早島 瑛
商學論究 (ISSN:02872552)
vol.27, no.1, pp.615-639, 1980-01
関西学院大学欧文紀要. 人文科学編 (ISSN:13428853)
vol.6, pp.79-102, 2002-03-23

Faulkner's familiarity with the philosophy of Henri Bergson has been pointed out already by some critics. On the other hand, I have presented evidence to demonstrate the influence of the theology of Jeremy Taylor, a seventeenth century theologian, on Faulkner repeatedly in my previous paper. The aim of this paper is a modest attempt to interpret how the influence of Bergson and that of Jeremy Taylor are united in Faulkner's view of the world through the character of Hightower in Light in August. When we interpret the character Hightower in Light in August using Bergsonian concepts, we may understand Hightower's awakening from "dead life" into a sort of life by way of intuition when he sympathizes with Mrs. Hines, who is distressed by the destiny of her grandson, Joe Christmas. On the other hand the interpretation of Light in August in reference to Jeremy Taylor, explains Hightower's turning to the light of God by facing his sense of sin directly. If we find correspondence in the relevance of Bergson's elan vital and Taylor's concept of omnipresence of God's love which radiates at any moment, both interpretations make an organic whole of Faulkner's world where the key to life lies in love in order to join in the great reality of God, in Bergsonian words in duration by way of intuition, "intellectual sympathy." This conclusion completely matches Faulkner's own belief that man seeks love to be one with some universal force.
松尾 誠紀

片寄 晴弘 八木 昭宏

本研究では,fNIRS(functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy)を用いた脳活動計測と内観調査とを併せて,音楽系ゲーム実施時の「没入感」の分類と要因分析を実施した.具体的には,1)情緒あふれる人間の演奏をテンプレートとして利用するオリジナルの演奏インタフェースiFPを用いた「操作インタフェースの差異」,「楽曲の嗜好」,「演奏する,聞く等の音楽に対するモードの差」を比較条件とした前頭前野(dorsal prefrontal cortex : DPFC)における脳活動計測,2)和太鼓によるリトミックセッションを題材とした「音色や振動の効果」に関するDPFCと側頭葉における脳活動計測,「インタラクションの効果」に関するDPFCにおける脳活動計測,3)格闘ゲームにおいて,人とプレイする場合(visible条件,および,invisible条件)と機械相手でプレイする場合でのDPFCにおける脳機能計測を実施し,比較検討を実施した.上記の実験結果から,音楽を題材とする際,少なくとも大きくわけて二つの「没入感」:「うっとりする」タイプの没入感,「わくわくする」タイプの没入感が存在し,それぞれの差がDPFCにおけるoxyHbの下降,上昇という形でとらえられる可能性が高いことを確認した.また,要因に関して,「うっとりする」タイプの没入感については,音楽的嗜好,利用インタフェースに対する慣れ,「演奏する,聞く」等の音楽に対するモードの差が影響を及ぼすこと,「わくわくする」タイプの没入感には,「他者とのインタラクション」「音・振動の効果」が影響を及ぼしている可能性が高いことを確認した.
小川 嗣夫
人文論究 (ISSN:02866773)
vol.22, no.3, pp.1-60, 1972-12
丸茂 新
商學論究 (ISSN:02872552)
vol.36, pp.483-500, 1961-12
広岡 隆
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.35, no.3, pp.309-366, 1984-11-30

