1 0 0 0 OA 続通鑑評 4巻

宮崎 學
日本循環器學誌 (ISSN:00471828)
vol.22, no.11, pp.822-831, 1959-02-20

The CERO_2,composite factor of the balance of supply and demand of oxygen in the brain, not only expresses the presence and intensity of cerebral anoxia objectively but also seems to be an important compensatory factor in the maintenance of the normal cerebral function. The circulation and metabolic function in the brain were regulated in two ways by the blood flow regulating mechanism in and outside of the brain and by the compensatory change in CERO_2 of the cerebral tissue itself. The metabolic disturbance of the brain appears to be evoked by the insufficient compensation of CERO_2. Taking into consideration that the results obtained by N_2O method which state that the decrease in cerebral metabolism of the aged people is a secondary phenomenon of the decrease in oxygen supply to the brain, mainly the decrease in CBF, it is supposed that CERO_2 in the aged people should be greater than normal young people. Usually an inverse correlation is assumed between CBF and CERO_2. As the CBF of the aged is mainly due to the asteriosclerosis of the brain, a certain kind of correlation is inferred between CERO_2 and cerebral arteriosclerosis.The present author, to study the correlation between CERO_2 and cerebral arteriosclerosis, has measured CERO_2 in healthy and anemic aged subjects, examined the clinical significance of CERO_2 by comparing to the results obtained by N_2O method, retinal findings, cerebral symptoms and autoptical findings, and obtained the following results.1. The increase in CERO_2 was observed in about 70% of healthy aged subjects. Such frequent cerebral anoxia in healthy older people suggests the possibility of cerebral anoxia and cerebral metabolic disturbance in the aged.2. The assumption that the difference in CERO_2 in healthy aged subjects in caused by the abnormality of cerebral hemodynamics (decrease in CBF and increase in CVR) was confirmed experimentally and by the results obtained by N_2O method.3. The fact that this increase in CVR reflects mainly the attitude of the sclerotic cerebral arteries was examined by the correlation between retinal findings, cerebral symptoms and CERO_2.4. From the above stated results it is inferred that CERO_2 may be applied clinically as a measure of the intensity of cerebral arteriosclerosis.5. However, when anemia, disturbance in pulmonary function, abnormality of cerebral oxygen supply due to other CBF diminishing factors than cerebral arteriosclerosis, or primary metabolic abnormality of the brain is present, some considerations to such abnormal conditions are required.6. In anemic aged people, when the abnormality of the cerebral circulation is intense, anemia acts facilitatory to cerebral anoxia.7. Therefore, in this case, it is supposed that the CBF estimated from CERO_2 takes a value lower than the actual level and that CVR and the intensity of arteriosclerosis take higher levels.8. The intensity of cerebral arteriosclerosis increased in parallel with CERO_2 in the autoptical findings and the hypertensive subjects who increased in CERO_2 has a tendency of cerebral apoplexy. From this results it is inferred that CERO_2 may be applied as a critical signal of cerebral apoplexy too.
出口 厚実
大阪外国語大学論集 (ISSN:09166637)
vol.10, pp.13-28, 1994-03-18

En este trabajo se pretende aclarar las relaciones sintacticas que se observan entre oraciones como las siguientes: (1) a. Espana cambio de imagen. b. Espana cambio su imagen. c. La imagen de Espana cambio. En construcciones del tipo (la), la posicion que sigue al 'cambiar de' solo puede ser ocupada por un N (categoria lexica con cero barra), y no por un sintagma nominal. En este punto conviene subrayar la diferencia con respecto al llamado suplemento, que aunque se parece al menos superficialmente a la estructura en cuestion, admite cualquier SN. La aparicion de esta construccion puede atribuirse a un proceso sintactico que consiste en incorporar al verbo el elemento nominal escueto(en este caso, "imagen") formando un nuevo verbo. (2) a. Espana [cambio]_V [imagen]_N, b. Espana [cambio de image]_V - El procedimiento que convierte la configuracion sintactica de (2a) en (2b) se llamara Cuasi-Incorporacion Nominal. Notese que el nombre incorporado se habria realizado como un complemento directo normal como en (1b), si fuera un sitagma nominal. La particula 'de' se introduce delante del elemento desplazado como un marcador de lo incorporado. La expresion 'de+N' no solo deriva de la estructura transitiva con complemento directo, sino tambien de la inacusativa: (3) a. La nube ha crecido de tamano. b. *La nube ha crecido su tamano. c. El tamano de la nube ha crecido. El analisis de Cuasi-Incorporacion Nominal aqui propuesto tambien sirve para explicar la oracion (3a). Parece que el mismo proceso participa en derivar (4b) de (4a) internizando "tamano" que ocupa el nucleo del complemento directo. (4) a._[crece]_V [el tamano de la nube] b._[crece de tamano]_V [_de la mibe] c._[crece de tamano]_V [la nube _] d._[la nube] [crece de tamano]_V [_ _] Una vez desocupado el nucleo deI SN, "la nube" debe desplazarse al nucleo y luego a la posicion del sujeto de la oracion. El verbo 'cambiar' ofrece otro tipo deconstrucion interesante en el que aparece un SN en funcion de complemento directo ademas de la expresion 'de+N' de la que nos ocupamos. Asi en (5). (5) Juan cambio de lugar los muebles. (6) a. Juan [cambio]_V [el lugar de los muebles] b. Juan [camibo de lugar]_V [_de los muebles] De la misma manera que en (3) y (4), el nucleo del SN 'lugar' se incorpora al verbo dejando vancante su puesto que ha de ser ocupado por el anterior complemento del SN, es decir "los muebles", originando (5a).
神山 秀三
関西医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00228400)
vol.36, no.2, pp.240-285, 1984

