柿澤 亮三 菅原 浩
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類研究所研究報告 (ISSN:00440183)
vol.21, no.2, pp.326-339, 1989-09-30 (Released:2008-11-10)

Tadorna cristata (Kuroda) is known only from three extant specimens. The first, a female, was taken near Vladivostok in 1877, and preserved in the Copenhagen Museum. The second specimen, also a female, and the third specimen, a male, were taken from near Fusan, Korea in 1916, and 1913 or 1914, and preserved in the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology. The first specimen was described in 1890 by Sclater, and it was then considered to be a hybrid between the Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) and the Falcated Duck (Anas falcata). In 1917, Dr. Nagamichi Kuroda described the second specimen and gave it the name Pseudotadorna cristata. The inconsistency between Sclater's hybrid view and Kuroda's new species view was solved in favor of the latter, when Kuroda obtained the third, male specimen, and described it, along with the discovery of four sketches of the Crested Shelduck from the Edo period. This species has been extremely rare, and close to extinction evre since its discovery in 1887. Recently three other old sketches of the Crested Shelduck have been reported, two of them by the present authors. In this paper twelve published sketches of the species from the Edo period have been introduced, and all twenty known sketches are arranged in order based on their characteristics and descriptions, and the status of it's occurrence during the Edo period is disccussed. In conclusion, we presumed that a few Crested Shelducks were imported from Kyohou period (1716-1735) and it actually migrated once or twice to Hokkaido (northern Japan), and was captured to be illustrated as a living bird.
佐藤 文男 鶴見 みや古
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類研究所研究報告 (ISSN:00440183)
vol.34, no.2, pp.325-330, 2003-03-20 (Released:2008-11-10)

The Madeiran Storm-petrel Oceanodroma castro is a threatened seabird breeding on the Hide-shima (39°40'N, 142°00'E), Iwate Prefecture, in northern Japan. This small island is the only known large colony in Japan for this species. In the latter half of 1980s, nesting burrows of Madeiran Storm-petrels were confirmed to have been decreasing owing to the interspecific competition for nesting burrows between larger Streaked Shearwaters Calonectris leucomeras and this smaller species. We used small wire mesh nets at the nesting ground in order to exclude larger species from Madeiran storm petrel burrows in 1990. Results suggest that nest numbers of Madeiran Petrels have been gradually increasing in the experimental area.
河野 裕美 安部 直哉 真野 徹
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類研究所研究報告 (ISSN:00440183)
vol.18, no.1, pp.1-27, 1986-03-30 (Released:2008-11-10)
4 7