En France, le domaine public est considere comme englobant les biens affectes a l'usage du public (par exemple; le rivage de la mer, la route, le chemin public, le fleuve, l'eau publique, l'edifice du culte etc.) et les biens affectes aux services publics (par exemple; l'hopital, l'abattoir, la station de metro, le garage municipal etc.). Le domaine public appartient aux personnes publiques (a l'Etat, aux departements, aux communes etc.). En general, on considere que la nature juridique du domaine public est differente de celle du domaine prive qui se conforme aux regles du Code Civil, et que le domaine public est inalienable et imprescriptible, parce que son affectation a l'usage du public ou aux services publics n'est pas compatible avec l'acquisition par les tiers de droits reels sur lui. Le principe d'imprescriptibilite du domaine public a ete forme par la doctrine dans la premiere moitie du XIX^e siecle. Actuellement ce principe a une valeur legislative et resulte de l'article L. 52 du Code du domaine de l'Etat, ≪les biens du domaine public sont inalienables et imprescriptibles.≫ Le Conseil d'Etat considere qu'on ne peut acquerir par voie de prescription (article 2262 du Code Civil) aucun droit reel sur le domaine public, sauf le cas ou la desaffectation explicite par l'autorite administrative l'a fait tomber dans le domaine prive. Mais dans le cas ou une partie du chemin public a ete close de barrieres construites par des personnes prives il y a presque soixante-dix ans, et ou la circulation des voitures etait totalement exclue de cette partie, sans que jamais la commune ait eleve la moindre protestation, la Cour de Cassation a approuve l'acquisition par voie de prescription de la propriete de cette terre, en admettant l'existence de la desaffectation implicite (Cass.-req. 11 mars 1946). Au Japon aussi, la doctrine traditionnelle admet que le domaine public est imprescriptible, bien qu'il n'y ait aucune disposition legislative qui declare son imprescriptiblite. Autrefois, la jurisprudence aussi, en tenant a ce principe d'imprescriptibilite, a considere qu'on ne pouvait acquerir par voie de prescription aucun droit reel sur la voie fluviale ou sur le chemin public, sauf le cas ou la desaffectation explicite par l'autorite administrative l'a fait sortir du domaine public. Mais recemment deux arrets de la Cour Supreme (celui du 24 dec. 1976 et celui du 28 avril 1977) ont approuve l'acquisition par voie de prescription de la propriete de la terre qui appartenait au domaine public (la voie fluviale; le chemin public), en admettant l'existence de la desaffectation implicite sous certaine situation du fait. Ils nous ont presente un nouveau critere : ≪Dans le cas ou un bien affecte a l'usage du public a ete possede paisiblement et ouvertement par un particulier pendant une longue periode, sans que ce bien ait ete mis en usage suivant son propre but, et ou il a perdu parfaitement son ancienne forme et son utilite essentielle, mais cette situation du fait n'empeche aucun interet general, et ou il n'y a pas de necessite de conserver ce bien pour l'usage du public, on peut admettre l'existence de la desaffectation implicite qui le rend prescriptible.≫ Dans ce traite nous reflechirons sur la doctrine et la jurisprudence en France et au Japon comparativement. La table des matieres est la suivante. I La doctrine et la jurisprudence en France (1) La nature juridique du domaine public et son imprescriptibilite (2) La formation historique du principe d'imprescriptibilite (3) Les consequences de ce principe (4) La desaffectation implicite du domaine public II La doctrine et la jurisprudence au Japon (1) La doctrine traditionnelle et les autres theories differentes (2) L'analyse et la critique des arrets de la Cour Supeme
前田 正治
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.25, no.3, pp.347-386, 1975-03-25

From some time ago, the writer has been aware the term "kenri(権理)" was used in some juridical books published in early Meiji Era. By chance, the difference between "kenri(権理)" and "kenri(権利)" was discussed at the Annual Meeting of Hoseishi Gakkai (Legal History Association), held in May, 1974,and it stimulated the writer to examine the problem in some detail. As a legal term, "kenri(権利)" had been used in China (then under the Chiang dynasty) in the Chinese translation of Wheaton's textbook on International Law. In 1869,this translation was introduced to Japan by the Maiji Government's Official Translator Mizukuri Rinsho(箕作麟祥), who first used the term "kenri(権利)" in Japan. Since then, this translation has been consistently used in Japanese laws and regulations as well as in other official documents. On the other hand, the term "kenri(権理)" was used, as far as this writer knows, in the books by Kato Hiroyuki(加藤弘之), Fukuzawa Yukichi(福沢諭吉), Furuzawa Shigeru(古沢滋), Ono Azusa(小野梓), Ozaki Yukio(尾崎行雄), Niwa Junichiro(丹羽純一郎) Suzuki Yoshimune(鈴木義宗) Fukumoto Tomoe(福本巴) Kamimura Tadanori(神村忠起) Kurimoto Teijiro(栗本貞次郎) and Kawashima Shozo(川島正三), which were published between 1870 and 1881. The authors of these books did not specify the difference between the two terms. Only Fukuzawa Yukichi used both of them in his book, giving us some clue to the precise meaning of each legal terms; by "kenri(権利)", Fukuzawa meant the general concept of right in modern law, and by "kenri(権理)", he intended to signify the conciousness of legal right held by the people since the feudal period. It should be noticed, furthermore, that those who used the term "kenri(権理)" belonged generally to the group that asserted "Jiyu Minken(自由民権democrtic rights)". It is well presumed that these enlightened authors, not following the official translation, "kenri(権利)", sought to find out the word which would be more logically satisfactory to them. Moreover, as most proponents of Jiyu Minken were of samurai class, they were influenced by the feudal-law consciousness, which had traditionally disliked "ri" (利secular profits) and respected "ri" (理reason), and even if they were staunch advocates of the democratic rights, they had an inevitable repugnance to the Western (Anglo-French) culture. It seems to the writer that these circumstances underlay their usage of the term "kenri(権理)".
石田 喜敬
人文論究 (ISSN:02866773)
vol.57, no.3, pp.185-203, 2007-12-10
土井 健司

