, pp.63, 2012

川口 幸大
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.84, no.2, pp.153-171, 2019

柄木田 康之
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.81, no.3, pp.485-503, 2016 (Released:2018-02-23)

オセアニアの共同体オリエンテーションが顕著な公共圏の特質は、外部の批判者によって市民社会を欠くと批判される。他方、過度に規範化された公共性の概念自体が、オセアニアに限らず、サバルタン的公共圏を抑圧排除していると批判されてきた。この対立は、単一文化主義的国民統合と多文化主義的国民統合の対立を想起させる。多文化主義も文化の異なる中間集団を相互に媒介しえず、中間集団を統合するのは国家でしかないと批判されるのである。このような状況で、公共圏、国民統合の研究における人類学の貢献は、中間カテゴリーとしての公共圏の相互関係を民族誌的に特定することである。本稿では新興国家ミクロネシア連邦の中心島嶼に位置する主流派社会と少数 離島社会の在地の論理によって実践される共生の様態を報告した。 ヤップ州の本離島関係には交易ネットワークの連鎖に基づく領域と、本島と離島をカテゴリーとして対比する領域が存在する。本島離島の二元化は第二次大戦後の米国信託統治の枠組みで生じ、独立後、離島出身公務員のアソシエーションの枠組みともなった。しかし交易ネットワークの関係はヤップ本島と離島という二元的なカテゴリーに変換されてしまったわけではなく、今日離島出身者のヤップ本島での生存戦略の中で流用されている。 ポーンペイ州のカピンガマランギ人は、米国統治初期の農村入植プログラムを通じて、首長国の称号を獲得し、称号を与える祭宴を開くほどポーンペイ島の首長国に統合された。しかし行政主導の貨幣経済化が進行するにつれて、カピンガマランギ人は雇用機会、手工芸品販売を求め、他の民族集団と同様に孤立化した。しかし入植村の権利や首長国の称号は、放棄されることなく、保持された。 ヤップ州とポーンペイ州の双方で、近代政治体制の導入により、エスニックな差異に類する対立関係が形成されながらも、主流島嶼と少数離島の間では互酬性による共生が維持されているのである。
渡部 瑞希
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.83, no.1, pp.78-94, 2018

西川 麦子
vol.2018, 2018

岡野 英之
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.84, no.1, pp.19-38, 2019

金子 正徳
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.72, no.1, pp.1-20, 2007

中屋敷 千尋
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.79, no.3, pp.241-263, 2014-12-31 (Released:2017-04-03)

小松 和彦
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.39, no.2, pp.130-158, 1974

Manokusa Taro (A Lazy Boy) is one of the most famous tales in Otogi-Zoshi, a collection of short popular tales formed through Muromachi Era and early Edo Era. For an analysis of the tale, the following procedures are taken in this paper . First, its sequential structure obtained through morphological analysis is presented. Second, its component elements are extracted and re-arranged into various schemes of binary oppositions. Third, the relations between the sequential structure and the schemes of binary oppositions are considered on the assumption that the whole text forms a system of paragrammatical network. Many features of analytical interest have emerged as a result of these procedures, but in this paper only two problems are taken up. The first is concerned with the validity of the strongly supported theory that the tale should be included in the category of Honji tales. The second is an old problem as to why the protagonist Taro changes his character or role so often in accordance with different situations ; lazy beggar→faithful servant→reckless bandit→good poet→handsome nobleman→deity of love. The morphologcal structure common to Honji tales is generally as follows ; protagonist of noble or sacred origin degrades himself by some misfortunes and after a long wandering in exile filled with much suffering somehow re-establishes himself in his former status. Tales of this type usually account for the origins of certain Buddhism and/or Shinto deities. Adopting Bremond's morphological models, it is possible to say that Honji tales consist morhologically of "processus de degradation" and of "processus d'amelioration". In the tale in question, however, Taro is a lazy beggar apparently humble origin in the beginning, his noble descent being disclosed only at the end of the story. Thus we find in it only the "processus d'amelioration". For this reason, it is not appropriate to regard it as a Hanji tale. It could even be argued that the tale is a parody of Honji tales, a subject not discussed in this paper.
杉本 良男
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.43, no.1, pp.39-62, 1978