Nakanokami-shima was designated a national monument in 1972 because of its important for breeding seabirds, though the seabirds of the island were very poorly known. In this paper we present the information on the breeding species and their current status. Observations were made over a ten years period from 1975 to 1984.Seven species of seabirds were found to breed on the island. All were summer visitors, except for the Brown Booby which may be a resident.1. Bulwer's Petrel, Bulweria bulwerii. Bulwer's Petrel was not known to breed on the island until we captured and ringed 2 adults on 2 July, 1981, both of which had fully grown brood patches, and 2 more adults on 4 July, 1982, both of which were incubating. In 1982, 1983, and 1984 the petrels bred at the same locations shown in Fig. 1. The petrels bred gathering in small numbers and laid under rock, Sixty-six adults were ringed from 1981 to 1984 and it seems that the breeding population is fewer than 100 birds.2. White-faced (or Streaked) Shearwater, Calonectris leucomelas. Many nest holes of the White-faced Shearwaters were widely distributed on gentle slopes in grassplateau in the centre of the island. Some birds incubated on bare ground under dwarf 'Gajumaru', Ficus retusa, and others incubated under large rocks. We could not estimate their population.3. Brown Booby, Sula leucogaster. The main colonies, which were used by almost all the birds, were found annually at areas A, B, C, and D shown in Fig. 2. On Nakanokami-shima Brown Boobies nested on ridges and on steep cliffs. Few birds nested in the rocky zone near the shore. Before noon on 3 July, 1981, a Maritime Safety Agency Helicopter flew over the eastern part of the island, surprising the settled birds and causing them to take flight one after another. It was possible at that time to make a total count and 250 birds were counted. Since the breeding pairs were taking care of chicks at that day, some parents were probably absent offshore. Clearly the population was larger than 250. A chick ringed on 29 June, 1980, at the main colony was recaptured at the same place on 21 August, 1983. The bird was in adult plumage, but was not breeding. This recovery record indicates that non-breeding immatures are also included among those attending the main colonies. Table 1 shows the results of an intensive search for nests during the breeding season of 1984. Nests on inaccessible cliffs in areas A-D were of course omitted. The annual breeding population was estimated approximately as about 200 to 500 birds.4. Red-footed Booby, Sula sula. This species was not known to breed in Japan before 1975, when we discovered a breeding pair on 27 August, 1975. The parent incubated one egg and its nest was builted on the canopy of dwarf 'Gajumaru' bush in area A in Fig. 2. On 24 June, 1976, 3 adults and 2 chicks were ringed at the same place, and on 30 June, 1977, one downy chick and parent were found again at the same place as in 1975. On 13 July, 1982, two fledglings and one adult were seen on the cliff in area E in Fig. 2.5. Bridled Tern, Sterna anaethetus. This, species was not known to breed in Japan until we found its breeding at the island on June, 1980. The Bridled Tern settled rocky zone near the shore, placing their eggs in the shelter of rocks. The locations of colonies in 1983, and 1984 are shown in Fig. 3. This tern is apparently an inshore feeder, remaining usually close to the colony. The estimated numbers were 120 birds in area A, and 40 in area B on June 30, 1980, about 1000 in area A, and 100 in area B on 2 July, 1981, and about 650 in area, A, and 50 in area B on 2 July, 1982. Since 1981 the numbers have increased markedly. The birds in attendance at these areas were in adult plumage, however considerable numbers of non-breeding, presumably immature, birds may make up part of these totals.
小沢 敬次郎
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類研究所研究報告 (ISSN:00440183)
vol.5, no.4, pp.411-413, 1968-12-30 (Released:2008-11-10)

アシナガコシジロウミツバメ(Oceanites oceanicus)の日本近海の発見例は犬吠崎における1例(清棲,1932)があるのみであった。1967年7月,東京大学海洋研究所の本田座氏は同所淡青丸で三陸沖調査中1羽捕獲し,写真を撮り,これを著者に提示された。著者は帯黄色の蹼と〓蹠の長さから本種と同定した。また海鷹丸で著者は11月,鳥島の東50海里の海上で1例を得て測定し,南極大陸産の亜種Oceanites oceanicus exasperatusであろうとした。北太平洋における既知例は日本近海の1例,カリフォルニヤ沖の2例であったが,これらに2例を加えた。
Kazue Nakamura
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology (ISSN:00440183)
vol.11, no.1, pp.64-66, 1979-01-30 (Released:2008-11-10)

1976年9月4日,岩手県岩手郡滝沢村の篠木小学校附近の水田で生きて拾われ,翌日死亡したというシロハラミズナギドリ一種はオオシロハラミズナギドリ(Pterodroma externa)と同定されて報告された(岩手の鳥獣,岩手県環境保健部,1978)。これは単にnominal recordであり,オオシロハラミズナギドリとした根拠が示されていないことから筆者はその同定に疑問を持った。中村茂氏から送付された標本写真をみてこの鳥がPt.externaではなく,Pt.phaeopygiaであろうと考え,宮古国民休暇村のビジターセンターを訪れ保管されている標本を実検したところ,この鳥が本種であることを確かめることができた。大きさと脇羽が暗褐色であることからハワイ産のPt.p.sandwichensisに含まれるものであると思われる。本種の体上面は前額を除いて暗褐色で,とくに頭頂で黒く,体下面が白色の中型のシロハラミズナギドリである。英名をDark-rumped(Gadfly)Petrelと呼び,Pt.externa(2亜種)に近縁であるが,体上面がほぼ一様に暗褐色でM斑がでないこと,翼下面の縁どりが太く顕著である点でこの種との区別は容易である。また太西洋産のPt.hasitata(Black-capped Petrel)にも似るが,上尾筒が白くない点でこの種とも容易に区別できる。これらの特徴は野外識別の際にも重要な区別点になるであろう。和名は原産地でUauと呼ばれ,ハワイ特産であることからハワイシロハラミズナギドリと命名した。日本初記録である。基亜種はガラパゴス産で,ハワイ産亜種より大型である。本種の非繁殖期における渡りについてはほとんど知られていないが,1862年4月17日,インドネシアのモルッカ海で1羽採集されている(Bourne1967)。この1例と今回の記録は本種に北太平洋の西または北西部海域に達する長距離の渡りがあることを示唆するものであろう(cf.King1967)。基亜種の北方への渡りでは少なくとも北緯10度に達し,メキシコ西海岸からの記録もある(Murphy1936)。この鳥が得られたのは,大雨を伴った低気圧が東北地方の太平洋岸を北東進した後である。
内田 康夫
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類研究所研究報告 (ISSN:00440183)
vol.6, no.1-2, pp.54-72, 1970-12-30 (Released:2008-11-10)
3 6

