南 由優 塩崎 由梨 加藤 千晶 伊藤 真貴 竹内 紀子 小柳 桃朱 荻野 敏
Japan Rhinologic Society
日本鼻科学会会誌 (ISSN:09109153)
vol.49, no.4, pp.481-489, 2010 (Released:2010-12-23)
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Japanese cedar pollinosis (JCP), an unfortunately common chronic breathing problem, interferes with cognitive function, impairing work productivity and inducing economic loss. We evaluated JCP impact on work productivity, QOL, and symptoms.Our study, conducted during Japan's peak pollen season, used questionnaires on work productivity and activity impairment allergy-specific (WPAI-AS) and Japanese rhino conjunctivitis QOL (JRQLQ).The pollen count in 2009-4067.5/cm2 was 3 times that in 2008-1468.4/cm2. Subjects numbered 227 (202 employees and 25 students) in 2008 and 308 (277 employees and 31 students) in 2009. Mean workplace absence was 0.9% in 2008 and 1.2% in 2009 and mean work efficiency loss 33% in 2008 and 42% in 2009. Mean classroom absence was 0% in 2008 and 1.5% in 2009 and mean study efficiency loss 33% in 2008 and 48% in 2009, showing a positive correlation between work productivity score, QOL, and symptoms. Work productivity decreased more in 2009 with increased pollen count.With the large economic loss due to pollinosis, both symptom severity and QOL must be improved to increase work productivity.
佐久間 康徳 佃 守
Japan Rhinologic Society
日本鼻科学会会誌 (ISSN:09109153)
vol.47, no.4, pp.331-335, 2008 (Released:2009-11-04)

Necrotic lesions in the nasal cavity are induced by a variety of diseases that cause necrosis of the mucosa, bone, and cartilage in the nasal cavity, and Wegener's granulomatosis and sinonasal natural killer cell or T-cell lymphoma must be included in the differential diagnosis. Necrotic lesions induced by cocaine inhalation, on the other hand, are very rare in Japan, and cocaine inhalation also needs to be included in the differential diagnosis.We report the case of a 33-year-old male who complained of nasal pain and necrosis in the nasal cavity. Although we initially suspected Wegener's granulomatosis based on the endoscopic findings and results of laboratory tests, especially based on a slight elevation of the PR3-ANCA value, we did not detect any giant cell granulomas or necrotizing vasculitis, which are histological characteristics of Wegener's granulomatosis in repeatedly biopsyed specimens. Systemic steroid therapy was started based on suspicion of localized Wegener's granulomatosis, but was ineffective. Two months after the start of treatment, the patient failed to return for follow up. He was later arrested for the illegal possession of cocaine, and we realized that the necrotic lesions were caused by cocaine inhalation.Necrosis induced by cocaine inhalation should be included the differential diagnosis of necrotic nasal lesions.
野々田 岳夫 細田 泰男 大谷 真喜子
Japan Rhinologic Society
日本鼻科学会会誌 (ISSN:09109153)
vol.51, no.4, pp.450-454, 2012 (Released:2012-12-27)

都築 建三 深澤 啓二郎 竹林 宏記 岡 秀樹 三輪 高喜 黒野 祐一 丹生 健一 松根 彰志 内田 淳 小林 正佳 太田 康 志賀 英明 小早川 達 阪上 雅史
Japan Rhinologic Society
日本鼻科学会会誌 (ISSN:09109153)
vol.48, no.1, pp.1-7, 2009 (Released:2009-12-18)
12 14

We evaluated a 20-item self-administered odor questionnaire for assessing olfactory function, proposed in 2003 by the Japan Rhinologic Society committee on olfaction tests. The 20-items selected based on results of olfactory studies in Japan were steamed rice, miso, seaweed, soy sauce, baked bread, butter, curry, garlic, orange, strawberry, green tea, coffee, chocolate, household gas, garbage, timber, stercus (shit), sweat, flower, and perfume. Subjects were 302 people —179 men and 123 women (average age: 35.7 years)— having no history of nasal or paranasal disease and tested between December 2004 and December 2007. Subjects were asked to score items as follows: “always smelled” (2 points); “sometimes smelled” (1 point); “never smelled” (0 points); or “unknown or no recent experience” (no score). Scores were calculated and represented using a percentage. Response was 99.3% (300/302), with two subjects excluded for reporting more than 10 “unexplainable” items. The mean score was 95.2% (n=300). Of the 302, 281 (93.0%) agreed on the number and 252 (83.4%) on the content of items. Scores correlated statistically significantly with those of a visual analogue scale (rs=0.501, p<0.0001, n=300). We concluded that the self-administered odor questionnaire is useful in assessing olfactory function in normal subjects. The next step will be to administer the questionnaire to diseased or otherwise compromised subjects to determine whether it is useful for clinically diagnosing such olfactory dysfunction.