This paper is an attempt to present a structural analysis of the religious system of the Sinhalese of Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Anthropological study of the religion and society in South Asia has made great progress since SRINIVAS'S classic "Religion and Society among the Coorgs of South India" first published (1952). SRINIVAS pointed out two major problems in his monograph. On the one hand, he introduces the concept of 'spread' in Hinduism (All-India, Peninsular, Regional and Local). He emphasized the relation between all-Indian and Local Hinduism, or the sanskritic and the non-sanskritic Hinduism. The idea of this separation has been developed by some investigators, e. g. REDIFIELD(Great Tradition/Little Tradition), MARRIOTT (Universalization/Parochialization), and MANDELBAUM (Transcendental/Pragmatic) , in the studies of peasent society. On the other hand, SRINIVAS demonstrates how the religious notions of good-sacred (pure) and bad-sacred (impure) determine Hindu caste hierarchy and caste behaviours. The 'pure-impure concept' (or 'pollution concept') correlating religion with social structure has been assumed to be the basis of the Indian caste system. Especially, HARPER demonstrates how there is a broad reflex of three-class-caste system (high-middle-low) in three grades (gods, deities, spirits) and of ritual status (pure, pure/impure, impure) . HARPER'S idea is a knot of SRINIVAS'S two problems. First, I examine the utility of the hypotheses of SRINIVAS and HARPER critically, and then outline the total religious system of the Sinhalese through the structural analysis of rituals. The doctorine of Theravada Buddhism and primitive religion has been fused in Sri Lanka since 3c B. C., but people's religious behaviour now is that of a single religious tradition that is Sinhalese Buddhism, which is closely linked with the great tradition (Theravada Buddhism) . Sihhalese Buddhism includes various levels of Supernatural beings. This 'Pantheon' is neither Theravada Buddhist nor a magical animist one, but a 'Sinhalese Buddhist Pantheon'. The 'Pantheon' is hierarchically structured as follows. (1) The Buddha : the repository of power and divine authority, (2) Gods (deviyas) : Guardian deities and local gods who have power and divine authority over a certain area, and subordinate to the Buddha as a super deity, (8) Demons (yakas) : demons, dead relatives, goblins, and ghosts who are completely malevolent, punitive, and causing fear in men's hearts. Besides these Supernatural beings, there are some mediators who mediate between men and the supernatural beings. (1) The Buddhist monks (bbikkhu) : Mediators between men and the Buddha who is an other worldly being, (2) The astrologers (sastra kariyas) : Mediators between this world and the other world. Buddhism is connected with other-worldly oriented things (lokottara), while Magical-animism (god worship and demon worship) is connected with things of this world (laukika). Both systems are not contradictory but complementary. So, Buddhist monks may visit an exorcist to obtain cures in the case of irrational illness. This self-contradiction can be solved by the clear distinction between lokottara and laukika. The binary opposition between Buddhism and Magical-animism may be seen in the opposition between Buddhism and god worship as well. The Buddhist temple (vihara) and the shrines for the gods (devale) are often housed under one roof or at the same site. There are regular rituals in the vihara (Buddha pujava) and the devale (devapujava).
西村 朝日太郎
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.44, no.3, pp.223-259, 1979

While researching the aquatic cultures along the coast of the Ariake Sea, the author's attention was drawn to two cultural traits in the realm of overt fishermen's culture. One is the mud sled, widely distributed along the muddy tidal zones throughout the world. The other is the stone tidal weir, built along reef coasts with conspicuous tidal ranges. The former is a leading cultural trait which represents the muddy tidal flat culture, and the latter, the reef culture. The latter in particular is quite archaic and presumably originated in the pre-sapiens phase of human history as pointed out by J. Desmond CLARK, although this is denied by R. A. DART. This paper deals with the stone tidal weirs and their relics found along the coast of Miyako Island and the adjacent Irabu Island. In 1957 the author set out to investigate a vast range of gigantic construction on the reef flat along the coast of Karimata in Miyako Island. The range comprised a fixed fishing gear known as a stone tidal weir. Stone tidal weirs at Karimata are mamma-shaped, while others, which are widely scattered in the area, including Iriomote, Kohama, Irabu. Ishigaki etc., vary in shape. Subsequent to several field researches on stone tidal weirs (called kaki or katsi etc. by the natives) in this region, the author sent several of his assistants there in 1972 with the aim of conducting an intensive investigation of the stone tidal weirs still in existence on those islands. This report brings out the results of our joint research, particularly on Miyako and Irabu Islands. A report will be presented later concerning the stone tidal weirs on Kohama Island. Stone tidal weirs, archaic primitive fixed fishing gear, have been under considerable oceanoographical influence due to their particular characteristics in location and function. The author describes in brief the oceanographic factors which have close relationships to stone tidal weirs. Along the northeatern coast of Miyako Island there were originally sixteen stone tidal weirs (photographically illustrated : fig. 5) but most of them were destroyed by the big typhoon named Sarah in 1959 and the subsequent Chilian tsunami (tidal waves caused by an earthquake) in 1960. As mentioned above, stone tidal weirs at Karimata, like those in other areas, are of ancient origin. A considerable number of poems referring to stone tidal weirs seem to be involved in "omorososhi", the oldest anthology of Okinawa. Genhichi SHIMABUKURO has pointed out several poems related to it, however, referring to the works of S. HOKAMA and K. TORIKOSHI, there is ample room for doubt. The author believes that an ancient poem handed down from one generation to another at Karimata, which is entitled "Upuja mabikirja nu fusa" is related to the stone tidal weir. This poem is found in the book "Alethology of Miyako Island" written by S. HOKAMA and K. SHINZATO. Stone tidal weirs of Okinawa can be classified into four types as far as the catching part is concerned, as indicated in figure 13. Type A is akin to a stone weir with its fishing method differentiated in principle from a stone tidal weir. This is the type which formerly existed in Henza Island. Type B is found at Karimata, and it consists of three parts : a) a 10w stone wall (kaki-nu-ti :) as long as 780m with mutu-gaki, b) a catching part (Bu-fuga) , and c) a flat stone-block seat (bi : si) set on both sides of the catching chamber. During ebbtide, water dashes into the catching chamber at the speed of 3/5 m/s on the water surface.