Although white and grey forms had long been known in Japanese Crested Ibis Nipponia nippon, its scarcity prevented detailed research. Contrary to a former opinion that these were color phases, Mr. H. Sato (1957) considered them as seasonal forms and later suggested (1968) that the grey form is caused by cosmetic coloration toward breeding season.This paper presents a detailed analysis on the mechanism of this type of color change based on numerous feather samples offered to Yamashina Institute by Mr. Y. Muramoto who collected them in its natural habitat in Ishikawa for many years. Supplemental observations were made with live birds in Sado I. with valuable assistance of Messrs. K. Chikatsuji and T. Takano of Ibis protection Center. Histological studies were made by the author at Department of Zoology, Tokyo University.Some important points clarified in this paper are as follows:1. The feather samples suggested neither of the known types of color change: 1) molting, 2) abrasion, 3) cosmetic staining with color substance in preen oil, 4) photo chemical change of biochrome in the feather, and 5) external staining (e. g. iron in water birds).2. Under the feathers surrounding the naked face of Japanese Crested Ibis, a particular area of the skin was found producing 'black substance.' (Fig. 12).3. A few tiny samples of this black substance fell on the snow when a captive ibis scratched that region of the head (Fig. 13, 14). These could be collected and used for chemical analysis (to be published elsewhere).4. Prior to the breeding season, in late January through February, a characteristic behavior of rubbing the side of its head to the shoulder region was observed after bathing. This was named 'daubing behavior' (Fig. 16) and it lasted 20-30 minutes followed by normal preening.5. The grey, or rather blackish, tint of the neck to shoulder region got deeper as the 'daubing behavior' was repeated.6. Histologically, it was proved that the grey tint was caused by external adherance of 'black substance' to the proximal (not distal) barbules of the normal white feathers (Fig. 4-10).7. The black substance on the feathers and those picked up after head scsatching were identical microscopically and chemically. These are supposed to come out along feather pores of the skin, since the feathers of the black substance producing area had black ring near the root of the rachis (Fig. 2, 9, 10).8. The change from grey to white form occurred by normal post-nuptial molting (Fig. 17) and neither 'daubing behavior' nor dropping of black substance was observed after bathing in this period.9. The 'daubing behavior' was so important in this new type of plumage color change that even during the critical period of change from white to grey form, the white plumage remained untinted unless this behavior was performed, which always occurred after bathing. Five to six bathing-'daubing behavior' sequences completed a typical grey form. The first bathing of the season was observed on a fine day in late January.10. Physio-ethological mechanisms and the hormonal control involved were analysed (Fig. 20) and significance of the grey form was discussed eco-evolutionarily.
黒田 長久 柿澤 亮三 堀 浩 大阪 豊 臼田 奈々子 内田 清一郎
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類研究所研究報告 (ISSN:00440183)
vol.14, no.1, pp.1-15, 1982-03-31 (Released:2008-11-10)
3 6

岡部 篤行 佐藤 俊明 岡部 佳世 中川 貴之 今村 栄二 松下 和弘 長野 一博 石渡 祥嗣 飴本 幸司 林 良博 秋篠宮 文仁
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類学雑誌 (ISSN:13485032)
vol.38, no.1, pp.30-39, 2006