2 0 0 0 OA 鼻閉と音声

平川 勝洋 益田 慎 川本 浩子 堀部 よし恵 石井 秀将 夜陣 紘治
Japan Rhinologic Society
日本鼻科学会会誌 (ISSN:09109153)
vol.36, no.2, pp.162-168, 1997-05-15 (Released:2010-03-11)

Nasal obstruction is evaluated by several methods, such as measurement of nasal resistance with a nasomanometer and of nasal capacity by acoustic rhinometry, while in everyday life nasal obstruction is sometimes impressed (evaluated) by an acoustic clue, i.e. hearing the voice.In this study the possibility that acoustic impression allows evaluation of nasal obstruction was examined in normal volunteers and patients who underwent sinus surgery. The acoustic impression of nasal obstruction, the nasal flow resistance and the nasal cavity volume were compared with self-evaluation values of obstruction. The coincidence rate of evaluation by acoustic impression is equal to that of the nasal flow resistance. Acoustic analysis of the humming sound suggests a possibility that the nasal obstruction indicator is in the regions below 800Hz and above 3000Hz.
高崎 賢治 江夏 薫 高橋 晴雄
Japan Rhinologic Society
日本鼻科学会会誌 (ISSN:09109153)
vol.48, no.4, pp.378-384, 2009 (Released:2010-02-10)

We analyzed the results of a questionnaire on intranasal/peroral medication against nasal allergy given to subjects with seasonal allergic rhinitis treated by otorhinolaryngologists from January to May 2009. Valid responses were obtained from 273 patients (108 men and 165 women). Epinastine hydrochloride showed high drug compliance (93%) and satisfaction (76%). Many patients prefered peroral medication (61%) over internasal medication. Administration frequency for intranasal spray to treat nasal allergy varied from once (36%) to twice (36%) a day and others (28%). These results provided information useful to otorhinolaryngologist in devising better strategies in nasal allergy therapy.
山西 貴大 五十嵐 賢 上條 篤 松岡 伴和 増山 敬祐
Japan Rhinologic Society
日本鼻科学会会誌 (ISSN:09109153)
vol.51, no.1, pp.1-7, 2012 (Released:2012-05-22)

市村 恵一 瀬嶋 尊之 太田 康 牧野 伸子
Japan Rhinologic Society
日本鼻科学会会誌 (ISSN:09109153)
vol.41, no.2, pp.149-155, 2002-08-05 (Released:2010-03-11)

The elderly often report watery rhinorrhea without other symptoms. Allergic rhinitis is not common in individuals aged over 65 years. The color of nasal mucosa in the elderly is not usually pale, and antigens are not identified. Taken together, such nasal discharge is usually non-allergic and called “old man's drip.” The mechanism behind it is not fully understood. To determine the demographic data on patients with this condition, the concerns of physicians treating it and actual patient management, we sent questionnaires to 124 oto-laryngologists, with a response of 58% (64). Most were not familiar with the term “old man's drip.” Although nasal discharge was a leading symptom in the elderly, and 10 to 30% of patients reported rhinorrhea, less than 30% of these suffered from allergic rhinitis. Chronic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, and chronic sinusitis were often used in tentative diagnosis. Fewer than 50 patients with old man's drip consulted a clinic each year. Antihistamines were most frequently prescribed for these patients, followed by antiinflammatory enzymes and anticholinergic nasal drops. The elderly are, however, specifically at risk from complications of such drugs.Atrophic change in nasal mucosa becomes apparent in the 60's, lowering mucosal temperature in the nose and nasopharynx and diminishing heating capacity. Water reabsorption from nasal mucosa becomes incomplete in expiration and water droplets remaining on the surface may increase. Condensed water cannot be used for humidification in the next inspiration because of the lower heating potencial of nasal mucosa, causing nasal drip after water droplets collect. Water provided by vascular leakage but not glandular secretion appears to be dominant in nasal drip. Nasal drying caused by medication also decreases air conditioning potential. Old man's drip often occurs during eating. Conditions differentiated from this condition are cold air-induced rhinorrhea and gustatory rhinorrhea, considered due to reflex parasympathetic activation of the nasal glands, and anticholinergics are effective. These are not, however, indicated for old man's drip, for which we suggest heating nasal mucosa resulting in increased water absorption during expiration.
湯田 厚司 荻原 仁美 宮本 由起子 佐橋 紀男 竹内 万彦
Japan Rhinologic Society
日本鼻科学会会誌 (ISSN:09109153)
vol.50, no.1, pp.13-18, 2011 (Released:2011-04-28)