武居 一正
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.47, no.1, pp.321-346, 1996-03

Introduction Chapitre 1 Les lignes directrices de la protection de la loi du 8 dec. 1992 Chapitre 2 Les definitions et le champ d'application de la loi Chapitre 3 Les droits et les obligations Chapitre 4 La Commission de la protection de la vie privee Chapitre 5 Les sanctions penales Conclusion
守屋 明 仁木 恒夫 草地 未紀 一藁 幸

NAULT Derrick
関西学院大学欧文紀要. 人文科学編 (ISSN:13428853)
vol.10, pp.51-72, 2006-02-28

Indian call centers serving American clients are a recent phenomenon made possible by improvements in communications technologies and the global outsourcing of business services from the United States. This paper investigates the implications of this form of globalization on Indian call center workers and Indian culture. Using the concept of deterritorialization, the study reveals that call centers represent a highly globalized work space in which workers' sense of time, place, identity and voice are all challenged by pressures emanating from abroad. However, the picture that emerges of globalization via call centers is contradictory. Although call center training and working conditions are often disagreeable and may appear to Americanize or de-Indianize workers, call center employees generally do not internalize American linguistic and cultural norms and remain distinctly Indian in outlook. Displaying resilience and initiative, they also maximize the economic advantages of their job positions. The case of Indian call center workers, therefore, challenges notions of an all-powerful globalization that homogenizes, Americanizes and undermines cultures in the developing world.
埋橋 孝文
經濟學論究 (ISSN:02868032)
vol.56, no.3, pp.47-65, 2002-12

This paper examines how personal income tax and social security contributions in six countries treat three types of households (i.e., two-earner, one-earner and singles). The degree of horizontal redistribution through tax/social security can be considered as an index of a concession to one of the above three types. The result of the simulation shows that in Britain and Australia a concession to the two-earner household and in Germany a concession to the one-earner household are observed. Tax-social security contribution schemes in Sweden are neutral to the three types of households. In the US, although the tax burden on singles is relatively heavy, it is fairly neutral to whether wives stay at home as dependent spouses or participate in the labor market.
岡 俊孝
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.18, no.3, pp.27-53, 1967-09

In the present issue, an analysis is made of Sonnino's efforts to formulate and execute the Italian foreign policy from the beginning of World War I to the intervention of Italy in May 1915. The writer considers this analysis is necessary in order to understand the Italian claims and Wilsonian diplomacy as well as their interaction at the Paris Peace Conference. First, Sonnino's reaction to the outbreak of the war is studied. Through examining his letters sent to Prime Minister Salandra, the writer explains how and why Sonnino's pro-Triple Alliance bearing at the very beginning of the war shifted into neutrality within a couple of months. Second, attention is paid to the fact that, in his frame of foreign policy, the primary emphasis was placed upon Italy's political and territorial expansion toward the Balkans, especially toward Albania. Taking full advantage of the European conflict, Sonnino intended to promote this plan. It was mainly for this purpose that he attempted to take as many gains as possible out of the Entente Powers in the negotiations which led to the London Treaty of 1915. Third, a brief discussion is made regarding his attitude to Italia Irredenta. Sonnino could not but make "Trento e Trieste" play a very important role for the Italian government to obtain the support of its people for the policy of intervention : it can be said that, until immediately after the opening of Italy's negotiations with the Entente, Trieste was not included in its territorial claims. Besides the all-powerful slogan of "Trento e Trieste", there were a few other means that Sonnino utilized in order to switch over the anti-war sentiment of the people to enthusiasm for intervention in the war : Bulow's proposal not to the Italian government but to Giolitti for himself; propaganda maneuvers of some influential newspapers for support of the government; and a mighty campaign by D'Annunzio, a poet and fanatic nationalist, for Italy's intervention. Finally, the writer concludes that the national sentiment of the Italian people, which was made use of by Sonnino in order to intervene in the war according to a provision of the London Treaty, was guided and controlled by strong leadership of the government just before the intervention of Italy. It should be noted, however, that after the intervention the nationalistic sentiment of the people, once flared up by the political leaders, tended to go beyond their control, gave pressure to the formulation and execution of foreign policy and finally took the initiative. (to be continued)