当報告書は,無線LAN位置システム(以下システム)を放し飼いニワトリの軌跡追跡に適用可能かどうかを調べた結果を報告するものである。システムは,連続的な地面上にいるニワトリの位置を1 mのグリッド交差点上の点として表し,ニワトリの軌跡はその点列として表す。システムは,ニワトリの位置を1秒ごとに記録することができる。実験は8羽のニワトリと2羽のホロホロチョウを170 m×90 mの広さの公園に放って5日間にわたりその軌跡を観察した。分析に利用可能なデータは3日間得られた。システムによって得られる位置のデータは雑音を含むため,位置データは確率変数として扱った。データ分析により,位置の精度は,確率0.95で2.6 m,すなわち,真の位置が,観察された位置を中心に半径2.6 mの円の中にある確率が95%であると判明した。ニワトリの生活圏は,その場所にニワトリがいた確率密度関数として表現した。その関数はバンド幅が2.6 mのカーネル法で推定をした。軌跡は移動平均で推定した。実験の結果,システムは放し飼いニワトリの軌跡追跡に適用できることが判明した。
田宮 康臣 青柳 昌宏
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類研究所研究報告 (ISSN:00440183)
vol.14, no.1, pp.35-44, 1982

ブラジル マーク
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類研究所研究報告 (ISSN:00440183)
vol.20, no.1, pp.52-53, 1988

筆者は,1987年7月12日,小笠原諸島父島出港2時間以内の北帰航路でオオシロハラミズナギドリ<i>Pterodroma externa cervicalis</i>1羽を100m以内の矩離で確認した。これは名古屋への迷鳥記録(1962年)以後日本領海初記録となる。小笠原航路は海鳥観察に好適で他に7種を記録した。
千葉 勇人 川上 和人 鈴木 創 堀越 和夫
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類学雑誌 (ISSN:13485032)
vol.39, no.1, pp.1-17, 2007
1 32

千葉 晃
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類研究所研究報告 (ISSN:00440183)
vol.5, no.3, pp.298-303, 1968-06-30 (Released:2008-11-10)

On November 19, 1967, one female Great Crested Grebe, Podiceps cristata, a rare species, was obtained on Lake Toyano-gata, Niigata City, one of the largest alluvial lakes near River Shinano on Japan Sea coast. After preserving it in 10 to 15% formalin solution, various parts of the body and internal organs were measured and weighed (with % for body weight). They are shown by tables and figures. Stomach contents were analysed and illustrated.
高島 春雄
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類研究所研究報告 (ISSN:00440183)
vol.1, no.5, pp.194-205, 1954-12-25 (Released:2008-11-10)