スギ花粉症の初期療法は有用で, 広く浸透している。薬剤投与開始日は薬剤で異なるが, スギ花粉開始予想日に左右される。適切で効率よい初期療法を行うには, 適確な飛散開始日予測が必要だが, その予想方法は見いだされていない。そこで, 三重県津市におけるスギ花粉飛散開始日の予測方法を検討し, その結果から全国的な予想に応用できるかを検討した。【方法】気象庁ホームページから収集した気象データをもとに三重県津市のスギ花粉飛散開始の予測が可能かを検討した。その結果を基に, 既報で公開された全国のスギ花粉飛散開始日のデータを参照して, 全国の飛散開始日予想を試みた。【結果】津市の飛散開始日は11月中旬平均気温 (p=0.0027, r=0.67), 平均最高気温 (p=0.0011, r=0.70) と有意に正に相関した。11月中旬が寒いと花粉飛散が早まった。全国30都市を調査した結果, 全国的に11月中旬平均気温との相関が良く, 福岡市, 広島市, 徳島市, 西宮市, 東大阪市, 和歌山市, 大垣市, 静岡市, 中央市, 八王子市, 埼玉県坂戸市の各市と東京都が有意に相関した。名古屋市, 水戸市は平均最高気温のみ相関した。岡山市, 米子市, 松山市, 高松市では相関がなかった。また, 関東以北や日本海側の都市でも相関がなかった。九州から関東の太平洋岸都市を中心に11月中旬平均気温から飛散開始日が予想できると考えた。【結論】飛散開始日予想は初期療法開始日決定に有用であり, 誰でも収集可能な気象情報からの予想は有用度が高い。
小川 晃弘 岡野 光博 土井 彰 前田 幸英 西崎 和則 久保田 聡 古川 仭
Japan Rhinologic Society
日本鼻科学会会誌 (ISSN:09109153)
vol.42, no.1, pp.23-27, 2003-04-01 (Released:2010-03-11)
1 1

Changes in the sense of smell may be quantitative and qualitative, or possibly even a combination. Quantitative changes may manifest themselves partly as hyperosmia and partly as hyposmia, although hyposmia is much more common. Qualitative changes are segignated a parosmia. Disosmia is a condition in which stimulation of the sense of smell does not result in an adequate olfactory impression, but rather in a distorted sensation, usually unpleasant. The precise mechanism and etiology of parosmia remain to be classified.Recent molecular biological advances enable us to a more accurately assess the prognosis for parosmia or suggest more successful treatment. We present an overview of modern classification or definition of parosmia and related clinical issues requiring greater discussion. We collected 94 parosmic patients from 9 dysosmia clinics and discussed them in this reports.Women over 40 years old are most susceptible to parosmia. Upper respiratory viral disease including common cold, head trauma and also zinc deficiency, are conditions that put patients at high risk for parosmia. About 6% of all patients seen at dysosmia clinics have parosmia. We classified parosmia patients by sites, etiology, and severity.Sites are usually the site of responsible for hyposmia or anosmia. Parosmia patients were divided into organic and functional. The organic type was divided into peripheral, central and mixed peripheral and central. The functional type includes the psychological disorder such as illusions of smell, olfactory hallucination, and the uncinates fits. Etiology was classified as sinonasal disease, upper respiratory disease, head injury, other or miscellaneous. Other categories includes zinc-deficient and drug-inducced. We classified severity as slight, moderate, or severe. Twelve factors, including gender, age, and duration, affect the prognosis of parosmia. We summed up the score for these factors and judged severity. For sever parosmic patients, medical treatment such as medication, local treatment, or surgery must be considered. Major tranquiraizer and surgery should be selected for patients with severe or intractable parosmia.
加瀬 康弘
Japan Rhinologic Society
日本鼻科学会会誌 (ISSN:09109153)
vol.39, no.4, pp.303-312, 2000-12-15 (Released:2010-03-11)
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To detect factors that may affect the prognosis of diplopia caused by orbital wall fractures, retrospectibely evaluated 82 cases were seen at the Saitama Medical School between January 1995 and July 1999. Of these, 44 (54%) reporting diplopia were divided into 2 groups. One in which diplopia lasted more than 1 month and one in which recovery occurred within 1 month. To study diplopia quantatively, the area within 15 degrees on the Hess chart was calculated and the ratio of area of affected side against that of normal side was obtained. Statistically, in patients in there low teens, cases with positive symptoms in the forced duction test and abnormalities in CT or MRI imaging tended to have a poor prognosis, indicating the need for early surgery. The absence of these factors suggested that a wait-and-see policy would produce a better prognosis.
西川 仁 日高 浩史 工藤 貴之 小林 俊光
Japan Rhinologic Society
日本鼻科学会会誌 (ISSN:09109153)
vol.51, no.4, pp.481-488, 2012 (Released:2012-12-27)
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