In 74 ICR/JCL mice aged 4 weeks (35 males and 39 females) fed on a vitamin E deficient diet for 55 weeks ceroid occurring in the liver tissues was observed at several stages of the experimental periods. Ceroid could be histochemically identified since 15 week feeding. Electron microscopical examination revealed swollen mitochondria and numerous autophagic vacuoles in the degenerated, atrophic liver cells consisting of dark cells and light cells.<BR>Some of dark cells phagocytized by Kupffer cells were seen discharged into sinu soid. Ceroid in the liver from mice fed on a vitamin E deficient diet appears to have been derived from complicated materials such as cell debris containing cellular membrane, degenerated mitochondria and autophagic vacuoles in the necrotizing liver cells.<BR>When observed in the electron microscope cero id formed in the liver from vitamin E deficient mice showed characteristic patterns such as band, lattice and parallel lamella pattern. Each band in the band pattern has a width measuring 45 to 60Åand each electron lucent space, a width measuring 70 to 90Å. The lattice pattern consists of three bands intersecting at an angle of 60 degrees forming a triangular space. Each band in the lattice pattern has a width similar to that of the band pattern.<BR>Parallel lamella pattern c onsists of lamellae of low electron density 90 to 120Åin width and each electron lucent space 45 to 55Åin width. From the above findings it has been eviden ced that ceroid appearing under the vitamin E deficient condition is electron microscopically characterized by the presence of the band, lattice and parallel lamella patterns.<BR>It is noted that n one of these patterns was found in ceroid formed in situ several weeks after insertion of a piece of liver tissues from untreated donor mice into the subcutaneous tissue of recipients.

1 0 0 0 OA 禪林僧寶傳6卷

vol.[3], 1644
眞島 惠吉
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.44, no.11, pp.1102-1108, 1956

The cerebral circulation and metabolism were determined by the modification of Kety & Schmidt's nitrous oxide method in 30 case with hemiplegia by the cerebral vascular accidents and one case of apoplectic stroke. In the hemiplegic patients as the results of significantly increased cerebral vascular resistance (CVR) apparently decreased cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral oxygen delivery (CDo<sub>2</sub>) and reduced cerebral oxygen consumption (CMRo<sub>2</sub>) were observed.<br>By the increased cerebral oxygen extraction ratio (CERo<sub>2</sub>) the diminution of CMRo<sub>2</sub> was lesser than the reduction of CDo<sub>2</sub>. There was no significantly change in cerebral respiratory quotient (CRQ).<br>In the case of apoplectic stroke a diminution of CMRo<sub>2</sub> and CERo<sub>2</sub> were observed. In the essential hypertension a increase of CVR was a only change, but when the cerebral arteriosclerosis accompanied with it, CBF and CMRo<sub>2</sub> were slightly decreased.<br>In the cerebral arteriosklerosis one case showed no much change, but the another one proved the decreas of CBF and CMRo<sub>2</sub> according to the increased CVR.<br>In the patients of hemiplegia we observed the relationship between cerebral hemodynamics and the existence of mental changes, the duration after the stroke, the findings of retinae, age and the rehabilitation. However there was no relationship between them.<br>We assumed that in these cases the changes of cerebral hemodynamics were more based on the advanced cerebral arteriosclerosis or in addition hypertension than the local damage of the brain.<br>We calculated the cerebral vascular reactivity following the changes of CVR after 5% carbon dioxide inhalation.<br>Though in the patients of hemiplegia with hypertension were observed some reactivity, it was very much diminished. We measured the effects of papaverin hydrochloride, priscol, aminophyllin and stellateganglion block on the cerebral circulation and then we concluded the methods which let the abnormality of cerebral circulation and metabolism return to normal, is effecient as the therapeutic means.
門脇 知子 瀧井 良祐 馬場 貴代 山本 健二
公益社団法人 日本薬理学会
日本薬理学雑誌 (ISSN:00155691)
vol.122, no.1, pp.37-44, 2003 (Released:2003-06-24)
4 4