It was Late Tani (1905) who recorded scientifically Euterpnosia chibensis, one of the remarkable cicadas in Japan. She gave a new Japanese name "Himé-haruzemi", because it looked like "Haruzemi" Terpnosia vacua but somewhat smaller and more graceful. The scientific name, however, was not clear and it was described as Gn? sp?. In 1917, over ten years had passed since then, Dr. S. Matsumura announced that it was a new genus and species, Euterpnosia chibensis, appointing "Mt. Yawata in the Prov. Chiba" as the type locality. (note: "Mt. Yawata" is not right; it should be called Hachiman-yama Hill.) He distinguished Euterpnosia chibensis from other allied genera, that is, Kamalata, Terpnosia, Rustia, etc. because of the characteristic wart-like tubercule on both sides of the male's fourth abdominal segment. It may as well be regarded that there is no doubt today about the scientific name of this species.Genus Euterpnosia is speciated into many species in Formosa today, and among all the species of the genus Euterpnosia, Euterpnosia chibensis is distributed most northerly. Euterpnosia chibensis is distributed from Ryukyu up to the Mainland, and it is of so-called the Oriental element and the limit of its coming up to north is, to some extent, similar to the one of Papilio helenus nicconicolens, Cryptotympana japonensis, etc. The areas of generation of this cicada are discontinuous in the Mainland, the period of lively singing of the imago is short and it has a queer habit of singing in chorus noisily by great number. It has also a characteristic shape and is one of the rare cicadas of Japan; There is even a folklore on this species at Kataniwa in Ibaraki Pref. as stated below."Once upon a time there was a rich saké-brewer living close to the Hachiman Shrine. Like other rich people, great misers were they, especially the old wife, who was so stingy that she thought nothing of giving the other some pain if it was for the sake of money. One summer evening, an old priest came and begged her a meal. But the woman, perceiving his poor clothers, said to him very rudely; "You beggar priest, don't approach. If I have any food to eat, I would rather take it myself than give it to a stranger like you. You'd better drink water only, and say your beads. Go away right now."The priest answered, "Well, I see you will not spare me a meal though you have plenty at hand, but have used such abusive languages at me, telling me to live only on water and on beads. Then, woman, you live on water and take body of a cicada." Thus saying aloud, the priest pointed to an old big pasania which stood in the grounds of the Hachiman Shrine.And lo! the old woman disappeared at that instant, and thousands of cicadas were found instead sitting on the old tree. Now it is said that the priest was indeed His Worship Kobo in disguise who was then staying at the Tokuzoji Temple."I planned in summer, since 1952, to visit in order the northern and east-northern limits of this species and also other places of generation of this species in Kantô area, and could visit five of them. This is about the observation I made then. The known homes of this species in Niigata, Ibaraki and Chiba prefectures are as follows. At the place with a notemark it is appointed as a natural monument and preserved. There would be no instances in the foreign countries of cicada's being appointed as a national natural monument.
宇田川 龍男
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類研究所研究報告 (ISSN:00440183)
vol.1, no.4, pp.174-175, 1954-06-25 (Released:2008-11-10)

The Gem-faced Civet, Paguma larvata, belonging to the Viverridae occurs in southwestern China, Formosa, Indo, Malay, Borneo and Burma. It is divided into eleven subspecies. It has been captured in Yamanashi Prefecture frequently since a few years ago and once in Shizuoka Pref. In the villages of Kunado, Tomisato, Furuseki and Okochi, Nishiyatsushiro-gun, Yamanashi Pref. (see Fig. I), one or two individuals of them have been obtained in every hunting season. The writer got one male which had been captured at Furuseki Village on February 21, 1954. Its measurements are given in Table 1. Some chestnuts and four seeds of the wild pear were found in its stomach.A pair of the animals was captured in the suburbs of Shizuoka City in Shizuoka Pref, . in December of 1950. In fact, not a few of them are likely to occur in this area, because most hunters know the habits and habitats of this animal. It seems that this animal was imported some fifty years ago, and has become naturalized in Japan.
黒田 長久
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類研究所研究報告 (ISSN:00440183)
vol.1, no.10, pp.413-426, 1957-06-25 (Released:2008-11-10)
1 1

This is the summary for the breeding biology of the Grey Starling so far reported in Nos. 9 and 10. In the article in No. 10 the data obtained in 1957 are cited when necessary, but the details will be published elsewhere.The general results are: 1) Commenced from early February, the preparatory period lasted almost a month and half during which the birds acted by pairs staying at nest-site and going out for feeding (within about 800m.). But, the winter flocking was maintained out on the feeding grounds until early April. From March they gradually abandoned the winter roost to sleep at the bamboo thicket of their colony (the spring roost) (but where this is not available the winter roost is maintained). During the egg-laying period, they seemed to roost at each nest-site separately for a short time, but during the incubation and feeding periods one of the pair (possibly the male) or both birds (after chicks are fairy grown) went to the roost, and the fledged young are guided to it by the parents and other adult birds. 2) As shown in the Tables 3, 4 and Figs. 4, 5, it is to be noticed that the first broods are successful by the coincidence of the highest food abundance and availability (of mole-crickets dug out by ploughing) with the chicks' fledging period, but for the second chicks the available foods are mainly small larvae and miscellaneous (Fig. 4) and thus, the parents could not bring enough quantity of food in later broods (cf. Fig. 6 for mal-nutrition of such chicks compared with those of the first brood). This point should be studied in future in the early ploughing districts (and the results of 1957 obtained in different food situation, such as in city zone, will be given in another paper). 3) In the colony, the nest-site territories were noticed (Fig. 7), and the pairs of bad sites or those which failed to get nest-hole spent much time for quarrel or seeking good sites. Such a psychological state prolonged the egg-laying almost 20 days in some cases, and thus, the latest clutches were laid over a month later than the earliest. Good-site nesters were therefore early layers and are possibly old birds, but often suffured competition with others. After flying of the first brood chicks, some nest-boxes were at once utilized by Tree Sparrow (Table 6) and were occasionally reoccupied by the starlings (Table 8a). 4) The nesting for second brood was made after completely taking out wet dirty material of the first brood nest (Table 6.) This was observed on the 2nd and 4th days after leaving of the first brood chicks, and new nests were completed after about 4-8 days, the eggs having been laid on the 5-16th days (Table 8a). 5) Before and during the nesting period there were found some eggs dropped on the ground, crashed on the roof or laid on the bare floor of the nest-boxes, or also under roosting place. This is considered as a case of disorder between the bird's psychological condition and breeding cycle. 6) In the nesting period, the both sexes always act together, and the nest material (chiefly dead bamboo leaves, pine needles and some feathers of domestic fowl) are gathered within the colony, even under nesting trees. 7) Almost all the nest-boxes were quickly occupied by putting in a few material (Gibb's "spurious nest", and may be an expression of the male's nest-owning appetite' (Kortlandt, '55)) which are sometimes taken out or reput, but the nesting advanced very slowly, the period of 24-42 days being roughly divided into three stages as shown in Table 7, and the nest is usually suddenly completed by the 'final stage' in about 4 days. They work hardest in the early morning and only at leisure in the afternoon. Their daily routine is the chain of "stay at nest-site" (nesting or mere inspection and rest) and "off for feeding", the peaks of the latter phase being in the morning and especially in the evening (Table 9 and Fig. 8).
S. Dillon Ripley Bruce M. Beehler
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類研究所研究報告 (ISSN:00440183)
vol.21, no.2, pp.165-174, 1989-09-30 (Released:2008-11-10)
1 1

インド産のクビワスナバシリ Jerdon's Courser Rhinoptilus bitorquatus は一時絶滅と考えられていたが(1952~1982),Bhushan(1986)によって再発見された。本種に近縁のアフリカとインドの8種を19の形質(形態特徴と昼夜行性)についてPAUP分岐分析法(相対形質を0と1または2,3と置く)で比較したところ,アフリカ産のウロコクビワスナバシリR.cinctusと近い姉妹種であることが証明された。これは生物地理学的に東アフリカからアラビアを介してインドに連なる乾燥帯があったことを示唆し,このアフリカーインド動物相(Afro-Indian fauna)は他の鳥類約40種や獣類でも立証される(一般にはアジアーインド系の湿性林が重視されるが)。この希種の保護には姉妹種 R.cinctus を人工繁殖させ本種 R.bitorquatus の卵を孵化させる方法をとれば,生息地保護や教育に加えて効果があると思う。
長澤 和也 Vlastimil Baruš 小城 春雄
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類研究所研究報告 (ISSN:00440183)
vol.30, no.1, pp.22-30, 1998-03-30 (Released:2008-11-10)
1 1

ベーリング海で表層流し網によって捕獲された海鳥類3種(ハイブトウミガラス,ウミガラス,エトピリカ)の胃から線虫 Contracaecum variegatum の第3期幼虫と第4期幼虫を見出し,その形態を記載した。エトピリカは C. variegatum の新宿主である。調べた海鳥はほとんどすべて個体が C. variegatum の寄生を比較的多数受けていた。他の海鳥類から記載された Contracaecum yamaguti は C. variegatum の同種異名と考えられる。また,胃盲嚢部の形態が異常な Contracaecum sp. の成虫をウミガラスの胃から採集し,その形態を記載した。
石沢 慈鳥 千羽 晋示
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類研究所研究報告 (ISSN:00440183)
vol.5, no.1, pp.13-33, 1967-06-30 (Released:2008-11-10)
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Stomach contents of the following 12 species, 202 individuals of hawks collected by the sinior author during 1924-1937 in nothern part of Japan were analysed by the junior author: Falco peregrinus(5), F. columbarius(6), F tinnunculus(13), Buteo buteo(57) Spizaetus nipalensis(6), Circus aeruginosus(5), Accipiter gentilis(14), A. nisus(41), A. virgatus(23), Milvus migrans(15), Pernis apivorus(12), and Butastur iudicus(6), The specimens were collected throughout the year but more in winter except from some buzzards, goshawks, sparrow-hawks, honey buzzards and buzzard-hawks, the last two being summer visitors.The result can be shown by the table below:It is to be noted that although many passerine birds are taken by these hawks, the Tree Sparrow, which is the seasonal pest to rice crops, far more outnumbered other species; for example, it occupied 73% of the diet of Sparrow-hawk, Accipiter nisus.
尾崎 清明
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類研究所研究報告 (ISSN:00440183)
vol.10, no.1-2, pp.190-196, 1978-03-31 (Released:2008-11-10)