グラム陰性偏性嫌気性細菌Porphyromonas gingivalis(ジンジバリス菌)は歯周炎の発症·進行において最重要視されている病原性細菌であり,菌体表面および菌体外に強力なプロテアーゼを産生する.なかでもジンジパイン(gingipains)は本菌の産生する主要なプロテアーゼであり,ペプチド切断部位特異性の異なるArg-gingipain(Rgp)とLys-gingipain(Kgp)が存在する.両酵素は相互に協力しながら生体タンパク質の分解を引き起こし,宿主細胞に傷害を与え,歯周病に関連する種々の病態を生み出すと考えられている.ジンジパインは歯肉線維芽細胞や血管内皮細胞の接着性を消失させ細胞死を誘導する.こうしたジンジパインの病原性は本菌の保有する病原性の大部分を占めており,それらの特異的阻害薬を用いることや遺伝子を欠損させることによって消失させることができる.ジンジパインは単量体として菌体細胞外に分泌されるだけでなく,外膜上では血球凝集素やヘモグロビン結合タンパク質,LPS,リン脂質と結合した高分子複合体としても存在する.この膜結合型ジンジパイン複合体は単量体よりさらに強力な細胞傷害活性を示す.ジンジパインは宿主に対して強い病原性を発揮する一方で,菌自身にとってはその生存増殖に不可欠であり,ジンジパイン阻害薬の存在下では本菌は増殖できない.最近,歯周病が心筋梗塞,早産·低体重児出産などの全身疾患のリスクファクターであることが指摘されるようになり,これら疾患とジンジバリス菌の関係も注目されている.本稿ではジンジパインの構造学的·病理学的特性と特異的阻害薬の開発によるその制御の試みについて紹介する.
佐藤 良一
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.50, no.3, pp.20-30, 2013-10-20 (Released:2017-04-25)

The difference of the idea in economics stems from the approach to the question: how to answer the mechanism of a market. The financial crisis in 2008 could be interpreted as the end of 'Market fundamentalism', however, the situations has been almost the same before the crisis. The 'market' is still the subject when businessmen talk about the economic problems. We have to tackle with the fundamental question: what is the core for ordinary people who sell labor-power for their subsistence. This paper consists as follows. In section I the argument of 'How market crowd out morals' by Sandel, the critics by Bowels and Gintis, and the reply to them are introduced. Needless to say, the fundamental unit, which organizes a society, should be a human being. The hypothesis on its behavior is indispensable for an economic theory. Neoclassical theory adopts the assumption of so-called homo-economicus. An alternative to this is 'Reciprocans', which is presented by US radicals. The distinction between these two is examined in the section II. When we try to present an alternative to the status quo from the viewpoint of 'a harmonious society', the development of the situation must be confirmed correctly. The recent change of the wage share in the US shows the severe conditions for working people. Assuming the capitalist way of management, the fundamental relations between capital and labor cannot be harmonious but conflict. As a Keynes model teaches us, the real wage rate must be reduced when the capitalist increase the employment. Profit maximization can be satisfied when the real wage rate is equal to the marginal product of labor. According to this condition, the inverse relation between an employment and real wage holds. Regrettably new prospects for an alternative won't be opened unless we could succeed in making some drastic change. If we pursue the harmony among people, the point is the feasibility of an alternative and the potential path to a 'new society'. For the present, we have to take a realist view of 'capitalist' economy. This means that we have to change the capitalist way of management step by step(section III).
日経BP社 ; 2002-
日経ビジネスassocie (ISSN:13472844)
vol.14, no.3, pp.42-45, 2015-02

須貝 哲郎
Meeting of Osaka Dermatological Association
皮膚 (ISSN:00181390)
vol.34, no.4, pp.496-502, 1992

ハーブ保湿浴剤 (オードレマン) とその関連試料2種およびボディシャンプー (オードレマン) とその関連試料2種の計6試料の皮膚安全性を比較検討するために, 正常成人30名 (男女各15名) における予知パッチテストを, 各製剤ともas is, 10倍および100倍水溶液の3段階濃度で実施した。保湿浴剤は100倍の水溶液では皮膚刺激指数3.3以下で3種すべて安全品と判定した。皮膚刺激性は高い方からオードレマン<SUP>®</SUP>, シャンラブ<SUP>®</SUP>およびクアタイム<SUP>®</SUP>の順であった。ボディシャンプーも100倍水溶液では3.3以下ですべて安全品と判定した。皮膚刺激性は高い方からシャワーソープ<SUP>®</SUP>, ビオレU<SUP>®</SUP>およびオードレマン<SUP>®</SUP>の順であった。なお, アモニックスおよびローリル酸ジエタノールアミドに接触アレルギーを有する1例は各ボディシャンプーにアレルギー反応を疑わせる反応を呈した。
池添 博彦
帯広大谷短期大学紀要 (ISSN:02867354)
vol.48, pp.121-134, 2011-03-31 (Released:2017-06-16)

田村 隆照
密教文化 (ISSN:02869837)
vol.1961, no.56, pp.53-63, 1961-08-01 (Released:2010-03-16)