Reported here are the systems and activities of "die Vogelwarten" in West Germany, visited by the author in May-June 1977. These ornithological institutes are in Helgoland, Wilhelmshaven, and Radolfzell.Bird-ringing began in Germany from 1903, using the rings of Vogelwarte Rossitten. Now, two kinds of rings are used in West Germany. One is for the northen regions and the other is for the southern. Annually, more than 370.000 (individuals of) birds are ringed by about 770 amateur ringers.At the Vogelwarte Helgoland, using the well-known Helgoland-traps and several other traps (for Doves, Crows and Sparrows), elaborate research is being carried out throughout the year.The Institute for Ornithology of Wilhelmshaven acts as one of the two bird-ringing centers in West Germany. At this institute are studied behavior of gulls and discriminating ability of Oystercatcher in laboratory.Also I visited to Vogelwarte Radolfzell, the other birdringing center. Near the Vogelwarte, thare is the Mettnau bird ringing station, which belongs to a long-term bird ringing and research program (Mettnau-Reit-Illmitz program). The aim of this program is to study not only migration but also many other items; population dynamics, biorhythmic, research for ecosystems and methodology.I would like to thank heartily Dr. G. Vauk, Dr. D. Moritz and Mr. E. Sohonart of Helgoland, Dr. W. Winkel and Mr. H. Rogall of Wilhelmshaven, Dr. G. Zink, Dr. P. Becker, Dr. J. Hölzinger and Mr. F. Bairlein of Radolfzell, and also all the others at the three Vogelwarten, for their very kind hospitality given to us during our stay.
羽田 健三 野沢 進之輔
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類研究所研究報告 (ISSN:00440183)
vol.5, no.5, pp.473-486, 1969-06-30 (Released:2008-11-10)
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1.長野県長野市信州大学教育学部構内で1967年に,キジバト(Streptopelia orientalis orientalis)の繁殖生活を観察した。2.巣造り期間は2~4日。♂は枯枝を嘴で折ったり,地上から拾ったりして巣材運搬のみに従事し,♀は巣場所でそれを受けとり,小枝を組み合わせて巣を造る。3.卵数は4巣において2卵で,1巣のみ1卵であった。抱卵は1卵産卵後から行ない,♀と♂が朝方と夕方2回交代し,♀は夕方から夜間を経て朝方まで平均17時間,♂は昼間の平均7時間続けてだく。抱卵日数は15~16日間であった。4.給餌は♀,♂とも行ない,親の口の中へ雛が嘴を入れ,親は首を上下にふりながら液状の餌を戻して口うつしをする。抱卵は育雛前,中期まで抱卵タイプでの♀♂交代が続き,抱雛しながら夫々の親が給餌する。このため前,中期ほど給餌回数が多く14~19回となり,後期は給餌だけに巣を訪れ1日3~4回である。巣立ちはふ化日から15~17日間である。5.次の繁殖は同じナワバリ内で巣場所をかえて行ない,抱卵期に入ると♂だけが前巣の雛に給餌する。6.キジバトのナワバリはMAYR(1935)の分類のB型に属する。7.繁殖諸仕事の♀♂分担は次のようである。抱卵,抱雛の割合の約70%は♀であり,給餌はその60%が♂である。ナワバリ防衛は90%以上を♂が受けもつ。